10 provocative questions to a friend. Interesting and vulgar questions for guys when communicating on the Internet


So, are you dating or not, you just started talking, you really like him and you think “how not to scare him away?”

Men, by nature, are not particularly talkative, or rather, he may be talkative, but to speak does not mean to open the soul.

So, let's figure out what questions you can ask a guy?

  1. Your questions should be far from the stereotyped phrases “How are you?”, “How is the weather?”. Such typical questions they can only push him away, and in principle the answer to such a question is meant to be monosyllabic: “Normal”, “Good”, and so on. Our task is to start a dialogue that will be of interest to both and one question will flow smoothly from the other.
  2. Ask a guy about his hobby, for example, if you know that he is fond of boxing, hockey or goes to the gym. Guys love to talk about their hobbies, however, like girls, we always talk about what we are interested in with pleasure.
  3. Avoid very personal topics. You should not ask directly how much he earns, why he broke up with his ex-girlfriend and why his grandfather died. No need to climb into his soul so quickly, the time will come and he will tell you everything.
  4. You can ask how he likes to spend free time. This question will help not only set the tone for the conversation, but also help you learn about it. more information to learn about his character, moral values and inner world.
  5. Ask him about travel. Not bad, if you yourself have been abroad, tell him about it, and he will share it with you in return.
  6. Ask where he studies/works. Just don't delve too deeply into the topic of work, it can get boring. Ask where and by whom he works, what are his duties, is he interested in this or is he going to develop in a different direction. It is not worth going further.
  7. Take an interest in his life principles. His attitude to love, friendship. These questions can be used even in relation to unfamiliar men.
  8. Give compliments. This will help to defuse the situation and relax him. Just choose non-personal compliments. For example, a compliment like “You are such a bunny” will not be appropriate, but “It’s so cool, you have such a courageous profession” that’s it.
  9. Don't ask too many questions. All the same, you should build a dialogue, and not a monologue or passing an exam.

Questions not to ask a guy

1. Are you bored with me?

If he is still with you, then for sure he is interested in you, otherwise he would have left. These types of questions can make a guy think that you are insecure and stupid. There are so many things to talk about in the universe, so asking such nonsense is not recommended.

2. Do you love me?

This question is like a red rag to a bull. If he loves, he will tell about it herself. Besides, you're probably rushing things. Girls, as a rule, after the first date begin to make plans for young man, ready to say "I love you", get married and give birth to a bunch of children. For guys, things are different. Just because he's hanging out or dating you doesn't mean he loves you. Don't rush him.

3. Am I getting better?

Men rarely notice small changes in your appearance (it can be like a couple extra pounds, and the color of the varnish), they often evaluate the image as a whole. But after your question, he will definitely pay attention. Do you need it?

4. Questions about his ex-girlfriends

to herself quiet life spoil it. Why do you need to know that? Everything that was is gone. Also, beware if he himself starts talking about his ex, for sure, he still has feelings.

What questions can you ask a guy on the Internet

  • Counter questions. He asked you and you repeat his question. For example, "How did you spend your day?". Communication on the Internet is difficult because being at a distance it is difficult to find common topics.
  • Clarifying questions. You asked, he answered, ask a clarifying question, for example, “What do you do in your free time?”, He answers “Boxing”, you answer “Boxing, it's very interesting! How long have you been doing this?" and everything like that.

In general, questions on the Internet are not too different from questions on real life, you can add a couple of topics:



Ask him about plans for the future, there will be a reason to think, are you on the way at all?

-bad habits

This question is worth asking so that if in the future you agree to meet in real life, you will not be surprised if he comes on a date with a bottle of beer and a cigarette.


Maybe you grew up in the same backyard? Ask him how he was: quiet or fidget. This will show your interest in him and he will be pleased.

In any case, when communicating with a guy, the main thing is your sincere interest to him. You can ask at least a thousand questions, but if he does not see a spark of interest in your eyes, he probably will not want to continue communication. Good luck!

You just met and you don't know how to dilute a boring conversation at all? Every girl in the arsenal should have interesting and cool questions, to some extent with a trick, in order to test him for ingenuity as best as possible, which will not let a single guy get bored (perhaps even vulgar ones). We present a whole list of questions, for all occasions, with which you can 100% forget about uncomfortable silent pauses in communication with guys.

This block of questions will allow not only to hook the interlocutor for further communication, but also to find out all his sides, which of course will give rise to certain conclusions. As a rule, these are questions of a general nature that are very flattering to a guy, because in spite of the stereotype of the talkativeness of all women, men simply love to talk about themselves. First of all, ask the guy about his hobbies and preferences. These questions will be relevant to everyone, without exception, both men and women. Think about what question you would be happy to answer and ask it without any hesitation. For example:

  • What music can you imagine your life without?
  • What is the most recent movie you watched?
  • Do you like camping?
  • What food do you hate?
  • How do you feel about religion? Do you believe in God?
  • What is your favorite dessert?
  • Are you afraid of spiders?
  • Do you like to go to discos? Have you been to costume parties?
  • What is your zodiac sign? Do you believe in horoscope?
  • Did they tell you by hand?
  • Do you have best friend? How did you meet?
  • What do you like more - receiving or giving gifts?
  • What fears did you have as a child?
  • What can throw you off balance?
  • What can't you forgive?
  • What can not be done at the first communication?
  • What is the most funny case from life?
  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  • Tell me about your first love. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What is the first memory in your life?
  • Imagine that you won a million dollars, what will you spend them on?
  • Have you ever fought?
  • What words did you say incorrectly as a child?
  • What thing do you use every day and consider indispensable?
  • Did you have prophetic dreams?

Looking for first date questions?


These unpretentious topics will allow you not only to find general interest and discuss joint taste preferences, but also to discover new styles of music, movie genres and other useful information. But, in any case, you should not criticize him. As they say, how many people have so many opinions. Try to initially tune in to listen, let the interlocutor open up and do not impose. At such moments, it is important to feel whether the given topic appeals to the young person. Ask more clarifying questions on the topics given, thereby showing genuine interest in the conversation.

cool questions

This block of questions will be useful to you if you decide to defuse the situation after some serious conversation, or you don’t want to talk about serious topics at all. Particularly interesting and funny are the answers to questions like “what would you do if…” or “what would you do…”:

  • If you were sent to desert island on whole year and you could take 2 people with you, who would you invite with you?
  • If you were to stay overnight in a hypermarket, what would you do?
  • Would you like to act in a porn film and what genre will this film be?
  • How would you react if suddenly everyone's clothes were gone?
  • Would you like to be a woman for one day and what would you do first?
  • Have you ever wanted to change your appearance forever with someone and what would you never change?
  • What superpower would you like to have and why?
  • Who do you think you were in a past life?
  • Ever woke up in an unfamiliar place?
  • Imagine that you were given the opportunity to commit any crime with impunity, would you commit it and what kind?
  • Which is better, fat girl, but with big breasted, or thin, but with an inept neckline?
  • When will we submit an application to the registry office?
  • Would you take your future wife's last name?
  • Let's do it right now, ready?
  • You have the opportunity to make any wish within 30 seconds. Tell me quickly!
  • If you knew that the world would end tomorrow, how would you live your last day?
  • Did you go on a blind date and did you like the girl? What would you do if she wasn't your type at all?
  • Imagine that you have a time machine, what time will you go?

It is very important not to cross the line of flirtatious humor. It is such a simple dialogue that will help him relax and open up as much as possible. Try to make jokes about branching topics, without touching on family, friendship, religion, or his salary, so as not to embarrass the person.

Trick questions

Each girl tries to find out as much as possible all the "skeletons in the closet" from the opposite sex. But how to do it so that the guy does not even suspect about it? Very easy too! It is worth asking a couple of tricky questions, and he will give himself up.

  • Can you openly tell a person about his shortcomings?
  • Were there cases of theft on your part?
  • Should a wife report to her husband about her purchases?
  • Would you lend money to someone you barely know?
  • How do you feel about cheating? How many times did you change?
  • Slept with ex-girlfriends?
  • Able to entrust your password from mail or from social networks to your girlfriend?
  • Are you a jealous person?
  • What would you say if a girl approached you on the street and offered to have sex?
  • What incident in your life would you like to forget?
  • Imagine the situation, you were invited to a wedding ex girlfriend, will you take the current one with you?
  • How do you cut loved ones out of your life?
  • Have you ever felt like you love two girls at the same time? How did you do?
  • What are the three things you can't imagine the perfect girl without?
  • What parts of the body are the first things men pay attention to?
  • What was the most expensive gift you gave to your loved one?
  • What would be your reaction if your best friend confessed that he was gay?

These topics are quite delicate, especially for males. Some moments in life people prefer not to discuss, the main thing is not to make a mistake and not step on this “mine”. Be vigilant, learn to feel the subtle threads of the dialogue so as not to accidentally cut them off. Don't push for answers unless the person is obviously in the mood to discuss them. Also, you should not expect 100% truth, the answers of men on such topics very rarely coincide with reality. Avoid personal questions (related specifically to you) - they are useless. You run the risk of hearing unpleasant things or obvious lies. Be content with the fact that he communicates with you, and this is obviously a good sign!

vulgar questions

What to do when you have known each other for a long time and it's time to move on to "spicy topics"? Then these questions will definitely come in handy for you.

  • Do you like to watch 18+ films and what kind?
  • What size is your penis?
  • What was your first sex like? Describe your first sexual partner.
  • Funniest incident during lovemaking
  • Have you ever been caught by your parents for self-satisfaction?
  • How often do you satisfy yourself?
  • Kissed a man?
  • Tell me about your most extreme sexual experience.
  • Did you have a threesome, and if not, did you want to try?
  • Did you use the services of a prostitute?
  • Have you tried phone sex?
  • What is your favorite position?
  • Do you give girls oral sex in the bikini area?
  • Had sex with a complete stranger?
  • What was the longest break in sexual terms?
  • Have you ever had nocturnal dreams?

Do not even try to ask these questions at the first communication! In any case, this is a sign of bad upbringing. Communicating in this spirit, you can safely forget about the search for a gentleman who with valor will seek his hand and heart. And remember that not all guys are equally liberated in matters of this nature. Try to find everyone individual approach. Good luck!

Marina Nikitina

Often girls get lost when communicating with a guy they like, they don’t know what topics to talk about and what questions to ask. But it is important not to push a man away from you, to attract his attention. The right questions will help you get to know the young person better.

If you have known a guy for a long time, then the task is greatly simplified. After all, you already have an idea about his preferences and desires, you know what a young man likes to talk about, and what you should not ask. In any case, we suggest using our advice.

Talk about hobbies

The young man will tell what he is really interested in, perhaps the story will drag on. Listen patiently, find common ground and smile. Perhaps this will be the beginning of a long serious relationship.

Career questions

Ask the young man whether he is studying or working, about his career, plans for the future.

What institute did you study at?
What subjects did you like the most?
Why did you choose this specialty?
Where do you work?
Do you love your job?
What exactly do you do at work?
Do you plan to develop in this area or want to try something else?

Questions concerning his personality

Ask a few questions about inner world guy.

Do you consider yourself an open person?
If you could change one quality in yourself, what would it be?
What do you love most about yourself?
What values ​​are most important to you in life?
If you could live anywhere in the world, which place would you choose?
Have you ever regretted anything in your life?

Questions about the family

Ask the young man what kind of relationship he has with his parents and other family members, whether he has brothers or sisters, and whether he often manages to see them. So you show a true interest in his personality. But do not insist if the guy does not make contact and avoids discussing this topic.

About friends

Ask a man about his friends, this will help to reveal his personality more widely. Moreover, it will allow you to learn more about the people that the guy will introduce you to soon.

Here are some possible questions:

Do you have a lot of friends? How many of them are the best?
Do you often meet with friends?
Where do you usually spend time with friends?
Do you like to travel with your friends?
Do you communicate with
Do you have friends with whom you have been together since childhood?
How much do you trust your best friend?

About childhood

Ask the young man to talk about his childhood. Was it very different from yours?

How was your childhood?
What city were you born and raised in?
Do you have colorful childhood memories that you will remember for a lifetime?
As a child, who did you dream of being?
Did you enjoy studying at school?
Would you like to return to your childhood?

And some relationship questions

This topic is deeply personal for many. So they should be asked when a certain level of comfort between you is reached.

What do you notice when you see a girl for the first time?
What qualities are most important to you in a girl?
Would you change your habits for the sake of a loved one?
Would you still date a girl who is terminally ill?
What will you never forgive your partner for?

What questions should not be asked

Be careful with questions of an intimate nature, about past relationships, not everyone is pleased to discuss such topics. This will cause embarrassment and.

Refrain from being interested in financial opportunities: he will suspect you of prudence. Refrain from asking about unpleasant things, him and problems. Such conversations will cause. Men do not like to show weakness, if there is a desire, they will share themselves.

Try not to turn the conversation into an interrogation, be sure to give the young man the right to speak.
In no case be imposed if the guy is not in the mood for communication. He may not be in the mood today.
Do not interrupt the interlocutor, otherwise he will lose the desire to continue the story. Besides, it's impolite.
Learn to listen, men love it.
Take advantage of your sense of humor. Kidding, this will help break the ice.
We recommend asking clarifying questions, this will show your interest in the conversation.

February 16, 2014, 13:02

Have you recently met a guy and don't know what to talk about? What to do when you are walking down the street, talking, but sometimes there are awkward pauses? In this case, every girl in her head should have a list of unusual, but very simple questions, which can be set without problems.

You can ask anything. When asking a guy questions, it is important not to seem intrusive or vulgar, especially on early stage relationship development. This will allow you to get to know him even better and soon you will be able to communicate on any topic. We offer you the following interesting and unusual questions:

  • Do you run fast?
  • When you are in the forest, does the silence that reigns scare you?
  • Do you like the way they cook in canteens?
  • What are your favorite topics at university?
  • Does love for your parents mean a lot in your life?
  • Do you like any kind of ice cream?
  • How long does it take you to start trusting a person?
  • How many steps from love to hate?
  • What are the best pets?
  • Do you like songs on Armenian radio?
  • Have you ever worn unusual clothes?
  • Do you think beloved men are happy?

What tricky questions can you ask?

By asking questions of this type, you can better understand the young man you like. This will also allow you to get to know him better, and sometimes even jokingly "put him in a stupor." Asking such unusual questions can sometimes even make the time spent together more interesting and unusual. Such questions can even become "aerobatics" when communicating with men. Here is a list of unusual and tricky questions:

  • Do guys like to cheat? Why are they doing this?
  • Who is more important in a relationship: a guy or a girl?
  • What would you do if you were a woman for a day?
  • Is it easy for you to communicate with girls?
  • For what act can not forgive a loved one?
  • Tell me which girls are NOT your type?
  • Can you be bought?
  • How long does it take to find out your shortcomings?
  • Do you like it when a girl acts vulgar?
  • Was tonight interesting for you?
  • What was your craziest thing?
  • Have you ever danced a striptease with your girlfriend?

But what tricky questions would not be, remember: you can only ask them to someone you already meet. His opinion of you may be wrong. Therefore, before asking, think about his reaction so as not to spoil the relationship.

What questions to ask a guy to get to know him better?

It’s quite easy to recognize guys, because if he is interested in you, then you can ask your future young man about anything. But you can ask him about his childhood, what he liked to do when he was still very young. Asking all this to your one and only and beloved is best in a relaxed atmosphere. Having relaxed a little, the man will certainly open up in front of you. Having talked in such an environment, you can feel his sympathy:

  • Tell me what were you into when you were little?
  • What was your relationship like with your first friend?
  • Was there love in the garden?
  • What are your favorite pets?
  • Tell me, what can attract you in general? Hunting, fishing, cars?
  • What type of holiday do you think is the best?
  • What actions annoy you the most?
  • What events from summer camp do you remember the most?
  • What genre of films do you like the most?
  • What is the relationship with computer games?
  • What dishes do you prefer?

Don't know what to ask? It's simple: ask what you yourself want to know here and now! For example, you are interested to know what unusual hobbies or hobbies a young person has.

Correspondence questions

While meeting and communicating with a pen pal on the Internet, you can ask him both general and more specific questions. But what questions would be appropriate to ask a guy when communicating on VKontakte? After all, we do not know exactly who is on the other side of the monitor. Therefore, before you see each other, it is better to chat a little on the network and understand what topic will be common to you. What questions can be asked by correspondence:

  • How old are you?
  • Are you still studying or already working?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What city do you live in?
  • May I ask what kind of girls do you like?
  • What are your favorite films?
  • What is the most important thing in a man's life?
  • Do you have Brother or sister?
  • What are your favorite films?

If, judging by the photographs, the young man with whom you correspond is fond of cars, you can start with this by asking him at least a hundred questions on this topic. You can also get some information from his profile and find a topic for communication. You can ask a guy about his interests and how he likes to spend his free time. Questions about love and something more intimate are better to start asking a little later.

Questions about relationships and love

We recommend asking intimate questions and questions about relationships after you have talked on more abstract topics. But what to ask a guy if you are not in a relationship with him yet? Here are some ideas:

  • Would you move with me to another city?
  • What would you like to ask me if we were alone?
  • What are the disadvantages of love at first sight?
  • Do you consider yourself a real man?
  • Do you consider yourself to be a worthy guy?
  • What are the forbidden topics for you when communicating with a girl?
  • Do you think I'm your one and only?
  • I have better figure and appearance than your ex?
  • How can I please you tonight?
  • Do you like walking with me?
  • Do you remember the beginning of our love?
  • Will our relationship lead to something more serious?
  • Do you know when we're together other men envy you?

And in order for him to be as open and honest with you as possible, you can win him over by inviting him to visit and preparing dinner by candlelight. Then, not a single topic will be forbidden for you ...

Funny and weird questions to cheer you up

Do you want to get to know a man who has already become quite close? Here are some weird and wild questions for such a case:

  • Which sport game do you find it easier?
  • Which man is your hero?
  • What songs would you invent for your child?
  • Can you remember your worst movie ever?
  • What was the scariest girlfriend you had?
  • Favorite topic in quantum physics?
  • Have you ever taken a selfie with a handsome guy?
  • Are you often recognized on buses?
  • Can you write a list of my virtues?
  • What questions would you like to ask me?

life questions

What question can you ask to understand whether a promising young man is in front of you? Now for many girls this is important:

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years? After 10 years?
  • What are your goals in life?
  • What actions distinguish a boy from a man?
  • What is the hardest and most difficult decision you have made in your life?
  • Do you have any deeds to be proud of?
  • Do you have your own accommodation?
  • What should a girl do for her boyfriend?
  • What was the theme of the last book you read? Do you like her?
  • May I know your weaknesses?

The person with whom you want to build a long and reliable relationship needs to ask as many questions as possible. Of course, it is better to gradually ask them to the guy in order to get to know him better in the course of communication. You can “torture” him imperceptibly, unobtrusively, and then, after a few days of acquaintance, you will already know for sure what kind of person is in front of you.

TOP original and non-standard questions for a guy

What questions to ask to interest a guy, but not be intrusive? Questions can be asked to laugh, lighten the mood a little, or even raise some important topic. Here are questions for you on any topic, a list:

  • What was your name at school?
  • Can you tell me a story from your life that you can't forget?
  • What do you think, what am I ready to go for the sake of my beloved?
  • Have you ever been afraid of brownies?
  • When did you stop believing in Santa Claus?
  • Picture theme that you like?
  • The most interesting days in your life?
  • Would you like to feel with your body what it is to be a girl?
  • Would you like to go to a "hot spot" for your birthday?
  • What's the most embarrassing question you've been asked?
  • Do you often look in the refrigerator at night? Let's talk about this?
  • Do you think I'm interesting?

List of quick questions for men

Blitz questions can be asked to a guy or a man, both specific and the most general. What questions can be asked to better understand how witty and erudite he is? Blitz can be on any topic:

  • List the three most interesting days in your life?
  • On what three men would you like to be like?
  • Will you make a list of questions that will concern only me?
  • What thematic exhibitions would you not go to?
  • Tell me about the most interesting offers for work?
  • Which man influences you the most?
  • Name the three most interesting subjects in school.
  • What topic of conversation is taboo for you?
  • Interesting trip or money?
  • If you were in front of Putin, what topic would you bring up?

Now you know the best questions to ask a guy to see his reaction and how he will answer. With such a blitz, the girl will appreciate the erudition of the young man and what kind of topic of conversation is not interesting or forbidden for him.

If you don’t know what questions to ask a guy when talking on a date, then today’s selection is just for you. Here you will find the top 100 interesting questions guy that you can ask him in different situations, as well as in correspondence VK. You will be able to keep up the conversation, arouse his interest in you, and also get to know him better.

This will be even more useful if you are going on a date with your new acquaintance. The main thing is to know a few rules on how to ask questions correctly:

#1 Do not bombard your interlocutor with questions. In this case, the guy will be tense, and he will want to immediately run away from you.

#2 Ask about things that interest you. For example, you want to know what hobbies a guy has, how he likes to spend his free time. If you are really interested, you can easily continue the conversation. If you ask just to fill a gap, communication will not stick. This leads to the third point.

#3 After asking the guy about something, develop the topic. Express your attitude to the situation. Ask a clarifying question and so on. Thus, natural communication develops.

100 questions for a guy

  1. Name one thing that makes you smile?
  2. What are you most proud of?
  3. What makes you smile?
  4. At what point in your life was the scariest thing for you?
  5. What moment from your childhood do you remember the most?
  6. What gives you the most pleasure in life today?
  7. What is your favorite movie?
  8. Tell me about one thing, important or not, that you haven't told anyone else?
  9. If you had to urgently move to another country, what three things would you take with you first?
  10. Do you have pets?
  11. What's your favorite ice cream?
  12. Who are you closest to in your family?
  13. Tell me your favorite joke?
  14. The dumbest thing you've ever done?
  15. If you could change your past, what moment would you choose?
  16. What is your most positive trait?
  17. When Bad mood How are you trying to get out of it?
  18. What are you into?
  19. What do you like most about your work?
  20. What trait characterizes you the most?
  21. Describe yourself in three words?
  22. Which country did you like the most of those where you were?
  23. How would your best friend describe you?
  24. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
  25. What is your ideal date?
  26. If you could have three wishes granted, what would they be?
  27. Best compliment you've ever received?
  28. What are your talents?
  29. Describe your best friend?
  30. The main thing you have to do before you die?
  31. If you were given a million dollars right now, what would you spend it on?
  32. How do you usually spend your weekends?
  33. What is your zodiac sign? you fit under general characteristics this sign?
  34. What do you regret the most?
  35. What can immediately improve your mood?
  36. What would you change about yourself?
  37. If you had the opportunity to start your life over again, would you take the opportunity?
  38. When last time did you cry? For what reason?
  39. Would you like to have children?
  40. What scares you the most about the future?
  41. How do you imagine your future family?
  42. Favorite saying or proverb?
  43. Have you ever truly fallen in love?
  44. Have you had your heart broken?
  45. How do you understand the concept of "love"?
  46. What lesson did you learn from your past relationships?
  47. The craziest thing you've ever done?
  48. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  49. Your dream job?
  50. What is your favorite word?
  51. Favorite book?
  52. What is the main goal in your life?
  53. Name 3 of your weaknesses?
  54. What questions would you like to ask me?
  55. Who is your idol?
  56. What are your bad/good habits?
  57. Tell me about your first kiss?
  58. With whom from famous people would you like to chat?
  59. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  60. What do you like more: reading books or watching movies?
  61. What is your favorite song?
  62. If you had a day to live, what would you do?
  63. Is the glass half empty or full? What is in the glass?
  64. If you wanted to write a book, what would it be about?
  65. What do you usually think about in the morning after waking up?
  66. Got tattoos?
  67. They gave you a yacht. What will you call her?
  68. What is your favorite color?
  69. Favorite season?
  70. Do you feel comfortable going to a restaurant or cinema alone?
  71. If you had an extra hour in your day, what would you spend it on?
  72. What do you keep in the trunk of your car?
  73. What was your name at school?
  74. What is your favorite sport?
  75. If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first anniversary?
  76. Have you ever cried while watching a movie?
  77. What is your favorite car brand?
  78. Favorite dish?
  79. What do you pay attention to when meeting a girl?
  80. What is your favorite restaurant/cafe?
  81. What will you do on a rainy day?
  82. What is your favorite computer game?
  83. Are you a believer?
  84. Can you dance?
  85. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  86. What qualities attract you in a girl?
  87. Prefer leisure or passive?
  88. What inspires you?
  89. Are you afraid of old age?
  90. How do you imagine yourself at 60?
  91. At what age did you first fall in love?
  92. At what age did he confess his love?
  93. How important is sex in a relationship, in your opinion?
  94. What do you think about open relationships?
  95. What would you choose: wealth or fame?
  96. Do you like cleaning your room?
  97. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  98. Favorite month of the year?
  99. Do you eat in the shower?
  100. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

Do not ask an endless number of questions, one after another. It is better to choose a couple of interesting ones, depending on the situation, and develop a conversation from them. This will be the most interesting and natural. Good luck!