The behavior of the baby with colic. Causes of pathological intestinal colic

March 8

Intestinal colic is paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, which in young children is manifested by anxiety, sudden loud crying, refusal to eat. Colic often appears in babies after the third week of life and, as a rule, resolves on its own by the end of the third or fourth month of life.

With colic, the child's stomach is swollen, tense, the legs are pulled up to the stomach, sometimes the baby randomly bends and unbends the legs, trying to alleviate his condition. Attacks of colic in newborns, as a rule, appear during feeding or a few minutes after eating, more often in the evening. In newborns and children in the first months of life, colic can last from several minutes to 2-3 hours, often repeating from day to day. As a rule, a noticeable relief of the condition occurs immediately after the passage of stool or gases. Outside of an attack of colic, children eat with appetite and are in a good mood.

Causes of colic in a newborn

Pain with intestinal colic in children most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines (flatulence);
  • swallowing air during feeding (aerophagia);
  • overfeeding;
  • incomplete breakdown of proteins, fats or carbohydrates in breast milk or artificial milk formula (for example, lactase deficiency);
  • constipation, etc.

At breastfeeding the cause of colic in children may be a violation of the technique of attachment to the breast, as well as the nutrition of a nursing mother. Not proper attachment to the breast and short feedings can lead to the fact that the child sucks only foremilk, rich in carbohydrates, which can increase gas formation in the intestines. In addition, not correct grip nipple, greedy sucking lead to the swallowing of air by the baby during feeding and the development of the so-called aerophagy.

If a nursing mother herself eats foods that increase fermentation in the intestines, then this can lead to excessive gas formation in the intestines of the baby.

Overfeeding a baby, especially a formula-fed baby, puts more stress on their immature intestinal enzymatic system, leading to incomplete digestion of food and the development of constipation. All this causes the accumulation of gases in the intestines of the crumbs, the development of flatulence and, as a result, the appearance of colic in the newborn.

Immature production of the lactase enzyme (lactase deficiency) is most common in premature babies, babies with signs of delay prenatal development undergoing hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) and severe conditions in the neonatal period. With lactase deficiency in the intestines of the baby, the amount of lactase is reduced - an enzyme that processes the milk sugar lactose, which is found in large quantities in breast milk or formula milk.

As a result of incomplete breakdown of milk sugar in the intestines of the crumbs, the processes of fermentation and rapid release of gases begin. The abdomen swells, rumbles, the stool becomes thin with a lot of gas, and as a result, the child develops colic. Often lactase deficiency is temporary and is associated with the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. As the child grows, there is an increase in the production of the lactase enzyme in the intestines and the digestion and absorption of milk sugar, which the baby needs for proper growth and development.

Violations of the formation of intestinal microflora (dysbiosis) in young children lead to incomplete breakdown of nutrients, excessive gas formation and the occurrence of intestinal colic. Useful intestinal microflora (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and E. coli) is able to form and secrete digestive enzymes, which improves the digestion of food and accelerates its absorption. In addition, beneficial microflora ensures timely emptying of the intestines, protects against allergic reactions and constipation.

In children who are breastfed, the intestinal microflora is represented mainly by bifidobacteria, which contribute to optimal digestion of food. Meanwhile, in artificially fed children, more lactobacilli and opportunistic microbes are detected (these microbes live in the intestine normally, but under certain conditions they can become pathogenic, begin to multiply and lead to the onset of the disease). With an excess of these microbes, putrefactive processes in the intestine increase, causing increased gas formation, colic and constipation. After all, it is with mother's milk that the baby receives bifidogenic factors that contribute to the growth of much-needed bifidobacteria.

It should be noted that, due to the immaturity of organs and systems in premature babies compared to full-term babies, their intestinal colic is more pronounced and protracted, sometimes lasting up to 5-6 months of life.

In the vast majority of cases, intestinal colic in a child is still a temporary phenomenon and is associated with the functional immaturity of organs and systems. However, despite all its harmlessness, intense, frequent and long-lasting intestinal colic in infants can lead to disruption of sleep and nutrition of the child, which, of course, requires taking measures to eliminate or reduce them.

How to relieve the suffering of a child with colic?

To relieve pain at the time of colic in a newborn, you should start with the simplest and most affordable actions:

  • Take the baby in your arms, try to create a comfortable position that facilitates the passage of gases from the intestines. This can be laying out on the stomach with half-bent legs, the position of the child with the stomach on the mother's stomach.
  • Put heat on the baby's stomach area (a warm hand, mother's stomach, and a diaper pre-warmed with an iron will do).
  • Stroke your baby's belly in a circular motion around the navel clockwise, massage the abdomen.
  • Do a few exercises with the baby's legs like a "bike" or just press the bent legs of the crumbs to the tummy.

With the ineffectiveness of previous measures, it is possible to use a gas outlet tube or an enema to facilitate the discharge of intestinal gases and stool.

∗ Gas tube. Use a clean, boiled gas outlet tube purchased from a pharmacy. Be sure to lubricate the tip of the tube with Vaseline or vegetable oil. Lay the baby on his back, bend his legs slightly and press them against his stomach. Gently, slightly turning the tube, insert it into the rectum and leave for a few minutes. To facilitate the discharge of gases, you can stroke the baby's tummy clockwise.

* Enema. If the colic is very strong and difficult to tolerate by the baby, it is possible to facilitate the passage of gases and stools by giving an enema. Pre-boil enema-pear No. 1, fill with boiled water room temperature, lubricate the tip of the enema with vaseline or vegetable oil. Put the child on its side, bend the legs and bring it to the stomach and carefully insert the tip of the pear enema into the rectum to a depth of 3–5 cm, then squeeze the pear. Squeeze the baby's buttocks, gently pull out the tip of the enema and hold the baby in this position for some more time. For a cleansing enema, it is enough for a newborn to inject 25-30 ml of water, and to an infant- 60–150 ml. A gas tube or enema should not be used regularly, but only in cases where the previous methods have not helped, so as not to disrupt the baby's own bowel movement.

∗ Medications. To facilitate the passage of stool and gases, it is possible to introduce a candle with glycerin. However, this remedy can be used only occasionally, as an emergency, since prolonged use of suppositories can not only cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa, but also prevent the restoration of an independent stool.

If it is difficult to cope with colic in a child and all the described actions do not help, then the doctor may prescribe the child to take drugs designed to combat flatulence. They reduce the accumulation of gases in the intestines, facilitate their discharge and thereby reduce pain. However, before you start giving your baby any medicine, be sure to consult your doctor. Remember that the child may have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Since colic can persist for up to 3-4 months, medications can be taken both once - to relieve symptoms, and for a long time - for the purpose of prevention.

Rarely, but it happens that intestinal colic is very strong and brings significant suffering to the child. In these cases, pediatricians prescribe antispasmodics for babies. The choice of drug, dose and duration of administration can be determined by the doctor only after examining the crumbs and excluding other more serious reasons suffering. With the development of intestinal colic against the background of violations of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), it is necessary to establish its causes, followed by the addition of pre- and probiotics to the treatment. To do this, you may need to take some tests (for example, feces for dysbacteriosis, etc.).

If, despite the measures taken, there is no positive dynamics or an increase in other intestinal disorders (constipation, unstable or liquid stool, regurgitation, vomiting, violations of weight gain), the baby needs to conduct an in-depth examination to identify the cause of the violations that have arisen, followed by the selection of treatment.

Prevention of intestinal colic in children

It is important from the first minutes of a baby's life to ensure breastfeeding, which is the most balanced, easily digestible and useful product food for the newborn baby. Breast milk contains not only easily digestible nutrients, but also enzymes that facilitate its digestion, growth factors and substances (oligosaccharides) necessary for the formation and development of beneficial intestinal microflora, proper intestinal motor function.

If the baby is breastfed, it is important to properly attach to the breast and correctly capture not only the nipple, but also the areola (the pigmented circle of the mammary gland around the nipple).

When artificial feeding, it is necessary to use bottles with a nipple equipped with a valve that prevents the baby from swallowing air during feeding.

It is important to choose the right milk formula that facilitates digestion and reduces gas formation in the intestines of the child. These can be mixtures with partially digested protein, with a reduced content of lactose milk sugar, enriched with oligosaccharides. In children suffering from constipation, it is advisable to use special therapeutic mixtures with thickeners that facilitate bowel movements. However, only a doctor will help you choose the right milk formula, having carefully dealt with possible reasons colic in your baby.

Regardless of the type of feeding (from the breast or from a bottle), after feeding, it is necessary to hold the baby in an upright position for several minutes to drain the air swallowed during feeding.

Remember: intestinal colic in infants is most often an adaptive reaction to new conditions of existence. Therefore, it is important to create as much comfortable conditions for easier adaptation of the crumbs in the form of organizing proper nutrition, daily routine, a calm atmosphere in the family.

Predisposing factors

To the occurrence of intestinal colic in infants predispose:

  • immaturity of the central and peripheral nervous regulation of the intestine, which leads to uneven contraction of the intestine, a sharp spasm of its individual sections and pain;
  • immaturity of enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract (substances involved in the digestion of food) leads to incomplete breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in mother's milk and excessive gas formation in the baby's intestines;
  • violation or delay in the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora involved in the processes of digestion of food, protection against pathogenic microbes.

What does a breastfeeding mother eat?

From the menu of a nursing mother, foods that lead to increased gas formation in the intestines should be excluded ( whole milk, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes, corn, sauerkraut, grapes, apples, watermelon, fresh yeast bread, rye bread, kvass, dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, figs). It is advisable to limit fatty foods and extractive substances (broths, seasonings) in the diet, exclude highly allergenic foods (nuts, honey, sugar, chocolate, cocoa, red and orange vegetables and fruits, eggs, fish, chicken meat, sausages and sausages, canned food, etc. .), which can disrupt digestion and intestinal motility in both the mother and the child.

Nothing worries and worries parents more than the crying of their newborn baby. Especially if the cause of strong and prolonged crying is intestinal colic, which torments babies in the first months of life. A painful attack of colic is accompanied by a piercing cry, the baby refuses to eat, is naughty, presses his legs to his tummy and blushes. What is the cause of abdominal pain? How to eliminate colic in a newborn, what should parents do to alleviate the suffering of the baby?

Colic in newborns: what is it?

The birth of a newborn is an exciting and joyful event that the whole family is looking forward to. The little man evokes affection and admiration, and the young mother gradually gets used to her new role, takes care of the baby, rejoicing in his calmness. But, already after 3-4 weeks, changes take place in the life of the family, its usual rhythm is disturbed.

Their, until recently, calm and happy baby is changing before our eyes: it screams piercingly and hysterically, arches its body, kicks its legs, it is simply impossible to calm it down with anything. Confused parents simply do not know how to help and calm the baby and suffer with him. Because of this, intestinal colic is a common occurrence among infants, which is faced by about 80-90% of families.

Intestinal colic is a sharp, paroxysmal pain that occurs in the large intestine due to the accumulation of gases in it. A large accumulation of gaziki stretch the walls of the intestine and cause spasm, causing discomfort and pain to the child.

Parents who had to deal with colic in babies in the third week of their life should remember that this is not a disease, but a temporary, natural physiological phenomenon that occurs in all children at 3-4 months.

What causes colic in babies?

Intestinal colic is a phenomenon associated with the adaptation of the child's immature digestive system to self-feeding. The body of a newborn is only adapting to a new life unfamiliar to him, especially his digestion. All nine months, while in the mother's womb, the child received good nutrition through the umbilical cord, and his intestines were inactive. Now the little man has to work himself to be fed.

The baby actively sucks the breast or receives a mixture from a bottle, it is more difficult for his body to cope with the digestion of enzymes that enter his gastrointestinal tract along with new food. In addition, with food, in the process of sucking, air is swallowed and the work of the digestive system is difficult. In addition to these main causes, pediatricians identify other factors for the appearance of colic.

Causes of intestinal colic in newborns:

  1. Immaturity of the central nervous system babies, regulating the vital processes of the body. The central nervous system is just beginning to form and the newborn's body does not receive the impulses necessary to process certain products.
  2. During feeding, new bacteria enter the body of newborns, including beneficial ones, and the intestinal microflora is gradually formed. Dysbiosis of the intestinal microflora can cause intestinal colic.
  3. Since the size of the baby's stomach is too small, the large volume of food and gases formed during digestion, stretching its walls, lead to pain.
Also, pediatricians do not exclude that the cause of colic attacks in infants can be a stressful situation in the family, as well as bad habits nursing mother. Women who smoke during lactation themselves provoke the appearance of colic in a child. Nicotine, supplied with food, impairs gastric motility, disrupting the absorption of nutrients.

How to understand that a newborn has colic: symptoms of pain

Attacks of colic are most actively manifested after feeding, especially pronounced in evening time and go on for quite some time long time. Consider the main symptoms of intestinal colic in a child:

  • With colic, the baby's tummy is tense, swollen, the baby tries to help himself by tucking his legs. The child feels during colic severe discomfort, behaves uneasily, groans, is naughty, clenched his fists.
  • With a strong spasm, the baby screams piercingly, then calms down for a while. This is due to the fact that pain in the intestines occurs in waves, attacks. During this period, it is impossible to calm the baby.
  • When feeding, the child turns away from the breast or bottle, is naughty, demonstrating a refusal to eat. Sometimes the baby may actively begin to suck, and then scream piercingly from an attack of colic.
  • Sudden and sharp crying of the baby during wakefulness or play may indicate an attack of intestinal colic.
  • During crying, gas discharge is observed, which greatly alleviate the suffering of the baby.

If you notice that the child has become capricious, restless, and he has the symptoms that were listed above, we recommend that you perform the following procedures to eliminate pain and alleviate the suffering of the crumbs.

  1. The first thing mom needs to do is calm down and take the baby in her arms so that he relaxes and is not afraid of anything. The child is sensitive emotional condition mothers, and babies, along with mother's milk, receive hormones of happiness, as well as hormones of anxiety and stress. Therefore, only positive attitude and the belief that together you will cope with such a problem as intestinal colic!
  2. You should not swaddle the baby much, you need to give him freedom of movement. So, the accumulated gaziki will quickly leave the intestines.
  3. After feeding, it is necessary to hold the baby vertically, to give him the opportunity to burp the excess air that has entered the stomach.
  4. A warm compress on the tummy will relax the muscles and relieve spasmodic tension. Fold the flannel diaper into quarters and iron it with a hot iron. Apply a warm compress to your baby's tummy. Also, mom can cover her stomach with a warm diaper and put the baby on it, tummy down. Babies love to sleep on their mother's tummy. This effective "grandmother's method" is quite effective during sharp bouts of pain from intestinal colic.
  5. Lay the child down, lightly stroke his tummy around the navel, moving clockwise. Place your hand on his tummy, warming him and soothing the pain.
  6. With colic, light gymnastics is excellent. At the same time or alternately, pull the crumbs' knees to the tummy. So you will make a natural massage of the abdominal cavity, which favors the passage of gases.
  7. In the fight against colic, exercises on a fitball are effective, when the baby is placed on the ball, tummy down and slightly swayed on it. Light wiggles soothe children, help release gas.
  8. For those kids who love water procedures You can take a warm bath. Add a decoction of chamomile, infused in a water bath, to the water. Bathing in water at a comfortable temperature will relax the baby.
  9. gas tube - emergency measure colic and should be used in emergency when other methods of struggle did not bring results. It is worth remembering that inept use of the gas outlet tube can lead to serious consequences and injure the intestines. Check with your pediatrician before using it. If the baby protests and resists the insertion of the tip into the anus, stop this procedure.

Safe home remedies for colic in babies

Alternative methods effectively help eliminate painful spasms in the intestines. The most common folk method are herbal teas that both mother and newborn can take. Dill water, tea with fennel, chamomile perfectly cope with the problem and soothe the pain.

Ready-made teas can be purchased at the pharmacy. Trademarks such as Nutricia, Hipp, produce tea in granules, it is enough to dilute it with warm water and give the child to drink before feeding as a prophylactic against the accumulation of gas. You can also prepare dill water yourself: pour 1 teaspoon of dill or fennel seeds with one glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain the remedy, offer the baby 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Treatment of colic with medicines

To relieve severe and prolonged pain in the tummy, pediatricians recommend drug treatment safe for babies drugs that effectively improve the condition.


These drugs are designed to normalize the intestinal microflora. Their action is aimed at suppressing the growth of bacteria that cause fermentation. Allowed from birth and taken by the course (3-4 weeks). These drugs include Lacidofil-WM, Liveo, Lactobacterin.

Plantex and Bebinos

Antispasmodic herbal preparations that reduce pain and the frequency of attacks of intestinal colic. Allowed for babies from the 15th day of life.

Espumizan, Baby Calm, Babotik

Simethicone preparations. This is a substance that breaks up gas bubbles in the intestines. After taking these drugs, painful spasms in the intestines quickly go away. Approved for admission from the 20th day of life.

What should a mother do if a newborn has colic?

Breastfed children are most often prone to bouts of intestinal colic, to blame for everything - malnutrition mothers. You should take a closer look at your daily diet and exclude from it those foods that can provoke a painful spasm in the child's intestines.

Products that promote gas formation in the intestines of a child during breastfeeding:

  • Homemade cow's milk can cause severe spasms in the baby. Sometimes pediatricians recommend completely eliminating it from the diet.
  • It is not recommended to consume fresh vegetables and fruits that have not undergone heat treatment. Eat only boiled, stewed and baked foods.
  • Dried apricots and dried fruits, raisins and even fresh grapes can cause excessive gas formation in the baby's intestines.
  • It is necessary to exclude from your menu all legumes, fresh cabbage. These products contribute to the accumulation of gas in the intestines of the baby and cause severe pain in the intestines.
  • Eliminate yeast dough products from the diet. White bread replace with wholemeal bread or cereals. Useful buckwheat bread or dry biscuits - crackers.
  • Provoke colic can be excessive consumption of butter, which mom adds to dishes.
  • Temporarily exclude all sweets from the menu, including condensed milk.
  • Do not abuse black coffee and tea. Pediatricians recommend that mothers drink herbal teas and infusions of linden, mint, fennel, anise, lemon balm, thyme. These teas are safe for newborns and promote greater milk production.
Infants whose mothers consume kefir and others daily dairy products are less likely to suffer from intestinal colic.

Prevention of colic in newborns

  1. To reduce attacks of intestinal colic, in addition to eliminating harmful foods, the mother must properly breastfeed the baby. It is necessary to ensure that the child captures the halo with the mouth along with the nipple.
  2. Let the baby take the breast as much as he needs. If possible, do not supplement with infant formula or cow's milk, as introducing new foods into the baby's diet will only exacerbate the problem. Any New Product- a colossal burden for the baby's digestive system, and he does not have the enzymes for digesting cow's milk at all. Therefore, use all methods to increase lactation and continue to breastfeed your baby, while not forgetting about the diet.
  3. After feeding, hold the baby upright and wait for the burp.
  4. Take small breaks between feedings of 2-2.5 hours to allow food to be digested well. If the baby has bloating and the tummy is tense, do not feed him. Help your baby get rid of excess gas by doing light exercises aimed at eliminating them.

Should I continue breastfeeding if my baby has colic?

Many mothers mistakenly believe that if they stop breastfeeding and pick up an expensive one, good mix for feeding, they will solve the problem of intestinal colic in infants. This is absolutely not recommended. Breastfeeding is an important and necessary period in the life of the crumbs, not even the most the best mix will not replace mother's milk, which helps to strengthen the immune system, provides the child with all the nutrients, trace elements and vitamins he needs.

Why is colic dangerous?

Despite the fact that colic in infants is a natural physiological process, parents are still required to consult a pediatrician. In some cases, in the absence of supervision by a doctor, you can not notice and ignore the diseases of the baby's digestive system. Only experienced doctor will be able to distinguish the symptoms of ordinary intestinal colic from serious disorders and pathologies of the development of the newborn.

Symptoms, in the presence of which you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • a prolonged attack of pain that lasts more than 4 hours, a significant deterioration in the baby's condition;
  • elevated temperature, with colic it remains normal;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea or loose stools with bloody or greenish discharge.

Parents should remember that the cry of a baby is a cry and a request for help. The task of adults is to recognize the cause of the baby’s bitter crying and come to his aid. Intestinal colic is not a disease, but a natural physiological process in a child's life. This difficult period for everyone brings him closer to his mother, allows her to better understand and feel the needs of the crumbs. Use our advice and do not forget that this temporary phenomenon will end soon, and you can continue to enjoy happy motherhood.

The digestive system in infants is not fully formed, for this reason, children, the first three months life, may feel discomfort associated with the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which provoke colic. Such a problem has physiological causes, does not require special treatment, and, as a rule, resolves on its own by three months. The task of parents is to prevent the occurrence of colic, by all accessible ways, and alleviate the condition of the baby, if the pain in the tummy still occurs.

How to understand that a child has a stomachache

Babies express their feelings and needs through crying. The reason for crying can be fear, boredom, discomfort from wet diapers, hunger, change temperature regime environment and pain. By the intensity of crying, its intonation and the characteristic behavior of the baby, you can determine the source of anxiety. So, with pain, the cry of the baby is sharp and piercing, which does not stop after the child is picked up. The child may refuse food and not respond to soothing words or lulling.

Pain syndrome in infants occurs most often with otitis, intracranial pressure, infectious diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes, as well as various pathologies of the digestive system. Therefore, only a doctor can determine what exactly hurts a baby.

In the event that the crumbs normal temperature, there are no signs of intoxication of the body and visible inflammatory reactions, and sharp crying is replaced by periods of calm, when the baby is walking, sleeping normally, eating with appetite and gaining weight, infantile colic is diagnosed. Colic is an attack of intense pain caused by increased gas formation and stretching of the intestinal walls, resulting in a spasm.

The main symptoms of colic are:

  1. A sharp cry that appears suddenly, often in a dream, or after the child has eaten. The baby can scream without ceasing from several minutes to several hours, most often in the evening and at night. Crying stops as suddenly as it started, and does not subside gradually, while the baby may immediately begin to smile or fall asleep. After a while, everything repeats again.
  2. With pain syndrome caused by colic, the baby may turn pale or, conversely, blush. Muscle tone is increased, the stomach is tense.
  3. The child pulls the legs to the tummy or twists them.
  4. After the discharge of gases, the child becomes easier.

Unfortunately, not only gaziki can disturb the baby, some pathological conditions digestive system, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, are potentially dangerous to the health and life of the baby. Parents should know how certain diseases manifest themselves in order to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Symptoms and manifestations of pathologies that may be accompanied by abdominal pain in infants - table

PathologyPossible reasonsSymptoms and manifestations
The intestinal microflora of newborns is in the process of becoming. Any changes in the diet of a nursing mother can affect the digestive processes. With artificial feeding, babies have a deficiency of beneficial bacteria, and physiological dysbacteriosis can last longer than in infants. Concomitant factors in the violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora can be called the use of antibiotics in the treatment of crumbs or a nursing mother.Unsteady stool - diarrhea greenish color with impurities of mucus can be replaced by constipation. The child is restless, refuses food, loses weight. After feeding, regurgitation, rumbling in the intestines and bloating are possible.
lactase deficiencyAbsence or insufficiency of the enzyme lactase, which is involved in the breakdown of milk sugar. Pathology may be congenital genetic predisposition, as well as acquired. The secondary form occurs in children born before the 24th week of pregnancy, as well as when the baby is overfeeding.Milk sugar (lactose) is not digested and disrupts the intestinal microflora, causing fermentation, impaired intestinal motility. LN is accompanied by bloating, rumbling, belching or vomiting after feeding. When severe diarrhea and vomiting may appear symptoms of dehydration, which develop rapidly. This condition is dangerous for the life of the baby.
Allergic reactionOccurs with the early introduction of complementary foods, as well as if a new food is introduced during the period of illness, when the immune system baby is activated. In newborns, food allergies can manifest themselves when the diet of the nursing mother is not followed.Indigestion is accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal pain and skin rashes.
ConstipationIn breastfed babies, constipation occurs when the body is dehydrated or the mother's milk is high in fat. Artificers are more prone to illness. Too thick or inappropriate mixture can cause constipation, accompanied by cramps.Constipation in a breastfed child is considered to be a prolonged absence of stool, accompanied by anxiety of the baby. The child, when trying to empty the intestines, pushes, turns red. Feces with constipation are defragmented and have a dense texture.
Intestinal obstructionIn infants, the main cause intestinal obstruction is a torsion or pinching of the intestine, this is due to a violation of peristalsis. In some cases, obstruction occurs with a tumor or the presence of anomalies in the development of the intestine, as well as with severe constipation.
  • prolonged absence of stool;
  • bloating;
  • vomiting with bile impurities.
Acute intestinal infection when infected various types shigella.
  • an increase in body temperature to 39–40 degrees;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea with impurities of mucus and blood.

In the event that the child, in addition to the signs characteristic of infantile colic, has other symptoms indicated in the table, you should immediately consult a doctor.

For infantile colic, the “three” rule applies - they appear on the third week of life, last three hours a day, three days a week and pass on their own as soon as the baby turns three months old

Causes of colic in the baby

Colic in infants appears in the third week of life and stops when the baby is three months old. The main reason for their occurrence is called the functional immaturity of the digestive system, which leads to increased gas formation in the intestine.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the appearance of infant colic, as well as affecting their intensity and duration:

  1. Swallowing air during feeding. Incorrect attachment to the breast or incorrectly selected nipples on formula bottles (too large or small holes) contribute to the swallowing of air, which bursts the walls of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Enzyme deficiency in newborns. To digest food, the baby needs enzymes, if the baby was born earlier due date, their production in the stomach has not yet been established. This can lead to indigestion, which is expressed in frequent regurgitation of curdled milk. Incompletely digested food causes fermentation processes in the intestines, and leads to increased flatulence. With maturity, the problem is eliminated on its own. In addition to the factor of immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, overfeeding leads to indigestion.
  3. Changes in the intestinal microflora. At birth, the intestines of a child are sterile, the settlement of its microflora occurs gradually, and its composition can constantly change. Any changes may be accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. Up to a year, doctors do not diagnose dysbacteriosis, since the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora is at the formation stage.
  4. Non-compliance with the diet of a nursing mother. The composition of mother's milk varies depending on the products that a woman consumes. For this reason, foods that cause constipation, food allergies should be excluded from the menu. And also, do not get carried away by increasing the fat content of milk, as this can lead to indigestion in the baby.
  5. Incorrect feeding regimen. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding as needed. When a child is hungry, it is secreted in the stomach enough juices and enzymes needed for digestion. When feeding on time, the digestive system may not be ready, which causes heaviness and pain in the abdomen, gives an additional load on the pancreas.
  6. Violation of the temperature regime in the room. The microclimate in the room where the baby is located affects the processes of digestion. If the child is hot and the air in the room is too dry, the baby refuses food, is thirsty, he may experience constipation and colic. When you feel cold, a large amount of energy is spent on thermoregulation, while bowel function slows down, spasms may occur.
  7. Weak abdominal muscles. The condition of the abdominal muscles affects intestinal motility - with hypertonicity and strong crying overexertion of the press can cause vomiting. Weak muscles with hypotension, on the contrary, lead to a slowdown in the motor function of the intestine, which is accompanied by constipation.
  8. Unstable emotional situation in the family. Even after birth, the baby and mother are one in physical and emotional terms. So, a mother can anticipate the awakening of the crumbs, she secretes breast milk a few minutes before the hungry cry of the baby. Children, in turn, also adopt the mood and emotional state of the mother, show anxiety during her long absence, and fall asleep better in the same room with the parent. Therefore, it is not surprising that stress postpartum depression and quarrels in the family can affect the behavior of the baby, cause him anxiety, and with it colic of psychosomatic origin.

Improper feeding one of the most important factors in the occurrence of colic. Inappropriate or thick mixture, large opening in the nipple, improper tilt, large portions - all this leads to increased gas formation and pain in the abdomen.

What to do if a newborn's stomach hurts

Pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, are inclined to believe that infantile colic is a temporary phenomenon that just needs to be experienced. However, there are a number of recommendations, following which, you can prevent the onset of abdominal pain or relieve the symptoms of colic in infants. Before performing them, you should make sure that it was the colic that caused the crying and discomfort, and not other pathologies of the digestive system, for the treatment of which medical attention is required.

How to help the baby?

  1. At the first symptoms of colic, a compress from warm diaper. To do this, folded four times and ironed, the diaper is laid out on the tummy. Instead of a diaper, you can use a salt heating pad purchased at a pharmacy.
  2. Another way to distract the baby from pain is to switch his attention to a bright object or a uniform sound. Many parents note that the baby stops crying with the murmur of water from the tap, the measured buzz of a vacuum cleaner or blender.
  3. No less effective is laying the baby on his tummy, on the mother's bare belly. Moderate heat eliminates spasm, and the usual rhythm of breathing and heartbeat lull the baby to sleep.
  4. warm water also helps to eliminate intestinal spasms. Often, babies suffering from constipation and abdominal pain due to intestinal spasms empty immediately after taking a warm bath, so immediately after bathing, you should not swaddle the baby or put a diaper on it, just wrap it tightly in a terry diaper.
  5. With the accumulation of gases, a gas outlet tube will help, or, in extreme cases, a pipette without a rubber tip. This method can be used only as a last resort, if other methods have not alleviated the suffering of the baby.

Methods for eliminating colic in babies - photo gallery

This heater radiates heat optimum temperature and relieve spasms Modern gas outlet tubes have a latch that does not allow the tip to penetrate deeply and prevents injury to the rectum Warm water and a feeling of weightlessness, relaxes the baby and promotes better gas discharge Tactile contact with mother's skin eliminates infant colic and soothes the baby

Stomach massage for colic

one more effective way elimination of infantile colic is a massage of the tummy, which relaxes spasmodic muscles, stimulates peristalsis, release of gases and eliminates pain due to the release of gases and acceleration of blood circulation.

To make such a massage yourself is very simple, just follow some rules:

  • the air temperature in the room should be 21–23 degrees;
  • mom's hands should be dry and warm, you can preheat your palms by rubbing them against each other;
  • movements are performed clockwise, and in no case in the opposite direction;
  • you should make light, massaging strokes, while not affecting the right hypochondrium;
  • massage should be done daily, 15 minutes before feeding.

Tummy massage with colic - video

Gymnastics for constipation and increased gas formation

  1. Put the baby on the back and pull the legs brought together and bent at the knees to the chest, briefly holding them in this position. The number of repetitions is 5-6 times.
  2. Alternately pull the leg bent at the knee to the opposite elbow. So, the left knee should try to reach the right elbow and vice versa. Do 3 pull-ups on each leg.
  3. Turn the baby over on the tummy and stroke the back from top to bottom, from the shoulder girdle to the waist, without touching the line of the spine.
  4. After the navel has healed, you can lay the baby on big ball(fitball), having previously covered it with a diaper. The baby is laid out on the surface of the ball with his tummy down, holding with one hand in the lower back, and with the other by the feet, and swaying back and forth. The swing amplitude should not be strong, as this will cause fear and resistance in the crumbs, which will lead to a negative effect from the exercises.

Gymnastics is best done immediately after bathing, when muscle tone is relaxed and the child is set to communicate. In the event that the baby is very tired, wants to sleep or eat, it is better to give up gymnastics, since there will be no positive result from such exercises.

Medicines for colic and abdominal pain

At severe pain in the stomach caused by increased gas formation, drugs based on simethicone are used, such drugs are not absorbed into the blood, do not accumulate in the body and are not addictive. Simethicone helps to eliminate gas bubbles during flatulence, reducing their surface tension. The gases that are released in this case can either be absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted naturally, thanks to intestinal peristalsis. Most often, pediatricians prescribe such safe drugs:

  • Espumizan;
  • Bobotic;
  • Simicol;
  • Infacol;
  • Sub Simplex;
  • Kolikid.

Herbal preparations that reduce gas formation in infants:

  • Bebinos;
  • Plantex;
  • dill water;
  • Baby Calm.

If the cause of abdominal pain in infants is associated with changes in the intestinal microflora, probiotic preparations are prescribed:

  • Bifiform baby;
  • Linex baby;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Acipol.

In case of enzyme deficiency, the doctor may prescribe drugs containing the enzymes amylase, protease, lipase. Such medicines improve the digestion of food, eliminate constipation and flatulence. Enzyme-containing products are unsafe, because they can be addictive, and if they are abruptly canceled, they can provoke inflammation of the pancreas. The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Lactazar;
  • Mezim;
  • Creon.

Medications for colic - photo gallery

Espumizan L Plantex Bifiform baby Lactazar


Pain may occur because the mother does not follow a special diet. So, the list of prohibited foods that should not be consumed by a woman who is breastfeeding includes:

  1. Vegetables that increase gas formation - white cabbage, legumes, radishes, cucumbers, onions, garlic, eggplants, radishes.
  2. Fruits that cause heaviness in the stomach - pears, cherries, plums, grapes, raisins.
  3. Products that promote fermentation in the intestines - whole cow's milk, hard cheese, black and malt bread;
  4. Products that cause constipation - nuts, chocolate, muffins, strong black tea, semolina;
  5. Allergens - eggs in the amount of more than one per day, citrus fruits, strawberries, honey, orange and red fruits and vegetables in large quantities.
  6. Products that contribute to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract - smoked sausages and fish, canned food, products containing dyes or flavor enhancers.

In the first months of feeding the baby, the mother's diet is very limited, however, gradually, you can expand the menu, introducing more and more new dishes into it. It is important to keep a food diary so that if your baby develops digestive disorders, you can know exactly what provoked the malaise.

Folk remedies for colic in babies

Medicines, although they are considered safe for babies, however, in addition to simethicone, contain additional components (flavorings and sweeteners), which, if used frequently, can cause diathesis in crumbs. For this reason, many parents resort to equally effective folk remedies to eliminate the symptoms of flatulence and abdominal pain in infants. The easiest to prepare and time-tested are decoctions of chamomile flowers, dill or fennel seeds.

NameIngredientsHow to cookHow to give a babyIndications
dill water
  • dill seeds - 1/2 tsp;
  • boiling water - 100 ml.
  1. Seeds are ground in a coffee grinder, or grinding in a mortar.
  2. Powder from the seeds is poured with boiling water and insisted in a thermos for 30 minutes.
  3. Ready water is filtered through several layers of gauze.
Dill water is given to the child 10 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.
  • infant colic;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating with constipation.
Fennel seed infusion
  • fennel seeds - 1 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml.
  1. The seeds are crushed for better selection of which essential oils.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water and put on steam bath for 10 minutes.
  3. The resulting liquid is filtered through a non-metallic sieve and cooled.
A decoction of fennel seeds is given to the baby for 1 tsp before each feeding.
  • improves digestion;
  • eliminates excessive gas formation;
  • improves peristalsis;
  • relieves spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestine.
Chamomile decoction
  • dry flowers of chamomile officinalis - 1 tsp;
  • water - 150 ml.
  1. Dry raw materials are poured with water and brought to a boil.
  2. Boil the broth over low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from fire and strain;
  4. Boiled water is added to the resulting broth to bring the initial volume.
A decoction of chamomile is given in between feedings, 1 tsp three times a day. IN summer period you can dilute the decoction with boiled and cooled water and give it in the form of herbal tea.Chamomile helps to eliminate inflammation, activates the digestive system.

If such funds are used by a nursing mother, then the likelihood of colic in a baby is halved.

Prognosis of treatment and possible complications. Consequences

Infantile colic is not a disease - it is a physiological process of the formation of the digestive system, which does not require special treatment. Reception medications only briefly relieves the symptoms of pain, while not eliminating the root cause of their appearance. Pediatricians note that there is no universal remedy for colic; massage and warm bath, others only medications, while others are distracted from pain and calm down at the first sounds of the measured buzz of household appliances.

With the manifestations of abdominal pain in an infant, it is important to exclude other causes of its occurrence, since an incorrect diagnosis can lead to complications. So, warming up the tummy with a heating pad is contraindicated when inflammatory processes in the body, and taking medications based on simethicone can harm the baby with intestinal obstruction. Therefore, at the first signs of abdominal pain, parents should not prescribe treatment on their own, but be sure to show the child to the pediatrician.


It is impossible to prevent the occurrence of infant colic, this is the path through which all parents and children must go, however, by eliminating the factors that contribute to their occurrence, it is possible to significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of manifestations of the pain syndrome.

Methods for preventing colic in infants are:

  1. Daily regime. In order to normalize the digestive processes, you should not put the baby to sleep immediately after feeding. After waking up the child, it is necessary to observe the wakefulness regimen, the duration of which depends on the age of the baby. Active communication or gymnastics, it is better to do it in the morning, and in the late afternoon, plan a relaxing massage and bathing so as not to overexcite the nervous system of the crumbs.
  2. You should not overfeed the baby, because the amount of food for which there were not enough enzymes undergoes a process of putrefaction in the intestines, which leads to increased gas formation.
  3. Proper attachment to the breast, which prevents swallowing of air and injury to the nipple. In the event that cracks in the nipples have already formed, you should use silicone pads until healing, because fear and pain that the mother experiences during feeding are transmitted to the baby and can provoke an attack of colic.
  4. It is necessary to dress the child in loose clothing made from natural fabrics. Swaddling, an incorrectly worn diaper or sliders with a tight elastic band can create pressure on the intestines, which will affect its work. When choosing clothes, you should exclude outfits made of synthetic fabrics that violate thermoregulation and cause overheating of the crumbs.
  5. Carrying the baby in a column after each feed allows air to escape in the form of a burp.
  6. Strengthening the abdominal muscles with the help of gymnastics, massage and regular laying on the stomach improves peristalsis, prevents constipation and flatulence.
Although there is no consensus on the origin and definition of colic in children, doctors suspect that they are the cause of unexpected and inexplicable bouts of inconsolable crying of the baby.

Signs of colic:

colic lasts at least 3 hours a day, occurs 3 times a week and lasts at least 3 weeks;
begin in the first 3 weeks of life;
rarely last more than 3 months;
occur in children who are otherwise healthy and growing well.

The most depressing and frightening thing in colic is that it is not known why the child is screaming and why what used to calm him down does not work now. There are several myths about colic.

Myth one

The restless behavior of the child is more a consequence of his own temperament than the inability of the mother.
The researchers take the blame off the parents. There is no evidence that mother's tension is inevitably transmitted to the child. True, a mother who was a lot nervous during pregnancy is more likely to give birth to a child with colic. Authors individual developments also suggest that the appearance of colic in a child is associated with the self-hypnosis of their mother. Some tune in to the fact that their child will have colic, and often get them. According to some reports, the mood of the mother affects how she cares for the child, and is not the root cause of colic. Just in the arms of a nervous mother, the child feels uncomfortable.

If the excitement of the parents caused colic in children, then it is most legitimate to assume that the firstborn should have them, but this is not so. Restless children and children with colic are born regardless of what kind of child it is in the family.
The behavior of the child cannot be attributed to the workload of the parents. Anthropologists claim that peoples who carry more children have fewer restless babies, but children with colic are found all over the world. The Chinese call it "one hundred days of weeping."

Myth two

Children often have a lot of gases inside in the first months of life. Put your hand on the swollen tummy of a one-month-old baby who has just been fed, and you will catch the growl that passes to the next feeding. X-rays cast doubt on the presence of gases as the cause of colic. They show that such gases are equally common in healthy children and babies with colic. In addition, on the contrary, there is more gas after an attack, and not before it. It is believed that during a cry, a child swallows a lot of air, so gases are not the cause, but the result of colic.
Although many children may be bothered by gas in the tummy, these studies undermine the theory that explains colic with accumulation of gases.

If you intervene and interrupt the cries of a colicky baby, he swallows less air. Look at the child during one of these attacks. He holds his breath for so long while screaming that he even turns blue, and this plunges his parents into a panic. Then, when it seems that the cry will never end, the child convulsively swallows air (as you do after a long breath hold). Some of it can enter the stomach, and this excess air bursts the insides, possibly causing the colic to continue.

To find out what is bothering your child, you need to consider three possible kind reasons: medical, emotional and nutritional. Swallowing air and passing gases normal condition child's growth. But excess gas in the intestines can cause trouble for your baby.

Try several ways to remove gases. Try to get less air inside when feeding. Make sure the baby's lips form a tight ring around the nipple. When feeding from a bottle, make sure that the baby grabs the nipple away from the end of the nipple. The bottle should be tilted at an angle of 30-45° so that air accumulates at the bottom of the bottle, or use special squeezable bottles for feeding. If you are breastfeeding, cut out certain foods from your diet. Feed your baby less, but more often. Hold your baby upright or at a 45° angle during feeding and half an hour after. Make sure that the baby does not suck on the pacifier for too long. Respond immediately to your baby's cry.

First of all, make sure that the baby burps air after feeding. You can also use the following tools:
belly massage;
child's inclinations;
special drops from gases;
glycerin suppositories.

You may suspect that the pain is due to medical reasons, in the following cases:
if the cry of a child suddenly develops into a heartbreaking cry;
if the child often wakes up in pain.

The cry is expressed in frequent, long, inconsolable attacks and is not limited to the evening hours. Parental intuition tells you that your baby is suffering from something. If you decide that a visit to the doctor is necessary, take the following steps to make sure that you have done everything in your power.

Before contacting a doctor, write down the answers to the following questions.
Is the pain so strong that it can seriously harm both the baby and you, or is he just being naughty?
When do seizures start, how often do they occur, and how long do they last?
What provokes them and what brings the child out of the attack? Do they come at night?

Describe the nature of the cry.
Why do you think the pain occurs? What do the child's face, abdomen and limbs look like during an attack?

Describe the details of feedings: from a bottle or by breast, their frequency, how much air is ingested.
Have you tried to change the composition of the mixture or the way you feed in any way? What helped?
Is your child passing a lot of gas?
Is food going down the esophagus easily or with difficulty, how often does the child have a bowel movement, and what is the nature of the stool?
Does the child burp? How often, how long after feeding and with what strength?
Does your baby have a diaper rash, what is it like? Whether he has a red annular rash around his anus (this indicates food sensitivity).
Write a report on your home remedies: what works and what doesn't.

Suggest your diagnosis.
Can the foods you eat that contain gas cause an excess of it in a child?

Any experienced mother who is breastfeeding knows that it should not be consumed so that the child does not experience colic. The junk food list includes gas-producing vegetables, dairy products, certain grains and nuts, and caffeinated foods.

But bloating in a child can be caused not only by what the mother eats, but also by how the child eats. Overfeeding is one of the most common hidden causes of excess gas. Consumption too a large number milk can cause gas to be released in the stomach when lactose is broken down. It is possible to improve the child's digestion by feeding him more often, but in small portions, or by giving him only one breast (making sure, of course, that the child's nutrition does not suffer from this change).

Gastro esophageal reflux

Gastro esophageal reflux (GER)- one of the recently discovered causes of colic and nocturnal awakenings in children. The irritating effect of acid refluxing from the stomach into the esophagus causes pain akin to what adults call heartburn. This acid throwing occurs more often in horizontal position, so the child suffers more if he lies down, and feels better in an upright position.

Symptoms of reflux in a child:

- frequent bouts of painful crying - very different from the usual crying of a baby;
- frequent regurgitation after feeding: these can be combined with copious secretions from the nose;
- frequent attacks of stomach pain - both day and night, awakening at night from pain;
- restlessness after eating (the child kicks his legs, pulls his knees to his chest);
- the child's body flexes or wriggles in pain;
- suffering is reduced if the child is held vertically and laid on the stomach (prone), giving the bed an inclination at an angle of 30 °;
- frequent and incomprehensible colds, shortness of breath, chest infections;
- breath holding.

A child with reflux may show only some of these signs. If the contents of the stomach are thrown only into part of the esophagus, there may be no regurgitation. Some children get so tired of screaming during the day that they sleep peacefully at night. If gastroesophageal reflux is suspected, an examination is carried out using a probe that is inserted into the esophagus, and the acid content is periodically measured for 12-24 hours. But since reflux can occur to one degree or another in every third child, it is difficult to tell from one level of acidity whether reflux is the cause of pain. To clarify this, make up a schedule for colic in a child. If the attacks correspond to the time the acid enters the esophagus, then we can assume that the cause of the pain has been found. If the symptoms of GER are obvious, the doctor may start treatment without even checking the acidity level.

How to deal with gastroesophageal reflux:

- give medicines prescribed by the doctor and designed to neutralize the acid and ensure the normal passage of food through the esophagus;
- Carry the baby as much as possible so that he will cry less. During a cry, more acid enters the esophagus;
- breastfeed. Studies show that the level of GER is lower;
- the child should be laid on the stomach at an angle of 30 ° for half an hour after eating and for sleeping;
- you will need a special flap that will keep the baby flat on his stomach on an inclined mattress. Less effective is simply an upright position in a child seat;
- add rice porridge to formula or give it during or after breastfeeding;
- feed less, but more often (mother's milk neutralizes acid).

For most children, GER subsides by about 6 months of age, disappearing completely by the age of one. But sometimes it takes more long-term treatment, and in some cases reflux remains unrecognized at all.

Relationship of colic with cow's milk. New research confirms what experienced mothers have long noticed. Some babies develop symptoms of colic if the mother drinks cow's milk. It has been found that 6-lactoglobulin, which can cause allergies and is found in cow's milk, can be transmitted through mother's milk. It causes indigestion in the child (as if he directly drank cow's milk). One study found that removing cow's milk products from the mother's diet resulted in a reduction in colic symptoms in about 1/2 of babies. Other scientists have not found such a connection. If the cause of colic in your child is connected precisely with this, then his pain usually appears within a few hours after you eat these foods, and the symptoms disappear 1-2 days after they are eliminated from your diet.

Some mothers need to completely eliminate dairy products (including ice cream), butter, and margarine. For others, it is enough to reduce the amount of milk consumed, but not to give up kefir and cheese. It is possible that colic disappears at the age of about 4 months, partly because by this time the baby's stomach is already developed enough to prevent allergens from entering the bloodstream.

If you're itching to quickly give colic some explanation or find a miracle cure, you can easily lose your objectivity by attributing colic to dairy and other foods in your diet. If a child is so prone to allergies that dairy products cause colic in him, then other allergy symptoms also occur - rash, diarrhea, nasal discharge, nighttime awakenings. These signs remain even after the attack of colic passes. There is another sign of food intolerance: frequent green mucous stools (or, conversely, constipation), as well as a red allergic ring around the anus. If you eliminate from your diet dangerous products, the baby's stool will become normal, and the irritation around the anus will disappear.

Children fed formulas based on cow's milk may suffer from colic if they are hypersensitive to it. If you suspect your child has an allergy, first test how a particular formula works for him. Use the elimination and replace method.

Colic is more common in children whose parents (or one nursing mother) smoke. It has been established that the child is affected not only by nicotine that comes with mother's milk, but also from the surrounding air (passive smoking). Children of smoking parents are more restless, and it is more difficult for a smoking mother to cope with a child suffering from colic. Recent studies show that mothers who smoke have lower levels of prolactin, a hormone that increases maternal sensitivity and allows her to withstand such tests.

Colic may have different reasons: physical, medical, nutritional and emotional. Colic is not just a disease. Can colic be associated with the formation of the nervous system, and not with disorders in the digestive tract? For some children, colic is a behavioral pattern rather than an incurable disease.

To make it easier to survive the evening bout of colic and avoid "happy" hour, prepare dinner in advance, this will help you pay more attention to the worried baby. afternoon nap for the child (and for yourself) sometimes warns an evening attack. Or, if it does happen, it helps you connect better with your baby. If you vilify a child for an hour or two before evening, this will help him relax so that the evening explosion will not occur.

Everyone has their own biorhythms that ensure good health. This is our internal clock, which automatically releases regulatory hormones and manages changes in body temperature during the day and nightly sleep cycles. When our biorhythms are ordered, we feel good and everything works out for us. If the biorhythms are disturbed, for example, when we go to bed late, we become restless.

Some children come into this world with disturbed biorhythms. They are called restless. For others, biorhythms are fine-tuned, but they need to be maintained. If it is not possible to streamline or maintain biorhythms, the child begins to behave, as with colic. Perhaps there are special hormones that help internal organization. If they are not enough, the child is worried, his biorhythms are disordered. He does not scream constantly, but gives vent to tension during bouts of colic, or the tension accumulated during the day results in a prolonged attack in the evening.

Maybe colic is associated with a lack of soothing hormones or an excess of exciting ones? Progesterone is one of the hormones known for its calming and sleep-inducing effects. The baby receives it from the placenta at birth. It is possible that the calming effect of this progesterone wears off after 2 weeks, and if the child does not begin to produce his own progesterone, he begins to colic. Some studies have found low level this hormone in children suffering from colic, and the improvement of their condition with the introduction of preparations containing it.

Other authors have noted a variable effect. But at the same stage, breastfed babies have higher levels of progesterone than others. Another evidence of connection with the jet lag theory is the role of prostaglandins (hormones that cause a strong contraction of the muscles of the digestive tract). When two children were given prostaglandin to treat a heart condition, they developed colic. This hormonal theory is also supported by the fact that children who are born during difficult births are more likely to be restless.

And the last confirmation: colic miraculously disappear at the age of 3-4 months, when the child develops orderly sleep habits and develops appropriate biorhythms. Is there any connection here? Anxiety and colic in most children (although not all) is a reflection on the behavior and state of health of precisely the disorganization of internal regulatory systems. But there is still a lot of research to be done to find the link between hormonal regulation and child behavior, as well as to clarify how parenting style will affect this. Until these studies are carried out, it remains to rely on common sense, suggesting that the child calms down when he is held and nursed.

Although the question of what exactly is colic remains open, two educated guesses can be made. First: the activity of the whole organism of the child is disturbed. Second: the child feels pain in the intestines and stomach. The term “colic” itself comes from the Greek “kolikos”, which means “pain in the large intestine”. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at relaxing the whole body, and especially the abdomen.

You should try every known position in which you can carry your baby until you find the right one. Here are some of them, time-tested and, according to the parents of children with colic, have a “noise-damping effect”.

Methods for eliminating colic in children.

1. Lay your baby tummy along your forearm. Place his head on the inner surface of the bent elbow, and support the legs with the palm of your hand. Hold your baby tight. With the other hand, press it with your tummy into your forearm. If you found correct position, the child's tummy will relax, the eyebrows will straighten, the tense limbs will hang freely, like whips. You can turn the baby upside down - so that his chin lies on the palm of his hand, his stomach on his forearm, and the back of his body on the crook of his elbow.

2. Hold the head of the baby clinging to your chest with your chin. Sing a soft, slow tune. When the child calms down and falls asleep during the dance or just while wearing, arrange him warmly.

3. Hold the child close enough to you to make eye contact; with one hand support it under the ass, with the other - behind the back and neck. It is especially important to support the head of a newborn. Lightly toss the baby up at a rate of 60-70 strokes per minute. For greater effect stroke his ass.

To relieve stress in a child, especially those suffering from pain in the abdomen, help, in addition to motion sickness, and tilts. Here are a few time-honored exercises, but they won't do any good when the pain is at its peak. First, do everything to calm the child, then the inclinations will do him good.

1. Grasp the bottom of the calves of both legs of the child and press his legs to the stomach. You can alternate these movements with the exercise "Bicycle".

2. It the best remedy, which allows you to relieve tension in children who like to arch their backs and do not relax well in a different position. Hold the child close to you so that his back rests against your chest, and he bends over (sitting position). This relaxes the abdominal and back muscles and often leads to relaxation of the child's entire body. If you are used to communicating with your baby through the eyes and facial expressions, turn him around to face you. Keep your baby's back away from you, and pull his legs up to your chest.

3. Place your baby on their stomach on a large inflatable beach ball and roll it back and forth in a circular motion. Hold the baby with your hand.

4. Try to have the child fall asleep lying on the pillow with his stomach so that his legs hang down; some pressure created at the same time on a stomach calms the kid.

5. Place a folded diaper or a bottle of warm (not hot) water wrapped in a napkin under the baby's belly for sleep. This will allow the baby not to wake up from the accumulation of excessive gases.

Place your palm on the baby's belly at the umbilical region and knead the belly with your fingers. The warmth of your palm will relieve tension. Mentally imagine an inverted "U" on the baby's stomach. Under your palm will be the baby's intestines, which must be relaxed so that gases come out of the colon. Rub some warm oil into your palms and knead your baby's tummy in a circular motion. Start by drawing the letter "I" from top to bottom on the baby's left side - this will move the gases down the colon. Then, while massaging, draw an inverted “P”, as a result, the gases will pass through the large intestine to the exit. Next step: draw an inverted "U" along the entire length of the colon. Abdominal massage is best done when the child is sitting on your lap, resting his feet on your body, or when you are alone in a warm bath.

New research shows that colic medications that used to be considered harmless can harm the baby. Information about the effects of a particular drug is constantly updated, so every time you need to consult a doctor before giving your child any drugs.

Anti-gas drops, if given before feeding, improve digestion and reduce gas. From our point of view, these drops are safe and sometimes help to get rid of excess gas in the intestines. A doctor can relieve a child with a swollen tummy by lubricating the anus. This helps the baby clear the stomach and the colic stops. If your baby is constipated, special children's glycerin suppositories can help him. Insert the candle into the child's anus about 2.5 cm and squeeze his buttocks for a minute to let it dissolve.

Here are two more unusual colic remedies parents claim to relieve pain in babies. Bifidum lactobacilli are lactic acid bacteria that promote fermentation processes. Give the child with colic 1/4 teaspoon of the solution with food. Herbal teas. Sometimes fennel tea helps: 1/2 teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Cover and leave for 5-10 minutes, then strain, cool and give the child a few teaspoons of warm tea.

Colic begins at 2 weeks of age and peaks at 6 to 8 weeks of age. It is rare that they continue beyond 4 months, but the child's behavior may remain restless for up to a year and gradually become regular between 1 and 2 years of age. According to one study, all 50 children had no colic before 4 months of age. It is at this time that the child's internal sleep pattern is formed. Exciting developments are taking place. The child begins to see everything clearly.

He is so carried away by the spectacle that he forgets about the scream. He can play with his hands and suck his fingers, which is also soothing. The child can swing his arms and legs and thus relieve tension. By the age of 6 months, babies have a stronger stomach, possibly eliminating their milk allergy. By this time, either the cause is found, or the technique of calming is being improved. Colic passes, as well as in the terms allotted by nature, pregnancy ends and childbirth occurs.

Colic is pain in the abdomen. They appear with crying, anxiety, refusing to eat. Usually appear in the third or fourth week and pass to fourth month baby's life. During this period, the baby has a swollen tummy, he bends his legs, trying in this way to alleviate his condition. You can learn more about the symptoms of colic.

Can there be colic while breastfeeding or after breastfeeding

By itself, breast milk is not capable of causing colic if breastfeeding (LF) is organized correctly. It is important to note that it is best to feed the baby on demand, and not by the hour, then the two organisms will be able to adapt to each other as much as possible and many problems can be avoided. There are three most typical mistakes feeding arrangements that can lead to pinching during breastfeeding or cause the infant to behave like colic to the mother.

  1. Short-term single breastfeeding. At the same time, the child receives mainly foremilk rich in lactose, and hindmilk rich in fats remains unclaimed. As a result, breast milk is less nutritious, the baby needs the breast more often, and the total amount of food consumed increases. Milk rich in lactose does not linger in the stomach and quickly enters the small intestine, where lactose is broken down by a special enzyme called lactase. Since there is too much lactose, it does not have time to be processed and enters the large intestine, where it causes fermentation and colic. All these phenomena are not related to - the enzyme is quite enough, just too much lactose comes in.
  2. Mom gives two breasts at once during one feeding. Of course, if the child sucks out one breast for 15-20 minutes completely, then there is nothing wrong when the mother gives him the second if he is not satisfied. But more often it happens that after sucking for 5-10 minutes, the child begins to act up or fall asleep. Mom, thinking that the baby does not have enough milk, gives him a second breast. As a result, the process described in the first paragraph occurs, and problems with the tummy begin.
  3. Too much milk flow. Breast milk begins to flow in a fast stream and the newborn, not keeping up with it, turns away from the breast, shows concern. All these signs can be mistaken for mother colic.

Another reason that can cause colic in hepatitis B is the mother's food, the processing components of which can first penetrate into the bloodstream and then into breast milk.

Foods that cause colic while breastfeeding

Not all pediatricians agree with the opinion that gas formation in the baby's digestive system is affected by the mother's diet. However, experts advise adhering to a certain diet, especially in the first months after the birth of a child. It is important to note that such a restriction applies precisely at first, then you can try to consume potentially dangerous foods in small portions, following the reaction of the baby. If the child's body has not accepted the product, then it must be removed from the menu for a while.

It is believed that colic in babies is caused by such foods:

  • kvass, sparkling water;
  • rye bread (or with the addition of rye flour);
  • coffee, coffee drinks;
  • chocolate and products with its addition;
  • fresh milk;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • bean products;
  • condiments, sauces, etc.

This list includes not only products that cause increased gas formation, but also fresh milk. The fact is that milk protein, getting into the body of a child, can affect the condition of the child and cause colic. This is most often the so-called intolerance to cow's milk protein (allergy to cow's milk protein is much less common), which, according to the mechanism of occurrence, is not an allergy and when the baby becomes older it will go away by itself.

Mom should always remember that with regard to any products, the measure must be observed, and if she drinks quite a bit of fresh milk, then this is unlikely to affect the child. Only a large amount of food eaten can increase the chances of a potentially dangerous substance entering the baby's body and causing a response.

You can learn more about foods that can cause colic and allergies.

An approximate weekly menu for a nursing mother can be found.

Tea for nursing mothers from colic

Sometimes pediatricians recommend that mothers use chamomile tea, fennel decoction. In some cases, these methods really help. However, not all experts agree with this method of treatment. The fact is that the products of processing decoctions and additives will enter the child's body. They will not bring much benefit to the baby. Rather, they will streamline the digestive processes in the body of a nursing mother. Therefore, it is more expedient to give the baby chamomile tea, a decoction of dill (fennel) or special water.

Colic with artificial and mixed feeding

There is often an opinion among mothers that colic necessarily haunts formula-fed babies (IV), but this is not always the case. These phenomena are observed both in breastfed babies and in artificial babies, since the main reason for their occurrence is not in the type of nutrition, but in the maturation of the child's digestive system and violations of its nervous regulation. However, not all pediatricians agree with this version and believe that colic can also appear

Important! The type of nutrition of the newborn does not affect the occurrence of colic, which can be both bottle-fed and breast-fed.

Another thing is if we are talking about differences in the frequency of their occurrence and intensity. Breast milk, as a natural product intended by nature itself to feed the baby, is best suited for him, and if it is replaced with a mixture, especially in the first months of life, then the likelihood of colic becomes greater.

Among the reasons is also the use of bottles with the wrong nipple. In pharmacies, there are regular and orthodontic nipples. The latest models are very similar in shape to a woman's nipple. During feeding, the child swallows a minimum of air along with milk. It is also worth paying attention to models with an anti-vacuum system. It does not allow the nipple to stick together during feeding. More about anti-colic bottles

The baby's body may also not accept the mixture of a certain trademark. In this case, you need to try to give a product from another manufacturer and follow the reaction of the child's body.

On sale along with the usual mixtures for baby food there are mixtures with a composition specially designed for colic for newborns, containing mixed feeding different mixtures.

  1. For children whose colic is caused by decreased bowel motility leading to gas stagnation and constipation, it is best used with locust bean gum, which will promote bowel movements.
  2. For children with lactase deficiency, use