Project “We are for a healthy lifestyle! Project activity "be healthy".

New Year

Using the project method when organizing work on the formation healthy image life of preschoolers

Material for teachers of secondary, senior and preparatory group.
Goals of this project steel: the formation of social and personal
Research hypothesis: In order to receive the honor of becoming an Olympian, you need to get acquainted with the history of the Olympic movement, lead a healthy lifestyle, and cultivate important human qualities(purposefulness, organization, initiative, hard work), exercise regularly physical culture and sports.
1. Learn about the history of the Olympic movement, meet the Olympic champions of our country and hometown, Republic of Mordovia.
2. Study the qualities that allowed athletes to become
winners of the Olympics.
3. Master the rules of life safety and personal hygiene
and proper nutrition.

Health- one of the main values ​​in life. To be healthy against the backdrop of a tense environmental and social situation in the country, it is necessary to master the art of preserving and strengthening health. This art needs to be given attention even in kindergarten.
Task early formation culture of health is relevant, timely and quite complex. A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society, but if we teach children from the very beginning early age appreciate, protect and strengthen our health if we personal example demonstrate a healthy lifestyle, then we can hope that the future generation will be healthier and more developed not only physically, but also personally, intellectually, and spiritually. The problem of the value attitude of preschoolers to their health is considered as one of the primary and most significant. Preschool age is the first stage in a child’s development of skills to preserve and strengthen their health.
The current state of society, the highest rates of its development, represent ever new, higher demands on a person and his health. The importance of the cult of health is increasing significantly. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for health is the most important work of educators. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, faith in one’s strength.” The task of teachers is to teach children to conquer this peak. To live in our world, a person must have control over himself: over his body, soul, mind. With a strong mind, in strong body You can achieve any success, any heights.
Caring for a healthy lifestyle is the basis for good physical and moral well-being, the strengthening of which is possible only through a comprehensive solution of pedagogical, medical and social issues. This is evidenced by a number of regulatory documents, reflecting the strategic direction public policy V areas of support and preservation of children's health:
- Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
- the federal law“On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”;
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On urgent measures to ensure public health in Russian Federation»;
- Convention on the Rights of the Child;
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “On the approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education”;
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “On the approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education.”
At the first stage, the goals and objectives of the research were set
The goals of this project were: formation of social and personal

Children's motivations preschool age to preserve and strengthen their health and educate socially significant personal qualities by posing and solving problems in joint activities.
Implementation of the project “We are the future Olympians!” provided for the formation in children of ideas about Olympic Games ah as a peaceful competition with the goal of physical and social-moral improvement of people in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with initial information from the history of the Olympic movement of antiquity as an achievement of universal human culture.
My attention within the framework of the project was aimed at developing preschoolers’ interest in physical education and sports, skills of cooperation through the moral and aesthetic experience of Olympism, the need for new knowledge about ways to preserve and improve health, the desire to update the experience of others and one’s own. strengthening and maintaining health, nurturing such socially significant personal qualities as determination, organization, initiative, and hard work.
Facilities mass media They regularly report on preparations for the Olympics, so older pupils show interest in Olympic topics, which is confirmed by the children’s rich stories and questions: “Why are many countries fighting for the right to host the Olympics?”, “Why is victory at the Olympics the highest award for any athlete? ", "Can all athletes take part in the Olympic Games?".
I explained to the children that the Olympics are the most ancient and honorable sports competitions. And therefore, developed countries are fighting for the right to host the Olympics, and only the best athletes can take part in it.
Thus, the developers of the Federal State Educational Standard allocated the educational areas “Health” and “Physical Education” to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education. The content of these areas involves solving such problems as preserving and strengthening physical and mental health children, education of cultural and hygienic skills, formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, needs for motor activity and physical improvement, development physical qualities, creation of a health-preserving environment, etc.
According to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the integrative qualities that a child must acquire as a result of mastering the basic general education program of preschool education is “physically developed, having mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills.”
The formation of a value-based attitude towards health in children and their physical development should be ensured not only in the course of educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities, but also in the course of independent activity preschoolers.
A child’s independent activity (the ability to find something to do on his own, to get carried away with something in a focused manner, the development of initiative, etc.) is of great importance for his development, since it allows him to consolidate and improve what was laid down as a result of the educational influence of an adult. This provision forms the basis of projects implemented in kindergarten.
The integrated or project-based teaching method is innovative for preschool institutions. It is aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creativity.
In the modern information society, the project method becomes especially relevant. IN last years In domestic education there is an increased interest in this form of educational organization. The main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method, which attracts a collection of children's stories about their favorite athlete; portfolio “We play sports”, “Family sports traditions”.
In addition, photo reports from the competitions were carried out " Fun starts" And " Family secret health" (by season).

The physical education activities of children within the framework of the project included direct educational activities in physical education, walks, games, gymnastics, leisure activities, holidays, health days, sport exercises, outdoor and sports games, relay races, competitions.
During creative activity children came up with motor riddles, options for performing basic types of movements, exercises, outdoor games, and names for story games. All their findings and proposals were presented in the corresponding files. Along with this, students competed in writing poems and stories about sports and their favorite athletes, and participated in a theatrical physical education.
Based on the adult’s verbal characteristics, the children performed pantomime miniatures and physical exercises. The results of children's creative activities were presented at drawing exhibitions.
At the third stage, a presentation of project materials was carried out, namely:
1. opening of a mini-museum of materials on the history of the Olympic movement in Russia and the Republic of Mordovia;
2. exhibition of children’s drawings on the theme “Gallery of Sports”;
3. exhibition of collages “My favorite sport”;
4. a collection of poems, riddles about different sports and their significance for humans (with the participation of parents);
5. a collection of children's stories about their favorite athlete (with the participation of parents);
6. portfolio sporting achievements kindergarten students;
7. notes of integrated classes on the project topic ( collaboration with a physical education instructor);
8. a card index of games for the development of personal qualities (determination, organization, initiative, hard work).
I would like to note that the children participating in the project activities:
- show creative activity in understanding the world around them, incl. world of sports;
- independent and flexible in decision making;
- able to communicate children's team, in particular, are ready for discussion joint plan actions;
- realize the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle;
- demonstrate high level physical fitness.
It is important to note that the success of any project largely depends on the active participation of the students’ parents in it. As you know, first of all, the adults around the child, mainly family members, set an example (positive or negative) with their behavior. That's why conscious attitude Parents should first of all develop their concern for their own health and the health of their children.
Cooperation between kindergarten and family is aimed mainly at developing new forms of interaction as a factor in the positive physical development of the child. One of them was the participation of parents in project activities. The use of the project method made it possible to involve parents in productive activity children so that they can learn better inner world own child. Design technology, on the basis of which the educational process is organized in kindergarten, stimulates the emergence of new ideas at the stage of developing content and teaching and upbringing methods that contribute to the effective implementation pedagogical process.
Thus, the project method is very effective method working with preschool children, since it allows the child to experiment and then synthesize the acquired knowledge. This method promotes the development of creative abilities, communication skills, which leads to more easy adaptation child to changing learning conditions. The children again had questions: “What kind of athletes are they?”, “What do you need to do to become an Olympian?”
Thus, in the process of joint activities with children and discussing the problem with a physical education instructor, children and parents, a research hypothesis was put forward: in order to receive the honor of becoming an Olympian, it is necessary to get acquainted with the history of the Olympic movement, lead a healthy lifestyle, and cultivate important human qualities ( purposefulness, organization, initiative, hard work), regularly engage in physical education and sports.
In accordance with the problem and hypothesis of the study, the children, with my help, identified the tasks of further research:
1. Learn about the history of the Olympic movement, meet Olympic champions
our country and hometown, the Republic of Mordovia.
2. Study the qualities that allowed athletes to become winners of the Olympics.
3. Master the rules of life safety, personal hygiene and proper nutrition.
4. Regularly actively engage in physical education and sports.
The second stage involved directly organizing the activities of children within the framework of the project in the following types: experimental activities, collection and systematization of information, physical education and creative activities.
Experimental activities included educational experiments and physical competitions. Thus, in the course of educational experiments, children found out: “Why is the Olympics not just a competition, but a holiday for all the athletes of the world?”, “What do you need to know to become a famous athlete?”, “Why are the winners of others
competitions do not always carry the title Olympic champion?”, “Why don’t all athletes with strength, agility, and endurance win Olympic competitions?”
While performing physical competitions, preschoolers, together with their teachers, determined what happens to our body (heart, lungs, muscles, skin) after physical education classes, what a person’s physical capabilities are.
To implement this project, poems and riddles about sports and its importance in human life were selected, systematized and compiled into an album. In the course of direct educational activities, I conducted didactic games with children dedicated to various sports, conversations on the topics: “The emergence of the Olympic Games”, “The Olympic movement of our time”, “ Olympic symbols and traditions”, “Famous Olympians of our time”. Children looked at pictures and photographs depicting different types sports, compiled them into an album. As a result of joint activities, a gallery of children's drawings about sports was created, many educational systems, lies in children understanding why they need the knowledge they receive, where and how they will use it in their lives.
Not only the need to understand the meaning and purpose of your work, but also to independently set goals and objectives, think through ways to implement them, and much more is included in the content of the project.
The main purpose of the project method- providing children with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge when solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. Project method as educational technology- is a set of research, search, problematic methods, creative in their essence. The relationship between cognitive and physical development is an example of partial integration. Of particular interest is integration under a single project.
Project execution begins with planning actions to resolve the problem. The most important part of the plan is the operational development of the project, which contains a list of specific actions indicating outputs, deadlines, and responsibilities. Each project necessarily requires research work. A distinctive feature of project activity is the search for information, which will then be processed, comprehended and presented by the project team members. The result of work on the project is a product,
the presentation of which is carried out at the final stage.
I work in the middle group of a kindergarten. The topic of the information and practice-oriented project aroused considerable interest among the children of my group
“We are future Olympians!”

The motto of the project: “It’s great to be healthy!”
Project type: information - practice - oriented
Project implementation
Stage 1: Preparatory.

Stage 2: Basic.

  • Organization of work on the project.

Stage 3: Final.

  • Analysis of project results.
  • KVN: “Being healthy is great!”

Project product: book design: “About health seriously!”

Problem: “Insufficient interest of children and parents in maintaining and strengthening their health”

Justification of the problem

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. Until the age of seven, there is intensive development of organs and the formation functional systems organism, the basic personality traits are laid, character is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic studies physical culture and sports.

Communicating health to those who preserve and health to those who strengthen conscious behavior children from preschool age is actual problem preschool education, because It is at this age that, due to the high activity of children, an interest in correct behavior, habits form. There is a need to find practical ways to develop a healthy lifestyle in children. The need to cultivate a culture of health is emphasized by studies of domestic and foreign scientists confirming that human health depends only 7-8% on the success of healthcare and 50% on lifestyle.

Today, preserving and strengthening children’s health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country’s development. It is regulated and ensured by such regulatory documents as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”; as well as Decrees of the President of Russia “On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population of the Russian Federation”, “On approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation”, etc.

Health is not only the absence of disease, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, that which creates the foundation for the future well-being of an individual.

Therefore, the main tasks to improve the health of children in our group are to develop their ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life, and to develop a healthy lifestyle. Children must learn the right choice in any situation, only what is beneficial to health and avoid everything harmful. Help parents instill in their children from an early age right attitude to your health, a sense of responsibility for it. These tasks must be solved by creating a holistic system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Solving the problems of cultivating a conscious attitude towards one’s health can be carried out both in direct educational activities and can be realized in the process of educational activities during regime moments, in children's project activities.

The system of teaching knowledge, skills and abilities to ensure and maintain health will allow you to successfully solve the problem of forming your own health philosophy and form health-enhancing habits while harmful ones have not yet been acquired, and then healthy lifestyle behavioral skills will become an integral part of life.


  • To interest children and parents in understanding the need to take care of their health, protect it, and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Create a book “About Health Seriously!”
  • Dates: November 2012 - April 2013.
  • Children's age: 6-7 years.
  • Intermediate result:

Design of an exhibition of drawings: “Being healthy is great!
Project presentation.


  • Develop a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in children, a desire to take care of their health.
  • Get children interested in choosing behavior and actions that benefit their health.
  • Instilling in all project participants an active life position aimed at preserving and strengthening own health, creating conditions to maintain this position.

Expected results for the teacher:

For children:

  • Beneficial influence on the development of speech, broadening of horizons, physical and moral qualities.
  • Developing forms of behavior for children that help avoid danger to the life and health of children.

For parents:

  • To form an active life position among project participants aimed at preserving and strengthening their own health, creating conditions for maintaining this position.

Project implementation stages:
Stage 1: Preparatory.

  • To analyze the approaches available in the scientific literature to the formation of health-saving behavior in preschoolers;
  • To identify the level of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among project participants and the range of interests, compliance elementary rules Healthy lifestyle (children of the preparatory group and their parents).
  • Defining the topic, goals and objectives, project content, predicting the result.
  • Discussion with parents of the project, clarification of the possibilities necessary for the implementation of the project, determination of the content of the activities of all project participants.

Stage 2: Implementations.
The stage included integration educational areas: “cognition”, “socialization”, “safety”, “health”, “communication”, “physical education”, “reading” fiction», « artistic creativity", "music", which was carried out in the process of organizing joint activities between an adult and a child and independent activities of children.

Work with children:

Direct educational activities:
Theme “Theme “Flower of Health”.
Goal: To form in children a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, using modern health saving technologies Directly Educational Activities(cryo therapy, art therapy, fairy tale therapy).

Theme "Microbes"
Goal: To form children’s understanding of microbes, methods of their spread and transmission, to introduce them to ways to protect the body from diseases. Clarify ideas about the role of physical education and hardening in the fight against germs and viruses.

Topic: “Journey to the country of life safety”
Goal: To consolidate the concept of life safety, to develop the ability to act correctly in emergency situations, generalize knowledge about safety rules at home and rules of behavior on the street.

Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed.”
Goal: to expand and enrich children’s ideas about professions, tools, and labor actions.

Topic: “Health and Nutrition”
Goal: expand and clarify children’s understanding of nutrition, continue to teach the rules of cultural and safe behavior at the table, cultivate a desire to eat healthy food, interest children in maintaining and strengthening their own health and leading a healthy lifestyle.
your body.

Topic: “There is smoke all around from cigarettes, there is no place for me in that smoke”
Goal: To introduce children to the respiratory system and lung function in humans. Form a conscious attitude towards performing stretching, relaxation and breathing exercises. Give children the opportunity to make their own decisions to protect their bodies from harmful smoke.

Educational activities during regime moments.
Daily preventative work:
Morning exercises, preventive exercises (breathing, posture, flat feet, vision), awakening exercises, ventilation, hardening, physical education minutes, outdoor games.


  • Communication: “To always be healthy, you need to exercise!”
  • “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”, “How to help myself and others?”, “How does our body work?”, “Why do people get sick?”, “How does our body work?”, “Who and how takes care of your health?”, “How to create good mood?”, “If you want to be healthy?”
  • “Conversation about health, about cleanliness” Solution provocative questions, problem situations
  • Conversation-game, including jokes used when washing hands (rhymes)


  • Role-playing games: “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”, “ Ambulance", "Health Center", "Cafe", "Kindergarten", "Family", "Hospital".
  • Didactic games: “Health watch”, “I can do it - I can’t”, “Guess who called”, “Find a pair”, “Guess by touch”, “Hygiene rules”, “Good or bad”, “Harmful or useful”, “Is it possible or not”, “My day”, “Dangerously not dangerous” and others.
  • Outdoor games: “Silence”, “Stream”, “Find out who called”, “Trap”, “Tug of war”, “Sports for boys and girls”, “ Dangerous situations", "Whose circle will gather faster."
  • Games for the development of motor creativity: “Imagine - show.” "Charging the funny little mice." "Mirror". “Guess - repeat”, “Do as I do.”
  • Dramatization games: dramatization of excerpts: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”. "Vegetable Carnival" "Piggy and Stepashka."

Looking at illustrations
Memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings about health.
Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, V. Radchenko “Olympic Textbook”, S. Prokofiev “Ruddy Cheeks2”, M. Bezrukov “Talk about Proper Nutrition”, G. Zaitsev “ Bon appetit”, “Strong - strong teeth”, A. Kutafin “Vovka’s victory”, A. Barto “I’m growing” and “Dirty girl”.
Making leaflets: “Rules of a healthy lifestyle!”

Working with parents:

  • Consultations “Healthy family lifestyle”, “Immunity and ways to strengthen it”, “Daily routine”, “Motor activity and health of a preschooler”, “Flat feet” and others.
  • Individual conversations about the physical abilities and skills of each child, about the importance of joint motor activity with children, etc.
  • Memos for parents: “Prevention of flat feet in children”, “Health is the main wealth of a person”, “ Breathing exercises", "Games in our yard", "Prevention of poor posture in children", "Food culture", "Gymnastics for the eyes", " unconventional methods hardening", "Magic points". “Being healthy is great!”
  • Card index "Outdoor games".
  • Parent meeting“Strengthening and preserving children’s health”
  • Newspaper release: "In healthy body- healthy mind"
  • Exhibition of books for children and parents about healthy lifestyle.

Joint activities of parents and children:
Exhibition of drawings: “Being healthy is great!”
Book design: “About health seriously!”

Performance indicators:

  • Reducing morbidity among children.
  • Children's knowledge and conscious understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to take care of their health.
  • Children’s ability to choose behavior and actions that benefit health.
  • The majority of project participants have formed an active life position aimed at preserving and strengthening their own health, creating conditions for maintaining this position.

Intermediate result:

  • Conducting KVN with children “Being healthy is great!”
  • Design of an exhibition of drawings: “It’s great to be healthy!”
  • Project presentation.

Project product:

  • Book design: “About health seriously!”

Municipal budgetary preschool institution "Solnyshko"

Project at the preschool educational institution “ABC of Health”.


(from 06.02-10.02.2017)

Prepared by senior teacher: Leshukova A.N.

February 2017

The project at the preschool educational institution “Azbuka Health” is the practical implementation of innovative health-saving technologies in educational activities.

Using the recommendations of scientists: I.V. Nikitina, T.N. Doronova, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, working in the field of health conservation, as well as the technology of developmental education, we try to create in each age group such a developmental environment that will facilitate the implementation of the program.

Problem: Lack of awareness among parents about the importance of physical education. Negative statistics on family lifestyle (reduced activity, unbalanced diet, non-compliance with daily routine, growing risk factors).

Currently, the problem of the health and physical development of preschool children is of particular relevance. Preservation and strengthening of psycho physical health the younger generation is now turning into a priority social problem. Over the past decades, the health status of preschool children has deteriorated sharply. Problems children's health need new approaches, trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents.

Objective of the project: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through an organized model of health conservation in preschool educational institutions, through the implementation



  • Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
  • Improve physical abilities in joint motor activities of children.
  • To improve the professional skills of preschool teachers on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”.
  • To create a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents.

Ways to implement the project:

  • thematic integrated classes, including physical education;
  • monitoring procedures (questionnaires of parents, tests for teachers);
  • sport competitions;
  • conversations;
  • games, relay races;
  • consultations for parents; "Sports Workshop"; exhibition of children's creativity.

Expected Result:

  • increasing children's interest in physical exercise and sports;
  • increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle;
  • improving the professional skills of preschool teachers in health care;
  • creation of a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents;
  • design of the exhibition “Sports Equipment”;
  • Creating a card index: “Outdoor games for preschool children.”

Project type:

By duration: short-term;

According to the dominant line in the project: practice-oriented;

By the nature of contacts: within the preschool educational institution.

By number of participants: frontal.

Our project is the result of the creative activity of children, parents, and kindergarten teachers.

A special feature of the project is a unified educational space created on the basis of trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents. This is the key to successful work with children.

Our work does not aim to achieve high results in a short period of time. The main thing in it is to help children demonstrate their own potential, so that, as they grow up, they are ready to lead a healthy lifestyle and value their health and the health of others.

Target: Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through an organized model of health conservation in preschool educational institutions.

Implementation period: 06.02.-17.02.2017

Project Manager: - Leshukova A.N.

Members of the creative team:.

  1. Educator - Myakaeva A.A.
  2. Educator - Tantseva E.M.
  3. Educator - Turbovskaya I.S.
  4. Educator - Rukhlyadko A.A.

5.Teacher - Bogdan I.Yu.

  1. Educator-Voronina N.V.
  2. Educator - Shipilova N.V.

8.Teacher - Tikhonyuk A.M.

9. Educator - Kaiser A.V.

Project participants:

Pupils of the MBDU "Solnyshko" aged 2 to 7 years; Teachers;

Parents of pupils.

Event name



Preparatory stage

Collection and analysis of information

Senior teacher


Defining the goals and objectives of the project;

Creation of a creative group.

Senior teacher


Project development.

Senior teacher

creative Group

Informing and attracting

Parents to participate in the project.


Main stage.



MONDAY - Healthy eating

Parent meeting: “Interaction between teachers and parents in preserving the mental and physical health of children”

Senior teacher


Rukhlyadko A.A.

Musical director Golubenko S.V.

Opening: “Journey to the Land of Healthy Eating”

music worker


“I love vitamins - I want to be healthy,”

“Proper and healthy food”, “Vitamins and health”,

"How to behave at the table."


Book corner "O" healthy eating»


Didactic games: “Harmful and useful”



Modeling: “Basket of healthy products.”


Reading fiction: “Vitamin Tale”

I. A. Krupnova.

S. Kapitukyan “Masha is having lunch.”


Application: “Vegetables and fruits”


Plot-wise role-playing game"Dining room".


Excursion to the kindergarten catering unit.


Outdoor game "Bring an object."


TUESDAY “Valeology and the preschooler”

"Personal hygiene. The ear is the organ of hearing."

“To be healthy you must be clean”

“Cleanliness is the key to health.”

“How parts of the body move, who gives the command.”


Medical worker


Outdoor games: “Allowed - prohibited” “Body parts”.

"Fun and sad";


THURSDAY “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”


Outdoor games: “Run to the flag”, “Planes”.

“At the Bear in the Forest” Skiing


"Don't crawl over the line." “Find the flag.” Fun game “Towards the sun”.

Drawing "My favorite sport."


"Man and his health." “Get ready to exercise.” "Dental care." " Sport games in winter."



Looking at the pictures “Winter Fun”.


Quiz "Sports attributes".


Learning a sports speech about sports, folk saying about healthy lifestyle


Reading the nursery rhyme “Our ducks in the morning...”.


Relaxation course. Charger

music worker


Sports activities with parents:

"Fun Starts"

“Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”

music worker



"Games with kids"

FRIDAY “If you want to be healthy!”

Closing: “If you want to be healthy...”

WEEK(from 02/06-02/10/2017) « The ABC of Health" -HLS

MONDAY “Healthy eating”

“I love vitamins - I want to be healthy,”

“Proper and healthy food”, “Vitamins and health”, “How to behave at the table”. Country “Vitaminia”. Production of the newspaper “Healthy Nutrition1”

Book corner “About healthy eating” Didactic games: “Harmful and healthy”

Games: “Healthy Products”, “Find and Name”.

Outdoor game “Bring the item”

TUESDAY “Valeology and the preschooler”

“What parts does my body have?”

Quiz about personal care products.

"Fun and sad";

K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief” Playing out the nursery rhyme “Water, water...”

Game situation “Everyone has their own towel.”

Exhibition of drawings and crafts: “Fairy of Purity”.

WEDNESDAY “Safety lessons. First health care»

" O fire safety"Lessons in caution."

Role-playing game "Ambulance".

Reading works: “If you are alone at home.” K. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

Marshak “Little Red Riding Hood” Song “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

Nursery rhyme "Don-don-don".

Outdoor game “On the path”. Game situation "I'm lost."

Quiz "The ABCs of Safety".

Entertainment: “How to cope with the dangers that await children”

THURSDAY “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Ball game “What sports do you know?”

"Man and his health." “Get ready to exercise.” "Dental care." "Sports games in winter." Quiz "Sports attributes". Learning sports chants about sports, folk sayings about healthy lifestyle. Reading the nursery rhyme “Our ducks in the morning...”.

“Games with kids” (continuity between groups of the MBDU “Solnyshko”

FRIDAY “If you want to be healthy!”

In the methodological office there is a book on valeology “Home Alone”;

Gender-role education of pre-school children (senior, preparatory)

Folders with demonstration materials:

  • "Food" (32 cards)
  • “Vegetables.Fruits” (32 cards)
  • “Vegetables.Fruits” (18 cards)
  • "School.Sport" (32 cards)
  • “Day routine” (8 cards)
  • “Human” (age, gender, body structure, body parts, feelings)
  • Notes "Be healthy!" (in Ukrainian)

Pedagogical project at a preschool educational institution

Goals and main objectives of the project: Forming motivation for healthy lifestyle skills in children through traditions and cultural values ​​in the field of health

Pedagogical credo of the project:
The child's health comes first
The wealth of the earth will not replace it
You can't buy health, no one can sell it
Take care of him like your heart, like your eyes. Zh. Zhabaev

Justification of the project.
Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve the health of children in the process of education and training. The habit of a healthy lifestyle is the main, basic, vital habit; it accumulates the result of using the available means of physical education for preschool children in order to solve health, educational and educational problems. That's why preschool institutions and the family are called upon in preschool childhood to lay the foundations of a healthy lifestyle using various forms of work. It is in the family and kindergarten early stage development, the child should be helped, as early as possible, to understand the enduring value of health, to realize the purpose of his life, to encourage the child to independently and actively form, maintain and increase his health.
The teaching staff of our preschool educational institution has long been dealing with the problem of forming a valeologically cultural personality of a preschooler who shows interest in the rules of health-preserving and safe behavior. The “Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body” project helped create a joyful mood during the winter holiday week and helped in promoting a healthy lifestyle among all subjects educational process, allowed holding a vacation week dedicated to a healthy lifestyle to become a kindergarten tradition.

The main goal of the project is:
Forming children's motivation for healthy lifestyle skills through traditions and cultural values ​​in the field of health.

We believe that the main thing is to help children develop their own life guidelines in choosing a healthy lifestyle, teach them to evaluate their physical capabilities, realize responsibility for their health, and be morally and emotionally responsive.

The objects of the project are:
the interest of all subjects and everyone in the active promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Subject: preschool activities.

Holding a holiday Health Week will ensure the formation of a socially significant healthy personality, will help to implement a new form of interaction between the kindergarten and the family, this form of work will give a more effective result of cooperation between all subjects of the educational process.
Based on the hypothesis, it is necessary to propose areas of work that would contribute to achieving the following tasks:

1. Introducing children to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle through national, family and other traditions in the improvement of children’s health.
2. Instilling skills in prevention and personal hygiene
3.Creating an emotional mood.

To implement the project, the main activity should be:
Mastering and accumulating knowledge in the field of education and development of children from teachers and parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, deepening socially significant ideas in children.

To ensure the effectiveness and integrity of the project organization, we put forward a number of critical fundamental requirements.

Basic pedagogical principles:
1. The principle of cultural conformity - the formation of a healthy lifestyle should be based on values ​​and traditions national culture, built in accordance with the values ​​and norms inherent in a given family.
2. The principle of humanistic orientation – the child is the main value, the child’s awareness of social security, respectful attitude to him.
3. The principle of relying on the child’s emotional and sensory sphere requires creating conditions for the emergence of emotional reactions and the development of emotions that increase the child’s attention to actions and deeds.
4. The principle of differentiation is the creation of a favorable environment for each child to learn the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

1.Visual propaganda – a combination of various types of visuals, design of thematic exhibitions and stands.
2. Consulting parents specialists of the preschool educational institution(physical physical education instructor, Art. nurse, senior teacher, speech therapist).
3.Organization of leisure activities dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

Conditions necessary to achieve the goal:
1. Interest of teachers and parents in the implementation of the project.
2. Effective communication between project participants and the manager.
3. Material and financial support.

To ensure that teachers and parents are confident in the usefulness of their participation in the project, motivational conditions were created:
the presence of a reward system for participation in the implementation of the project.

Technological map of the project.

Within preschool work in accordance with age characteristics children of preschool age and the idea that we had to solve, the creative group of the project unanimously came to the conclusion that the project
“A healthy mind in a healthy body” must be carried out for six days, because The idea of ​​the project was that children need to find one letter of the mysterious word health every day for six days. Each teacher in the group had to plan their work with children so that the name of the activity with children during the day reflected this letter.

The first day:

The teachers’ task was to prepare materials for various types of activities working with children that reflected the letter “Z”
So on this day in different groups complexes were carried out morning exercises"Winter", " Winter forest", "Hare exercise"
conversation “Healthy teeth”, “How teeth grow”, “How to brush your teeth correctly”.
Competitions were held “Who can blow the ball into the goal faster”
Reading fairy tales “about bad teeth”, “Golden Goose”, “Cinderella”,
drawing " Winter fun"", "Winter starry sky", "Winter", "Wintering birds", application "How animals winter"
outdoor game "Entertainers" didactic game“Goldfish”, “Find where the sound “z” is hidden.”

In the evening, the letter “Z” appeared in each group, which the children and the teacher put into a folder.

Second day

On this day, our students remembered the “Rules of the Road”, took part in “Road Starts”, repeated proverbs about kindness, poems, songs about friendship, learned “What is a motto” concept catchphrase its essence, talked about " Respiratory system", "How to behave when meeting wild and domestic animals"
Reading “Wild Swans”, games “Two Frosts”, “Yes - No”.
And in the evening everyone goes to the New Year's Disco

In the evening, the letter “D” appeared in each group

Day three

In the morning, the kindergarten was preparing for the “Opening of the Winter Olympics”
On this day, conversations “Children's body” were held,
“Human Organs”, “Posture”, “Rest”, “Home Alone”.
Experiments with water and its significance in human life, reading “Flint”, “Ole-Lukoe”, games “One - Many”, “Hunters and Hares”, “Find the sound “O” in a group”, “Sharp-dumb "
The kindergarten children were shown by the preparatory group Winter's Tale"Bunny, Little Bear and Snow Leopard are rushing to the Olympics."
In the older group, gymnastics was performed to prevent postural disorders
Gifts were made for gifts together with parents.

In the evening, in each group, the children discovered the letter “O”

Day four

Children of the preparatory group for school were invited to the entertainment “Knight's Tournament”, senior group- for entertainment during the walk “Winter fun with the clown Masha.”
There were also: a conversation “Hands”, reading “The Little Mermaid”, games “Rebuses”, “Stream”, “Radio”.

In the evening, in each group, the children discovered the letter “P”

Day five

This day was associated with the letter "B", and this is fun.
All children are invited to Merry Kolyada.
On this day, children talked about the topics “Hair”, “Seasons”, listened to Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Collar”, played games “Wolf in the Moat”, and held a quiz “Find out the fairy tale”
Made " Fun masks", arranged magical fortune-telling. We sculpted while walking Merry snowman.

In the evening, in each group, the children discovered the letter “B”

Day six

This day was associated with healthy and tasty food.
The conversation “How do you eat” was held, the book “The Book of the Cannibal’s Tasty and Healthy Food”, “Rules of Eating” was read. The preparatory group children's favorite salad recipes were compiled, the "Eat for Health" quiz was held, proverbs and sayings about bread, table manners, food, riddles about food were remembered, and healthy food was sculpted.

A tasting of the prepared dishes was carried out.

After the last letter of the word Health appeared, all students were invited to the hall. Everyone was given the opportunity to speak out on how to maintain their health and the health of their loved ones. All children were awarded delicious and healthy vegetables and fruits.

Novelty and significance of the project

1. Set a goal: To develop children’s motivation for healthy lifestyle skills through traditions and cultural values ​​in the field of health.
2. Meets the basic principles: cultural conformity, humanistic orientation, reliance on the emotional and sensory sphere of the child, differentiation.
3. Based on a systematic and active approach to participants in the educational process.
This project involves certain risks:
1. Lack of interest in the project by teachers and parents.
2. Health problems of project participants.

Expected results:

1. Every teacher, parent, child is an active participant in the project due to their capabilities.
2. Each participant takes the initiative.
3. Acquires new knowledge, improves one’s level and children’s competence.
4. Spending a vacation week dedicated to a healthy lifestyle becomes a kindergarten tradition.

This project allows:
1. Compare effectiveness various forms working with children.
2. Assess quality pedagogical work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children.
3. Make a qualitative analysis of current, final results project implementation.
4. Create new health-saving projects.

A healthy lifestyle is great! The healthy lifestyle projects presented on the pages of this section will help develop a value-based attitude towards health and develop the habit of taking care of your health.

See what methods for recovery child's body, to instill the necessary hygiene and valeology skills within the framework of project activities, your colleagues selected. How, in the process of project activities on healthy lifestyle, to significantly expand the awareness of preschoolers and their parents about physical education and sports; to develop in children useful cultural and hygienic skills and a conscious attitude towards their body. About all this - in the materials on these pages.

Projects on the theme “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 2116.
All sections | Healthy lifestyle projects

Project on physical development for children of senior preschool age “Being healthy is great!” Goal To develop in children an interest and value-based attitude towards physical education and sports, and the pupils’ need for physical activity and physical improvement. Tasks: 1. Development of basic physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance,...

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Healthy lifestyle projects - Short-term project “Our health is in our hands”

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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