How to increase the immunity of a pregnant woman using folk remedies. How to boost a pregnant woman's immunity: simple and safe methods

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During pregnancy, even a completely healthy woman experiences a physiological decrease in immunity. The body's defenses switch to a different mode of operation - and all in order to ensure the successful gestation of the fetus. A decline in immunity threatens unpleasant consequences for the expectant mother - from frequent colds to more serious conditions. It is important to understand how certain problems arise in order to notice the development of dangerous complications in time and reduce their impact on the body of the growing fetus.

How does immunity change during pregnancy?

Immunity is a complex protective reaction of the human body in response to various harmful influences. The immune system includes:

  • spleen;
  • Bone marrow;
  • lymph nodes, etc.

The coordinated work of all parts of the immune system protects against the effects of dangerous microorganisms and initiates processes that help get rid of foreign agents. The cells that make up the immune system are called immunocompetent. They recognize a potential enemy, ensure the destruction of foreign antigens and promote the synthesis of their own antibodies. Failure in the functioning of one of the links of immunity leads to disruption of the entire structure and the development of the disease.

During pregnancy, even a completely healthy woman experiences a decrease in the body's defenses. Hormonal changes lead to the fact that the expectant mother becomes susceptible to various infections. Diseases that were previously unusual for women arise and worsen. And while some expectant mothers manage to get by with common colds, others are faced with the full range of possible troubles caused by decreased immunity.

Changing the reactivity of the body's defenses is not a whim, but a severe necessity. A fertilized egg is perceived by a woman's immune system as a foreign body. The body's natural reaction is to get rid of potential danger. If the immune system had not been suppressed, an early miscarriage would have occurred. A decrease in the activity of the immune system is a chance to bear and give birth to a child.

In gynecology There are two critical periods during which a decline in immunity is noted:

  • 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, there is an active restructuring of hormonal levels, and the woman’s body adapts to new living conditions. Often, the body of the expectant mother cannot cope with the increased load, and immunity decreases. For this reason, up to 70-80% of women experience colds in the early stages of gestation.
  • 20-28 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the fetus’s own internal organs begin to function, and at the same time the volume of circulating blood increases. All the resources of a woman’s body are used for the development of the fetus, and against this background there is a decrease in immunity.

A change in the reactivity of the immune system is also observed immediately after the birth of a child. The first month after childbirth is a dangerous period. At this time, the risk of developing infectious diseases increases, and a young mother needs to especially carefully monitor her well-being and avoid overwork.

Factors affecting immunity during pregnancy

Not only hormonal changes affect the state of the body's defenses. There are several other reasons that contribute to a decrease in immunity:

  • Poor nutrition. The state of immunity is affected by the presence of vitamins A, C, E and group B (especially vitamin B2). Probiotics also play an important role - live microorganisms that normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and ensure the preservation of the immune system. The failure of the body's defenses is caused by an addiction to fast food, long and uneven breaks in food intake, and consumption of a large number of fried and spicy foods. This is due to the lack of nutrients obtained from various foods - grains, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Digestive tract diseases. Many pathological processes occurring in the stomach and intestines lead to suppression of the growth of beneficial microflora and the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Dysbacteriosis develops, leading to a decrease in local and general immunity. An imbalance of intestinal microflora also threatens to disrupt the vaginal microbiocenosis and cause genital tract infections.
  • Foci of chronic infection. Untreated carious teeth before pregnancy, chronic otitis media and cystitis, sexually transmitted infections - all this leads to a strained immune system and a deterioration in the body's defenses.
  • . When carrying two or more fetuses, the needs of the expectant mother’s body increase, and it does not always cope with the task. Depletion of resources leads to a decline in immunity.
  • Woman's age. The optimal time to have a child is 21-35 years old. During this period, the body is ready for procreation. During early pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is not adapted to such stress, and the functioning of internal organs and the immune system is possible. Over the age of 35, chronic pathology accumulates, and bearing a fetus during this period is also difficult.
  • Low physical activity. Adequate physical activity strengthens the immune system and increases the overall tone of the body. Lack of movement creates serious problems for the expectant mother and baby.
  • Severe and/or prolonged stress. Emotional experiences undermine the functioning of the immune system and lead to health problems. It has been noted that the closest relationship between immunity and emotions is observed in pregnant women.

Immunity and gender of the child - is there a connection?

Many women say that they feel the sex of the child in the early stages of pregnancy before the first ultrasound. This is probably due to the body’s special reaction to bearing a fetus of one sex or another - and to the activity of the immune system.

Scientists at Ohio State University (USA) – Amanda Mitchell and her colleagues – conducted an interesting study. They suggested that the mother's poor health was associated with decreased immunity. Scientists assessed the medical histories of 80 pregnant women and paid attention to the level of cytokines - immune cells that activate the attack against pathogenic microorganisms. It turned out that the background level of cytokines does not depend on gender. Everything changes when pathogenic bacteria appear in the body. It turned out that in women carrying girls under their hearts, the immune system reacted more strongly to foreign invaders, which led to an increase in cytokines in the blood.

The level of cytokines during pregnancy with a girl, according to scientists, does not always correspond to the real threat. As a result, a natural reaction of the body is noted. There is rapid fatigue, drowsiness during the day, the condition of the hair and skin worsens, and chronic diseases often worsen.

Why the immune system reacts this way in the presence of a female fetus is still unknown. It is assumed that specific hormonal changes are to blame. Folk wisdom also speaks in favor of this theory. You can often hear that “a girl takes away her mother’s beauty.” This phrase often hides increased fatigue, poor condition of the skin and hair, and decreased vitality.

Symptoms of decreased immunity during pregnancy

The following signs indicate a change in the reactivity of the immune system:

  • general weakness, fatigue without obvious reasons;
  • decreased attention and memory;
  • the appearance of genital tract infections caused by opportunistic flora: thrush, bacterial vaginosis;
  • malfunction of the digestive tract associated with intestinal dysbiosis: constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, bloating;
  • exacerbation of cystitis: frequent urination, pain and pain when urinating;
  • the appearance of skin infectious diseases: boils, carbuncles;
  • the occurrence of acne on the face and body;
  • frequent colds;
  • allergic reactions (provided that before pregnancy the woman did not suffer from hypersensitivity to certain agents);
  • unmotivated headaches.

If such symptoms appear, you should be examined by a gynecologist or therapist. Decreased immunity leads to a malfunction of many organs, and often treatment cannot be avoided.

How to boost immunity during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, priority is given to non-drug therapy. Recommended:

  • Balanced diet. The daily menu of the expectant mother should include foods rich in vitamins and fiber. Priority is given to lean meats and fish, dairy products, vegetable oils, cereals, fresh berries, fruits, vegetables and herbs. Particular attention is paid to the content of vitamin B2, C, E and A, as well as probiotics.
  • Taking vitamins. From the second trimester of pregnancy, the need for nutrients increases, and the woman’s body does not always cope with this load. Vitamin complexes come to the rescue, balanced in composition taking into account growing demands.
  • Weight control. Overweight or underweight is one of the reasons for decreased immunity during pregnancy. The norm for weight gain for an expectant mother is 300-500 g per week.
  • Physical activity. Pregnancy is not a reason to stay at home. Hiking, swimming, yoga and gymnastics classes in special groups are recommended.
  • Hardening. During pregnancy, a contrast shower is allowed - alternating dousing with cold and hot water. The water temperature should be tolerable for the woman.
  • Daily regime. It is important for the expectant mother to sleep at least 8 hours at night. During the day, it is advisable to allocate 1-2 hours for sleep or rest.
  • Control of the digestive tract. It is important to promptly treat constipation and get rid of other conditions that can lead to dysbiosis.
  • Treatment of foci of chronic infection. The expectant mother should visit a dentist and otolaryngologist, and also be examined by a gynecologist. If a pathology is detected, it is necessary to undergo treatment.
  • Rejection of bad habits. Addiction to nicotine and alcohol reduces immunity and creates many health problems.
  • Limiting stress. Situations involving strong emotional feelings should be avoided whenever possible.

Immunity is the body's ability to resist foreign viruses and bacteria. During pregnancy, it often decreases: this is due to the fact that the period of gestation is a great stress for all vital systems. The expectant mother, taking care of the baby, must help the body increase the functioning of its defenses.

Causes of decreased immunity

During pregnancy, a decrease in immunity can occur for several reasons:

  • the production at the beginning of the first trimester of a colossal amount of hormones that undermine the immune defense;
  • emotional stress that puts a strong strain on the nervous system;
  • unbalanced diet, due to which a limited amount of nutrients enters the body;
  • sedentary lifestyle and rare walks;
  • disruptions in the digestive system that occur due to compression of the gastrointestinal tract by the uterus in the second and third trimesters;
  • avitaminosis;
  • bad ecology.

Stress and strong emotional tension put a strain on the nervous system, which can negatively affect the immune system.

During pregnancy, a woman's body becomes vulnerable to most infections and viruses. Doctors distinguish two periods when immunity sharply decreases:

  • from 6 to 8 weeks - strong hormonal changes occur, the body gets used to the new state and adapts to bearing a baby;
  • from 20 to 28 weeks - The child’s organs and systems are formed, so he takes a large amount of vitamins and minerals from the mother’s body.

How not to stimulate the immune system: suppositories and herbal preparations

Sometimes women seek to boost their immunity with the help of medications or herbal remedies. Gynecologists and immunologists warn that the use of medications without a doctor’s prescription during pregnancy is unacceptable.

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, a rational regime of work and rest, and no drug interventions in the immune system.

Borisova T.V., allergist-immunologist

In some cases, doctors may recommend the use of immunomodulators. One of the forms of their release is suppositories, which are sometimes used when an infection occurs or the disease recurs. Not all of them are allowed in the early stages of pregnancy. The opinions of doctors regarding the use of such drugs do not coincide.

...both the state of hyperactivation of the immune system and the state of immunodeficiency are very dangerous (and potentially fatal). We normally live only in a state of balance. And if you productively and successfully “increase your immunity” over and over again, then it can all end in hyperactivation, pathological inflammation with the destruction of healthy tissues around, triggering immune aggression on a healthy organ/tissue and even manifestation (theoretically, as an extreme situation) autoimmune disease. But, fortunately, for an ordinary person, if he does not have any predisposing factors, it is extremely difficult to stimulate the immune system in such a way as to seriously harm himself. Because most of the available immunostimulants do not work at all or hardly work :) Some of them are ineffective, some are just a scam. And only a part of something somewhere, sometime, and for someone, can change.

Tikhomirova T., immunologist

It is also not worth resorting to the use of herbal remedies without medical indications. Despite the fact that this is a natural product, many of them can provoke bleeding, affect the development of the child, and lead to premature birth.

There are herbs that are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy (adonis, anise, St. John's wort, bogulnik and many others).

Taking medicinal plants without a medical prescription can be dangerous: some of them have toxic effects

How to boost immunity during pregnancy

There are many ways to strengthen the body's defenses during pregnancy.

Correct daily routine

  • During pregnancy, a woman’s body works for two people, so it is important to establish a certain regime for yourself, which includes the following necessary elements:
  • adequate sleep for good health and mood;
  • walks in the fresh air, which will provide optimal exercise;
  • physical exercises, unless prohibited by a doctor;

maintaining hygiene and keeping the house clean.

Personal hygiene is of great importance for the expectant mother, as at this time the body becomes more susceptible to infections and viruses

  • Personal hygiene is of key importance, because the expectant mother is responsible not only for her own health. It is important to know and follow the following rules:
  • wash and dry your hands before eating - bacteria multiply faster on wet skin;
  • take care of your teeth - brush them morning and evening, after each meal, rinse your mouth with water or approved means;
  • when releasing colostrum from the breast, use special pads;
  • Avoid applying detergents to the genitals - they can cause allergies (it is best to use gels and foams intended for intimate hygiene).

Physical exercises for pregnant women - video

How to boost immunity for pregnant women using folk remedies

There are many folk methods that activate the body's defenses. They are based on the content of a huge amount of vitamins and microelements in fruits, berries and herbs. Tasty and healthy recipes for expectant mothers include tea with raspberry, currant or blueberry jam, rosehip and rowan infusions.

An excellent remedy for boosting immunity is cranberry juice - it is rich in vitamin C and has antibacterial activity. In addition, during pregnancy it is often recommended to drink it for women who suffer from diseases of the urinary system. Lemon and honey - the most famous means for maintaining immunity - are used with caution during pregnancy, as they are strong allergens.

Garlic and onions are considered traditional helpers in the fight against viruses. They contain phytoncides that kill or inhibit the growth and development of bacteria.

These aromatic vegetables can not only be eaten. One way is this: cut several cloves of garlic into thin slices and place them on saucers that need to be placed throughout the apartment. This way the phytoncides will be able to demonstrate their protective properties.

Not every folk method can be used when carrying a child: healing tinctures, some herbal preparations, rubbing with vinegar and vodka can harm the baby. Before using any folk recipe, you need to consult a doctor.

Vitamin decoction to boost immunity - video

Proper nutrition (in early and late stages)

Vitamins and minerals enter the body along with food. The expectant mother's diet should include more fruits and vegetables, herbs, freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks. Do not forget that the baby’s skeletal system is formed due to a large amount of calcium, so eating dairy and fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese and cottage cheese, is mandatory. During pregnancy, it is important to replenish the amount of protein - the main component of muscles. They are rich in legumes, eggs, meat and fish.

Some foods you need to avoid altogether:

  • raw eggs;
  • alcohol;
  • soft cheeses;
  • unpasteurized milk;
  • fish containing mercury (tuna, salmon).

It is not only the quality of the products that is important, but also the method of preparation. It is recommended to exclude processed foods, fried and fatty foods. Preference should be given to steaming (this way more vitamins and microelements are retained in food) or baking.

To maintain immunity, a pregnant woman's daily diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits.

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the body requires greater amounts of certain substances. In the first trimester, it is recommended to diversify your menu with foods rich in folic acid, iodine, and vitamin C. In the second and third trimesters, foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, omega acids and B vitamins are important. If these are not enough, the bulk will be supplied to the fetus, and the mother’s body may lack certain elements.

Many women, from the moment they become pregnant, think that they need to eat for two. Doctors speak out against this formulation. Of course, the number of calories consumed per day increases with each trimester, but overeating and eating foods consisting only of carbohydrates and fats leads to excess weight. Meals should be small, varied and balanced.

Nutrition during pregnancy - table

1st trimester (4 meals a day) 2nd trimester (5 meals a day) 3rd trimester (6 meals a day)
Breakfast 30% of daily ration 20% of daily ration
Lunch - 10% of daily ration
Dinner 40% of daily ration 30% of daily ration
Second lunch - 10% of daily ration
Afternoon snack 15% of daily ration
Dinner 10% of daily ration
Late dinner (2 hours before bedtime) 5% of the daily diet (a glass of kefir, yogurt or an apple)

Menu option during pregnancy - table

Days of the week 1st breakfast 2-breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
  • oatmeal with milk and dried fruits;
  • organic yogurt;
  • coffee with milk.
  • salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with parsley and olive oil;
  • borsch;
  • stewed liver with mashed potatoes.
  • beef cutlet with boiled cauliflower;
  • bran bread;
  • Mint tea.
  • cheesecakes with sour cream;
  • pear;
  • a piece of cheese.
  • beet salad with walnuts;
  • vegetable soup;
  • whole wheat pasta and beef patties;
  • rosehip decoction.
drinking yogurt
  • boiled or baked fish with green beans;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • compote.
  • two-egg omelette;
  • a piece of ham;
  • Rye bread;
  • tomato juice.
  • yogurt;
  • nuts.
  • cabbage salad;
  • mushroom soup;
  • boiled meat with buckwheat;
  • compote.
  • cottage cheese;
  • fruit juice.
  • chicken breast with broccoli;
  • Mint tea.
  • muesli with dried fruits;
  • drinking yogurt.
  • carrot salad with sour cream;
  • chicken soup;
  • meatballs with rice;
  • compote.
  • beef cutlet with vegetable stew;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • Mint tea.
  • cottage cheese with honey;
  • fresh juice;
  • bread with bran.
a handful of dried apricots
  • bean salad;
  • vegetable soup;
  • chicken risotto;
  • cranberry juice.
  • dates;
  • kefir.
  • beef stewed with carrots, tomatoes and onions;
  • Rye bread;
  • green tea.
  • millet porridge in milk with a tablespoon of jam;
  • a piece of cheese;
  • coffee with milk.
  • lettuce with cucumber and tomato;
  • lean pork chop;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • compote.
  • cottage cheese with fresh berries;
  • Tea with lemon.
  • baked salmon with broccoli;
  • bran bread;
  • cranberry juice.
  • pancakes with sour cream and fresh berries;
  • fruit salad;
  • yogurt.
  • arugula salad with shrimp and olive oil;
  • beetroot;
  • baked beef;
  • braised cabbage;
  • compote.
  • turkey with brown rice;
  • kefir.

Vitamins for the immunity of pregnant women

During pregnancy, the female body needs additional vitamins and minerals. A balanced and varied diet saturates the body with useful substances, but in most cases they are not enough for the full development of the baby.

Scientists have proven that a lack of folic acid and iodine in the early stages leads to malformations of the child, and a lack of calcium in the second and third trimesters can cause problems with the skeletal system of the fetus and the development of rickets after birth.

To avoid negative consequences and bear a healthy child, doctors recommend that women take vitamin complexes. Before using them, medical consultation is required: they are selected individually depending on the course of pregnancy and the mother’s tolerance to the components of the drug.

Some experts consider it inappropriate to take them provided they have a nutritious and varied diet.

Vitamin complexes for pregnant women - photo gallery

The vitamin complex Vitrum Prenatal improves the well-being of the expectant mother, reduces the intensity of toxicosis, helps improve immunity. The vitamin complex Complivit Mom is taken to replenish the lack of vitamins, microelements and minerals. The vitamin complex Alphabet Mom's Health replenishes the deficiency of nutrients during pregnancy. The vitamin complex Elevit Pronatal is prescribed for vitamin deficiency, and also to prevent the development of anemia

Taking vitamins for pregnancy: doctor's opinion - video

With the arrival of the season of illness, cold symptoms become frequent companions of the body. During pregnancy, this condition is a mandatory reason to see a doctor, because taking many medications is prohibited.

  • There are several recommendations that will help expectant mothers prevent further development of the disease:
  • Ventilate the room more often and carry out wet cleaning;
  • walk in the fresh air (if there is no temperature);
  • drink a lot of warm liquid (tea with jam, preferably raspberry or black currant, cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks);
  • eat well if your health allows;
  • moisturize the nasal mucosa with a solution of sea water;

If you have a sore throat, gargle with a warm decoction of chamomile and calendula.

Treatment of colds and flu during pregnancy - video

The female body resists a huge number of viruses and bacteria, so strong immunity is the key to the health of mother and baby. In order to maintain protective forces, doctors recommend spending more time in the fresh air, avoiding communication with sick people, eating well, and getting enough sleep.

Innate immunity is formed in the womb. This is protection given to the fetus as a gift from previous generations.

Acquired immunity is the protective properties of the body developed as a result of previous diseases or the consequences of vaccination.

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The defense army works effectively, but it also needs support. This is especially true for pregnant women. During the period of gestation, a difficult situation arises. After all, an unborn child is considered by the immune system as a foreign element; at the same time, the increased load on the body that is natural during pregnancy weakens it, and much more useful vitamins and microelements are required.

Pregnancy: dangerous periods

The embryo is half composed of the father's cells, and this is a signal to the immune system about a foreign genetic invasion. In the normal mode of operation of the immune system, fetal rejection would occur, but in the initial period of pregnancy the body's defenses decrease. This is why many pregnant women in the early stages (6-8 weeks) suffer from the flu or respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. During this period, the body, and in particular the immune system, transitions to a new mode of operation.

The next difficult period for the expectant mother occurs from 20 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. At this moment, the child’s internal organs are already formed and immunity begins to develop. The embryo “pulls the blanket over itself” and at this time it is necessary to devote all efforts to strengthening the immune system. Provide the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements to the maximum.

It is advisable that during pregnancy a woman consumes environmentally friendly products. Food laden with antibiotics and chemical fertilizers will do more harm than good.

In some cases, taking vitamin-mineral complexes is acceptable. For example, it is impossible to obtain vitamin C in required quantities from food. Therefore, the doctor leading the pregnancy closely monitors the woman’s health and, based on medical history and laboratory tests, makes appropriate recommendations.

Procedure for increasing the immune status in pregnant women

How to boost a pregnant woman's immunity? It is necessary to follow the optimal regimen, which includes:

  • healthy eating;
  • walks in the open air;
  • feasible physical activity;
  • good sleep;
  • additional intake of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Proper nutrition provides the body with all the necessary substances to build new cells and protect against negative influences from the outside.

A favorable atmosphere in the body, as in the house, begins with putting things in order. Cleansing the body of toxins and waste is carried out with the help of dietary fiber, which is found in vegetables and cereals.

A morning serving of porridge starts the body's work, cleanses the intestines and fills the gastrointestinal tract with essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Pearl barley or barley porridge takes the lead in increasing immunity using folk remedies. Barley groats are the leader in the presence of nutrients. Under its influence, macrophages are activated - cells that actively search for harmful microorganisms and absorb them.

Buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, brown rice and other cereals also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthening the immune system.

Vegetables also contribute. Cabbage is especially beneficial. This vegetable is equally good raw, pickled, stewed, or boiled. When heat treated, the beneficial properties of cabbage do not disappear, but are even enhanced.

Having cleansed the intestines of toxins with the help of dietary fiber, it is useful to populate the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial bacteria. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria live in the body of every person. These are agents of the army of immunity. They eliminate rotting products, ensure the perfect functioning of the intestines, and help in the processing, breakdown and absorption of necessary substances. Bacteria beneficial for the immune system are found in fermented milk products: yoghurt, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. The common version that all diseases are “from nerves” has solid foundation. Emotional experiences contribute to the release of hormones (and in pregnant women, a hormonal storm is already raging in the body) and negatively affect health. The best sedatives are herbal teas. In addition, chamomile, rose hips, green tea, hawthorn, and various sedatives replenish the body with substances beneficial to the immune system. Chamomile tops this list.

When introducing herbal infusions into the menu of pregnant women, moderation should be observed. Doctors recommend using the selected herb for no more than 3 weeks. Then you need to take a week's break, after which you can switch to infusions of another herb or collection.

The immune system during pregnancy is well supported by cranberries: fresh, soaked, ground with sugar, prepared as a fruit drink. The optimal dosage is a tablespoon of cranberries per day.

Phytoncides—volatile substances that effectively destroy cold and flu viruses—have a beneficial effect on the immune system. During epidemics, it is advisable to eat onions, horseradish, and garlic rich in phytoncides.

Another “weak point” in pregnant women is iron deficiency. Anemia may occur in the second half of pregnancy.

In the antenatal clinic, samples are regularly taken and at the first signs of iron deficiency in a pregnant woman, iron-containing drugs are prescribed, and cod liver and apples are recommended products.

Vitamin supplementation of the body is always relevant, and especially during pregnancy. Traditionally, “female” vitamins A and E are considered. They are found in carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, rye bread and a number of other products, but are absorbed only simultaneously with fats.

You can strengthen your immune system during pregnancy with benefit and pleasure through vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, flaxseed. Vegetable oils help absorb vitamins A and E, and also supply the body with a wide range of substances beneficial to the immune system.

How to boost immunity during pregnancy?

B vitamins play a vital role in the formation of the defense system. Pregnant women are prescribed folic acid in the early stages. Vitamin B9 is found in beef liver, spinach, nuts, chicken eggs and other foods. But just adjusting the diet to get folic acid into the body is not enough.

It is important to take B vitamins comprehensively. They have a beneficial effect on the immune system in all their diversity. It is advisable to enrich the menu with meat and legumes, fish and vegetables, rye bread and brewer’s yeast, nuts, seafood, etc.

The building blocks of the body are proteins and amino acids. Once in the body, they promote the production of antibodies - immunoglobulins. The immune army's wars destroy genetically foreign agents that enter the intestines of a pregnant woman. The source of protein and amino acids are meat and dairy products.

The role of sunlight, fresh air and movement in the development of immunity

Just adjusting your eating habits will not improve your immunity. Sufficient exposure to sunlight plays a positive role in strengthening the body. Under its influence, the body produces vitamin D, photosynthesis occurs, and a number of other chemical processes necessary to increase immunity during pregnancy are realized.

Moderate physical activity stimulates blood circulation, prevents the formation of edema, and improves metabolism in the body. Walking in the fresh air, performing special exercises for pregnant women, and getting enough quality sleep have a good effect on the health of the expectant mother. A pregnant woman should take her own health seriously. The child takes “building material” to form his body and the potential mother must replenish the reserves.

Immunity is the key to a full, quality life. Strong immunity is a guarantee of ideal functioning of the whole body.

During pregnancy, the body has a harder time coping with pathogens, which affects the mother’s immunity and the health of the child. Being a pregnant woman needs more healthy and vitamin-enriched foods that will improve the body's immune defense. The presented publication will help you become familiar with the basic methods and means of promoting the health of the expectant mother and child during pregnancy.

How to boost immunity during pregnancy?

A woman's body is in a vulnerable state during pregnancy. Bad mood, hormonal imbalance, deficiency of vitamins and minerals affect the immune system of the expectant mother. Immunity during pregnancy needs regular maintenance and strengthening.

To increase the protection of the internal environment of a pregnant woman, you should familiarize yourself with the general recommendations:

  • You should avoid communicating with sick people;
  • In the autumn-winter period it is necessary to dress according to the weather;
  • Taking regular walks in the fresh air helps increase protection against diseases;
  • Strengthening the body's immune defense during pregnancy is facilitated by observing the rules of hygiene of the place of residence and the body;
  • Physical activity. Exercises and physical exercises designed for pregnant women will help increase immunity during pregnancy;
  • While carrying a child, the expectant mother should supplement her diet with healthy foods and vitamins for pregnant women;
  • It is recommended to use a contrast shower to harden the body;
  • Increase fluid intake. In addition to fresh water, you should use tea drinks, juices prepared using fruits;
  • Strengthening the immune system during pregnancy is facilitated by the elimination of stressful situations and overexertion;
  • Maintaining a balanced regime of activity and rest, as well as healthy sleep, can increase resistance to diseases.

How to increase in the first trimester?

A decrease in immunity during early pregnancy indicates changes in the woman’s internal environment. In the first trimester, there is a balancing of maternal and paternal cells in the child’s body, so the pregnant woman’s immunity weakens. During this period, expectant mothers are susceptible to colds and infectious diseases.

To boost immunity in the first trimester, it is recommended to follow the tips presented:

  • To strengthen the immune system, you should lead an active lifestyle and often spend time in the fresh air (near parks, forests, ponds);
  • The use of antibacterial drugs to treat colds during pregnancy is prohibited;
  • To increase immunity during pregnancy, you should eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • To improve your health, it is important to avoid stressful situations.

How to increase in the second trimester?

Strengthening weakened immunity during pregnancy in the second trimester plays an important role not only for the health of the mother, but also of the child. During this period, the formation of the baby’s internal organs occurs, so the woman’s good health will protect both from the negative influence. In addition to the previously presented recommendations The following tips will help increase the body's protective functions during pregnancy:

  • Do not overuse physical activity. It is necessary to create a balanced regime of activity and rest;
  • The use of any medications is prohibited. Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor in emergency cases;
  • To boost immunity during pregnancy, you can supplement your diet with vitamin supplements. Suitable vitamins are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the female body.

Ways to strengthen the immune system of a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, the immune system of the expectant mother needs to carry out activities that help increase the protective functions of the body of the woman and the child.

Ways to strengthen the immune system during pregnancy:

  • Following general recommendations - maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, adequate and good sleep, physical activity;
  • Folk remedies will help to increase the weakened immune defense of the body during pregnancy - consuming healthy and vitamin-enriched foods, juices, drinks;
  • The use of multivitamin complexes helps to increase immune protection when carrying a child. Vitamin supplements are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the female body.

Vitamins for immunity during pregnancy

Increase with folk remedies

If you need to boost your immunity during pregnancy, it is important to proceed with caution. As noted earlier, the use of folk remedies or medications at one’s own discretion can adversely affect the woman’s health and the development of the child.

  • Increase your consumption of healthy vegetables and fruits, and also eliminate the consumption of canned foods and processed foods. Among the foods that can boost immunity during pregnancy are: onions, garlic, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, parsley, meat and seafood, grains and legumes, asparagus, figs, apples, bananas, pumpkin, avocado, liver;
  • In addition to the presented fruits and vegetables, dried fruits will help strengthen the body’s weakened immune defense: dried apricots, figs, dates, prunes. The listed components in combination with honey, nuts or lemon used to prepare a vitamin mixture to increase immunity during pregnancy;
  • Vitamin mixtures can also be prepared using the fruits of cranberry, rowan, raspberry, sea buckthorn, lingonberry separately in combination with honey;
  • Tea drinks, juices, compotes will help increase the immunity of a pregnant woman using rose hips, chamomile, hawthorn, ginger;
  • Citrus fruits enriched with vitamin C are beneficial for health. Fruits should not be consumed in large quantities to avoid the development of allergic reactions;
  • The inclusion of fermented milk products in the diet during pregnancy helps to increase the immunity of a weakened body: cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir.

Folk remedies for immunity during pregnancy

  • Products useful for strengthening immune defense are recommended to be consumed in moderation to avoid the development of allergies;
  • To boost immunity, it is important to avoid consuming sweets and chocolate;
  • During the period of bearing a child, it is better to abandon folk decoctions, tinctures, and balms based on medicinal herbs.

Good vitamins and medications

You can increase immunity during pregnancy not only with the help of folk remedies, but also through the use of vitamin complexes. To maintain the health of pregnant women, a wide range of vitamins has been developed and presented. Multivitamin supplements should be used with caution and only after consultation with a physician.

Vitamins for pregnant women to strengthen weakened immunity:

Alphabet - a multivitamin complex includes vitamins and minerals necessary for a woman’s health. Nutrients are presented in a balanced form and are contained in tablets of different colors. The vitamin supplement includes: vitamins A, C, PP, E, H, group B, as well as zinc, copper, chromium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, magnesium. The use of the drug helps to increase immunity during pregnancy and compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body of the expectant mother.

Vitamins Alphabet for the immunity of pregnant women

Complivit “Mama” - a multivitamin preparation aimed at maintaining good health and immune protection of a pregnant woman. The composition contains vitamins A, C, E, a set of group B, as well as mineral elements - folic acid, manganese, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper.

Vitamins Complivit “Mama” to increase immunity during pregnancy

Multi-tabs “Prenatal” — vitamins are recommended to be used both before pregnancy and during pregnancy. The beneficial substances contained in the vitamin and mineral complex help improve the mother’s immunity and also contribute to the favorable intrauterine development of the fetus.

Vitamins Multi - tabs "Prenatal" for immunity during pregnancy

Vitrum “Prenatal” — the vitamin preparation contains useful additives that help: the favorable development of the child in the womb, in the fight against toxic substances, increase the immune defense of mother and baby, and prevent miscarriage.

Vitamins Vitrum "Prenatal" for the immunity of pregnant women

In addition to the vitamin preparations presented, the following will help increase immunity during pregnancy: Elevit, Centrum “Materna”, Pregnavit, Femibion ​​Emfetal, Amway, Pregnakea.

The use of medications to increase immune defense during pregnancy is prohibited. The exception is in emergency cases when medications are prescribed by a doctor.

In most cases, the immune system of pregnant women is in a weakened state, but following useful recommendations will help improve the body’s protective functions and prevent unfavorable development of the child.

The food consumed by expectant mothers must be balanced and contain necessary minerals and vitamins in sufficient quantities. Many expectant mothers who experience a decrease in the body’s protective functions are wondering how to boost the pregnant woman’s immunity.

It is easy to boost immunity during pregnancy; the menu is enriched with vegetables, berries, herbs, fruits; you need to give up spicy, fried, too fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, and coffee. It is not recommended to eat salted and dried fish, king mackerel, perch, pickles, raw eggs, ham, smoked sausage, carbonated drinks, products with E-additives, dyes, and flavors.

Good results come from consuming dairy and fermented milk products; they satisfy the needs of the mother and embryo for amino acids, complete proteins, and calcium salts.

An innovative pharmacological development is special vitamin complexes for expectant mothers that can maintain immunity at the proper level and prevent complications. Many of them contain folic acid, which ensures the required rhythm of growth and development of the baby; this substance is very important in the early stages of pregnancy. Vitamins can compensate for nutritional costs; they are designed to provide a woman’s body with all the necessary compounds for normal bearing of a baby and contain them in increased quantities.

Vitamin complexes are taken in courses, with a break between courses, since their constant use leads to the development of a large fetus, which will complicate the birth process, but will not affect the health of the baby.

The first months of pregnancy represent a crucial period for the formation of a new life; a lack of any vitamins or nutrients has a detrimental effect on the development of the embryo.

The expectant mother should eat somewhat more densely; protein foods predominate in the diet, but preferably not animal fats or proteins; among the vitamins, folic acid is highlighted, the need for which is greater in pregnant women.

Each woman has an individual need for certain vitamins, this is due to many factors, diet, health status, time of year, lifestyle. Like any medications, during pregnancy vitamins are taken after consultation with a doctor; in the first trimester, vitamins E, A, B9 are important; in the second trimester, iodine, iron, and calcium are needed.

During pregnancy, it is important to prevent weakening of the immune system, for which the immune system, which is a protective mechanism developed by nature, is responsible. The human body contains immune cells whose task is to fight pathogens; most immune cells are located in the intestines. For normal functioning of the immune system, the intestines must have a healthy microflora, determined by the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria, the food for which is natural dietary fiber - prebiotics.

To boost immunity, expectant mothers are recommended to eat foods rich in prebiotics, these include onions, garlic, bananas, vegetables, fruits, asparagus, beans, and figs. Lemons, cranberries, rose hips, and yellow grapefruits are good for raising and strengthening the immune system; they can be consumed if they do not cause allergic reactions; they are safe in moderation.

You can increase immunity when carrying a baby and prevent ARVI with the help of onions and garlic, this is an additional source of natural folic acid, vitamins and minerals, but these products must be consumed in reasonable quantities.

Expectant mothers can increase their immunity and strengthen their bodies with the help of certain medications, which include Viferon, Limontar, and Beresh-plus drops. These drugs have an immunomodulatory, tonic, antiviral, metabolic effect, improve adaptation and compensatory-protective mechanisms; before using these drugs, you should consult a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy.

In addition, a pregnant woman who cares about her immunity should alternate between rest and work, rest before fatigue sets in, and good sleep is very important.

During influenza epidemics, the expectant mother is recommended to wear a gauze bandage, it must be changed every 3-4 hours, she should avoid contact with people who have a cold, refrain from visiting crowded places, and regularly lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment.

Moderate physical activity and hardening help improve immunity; hardening of the legs can be recommended for expectant mothers in the form of contrast baths. The hardening process should be gradual, the water temperature is reduced by 1 degree, starting from 37, the water temperature is gradually increased to 25 degrees.