Psycho-gymnastics classes for children 3-4 years old. Psycho-gymnastics (interesting games and exercises)

With your own hands

Lately there has been more and more talk about psycho-gymnastics; it is even included in the compulsory program of preschool institutions. What is it, and how to do it?

Just as gymnastics is useful for the harmonious development of a child’s body, psycho-gymnastics is useful for the psyche. This is a set of special exercises aimed at developing the emotional-volitional sphere, communication skills, as well as combating various psychological problems.

Psycho-gymnastics helps children:

  • understand yourself, your feelings and the feelings of others;
  • learn to demonstrate and understand emotions;
  • get rid of shyness, disgust, fears and other troubles;
  • learn to control your movements.

It is worth doing psycho-gymnastics with children who already understand the instructions and can perform the exercises - from about 2.5-3 years old. Such activities are practiced in kindergartens, developmental and psychological centers, but they can also be organized at home. To do this, you need to have a so-called card index of psychogymnastics exercises for a certain age.

The main feature of psycho-gymnastic exercises is that they are carried out in the form of a game, so all children, without exception, like them. Each exercise is called an etude and resembles a skit that kids act out. Often appropriate music plays in the background (recommendations for choosing musical accompaniment are indicated in the description of the classes).

Before the start of the lesson, a short warm-up is carried out, which is designed to relax, liberate the child and prepare him for the game. Objects of attention during warm-up can be sounds, voices, objects, invisible surroundings, people, their clothes, emotions, contacts, and the like. “What has changed in this room?”, “What sounds can you hear on the street, in the next room?”, “With your eyes closed, guess who spoke?”, “Who touched you?”, “Who shook your hand the strongest? “,” “Which object is the largest, warmest, roughest?”, “Which of the children has white socks?”, “Who is the funniest (saddest)?”, “What animals are there in this room?”

Although among the psychogymnastics exercises there are some that a child can perform alone, most of them are aimed at establishing contact with others and joint activities. Therefore, it is difficult to fully engage in psycho-gymnastics at home, and it is necessary, if possible, to involve several children or, in extreme cases, adults in the games.

Here are some useful exercises aimed at the comprehensive development of the baby.

1. “Sunny Bunny”

Target: relieving facial muscle tension.

The adult says: “Do you want to play with the sun bunny?

A sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further over the face, gently stroke it with your palms on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin, gently stroke the head, neck, arms, legs. He climbed onto his stomach - pet his belly. The sunny bunny is not a mischievous person, he loves you, make friends with him. Great! We made friends with the sunbeam, take a deep breath and smile at each other.”

Moms on Detstrana discuss:

2. "Talking Objects"

Target: develop in a child the ability to identify himself with someone or something, teach children to empathize.

During the game, children take on different roles and describe their state, the reasons for their actions, and their system of relationships with reality.

The first child begins: “I’m not Sasha, I’m a ball. I would love it if I were not just one color, but decorated with a fun pattern. I would like not to be held on a string, but to be allowed to fly freely wherever I want.” The next child continues: “I’m not Borya, I’m a ball. I'm made of rubber and well inflated. The children are happy when they pass me to each other!”

An adult offers the names of the following items: coat, bus, soap, etc. Children also offer their own options.

3. “The cat was inflating the ball”

Target: relieving emotional and muscle tension.

The children are in a relaxed position; they pretend to be deflated balloons. The adult says the text:

The cat inflated the balloon(children straighten their torsos, puff out their cheeks),

And the kitten bothered her:

He came up and pawed - top!

And the cat has a ball - pop!(“The balls” deflate with sound and return to their original position).

4. “Hug and caress the toy”

Target: satisfy children's need for emotional warmth and intimacy.

An adult brings one or more soft toys into the room, for example, a doll, dog, bear, hare, cat, etc. Children are walking around the room. At a signal, they split into groups and go to the toy they would like to pet. The first child takes the toy, hugs it and says something gentle and pleasant to it. Then he passes the toy to his neighbor. He, in turn, must also hug the toy animal and say kind words. The game can be repeated several times.

5. “Me and my mood”

Target: teach children to recognize and accept their feelings and experiences. This exercise uses the incomplete sentence method. Ask your child to continue the phrase:

I'm happy when...

I am proud that...

I get sad when...

I get scared when...

I get angry when...

I was surprised when...

When I'm offended...

I get angry if...

One day I got scared...

6. "Guide"

Target: teach children to sympathize and help.

The adult explains that all people are different and some of them need the help of kind people. One child pretends to be blind, puts his hand on the shoulder of a friend - the “guide” - and closes his eyes. The “guide” makes various movements at a slow pace, moves around the room, overcoming obstacles. The child with his eyes closed should follow next to him. Then the children change roles.

Notes on psychogymnastics for 3-4 years old “Good and Evil”

Kamaeva Inna Vyacheslavovna, methodologist of MAOUDO "DDYUT" Cheboksary.
Description: a summary of psycho-gymnastics for children 3-4 years old is offered. This lesson can easily be carried out in a preschool educational institution without special psychological preparation.

Target: development of nonverbal communication.
- teach to distinguish between good and evil, differentiate the emotional state by facial expressions, gestures, pantomimes;
- develop coordination of movements;
- cultivate goodwill towards peers and people around you.

Materials: gnome toys - tie a yellow ribbon on the good one, and a blue one on the evil one; A4 sheets, bench, handouts for the task, yellow and blue cards, cards with pictures of fairy-tale characters.

Brief safety precautions: do not run, do not fight, do not put small objects in your mouth/nose/ears, do not chew pencils, how to ask for time off to go to the toilet (remind at every lesson).


Guys, usually guests come to us (remember - who? A bunny, a hedgehog, a truck, kittens), and today we will go to visit. To do this, everyone needs to hold hands and go.

Let's go - we walk over the hummocks (lay out the A4 pieces of paper - these are hummocks).
Be careful, don’t stumble, or you’ll fall into the swamp...
Let's go and walk along the bridges (use a bench, if available).
And now we have to walk in single file - there are prickly, prickly branches on top.
Well done, they came.

We sit down on our chairs.

Getting to know good and evil

Guys, look who we came to visit? To the gnomes. These are two brothers, only one is good and the other is evil. Now I will read the poems that they wrote to you and we will try to understand who is the good gnome and who is the evil one. The teacher needs to choose the appropriate intonation.

I'm not friends with a smile
And I’m only happy with insults.
I value anger, anger,
I bite everyone
I will never regret it
Nowhere and no one.
I always love in the world
Only myself.

Guys, what kind of gnome is this? Evil, of course. So that we don't get confused, let's tie a ribbon for him. He makes everyone cry, so we'll tie a blue ribbon.

I'm ready to help the weak
Suddenly in trouble,
Always friendly and healthy
And I'm telling the truth.
I always make friends with a smile,
I'm always happy to have guests.
I value true friendship,
I love all the guys.

What kind of gnome is this? Kind. And we will tie him a yellow one, like the sun. When a person is kind, it is pleasant to look at him, like the sun.

Then the children show with facial expressions and gestures the evil and good gnome.

Where is the good one and where is the evil one?

Discuss why (one person’s eyebrows are furrowed, he’s probably angry).

Basket with good and evil

Children are offered cards with evil and good “koloboks”. It is necessary to “place” all the good ones in the “good basket”, and the evil ones – in the “garbage basket”.

Conversation about good and evil people

Who is called good?
-Who is called evil?
-How do good people behave?
-How do evil people behave?
-What words do good people say?
-What words do evil people say?
-Which of your relatives or friends can you call kind people? Why?

Quiz: “Good and evil fairy tale characters”

Children are offered two cards: yellow means a good hero, blue means an evil one. Then the teacher shows cards of fairy-tale characters, for example, the wolf, Cheburashka, Leopold the cat, Thumbelina and others, and the children use the card to indicate his behavior.


Guys, what kind of person do you want to be - good or evil? Of course, we will be kind and kind. What do we do? Help mom, smile, share...
And now let’s all smile wide, wide, like the sun. How beautiful everyone suddenly became. Goodbye, guys.

Psycho-gymnastics for children 3 – 4 years old

1 . The teacher shows the children pictograms depicting faces expressing different emotions: joy, calm, sadness, anger. Children, with the help of a teacher, name a person’s emotional state: happy, sad, angry, calm, and then try to portray these emotional states. You can ask to portray the evil Baba Yaga, the good wizard, the sad Alyonushka, the saddened Ivan Tsarevich. It is useful to do this in front of a mirror or mirrors.

2. “Vacuum cleaner and specks of dust”

Children act as specks of dust, the teacher acts as a vacuum cleaner. At first, specks of dust dance merrily in a ray of sun. The vacuum cleaner started working. The dust particles swirled around themselves and, spinning ever more slowly, settled on the floor. The vacuum cleaner collects dust particles. Whoever he touches gets up and goes to his place.

When a child - a speck of dust - sits on the floor, his back and shoulders relax and bend forward - down, his arms drop, his head bows, he goes completely limp.

3. "Flower"

The teacher tells the children about the flower, and the children depict the growth of the flower in accordance with the story.

“A warm ray fell to the ground and warmed the seed in the ground. A sprout emerged from the seed. A beautiful flower grew from the sprout. A flower basks in the sun, exposes each petal to warmth and light, turns its head after the sun.”

Expressive movements6 squat down, lower your head and arms, the head rises, the body straightens, the arms rise to the sides - the flower has bloomed; the head leans back slightly and slowly turns to follow the sun.

Facial expressions: eyes are half-closed, lips are in a smile, facial muscles are relaxed.

4. "Frogs"

Draw frogs that hunt mosquitoes. They hid and froze. We caught a mosquito and are happy. Now imagine that one of the frogs jumped into your palm. What will you do? (I will carefully plant it on the grass.) Show how you will hold the frog in your palm and plant it on the grass. Now tell me which frog6 is dry or wet? Why is she wet? (Because it lives in or near water.) What will your hands look like after you let go of the frog? (Also wet). What should you do to make your hands dry? (Dry them in the sun, dry with a towel.

5. Psycho-gymnastics: relaxation exercise “Wind-up toys”

Children, now you will turn into wind-up toys.

Turn around yourself

Turn into a Masha doll.

Children depict a doll, a dancing bear cub, a bunny playing a drum, a cheerful clown.

The wind-up toys are broken! Freeze in the positions in which you are now standing.

Children freeze in a certain position.

Feel the tension. Now show me how you can relax. First drop your head, your left arm, then your torso. You feel very sorry for the broken doll, show how upset you are. Dad fixed the doll. And you are glad. Show how happy you are.

6. "Cat and Mice"

Two mice must cross the road where a kitten is sleeping. They walk on their toes, then stop and sign to each other: “Quiet!”

The sketch is accompanied by music.

Expressive movements: neck stretched forward, index finger pressed to pursed lips, eyebrows raised.

7. “Listen to the clapping”

The players go in a circle. When the leader claps his hands once, the children should stop and take the “stork” pose (stand on 1 leg, arms to the sides). If the leader claps 2 times, the players should take the “Frog” pose (sit down, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between their legs on the floor). At 3 claps, children resume walking.

8. “Those are the poses”

Players take various poses. The driver, having looked at them, must remember and reproduce them when all the children return to their starting position.

9. "Gawkers"

The players walk in a circle, holding hands. At a signal from the leader (for example, the ringing of a bell) they stop, clap their hands, turn around in a circle and continue moving. The direction changes after each signal. A child who does not complete the task correctly sits in the middle of the circle.

10. "Scouts"

Chairs are arranged in random order in the room. One child (scout) walks across the room, walking around the chairs on either side, and the other child (commander), having remembered the path, must lead the squad along the same path. Then other children become scouts and squad leaders. The scout paves a new path, and the commander leads the entire detachment along this path.

11. "Please"

Option 1

All participants in the game, together with the teacher, stand in a circle. The presenter says that he will show various movements (physical education, dance, comic), and the guys should repeat them only if he adds the word “please” to the show. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Option 2

The game is played in the same way as in version 1, but only the one who makes a mistake goes to the middle and performs some task, for example, you have to smile. Jump on one leg, etc.

12. “Who did what?”

Two players stand next to each other. They take turns doing various movements to the music and repeating these movements 4 times. The third child must remember what they did and repeat their movements.


for children 3-4 years old

"Air balloons"

Target : Relieve tension, calm children.

All players stand or sit in a circle. The presenter givesinstructions: “Imagine that now you and I areLet's blow up the balloons. Inhale the air, bring it to your imaginationpress the ball to your lips and, inflating your cheeks, slowly, throughpout with slightly open lips. Follow with your eyeshow your ball becomes bigger and bigger, how the patterns on it increase and grow. Introduced? Me tooput your huge balls. Blow carefully so thatRick didn't burst. Now show them to each other.”

"The Ship and the Wind"

Target : Set the group up for work, especially if children tired.

“Imagine that our sailboat is sailing on the waves,but suddenly he stopped. Let's help him and invite himwind to the rescue. Inhale the air, draw it in tightlycheeks... And now it's noisyexhale air through your mouth and letThe wind that has broken free propels the boat. Let'slet's try again. I want to hear the wind roar!”

The exercise can be repeated 3 times.


Target : Relaxation of facial muscles, especially around the lips.

“Let's play the pipe. Take a shallow breath,bring the pipe to your lips. Start to exhale slowlyand as you exhale, try to stretch your lips into a tube. Then start over. Play! What a wonderful orchestra!”

All of the above exercises can be performed in, sitting or standing at their desks.

"Bunnies and Elephants"

Target : Enable children to feel strong and courageous, help improve self-esteem.

“Guys, I want to offer you a game calledThere is "Bunnies and Elephants". First you and I will be a bunnymi-panties. Tell me when the hare feels danger,what is he doing? That's right, he's shaking. Show me how he drawslive He purses his ears, shrinks all over, tries to become malazy and inconspicuous, his tail and paws are shaking"etc. Children show. “Show me what bunnies do ifdo they hear a man’s footsteps?” Children scatter around the group, classsoo, hide, etc. “What do bunnies do if they see an oxwhat?.." The teacher playsWith children for several minutes chickpeas

“And now you and I will be elephants, big ones,strong, brave. Show me how calm and measuredbut elephants walk majestically and fearlessly. What are they doing?us, when they see a person? Are they afraid of him? No. They are differentreap with him and, when they see him, calmly continue theirpath. Show me how. Show what elephants do when they see a tiger...” Children spend a few minutes imaginingreaping a fearless elephant.

After the exercise, the guys sit in a circle anddiscuss who they liked to be and why.

"Sunny Bunny"

Game - relaxation

Target: Relieving facial muscle tension.


Do you want to play with the "Sunny Bunny"? (Music sounds)

A sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them . He ran further over the face, gently stroke it with your palms on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin, gently stroke the head, neck, arms, legs. He climbed onto his stomach - stroke his belly. The sunny bunny is not a mischievous person, he loves and caresses you, make friends with him. Great! We made friends with the “Sunny Bunny”, take a deep breath and smile at each other. How great it is that we met!

Muscle relaxation studies

"Bar 1"

Target : Relax your back muscles.

Now you and I will be weightlifters.Imagine that there is a heavy barbell lying on the floor. Doinhale, lift the barbell off the floor with your arms outstretched,take her away. Very hard. Exhale, the barbell to the floor, fromtake your breath. Let's try again".

"Bar 2"

Target : Relax the muscles of your arms and back, allowing you to the child to feel successful.

“Now let’s take a lighter barbell and lift itover your head. You took a breath, raised the barbell, and fixed this position so that the judges counted your victory. It’s hard to stand like that, drop the barbell, exhale. Relax.Hooray! You are all champions. You can bow to the audience. To youeveryone clap, bow again like champions.”

The exercise can be performed several times.

"Humpty Dumpty"

Target : Relax the muscles of your arms, back and chest.

“Let's put on another little performance. Hecalled "Humpty Dumpty". Humpty Dumpty was sitting on the wall. Humpty Dumpty fell in his sleep. (S. Marshak)

First, we will turn the body left and right,At the same time, the arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. To the words “fell in a dream” - sharply tilt the body down".

"Good morning"

Plastic sketch with elements of finger gymnastics

Target: Teach children to tune into a joyful emotional state with the help of music.

Music is playing, children are sitting on chairs.

Leading: You are sitting, your heads are down, you are dozing, you are sleeping; suddenly you feel a ray of sunlight sliding across your face, slowly open your eyes, stretch, get up, go to the window and, opening it, admire the early morning. (music stops)

You woke up?

Use your index fingers to stroke your eyes
Make “binoculars” out of your fingers and look through them

Good morning, ears!
You woke up?

Stroke your ears with your palms
Place your palms on your ears “Cheburashka”

Good morning, hands!
You woke up?

Stroking one or the other hand
Hand clapping

Good morning, legs!
You woke up?

Stroking knees
Stomp your feet

Good morning, sun!
I woke up! (awoke)

Raise your hands up, look at the sun
(look up)

"Summer evening"

Dramatization game

Target: Develop fantasy, imagination, stage acting skills.

(The action is performed to music)

In the chair, the tired owner is silent.

The cat is purring on his lap.

Old Jackie in the green house

The bone gnaws and barks at the mouse.

Quietly the cows lie in the meadow,

A shepherd is dozing, nestled in a haystack.

An evening shadow covered the ground.

Another day has flown by!


Study – relaxation

Target: Develop children's ability to sincerely believe in any imaginary situation, teach them to relax their body muscles.

The sun began to warm up. How hot! How thirsty! The flowers have almost wilted. The shoulders were lowered. They hung their heads. The leafy arms hang like whips. They walk slowly, the flowers are sad.

But suddenly a cool rain began to fall. The flowers were delighted and immediately straightened up. The water is drunk, the flowers are tired. The arms opened and fell on the back. They lie down and rest.

The whole body is relaxed, arms and legs are relaxed. So nice!

"Winter walk"

Plastic sketch with elements of finger gymnastics

Target:Exercise children in a variety of imitation movements and convey changes in emotional states

One two three four five

We came to the yard for a walk.

(We march in a circle)

They sculpted a snow woman,

(We “make” a lump with two palms)

The birds were fed crumbs,

(Crushing movements with all fingers)

Then we rode down the hill,

(Pairs ride “On a sleigh”)

And they were also lying in the snow.

(fall on the carpet)

Everyone came home covered in snow.

(Shake off our palms)

We ate soup and went to bed

(Moves with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)

Invite the children, while listening to music, with their eyes closed, to recreate a winter walk in their memory.


Communication game

Target: Expansion of the child’s emotional sphere; development of the ability to convey an emotional state using intonation, facial expressions, postures, and gestures.

(We throw our hands up one by one)

Sunshine, sunshine

(We rock our torso with our hands clasped above our heads)

Golden bottom!

(2 times jumping on two legs)

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out!

(Running in place)

A stream ran in the garden,

(Flap your arms like wings)

A hundred rooks have flown in,

(we squat slowly)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

(We spread our palms to the sides in the shape of a flower)

And the flowers grow

Call me kindly

Target: Cultivate a friendly attitude among children towards each other.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites the child to pass the ball (or toy) to the child standing next to him, affectionately calling him by name. The child takes the ball and passes it to the next child with the same task. After this, the children share their impressions and feelings.

Warm rain

Target: Development of the child’s emotional sphere, relieving psycho-emotional stress.

The teacher tells the children: the rain moistened the ground, refreshed the grass and leaves. Let's play with raindrops.

At first, the children hide their hands behind their backs, then we bring forward the straight right hand with the palm up, the left one remains behind the back. Then we switch hands. Children try to imagine how they feel. Repeat 6 – 8 times.


Target: Development of imagination, expressiveness of movements, relieving emotional stress.

The teacher imitates blowing soap bubbles, and the other children imitate the flight of these bubbles. Children move freely throughout the free space. After the command “Burst”, the children lie down on the floor.


Target: Correction of the child’s psycho-emotional sphere, muscle relaxation, mastering the resting pose

Children lie on the carpet, curled up in a ball with their eyes closed. The teacher says the words:

Kittens sleep on the carpet. Purr purr.

They don't want to wake up. Purr purr.

Quietly sleeping back to back

And they purr in their sleep.

Everyone lay down on their backs. Purr purr. (Children perform)

Paws stretched out. Purr purr.

We stretched and woke up.

“Psycho-gymnastics” M.I. Chistyakova

Card index of games and studies
1. Sketches and games to develop attention,
memory, automated and
expressive motor skills. Sketches for
achieving relaxation in children.
2. Sketches and games for expression
various emotional
3. Studies and games with display
individual character traits
Compiled by:
music director
Mikhailova Evgenia Vitalievna

1. What can you hear?
1st option (for children 5 - 6 years old):
The presenter invites the children to listen and remember what
happening behind the door. Then he asks to tell what they
2nd option (for children 7 - 8 years old):
At the leader’s signal, the children’s attention is drawn from the door to
window, from window to door. Then each child must tell
what happened where.

Section 1. Games to develop attention.

2. Be careful! (for children 4-5 years old)
Children walk to S. Prokofiev's "March".
Then, to the word “Bunnies” spoken by the presenter, the children
should start jumping, at the word “horses” - as if
hit the floor with a “hoof”, “crayfish” - back away, “birds” run with their arms outstretched to the sides, “stork” - stand on
one leg.

Section 1. Games to develop attention.

3. Listen to sounds! (for children 7-8 years old)
The presenter agrees with the children that when he presses
piano lowercase key, they must get into a pose
“Weeping willow”, when the top one is in the “poplar” pose.
Then the game begins - the children walk in a circle. Sounds low
sound - children take the “weeping willow” pose (feet shoulder-width apart,
arms slightly apart at the elbows and hanging, head tilted to the left
shoulder). To a sound taken in the upper register, they strike a pose
“poplar” (heels together, toes apart, legs straight, arms raised
up, head thrown back, look at the tips of the fingers).

Section 1. Games to develop attention.

4. Listen to the claps! (for children 5-6 years old)
The players walk in a circle.
When the leader claps his hands once, the children should
stop and take a stork pose (stand on one leg, arms
to the sides).
If the leader claps twice, the players take a pose
frogs (sit down, heels together, toes and knees to the sides,
hands between legs on the floor).
After three claps, the players resume walking.

Section 1. Games to develop attention.

5. Canon (for children 7-8 years old)
The game is played to the music of F. Burgmuller “Barcarolle”
(excerpt). Children stand behind each other. Hands rest on shoulders
standing in front. Hearing the first beat of music,
The first child raises his right hand up, the second child, and so on. etc. When all the children raise their right hands,
the next beat they begin to raise the left one in the same order
hand. Raising their left hand, the children also take turns to the music
hands down.

Section 1. Games to develop attention.

6. Canon for kids (for children 4-5 years old)
The players stand in a circle. To a round dance song
“Spleenyushka” children take turns doing the following
movements: one crouches and stands up, the other claps
hands, the third crouches and stands up, etc.

Section 1. Games to develop attention.

7. Gawkers (for children 6-7 years old)
The players walk in a circle, holding hands, at a signal
the leader stops, makes four claps,
turn around and continue moving.
The direction changes after each signal. Not
The one who completes the task correctly leaves the game.
Musical accompaniment: E. Jacques-Dalcroze. "March".

Section 1. Games to develop attention.

8. “Typewriter” (for children 8-9 years old)
Each player is assigned a letter of the alphabet.
Then come up with one word or phrase out of two or three
words At a signal, children begin to print: the first “letter”
words claps his hands, then a second, etc. When the word
will be printed, all the children clap their hands.

10. Section 1. Games to develop attention.

9. Four elements (for children 6 -7 years old)
The players sit in a circle. The presenter negotiates with
them that if he says the word "earth", everyone should
put your hands down, if the word is “water” - extend your hands
forward, the word "air" - raise your hands up, the word
“fire” - rotate your hands in the wrist and
elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake counts

11. Section 1. Memory development games.

10. Repeat after me (for children 6-7 years old)
Children stand near the leader's table. The presenter offers one
the child should clap everything that is tapped with a pencil:
leading. The rest of the children listen carefully and evaluate
execution of movements: raise your thumb up,
if the claps are correct, and lower it down if
Rhythmic phrases should be short and clear in nature

12. Section 1. Memory development games.

11. Remember the movements (for children 5-6 years old)
Children repeat the movements of their arms and legs after the leader. When
they will remember the sequence of exercises, repeat them in
in reverse order.

13. Section 1. Memory development games.

12. Remember your place (for children 4-5 years old)
Children stand in a circle or in different corners of the hall, each
must remember my place. To the music of I. Dunaevsky
"Gallop" everyone runs away, and when the music ends they must
return to your seats.

14. Section 1. Memory development games.

13. Remember your pose (for children 4-5 years old)
Children stand in a circle or in different corners of the hall, each child should
stand in some position and remember it. When the music starts
all the children run away, with its end they must return to their
place and stand in the same position. Musical accompaniment: S.
Bodrenkov. "Game of burners."

15. Section 1. Memory development games.

14. Listen and perform! (for children 7-8 years old)
The presenter calls several different ones 1-2 times
movements without showing them. Children must produce
movements in the same sequence as they were
named leader.

16. Section 1. Memory development games.

15. These are the poses! (for children 5-6 years old)
The players take various poses. Driver,
having looked at them, he must remember and reproduce them,
when all the children return to their starting position.

17. Section 1. Memory development games.

16. Remember the order! (for children 5-6 years old)
4 - 5 players line up one after another in
in any order. The driver, looking at the children,
must turn around and say who is behind whom. Then
someone else becomes the driver.

18. Section 1. Memory development games.

17. Who did what? (for children 5-6 years old)
Four players stand next to each other. To the music
D. Kabalevsky “A Merry Fairy Tale” they take turns
perform various movements and repeat them 4 times.
The fifth child must remember what they did and
repeat their movements.

19. Section 1. Memory development games.

18. Artist (for children 5-6 years old)
The child plays the role of an artist. He carefully
considers who he will draw, then
turns away and gives a verbal portrait of him.

20. Section 1. Memory development games.

19. Shadow (for children 5-6 years old)
The music of A. Petrov “Call of the Blue” sounds
(from the movie "Blue Bird")
Two children are walking along the road through a field: one in front, and the other two or three steps behind. The second child is the “shadow” of the first. "Shadow" must
exactly repeat all the actions of the first child who breaks it
flower on the side of the road, then bends down for a beautiful pebble, then jumps on
one leg, then he will stop and look from under his arm, etc.

21. Section 1. Memory development games.

20. In the mirror store (for children 5-6 years old)
There were many large mirrors in the store. Entered there
a man with a monkey on his shoulder. She saw
myself in the mirrors and thought they were other monkeys,
and started making faces at them. The monkeys answered her
same. She shook her fist at them, and from the mirrors
they threatened, she stamped her foot, and all the monkeys
stamped their foot. Whatever the monkey does, everything
the rest exactly repeated her movements.

22. Section 1. Memory development games.

21. Scouts (for children 5-6 years old)
1st option (for children 6 - 7 years old). In the room in no particular order
chairs are arranged. One child (scout) walks across the room,
going around the chairs on either side, and the other child (commander),
Having remembered the road, he must lead the detachment along the same path. Then
Other children become scouts and squad leaders. Scout
paves a new path, and the commander leads the entire detachment along this path
2nd option (for children 6 - 7 years old). The beginning of the game is the same as in the 1st
option, but the commander must begin to lead the detachment from where he came
scout, and lead him to where the scout came from. Musical
support: E. Brusilovsky.

23. Section 1. Games to overcome motor automatism.

22. Flag (for children 4-5 years old)
The players walk around the hall to the “Bulgarian song”
(arranged by T. Lomova). When the presenter raises the flag
up, all the kids have to stop, though the music
continues to sound.

24. Section 1. Games to overcome motor automatism.

23. Forbidden number (for children 6 - 7 years old)
The players stand in a circle. A number is selected that is not allowed
pronounce, instead of pronouncing it, the player claps
clap. For example, the forbidden number is 5. The game begins,
when the first child says “one”, the next
continues counting, and so on until five. The fifth child is silent
claps his hands 5 times. The sixth one says: “Six,” etc.

25. Section 1. Games to overcome motor automatism.

24. Opposite movements (for children
5 - 6 years)
Children stand in two lines facing each other. Under
"Canadian Folk Song" music at the beginning of each
in a beat, the second rank performs movements,
opposite cervoi.
If the first line crouches, then the second one jumps.

26. Section 1. Games to overcome motor automatism.

25. Stop! (for children 5 - 6 years old)
Children walk to the music of E. Jacques-Dalcroze “March”.
Suddenly the music stops, but the children must move on
at the same pace until the presenter says: “Stop!”

27. Section 1. Games to overcome motor automatism.

26. Freeze! (for children 6 - 7 years old)
Children jump to the beat of D. Kabalevsky's music "Clowns"
(legs to the sides - together), accompanying the jumps with claps
above the head and along the thighs. Suddenly the music stops -
the players must have time to freeze in the position in which
the music had to stop. The music sounds again
the rest continue the game. They play until
there will be only one player left who admits

28. Section 1. Games to overcome motor automatism.

27. Please! (for children 7 - 8 years old)
1st option. All participants in the game, together with the leader, stand in
circle. The presenter says that he will show different movements
(physical education, dance, comic), and those playing should
repeat only if he adds a word to the display
"Please". Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.
2nd option. The game goes the same way as in the 1st version, but only the one who
makes a mistake, goes to the middle and performs some task,
for example, smile, jump on one leg, etc.

29. Section 1. Games to overcome motor automatism.

28. Prohibited movement! (for children 5 - 6 years old)
Children stand facing the leader. To the music of I. Dunaevsky
“How nice it is all around” at the beginning of each measure they
perform movements with their hands that show
Then select one movement to repeat
prohibited. The one who repeats the forbidden movement
leaves the game.

30. Section 1. Games to overcome motor automatism.

29. Empty corner (for children 7-8 years old)
Three pairs of playing children are placed in three corners of the room, the fourth
the corner remains empty. To the music, children move in pairs to an empty corner
in a certain order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd pair; 2nd, 3rd, etc.
When the move action becomes automatic, the master
warns that on the word “more” the couple who have just reached
empty corner, should return back, and the next pair,
about to move to their corner, stay in place and only for
the next musical phrase to run to a new empty corner.
Children do not know in advance when the leader will give the command “more”, and must
be alert. If there are less than six children, then one may stand in some corner
child, and if there are more than six, then a union of three children is permissible.

31. Section 1. Outdoor games.

30. TWO COCKERS FOUGHT (for children 5-6 years old)
Two children clasp their fingers behind their backs and stand
on one leg and while the music of A. Raichev sounds
“Two cockerels quarreled,” jumping up and trying to
hit each other with sharp forward movements of the shoulders.

32. Section 1. Outdoor games.

31. Needle and thread. (for children 4 -5 years old)
The children stand next to each other. First child-
needle. He runs, changing direction. The rest are running after
him, trying to keep up. The game accompanies
French folk song "The Hunchbacks".

33. Section 1. Outdoor games.

32. The dragon bites its tail. (for children 5-6 years old)
The players stand behind each other, holding their waists
standing in front. The first child is the head of the dragon,
the last one is the tip of the tail. While the music is playing D.
Nuryev “Oriental dance”, the first player tries
grab the last one - the dragon catches its tail.
The rest of the children cling tenaciously to each other. If
the dragon does not catch its tail, then the dragon's head will be replaced
another child stands up.

34. Section 1. Outdoor games.

33. It’s boring, boring sitting like this. (for children 5-6 years old)
The players sit on small chairs.
There are chairs against the opposite wall, but there is one less of them.
The presenter says: It’s boring, it’s boring to sit like this,
Everyone looks at each other;
Isn't it time to go for a run?
And change places?
As soon as the presenter finishes speaking, the children must run quickly
and sit on the chairs standing against the opposite wall.
The one who is left without a chair loses.

35. Section 1. Outdoor games.

34. Traps. (for children 5-6 years old)
The leader chooses a trap. The trap stands turned
facing the wall. The rest of the children are at the opposite wall.
To the music (I. Haydn, “Rondo”. Excerpt) children run up to
trap, clap their hands and say: One-two-three,
One two Three.
Rather us
catch it!
Then they run to their places. The trap catches up with the guys.
The game repeats itself.
The one who is caught becomes the trap.

36. Section 1. Outdoor games.

35. Fox, where are you? (for children 5-6 years old)
Children stand in a circle leading in the middle. Then they
turn away and close their eyes. At this time, the leader walks around
circle and unnoticed by the children with a pre-agreed touch
appoints a fox, the rest are hares.
At the signal, everyone opens their eyes, but no one knows; who is it
fox. The presenter calls for the first time: “Fox, where are you?” Fox shouldn't
give oneself away neither by word nor by movement, the same way the second time, and in
The third fox replies: “I’m here” - and rushes to catch the hares. hare,
One who is squatting cannot be caught.
Caught hares leave the game.

37. Section 1. Outdoor games.

36. Owl. (for children 4-5 years old)
Children choose a driver - an owl, who sits in
nest and sleeps, at this time the children begin to run and jump.
Then the host says: “Night!” Owl opens his eyes
and starts to fly. All players should immediately freeze.
Whoever moves or laughs becomes an owl.
The game is accompanied by the music of O. Geilfus “Balalar”.

38. Section 1. Outdoor games.

37. Polar bears. (for children 6 -7 years old)
A place is being outlined where polar bears will live.
Two children holding hands are polar bears.
With the words: “The bears are going hunting” - they run,
trying to surround and catch one of the players.
Then they go hunting again.
When everyone playing is caught, the game ends.

39. Section 1. Outdoor games.

38. The most dexterous rider (for children 5-6 years old)
Chairs are placed randomly around the room.
Riders sit on chairs facing the back. When
the music starts playing, everyone gets up from their chairs and starts jumping
around the hall, imitating the movements of a horse.
At this time, the presenter removes one chair. WITH
the end of the music (R. Schumann. “The Brave Rider”) children
must sit on chairs, but always facing the back.
The one left without a chair leaves the game. A game
continues until there is only one left
a chair for the most agile rider.

40. Section 1. Outdoor games.

39. Path. (for children 6 -7 years old)
Children are divided into two teams with the same number of participants.
In each team, children join hands, forming two circles, and at a signal
the leader begins to move in a circle to the right until
the music will stop (pause in the music after a different number of measures: (6, 12, 18
After this, the leader gives a task that is completed by both
teams. If the leader says: “Path!”, members of each team
stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front,
squat, tilting their head slightly down. If the presenter says: “Heap!”
all participants in the game go to the center of their circle, joining their hands in
center. If “Bumps!”, all participants in the game squat with their hands on
These tasks are alternated by the leader.
Whoever completes the task faster will receive a point.
The team with the most points wins.
The game is performed to the Russian folk song “Kuma”.

41. Section 1. Outdoor games.

40. Spindle. (for children 6 -7 years old)
The players are divided into two. groups and become each other
friend. At the command “Let’s start!” children standing first
must quickly, like a spindle, wrap around itself.
Then the neighbors grab them by the waist and turn around
already together, etc., until they reach the last one in the row.
The group whose children turn around faster wins.
Musical accompaniment:
"Lezginka" (Dagestan folk dance).

42. Section 1. Outdoor games.

41. River. (for children 5-6 years old)
Two groups of children participate in the game. Marking on
half a narrow river, approach it one by one from
each group and try to jump over it.
Whoever jumped over returns to his group, and whoever
no, you have to go to the next one.
Which group will have more children at the end of the game?
she won.
The game is accompanied by Azerbaijani folk
dance music arranged by S. Rustamov.

43. Section 1. Games to promote calm and organization.

42. Listen to the command! (for children 5-6 years old)
Children walk to the music (R. Gazizov. “March”) in a column
one after another; when the music stops, that's it
stop and listen to what is said in a whisper
the leader's command and immediately carry it out.
Commands are given only to carry out calm
The game continues until the group is good
listens and completes the task accurately.

44. Section 1. Games to promote calm and organization.

43. Arrange posts. (for children 6 -7 years old)

stop immediately.

45. Section 1. Games to promote calm and organization.

44. Look at your hands! (for children 5-6 years old)
Children march to the music (F. Schubert! “March”)
one after another. The commander is ahead. When the commander
clap his hands, the child coming last must
stop immediately.
So the commander arranges all the children in the way he has planned.
order (ruler, circle, corners, etc.).

46. ​​Section 1. Games to promote calm and organization.

45. Who is behind whom? (for children 5-6 years old)
Chairs are placed randomly around the room. IN
the music of A. Ferro “Gavotte” is heard in the hall. One child,
whom the presenter called, walks between the chairs and,
Hearing a stop in the music, he sits down on the nearest chair.
The leader calls the next one, and he repeats
actions of the previous child. When all the children sit down
chairs, the leader invites the children to take turns standing up and
go to the same place.
They must rise in the order in which they were called in
at the beginning of the game the leader.

47. Section 1. Games to promote calm and organization.

46. ​​Let's go after the blue bird (for children 5-6 years old)
Children walk around the hall, holding hands and saying
repeatedly to the music (I. Sad. “Procession”) words:
We are in a long line
Let's follow the Blue Bird
Let's follow the Blue Bird
Let's go after the Blue Bird.

48. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

47. It's me! It is mine! (for children 4 -5 years old)
A child talks to a deaf grandmother who,
It turns out that he is looking for him. He already realized that with
grandma needs to talk with her hands:4 nothing
grandma doesn't hear.
Grandmother asks: “Where is Vitya?” (name is called
playing), “Whose books are these?”, “Whose toys?” And so on.
The boy answers with a gesture. Expressive movements:
the arm is bent at the elbow, the index finger is pointed
on the chest: “I am!”; hand pressed to chest: “Mine,
belongs to me!

49. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

48. Enchanted child (for children 5-6 years old)
The child was bewitched. He can't speak.
Answers questions with gestures.
With his index finger he shows various objects
and directions: closet, table, below, above, there.

50. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

49. How many sounds. (for children 5-6 years old)
The presenter knocks a pencil on the table several times.
The child must show on his fingers how many have sounded

51. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

50. That's what he is! (for children 5-6 years old)
The child must talk about the sizes and
the form of objects well known to him.
With the help of gestures he characterizes the object:
small, large, pointed, large, round,
quadrangular, small, long, short.

52. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

51. Hush! (for children 3-4 years old)
Two mice must cross the road where
the kitten is sleeping. They either walk on their toes or
stop and sign to each other:
The etude is performed to the music of B. Berlin “Sleeping
Expressive movements: stretch your neck forward,
place your index finger on your pursed lips, eyebrows
lift up.

53. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

52. Give it back! (for children 4 - 5 years old)
The child demands to give him the toy.

horizontally with palms facing up.

54. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

53. Come to me! (for children 3 - 4 years old)
A boy beckons a baby who is learning to walk.
on one's own.
Expressive movements: crouch, both hands
stretched out towards the baby.

55. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

54.Go away! (for children 3 - 4 years old)
The child pushes the offender away.
Expressive movements: hold hands
vertically, palms facing out.

56. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

55. Goodbye! (for children 3 - 4 years old)
A huge white motor ship departs from the pier.
The mourners, looking at the sailors standing on the deck and
passengers wave at them with their hand raised high:
"Goodbye! See you!"

57. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

56. I won’t show you! (for children 5 - 6 years old)
Mom gave the girl a small mirror so that
she could send out sunbeams. The children surrounded
the girl is asked to show what it is like. But the girl, pressing
palms the mirror to the chest and spreading the elbows, spins
from side to side: “I won’t show you!”

58. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

57. I don't know! (for children 6 - 7 years old)
They ask the Know-Nothing Boy about something, but he just
shrugs his shoulders and spreads his hands: “I don’t know,” “I don’t
I have no idea,” “I didn’t see anything.”
Expressive movements: raise eyebrows, lower them
corners of the mouth, raise your shoulders for a moment, arms slightly
spread out, open your palms.

59. Section 1. Studies on the expressiveness of gesture.

58. Snowball fight (for children 5 - 6 years old)
Winter. Children in the garden play snowballs to the music of G. Struve
"Fun slide".
Expressive movements. Bend over and grab with both hands
snow, straighten up and throw the snowball with a sharp short
movement, opening your fingers wide.