Summary of classes using health-saving technologies Fascinating journey. Lesson summary (Health-saving technologies) Lesson summary of health-saving technologies


Fishova Svetlana
Integrated lesson using health-saving technologies

Abstract integrated lesson: "Knowledge", "Communication", With using health-saving technologies in the middle group

"Five Keys"

Target: to form mathematical, constructive abilities, communication skills, expand the active vocabulary of children.



To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day;

Continue to develop constructive skills (fold split pictures according to fairy tales);

To consolidate knowledge of the account from 1 to 5;

To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes.


Develop attention and memory, observation, logical thinking.

Strengthen the ability to use generalizing concepts correctly (classification).


To educate children in goodwill in communicating with peers and adults, to provide assistance.

Health saving: develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech breathing; prevention and correction of flat feet, development of a sense of balance and coordination of movements, preservation and strengthening children's health, forming the habit of healthy lifestyle.

Methodological techniques:

Game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, speech games, constructive activity, experiment with water in a jar, exercises health-saving orientation. Secret experiment with water. In order for colored water to appear in a jar after clear water, you need to apply thick gouache on the lid of the jar. After you shake or shake the closed jar, colored water will appear in it.

Demo Material: audio recording, bumps, massage mat, hoop, 5 fish, animal pictures, 5 keys, chest, water jar, rag

Handout: multi-colored schemes for each child, split pictures.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys we have lesson there are guests today, let's go with them let's say hello.

Children: Hello.

IN: Something you are some sleepy yet. Didn't fully wake up. We will now do a little warm-up so that you finally wake up. First we wake up our fingers.

1. Gymnastics with a ball "Hedgehog"

We'll take it in our hands "Hedgehog" (take a massage ball)

And rub it lightly (we hold the ball in one handle, we pass it over it with the other)

Let's see his needles (change handle, do the same)

Let's massage the sides. (roll between palms)

"Hedgehog" I twist in my hands (twirl the ball with fingers)

I want to play with him. (throws the ball)

I will make a house in the palms - (hide the ball in the palms)

The cat won't get it. (press hands to ourselves)

And now we will check if our eyes have woken up. (ophthalmic exercises)

2. Exercise "Butterfly"

IN: Look, what a beautiful butterfly flew to us.

Let's follow her flight only with our eyes

Butterfly flew, flew

And sat on a flower.

The fingers woke up, the eyes woke up, it remains only to check whether our legs and ears woke up.

3. Exercise "Quiet-loud"

We stand in a circle. When the music is playing loud:

We walk in circles and stomp our feet

when the music is playing quiet:

We stand on tiptoes and walk very quietly in a circle.

IN: Well done guys, now you are finally awake and ready to listen to me. When I came to kindergarten today, under our door I found an envelope in which there was a disk. Let's listen to it and find out who it is from.

(turn on audio recording)

"Hello guys. Dr. Aibolit turns to you for help. They called me from Africa and asked me to come urgently. In Africa, all the animals got sick. I took the magic elixir health and already, was going to go, but the evil pirates took it away from me and closed it in a chest, and threw the key into a deep lake. Help me find the key. To do this, you have to complete 5 tasks. For each correctly completed task, you will receive a key from the fish. When you collect 5 keys, you can open the chest with the magic elixir. I would go with you myself, but other sick animals are waiting for me. When you have completed all the tasks, call me at 54321. I will be waiting for your call.”

IN: Guys, can we help Aibolit?

Children's answers

IN: It's time to hit the road, but first we need to see if we can help. We will play a game with you.

4. "Finish the sentence".

IN: I will start the sentence, and you will continue it.

We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (in the morning)

We have breakfast in the morning and lunch... (afternoon)

We have lunch during the day and dinner... (In the evening)

We have dinner in the evening, and sleep ... (at night)

How many parts per day? (4) . Name them. Tell me, when does our journey begin, at what time of the day?

IN: Well done! Then we go to the lake. We go over the bumps, and now along the bridge.

Look, we've come to the lake. Fish swim in it. To find out how many fish there are, we need to count them. (counting fish). Guys, let's determine with which fish we will begin to complete tasks. What will this fish be?

IN: That's right, the first one. And here is the first task.

5. "Say One Word" (exercise 1)

IN: The job is called "Say One Word"

I will name the objects, and you will name them in one word.

Apple, pear, plum, lemon - ... (fruits).

Bed, bedside table, chair, wardrobe - ... (furniture).

Dog, cat, cow, goat... (Pets).

Dad, mom, grandma, grandpa... (relatives - family).

Cube, doll, car, ball - ... (toys).

Slippers, sandals, boots, sneakers - ... (shoes).

Bee, dragonfly, fly, beetle - ... (insects).

Plane, helicopter, rocket... (air Transport).

IN: Well done! Here is the key from the fish for the correct answers. Take the next fish. What is her account?

D: second

6. "Guess the description" (task 2)

IN: Right. Rybka left us cards. Sit on the mat and listen carefully. If you guess the animal, then this animal will appear on the screen.

This animal has a gray coat in summer and white in winter. He runs fast. He is afraid of everyone in the forest, hiding under a bush (hare).

He is small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms (hedgehog).

He is big, shaggy, clumsy. In winter, he sleeps in a den. In summer, he walks through the forest and looks for honey and raspberries. (bear).

She is red and smart. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a hole. Catching mice and hares (fox).

He is gray and scary, angry and hungry. Catches hares and calves. Lives in a lair (wolf).

She is small, fast, red-haired. Jumps through the trees, lives in a hollow. Gnawing cones and nuts (squirrel).

IN: Guys, what are the names of these animals? That's right, wild animals. For the correct answers, the fish gives us a second key.


D: third

7. Physical exercise with self-massage "Rain" (task 3)

IN: Right. She invites us to just relax. (sound of thunder and rain)

Guys, it looks like it's going to rain. Let's play with him.

We stand in a circle.

Cap-cap, we need to go home

(Children stroke each other's backs.)

Thunder-thunder like from cannons, now the frogs have a holiday

(fists knock on the back)

Hail-hail, pours hail,

(fingers tap on the back)

Everyone is under the roof.

(do "Roof" arms above head).

IN: From the fish we get another key.

IN: Take the next fish. What is her account?

D: fourth

8. "Color Schemes" (task 4)

IN: Well done. To complete the next task, you need to sit down at the tables. (sit down) Before you are color schemes, according to the model, you must do exactly the same. Begin.

IN: Fine. Did you do everything right? The fish gives us the fourth key. And let's see the last one. There is only one fish left. What is her account?

D: fifth

9. Split pictures. (task 5)

IN: Right. To complete the last task, we need to split into pairs. I give each couple an envelope with the cut details of the fairy tale. You must collect a picture and say what kind of fairy tale it is. Begin.

IN: Well done! Rybka gives us another key. So, how many keys do we have?

D: five

IN: It's time to call Dr. Aibolit. Hello, Dr. Aibolit? We found all five keys. What should we do next? Okay, we got you.

IN: Guys, Aibolit said that we have to pick up the key to the chest, open it and get the magic elixir.

(we select the key, open the chest, take out the jar)

IN: Guys, in my opinion, this is ordinary water ... Oh, something is written here, you must follow the instructions. (doing experience) This is the real magic elixir! It is necessary to send it to Dr. Aibolit as soon as possible.

IN: We are great guys. They helped Aibolit, and now he will be able to cure the animals in Africa. You have worked very hard and completed all the tasks! In the chest, there was not only an elixir, but also vitamins from the doctor so that you would not get sick! On this our class is over, and you together go to eat vitamins!

Health-saving technologies used in self-training

Slide 1 Health-saving technologies used in self-training

The problem of protecting and promoting the health of students is very multifaceted and complex. Improving their health is one of the most promising forms of improving the health of the whole society. That's why, taking care of the health of students is the most important duty of the school, the individual teacher and the child himself. Schoolchildren with health problems find it difficult to study. And we, teachers, must help them cope with these difficulties.

Health is the basis of personality formation, and in this regard it is appropriate to cite words of the wonderful teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "Experience has convinced us that in about 85% of all underachieving students, the main reason for lagging behind in school is poor health, some kind of ailment or illness."

Slide 2: V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "Experience has convinced us that in about 85% of all underachieving students, the main reason for lagging behind in school is poor health, some kind of ailment or illness."

The beginning of school education is associated not only with a change in the way of life of children. The transition to schooling contributes to a sharp increase in the number of contacts, which leads to increased morbidity. A significant increase in the study load does not go unnoticed: children often have a greater prevalence and severity of neuropsychiatric disorders, greater fatigue accompanied by immune and hormonal dysfunctions, lower resistance to diseases and other disorders.

Given that the duration of active attention of younger students does not exceed 20 minutes, part of the time of self-training should be used for physical education. Of all the stresses that a child encounters at school, the most tiresome is the stress associated with the need to maintain a working posture. Therefore, students cannot be required to maintain a fixed body position throughout the lesson. Switching during the lesson from one type of activity to another must inevitably be accompanied by a change in the child's posture.

Slide 3: Children at the desk

It should be noted that the tediousness of the lesson and self-study is not the result of any one reason (the complexity of the material or psychological tension), but a certain combination, a combination of various factors.

In the current situation, the active use of pedagogical technologies aimed at protecting the health of schoolchildren has become natural. . According to Professor N. K. Smirnov, “Health-saving educational technologies are a systematic approach to teaching and upbringing, built on the teacher’s desire not to harm the health of students.”

Slide 4: N. K. Smirnov, “Health-saving educational technologies are a systematic approach to education and upbringing, built on the teacher’s desire not to harm the health of students.”

These technologies must comply with the principles of health saving, which were formulated by N.K. Smirnov:

Slide 5:

"Do no harm!"

Priority care for the health of the teacher and student

Continuity and succession

Subject-subject relationship

Correspondence of the content and organization of training to the age characteristics of students

Comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach

Success breeds success


Responsibility for your health

    "Do no harm!" - all applied methods, techniques, means used must be reasonable, proven in practice, not harmful to the health of the student and teacher.

    The priority of caring for the health of the teacher and the student - everything used should be evaluated from the standpoint of the impact on the psychophysiological state of the participants in the educational process.

    Continuity and succession - work is carried out not from case to case, but every day and at every lesson.

    Subject-subject relationship - the student is a direct participant in health-saving measures both in content and in procedural aspects.

    Correspondence of the content and organization of training to the age characteristics of students - the volume of the teaching load, the complexity of the material must correspond to the age of the students.

    An integrated, interdisciplinary approach is the unity in the actions of teachers, psychologists and doctors.

    Success breeds success - the emphasis is only on the good; in any act, action, the positive is first distinguished, and only then the shortcomings are noted.

    Activity - active inclusion, and any process reduces the risk of overwork.

    Responsibility for one's own health - every child should try to form responsibility for his own health, only then he realizes his knowledge, skills and abilities to preserve health.

Slide 6: The kids are doing .

When conducting self-training, it is also necessary to adhere to health-saving technologies.

In my work I use physical minutes, breathing, articulation and finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes.

Slide 7: Fizminutki .

I use music during written classes and relaxation, recently I began to use aromatherapy to prevent colds, stimulate thought processes and cognitive activity, I constantly control the posture of students, their seating at the desk, I teach children to self and mutual control. We maintain close contact with the class teacher, which ensures a strict dosage of homework, an individual approach to students, depending on their level of development and perception.

Slides 8 - 11: children perform at concerts

If possible, we cooperate with a music worker, before starting self-training, breathing and articulatory gymnastics, repetition of songs. All this provides interdisciplinary communication, enrichment of the body with oxygen due to breathing exercises and singing, improvement of the emotional mood before preparing homework. It also contributes to moral and aesthetic education, helps children prepare for music lessons and actively participate in school-wide activities.

Slide 12-14: children are engaged in educational games.

During the preparation of homework, I constantly alternate between oral and written assignments. At the first signs of fatigue in students, I change activities - physical minutes, games for attention, thus giving children the opportunity to recover and continue doing homework at a fairly high level.

slide 15 healthy kids

Unfortunately, a healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy the first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. But if we do not teach children from an early age to appreciate, protect and strengthen their health. If we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case we can hope that future generations will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually, but also physically. If earlier they used to say: “A healthy mind is in a healthy body”, then those who say that without the spiritual one cannot be healthy will not be mistaken.

Observations show that the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process allows students to more successfully adapt to the educational and social space, reveal their creative abilities, and the teacher to effectively prevent antisocial behavior.

Slide 16: Thank you for your attention!

The lesson is aimed at forming the representation of preschool children

about health as one of the main values ​​of human life;

development of the ability to isolate the components of human health

and establish their relationship; consolidation of basic concepts:

"daily routine", "personal hygiene", "vitamins", "healthy foods", "healthy lifestyle";

educate children in the skills and needs of a healthy lifestyle.



Abstract of a lesson using health-saving technologies

in the senior group

"Journey to the City of Health"


Kokorina Olga Vladimirovna

Educator MBDOU CRR

Kindergarten №164, division 2

Voronezh 2016

Target: to form ideas of preschool children about health as one of the main values ​​of human life; develop the ability to isolate the components of human health and establish their relationship; to consolidate the basic concepts: "daily routine", "personal hygiene", "vitamins", "healthy foods", "healthy lifestyle"; educate children in the skills and needs of a healthy lifestyle.

Previous work: viewing illustrations on the topic “My health is my wealth”, reading the book “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky, reading and class on G. Oster “Bad habits”, conversations “What is health”.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, today, when I was going to work, I met Simka. She ran to the pharmacy. It turns out Nolik got sick. Now we will tell Simka what to do in order not to get sick. To do this, we will go with you on a journey to the city of Health.

Educator: Guys, do you know what health is?(children's answers)

Health is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals.

To get to the city of Health, you need to join hands, close your eyes and say the magic password: “The sun, air and water are our best friends!

And here is our route. Let's seeon the map of our journey.Look how many different streets there are. (Consider the map-scheme, which is on the board). And the first street that you and I get on is Vitamin Street.

On this street we will tell Simka how to eat to be healthy. To be healthy, you need to know which foods you can eat and which are unhealthy.(children's answers)

Well done!

Yes, fresh fruits and vegetables are very good for our health, because they contain vitamins that strengthen our body and help fight disease!

And now let's check how well you know vegetables and fruits.

To do this, we will play a relay race game.

We need to divide into two teams (columns) of 5 people each, Mila will be the captain of the first team, name your team:

1- "Orange"

Our motto:

We are like slices of an orange.

We are friendly and inseparable.

Katya will be the captain of the second team, name your team:

2- "Neboleyka"

Our motto:

I always eat vegetables

I never get sick!

At my command, you take turns taking one picture with fruit."Orange" team with vegetables"Neboleyka" and reach the 2nd table, put the card on the table and run to the end of the column of your team. Whose team will complete the task, evenly lined up in a column and the captain raises his hand.

Well done, well done, sit down and rest!

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: I will read you a poem about health:

Remember the simple truth

The only one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinking blueberry juice.

Very important early

Have oatmeal for breakfast.

Black bread is good for us

And not just in the morning.

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help.

And now the finger game: "We shared an orange"

Good fingers played!

Educator: Well, we continue our journey and go to another street, which is called Physical culture.

To grow and develop

Not by days, but by hours,

Need to play sports

And exercises in the morning.

Something you and I, guys, sat up. Let's show our guests what we do with you in the mornings in kindergarten (Children's answers - morning exercises)

Charging "Fixies".

Educator: Well done! Sit on the floor with me.

Children sit on the floor.

Guys, to be healthy you need to go in for sports, and what kinds of sports do you know? (Children's answers) Well, and you know it!

Educator: Children, and you know, to be healthy, you need not only to eat vitamins and do exercises! It is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

And the last, the main street, is Purity Street.

What hygiene rules do you follow? (We wash our faces in the mornings and evenings, brush our teeth, bathe, put on clean clothes, etc.)

Why should we follow these rules? (To be clean, to look good, to wash away germs.)

– Microbes enter the body when we sneeze and cough without covering our mouth; if you do not wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet; do not wash vegetables, fruits.)

Help us fight germs, helpers. I will tell riddles about them.

Escapes like a living thing

But I won't let it out

Foaming with white foam

Don't be lazy to wash your hands.


Here's a funny case:

A cloud settled in the bathroom.

Rain pours from the ceiling

On my back and sides.

What a pleasure it is!

Warm warm rain

There are no puddles on the floor.

All kids love...


Should always be in your pocket
At Katyusha, Misha, Tanya,
Aunt Lyuda, Uncle Petya
And all the people in the world.
You can't do without it!
You have to take it with you, friends,
To the theatre, park or ice rink

Educator: Well done! Tired? This is what, it turns out, the difficult path we have overcome in the city of "Health". We learned a lot of interesting and useful things. I think Nolik understood what to do in order not to get sick.

Come to me please, let's repeat for Simka and Nolik what you need to do in order not to get sick!

  • always wash your hands with soap after returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet;
  • when you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief;
  • eat only washed vegetables and fruits;
  • eat only from clean dishes;
  • Brush your teeth, morning and evening.

Educator: I have a surprise for you. For your efforts, you will receive very interesting baby books with tasks.

Thanks to all! Be healthy! Goodbye!


Now we will play the game: "Yes and No"

If “YES”, we stand up and raise our hands, if “NO”, we squat.

Kasha - delicious food
Is it good for us? ( Yes )
green onion sometimes
Are children useful to us? (
Yes )
Dirty water in a puddle
Is it useful to us sometimes? (
No )
Shchi is great food
Is it good for us? (
Yes )
Amanita soup is always -
Is it good for us? (
No )
Fruits are just beautiful!
Is it good for us? (
Yes )
Dirty berries sometimes
Is it healthy to eat, kids? (
No )
Vegetables growing ridge.
Are vegetables useful? (
Yes )
Juice, compote sometimes
Are we useful, children? (
Yes )
Eat a bag of big candy
Is it bad kids? (
Yes )
Only healthy food
Always on the table!
And since healthy food -
Will we be healthy? (
Yes )

Summary of the lesson "Healthy breathing"

Program tasks:

1. To give children elementary knowledge about the structure of the body, the functioning of vital organs, and health protection.

2. To form in children a creative and responsible attitude towards their own health, to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Promote the development of attention, concentration, organization, imagination, fantasy; cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and the world around.

Material: balloons, soap bubbles, vests, a set of items for experimental activities, chart cards.

Lesson progress:

The teacher enters the group with a balloon.

Hello children! I flew to you today on a riddle. Do you want to guess it? The first riddle is: what is hidden in my balloon? I listen to the children's versions.

Let's look at the world. What is visible? So it's invisible. Let's check the sound. Apply to your ear. What is heard? So it's inaudible. What is it - both invisible and inaudible? Let's untie the ball.

I untie my scarf.

What's happened? (children's versions) What escaped with force and with a whistle from the ball?

Yes, it's air.

Solve the first riddle. And here comes the second riddle: where do we get the air from when we inflate the balloon? (children's version) Let's try to inflate the balloons.
"Air balloons"

Purpose: Relieve stress, calm children.

All players stand or sit in a circle. The host gives instructions: “Imagine that now we will inflate balloons. Inhale the air, bring an imaginary balloon to your lips and, puffing out your cheeks, slowly inflate it through parted lips. Follow with your eyes how your ball is getting bigger and bigger, how the patterns on it increase, grow. Represented? I also introduced your huge balls. Blow carefully so that the balloon does not burst. Now show them to each other."

The exercise can be repeated 3 times.

Let's get the air out of them. Place your hands on your chest, inhale and hold your breath. What did you feel?

(the chest became wider, filled with air)

When inhaling, the chest is filled with air, stretches like a ball. Exhale. What happened? The air came out of my chest, flew out like a balloon.

You said it right: there are two lungs inside the chest. They fill with air when you inhale and expand. When you exhale, the lungs release air and decrease in size. To find out exactly where the lungs are, I suggest you try on vests.

We try on vests, examine, breathe and listen.

It is very helpful to breathe deeply. Let's breathe like that. Is mouth breathing good? Who has a different opinion? Why?

Show illustrations.

The air passing through the nose is heated, harmful dust particles are trapped by hairs in the nose. So, the first rule of breathing: breathe through your nose.

Schematic display.

Respiratory gymnastics according to A. A. Strelnikova to the music.

Tell me, is it possible not to breathe? Let's hold our breath and try not to breathe, and I'll time the hourglass.

Game "Divers"

I didn’t breathe for the longest time ... Is it possible not to breathe at all? No, the body needs air. Without air there is no life. Our lungs work day and night, day after day, month after month, year after year - all our lives.

If you want, we will arrange breathing competitions:

1. Storm at sea (shells on the water).

2. Orchestra "Voicing gurgling" (glasses with straws).

3. Breathing exercise "Let's help the butterfly fly" (paper insects on a stick with a thread).

There are also rules for healthy breathing:

Do not raise your shoulders when inhaling (I expose the scheme);

The stomach should actively participate in breathing (I expose the scheme).

Let's try to breathe, following all the rules. We all breathe together.

But animals do not always follow all the rules. For example, dogs breathe often after running, even throw out their tongue.

One, two, three - turn around

And turn into a dog.

Get on all fours, stick out your tongue and breathe often, often, like a dog. Is very similar.

Whales take a very deep breath, and then release it in small portions, even fountains are allowed.

One, two, three - turn around

And turn into a whale.

Take a deep breath, and exhale abruptly and sharply, first through one nostril, and then through the other. Real whales! To hear the exhalation, you can add a sound. Inhale through your nose and add the sound "M" as you exhale.

Do you want to be an orchestra? I am your conductor and show you where to amplify and where to turn down the sound. Shall we try?

I have a surprise for you. And again, proper breathing will help us. We will blow bubbles.

We make salute from soap bubbles.

Thanks to all!

State public institution of social services of the Krasnodar Territory "Ust-Labinsky SRTSN"


using health-saving technologies

"Where is health hiding?"


Social teacher

Skripnichenko A.Yu.

Cosnpekt of the open lesson "Where is health hidden?"

Target: improving the health of children and creating conditions that will help each child become physically and mentally healthy, joyful and happy.


educational: - teach children to lead a healthy lifestyle; develop an understanding of the importance of health and the need to work on it throughout life;

developing: - to develop a steady interest in the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle; coordinate the speech of children;

educational: - education of a culture of health of preschoolers, the formation of a conscious attitude of the child to the health and life of a person;

health-saving : - protection of life and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Equipment: A disk with a cartoon - “To maintain health”, “Gods of Ancient Greece”, the sun with rays - ways to improve health, a wonderful health bag with items (comb, toothbrush, soap, towel); (hare, human model (internal organs, health cards (food, wonderful tree (model, small container, Coca-Cola jar, candy) (for experiment, container with water, transparent flask (for experiment, fruit tray, audio recording sounds of animals and birds of the forest, audio recording of the song

"Where are wizards hiding?"

Course progress.

The teacher, together with the children, examines the model of a person, pays attention to his external and internal structure.

Guys, look carefully and tell me who you see (children's answers). This is the human body, now we will learn more about how it works.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the external structure of a person: head, chest, stomach, back, upper limbs (arms, lower limbs (legs, pointing,

on: organ of vision (eyes, organ of hearing (ears), organ of smell (nose, organ of speech


Think and tell me, please, does a person need to take care of his health, take care of it? (children's answers).

Of course, our health is a priceless gift. Just imagine for a moment how we will feel if something hurts us, for example, our ears hurt (children cover their ears with their hands). We will be hard of hearing, it will hurt. And if your eyes hurt (children cover their eyes with their hands, express their feelings).

What do you think, why do we need a nose (children's answers).

Our body consists of many small cells, when you and I take a breath, the air enters the nose, passes through a thin tube - the trachea (shown on the layout), enters the lungs, enriches our entire body with oxygen, which is why clean fresh air is so important for us air, but leaves the body not only through the nose, but also through the organ of speech - the mouth, when we exhale or just talk.

Guys, in order for us to be cheerful, provocative, courageous, strong, we need to be healthy. Pay attention to how many guests we have today, let's say hello to you now with all our hearts, with our souls.

(children greet). And you know, you didn’t just say hello, but gave a piece of health.

Who can tell me what health is? (children's answers).

The teacher tells the children an ancient legend:

Since ancient times, it has been customary to say that health is a treasure, it is a priceless gift from the gods. According to one legend, once “A long time ago, on Mount Olympus they lived - there were gods. They decided to create a man and populate our entire planet Earth with people. For a long time the gods thought about how a person should be: beautiful, smart or strong. One of the gods said: "Man must be healthy." The most important thing that a person has is health. This is how a person has been living since ancient times, trying to find and save the priceless gift of the gods!

This means that health, it turns out, is hidden in each of us: both in me and in you (points to the guys in turn). Our health is very similar to the sun, which has many rays. Look, we also have the sun (points to the sun at the blackboard, but for some reason it is sad. Why do you think? (listens to the children's answers).

Today we will go on a journey in search of rays of health for our sun. Well, are you ready? Then let's follow me on the road.

Children follow the teacher along the path. Sounds like a recording of birds singing in the forest. Traveling through the forest, the children come across a large log that prevents them from going any further.

Guys, look at what kind of log, it does not allow us to go further, let's try to remove it from our path (children try to remove it, but nothing happens).

It turns out that you and I are not so strong, since we cannot cope with this log. And who will tell me where the power is hiding? (children's answers).

Our strength is in our hands, or rather in our muscles. And what helps our muscles to be strong? (children's answers).

And who among you will tell me that sports strengthen our health? (children's answers). Let us now also strengthen our health and do exercises.

Cheerful music sounds, under which children and the teacher perform exercises.

What good fellows we are! Let's see, the strength in your hands has increased? (children touch the muscles in their arms). Now, I think, we will definitely be able to cope with our obstacle. (children pick up a log and put it aside).

Look, it seems that you and I have found the first ray of our sun (they raise the ray, the teacher hangs it to the sun).

Let's go further.

A recording of the murmur of a stream sounds of wildlife, on the way the children meet a hare on a stump, a wizard's top hat with a magic wand.

Children, do you feel how it smells in the forest, how beautifully the birds sing? Look, this is a lake, and this is a real magic cylinder. One-two-three turn everything into wizards (the teacher makes a wave of a magic wand, turning children into wizards). Let's take a look at what lies there. (the teacher takes out an empty transparent flask and looks into it).

I don’t see anything, in my opinion the flask is empty, but do you see? Well, take a closer look (shows the children in turn, the children draw a conclusion).

Experience 1. "Air can be in containers, it is transparent, invisible."

And let's get some water from this clean lake. (the teacher immerses the flask in water, the children see bubbles appear).

What did you see? (children's answers).

When I lowered the flask, small bubbles appeared on the surface of the water. What do you think it is? (children's answers).


This means that there is air inside the flask, it is invisible, which means it is transparent.

Experience 2. "The air around us."

Guys, let's see if there is something else in the magic cylinder?

(The teacher takes out plastic bags and distributes according to the number of children).

What is this? (children's answers).

Let us now see if there is air around us. Open the bags, make a movement with the open bag up - down, right-left, close the bags from the side of the hole (as they twist, they swell, the children see that they have become convex).

What happened? (children's answers).


Air is around us, it can take any form of an object.

Experience 3. "Life without air is impossible."

Guys, do you know that a person can live without food for no more than five weeks, without water for no more than five days, but without air he cannot do even five minutes. Let's check it out with you now. Take a deep breath, cover your nose and mouth with your palms, hold your breath. (the teacher performs with the children, hold our breath for a few minutes).


Man cannot live without air.

Guys, it turns out that without air, without breathing, it is very difficult for a person. Let us restore our breath this hour.

Children, together with the teacher, perform breathing exercises "Balloon".

Without air on earth, not only a person cannot live, clean air is needed by all living things on our planet.

I see something, because this is another ray (the teacher under the cylinder takes out another ray and hangs it up to the sun).

It's time for us to move on.

Sounds like a recording of the noise of trees in the forest. On the way, the children meet a tree, next to it on the table are cards with healthy and unhealthy foods.

What a big tree, look. I now invite you to become health gardeners. Let's grow a miracle tree together. (The teacher talks about healthy food and foods that are harmful to the body, the children hang cards on the tree that depict healthy foods).

This is how you grew a miracle tree, useful fruits appeared on it. We will remember forever we need vitamin food.

Guys, why did you leave the rest of the cards? (children's answers).

Let's see if carbonated water, candy chips are so harmful to our body. (The teacher conducts an experiment with Coca-Cola and chewing sweets, using an example to show what happens in a person’s stomach after taking these products).

I think there is something behind the tree. This is another ray for our sun (The teacher hangs a ray).

Guys, I'm a little tired. And you? (children's answers).

Let `s have some rest. Do you want to play? (children pass, sit on chairs).

The recording of the song “Where Wizards Live” sounds, the teacher conducts the game

"Great bag." (Children take turns taking out personal hygiene items from the bag).

What is the name of these objects in one word? (hygiene).

And what do you think, following the rules of personal hygiene helps to strengthen our health (answers of children).

After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Cleanliness is the key to health.” And here we have found another ray of health! (the teacher hangs a ray to the sun).

Children, now look at each other, look how beautiful and cheerful you are, how your eyes sparkle, which means that you are healthy. Did you know that a good mood helps us to be healthy. Let us now sing a cheerful song, which is called: “Hello, sunshine!”

(children stand in a semicircle and sing a song).

Well done, look at our sun smiling at us, it became cheerful again and shone with its mischievous rays. And I wish you to always be as beautiful and, of course, healthy, I suggest that you and our guests refresh themselves with vitamins (the teacher takes a tray on which fruits lie, approaches the guests with the children. The child reads the wish in verse and distributes fruits to those present and children).

Topic: "Magic country - health"

Program content:

  1. To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that must be constantly taken care of. Learn to highlight the signs of a healthy person.

2. Develop a desire to protect your health, support various activities. Get positive emotions from activities, understanding the importance of a good mood for human health. Develop memory, logical thinking, draw conclusions.

3. Fix an elementary type of massage, elements of breathing exercises.

4. To form the ability to reason, logically express your thoughts, judgments. Exercise children in the ability to use simple and complex sentences.

5. Develop mental processes: attention, memory, thinking.

Material: Pictures depicting 2 gnomes: one gnome is cheerful, healthy, the second gnome is sad, sloppy; a magic chest, a list of questions for a word game in pictures, an apple-puzzle with proverbs, a mirror, music.

Methodical methods:conversation, game moment, questions for children, use of visual material, wellness minute

Previous work: instilling hygiene skills in children, talking with children about the benefits of charging, reading fiction and educational literature on the topic, looking at illustrations, watching videos.

Vocabulary work: health, healthy, rarely ill, Muddler, vitamins, daily routine

Individual work: With Oksana G, Matvey M .. - help to take the breath correctly during breathing exercises; with Marina G., Egor P. - to exercise in the ability to put together a whole from parts.

Course of the lesson: Hello dear guests!

I wish you health and you guys!

Are you well, dear friends? Yes.

I'm so glad you're doing great!!

I invite you to go on a journey to the magical land of Health, in which lives a hero familiar to all of you.

"Cure everyone, heal

…….Who is this? (Aibolit)

But getting into the magical land of Health is not easy.

Let's talk about a very important topic first.

How do you think. What is health? (judgments of children)

Health is happiness!

This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you.

Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals.

Educator: What do you think you need to do to be healthy? (children's answers)

You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you do not take care of your health, you can lose it.

It is necessary to observe the regime of the day.

Yes, children, you understand what health is.

And what would be better to know: “What is health? Two of my friends will help answer this question. These are gnomes. One is called the Big Guy, and the other is the Clutch. They will help us get into the magical land of "Health".

Guys, what do you think, which one of them is the Big Guy, and which one is the Clutch? (children's answers).

Why do you think so? Who will share their opinion? (judgments of children) Prove with your examples.

Yes, I agree with your opinion.

Strong, strong, rarely ill children are called healthy.

Look at the complexion of our Big Guy.

Children's answers: He has rosy cheeks,

Strong slender figure

I think he plays sports

Walks a lot in the fresh air,

he obeys the rules of behavior on the street,

Do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, do not forget to do exercises.

And he certainly knows what is useful. And what is unhealthy.

Guys, I agree with you, you told a lot about Zdorovyak.

And what do you think, Clutzer leads the same way of life or not?

And why? (children's answers)

That's right, it is clear from him that he is a Clutch.

Guys, Clutzer cannot go with us to the magical land of Health, because strong, strong, healthy people live there. Let's help him become like a Big Guy. So we begin to help the Clutzer, but first of all we must set an example for him ourselves, and then he, too, will be able to go on a journey with us.

And to begin with, you need to do

Massage of the magic points of the ears. (music plays)

Massage of these points is useful for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and for protecting the body from colds.

"Let's play with ears"

"Let's clap our ears"

The child puts his palms behind his ears and bends them forward, first with his little finger, and then with all the other fingers. Pressing the auricles to the head, sharply lowers them. In this case, the child should feel cotton.

"Let's pull the ears"

The baby grabs both earlobes with the tips of the thumb and forefinger, pulls them down with force, and then lowers them.

"Let's spin the tragus"

The child inserts his thumb into the external auditory opening, and with his index finger presses the tragus - the protrusion of the auricle in front. Having captured the tragus in this way, he squeezes and turns it in all directions for 20-30 seconds.

Let's warm up the ears

The child puts his hands to his ears and carefully rubs the entire shell with them.

3. final moment

Children relax and listen to silence.

Educator: Well done guys, I think that we have strengthened our ears and the Clutzer will also want to do these exercises.

Educator: Let the children find out again, what kind of person do we call healthy?

Children's answers: goes in for sports, hardens, eats healthy

If a person is sick. He's not well, what does he look like?

Children's answers: he is lethargic, pale, not interested in anything

What good fellows you guys are!

I think Clutzer has memorized what needs to be done to be handsome, strong, smart, healthy.

So, now the gnome and we know that health is strength and intelligence. That health is a magical land, it's beauty, it's something. What must always be protected is the greatest wealth of every person. Health is when you are cheerful, when everything works out for you, when you do not have a temperature and you can go to the kindergarten, walk in the fresh air, ride down a hill, when nothing hurts you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. Do you agree with me? Yes. Then answer

Word game "I'll start, and you continue!"

1. A healthy person is ... (who plays sports)

2. My health ... (it helps me to be strong)

3. Sometimes I get sick because ... (I have a weak immune system,

4. When I'm sick, vitamins help me

5. When a person has something that hurts, then he ... (goes to the doctor)

6. When I think about my health, I want to ... (Do exercises!


Let's teach Clutzer breathing exercises, because they are so good for health.

2 Complex of respiratory gymnastics.
  1. "Watch - standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Waving straight arms forward (inhale) - back (exhale) say:" Tick - tock. (10-12 times).
  2. "Trumpeter - sitting on a chair, hands clenched into fists and raised up in front of the mouth. Slow exhalation with a loud pronunciation of the sound: "F-f-f. (4-5 times).
  3. "Skier - standing, legs half-bent and spaced to the width of the foot. We imitate skiing. Exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound:" Mmm. (1-2 min).
  4. "Let's grow big. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise clasped hands up - inhale, lower down - slowly exhale with the pronunciation of the word:" Wow. (5-6 times).
  5. Educator: I think that Clutzer will certainly fulfill it.

Cheerful movements Useful movements Who is engaged in them, Worthy of respect Who is engaged in them, Health is gaining And who is not engaged in, With illnesses is washed.

Educational game: "Apple puzzle for health!"

Children help Clutzer to assemble a picture from puzzles, explaining the proverbs.

"Health is more valuable than wealth." Wasted health will not be returned by any doctors, no matter how much you pay

. "Health cannot be bought." Health is given to us by nature, if a person loses it, then it will be very difficult to return it, it will take a lot of treatment.

"The illness of a person does not paint." A sick person always looks bad, becomes irritable, capricious.

“You will be healthy - you will get everything” A healthy person will achieve everything, cope with all matters.

“Everything is great for a healthy person” A healthy person is happy with everything, he sees only good things around him.

« Here is a ripe apple for health with useful tips. Follow the advice, keep healthy!

Educator: Children, let's show the Clutch what is useful for a person and what is harmful. If it’s helpful, we clap; if it’s harmful, we stomp. Be careful!

Game "Healthy lifestyle"

Need to work hard

little move

keep clean


be lazy

Do exercises

There are many sweet

Enjoy life


Get sick

Do physical education

be sad

To walk alot

To obey the parents

Rarely wash your face

Dress warmly

Be friends

Educator: Here we are in the magical country of Health, and the Mirror of the Soul meets us.

Guys, a mirror can help health.

Game "Mirror of the Soul"

Don't be sad, but smile, Look at things more cheerfully, And don't hide from me, After all, it's funnier and healthier with me...

Educator: Go to the mirror, smile at yourself and each other, and share a healthy smile with those around you so that everyone is healthy. (the song "From a smile" sounds)

Smile every day so that the day is not in vain.

Teacher: Someonehurry to visit us

Good…Doctor Aibolit!

Aibolit: Hello guys!

Glad to meet you in the magical land of Health!

Are you happy? Yes.

To be healthy and strong

Vitamins to drink

vitamin food

Very full of calcium

Phosphorus is, iron is

Vegetables can't be counted

Remember me too

I will give useful advice

Early in the morning early in the morning

Eat oatmeal together

Wash up, chill out

Do sports together

I wish you friends

Always be healthy.

Aibolit: Here is a magic chest

There are many vitamins in it

I will treat you all my friends

For good deeds!!

Educator: To wish everyone health and happiness, let's play a game called "Hands of Love". (music plays)

Didactic exercise "Hands of love"


Stroke your arms, face, chest, legs. Remember how you feel while stroking.
Then look at your hands and imagine that these are not your hands, but those of a person who loves you very much (mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother). With these loving hands, stroke yourself again, hug.
And now, remember if someone offended or hurt you, with the “Hands of Love” gently and gently remove this pain, resentment, put it aside.
Approach our guests with the Hands of Love, touch them and wish them good health.

Educator: Guys, let's touch Clutzer and wish him good health.

Educator: Guys, our journey has ended, but we need to return to kindergarten, let's close our eyes and the "hands of love" will take us to kindergarten. Open your eyes, here we are in kindergarten.

Children, where have you been?

What was interesting? What is unusual?

Well done guys, you were good helpers.

Lesson summary

according to health-saving technology with elements of massage and breathing exercises

in the senior group

MDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 2" Masha "

Ershov, Saratov region

Topic: "Magic Land - Health"

Logach R.A.

Corresponds to reality: Head of the kindergarten -------- / I.V. Trebunskaya /