Masks for the theater from paper plates. Funny masks made of plastic utensils


Victoria Petrova

Theatrical masks made from disposable plates.

masks which we did they are trial. What's happened masks we all know. They are all different masks.:animal masks, masks on nail files with slots in the eyes for the carnival. Mythical masks, ancient creatures. masks were very widely used in order to give the actor an appropriate expression (Smiling and crying masks are still a symbol theatrical art).

Our fantasy came very quickly that we decided to use disposable plates. Decided which story to take. "Teremok".

In the fairy tale Teremok heroes: a mouse-louse, a frog - a frog, a bunny - a runaway, a fox - a sister, Volchek - a gray barrel, a clubfoot bear.

On these plates, we decided how to position the muzzle of the animal. How to fix the ears and muzzle of a frog. They took a stapler and fixed all the details. They took gouache and began to paint masks. Our days dried up masks. The next day we varnished these masks. They dried up and we began to fix the spatula.

Like these ones we got the masks!

The guys in the middle group tried to lose mask theater"Teremok". They were so happy that they have such masks.

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A mask is a very necessary attribute in kindergarten. Here you have fairy tales, here you have games. And what holidays are held without masks? That's what we want today.

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You can’t choose a master class for children of kindergarten or school age on your own? Then let me offer you our fun, interesting and truly versatile MC for making masks from paper and plastic plates, which is suitable for absolutely any event for children and teens.

At this interactive, the children will get acquainted with an unusual way of making crafts from disposable tableware, and will also be able to invent and make masks of Kung Fu Panda, Hello Kitty, Spider-Man and any other characters from popular films, cartoons and comics.

The proposed MK will decorate and make any children's event much more fun and interesting, because it has a lot of advantages for this.

  1. Originality. Children will be interested to learn about a new way to use plastic and paper plates as a material for making colorful carnival masks.
  2. Ease of execution. The class is taught by one of our experienced children's fine arts specialists. Under his guidance, even the smallest children (from 3 years old) are able to learn how to make beautiful carnival masks of bunnies, chanterelles, ladybugs, etc.
  3. Benefit. This interactive activity contributes to the development of fine motor skills of hands in children and the disclosure of their creative potential. After our interactive lessons, the children's imagination begins to work better and there is a desire to learn how to make various things (surprises, jewelry and toys) from available materials.
  4. Positive. Making a beautiful paper or plastic mask from disposable tableware is not long (15-20 minutes) and not at all difficult. However, despite its simplicity, the process of making it arouses great interest in children and gives them great pleasure. Just imagine how great it is to make a wonderful carnival mask at a gala event, and immediately put it on to arrange a real masquerade ball with friends.
  5. Nice memory. Each participant of this MK will take home a hand-made craft that can be used as a decoration for the interior of the room (hang on the wall), for its intended purpose (at future matinees or parties), give to parents or a friend, or simply keep as a memory of a pleasantly spent holiday.

Disposable tableware can do a good job not only during a holiday or at a picnic - if desired, it can be easily turned into a multifunctional material for children's creativity. Crafts from disposable tableware are distinguished by ease of manufacture, volume, clarity of form and variety. Making something out of disposable plates for kids is a doable task, regardless of the age and skill of each child. They will gladly act on the instructions of an adult to get the desired result.

50 cool ideas for kids

Leo is as relevant as ever. By the way, his eyes are made of plastic spoons.

A cat with a chenille wire mustache is adorable.

A dog from the same series. Moreover, if it is not expected that the finished composition will be stored, one eye can be used repeatedly. Yes, and water-soluble paint, for example, gouache, is easily washed off, so it will be fun to play even with only one paper plate.

And here are some more funny cats and dogs, already from two plates each.

The decorative panel "Cheerful whale in profile" will also require a little more drawing and cutting on paper.

But on a half-faced rhino, you can cut it out of one plate.

Cheeky monkey.

For bird lovers.

Two types of aquariums and a turtle.

A couple of insects. I like that they have moving parts. The worm hides in an apple, and the ladybug's wings will hide, for example, congratulations or the baby's daily routine.

Great idea! A real chameleon. The lower plate is painted in different colors (before that, it may well serve as a palette), and the lizard itself is cut out in the upper one. You rotate the top piece and the chameleon changes color. Magically!

Paper plates can be turned into Noah's Ark or UFO.

And here are some interesting bunnies. The first serves as a basket for sweets.

And the second is a whole developing game. You need to feed the bunny with cookies with the number of chocolate chips that fell on the card. Bunny happy!

Paper plates are great musical instruments. Stationery rubber bands stretched on the "banjo" will really sound.

And for a real tambourine, it is better to provide a cymbal structure with bells.

Elena Petrova

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 56 "Chamomile"

Master-class for preschool teachers

"Masks for theatrical play from disposable tableware"

Rubtsovsk, 2018

Integration of educational regions Keywords: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, social and communicative development.

Target: to train and increase the motivation of teachers to master the technique "non-traditional application".


Describe the history of plastic utensils.

Cultivate a sense of beauty, thrift. introduce the technique of non-traditional application, with the basic methods of working in this technique.

To develop interest in the task, to experience a sense of joy from the result.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Forms of work: individual, collective.

Equipment: laptop, projector; disposable plates, markers, gouache, non-spill, brush, glue stick, woolen threads, ribbons, colored corrugated paper, velvet, scissors, brush stand, oilcloths.

move master class

Introductory part.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Master Class, I want to start with the history of occurrence disposable tableware.

History of occurrence disposable tableware began over 100 years ago when an American student, Hugh Moore, came up with disposable cardboard mug, rolled into a cone.

He was inspired to this idea by dirty and poorly washed, unhygienic dishes in catering places visited by him. He wrote an article about his idea and dissatisfaction, which caused a strong resonance among the public of that time. This boldness appealed to the entrepreneur Lawrence Luellen, who seized on the idea and improved the design of the mug. So he became the first entrepreneur to sell disposable tableware.

A few decades later, they began to produce disposable plates, spoons, cups for drinks. At first, they were all paper, but with the rapid development of industry and the development of new technologies, plastic utensils began to be made by introducing various types of plastic into production. The main material used to make disposable tableware, became polypropylene, which has good resistance to elevated temperatures. That is, for hot second courses, they are mainly used polypropylene disposable plates. It allows you to maintain the original aesthetic appearance of the dishes and prevents them from cracking.

Time passed and people began to apply disposable plates, not only for food, but also for art of various focus: "decoupage", various crafts (robot, snowman, carnival costumes, etc.

Main part.

I want to introduce you to an unconventional application technique. Today we will do disposable masks.

So, on the tables you have plates(I have already prepared and decorated them, colored paper (velvet, corrugated, ribbons, woolen threads of different colors, scissors, glue.

I suggest you dream up, come up with your own character and make mask.

Independent work of teachers, if necessary, assistance to teachers.

Well, your characters turned out to be very diverse, chic.

And now, I suggest you come up with a fairy tale and beat our masks. For example: “Once upon a time there was a girl, she went for mushrooms and met in the forest ...” And. etc.


This work in the future can be used with children 5-7 years old. Also use at parent-teacher meetings, master classes.

Thank you for your attention!

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