Development of a newborn by month in the table. Development of a newborn child by month from birth to one year

Choice of colors

The birth of a child in a family is always a joyful and exciting event. All parents worry about the health of their baby. The question of the physical and psychological development of the baby is especially relevant in the first year of life. To better understand what a child’s development should be like by month to one year, we suggest you read the information in this article. It will help you understand what skills and abilities a newborn should have from the first days of life to 12 months.

First month

After birth, the baby does not have any skills. A newborn spends most of his time sleeping. In the first 30 days of life, a child gains an average of about 600 g of weight. After a month, the increase usually increases. A small increase in the first days of life is explained by the fact that the baby loses fluid, the mother still does not have as much milk as in the subsequent months of lactation, and the baby’s stool has a rather watery base. Parents should not worry about slight weight gain as this is considered normal.

Physical and neuropsychic development (PND)

The baby spends the first 4 weeks after birth mostly sleeping. The baby may doze even during feeding. In general, a child can sleep up to 20 hours a day. In this case, deep and shallow phases of sleep are noted. During deep sleep, the baby is completely relaxed, breathing is even. Shallow sleep is often accompanied by shuddering, stirring, and uneven breathing. This is a completely normal physiological process.

In addition, the baby has the following reflexes:

  • reaction to cold, heat, hunger, thirst, pain, loud sounds or other irritants in the form of crying;
  • among the reflexes there should be such as sucking (takes the breast), grasping (if you put your hand in the palm, the baby squeezes his fingers), pushing away with the legs (if you press the legs, the baby pushes with them), search reflex (if you touch the cheek, the baby turns his head, looking for breasts). These skills must be checked by a doctor;
  • if the baby is placed on his tummy, he will try to raise his head, but due to muscle weakness he will not be able to do this;
  • When there is a loud sound, the month-old baby flinches. The baby can hold his gaze for some time on stationary bright objects;
  • urination and defecation are quite frequent. Some children experience this after every feeding.

Breastfeeding is considered the best nutrition option during this period. If for some reason there is no milk, you should select a mixture. It is better if the pediatrician does this. The weight of children in the first month of life usually ranges from three to 4 kilograms. This applies to children who were born on time. Sometimes a newborn's weight and height may be out of range. There are cases of children being born above 5 kilograms and more than 60 cm in height. This happens for various reasons that influenced the development of the baby even before birth.

Second month

What should a child be able to do in the second month of life? In the second month of life, boys and girls become more active. Some doctors call this period the recovery period. The baby now sleeps less and walks more. At the same time, the period of wakefulness for some children can be about an hour. The baby begins to be interested in the world around him. Lying in the crib, he can look at nearby toys and concentrate on his parents.

Physical development

By the age of two months, babies should be able to:

  • raise your head and try to hold it for several seconds;
  • focus on toys or parents;
  • listen to sounds;
  • some newborns are already trying to roll over;
  • The baby puts his hands into his mouth and examines them.

Sometimes babies smile, when they see their mother they get worried and look for her with their eyes.

Mental development

Reflexes in the second month are still preserved, but are already beginning to gradually fade away. Normal mental development is evidenced by the presence of a revitalization complex, which was previously discussed in the article.

The following baby skills indicate normal development:

  • recognizing your parents;
  • the baby smiles at the sight of loved ones;
  • at the sight of mom or dad, the child begins to fuss, quickly move his arms and legs;
  • During this period, the newborn begins to “walk.” He makes sounds such as “aha”, “abu”, “agu”;
  • Children listen with pleasure to the speech of adults, love their mother’s songs, and often fall asleep to them.

If your baby isn't smiling at two months, don't worry. It is impossible to define clear boundaries for some stages of development. This means this joyful event will happen a little later.

Third month

The third month is characterized by a leap in physical and neuropsychological development.

Physical development

This stage is characterized by the following skills and abilities:

  • the ability to lie on the tummy and hold the head for a short time;
  • If you hold the baby by the armpits, he leans on his legs and tries to stand. At the same time, parents should remember that prolonged stay in this position can cause harm to the immature musculoskeletal system;
  • the baby begins to play with toys. His movements are chaotic, he can throw objects, knock them, pull them into his mouth;
  • The child likes bright things, ringing or rustling, spinning and musical objects. This period is very important in development, since the baby is forming a relationship between vision and hearing;
  • Most children in the third month of development roll over and try to hold their head up.

Pediatricians do not recommend seating a newborn during this period. This can lead to spinal deformation. By the end of the third month, children usually have decreased muscle tone. The baby begins to better control his movements, takes objects in his hands, and squeezes and unclenches his fingers more easily. When a child is held in his arms, he turns his head and examines the world around him.

Neuropsychic development

At this age, the child spends all his time free from sleep studying the world around him. He examines new toys, objects around him, reacts to the appearance of new interior items and people. Strangers may cause reactions such as anxiety and crying. The period of wakefulness becomes longer, some children walk for 2-3 hours.

At this stage, the baby actively develops communication skills with mom, dad, brothers, sisters and other family members. If before this the newborn revealed any of his desires in the form of crying, now the baby uses facial expressions and some sounds. If a mother enters the room, the baby gets worried, follows her with his eyes, smiles, and makes various sounds.

At three months, it is very important to try to establish verbal contact with the baby. Parents should talk to their child as much as possible, name objects that are in the child’s field of vision. This will help speed up the baby's development.

Fourth month

In the fourth month of life, the child becomes more proportional. The head no longer exceeds the volume of the chest. The legs become more even, movements acquire a clear character.

Physical development

At four months, a child should have the following physical skills:

  • the child holds his head well, turns it when he hears sounds or sees bright objects;
  • lying on his tummy, the baby holds his head for quite a long time and confidently turns it;
  • some babies roll over from their tummy to their back;
  • the newborn continues to explore the world around him and his body. He can pull hands and even toes into his mouth, examines them carefully, and plays with toys.

At this age, the baby may have a favorite toy, to which he pays maximum attention. If the interior has changed, new furniture or objects have appeared, the newborn pays enough attention to this event.

Rapid development is also observed from the neuropsychological side. The child reacts positively to mom and dad, may cry at the sight of strangers or, conversely, smile with interest and walk. In the fourth month of life, the baby begins to make more and more new sounds and trains the nasolabial muscles. When a baby hears his name, he begins to listen and smile. At this age, the little man can already distinguish the voices of loved ones from strangers. As a rule, the child reacts very actively to all events in the fourth month. If something hurts or he is hungry, parents are faced with crying and poor sleep. When a baby is full and feels good, he smiles, plays with toys with pleasure, and communicates with adults.

It is worth noting that the 4th month is characterized by an expansion of the emotional sphere. If earlier he was dominated by fear or hunger, now the newborn experiences interest, surprise, disappointment and other feelings.

Fifth month

The fifth month is characterized by the emergence of new skills and abilities. If recently the baby could only lie down, eat and sleep, then at this stage the baby confidently communicates with adults and learns more and more about the world around him.

Physical development

In terms of physical development, at five months the child has the following skills:

  • attempts to stand while being held under the armpits. With the help of parents, the baby can stand for several minutes;
  • lying on his stomach, the baby plays, turns his head, confidently holds his head and shoulders;
  • Children at 5 months independently roll over from their back to their tummy and vice versa. Some babies try to crawl if you put your hand under their legs;
  • A baby can perform several crawling movements if colorful objects are placed in front of him. Trying to get them, the baby will try to crawl towards them;
  • the child speaks to his parents using monosyllabic words;
  • the little man continues to actively explore his body, touch his face, put his fingers in his mouth, feel his stomach, chest and other parts of the body.

The baby still sleeps a lot. Daytime sleep should be about two hours twice. Night – at least 10 hours. The baby spends all his free time playing, communicating with mom and dad, and eating.

Neuropsychological development

In terms of psychological development, the baby shows more and more emotions. If he is hungry or wants to sleep, the baby may cry and worry. If a toy is taken away, this will most likely be followed by squealing or crying. In addition, he clearly divides the people around him into friends and strangers. If a stranger picks him up, the reaction may be different. Some children burst into tears, while others, on the contrary, look at the new face with interest. The baby distinguishes the tone of those around him. If you treat him kindly and smile, he will easily go into your arms. If the baby hears a rude conversation or scream, most likely he will cry.

During this period, as well as in subsequent ones, it is very important to provide adequate protection for the new family member. The crib should have soft sides; you should not throw a newborn on the edge of the sofa, as he may well fall.

Sixth month

At six months, the child continues to actively develop. The newborn already clearly knows his parents and other family members, enjoys them, and communicates using facial expressions and sounds. Moreover, he already possesses many physical skills.

Physical development

Speaking about the physical skills of a baby at six months, the following should be noted:

  • the ability to sit for a short time. Even if the child sits well, you should not leave him in this position for a long time. The spine should not be subject to heavy loads during this period;
  • The toddler confidently holds toys and various objects in his hands, throws them, knocks;
  • Most children develop their first teeth at this age. If this does not happen, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Most likely, the teeth will appear a little later;
  • if he reaches for any object, but cannot reach it, the baby will perform squeezing and unclenching movements with his fingers;
  • At this age, the child realizes that he has two hands, he transfers objects from one handle to another, and often takes one object in both hands.

At six months, many babies begin to move around the crib. Some move backward, pushing off with their hands, others crawl forward. Some try to pull themselves up along the bars of the crib and stand up.

Neuropsychological development

At six months, the baby actively interacts with adults, walks and smiles. Sitting in his mother's arms, he touches her face, hair, buttons and fasteners on her clothes. The toddler's vocabulary is replenished with new sounds (“de”, “gu”, “ba”, “na”, “ma”). The baby plays with pleasure, smiles when he is happy and shows dissatisfied grimaces if something does not suit him. The baby learns to recognize various sounds, reacts to knocking, rustling, rustling, freezes, and turns its head.

During this period there is a sharp leap in development. The toddler begins to feel the relationship between actions and events. For example, if you cry, you can attract the attention of adults; if you press a button on a toy, music will play, and so on.

It is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to a six-month-old child. You need to talk to him, read fairy tales, even if it seems that he doesn’t understand them, sing songs and nursery rhymes.

Seventh month

A seven-month-old toddler is already a fully formed personality with his own character. Moms and dads never cease to rejoice at the increasing skills of their child at seven months.

Physical development

At 7 months, the baby should have the following abilities:

  • crawl forward and to the side;
  • try to crawl on all fours. If a toddler does not crawl, but tries to walk straight away, this is not considered a pathology. Many children miss a stage of development such as crawling and this feature is considered quite normal;
  • sit leaning on a pillow. Often, without support, children fall, which parents must remember.

At this stage of development, it is very important to pay enough attention to massage and games with the baby. You can give him your hands so that he can pull himself up by them and try to stand up. Many children like to stand with support and jump. Some toddlers try to stand up and move along the sides of the crib on their own. In this case, the sides should be quite high so that the baby does not fall out.

Neuropsychological development

The psychophysical abilities of a seven-month-old child must meet the following criteria:

  • the ability to transfer an object from one handle to another;
  • hold the toy with two hands, give it to an adult upon request;
  • finding an item under a hidden pillow or blanket;
  • knock with rattles, throw them;
  • clap your hands, press buttons on musical toys;
  • point with hands at objects that he wants to touch.

At this age, fine motor skills continue to actively develop. The baby learns to take small objects, examines them, and puts small toys in a bucket.

At this age, the child develops an interest in dishes and can try to eat on his own with a spoon. Even if your child doesn’t succeed, you shouldn’t take his cutlery away.

Eighth month

At the 8th month of development, the growth rate of the toddler slows down somewhat. This is due to an increase in his physical activity. During this period, teeth continue to actively erupt. Many parents can boast that their children already have four incisors.

Physical development

At this stage of life, the baby gains about 500 grams in weight and becomes 1-1.5 centimeters taller. An eight-month-old child can do the following:

  • sit, quickly roll over from tummy to back and back, crawl, stand up and move around, leaning on support;
  • At this age, the baby devotes a lot of time to toys and other objects. He loves musical toys, magazines, balls. The little one moves them from place to place, throws them, knocks. If a toy falls from his hands, he tries to find it;
  • the child plays with interest with other children, babbles with them, smiles. The baby gets very upset if mom goes somewhere;
  • many children can already point to the object they are being asked about. For example, where is the car? The baby will point exactly to this toy;
  • The child already uses a spoon independently and learns to drink from a cup. Many babies are already eating cookies or other solid foods.

Despite the fact that a child’s body is individual, parents should be alerted if he does not sit down, cannot stand for several seconds while holding onto a support, does not pick up toys with his hands, or does not listen to various sounds. In such a situation, parents are obliged to show their child to the pediatrician.

Neuropsychological development

At this age, the child often looks at his reflection in the mirror, touches it with his hands, gurgles, and smiles. Facial expressions acquire new features and become more diverse. Using it, parents can easily find out what mood their child is in. The first words appear in the lexicon that resemble “mama,” “baba,” “give,” “na,” and so on.

During this period, visual memory develops. The baby can recognize close people from photographs and smiles when he sees them. If music is playing or rhythmic poetry is read to him, the little one can jump up and clap his hands. Due to the development of concentration and psychomotor skills, the baby can play with toys independently for a long time.

At eight months, the baby should already clearly know the daily routine. Feeding and sleeping should be on a schedule. If the baby is not put to bed on time, the nervous system is subject to enormous stress. Often children are capricious, become whiny, and cannot sleep.

Eight-month-old children should be engaged in various developmental exercises. These could be games such as “find an object”, “show the color”, “build a pyramid” and so on.

Ninth month

At 9 months, it’s hard to call a baby helpless. He crawls well, sits up, and tries to walk. Many toddlers learn the skills of independently eating with a spoon and drinking from a cup. The child has contact with parents and other family members, communicates using one- or two-syllable words.

Physical development

At 9 months, a small family member should have the following physical skills:

  • The baby increasingly walks in a walker or leaning on a support. Muscles become stronger, muscle-nervous coordination develops more and more;
  • At this age, hearing and vision improve. At the same time, the baby not only sees objects and hears sounds in the room in which he is located. If a child hears plates or pots clinking in the kitchen, he already clearly understands that dinner or lunch is coming soon;
  • Most nine-month-old babies have their second pair of incisors erupting. During this period, the jaw apparatus develops. It is useful to offer your baby a lot to chew, for example, carrots, apples, crackers. At the same time, it is important to ensure that he does not choke;
  • at 9 months the baby skillfully plays with toys, can put various objects into boxes, put together a pyramid;
  • the baby distinguishes between animals and some colors;
  • the child responds to his name;
  • the new family member listens to the parents’ speech, tries to repeat mom and dad’s words, babbles emotionally, and laughs loudly.

Some children do not succeed in everything, but parents should not worry about this, because each child is individual. It is recommended to contact a specialist if the child does not perform basic actions. For example, the baby does not sit, does not walk, does not respond to its name, and does not get angry if a toy is taken away.

Neuropsychological development

Many children at nine months can boast of the ability to distinguish objects, faces, colors, and animals. During this period, logic actively develops. The child can stack cubes, pyramids, and sort objects by color and shape. Don’t be afraid to give your baby new information, play with him, leaf through books, look at pictures. Even if it seems to you that the baby does not yet perceive this information, believe me, later the result will be very noticeable, because all this is stored in the memory of your little child.

Already at nine months, the child should clearly know that this is not possible. Raising children at this time is the basis of his behavior in the future. You can't give in to crying. If you think that the baby should not take this or that item, stand your ground. The same applies to the daily routine.

Tenth month

At ten months, the small family member becomes more and more similar in silhouette to adults. The volume of the head becomes smaller in relation to the chest, the body becomes even, he spends more and more time in an upright position, and looks more and more proportionate.

Physical development

The achievements of a child at this age continue to please parents. Many boys and girls are already trying to walk. Most children confidently move along the sofa and other objects. Kids actively crawl around the whole house, study objects, actively involve various objects in all their games (mom’s pots, dad’s tools, open and close drawers on chests of drawers and cabinets).

Skills of a ten month old baby:

  • pick up and examine small objects;
  • transferring objects from one box to another;
  • folding towers from cubes and pyramids;
  • The baby enjoys collecting pebbles on the street in a bucket;
  • many children become familiar with pencils, felt-tip pens, and finger paints;
  • Some toddlers enjoy playing in the sand.

During games, you should never leave your child alone. Always nearby. This will help prevent many accidents.

Neuropsychological development

At this age, the child becomes a full participant in communication between family members. He laughs, babbles, hearing his parents speak, and sincerely rejoices at the arrival of guests. The baby gets upset or angry when something doesn’t work out for him. At loud sounds, he flinches, gets scared, and may cry. At this age, a sense of humor appears. A toddler can laugh loudly if he sees a bizarre grimace or a cheerful dance. At this stage, children imitate adults, try to repeat facial expressions and behavior. This is a great time to teach your child the rules of behavior at the table and in the company of people.

In addition, boys and girls perform simple elements of the game. They roll cars, throw a ball, feed a doll from a spoon, put the animals to sleep, and so on. Don't scold your know-it-all if a toy is broken or a cup is broken. These actions also relate to methods of understanding the world.

Do not leave your child alone in the room unattended. Toddlers at this age love to take everything off the shelves, press buttons on electrical appliances, and explore sockets. If you need to leave the room, it is recommended to leave your little one in a playpen or crib with high sides.

Eleventh month

Children at 11 months acquire more and more skills and delight mothers and fathers with their first steps and new simple words. An indicator of proper physical and mental development is the ability to communicate with adults and other children, a wide range of emotions in a little person, and an attempt to learn more and more new information.

Physical development

At this stage, the child is actively growing and has the following skills:

  • plays with toys for a long time;
  • takes small objects with two fingers and holds them tightly;
  • builds a pyramid and a turret;
  • is interested in colorful books and magazines and leafs through them for a long time. He likes to tear pages and rustle them;
  • The toddler actively dances to music and loves musical toys;
  • at the request of the parents, shows objects, takes off a hat, socks, unzips, finds hidden objects, feeds a doll, pushes a car, and so on;
  • more and more words consisting of two syllables appear in speech;
  • the little man already distinguishes between encouragement and denial, waves his head if he doesn’t want something, points his finger at the desired item;
  • the baby finds new activities and games, for example, he can transfer cereals, pasta and other small objects from bowl to bowl, plays with flour, and loves playing with water.

The child becomes more and more independent, eats with a spoon, drinks from a cup, tries to put on socks or a hat, tries to fasten buttons.

Neuropsychological development

Normally, children at 11 months should have the following neuralgic skills:

  • tying the first words to the meaning (“am” - eat, “ma” - mother, “yes” - give, and so on);
  • The little one already knows how to manipulate adults; he whines on purpose, which helps him get attention;
  • the little man responds to his parents’ requests - take it, go, lie down, don’t touch, and so on;
  • children learn to stand their ground, cry and become capricious if they don’t get what they want;
  • intelligence develops. For example, to reach an object that is high, the baby will put up a chair;
  • The baby plays role-playing games more and more - feeding dolls, driving cars, petting animals.

If your child does not quite meet the established standards, you should not immediately run to the doctor. Some children master certain skills later than their peers. This is especially true for premature babies and babies with Down syndrome.

At 11 months, the child should receive the necessary complementary foods. The menu should include vegetables, fruits, meat, fish. New products should be introduced little by little. It is recommended to continue breastfeeding for at least 1 year.

Twelfth month

When a child turns 1 year old, it is a joyful event for every family. The little toddler delights the household with his loud laughter and new achievements.

Physical development

At the age of one year, it is quite possible to transfer the child to one nap during the day. He becomes active, plays more and more and spends time communicating with adults. At this stage, it is already possible to agree on something with the baby.

Skills and abilities at 12 months:

  • playing story games;
  • repeating any actions;
  • the child can name the names of other family members;
  • the baby should be able to explain to others what he wants;
  • the baby walks independently or with the support of adults;
  • The toddler draws, tries to tie his shoelaces, fasten buttons and buttons;
  • The little man eats on his own and puts on his outerwear.

Daytime sleep usually takes 2 – 3 hours. The rest of the time the little know-it-all is awake, exploring the world. Under no circumstances should you leave the baby alone, since the instinct of curiosity at this age prevails over the instinct of self-preservation.

For proper physical development, you should do daily exercises and massage with your child. Excellent for swimming and walking in the fresh air.

If your child’s skills and knowledge do not fit within the framework of the baby’s development calendar, do not worry. Each child is individual and sooner or later he will succeed.

Neuropsychological development

According to child psychology, at 12 months a baby may experience the first psychological crisis. This is due to the process of separating one’s “I” from my mother. Some children become capricious, do not let their mother take a step, and often throw tantrums.

Let's give an example: a baby wants to build a pyramid, but he can't do it. Having got used to the fact that his mother helps him in everything, he calls her, begins to cry and get upset if the mother expects the baby to succeed on his own. During this period, it is very important not to shout at the little fidget and not to do everything for him. The mother’s task is to teach the little one to perform this or that action independently.

Table of physical development of children from birth to one year

In this table you can find approximate parameters for height, weight, head and chest circumference for children from birth to one year.

Age in months Weight in kilograms Height in centimeters Approximate weight gain in grams Head circumference in cm Chest circumference
At birth 3 – 3,4 49 — 54 30 — 37,5 36
1 3,7 – 4,5 54 — 56 600 37,5 — 39,5 36
2 4,5 – 4,9 59 — 59 800 39,5 — 43 36
3 4,9 – 5,6 59 — 62 800 43 — 45 44
4 5,6 – 6,3 62 — 65 750 45 — 46 44
5 6,3 – 6,8 65 — 68 650 46 — 47 48
6 6,8 – 7,4 68 — 70 650 47 — 48 52
7 7,4 – 8,1 70 — 72 600 47 — 48 52
8 8 – 8,1 72 — 75 550 47 — 48 52
9 8,5 – 9 75 — 76 500 47 — 49 56
10 9 – 9,5 76 — 78 450 47 — 49 54 — 56
11 9,5 — 10 78 — 80 400 47,5 — 49 54 — 56
12 10 — 11 80 — 82 350 48 — 49 55 — 57

The child’s parameters do not always fit these descriptions specified in WHO standards. Minor deviations from the norm in one direction or another are considered quite normal. Premature babies gain weight more easily and have lower weight and body parameters. Sometimes a child’s weight per year can be up to 13-15 kilograms. As a rule, large children are born to parents with the same body constitution. You can learn more about baby development in the encyclopedia.

An accurate diary of intrauterine development of children by month

Having learned about pregnancy, a woman experiences unforgettable emotions, because a little life is developing inside her.

Let's look at a monthly detailed diary of the development of the fetus in the womb, and also find out what sensations the expectant mother experiences.

1 month

From the moment of conception, new life grows and develops in the mother's womb. After the union of the egg and sperm, cell division begins within a few days. As a result of this process, the so-called morula is formed - a connection consisting of 8-12 cells tightly in contact with each other. After penetration into the uterus, the fertilized egg attaches to its wall. Implantation lasts about forty hours. After attachment, the bubble begins to branch strongly, small vessels appear inside, which in the future will nourish the fetus. All this happens during the first week of pregnancy.

Later the following processes are observed:

  • development of the amniotic sac, placenta and umbilical cord;
  • the cells of the embryo divide into two halves and acquire a disc-shaped shape;
  • between the layers of the disk a middle leaf appears - a layer;
  • the future spine – chord – is formed from it;
  • from the same middle leaf the formation of muscles, blood vessels, and genital organs begins;
  • the skin and nervous system are formed from the outer leaf;
  • the inner leaf is the future digestive and respiratory organs;
  • at week 20, the embryo begins to develop the rudiments of a head and body.

To summarize, it should be said that in the first month of life the fetus has such organs as the heart tube, the kidneys, the primordium of the bronchi and trachea, the intestinal tube and the pancreas. At this stage, the circulatory and nervous systems are already developing.

On the 23rd day after conception, the fetal heart begins to contract. At this stage, the child resembles a fish embryo.

2 months

At the beginning of the second month, the fetus already has the rudiments of kidneys and lungs, and the intestinal tract is actively developing. Already at this early stage, the liver performs a hematopoietic function. The embryo's face and limbs can be seen. All this time the nervous system is being improved.

In the second month the following changes occur:

  • bringing the eyes closer together;
  • dividing the limbs into separate parts (shoulder, forearm, hand);
  • the rudiments of the ears and nose are formed;
  • towards the end of the second month (in the seventh week), the rudiments of teeth are formed;
  • in the eighth week, muscles appear that are already contracting;
  • the brain is divided into sections, the cerebral cortex is divided into layers.

At this stage of pregnancy, many women experience toxicosis, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body and the developing new life in the womb.

3 months

In the third month, active development of the fetus continues. He looks more and more human. Here are the changes:

  • the liver continues to develop and function;
  • facial features are drawn;
  • nails form on the fingers and toes;
  • the fetus performs its first movements;
  • vocal cords are formed.

By the end of the third month, the intestines begin to function. The genitals continue to form, but it is still impossible to distinguish a boy from a girl. The nervous system continues to form, the little man already feels skin irritation and reacts to it by squeezing his fingers.

4 months

In the fourth month, the fetus grows rapidly. The vessels are not very deep, so they are clearly visible on the body. The following processes take place here:

  • already at 14 weeks the skeleton is formed;
  • the digestive system continues to develop;
  • the stomach and gall bladder are already working;
  • the child is already excreting the first feces (original);
  • red bone marrow already performs the function of hematopoiesis;
  • the endocrine system begins to function;
  • The kidneys are working and urine is being released.

The child performs more and more movements. He turns his head, moves his arms and legs, takes a finger in his mouth. In the fourth month, the woman feels the first movements of the fetus.

At the fourth month, it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn child using an ultrasound scan.

5 months

In the fifth month, subcutaneous fatty tissue appears in the fetus, the skin becomes less transparent, and the vessels are almost invisible. This is half of the entire pregnancy. At this stage, the baby's first hair appears. The changes in the fifth month are as follows:

  • the body is covered with a cheese-like lubricant, which protects it from pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the spleen begins to take part in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • the vestibular apparatus is formed;
  • the entire endocrine system works.

In the fifth month, the baby has facial expressions and can smile or frown.

6 months

During this period, the baby's entire body is covered with cheese-like lubricant and thin fluff. A six-month-old fetus develops eyebrows and eyelashes. The baby breathes and swallows amniotic fluid. The lungs are still closed at this stage. The child's brain parts are completing their formation. The digestive system is well developed and fully functioning. The baby moves freely in the amniotic fluid. The baby sleeps most of the time (up to 20 hours a day). The little man already reacts to bright lights and loud sounds.

7 months

Alveoli and air tubes form in the lungs. At this stage, a special substance begins to be synthesized, which causes the lungs to open when inhaling (surfactant).

The sense organs are already fully functioning. The baby sees a bright light and hears sounds. In connection with the further development of the endocrine system, the fetus develops a special type of metabolic processes.

8 months

The fetus grows significantly and no longer moves so freely in the uterine cavity. Movements become more coordinated. In most cases, the baby is positioned head down, but sometimes breech presentation occurs.

The heart is almost formed, but there is still a hole between the right and left atria, which should close on its own after the baby is born. In addition, the child has a botal duct. Its function is to connect the pulmonary artery and aorta. After birth, it must stop working.

9 months

At the ninth month, the baby already has light skin, its shape is rounded, and the fetus is gaining weight. The fluff on the body gradually disappears. Movements are reduced to a minimum, since the baby already occupies the entire uterine cavity. A special center has already been formed in the brain, which is responsible for breathing.

The formation of the liver and pancreas is still ongoing. These organs will continue to mature after the baby is born. At 9 months, the baby can already distinguish the intonations of voices and hear music.

10 months

At this time, the fluff on the child’s body disappears, most internal organs fully perform their functions. At 38 weeks, the baby is considered mature for birth.
At 38–40 weeks, the baby gives an impulse to be born, and labor begins.

In this photo you can see the development of the fetus week by week.

What toys do children under one year old need?

Every baby after birth requires proper care and affection. At the same time, every parent wants to develop their child, so they ask themselves what toys are needed for children of this or that age? Let's figure out which toys are preferable from birth to one year:

  • 1 month – colorful soft toys and rattles without small parts;
  • 2 months – a musical carousel, which should be secured above the crib, will be just right here;
  • 3 months – colorful rattles, toys with different textures, rustling, ringing;
  • 4 months – balls, tumblers, rattles, various jingling toys;
  • 5 months – blocks, soft toys, rattles, musical ones;
  • 6 months – pipes, tambourines, piano. The baby will be happy to learn new sounds. In addition, you can buy rubber bathing toys;
  • 7 months - here you can already use various play mats and panels, musical instruments, balls, pyramids;
  • From 8 months to a year, finger paints, pencils, dolls, simple constructors for sorting objects, and gurneys are perfect.

No matter how interesting and colorful the toys are, parents should remember that they cannot replace communication with mom and dad, so spend as much time as possible with your child, talk to him, sing songs, leaf through books. This will help you grow a happy, healthy and creative person.

Video about the early development of children under one year old

In his video, Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky spoke about the early development of children.

Psychologists divide the life of any person (from birth, and some even from “before birth”) to old age into main stages, characterized by certain psychological characteristics. Unlike specialists, for most mothers these stages are marked not so much by changes in the child’s self-awareness, but by certain events and the acquisition of certain skills.

When will a child learn to hold his head up? When will he start smiling? When will he reach for a toy, recognize his mother, roll over, sit up, crawl? When will mommy hear the long-awaited first word?

All these skills, being a consequence of the child overcoming various age stages, for which child psychologists have their own names, sometimes unknown to the mother, are significant for parents, indicating that the child has moved to a new stage of his development.

The first year of a child’s life is the most important time for his mental and physical development. Moreover, at this age, physical development is primary; the development of the nervous system depends on it.

Of course, talking to the child, singing songs to him, smiling, caressing him is a must. But this does not mean at all that from three months onwards it is necessary to teach a child to distinguish colors and understand the meaning of the words “parabola” and “metamorphosis”.

You can help your child learn to roll over, sit up, crawl, and walk. The key word here is help.

That is, do not force, for example, to crawl, worrying that “the neighbor’s boy is 3 days younger, but is already crawling, but ours still can’t.”

There are simple exercises (you can get information about them from books, ask your pediatrician or experienced parents) that stimulate your baby to take certain actions. Affectionate stroking of mother's hands and light general massage are recommended for most healthy children in the first months of life.

In addition to the fact that these actions bring pleasure to the child, they also bring benefits - strengthening muscles, stimulating intestinal function, and preventing various orthopedic and surgical problems. By performing them daily, the mother creates the prerequisites for the development of the child’s motor activity.

So, what should a healthy child between the ages of birth and one year be able to do? Here are the baby’s main monthly achievements:

Stages of child development up to 1 year by month

NEWBORN. Chaotic movements of arms and legs. Presence of “newborn reflexes”. The main way to express desires is crying. In the tummy position, the baby tries to raise his head.

1 MONTH. In the tummy position, the baby raises and holds his head for several seconds. Follows with his eyes (without turning his head) a moving object located at a distance of 40-50 cm from the eyes. Smiles in response to someone addressing him.

2 MONTHS. While awake, the child constantly makes various movements with his arms and legs, which are still chaotic. Holds the head well, lying on his stomach (at least 5-10 seconds), sucks his fists. Can focus his gaze on a stationary object. The sounds of initial humming appear.

3 MONTHS. The baby can freely hold his head in an upright position for up to 30 seconds, lying on his stomach for up to 1 minute. Holds the toy placed in his hand (3-10 seconds), feels his clothes. Focuses attention on the face of the adult talking to him. He examines his hands and actively hums. A “revival complex” appears.

4 MONTHS. Lying down, the baby raises his arms above the horizontal level. Can lift legs up. Reaches for the toy, grabs it, feels it. Recognizes parents and smiles. He follows the toy with his eyes. Turns his head to the source of the sound, which is outside the child’s field of vision. Laughs out loud.

5 MONTHS. The child can sit with support. Lying on his stomach, he raises his body with outstretched arms. Tries to roll over, pulls his arms and legs into his mouth. Takes and holds the toy. Pulls objects into his mouth that fall into his hands.

Attempts to coordinate movements begin (the child finds an object with his gaze, reaches for it, grabs it, performs actions with it). The baby actively hums and expresses his mood using various sounds and intonations. Reacts to tickling.

6 MONTHS. The baby can sit down and stand up when pulled up by the arms (for now only as gymnastics). Actively and frequently rolls over from stomach to back and back. Can make the first attempts to crawl (on his belly, pulling himself up on his hands, rocking back and forth, standing on all fours). Sits quite confidently without support.

Around this age, the child begins to learn to eat from a spoon. Grabs toys, can hold them with both hands, waves, knocks, and puts them in his mouth. Reacts to his name. The baby begins to babble - to pronounce syllables, combinations of sounds that do not carry a semantic load. When seeing a stranger, a child may become frightened or anxious.

7 MONTHS. At this age, the child sits well without support if he is seated, and can even sit up on his own. Sitting, tilts the torso forward and straightens up. Crawls on all fours (and can change direction of movement).

He grabs toys, waves them, knocks them, throws them, moves them from hand to hand, hands them to an adult - asks to play. He babbles a lot and actively. The syllables ma-ma, pa-pa, ba-ba are often pronounced, but these are simply combinations of sounds that are not correlated with the concept of “mom” or “dad”.

8 MONTHS. The baby sits down on his own, crawls well, and tries to get up while holding onto support. He loves to chew on a cracker or a crust of bread that he holds in his hand. Actively manipulates toys (knocks, throws, takes small objects out of boxes). Looking at an adult, he can repeat his movements, plays “okay”, “bye-bye”.

He babbles often and a lot, and can constantly repeat the same syllable (de-de-de, nya-nya-nya). The baby may be afraid of strangers and tends to crawl closer to his mother if he sees a stranger. If music is playing, the child can sway to the beat.

9 MONTHS. The child crawls well and quickly, stands confidently at the support, and can, holding on, move along it with side steps. The baby can drink from a cup held by an adult and perform various actions with toys, which become more diverse as they grow older.

The baby begins to understand the meaning of some words and sentences - “come here”, “where is the dog?”, “okay”, “give”, “no”. Can show where the toy is. The arsenal of sounds and syllables used is expanding. The baby can repeat simple syllables (ma-ma, la-la) after adults.

The baby can either play independently or demand the attention of an adult and invite him to play. Pointing gestures appear (the baby points his finger at the toy that he wants to get).

10 MONTHS. The baby can stand without support and without the support of an adult, and walk holding the hand of an adult. Actions with toys become more complex (the child can open and close boxes, roll a ball, put toys in a box, remove pyramid rings).

Fulfills the request: “Give me,” gives the toy named by the adult. Enjoys playing with another child and repeats some actions after him. A child can repeat after an adult sounds and syllables that were not previously in his babble. By manipulating objects, the baby learns their properties (hard - soft, large - small).

11 MONTHS. The child can stand for a long time without support or support, or squat. Trying to take his first independent steps. Walks well holding the hand of an adult. Some children can already confidently move from object to object without support.

At the request of an adult, he can perform actions with objects (puts cubes on top of each other, rolls a ball, rocks a doll, gives a toy, finds an object hidden in front of his eyes). The first designation words appear: give, na, mama, aw-aw, etc.

12 MONTHS. The child walks independently and can pick up a toy from the floor by bending over from a standing or crouching position. He drinks from a cup, holds a spoon, and tries to eat on his own. Builds a “tower” of cubes (places 2-3 cubes on top of each other). The child carries out simple instructions from an adult: give him a doll, throw a ball, bring a car.

By the end of the first year, the child already understands many words, correlates their meanings with certain objects and people, and tries to repeat words and new syllables after the adult. To denote objects and actions, he uses lightweight, babbling words (bang, yum-yum, lala, etc.).

These time frames are very arbitrary. Variation within 1-3 months in both directions is normal. Don’t worry if your child does not fit into the approximate age standards given here for some reason.

The one-year-old baby does not read books on child development or the Internet. And he is not at all obliged to know that, for example, by 9 months a child should be able to play “okay”, and by one year he should be able to disassemble and assemble a pyramid.

It has been noticed that most children, without any special exercises (sitting down, pushing their feet, etc.) and devices (for example, walkers), begin to perform all the actions necessary for their age.

Is it a reflex, an instinct, a repetition of what they see in adults, or some kind of innate skill - it is difficult to accurately answer this question. Most likely, all of the above plays a role.

The child will sit, crawl and walk when he is ready for this mentally and physically.

Last modified 04/24/2017

Nine months in mom's tummy have come to an end. The birth is over, the baby lies on his mother’s chest in a tender embrace, listening to her soothing heartbeat. A sweet creature of nature, concealing incredible power! How much you have to try and demonstrate in the new world. Welcome baby! An article about the most significant successes of a baby in each month of his life up to 1 year.

The development of a child is described in great detail in the book by Professor A.M. Kazmin.

Development from 0 to 1 month. What should a 1 month old baby be able to do?

I sleep and eat!

Minutes of silence and great happiness from meeting my mother are interrupted by the feeling of hunger. In the delivery room, the first skills appear: searching for the breast, sucking and swallowing mother's milk. Congenital reflexes (searching, sucking, swallowing, etc.) help the child adapt to a new environment.

By the month the baby's strength increases, he learns to raise his head while lying on his stomach. The gaze becomes more conscious. The baby reacts to the mother's voice, loud sounds and bright colors. The baby spends most of the day sleeping.

What should a 2 month old baby be able to do?

My first smile!

Lying on his stomach, the baby keeps his head raised for some time. Legs and arms relax and are in a more active state. The child gets to know his fingers and tastes them. He may be bothered by intestinal colic.

You can observe the baby’s conscious smile. He sees better and follows the object of interest at a distance of 40 cm. Imitating an adult, he sticks out his tongue, thereby demonstrating communication with him.

What should a 3 month old baby be able to do?

The big guy is growing!

The baby has become stronger, rolls from his stomach to his side, sometimes from his back to his stomach and vice versa. He begins to get acquainted with the legs, pulling them into his mouth. Intestinal colic is behind us and does not bother us during this period.

The baby requires more attention. He begins to whine, be capricious, and gurgle. Having received what he wanted, he gives a smile or laughs boisterously.

He shows more interest in toys, he moves them with his fists and can even grab them. Reacts to the sounds of rattles, while turning his head.

What can a 4 month old baby do?

I want it and I’ll take it!

The child prodigy manages to grab the rattle that interests him with one hand. When she is no longer needed, the baby abandons her. Lying on his back, he confidently raises his shoulders in an attempt to sit up. Often at this age, children get down on all fours, thereby preparing to master crawling.

Syllables are traced in speech and for the first time you can hear the word “mother”.

Baby's skills at 5 months

toothy smile

Muscle hypertonicity disappears by this period. The child masters crawling. With support, stands on straight legs or sits. Later, the child will overcome all these processes on his own. Distinguishes “us” from “strangers”. Able to hold small objects in his hands.

Speech becomes more varied, similar to babbling. Teeth begin to come out. Food from the common table attracts the kinder's attention.

Baby development at 6 months

I am sitting!

The six-month-old baby doll sits on his own. He spins on his stomach, pulls up his legs, and crawls on his bellies. Holding on to the support, he stands perfectly. Relatives can more easily understand his wishes.

The first tooth is visible and the catfish is ready to introduce complementary foods. Likes to be present at a common family meal. A favorite toy appears. He begins to imitate the sounds of adults: he may cough like a grandfather or laugh like a brother.

7 months old baby - what should he be able to do?

Here's my nose!

At the request of the parents, he shows familiar objects and points to his body parts. Loves to play finger games. Holds objects in both hands, knocks them against each other, transfers them from hand to hand, throws them. Crawls more confidently and faster.

Flips through the pages of books, looks at pictures. Imitates animal sounds. Drinks from a mug, eats from a spoon. Understands the word “No”, but does not listen yet.

What should a baby be able to do at 8 months?

I am standing!

The strong eight-month-old sits up on his own, crawls quickly and far, and stands. The vocabulary expands due to new words and phrases. He is attached to his mother as never before and has a hard time withstanding separation. At the request of loved ones, he gives or finds familiar things. The cub notices the reflection in the mirror and loves to play with it. Picks up small parts by grasping them with the index finger and thumb, reminiscent of working with tweezers.

9 months baby skill

Show me, I'll repeat it!

The little one has mastered crawling and climbs over hills. Holding onto a support, walks sideways, sits up from a lying position and vice versa. Repeats many of the movements of adults: claps his hands, picks up the phone when he hears “Hello!”

Speech has more syllables and sounds. Imitating the conversation of relatives, he connects sounds into whole sentences and decorates them with appropriate intonation. The mood can already be easily read on the face. Something succeeded - a charming smile, failed - eyes full of tears and mouth in a sad curve.

10 months - what boys and girls should be able to do

First steps

Takes the first steps without support. Distances increase, gait becomes more confident. He knows how to put on something from his own wardrobe, brush his teeth, and comb his hair.

Shows character, argues if he doesn’t like something. Enthusiasm grows with the baby. Sitting in a saucepan or putting it on your head is not surprising fun for a fidget. Shows a love of music by dancing or singing along to the beat.

What can a baby do at 11 months?

Where has my nose been?

Many children begin to walk without support and climb stairs with the help of their parents. They dress the dolls, feed them and put them to bed. A machine can transport cubes from one corner of the room to another. There are more words in speech, their lack is compensated by gestures. Communication with family members becomes clearer and more accessible.

The baby’s curiosity makes her go into places where she shouldn’t. The furniture in the house has a special look without handles and corners.

1 year old child development - what he should be able to do

Independent little man

The child confidently sits, stands, walks, crawls under an obstacle, successfully gets out of it, bends down to get the necessary thing. The baby manages to achieve understanding with his family, despite his small vocabulary.

Takes an active part in games with children. Waves goodbye or greets, blows a kiss.

12 months have flown by outside of my mother's tummy. The little man has become independent: he sits, walks, talks, dresses, eats, drinks, plays. Even though all this under the supervision of an adult is not ideal, the baby has mastered these skills and deserves the highest praise.

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After the birth of a baby, a new stage begins in the life of young parents: they observe and participate in every possible way in the development and growth of their child. This is a special period, because the baby changes before our eyes and learns to explore the world. In our article we will look in detail at each stage of child development month by month, from the first days of life to one year.

1 month of life: baby development

According to the child development calendar by months up to a year, a baby at 1 month of life is usually called a newborn. During this period, the baby's main needs are sleep and food. The baby’s body is vulnerable to external factors, which is why he needs the care of his parents so much.

The newborn's muscular system is quite weak and he cannot hold his head on his own. Although the baby still tries to raise his head and even hold it for several seconds.

Up to a month, the baby has two main pronounced reflexes: sucking and swallowing. On days 8-14 of life, the baby develops two more reflexes - searching and grasping, and sucking becomes even more active during this period. In the third week, hearing and vision are activated, so the baby begins to be interested in bright objects. The fourth week from the day of birth is marked by a noticeable increase in the child’s weight (up to 700 grams). The child's growth also becomes larger - from 3-4 cm.

The development of a child in the first month is a continuous change. The baby begins to little by little explore the world around him. Now, during the breaks between sleep, the child more actively examines everything around him, recognizes his mother’s smell, which gives him a feeling of peace and security. The baby also briefly lingers his gaze on objects and faces and sees the difference between colors.

The baby also remembers sounds and recognizes the mother’s voice. Already in the first weeks of life, her whispers and lullabies have a calming effect on the baby. Conversations with the baby have a positive effect on speech development in the future. At the same time, it is important to avoid babying even in the first weeks of his life, in order to subsequently prevent problems with the pronunciation of individual sounds.

The smile is not yet conscious and becomes so only closer to the second month.

It is worth noting that the baby is afraid of sharp and sudden sounds and may even start crying. He is not yet able to determine where certain sounds are coming from, so during wakefulness he actively turns his head. The baby's facial expressions are not so active yet, but he is already trying to copy those around him.

A special feature of a newborn is his ability to respond to stimuli by the end of the first month: he already knows how to rejoice and show dissatisfaction.

Child development at 2 months of life

Two months is exactly the period in the developmental calendar up to one year when the baby becomes more conscious. The baby is already adapting a little to the world around him, communicating with others: smiling at them, making certain sounds.

In the second month, the child’s weight increases by an average of 800 g. As for height, the average increase is 3 cm.

During this period, the baby sleeps for about 18 hours. The main rule of sleep is to constantly change body position, since the baby’s skull is still very fragile and can be deformed. Babies at the age of two months already distinguish between day and night, so night sleep becomes longer.

At the age of two months, the baby is able to demonstrate his basic needs, so it becomes more clear to the mother what her child needs at this very moment. With the help of crying, the baby can attract attention to himself, declare his hunger or ask for help.

A baby who is two months old can follow slowly moving objects with his eyes. The baby also learns to locate the object that produces a particular sound. The baby is also interested in the voices of those around him: if you talk to the baby, he will turn his head in your direction.

One of the main achievements of a two-month-old baby is holding his head in an upright position and lying on his stomach. Although it lasts no more than a minute, it is a real achievement for the child.

An interesting feature of this period of child development is the expansion of the chain of emotional reactions: the baby develops both facial expressions and intonation. The mother hears in them not only requests, but also indignation when the baby does not like what is happening.

Among the small victories of the crumbs is improved coordination. The child’s limb movements become purposeful. The baby can get toys and hold them.

A two-month-old baby gradually gets used to the daily routine, so a series of actions is very important. The mother should accustom the baby to a routine from an early age, which as a result will have a positive impact on his well-being.

Baby development at 3 months

A three-month-old baby is very different from a newborn baby. The baby has grown stronger, grown up, and actively communicates with others. The three-month-old baby has many achievements:

  • he controls the handles;
  • rolls over from back to side;
  • raises his head and rests on his forearms;
  • is cheerful for about 2 hours straight;
  • shows interest in his body: studies his face, examines his legs;
  • tastes the world;
  • recognizes mom and dad;
  • When it feels a hard surface, it rests its legs on it.

In the third month, the baby gains weight and a little height. The child’s weight increases by at least 800 g. The baby’s total body weight can average about 7 kg. The child’s growth does not increase so rapidly - during the third month the baby gains no more than 2 cm. The average size of a three-month baby is about 60 cm.

A three-month-old baby has more varied reactions to the world around him: his sense of smell has become more acute and his feelings have become more pronounced. Now a baby’s cry can mean not only hunger, indignation, but also a reaction to pain or ordinary fatigue.

During this period, the child also has a number of his own small victories: his attention is attracted by bright objects and different situations around him, more and more consonant sounds are heard in speech, communication with the baby becomes more meaningful.

Baby development at 4 months

In the fourth month, the baby gradually loses the reflexes of a newborn: his movements are confident, his gaze is more conscious. Physical indicators of development also change: the child’s weight increases to 750 g. The child’s height also increases: on average, he grows by 3 cm.

As for achievements in knowledge of the surrounding world, the baby confidently takes objects in his hands and holds them for some time. In addition, during this period the baby acquires many new skills:

  1. He easily changes his position, for example, turning over from his back to his side.
  2. Raises his arms when lying on his stomach.
  3. Holds the head for a long time.
  4. It supports the breast during feeding.

You shouldn’t sound the alarm if something doesn’t work out for your baby. Your task is to be patient and help your child achieve the desired result in small steps. Don't forget that all children are individual, some children learn faster, others slower.

As for the norms of psycho-emotional development, a child at four months of age is quite lively:

  • actively communicates;
  • moves limbs;
  • responds to being addressed by name.

The fourth month is marked by the formation of the makings of cause-and-effect relationships. A striking example of this is that when a child sees his mother’s breast, he calms down, as he expects feeding.

During this period, the baby is able to feel not only joy and excitement, but also curiosity or even fear. A stranger may frighten a baby, but the appearance of loved ones, on the contrary, will delight him.

The baby actively reacts to the color scheme: he perceives bright monochromatic shades better, but objects oversaturated with different colors quickly tire him.

At four months, the child not only perfectly understands where this or that sound comes from, he already shows a genuine interest in music. It is useful for a baby to listen to the music of one instrument or the performance of one soloist. The baby perceives low and rhythmic tones best.

It is worth noting that now the baby sleeps for about 15 hours. During the day he can devote about 5 hours to rest.

Baby development at 5 months

A five-month-old baby is very active: he is interested in everything, therefore the surrounding objects, regardless of their color or shape, cause him genuine delight. Moreover, the baby wants to taste everything.

During the fifth month, the baby’s weight increases by approximately 700 g, and the child’s height from birth to the fifth month becomes 15 cm larger. It is worth noting that the baby grows more slowly with each month, but each baby has a rather individual development program.

A five-month-old baby no longer just holds his head or moves his limbs, he does exercises. “Airplane” is his favorite exercise of all: lying on his tummy, the baby lifts and stretches his head, spreads his arms to the sides and lifts his legs a little up. For a child, this is not just an ordinary, but an interesting activity.

One of the baby’s favorite exercises is also the “bridge”: the child rests his head and feet on a solid base and lifts his torso and pelvis, forming an arch.

The toddler shows particular interest in rattles: their sounds attract the child’s attention, he begins to examine and study objects.

As for wakefulness, this period increases significantly: the baby wakes up quite early and wants to be played with. If your biorhythms don't quite match your baby's preferences, you can put a few soft toys in his crib, which will give you the opportunity to sleep longer.

Communication occupies one of the most important places in the life of a five-month-old baby: he hoots and squeaks, does everything possible to attract attention. You should talk to your child more often, tell him about the world around him, sing songs, name individual objects.

At five months, the baby no longer squints his eyes, but clearly fixes his gaze. If the baby continues to squint, you should contact a pediatric ophthalmologist and consult a pediatrician. Perhaps he will be prescribed special exercises for his eyes.

Five-month-old babies perfectly distinguish between their own and others, since their visual memory is already quite well developed. At the same time, if someone close to you is absent for a long time, the baby may forget his face and, after a long break, may not recognize him at first sight. It is interesting to watch how the baby examines himself in the mirror: he does not quite understand who appeared in front of him, but over time he will begin to recognize himself in the reflection.

Summarize your child's development every month. If your child has not had time to learn something, pay more attention to the exercises that you will find in each individual article about the development of a child by month to year.

Baby development at 6 months

Six months is already a round date, the baby’s first small anniversary. During this period, the baby behaves quite actively:

  1. Easily rolls over onto its side and stomach.
  2. Initiates communication.
  3. Trying to crawl clumsily, pulling himself up with his hands.
  4. He picks up those objects that he likes, being in almost any position.

Thus, the baby gets to know the world, explores it by touch and taste. The baby's curiosity is limitless, so it is important to ensure that the baby does not come across dangerous objects, for example, sharp or small ones. For the same reason, buy only safe toys for your baby that do not emit toxins. Be sure to read the information from the manufacturer on the packaging to know for what age a particular toy is recommended.

An important achievement of the baby in the sixth month is speech development: he shouts out syllables. This is usually called babbling, but it is precisely this that contributes to subsequent language development.

A six-month-old child knows how to sit, but you should not leave the baby in this position for a long time, this negatively affects the health of the spine. If you have a girl, sitting for long periods of time at an early age can lead to gynecological problems in the future. In addition, the baby should sit leaning on his back, that is, slightly at an angle. A too level landing quickly tires the child.

A baby sleeps about 16 hours a day. Daytime rest is divided into 2-3 doses of several hours. Morning and evening rest are shorter, but sleep at lunchtime can last about 2.5 hours.

In addition to mental and emotional metamorphoses, physical changes also appear in the development of the child. At six months, the baby weighs about 7.5 kg (it all depends on whether you have a boy or a girl). The child’s height also changes - he reaches 64-67 cm. In adding centimeters, everything is also individual.

The baby is very mobile, so parents must carefully monitor its position and direction to avoid injury and dangerous situations.

Baby development at 7 months

He conquers space and explores the world. Your baby is already seven months old and this figure significantly distinguishes him from that defenseless baby whom you brought home from the maternity hospital. Now your child is not just taller and heavier, he is much more mobile, more sociable, and more conscious. At the seventh month, the baby's height is about 68 cm, and the baby's weight can reach 8.5 kg. If your baby weighs less than 7 kg, you should consult a pediatrician.

By seven months, the baby's first teeth appear, mainly the central lower incisors. It also happens that teeth do not appear until the child is one year old. There is nothing wrong with this, since each child’s body is different. The process of teething will most likely be noticed by all family members, as it is quite painful and may be accompanied by fever, upset bowel movements and excessive salivation.

Among the achievements of a seven-month-old baby is fast crawling. The baby moves on all fours and does it confidently and with pleasure.

At seven months, the baby sits without support and makes attempts to sit up without assistance. A child can lie for a long time and then roll to the other side of the bed, so parents should exercise special care and caution and not leave their child unattended.

A feature of a child’s development in the seventh month is his sense of himself. The baby notices these changes and likes the results of his activities. During this period, some babies may begin to eat from a spoon and drink from a cup.

The baby has small but still significant speech achievements: his babble is clear, loud and long-lasting. Constant repetitions of certain syllables help the baby consolidate his skills.

The pattern of sleep and wakefulness may change, and sleep becomes disturbing: the child spins in his sleep, turns over, opens up. This is all connected with the baby’s high level of mobility. Frequently changing sleep positions involves resting the baby in pajamas, which will prevent him from freezing.

The behavior of a child in the seventh month is conscious and understandable for parents, so it is easier for them to determine the baby’s mood and the reasons for certain phenomena. Communication from the baby’s side becomes especially interesting: he watches people’s facial expressions, listens to their intonations and tries to copy it all.

Parents can begin to introduce a system of prohibitions. There should be few of them so that the baby gradually remembers what not to do. You must adhere to prohibitions, not give in, and be able to switch the baby’s attention in time to avoid his negative reactions.

Baby development at 8 months

The baby’s active development continues: a solid foundation is laid for speech development, sensory apparatus, and fine motor skills. Some children delight their loved ones with a smile with four teeth, and some are already making first progress in pronouncing short words. During this period, it is very important to entertain the baby with songs, funny rhymes, and read short fairy tales to him. The child not only learns new information, but over time also reacts joyfully to familiar lines.

The eighth month is characterized by no less rapid physical development. The child’s weight during this period is about 9 kg, that is, the baby gains about 600 g. The child’s height also increases by about 3 cm.

The kid can do a lot:

  • turn over quickly and easily;
  • sit steadily;
  • stand with the help of adults;
  • overcome obstacles;
  • “conduct experiments”;
  • play with both hands at the same time.

At eight months of age, it is allowed to introduce meat into the baby’s diet. Doctors recommend starting with beef. Complementary feeding should be gradual.

Sleep patterns change. The child now has two meals: a morning nap and an afternoon rest. Night sleep can last more than 10 hours.

Some useful tips for parents of an eight-month-old baby:

  1. At eight months, a baby crawls very actively, which means that he will explore every corner of the house. The mother should keep the floor clean, clean it daily and check that there are no small objects on the floor that could hurt the child, stick it in the child’s ear or nose, or even swallow it.
  2. The safety of your child comes to the fore, so you should take care to protect doors from slamming, and also seal drawers and cabinets where sharp objects, for example, scissors, needles, are located.
  3. Hot dishes should be kept away from the edge of the stove, and it is better to close sockets with special plugs.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the mental development of the child. The baby's curiosity increases, but this is not the limit: the baby is ready to get to the object of interest by all means and is happy if he manages to get what he wants. Most of all, the baby likes “adult” objects: remote control, telephone, dishes. He is genuinely interested in pets, tap water, and birds outside the window. The baby studies the body parts of those around him: he can pull the nose, pull the hair. And gestures appear in his communication.

Child development at 9 months of life

The nine-month-old baby strives for independence with all his might. He crawls without rest, looks for new objects that are interesting to him, examines them, studies them, tests them. Therefore, concern for the safety of the baby remains a pressing issue.

At nine months, the child does not just sit, he sits up from a lying position. The baby is also training to stand by holding on to surrounding objects, but he cannot yet stand without support. Since the baby’s skills become more perfect every day, the risks of dangerous situations also increase, which means that the baby cannot be left unattended.

In the ninth month, the child’s weight increases by 500 g, which is no longer as rapid as before, when he was still just a baby. The child's height also increases by about 1.5 cm.

The baby develops intellectually:

  • his memory is getting better, so he can remember the game he liked, as well as some actions;
  • the baby loves attention and communication, so he will be happy to play “hide and seek” with you;
  • Progress is also observed in the child’s speech development: he combines syllables into words. So far these are very simple words, for example, “mother”, “woman”;
  • the baby tries to copy the pronunciation of his family, their intonation and volume;
  • The child recognizes body parts and can show where mom’s eye or nose is.

The baby loves to choose toys and is attracted to everything bright and cheerful. During this period, it is better not to impose anything on the child; he develops such a character trait as stubbornness.

As for sleep and rest, at nine months the baby sleeps 10-12 hours at night. Now his sleep is more sound, he wakes up less often and the intervals between falling asleep are shorter. The better the baby’s mood after waking up in the morning, the better he will fall asleep. The main rule of sleep for a baby who is not yet one year old is the absence of a pillow. Daytime sleep is repeated no more than twice.

Child development at 10 months

Your baby is ten months old. During this relatively short period, the baby acquired some skills and became more independent, sociable and active. Over ten months, parents learned not only to recognize the baby’s mood, but also its needs. Mom managed to create a daily routine for her child, which is undoubtedly very important. The sequence of actions and the presence of a constant schedule have a positive effect on the emotional and physical well-being of the baby. He becomes calmer and is not capricious.

The ten-month-old baby still sleeps about 10 hours at night, and his daytime sleep is also two hours. If the baby is capricious, before going to bed he will be calmed down by bathing in a bath with special products.

During the daytime, outdoor walks remain mandatory for the baby, which allow him to better and more actively explore the world around him, as well as communicate with peers.

In the physical development of the child at 10 months, minor changes occur. The child’s weight increases less rapidly: he gains about 450 g over the entire period. The child’s growth also does not become much larger - only 1.5 cm.

What can a baby do at ten months old?

  1. He imitates his parents when he tries to pronounce simple words.
  2. Understands what “cannot” or “no” means, as well as other commonly used wording.
  3. Can drink from a cup and use a spoon independently.
  4. Loves to walk, holding on to support.
  5. Sits calmly on the potty.
  6. Likes to choose clothes, toys and other items.

Naturally, all these skills are individual, because some children can and do more at ten months, and some are a little behind.

Ten-month-old babies have their favorite activities, for example, drawing with pencils, building pyramids, “inspecting” closets, etc. The more you engage with your baby, the more favorite activities he will have.

Child development at 11 months

Very soon the baby will turn one year old. Over the entire period from birth to 11 months, the baby has never been more calm and confident than now. He hones his acquired skills, gets special pleasure from games and activities, and is ready to perceive new information with great desire.

As for physical development, at eleven months the child’s weight increases by only 400 g, since the process of weight gain has slowed down a little. There are also slight changes in the child’s growth: he has become 1.5 cm taller.

At eleven months, a child can:

  • speak, but not too clearly, and also imitate the “speech” of pets;
  • crawl, walk, holding on to support or even without it;
  • use things for their intended purpose;
  • perform simple actions for reward or praise;
  • greet someone and say goodbye to him.

At eleven months, the child is already making attempts to sit up from a standing position. These attempts are not always successful, but he boldly experiments.

The development of motor skills allows the baby to grasp fairly small objects in his hands. He does this with the help of his thumb and forefinger. Among the little ones’ personal achievements is independently turning the pages of their favorite books.

A child’s speech development greatly simplifies his communication with parents and others. The baby says “yum-yum” when he sees something edible or is hungry, he says “meow” when a cat meets on his way, he calls his loved ones and people he knows, shouting “mom”, “dad”.

The sleep-wake schedule remains virtually unchanged: only sleep is reduced by one hour. Daytime rest is still part of the baby's routine, as it helps his nervous system recover in just a few hours. It is still difficult for the baby to fall asleep, so active games before bed and watching cartoons are not the best option for putting the baby to sleep.

At 11 months, the baby can identify objects and see the difference between them. The baby begins to make a gesture with his index finger, which helps him better explain to his loved ones what subject has aroused his interest this time. Parents can take advantage of this situation for subsequent speech development. To do this, you need to name the object that the baby is pointing at out loud until the child makes an attempt to pronounce this word after you.

Child development at 12 months

Your baby is already one year old and this is a great time to take stock. Of course, the child is just as defenseless and requires attention and care, but every day he shows himself more and more as an independent person.

There are slight metamorphoses in the physical development of the baby: the child’s weight increases by 350 g, and the child’s height increases by 1.5 cm.

Changes also occur in the daily routine: the baby sleeps only once during the day, and the period of wakefulness increases to five hours.

Basic skills of a baby who is one year old:

  1. He already says about 10 words.
  2. Walks independently.
  3. Expresses emotions violently.
  4. Can bite and chew hard foods.
  5. Actively uses utensils during meals, for example, a spoon or cup.
  6. Shows affection for family members.
  7. May refuse unusual foods or those dishes that he eats quite often.
  8. Understands what adults say.
  9. Distinguishes between animals.
  10. Shows his sense of humor.

It is worth noting that now the baby is not just trying to walk, he is also performing other actions at the same time: pulling, carrying or pushing something. For an adult this is a common thing, but for a child it is a real victory. Moreover, if something doesn’t work out for a child, he asks others for help.

Bathing a one-year-old child turns into a fun game, during which he is active: splashes, uses various objects in the water: rubber ducks, fish, balls.

The child continues to experiment. This time, his own voice comes into the field of his research: the baby mutters, shouts, sings. He especially likes to do this immediately after waking up. Thus, the child attracts the attention of the parents.

Your baby's palette of emotions also becomes more diverse. A one-year-old child has already learned to be offended, show compassion, and can cry himself to evoke pity.

A baby at the age of one year perfectly understands the meaning of the words “sleep”, “bathe”, “walk” and is aware of what actions will follow. The result of such childish consciousness can be hysteria or, conversely, joy. If the baby expresses indignation, try not to react to it, but talk calmly with the child. You should fulfill your baby’s requests only after he has completely calmed down. This will subsequently save you from manipulation by the baby.

Developmental disorders

From our article about the child development calendar by month to year, you learned that each skill corresponds to a certain age of the baby. The development of a child by month provides a specific schedule for his achievements in physical, emotional and mental terms. But what to do if the baby lags behind and how to recognize such lags in a timely manner?

Parents of a baby who is one year old should be alert to the following phenomena:

  • the baby cannot crawl on all fours;
  • cannot take a step while holding a hand;
  • cannot hold several objects in his hand;
  • does not even speak in syllables;
  • does not respond to music;
  • does not use a spoon while eating;
  • does not want to fulfill parents’ requests and does not respond to them;
  • does not grimace in front of the mirror and does not pay attention to the reflection.

It is these manifestations that should force parents to immediately seek advice from a pediatrician and subsequently follow all his instructions in order to improve the situation. The baby may be prescribed procedures, massages, as well as special developmental activities. The seriousness of the approach on the part of the child’s parents and relatives plays a significant role: there are few classes and procedures that the baby will undergo in a special center or institution; home exercises are also needed to consolidate the result.

We looked at how a child develops up to a year from the moment of birth. This is one of the most rapid stages in the life of a baby and his parents. What follows will be no less interesting: the baby will continue to consolidate acquired skills and master new ones.

Child development by months to one year - Video:

The long-awaited holiday has arrived in your family. You can be congratulated on the addition to the family. You must understand that a very important period has come in the life of the family. Now every day will bring joy and unexpected discoveries.

If we talk about how quickly and entertainingly a child’s development occurs month by month, then the first year can be called the brightest. The baby learns about the world every day and carefully observes those around him. He learns to smile, sit, crawl, walk. Each baby develops individually, but there are many general criteria that apply to all children. Today our topic is “Child development by month to year.”

First month: getting to know each other

This period can be considered an adaptation period in a child’s life. Seventy percent of the time he sleeps. Sleep is very important for a newborn. The physical is especially noticeable. It grows by an average of 3 centimeters. His body gets used to a new, unfamiliar environment. While awake, the baby chaotically waves his arms clenched into fists and legs bent at the knees. By the end of the 1st month, he can already hold his head for a short time, fix his eyes on bright toys, the faces of his parents, and clearly make vowel sounds. Pediatric experts believe that it is very important to put the baby to the mother's breast in the first two hours after birth. At this time, invisible contact appears between the mother and her offspring. The woman begins to feel the emotions and needs of her baby from a distance.

Nutrition is no less important during this period. If mother's milk is available and of good quality, the child gains approximately 600 grams per month. There is no need to rush the baby while feeding. For him, this is not just the process of feeding - he enjoys the warmth and communication with his mother.


At birth, a child has some natural reflexes that help him adapt to a new environment. Some of them are lost in the first months of life. These reflexes are:

Other reflexes remain with the little man for life:

  • sneezing;
  • blinking;
  • flinch;
  • yawning, etc.

Pediatricians determine by the baby's reflexes. By the end of the first month of the baby's life, young mothers need to not only surround the child with warmth and care, but also accustom him to a clear day-night routine.

Second month: getting to know mom

This period of life is sometimes called the time of "revival." The baby can not only look at your face, but he also feels your emotional state. When the mother approaches the crib, the baby begins to wave his legs and arms randomly. At 2 months, the little man holds his head more confidently. His height increases by about three more centimeters, and his weight gain should be about 800 grams.

Third month: we begin to “talk”

The development of a child from month to year is very interesting to observe. Your baby, if you put him on his tummy, can already lean on his forearms and hold his head for a longer time.

During this period, it is important to frequently turn him on his tummy. This will help digestion, relieve gas, and strengthen the muscles of the neck and back. Make sure that your baby does not lie on his side for a long time - this can cause curvature of the spine. life is characterized by the fact that the baby is already looking more intently at bright toys. He “talks” to himself and can pronounce not only vowels, but also some consonants. He is more interested in surrounding things and events. He is already becoming a completely independent person - he pulls the pacifier out of his mouth, and then tries to put it back on his own. During this month, the child “gets heavier” by another 800 grams and grows by 3 centimeters (average).

The period of wakefulness increases to one and a half hours. At this time, take the baby in your arms, talk to him, walk around the room, kiss him, hug him. The correct development of a child from month to year is very important for his future physical and mental health, so you must monitor him very carefully.

Fourth month: keep your head up!

During this period, the baby already reacts to sound and holds his head well. When he lies on his tummy, he leans on his arms and knows how to straighten them. He reaches out to toys and can grab them, look at them up close and taste them. And most importantly, the baby is already able to distinguish his mother from other adults. In the fourth month, it increases by about another 750 grams, and height - by 3 centimeters.

Fifth month: learning to crawl

The child's pain becomes more intense month by month during this period. This is a kind of new stage in its development. He already knows how to roll over. Some especially active babies try to sit, crawl, and stand on their feet. At this time, it is important to hold the baby and teach him to walk.

The child already easily distinguishes relatives from strangers. He “talks” more confidently, although not yet consciously. In the fifth month, the baby will gain about 700 grams in weight and grow by about 2 centimeters.

Sixth month: sitting alone

During this period, the baby already knows his name. What changes when Development is performed, the daily routine moves to a new level. The baby is already much more awake and knows feeding and sleeping times well.

The child is able to sit without assistance. He holds his toys well and moves them from hand to hand. Lying on his tummy, the baby pulls up his legs and tries to get on his knees. He learns to repeat individual syllables - “ba-ba”, “ma-ma”.

At this time, many mothers begin to actively feed their baby. However, try not to give him sweet and salty foods, since at six months the intestines and kidneys are not yet ready for such a load. Your pediatrician will advise you individually about complementary feeding.

At this age, your beloved baby turns into a fidget. He easily turns over from his back to his tummy or on his side, and can distinguish objects. If, for example, you ask him to show you his watch, he will look around and definitely show you where it is.

Seventh month: learning to walk

With outside help, the baby can walk around the room and crawls on his own, but mainly backwards.

At this age, children love to swim. This is explained by the fact that they are already sitting quite confidently and can play with toys in the bath. While bathing, tell your baby the names of his body parts by pointing to them. This promotes memorization, and soon the child will easily show where his leg is, where his finger is.

Changes are also observed in the baby's diet. At this age, he benefits from cottage cheese and meat, which replenish the body's supply of calcium, which is necessary for the growth and formation of teeth, as well as potassium, which is important for the good functioning of the heart. In addition, the child needs protein for muscle growth. During the seventh month, the baby will gain approximately 700 grams in weight and 2 centimeters in height.

Eighth month: moving confidently

The most important thing at this time is not to leave the child unattended, because he already moves well independently and sits down. The baby reacts animatedly to new toys. He is already able to distinguish mom and dad from strangers in photographs. Plays "okay" with interest. The baby knows that when saying goodbye to someone you need to wave your hand, and tries to eat on its own.

Ninth month: independent steps

Using a chair, armchair or sofa, the child stands on his own legs and moves around. He often falls, cries, but gets up again. A nine-month-old baby happily repeats words after adults, sometimes individual syllables. He can already drink from a cup himself, of course, if an adult supports it from below.

Tenth month: first words

So, in your family there lives almost an adult - a child of 10 months. Your baby’s development is happening so quickly that you don’t have time to rejoice at his new achievements. Let's try to celebrate all his successes. In the tenth month, the baby grows by about 1.5 centimeters (since birth, he has grown by about 22 centimeters). During the same period, he will gain 450 grams in weight (the total gain will be about 6.5 kilograms). Naturally, these figures are approximate.

A 10-month-old child, whose development is occurring more and more rapidly, sleeps most often once during the daytime. The duration of the day's rest is about 2-3 hours. Sometimes a child needs to sleep twice during the day, but for one hour each. This mode is suitable for very active children. At night, the child should rest for at least 9-10 hours. Remember - if the baby does not get enough sleep, he will be capricious, refuse to play, and eat poorly. The physical and psychological development of the baby is individual. However, if there is a pronounced deviation in height or body weight in one direction or the other, you need to consult a specialist to make sure that everything is in order with the baby’s health. Quite often, such disorders are the first, and sometimes the only sign of an existing pathology.

At 10 months the child is very active. He no longer likes to be in the playpen all the time, but needs more movements and a variety of impressions. He spends more and more of his time in an upright position. The child’s speech also develops significantly. This is no longer a simple imitation of the speech of adults. He carefully pronounces the syllables “ma-ma”, “ba-ba”, and does this with different intonations.

The menu of a ten-month-old baby is already quite varied. It includes milk porridge, vegetable puree, cottage cheese, meat, fish, fruit, vegetable puree and juices. Some of the food is of a solid consistency (this contributes to the development of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of teeth). By the end of the tenth month, the baby should have four teeth. It’s great if at this age a mother can still breastfeed her baby. This usually occurs after a main meal or before bed. However, it happens that babies need such communication with their mother more often.

Eleventh month: imitating adults

What achievements can an 11-month-old child boast of? The baby's development continues. The baby can already get up and stand on his own. He is able to walk quite confidently with the help of a chair, holding onto it with one hand. A child at this age loves to imitate adults - he opens and closes doors, takes a spoon in his hand and tries to eat on his own. With the greatest pleasure, the baby throws toys onto the floor. His fingers have already become very dexterous, and he can easily pick up the smallest objects.

An 11-month-old child, whose speech development is also not stagnant, can already pronounce simple words quite intelligently. He already understands a lot, becomes extremely observant and really wants to imitate adults, so during this period parents need to be especially attentive to their speech, so as not to exclaim later: “Where did he get that?”

Twelfth month: congratulations

So you have waited for your first birthday. Your baby is 1 year old! With what achievements did he approach his first significant date? To remember how this complex process took place, we advise parents to keep a calendar of their child’s development by month.

Most children already begin to walk at 12 months, and the most active children even begin to run. At first, the baby holds on to his mother’s hand and carefully takes his first steps, and a little later the baby continues to walk on his own. In his eyes you will see fear and joy at the same time - because he so wants to be like you.

During the first attempts to learn to walk, the child should have plenty of free space. The baby should not get hurt or feel pain. This can delay his attempts to learn to walk for a long time.

At one year of age, a child should confidently place cubes on top of each other and put rings on the rod. He pronounces 10-12 words quite clearly. In addition, the baby babbles something in one language he understands. He knows well and is happy to show where his ears, eyes, hands, etc. are.

The baby shows where mom, brother or dad is. The child is already very active. This is cool. However, it is necessary to protect the child from injury as much as possible. Carefully inspect the apartment and try to cover or soften corners where the little person could get hurt. And most importantly, do not leave him unattended for a minute, especially if the child is very active.

Today we looked at the topic “Child development by month to year.” We hope that our article will help you raise a healthy and strong baby. And one more piece of advice for young mothers. If you have any questions regarding the physical or mental development of your baby, do not hesitate to ask your pediatrician again. Remember that at this stage this is your faithful friend and adviser.