Paid ambulance for pregnant women. How to get to the hospital


In order to receive emergency medical care at home and be hospitalized accompanied by a doctor, paramedic or midwife, a pregnant woman should call “03”. In cases where the case occurs in a large city where there is a special obstetric service, in case of complications associated with pregnancy and the onset of labor, you must call the telephone number of this service, which will be reported to antenatal clinic.


  1. With harbingers or at the very beginning of the first period (in the presence of regular contractions, effusion amniotic fluid- even in the absence of contractions) you can go to the maternity hospital in your own car, but, naturally, the woman herself should not be driving. Most likely, in this case, the car will be driven by the husband or another relative or acquaintance. We kindly ask the driver: don’t worry and don’t rush, you have enough time to get to the maternity hospital safely! Excessive excitement will only hinder you, because the car and the road do not tolerate fuss, and you have the responsibility to deliver the expectant mother and her child safe and sound! If, at the warning signs or at the very beginning of the first stage of labor, you call an ambulance team, then, most likely, an obstetric (paramedic) team will come to you, or rather, a midwife and, of course, a driver. You can ride sitting, reclining, but it’s better to lie down. Hospitalization is carried out at the request of an emergency medical worker at the central hospitalization point for pregnant women, taking into account the course of pregnancy and existing chronic diseases, the availability of medical documentation from the antenatal clinic, as well as documents confirming an agreement with any maternity hospital to carry out childbirth. That is, if there is an agreement with one or another maternity hospital, a woman has the right to count on hospitalization in this particular maternity hospital. There is no hope that the ambulance will take the expectant mother to the institution that she likes without a preliminary agreement with the maternity hospital (a contract confirmed by documents).
  2. At the end of the first stage of labor (during contractions), in the second (during pushing) and in the third period (when the placenta separates), you must give birth where you are (at home, in a car, etc.). After giving birth outside the maternity hospital, even if everything went perfectly, even if the birth took place inside an ambulance, in the presence of doctors, mother and baby still must be taken to the maternity hospital (to the observation department). After the birth of the placenta (and even more so if the placenta does not come off), you need to go to the maternity hospital. Woman in mandatory must lie down. If there is such an opportunity, then it would be good to put an ice pack wrapped in a clean sheet (towel) on the mother’s stomach. Attention! The departed placenta must be preserved, put in a bag and also brought to the maternity hospital. There, doctors will examine him to determine whether he has completely passed and whether there is any piece of placenta left in the uterus. Such a piece or slice can cause very severe postpartum complications - bleeding and inflammation!
  3. Complications during childbirth in cases where the second stage of labor began at home and it was no longer possible to hospitalize the woman in a maternity hospital or the woman decided to give birth at home deserve a separate discussion. You need to call an ambulance medical care and at the same time describe the situation in detail. In this case, hospitalization is required!
    • In case of complications such as abnormal positioning of the fetus, incoordination labor activity, threat of uterine rupture, etc. the doctor can use medications to stop labor and, thus gaining time, take the woman to the maternity hospital (preferably at a multidisciplinary hospital). A woman can only ride lying down.
    • In case of bleeding during childbirth, emergency hospitalization is carried out in a maternity hospital at a multidisciplinary hospital with a medical or resuscitation team! A woman must travel lying down, only on a stretcher. In case of loss of consciousness, the patient is placed on her side (in case of vomiting, this will prevent vomit from getting into the Airways). Before the doctors arrive, if the baby has already been born, you can raise the woman’s legs, but do not lower her head, and place an ice pack wrapped in a clean towel on her stomach.
    • In case of eclampsia - an attack of convulsions, which can occur as a complication of pregnancy against the background of increased blood pressure, edema, emergency hospitalization is carried out only by a medical, neurological or resuscitation team in a maternity hospital at a multidisciplinary hospital. The harbingers of this formidable state are headache, dizziness, tinnitus, spots before the eyes. While waiting for doctors, it is necessary to create a maximum state of peace for the woman: turn off the bright lights, draw the curtains, you can leave a “peaceful” night light; don't make noise, anyone sharp sound may provoke seizures; the room should be warm, but not stuffy. It is better for a woman to lie on her side. Nothing can be done until the doctors arrive; It is strictly forbidden to give a woman pills, etc. If convulsions do occur, the woman should be laid on her side and held so that she does not injure herself. You should put it in your mouth between your teeth, wrapped in a bandage, a small linen napkin, etc. spoon so that a woman does not bite her tongue during cramps.
  4. In case of complications of pregnancy, complicated course of previous births, chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertonic disease, heart disease, etc., and conditions ( narrow pelvis, previous operations caesarean section etc.) the doctor suggests preliminary - a few weeks before the birth - hospitalization. IN in this case“time reserve” is determined by the obstetrician-gynecologist observing the woman, depending on the patient’s condition. Hospitalization is carried out by an ambulance team in accordance with the direction to obstetric department specialized maternity hospital, if the doctor deems it necessary to transport the woman exclusively by car. If the condition of the mother and baby is satisfactory, hospitalization is not an emergency, then the expectant mother can get to the maternity hospital on her own - by public or private transport.
  5. If there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth, the woman is hospitalized as soon as this pregnancy complication is suspected (the woman may be bothered by nagging or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, or in the first trimester of pregnancy - bleeding from the genital tract). If the diagnosis was made in the antenatal clinic, an emergency obstetric team is called there. Indeed, in this case, the expectant mother should as soon as possible find yourself in bed, since bed rest is one of the most important therapeutic factors, while traveling on public transport or on foot is completely excluded, as they can worsen the condition. In an ambulance, it is preferable for a woman to lie on a stretcher.
  6. In case of premature birth, all the basic recommendations given above remain the same. Hospitalization of mother and baby is mandatory! The baby requires special care in this situation. You need to carefully use your finger to free his mouth, if necessary, from any mucus that has gotten into it (your hands, of course, should be clean). The umbilical cord, tightly tied in two places at a distance of 2-3 cm, must be cut, the edge “belonging to the child” should be treated with iodine and bandaged. When drying your baby, you should not rub him, but only gently pat him dry with a clean diaper. Then you need to wrap the child well and remember to cover his head; if you have a small clean one on hand knitted cap, then it's better to wear it. When calling an ambulance, it is necessary to clarify that the birth is premature and inform what stage of labor the woman is in, so that a special children's team can arrive for the newborn (if the birth occurred outside the hospital).

Various injuries

In case of injuries, hospitalization by ambulance to a hospital with a maternity hospital is required. Even if the injury is minor, it can trigger the onset of labor. Hospitalization is carried out by an ambulance team; the woman should lie taking into account the characteristics of the injury. In case of road traffic accidents, even if a pregnant woman feels well, she has no visible injuries and she escaped, as they say, with a slight fright, hospitalization is still required. It is necessary to warn doctors about the existing pregnancy.

If you enter a smoke (fire) or carbon monoxide zone, hospitalization is required! A woman should also inform emergency doctors about her pregnancy or contact them independently. Methemoglobin, which is formed in the blood when a carbon monoxide molecule attaches to hemoglobin instead of oxygen, can keep a woman alive, but “suffocate” a child. On the way to the hospital, a woman can sit or lie on her side (depending on the condition) with mandatory inhalation of humidified oxygen.

In case of poisoning, even mild, hospitalization is also necessary: ​​it is unknown how the toxins will affect the child. It is better to transport to the hospital again by ambulance. A woman can sit, recline or lie down, depending on the severity of the poisoning. If a woman is lying down and has the urge to vomit, then she should lie exclusively on her side.

Hospitalization by helicopter for seriously injured pregnant women is not contraindicated, because, despite the vibration, which frightens many people, and the altitude (the difference in oxygen in the air at an altitude of 200-400 m is insignificant), intensive care carried out in flight does not cause harm, but speeds up arrival of the victim at a specialized hospital. In the practice of the Moscow medical helicopter service, there were many cases when it was the quick delivery of pregnant women injured in road accidents to the hospital that saved the lives of both them and their children. Hospitalization by helicopter is becoming especially relevant in megacities, crushed by traffic jams, or in “dead” areas, far removed from medical institutions.

Transfer of women after complicated childbirth to specialized clinics

In case of complications during childbirth that arise in the maternity hospital, the woman and child are transferred to other specialized institutions only after their condition has stabilized. The decision on the possibility of transfer is made jointly by the doctors of the maternity hospital, the invited specialist and the doctor of the ambulance team with which the transfer is supposed to be carried out. In this case, the condition of the patient or her child is put in first place, and not the wishes of relatives about the place of new hospitalization or its timing. If necessary, transfer is carried out to specialized hospitals, the mother is transferred with a resuscitation team, and the child is transferred with a pediatric resuscitation team that has an incubator (a special bed in which it is possible to maintain a certain temperature and supply oxygen), monitoring equipment and everything necessary for intensive care of premature and newborn children. In the absence of contraindications, it is possible to transfer the patient and (or) her child using air ambulance or helicopter.

If the problem arose somewhere outside the city and you have no way to contact the local ambulance or doctors have no way to quickly get to you, then, taking into account all of the above, take the woman yourself by car to the nearest medical center, the address of which can be clarified or by by calling the local ambulance or from the police. And best of all, if there is a need to go out of town, find out the address of the nearest hospital or maternity hospital in advance.

Hospitalization from the region (for Muscovites) or when not at the place of residence

If a pregnant woman is located not far from the city, then it should be borne in mind that the arriving ambulance should under no circumstances hospitalize the expectant mother in any of the city maternity hospitals - only in the regional one. If you want to get from the region to the city maternity hospital, then you need to rely on your own transport, with which you can get directly to the maternity hospital or to the city apartment, and from there call an ambulance. If you want to go to a particular maternity hospital, then you will be unconditionally accepted only if the situation threatens the health of the mother and baby, for example, bleeding, a significant increase in blood pressure, etc. A woman must be admitted even if labor has already begun. In those cases when the condition of the woman and the fetus is satisfactory, then if there are no places in the selected maternity hospital, the pregnant woman will be transported to another maternity hospital by calling an ambulance.

Let us remind you once again that with a thoughtful attitude towards yourself, you can happily avoid many life disasters. The main thing is to exercise reasonable caution and remember that a pregnant woman is responsible not only for her health and life, but also for the life and health of her child.

Expecting a child is a wonderful state that makes a woman happy. In order to think only about good things for the entire nine months, you should take care of qualified and prompt transportation to the maternity hospital or hospital. Everyone should have an ambulance phone number for pregnant women in Moscow and the Moscow region expectant mother. Fast transportation will help avoid serious problems

with the health of both the woman and the child.

The commercial ambulance for pregnant women of the Doctor 03 medical service is safety, professionalism and maximum comfort during paid hospitalization.

  • When may you need a paid ambulance for pregnant women?
  • During the nine months of pregnancy, situations arise repeatedly in which a woman needs the help of doctors. However, it is not always possible to figure out on your own whether it is worth calling an ambulance or whether it is enough to visit your doctor. If you encounter any of the symptoms listed below, immediately call an ambulance for pregnant women in Moscow:
  • bleeding during pregnancy or early labor; severe cramping pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, genitals; surgical pathologies (
  • ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, etc.); somatic diseases);
  • which can sharply worsen during pregnancy (urolithiasis,
  • bronchial asthma the onset of labor, accompanied by regular contractions or rupture of amniotic fluid. It is worth understanding that in any of these situations, qualified medical care should be provided as quickly as possible. Taxi driver or even close person driving - no the best option, since they will not cope with the difficulties that arise. The most comfortable and safe way transportation of pregnant women to the maternity hospital - paid obstetrics


medical service "Doctor 03".

If you have a birth certificate, a commercial contract, or in the case of a personal agreement with a doctor, our ambulance will take you to any maternity hospital. The teams of the private ambulance “Doctor 03” work around the clock. Our dispatchers will accept your request and create the optimal route to arrive on call as soon as possible. Paid ambulances to the Doctor 03 maternity hospital are equipped with special signals, which increases the speed of medical transport in dense city traffic.

Technical equipment. Each paid ambulance for pregnant women is equipped with modern devices that help maintain the stable condition of the expectant mother and baby. If necessary, our doctors will deliver the baby or perform resuscitation measures. To carry and transport pregnant women in our ambulance to the maternity hospital or clinic, we use comfortable stretchers in which the woman can lie down or recline.

  1. How does a private ambulance for pregnant women differ from the public one?

    Our private ambulance specialists do not use time restrictions - doctors spend everything with the patient required time to provide high-quality and qualified medical care. We can deliver the patient not only to the nearest hospital or maternity hospital (as the state ambulance often does), but to any medical institution, which was chosen by the patient himself. Our paid ambulance also has connections with big amount hospitals and hospitals that meet high standards quality.

  2. During pregnancy, can I go to the maternity hospital that I have chosen in advance?

    If desired, our ambulance doctors for pregnant women will carefully and carefully deliver you to the maternity hospital that you have chosen in advance (attached by contract or personal agreement), no matter in what part of the city it is located. Ambulances are equipped with special signals and the right to enter the territory of all maternity hospitals in Moscow. Unlike patients who arrived on their own or by taxi, emergency patients are admitted to the maternity hospital outside the general queue.

  3. Warning signs For immediate appeal see a doctor or call an ambulance during pregnancy

    Bleeding of varying intensity or the appearance of “liquid” discharge from the vagina;
    - abdominal pain of various localization and nature;
    - headache, increased blood pressure;
    - visual impairment: blurriness and vagueness of objects, “flickering of spots” before the eyes;
    - severe sudden swelling of the legs, arms, face or an increase in existing swelling;
    - vomiting, nausea, fever.

  4. Warning signs and reasons for hospitalization in pregnant women

    If you experience any symptoms of a threatened miscarriage, you should immediately consult a doctor. When bloody discharge At any stage of pregnancy, it is recommended to call an ambulance.

    Most often, treatment for the threat of interruption is carried out in a hospital. Only if the pain in the lower abdomen is of low intensity, there is no bloody or spotting discharge, you can be treated at home. However, if you cannot get rid of the threat at home, hospitalization is required.

    Local hypertonicity, detected only by ultrasound, when nothing bothers the woman, does not require hospitalization. This symptom often appears because a woman has been waiting in line for an ultrasound for a long time.

    If nagging pain appeared in the lower abdomen after physical activity, you can take the No-shpa tablet on your own, or you can put a suppository with Papaverine, but if this situation repeats, you need to consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

    If there is a threat of miscarriage, it is important to be at rest as much as possible, lie down more, and get enough rest. Physical exercise must be excluded, including homework. It is also impossible to drive sex life. Peace and correct mode- this is 80% success. That is why the threat of interruption is most often treated in a hospital.

  5. Specialized maternity hospitals in Moscow

    Maternity hospital No. 15- Sharikopodshipnikovskaya st., 3, (metro station Proletarskaya) tel. 674-42-87 ( premature birth)
    Maternity hospital No. 6- 2nd Miusskaya, 10/1, (metro station Belorusskaya) tel. 8-499-978-51-64 (IVF, recurrent miscarriage)
    Maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 8- 4th Vyatsky lane, 39 tel. 213-43-79 (premature birth)
    Maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 29- Hospital Square, 2, (metro station Baumanskaya) tel. 952-87-11 (kidney disease, neurodermatitis)

  6. What hospitals do you work with?

    We work with all hospitals in Moscow. Our main partners are: Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Hospital No. 1 (Starovolynskaya), Central Clinical Hospital of the UDP of the Russian Federation, Federal medical Center Hospital No. 83, Hospital No. 38, NCCH.

  7. Additional information about the company:


About transportation to the maternity hospital

I would like to clarify the issue with transportation to the maternity hospital. I have a contract with the maternity hospital at the City Clinical Hospital..... for contract births. This contract does not provide for transportation to the maternity hospital. In this regard, I am interested in whether, if there are contractions, the obstetric team will take me to the maternity hospital at the City Clinical Hospital.... at my request upon presentation of the contract.
Will the availability of beds in maternity hospitals influence the decision-making of the ambulance team, despite the existence of a contract with the maternity hospital at the City Clinical Hospital.....? Those. can they take me to another maternity hospital if there are no places in the maternity hospital of the State Clinical Hospital...., despite the fact that I have a contract with this maternity hospital?
Thank you in advance for your response.
P. Christina.

My wife and I entered into a contract to manage childbirth. If we ourselves are unable to go to the maternity hospital with which we have entered into a contract or she has contractions, will the called ambulance team be obliged to take us to the maternity hospital with which we have contracted the birth or will they take us to any nearest maternity hospital?
K. Andrey

Answers questions chief physician Ambulance and emergency medical aid stations named after. A.S. Puchkova - N.F. Plavunov

The procedure for providing emergency medical care is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2013. No. 388n "On approval of the Procedure for providing emergency, including specialized emergency, medical care."
In cases where emergency medical evacuation is necessary, which includes transporting women in labor to childbirth, ambulance teams deliver patients as quickly as possible to the specialized hospitals closest to the place of call. The choice of hospital is made taking into account the obstetric situation at the time of examination, the patient’s somatic pathology and the availability of the hospital to admit the patient. When a woman in labor is evacuated to a distant hospital, adverse consequences may occur for both the mother and the child.
The ambulance and emergency medical aid station is not a party to the agreement concluded between you and maternity hospital and cannot guarantee the delivery of a woman in labor to a hospital with which she has a contractual relationship.
At the same time, it should be noted that if the hospital with which the woman in labor has concluded an agreement is open for admission and is the closest to the place of call, the patient can be delivered to it by an ambulance team.