At what time does colostrum begin to be released? Colostrum during pregnancy: when does it appear normally?

Choice of colors

Today, when registering, a pregnant woman is given her exchange book in her hands. In addition to all the test results recorded in it, it most often contains interesting and useful information.

It may describe recommendations regarding diet, as well as points that require mandatory consultation with a doctor. One of these moments is discharge. Most often, no matter what their nature, they somehow arouse special “interest” among the doctor and he prescribes a number of additional studies. But I hasten to please you: if you notice that some strange liquid appears from your mammary glands, this is not a reason to worry.

In this way, your body prepares for the upcoming changes - childbirth and lactation. Let's find out in more detail what the essence of this process is, when it begins and what it looks like.

At any stage of pregnancy, you may notice that the mammary glands have begun to secrete some kind of fluid. No matter how long it happens, it is considered an absolute norm. This breast discharge is called colostrum. Their appearance is triggered by hormonal changes in a woman’s body and the production of oxytocin.

You may also experience slight tingling in your breasts, itching, or even “movement” of milk inside. All this indicates that your breasts are preparing for the long process of feeding your baby. This liquid has a pleasant, sweetish taste, and its calorie content is about 150 kcal per 100 g of product. So, you can be absolutely sure that your baby will not remain hungry.

The release of colostrum during pregnancy can be triggered by several reasons: taking a hot shower, massaging the mammary glands, drinking hot drinks, all kinds of emotional situations of both good and bad nature, as well as tight underwear.

At what stage of pregnancy does colostrum appear?

The female body begins to prepare for lactation from the first days of pregnancy. This preparation is accompanied by the release of translucent fluid from the mammary glands. It is worth understanding that this process is very individual; you should not worry if you have a lot or very little of this discharge.

Let's take a closer look at at what stage during pregnancy colostrum can be released, and in what volumes:

  • In the first trimester(from 1st to ) the appearance of discharge from the breast may be the first sign by which a woman will understand that she is in an interesting situation. But at the same time, very often expectant mothers do not notice any changes in their bodies, and the appearance of fluid from the breast may go unnoticed, since its amount is very small.
  • In the second trimester, namely from the 13th to an increasing number of women can observe certain changes that occur in their body. Now, quite often in the process of changing clothes or wearing compressive underwear, you may notice the appearance of sticky, yellowish discharge on your clothes. Colostrum may not be released daily, and in the volume that your body considers necessary: ​​ranging from a few drops to 1-5 ml.
  • In the third trimester, from and before the date of birth, there are two scenarios for the development of events: there is a group of women who note very active discharge, and there are those whose volume has not changed. It is worth remembering that any option is possible and is considered the norm. You also don't have to worry if you don't have colostrum and your pregnancy is quite advanced. There are situations when it begins to be released immediately after childbirth or during the first minutes/hours after.

What colostrum looks like: properties and color

It is a viscous, sticky, sweetish liquid without much odor. Color can vary from yellow to whitish and transparent. It is worth noting that as the due date approaches, their color becomes more and more transparent.

No matter what stage of pregnancy you get colostrum, in the future it will perform a number of very important and valuable functions:

  • saturating the child’s body with immune cells. Children's immunity will begin to develop from the 6th month of his life. But before this period, microorganisms that come with milk can protect the baby from attack by harmful organisms from the environment.
  • Colonization of the intestines with beneficial bacteria. Thus, the process of defecation of the child is improved, as well as the process of digestion of milk and other products that will enter the baby’s body.
  • Accelerating the process of meconium excretion(original calla lilies) and preparing the intestines for the arrival of a new portion of milk.
  • Prevents the development of jaundice, binding excess bilirubin in the intestines and blood.
  • Saturation of the body with essential minerals and vitamins, which are so necessary for his normal physical and physiological development, as well as antioxidants that help the child adapt to a new environment.


Normal indicators are considered to be discharge that appeared both in the first days of pregnancy and in the last week before childbirth. In addition, if you are on, but there is still no colostrum, this is also not a reason to panic. This means that your body develops differently, and hormones also affect it differently. Its color can also be any, and the shade can vary from yellow to almost transparent.

In addition, you may also notice that they contain small spots of blood. If you are not overcome by other unpleasant symptoms and the amount of blood is very small, then this is also an indicator of the norm. The passages in the mammary glands diverge and may somewhere disrupt the integrity of the capillaries, which in turn will lead to the appearance of scarlet inclusions.

In the second and third trimester, in addition to discharge, the expectant mother may notice a feeling of fullness or tingling in the mammary glands. This indicates the opening of the milk ducts and the preparation of the breast for the lactation period. Whatever the volume of fluid secreted, this is not a reason to think that you will not have enough milk. These two processes are absolutely not interconnected in any way, so you shouldn’t stress yourself out and worry too much.

Deviation from the norm

But there are a number of points that require immediate consultation from the obstetrician-gynecologist observing you, for example:

  • In cases where the discharge is accompanied by pain. Such symptoms may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the glands. A timely visit to a doctor will help avoid the development of purulent mastitis and contamination of milk when feeding the baby. And if the discharge is accompanied by aching and nagging pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, then this indicates an increase in the level of oxytocin and increased tone of the uterus, which in turn can lead to. Most likely, you will be prescribed hormone replacement therapy, and the doctor will prescribe the dosage and medication based on your personal indicators.
  • When the process is accompanied by copious amounts of blood and pain. This condition indicates the presence of inflammatory processes, the growth of tumors or the risk of premature birth. You will be prescribed additional studies and tests to establish an accurate diagnosis.
  • An unpleasant odor indicates the development of a bacterial infection in the mammary glands. This symptom may be accompanied by fever, pain and general weakness. Usually, for treatment, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics that will be as gentle as possible for the child. If you ignore treatment, there is a risk of infection of the baby in utero. There is also a risk of infecting the baby during lactation if there is very little time left before birth.
  • It is very rare, but still there is a situation when colostrum is released, but there is no pregnancy. Most likely, this situation indicates the development of inflammation or a tumor process. In addition, this may cause increased levels of oxytocin or prolactin in the blood.

What to do when pregnant women develop colostrum

When you notice that you have colostrum, monitor your body to see if there are any other dangerous symptoms. If your health is not as good as you would like, then you should consult a doctor.

If, apart from the discharge, nothing else bothers you, then there is no reason to worry. If they are abundant and you notice wet spots on your clothes, use special pads or cotton pads.

Proper care of the mammary glands during pregnancy

There are no special rules or precautions, but there are still some secrets that will help you learn how to properly care for your mammary glands:

  • Choose comfortable special underwear for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Usually it is sewn from natural, soft fabrics, without pits. It is also important to choose one so that your breasts are not pressed anywhere.
  • Wash your breasts with warm water 1-2 times a day. Do not use soap frequently as it can dry out the skin and cause cracks to appear.
  • For drying, you need to use soft towels, without rough inclusions, to avoid soreness or chafing of the nipples.

If colostrum is released in such a volume that wet spots appear on things, use special pads that can be bought at the pharmacy. You can also try putting a cotton pad or a piece of gauze or any natural fabric.

  • Use a special moisturizer. It will help avoid stretch marks and will be an excellent means of preventing the appearance of cracks.
  • Follow the rules of a balanced diet: reduce the amount of carbohydrates (flour products, white rice, sugar, potatoes) and increase the amount of plant and animal proteins, vegetables and fruits. About 1 month before your expected due date, increase the amount of fat you eat.

What not to do

Under no circumstances should you express colostrum or massage your breasts. In addition to the fact that by expressing and squeezing it, you provoke even more discharge, this is dangerous for the health and life of the baby. Since by massaging the nipples, you can provoke an increase in uterine tone, and this, in turn, will lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

Common Myths

Expectant mothers love to read interesting stories and listen to advice from friends who have also read interesting stories. This in turn gives rise to a number of myths that can bring unnecessary worry to everyone else. Let's look at the most popular ones:

  • The more colostrum you produce during pregnancy, the more milk you will produce. These two facts are in no way related.
  • If it first appeared and then disappeared, then there will be no milk after delivery. Again, this myth has no basis. During pregnancy it may appear or disappear. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the functioning of the hormonal system. But after the birth of your baby, you will definitely produce the right amount of colostrum, and then milk.
  • It starts to stand out, which means childbirth is just around the corner. In fact, no, since this again depends on the characteristics of each organism. Statistics say that a fairly impressive percentage of women learn about their interesting situation only through the release of colostrum.


Colostrum is your baby's first food. Undoubtedly, this is the most valuable thing that a mother can give in the first days of a baby’s life. Watch a short video in which the doctor explains in detail what this discharge is and what its benefits are for the baby.

Pregnancy is a time when every woman soars on the wings of happiness, but at the same time, it is a period of enormous responsibility on her part. She must listen to every “bell” and signal that her body gives her. We all know that discharge at this time is also one of the important symptoms that accompany certain processes in our body.

Fortunately, most often the colostrum that is released is an absolute norm and indicates that the expectant mother’s body is preparing for its new role. Share with us in the comments on the site when you noticed colostrum discharge. Was this during pregnancy or after you gave birth to the baby?

After the baby is born, milk does not appear immediately. For the first 2-3 days, a very small amount of clear yellowish liquid is released instead. The young mother begins to worry that the baby will not take an empty breast and will remain hungry. But that's not true. Colostrum is superior in nutritional value to milk, and the amount that is released is sufficient for the child in the first days. It can appear already during pregnancy. Most often this happens in the second half as a result of hormonal processes associated with preparing the body for lactation and feeding the child.

Advice: If any discharge from the nipples appears, it is better to immediately contact a gynecologist, since discharge is often a sign of disease of the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum appears after the 19th week or just before birth. The appearance of colostrum during pregnancy at any stage, as well as the absence until birth, is the norm. The following factors influence its formation and intensity of discharge from the breast:

  • emotional state of a woman;
  • bathing in a hot shower;
  • drinking hot tea, milk;
  • having sex;
  • nipple stimulation.

The formation of colostrum and milk depends on the level of prolactin in the body, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. There is an opinion: the more colostrum is released, the more milk there will be. However, there is no direct connection between the amount of colostrum and the intensity of subsequent lactation.

Colostrum as a precursor to miscarriage

Sometimes women think that the appearance of colostrum portends labor and are afraid of its premature onset. However, during pregnancy, the formation of colostrum does not affect its course and is determined only by the individual physiological characteristics of the body.

But the appearance of colostrum together with pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of a possible termination of pregnancy if there are prerequisites for this (congenital pathologies of the development of the uterus or its diseases, for example). In this case, the woman is placed in a hospital where treatment is carried out to prevent miscarriage or premature birth.

Composition and properties of colostrum

Colostrum initially appears as a thick, slightly sweet mass of yellow-gray color. As labor approaches, it becomes thinner. It contains valuable proteins (their content is 4-5 times higher than in mature milk), fats, milk sugar (lactose), mineral salts, enzymes, hormones, bacteria beneficial to the intestines, vitamins (A, B, C, E and PP), as well as water.

Video: Beneficial properties of colostrum

The importance of colostrum for a newborn

In the body of a newborn baby, colostrum performs the following functions:

  1. Promotes the development of the immune system, saturating the baby’s body with valuable proteins. During the first 6 months of life, the child's immune system is immature and does not provide the necessary protection to his body from infection.
  2. It is a source of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which create normal intestinal microflora and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. In the first days, the child’s intestines are filled with original feces (meconium), which got there during intrauterine development. Colostrum promotes their excretion and prepares the body for the absorption of milk.
  3. Removes excess bilirubin formed due to liver immaturity. Accumulating in the blood, bilirubin turns the skin and whites of the eyes yellow (physiological jaundice). Excess of this substance is dangerous for the child’s brain and nervous system.
  4. By supplying hormones, colostrum promotes the maturation of the intestinal mucosa.

Breast care when colostrum appears

Some women mistakenly believe that colostrum production needs to be stimulated in order to produce more milk later. For this purpose, they begin to express colostrum. This cannot be done for the following reasons:

  • This will not help milk production;
  • when expressing, the skin of the nipple or the area around it may be damaged, infections may get into the cracks, and an inflammatory process may occur;
  • stimulation of the nipples leads to an increase in the blood of the hormone oxytocin, which increases contractions of the muscles of the uterus, provoking miscarriage or premature birth.

If you feel a slight itching when you release colostrum, this may be the result of breast enlargement, stretching of the skin, and the movement of colostrum through the milk ducts. To prevent stretch marks from remaining on the skin, it is necessary to use special creams.

When colostrum appears, a pregnant woman should wear a bra that supports her breasts well and does not tighten them. If colostrum gets on your laundry, humidity and heat create all the conditions for bacteria to multiply. To avoid infection in the mammary glands, you need to wash your breasts several times a day with warm water without soap, and also use replaceable breast pads or cotton pads.

Video: How to care for your breasts during pregnancy

When colostrum leakage may be a sign of pathology

Sometimes during pregnancy you may notice traces of blood in the colostrum. Their presence is caused by damage to small capillaries due to the proliferation of a network of milk ducts penetrated by blood vessels. If a woman has no other unusual signs, then this condition is not a pathology at 6-7 months and goes away on its own.

The doctor leading the pregnancy must be aware of all changes in the woman’s condition, including changes in the nature of discharge from the nipples. The following signs indicate pathology:

  • yellow or white discharge from the nipples is accompanied by constant aching pain localized in any part of the mammary gland;
  • the mammary glands enlarge unevenly;
  • seals can be felt in them, there are depressions, and unusual changes appear in certain areas of the skin.
To find out the cause of the pathology, the doctor needs to know when the discharge from the nipples appeared, whether there was a change in color, and whether it had an unpleasant odor. In addition, it matters whether they appear spontaneously or with pressure on the chest.

To diagnose the pathology, a blood test for hormones and antibodies to viruses, mammography, ultrasound, ductography of the mammary gland ducts, MRI, and breast examination may be required.

Discharge from the nipples of a pregnant woman as a sign of disease

Risk of miscarriage. In addition to the release of colostrum, a woman has such signs as blood discharge from the vagina, swelling of the mammary glands, pain in the chest, lower back, and lower abdomen. To maintain the pregnancy, she needs to go to the hospital.

Ectasia- expansion of the milk ducts, accompanied by their inflammation. May occur in one or more ducts. In this case, thick sticky discharge appears, which is brown or green in color. Compresses and antibiotics are used for treatment.

Intraductal papilloma- a benign tumor of the milk ducts, the formation of which is caused by the human papillomavirus. Thick red discharge in a pregnant woman appears from one breast affected by papillomavirus. The affected area is removed surgically.

Mastitis- inflammation of breast tissue. It occurs extremely rarely during pregnancy (for example, with chest injuries). If the inflammation is accompanied by suppuration, the discharge is green and has an unpleasant odor. The woman's temperature rises, the affected breast becomes red and swollen. There is a risk of fetal infection and miscarriage. Treatment is carried out by opening the abscess and cleaning. Antibiotics are then used.

Nipple cancer. The discharge is bloody, the nipple is retracted. Pregnancy aggravates the course of the disease, so it is usually interrupted.

Fibrocystic mastopathy- benign growth of breast tissue. With this disease, nipple discharge during pregnancy resembles colostrum. There is a nagging pain in the mammary gland. The reason is hormonal changes in the body. Treatment is usually not carried out in pregnant women. Often after childbirth, when hormonal levels are restored, the disease goes away on its own.

If the pregnant woman is healthy, then the amount of colostrum released does not matter. 3-4 days after birth and the baby is put to the breast, colostrum turns into milk.

- a natural process intended by nature. The female body begins preparation from the first days of conception. Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question of at what stage of pregnancy colostrum appears.

Colostrum is the fluid that is secreted from the mammary gland. It differs from milk in color, composition and consistency.

This is a white-yellow secretion, viscous and thick, with a specific milky smell and taste.

Colostrum does not overload the baby's kidneys due to its low fluid content.

Colostrum contains substances that a baby needs early in life. Unlike the milk that is called mature, it contains less fat, sugar and water.Nutrients
Carbohydrates 1240.5
Microelements (iron, copper, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium) 1600
Vitamin A 72
Vitamin C Iodine
Up to 450 1370

Replacement of colostrum with milk occurs 3-7 days after delivery. This stage is considered transitional, after which the milk becomes mature and may vary slightly depending on the diet of the nursing mother.

The calorie content of colostrum on the first day of breastfeeding is 1500 kcal.

Beneficial features

Colostrum is a form of transition from intrauterine nutrition of the fetus to enteral nutrition, so it contains easily digestible proteins. The casein content at this stage is minimal. As the child’s body develops and its ability to absorb complex protein increases, the casein content increases.

Colostrum contains a laxative that helps the baby have bowel movements.

Microelements included in the optimal composition:

  • iron transports oxygen to organs;
  • iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and to prevent the development of abnormalities;
  • copper stabilizes lung function;
  • zinc is responsible for the formation of immunity.

A lack of nutrients leads to:

  • anemia;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • deviations in neurological reactions.

At this stage, the intake of colostrum is necessary for the baby; no artificial formula can compare with it in composition. Vitamins A and E protect babies from oxygen stress. The fat content is reduced, which allows you to absorb nutrition faster.

Colostrum is a high-calorie product, but as the child grows, it decreases. Enzymes contribute to the rapid breakdown of food, because the baby’s intestines are not mature and need help.

The natural mechanism of colostrum formation is considered ideal, since it adapts to the needs of the baby over time. The secretion begins to perform the same functions as the placenta during intrauterine development, so it is believed that the composition of colostrum is more similar to maternal blood than milk.

High calorie content helps the baby gain weight.

The nutrients are supplemented with components beneficial for the immune system:

  • interferons (they should protect the baby’s body from viruses);
  • immune memory molecules that help fight viruses in the future;
  • factors that are responsible for the growth of a child’s body;
  • endorphin substances that are designed to protect against stress.

Immune factors are responsible for the formation of passive immunity in children. Scientific analyzes indicate that colostrum can effectively fight E. coli, streptococci, rotavirus and dysentery pathogens.

The benefit of hormones and lipids for the immature children's intestines is to develop its functions, this is necessary for further development.

At what stage of pregnancy can colostrum first appear?

Lactocytes, which are responsible for the production of milk, are active at the beginning of pregnancy. Many women are interested in when colostrum appears. It depends on individual qualities, on the nutrition system and living conditions.

Some people release colostrum after childbirth, others at some point during pregnancy. To understand these conditions, it is necessary to identify the factors influencing the formation of secretions.

The substance released in early pregnancy looks like whey. In the later stages of pregnancy, it turns into a thick, viscous mixture with a yellow or orange tint.

It is considered normal for the discharge of secretions from the mammary gland after delivery. During this period, hormone levels are elevated.

The appearance of colostrum during pregnancy is also normal. Lactocytes begin to produce it at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

There are certain features of the female body that affect the appearance of colostrum even earlier. This occurs in women who become pregnant shortly after giving birth, or who have recently stopped breastfeeding their first child.

Women who already have children are worried about whether they can breastfeed during pregnancy. The natural mechanism is adjusted to such an extent that at a certain stage the milk disappears due to the appearance of colostrum. The older child, sensing a change, may refuse to breastfeed.

A sign by which a woman can recognize a change is a decreased volume of fluid. The determining factor is what color the colostrum becomes. It will be significantly different from milk.

Colostrum is released from the breast when pressure is applied to the areas around the nipple; this is one of the normal options. Sometimes a hot flash can be caused by stress, sensations during breast massage, or strong positive emotions. There is no need to squeeze out colostrum.

It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take to form the first portion. A variant of the norm is the absence of colostrum after childbirth; it can come in 2-3 days.

When should you be wary?

Deviations from the norms are associated with serious disorders in the body.

A woman herself can distinguish natural signs from alarming symptoms:

  1. Blood or pus mixed with breast discharge. Small streaks of blood can appear at different stages; they are caused by microtraumas of the breast, too tight underwear, rupture of small capillaries as a result of stretching of the skin. There's nothing wrong with that.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen, light bleeding may occur. A similar symptom occurs at any stage of pregnancy. With the appearance of nagging pain and sudden, one-time episodes, the threat of losing the child increases.
  3. An increase in body temperature of more than 38°, which is accompanied by chest pain, the development of bruises and a change in skin tone in the area of ​​the mammary gland. This symptom indicates the development of congestion. To exclude serious diseases, you will need to consult a specialist mammologist.
  4. Unpleasant pungent odor of secretion. The cause of this symptom is the penetration of dangerous microorganisms and the development of infection.

Inexperienced mothers do not know at what time colostrum appears, what color it is, why this happens, and they begin to panic. If you feel well, discharge from the mammary glands is not a deviation from the norm.

Secretion fluid appears in 20% of women in the first months of pregnancy

Colostrum causes discomfort during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not always comfortable for a woman. This is a period of change in all body systems. The moment when colostrum begins to flow during pregnancy can interfere with work or caring for an older child.

To minimize inconvenience, women adhere to some rules:

  • you need to purchase a special supportive bra (it should not compress the breasts, you need to choose underwear from durable natural materials);
  • hygiene procedures are carried out (breasts are washed with soap and warm water 2-3 times a day, underwear is changed);
  • purchase special breast pads if the leakage becomes too noticeable;
  • avoid massaging the breasts;
  • do not visit baths or saunas (places with high levels of heat and humidity);
  • adhere to the rules of nutrition (with the exception of flour, the addition of plant protein foods).

Important! Colostrum cannot be expressed; this will provoke its further production and deprive it of useful substances, since the body will perceive the process as a feeding procedure.

Can colostrum appear in non-pregnant women?

The formation of secretion from the mammary glands is produced by increased production of hormones: oxytocin or prolactin.

Cases when these hormones begin to be produced in the body without pregnancy occurring are rare. But they do exist. This option is possible if serious disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland occur. Hormones are activated as a result of the initiation of oncological processes and the division of tumor cells.

Appearance of colostrum, first feedings

The baby is put to the breast in the delivery room, immediately after birth, to test and strengthen the sucking reflex skill. The next time the infant should be fed in the ward. Colostrum has a unique composition that meets all the needs of the baby and changes, adapting to it at different times.

Young mothers do not immediately begin to understand whether the child is full. There are no problems with a one-month-old baby, since the feeding process becomes stable by this time.


The appearance of early milk is not a reason to panic. Each organism behaves differently during gestation. Seeing a doctor requires additional symptoms that threaten complications for the mother or child.

During pregnancy, you noticed a thick/viscous/sticky discharge of a yellowish, transparent or creamy consistency from your breasts - is this normal or a pathology? Let us immediately hasten to reassure you - this is the release of colostrum - an absolutely normal and safe phenomenon. If you have not produced colostrum throughout your pregnancy, this is also quite normal.

What is this?

ColostrumThis is a thick, viscous, sticky liquid of a yellowish, transparent or creamy hue, with a specific odor and slightly sweet taste, which is secreted by a woman’s mammary glands during the period of bearing and feeding a child. The production of colostrum in the mammary glands is a normal physiological process. It is usually released in women in the first two to three days after the birth of a child. But colostrum can also be released at different stages of pregnancy by the expectant mother.. Colostrum is also called “immature milk” because it precedes the appearance of real breast milk. Colostrum also differs from milk in its composition: it contains less fat and sugar, but more protein.

This is what colostrum looks like

How is it useful?

Colostrum is very beneficial for the baby in the first days of his birth. It is saturated with antibodies that protect the baby from infections and contribute to its rapid adaptation to the outside world. It contains all the nutrients a child’s body needs for normal functioning.

Chemical composition of colostrum: albumins and globulins - proteins (up to 6-7%); water (84-88%); bifidumbacteria; lactobacilli; vitamins of group A, B, C, E, PP; milk sugar (lactose) – carbohydrates (up to 5-5.5%); fats (4-5%); mineral salts; food enzymes (amylase, lipase and protease); hormones.

Colostrum is higher in calories than milk itself and contains less water. Despite this, it is easily absorbed by the newly born organism and prepares the baby’s digestive system for the absorption of heavier food - real breast milk (). The first food of a newborn - colostrum - has a laxative effect, which ensures easy release of feces from the intestines. Colostrum promotes the excretion of bilirubin, thereby reducing the risk of occurrence.

Colostrum during pregnancy

While the baby is growing and developing in the womb, the body of the expectant mother is preparing to feed her child throughout the entire nine months. Early in pregnancy, the mammary glands begin to swell and women may experience mild pain. Changes also occur at the hormonal level, which leads to the production of colostrum.

When does it appear?

As for the timing of the appearance of colostrum, there is no clear answer. The production of milk fluid begins from the moment of conception, although a woman may not feel this in the first trimester. But unripe milk is produced more actively by the body already in the second trimester. Externally, this may appear in the form of yellowish sticky drops that remain on clothing. Two months before birth, the color of colostrum becomes more transparent, but the amount usually does not increase. And even if the expectant mother does not detect droplets of unripe milk until the very moment of birth, then there is nothing dangerous in this either. One way or another, it is produced in the body: this process is laid down by Mother Nature.

In some cases, a woman experiences the appearance of colostrum even in the early stages of pregnancy. Doctors do not see any threat to either mother or baby in the early release of immature milk. You should not be afraid of slight itching and tingling around the nipples that may accompany the release of colostrum.

What stimulates the production of colostrum?

The release of colostrum during pregnancy is facilitated by factors such as:

  • a surge of emotions (positive and negative);
  • prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • taking a hot shower;
  • breast massage;
  • at high air temperatures, especially in summer;
  • drinking hot tea or other drinks.

Deviations from norms

So, the release of colostrum at any stage of pregnancy is a completely normal process that occurs in the body of the expectant mother.

  • However, a woman, having noticed a similar phenomenon in herself, should focus on such points as: Colostrum color.
  • Normally, it should be a rich creamy shade, then, closer to childbirth, it becomes more transparent. If small particles of blood are mixed into the liquid, you should be wary, but do not panic. The presence of blood can be either normal or a sign of a disease. Here you will definitely need consultation with specialists (mammologist, surgeon, oncologist) and a detailed examination of the body (ultrasound of the mammary glands, MRI, mammography, etc.). Amount of colostrum.
  • Usually a little fluid is released, although this process, like all pregnancy, manifests itself individually. If a woman feels that there is too much fluid being released, then a consultation with a mammologist will not be superfluous. It is worth knowing that increased breast congestion during pregnancy leads to an increase in the level of the hormone oxytocin. And this is fraught with an increase in the tone of the uterus, which is dangerous and leads to the threat of miscarriage. But perhaps the intense production of colostrum is due to the factors described above. Stress, intense massage, hot shower stimulate the process of milk fluid secretion.
  • Foul odor and impurities of pus in colostrum. This symptom may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection in the ducts of the mammary glands. In this case, the expectant mother may experience an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in her overall health. Contact a doctor and treatment should be immediate to reduce the risk of infection of the fetus.

Chest discomfort.

Colostrum can be produced not only during pregnancy and lactation, but also after the period of feeding the baby for 1-2 years. The sudden appearance of colostrum, not associated with pregnancy and recent feeding of the child, may mean that the content of hormones - oxytocin and prolactin - has increased in the woman’s body. And here you shouldn’t wait and think for a long time: you should immediately run to a mammologist. What can the unexpected appearance of colostrum in the mammary glands signal?

  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • (in this case, pus is released);
  • fibroadenoma and other tumors.

Important: In cases of taking contraceptives, some women experience periodic release of colostrum before the start of the menstrual cycle. However, it is worth taking a blood test to make sure there are no diseases.

Hygiene rules during the period of colostrum release

The presence of colostrum forces a woman to take more careful care of her breasts. After all, this sweetish liquid contributes to the formation of a favorable environment for the appearance and active reproduction of bacteria. That is why The expectant mother needs to pay special attention to body hygiene and adhere to simple rules:

Important: Failure to follow these rules can lead to inflammation of the ducts in the mammary glands.

Remember that virgin milk is very valuable for your baby. Put your newborn to the breast as often as possible so that he receives the necessary supply of nutrients and is maximally protected from external influences. Feeding is especially important in the first hour of a baby’s birth (). The ideal duration of the feeding period in the first days is 20 minutes. Frequent breastfeeding will not only help the baby, but will stimulate the lactation function of the mother's mammary glands. Colostrum is the health of your baby.

The appearance of colostrum. From an obstetrician-gynecologist with 30 years of experience

As a rule, while waiting for the birth of her baby, any mother worries about many things. Firstly, so that the birth goes normally, that is, safely, so that, of course, God forbid, no complications occur, so that your baby is born truly healthy and naturally at his due date. And also, of course, so that mommy will subsequently have enough milk for the baby, which is so necessary. Each of the normal pregnant women strives to immediately put the baby to her breast, and in the very first minutes, hours and, of course, days after childbirth. Agree, in fact, there is nothing better for a baby than colostrum.

It must be said, however, that the appearance of colostrum immediately before childbirth, say, while carrying an unborn child, can very much frighten the expectant mother herself. Is this normal? And what could it even be? I know that it’s not time for me to give birth yet, but colostrum is already actively being released?

Colostrum appearing during pregnancy is quite normal.

Let us immediately hasten to reassure you - the active release of colostrum during pregnancy is an absolutely normal and safe phenomenon, exactly the same as its complete absence. Usually, colostrum begins to be actively produced by the body already, even if you don’t see it, and it simply does not flow out. By this time, the woman's breasts begin natural preparation for the upcoming birth and, accordingly, for feeding your newborn. At first, as a rule, colostrum is thick, yellow and even sticky, but closer to childbirth it often becomes almost transparent and more liquid.

Moreover, you can often even feel some itching in the chest or tingling there, and even a kind of “movement”. This is also considered to be the absolute norm: after all, your muscles seem to push this colostrum to the nipple itself.

And once again we would like to note that if you still do not produce colostrum, even until the onset of labor itself, this is also a completely normal phenomenon. The release of the same colostrum even before delivery, believe me, is not at all necessary, this is only one of the options for an absolutely normal pregnancy that proceeds and ends. And, for example, if it does not begin to stand out from you, you should not think that your breasts are, as they say, “non-milk” and that, for example, you specifically will not have a lot of milk. Understand this has nothing to do with one another. It should be noted that colostrum can often begin to be released right during childbirth or, say, immediately after it. In addition, the amount of colostrum that is released during pregnancy and even after it does not matter in the slightest - after all, its amount is strictly individual and for each specific woman it always varies.

There are sometimes cases when colostrum begins to be released even in the very early stages of the current pregnancy. In this case, such a phenomenon can be regarded as one of the signs of pregnancy, along with a sharp increase in breast size and also swelling and distension of the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum during pregnancy can begin to be released during a gentle massage of the breasts, or simply sexual stimulation of the breasts, and sometimes as a result of severe stress that has already been suffered, less often in conditions of quite elevated body temperature or room air, which is why the ducts in the breasts simply expand.

What should you do if colostrum begins to leak?

In cases where colostrum leaks very heavily, you will certainly need to use special disposable bra inserts, which will need to be changed promptly and constantly. After all, colostrum is the most ideal environment for the active reproduction of various bacteria. And in this regard, do not forget to wash your breasts with regular warm water (but preferably without soap).

You need to remember that under no circumstances should you put pressure on your breasts at this time, or, even worse, decide to express the secreted colostrum. After all, any stimulation of the breast will definitely entail a powerful release of a hormone such as oxytocin, which causes contractile activity of the uterus. And this, as you understand, may well lead to a miscarriage or premature birth.

Cases when colostrum can be a dangerous harbinger

It should be noted, however, that the release of colostrum during pregnancy is not always so pleasant and safe. Since colostrum is released directly from the breast, and its active stimulation is almost directly related to the general condition of the uterus (after all, when a baby suckles on the mother’s breast, the uterus usually contracts), and therefore the release of colostrum can sometimes signal the threat of miscarriage.

In cases where you are already in pregnancy and, say, along with other signs of a threat of spontaneous miscarriage (for example, with nagging pain somewhere in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, as well as with bloody discharge from the vagina) and you suddenly begin to swell breasts and colostrum leaks - you should definitely tell your doctor about this! And, for example, if you are not in a hospital at this time, then you will probably still need to be hospitalized.