Windows for preschool educational institutions. Window systems for schools and kindergartens How to choose plastic windows for kindergartens

New Year

Children should feel comfortable not only at home, but also in educational institutions. Therefore, the room must be protected from any drafts and retain heat. Windows play an important role in achieving an optimal microclimate in school classrooms. And if there are still old structures in a kindergarten or school, then it is necessary to replace them with modern metal-plastic window systems.

What should windows be like in schools and kindergartens?

Plastic windows in schools and kindergartens must meet the following requirements:

  1. Impact-resistant glass unit.
  2. Locking locks to avoid accidents.
  3. High light transmission characteristics that can sufficiently provide the classroom with natural light.
  4. The window profile must be environmentally friendly.

Features of plastic windows for educational institutions

Children are little explorers. They are interested in everything that comes into their field of vision. Therefore, in order to avoid injuries and other misfortunes, the windows in the school must be equipped with special locks and impact-resistant glass. Even if it breaks, the fragments will not fly apart thanks to the special film. The sound insulation indicator is very important. Children in kindergarten should not be frightened by street noise, and schoolchildren should not be distracted from the educational process.

It is recommended to install large window systems in classrooms so that they can let in as much light as possible. Research shows that children concentrate better on schoolwork when there is sufficient daylight.

The cost of installing plastic windows in kindergartens and schools

Replacing windows in kindergartens is a pressing issue that should be considered first in such institutions. The price of these structures is determined depending on their size, fitting options and additional functions.

Irina Aleksandrovna Aksenova

To make a child’s comfortable stay at the preschool educational institution and to motivate his creative activity, we decorate our kindergarten with works made by children’s hands. The work that we do together brings children together, develops their creative abilities, develops skills and abilities, and works in a team. Children also realize their creative potential by making their own work.

To support children's individuality and initiative, we create an environment together with parents. Children are offered both conventional materials (gouache, plasticine, brushes, colored paper, etc.) and non-traditional ones. (threads, sand, napkins, sequins, etc.). Unusual materials and original techniques attract children. Children receive unforgettable, positive emotions. Non-traditional techniques create an atmosphere of ease, openness, promote the development of initiative, independence, and create an emotionally favorable attitude towards activities in children.

We make out our kindergarten for different holidays, or according to the seasons.

Change design brings novelty, a new mood and a new perception, and the children are simply delighted! Renewing a group helps instill aesthetic taste, develops imagination, creative ideas, lifts spirits, and inspires!

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Production and installation of plastic PVC windows in a kindergarten in Ramenskoye

Our company recently completed an order for glazing a two-story kindergarten. This is not the first for us and we know very well that the quality of the result depends on a large number of important factors. Before you start replacing windows in a kindergarten. Our specialists examined the site, took measurements and listened to the customer’s wishes. Based on the materials we collected, a project was developed and the optimal glazing option was selected. Taking into account the fact that this is a children's institution, we followed all safety rules and created comfortable conditions.

Requirements for GOST windows in kindergartens:

Our company has specially developed a program for kindergarten, which is based on the requirements and rules established by law and other government documents. Thus, we proposed to the customer to install energy-saving glass with a high-strength protective coating, with a locking lock and a removable handle. It is worth paying attention to the fact that when executing the order, double-glazed windows, fittings and metal-plastic profiles were used that had certificates and fully complied with the requirements of the SES. Due to the fact that the order was quite large, we were able to offer a favorable price. In addition to the windows, we installed sills and window sills, and also finished the internal and external slopes.

What are the advantages of plastic windows?

Today, metal-plastic windows are an excellent option used by specialists in the reconstruction and construction of new real estate. High performance properties ensure long service life, as well as strength and reliability of window structures. In addition, PVC windows are airtight, so the presence of drafts is completely eliminated. They also

They have an attractive appearance, but what is most important is fire safety and easy operation. Thanks to these characteristics, plastic windows have become the clear choice for glazing a kindergarten.

Basic requirements for windows for kindergartens

When developing the project, our specialists were guided by the regulations governing the rules and safety standards for windows installed in preschool institutions. Based on this, we offered the customer double-glazed windows with impact-resistant glass. A special coating on the glass prevents the spread of fragments, which protects a person from injury.

A window opening blocking system was also provided. The peculiarity of this system is that the opening handles are located at a level out of the reach of children. Windows are also installed where the handle is removed and locking hardware is used. To ensure that children feel comfortable indoors, large windows are used that allow sufficient sunlight to pass through. But, despite their size, the windows retain heat in the room thanks to an energy-saving system.

During the execution of the order, our company’s specialists followed safety regulations, as well as technology in the production and installation of plastic windows.

When sending a child to a preschool institution, every parent hopes that his child will be cozy and comfortable there, and most importantly, that he will be completely safe there. And an important role in this is played by what kind of doors, stairs and, of course, windows there will be in the kindergarten. Wooden and plastic windows are widely used in the glazing of kindergarten premises. Wooden windows are experiencing a rebirth today.

Double-glazed windows framed with natural wood- environmentally friendly natural material - creates a feeling of comfort and security. The step-by-step manufacturing technology of wooden windows makes them strong and durable, capable of maintaining their appearance for decades. Due to their high frost resistance and low thermal conductivity, wood windows are readily installed in buildings and premises for special purposes - schools, kindergartens and hospitals.

Aluminum windows, although they are resistant to deformation and corrosion, and their service life is almost unlimited, due to their high price and high thermal conductivity, it is very unprofitable to use for glazing children's premises.

Plastic window is the undisputed leader in the field of glazing of various children's institutions. Technologies for manufacturing plastic windows are being endlessly improved, and this increases the functionality of the window and improves its quality characteristics.

Preschoolers are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything, curiosity comes first for them, and they do not yet think about caution. Therefore, windows in kindergartens must first of all have durable glass (preferably duplex or triplex), which has excellent shockproof properties. A transparent plastic film applied on one side will prevent the baby from being injured by glass fragments if the glass suddenly becomes damaged. Considering the large size of windows in a preschool institution, this can lead to great damage to children's health.

Plastic windows with laminated glass have a high degree of sound insulation. This quality is indispensable if the kindergarten is located near a highway or on a busy street. Kids will sleep peacefully, free from loud extraneous sounds. In addition, most double-glazed windows have high degree of optical transparency, scratch resistance, color stability and the absence of unnecessary partitions, which minimizes the loss of light intensity as it passes through the glass. The room will be bright, it will be pleasant for children not only to play, but also to prepare for school.

Young children are very susceptible to colds. The slightest draft, and the child may have to refuse to attend kindergarten for a long time. To avoid this, window blocks for kindergartens are equipped with slot ventilator, providing access to fresh air without drafts. Even if the baby’s table or crib is located near such a window, he will not feel the slightest breeze from the street.

Even a two-year-old child can open modern windows with double-glazed windows. There are quite a lot of cases of people falling out of a school or kindergarten window. When installing windows in a kindergarten, you can install a locking mechanism on them, the so-called “children’s” lock, which prevents the most nimble children from opening the window independently. And equipping the window unit with a mosquito net will protect the room from the penetration of insects, poplar fluff and dust.

Plastic windows are certainly a unique invention. They are aesthetic, durable, in most cases fire-resistant, and even bulletproof. Their last quality is very important in our age of terror to ensure increased safety of children's lives.

Childhood is a holiday, light and rainbow colors. Many manufacturers offer wooden or plastic windows laminated with colored film. Calm, discreet tones, matched to the color of the facade or the general style of the building, will add additional attractiveness to the children's institution. Glazing kindergartens with plastic windows is the right, modern and cost-effective solution.

Plastic windows today are most often used for glazing apartment buildings, cottages, gazebos and other buildings. But there are a number of institutions where special requirements are imposed on glazing. In particular, these are kindergartens.

“Moscow Windows” has already glazed more than one kindergarten, so the company knows first-hand the peculiarities of working with such institutions. We have formulated the main aspects that are decisive when choosing a company for glazing a kindergarten. Compliance with these standards will ensure a safe and comfortable stay for children in preschool institutions, and parents will not have to worry about the health of their children.

Profile. There are many legends that plastic profiles emit harmful substances. But experts from different countries have repeatedly proven that plastic can release something only at very high temperatures, which are impossible for everyday use. And if the profile does heat up, the emissions will be so insignificant that they will not affect people’s health in any way. Special attention should be paid to the composition of plastic used in glazing of kindergartens. Strength, environmental friendliness, and safety are important here. REHAU profiles that use Moscow Windows are officially approved all over the world for installation in operating rooms, kindergartens and hospitals. Therefore, their use ensures that the health of people around them will not be threatened.

Accessories. Children's curiosity can sometimes be risky. Windows, as an element of increased danger, must ensure that any children's pranks are not will lead to trouble. According to GOST, windows in Children's preschool institutions must be equipped with child locks. This will limit unwanted opening of windows by children. IN Moscow Windows has several options for children's locks. For example, it could be a small mechanism in bottom of the frame. He locked with a key and fixes the sash in one position. The window may be completely closed or in ventilation mode. The child cannot change the position of the sash will be able. It is worth noting that this is not Even an adult can do it. Keys to The teacher can store locks in out of the reach of children and open windows if desired, if not threatens the safety of children.

Double-glazed window. TO double-glazed windows also have special requirements. The glass must be very strong and ultra-transparent. Durability will ensure the safety of children and protects against injury and ultra-transparency is not will limit the flow of beneficial sunlight. The glass used by Moscow Windows has a certificate of compliance with GOST 54176-2010 and can be used in including for glazing of preschool institutions.

Also, when glazing kindergartens, it is important to take into account the general requirements. For example, all windows should be without bars. Behind this is strictly monitored by inspectors fire safety. All windows must have two opening options: pivoting and tilt and turn. It's connected with the need for frequent ventilation. A weather conditions are not always allow the rooms to be ventilated an open window.