At what point should you lower your temperature during pregnancy? Normal temperature readings


The article talks about how body temperature changes during pregnancy. Tips are given on how to lower body temperature.

  • After the first and long-awaited conception, a woman begins a new and unknown life. To the little happiness, wrapped in diapers, there are still nine long months
  • Joy expectant mother may be overshadowed by poor health. A woman’s body will have to accumulate all its resources in order for a healthy baby to be born.
  • Toxicosis, headaches, constant fatigue, drowsiness is natural reactions during pregnancy, to which each woman reacts differently
  • Some endure it, some attend antenatal clinics with or without reason, and some seek accessible information and answers by any means necessary. The pregnant woman begins to count the months and weeks until the birth, which is accompanied by numerous “why?”

From the first months of pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her life, but also for the life that originated in her. To small heart knocked evenly, in order for the fetus to develop normally, the expectant mother must be attentive to her well-being. Listening to the manifestations of the body should become a habit for the entire period of pregnancy.

How does temperature change during pregnancy?

Dramatic changes occur in hormonal levels during pregnancy. Without such internal changes, the gestation process healthy child would be impossible.

A woman’s reproductive function is regulated by such structures of the central nervous system as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The pituitary gland, in addition to influencing growth and development, is responsible for thermoregulation

Pregnancy inevitably leads to minor disturbances that occur in the thermoregulatory center. Body temperature indicators remain within 37 – 37.2˚C during the first day after implantation. There is no cause for concern if there are no other unpleasant symptoms.

A pregnant woman’s body temperature may “jump,” manifesting as a rush of blood to the face. The woman may feel hot or cold

Temperature jumps indicate disruption of the autonomic system. It is responsible for supplying blood vessels. If the vessels dilate, heat appears and body temperature rises. Coldness is felt when blood vessels are constricted. There are pregnant women who do not feel temperature fluctuations. And that's okay too.

Why did the temperature rise in early pregnancy?

An increase in body temperature to 37.2°C or more at the beginning of pregnancy is not considered a deviation from the norm. Intrauterine development of the fetus is possible when the required “dose” of progesterone is produced in the woman’s body. It is progesterone that causes an increase in body temperature, being a specific reaction to gestation.

During pregnancy, malfunctions of the immune system often occur. Because of this, a pregnant woman may feel cold even in extreme heat, or hot on cold winter days. For any unpleasant symptoms(chills, weakness), temperature should be measured.

If the thermometer records 37.8˚C, then it is urgent to normalize the condition.

A pregnant woman's temperature rises due to inflammatory process, which can be triggered by an infection, cold, or flu. In progress internal organs crashes may also occur

What body temperature is dangerous for the fetus? A body temperature of 38˚C has serious consequences for a baby’s development:

  • heat affects the formation of the central nervous system, which can affect mental development baby
  • muscle hypotonia may develop
  • the child may have underdeveloped parts of the body (microcephaly - disproportionately small head, syndactyly - fusion of fingers)

If a pregnant woman’s condition does not return to normal for a long time and the temperature does not drop, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. The danger can be prevented, but the result of a careless attitude towards yourself and the baby is difficult to fight.

The temperature can also increase due to simple overheating if there is not enough fresh air in the room. Ventilating the room will help in this case.

What is the temperature in late pregnancy?

  • On last weeks During pregnancy, an increase in temperature can cause pyelonephritis and poisoning. Since a woman’s immune system is greatly weakened by this time, she can easily catch a viral infection
  • An increase in temperature during ARVI may cause hidden danger: the virus is able to overcome the hematoplacental barrier and cause irreparable harm to the fetus. A child may be born with various defects of internal organs
  • High body temperatures in the third trimester are not so dangerous, because the baby’s organs have already formed. But, penetrating the placenta, viruses are able to affect the baby’s blood flow, which leads to hypoxia. High fever can cause premature birth

high temperature on later pregnancy

Low body temperature in early pregnancy

If body temperature is lower than the generally accepted norm, then this may indicate a peculiarity of the body rather than a disease. Temperatures that deviate from the norm in the downward direction in pregnant women sometimes indicate the presence of endocrinological diseases.

The temperature indicator is 36.1-36.4˚C, which persists throughout long period, is a reason to visit an endocrinologist. After consulting a doctor, you will need to undergo a course of treatment.

Low body temperature in late pregnancy

  • If, while measuring the temperature, a pregnant woman discovers that it has dropped, and the reading lasts for 1-2 days, then a visit to a therapist would be a good idea. At the discretion of the doctor, the pregnant woman will be referred to a more specialized specialist
  • In some cases low temperature body, which is accompanied by cold symptoms, indicates a weakened immune system. During your consultation, your doctor will advise you on how to improve your well-being.
  • Body temperature below normal during pregnancy may also be due to malnutrition. If there is severe toxicosis, a woman can hardly tolerate odors, and she loses her appetite, then it is quite possible that the temperature readings will drop. Nutritious food will help get rid of the problem

low temperature during pregnancy

Why do I get headaches and fever during pregnancy?

The most common causes of headaches during pregnancy are:

  • changes hormonal levels
  • "jumps" in blood pressure
  • staying pregnant in stressful situation, unnecessary worries
  • lack of sleep, feeling tired, weak
  • body's reaction to weather conditions
  • insufficient amount of fresh air in the room
  • chronic diseases (glaucoma, meningitis, sinusitis)

The main cause of headache and fever above normal in a pregnant woman may be an acute respiratory viral infection. The autumn-winter period is especially dangerous for women who are carrying a child.

Almost half of the population suffers from ARVI, and you can catch the disease very quickly. The influenza virus causes a very high fever, which is great danger for a child.

A headache due to a respiratory viral disease indicates intoxication of the body. Painful sensations especially strong in the temple area, on the forehead, near the eyes.

If a pregnant woman simply has a headache, there is no nausea and vomiting, then it is better not to resort to the use of painkillers without a doctor’s prescription. Aromatherapy and a light head massage in the forehead and temples will help. A pregnant woman should get a good night's sleep and plenty of rest.

If the influenza virus has entered the body, then you cannot carry a respiratory viral infection on your feet. Drinking plenty of acidified drinks will relieve intoxication. Tea and coffee for headaches are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Why do I have a runny nose and high fever during pregnancy?

  • Acute respiratory infections are accompanied by inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and heavy discharge from the nose. At first they feel severe dryness and a burning sensation in the nose, and then a headache begins, weakness appears, and only after that a runny nose begins
  • Frequent ventilation (more than 5 times a day) will help to avoid rhinovirus infection. The air temperature in the room should not rise above 22°C, otherwise a favorable environment for viruses will be formed
  • To treat a runny nose, it is better to resort to traditional medicine: instill chamomile infusion or radish juice, drink raspberry infusion. Aquamaris can be used to rinse the nasal passages

Cannot be used if you have a runny nose vasoconstrictors without prior consultation with a doctor. Onion juice dripped into the nose can burn the mucous membrane.

Video: treatment of colds during pregnancy

Why is high temperature dangerous during pregnancy?

Temperatures above 380C can cause disturbances:

  • activities of cardio-vascular system mother (occurs due to intoxication)
  • changes in the placenta can cause delay intrauterine development baby
  • the fetus may develop with malformations
  • possible increase in uterine tone, which threatens premature termination of pregnancy

Treatment of temperature during pregnancy

  • It is impossible to lower the temperature with aspirin in the first and third trimester. At the beginning of pregnancy, this available drug threatens fetal developmental defects, miscarriage; in the later stages, bleeding and protracted process childbirth
  • Get treatment better with drugs based on paracetamol. The first time you should take half a tablet. But you should resort to this method of treatment as a last resort, because frequent use Paracetamol may affect liver and kidney function
  • After the pregnant woman takes the pill, you should call a doctor at home. Among the traditional methods of treatment, tea with raspberries and wiping with cool water help fight high temperatures.

Video: T temperature at 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. How will we treat ourselves?

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Everyone knows about the changes that occur to a woman in her position: her breasts and weight increase, her belly becomes rounder, tastes, desires and moods change, and so on. The list of such changes can also include an increase in body temperature, which frightens expectant mothers.

Is this symptom normal, and is it necessary to panic if the mercury column of the thermometer has “crept” beyond 37?

What should be normal body temperature during pregnancy?

There is no need to panic in any case! Nervous system You need to take care of it in a normal situation, but if you are in a position, then worries are completely unnecessary.

So, what do you need to know about temperature readings in a pregnant woman?

In the early stages of gestation mild low-grade fever is normal. Of course, in the absence of other accompanying symptoms.

And keeping it elevated temperature regime will last up to 4 months.

during this period may have the following indicators:

  • At week 3: 37-37.7.
  • In the 4th week: 37.1-37.5.
  • In weeks 5-12: from 37 and not higher than 38.

If a low-grade fever is replaced by an increase in temperature above 38 and the appearance of new symptoms, then there is a reason call a doctor .

Causes of increased body temperature in a pregnant woman in the early and late stages

An increase in body temperature to 37 degrees - and even higher - is due to very specific reasons.

  1. First of all, by increasing the production of progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the preservation ovum after conception. It also affects the thermoregulation center in the brain.
  2. The second cause of low-grade fever is immunosuppression. Or physiological suppression of the immune system to contain it (to avoid exposure to the fetus as a foreign body).

Typically, low-grade fever is a phenomenon characteristic of the first trimester. Sometimes it continues into the fourth month, and for some mothers it ends only after childbirth.

And yet, most mothers forget about the elevated temperature after the 2nd trimester, and the reasons for low-grade fever in the later stages are slightly different:

  • Temperature jump before childbirth: slight fever and chills, like .
  • Use of anesthetics . For example, after treatment at the dentist.
  • Exacerbation of a particular chronic disease.
  • Viral disease . For example, a seasonal cold.
  • Infection of the placenta or amniotic fluid. The most dangerous option, which is fraught with premature birth, and fetal hypoxia.
  • Psychological moment . Excitement – natural state for the expectant mother. And nervousness is often reflected in the body by an increase in temperature (usually without adding other symptoms).

When an increase is associated with a disease, how to understand this?

The expectant mother, as you know, is not only not immune from diseases during pregnancy, but is also at risk: she needs to be protected from any potential opportunities to catch a cold, sore throat, intestinal “sore” or other trouble.

It is not always possible to resist diseases, and the first signal in this case is (most often) the temperature.

In what cases is elevated body temperature during pregnancy a reason to consult a doctor?

  1. The temperature jumps above 38 degrees.
  2. Low-grade fever is observed even in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
  3. The temperature is accompanied by additional symptoms - sweating, headache and nausea, chills, gastrointestinal upset, etc.

Among the most “popular” reasons for fever in expectant mothers are:

  • ARVI and influenza. With these diseases, the temperature usually rises above 38, and can reach 39 and higher. Additional symptoms: aching joints and chills, runny nose and cough (optional), severe weakness etc.
  • Diseases respiratory system(pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.). An increase in temperature is usually observed for the first 2-3 days, and then the symptoms include weakness and coughing, a sore throat.
  • Thyrotoxicosis. This reason to increase temperature is associated with thyroid gland and is caused by a violation of its operation. Besides possible increase temperature (up to 38 degrees), there may be a strong appetite with weight loss, tearfulness, anxiety and irritability.
  • Problems of the genitourinary system. With cystitis or pyelonephritis, in addition to fever (inflammatory temperatures usually rise in the evening hours), there is pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, difficulty urinating, and a feeling of a “brick” in the lower back.
  • Intestinal infection. Sometimes it “slips through” almost unnoticed in the form of mild nausea. And sometimes the poisoning becomes very severe and can be dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the mother - in this case, urgent hospitalization is indicated. Symptoms include fever and loose stool, abdominal pain, vomiting, etc.

Pregnancy is most vulnerable to these (and other) diseases in the 1st trimester. Indeed, during the first three months, not only the disease, but also most medications can provoke a miscarriage.

Therefore, an increase in temperature is a clear reason for visiting a doctor .

Is elevated body temperature dangerous during pregnancy - all the risks

In the first trimester light natural low-grade fever is not at all dangerous for mother and fetus. The danger increases with the rise in mercury to 38 and above.

The main risks of high temperature for mother and fetus:

  1. Increased uterine tone.
  2. Inhibition of the fetal development process.
  3. Development of defects in the systems and organs of the fetus.
  4. The appearance of problems with the brain, limbs and facial skeleton of the fetus - with prolonged high temperature.
  5. Impaired blood supply to the placenta and fetal hypoxia.
  6. Miscarriage or premature birth.
  7. Development of dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Etc.

What to do if a pregnant woman’s body temperature rises - first aid

Naturally elevated temperature in the first months of pregnancy, in the absence of additional symptoms, does not require lowering. If the temperature exceeds 37.5 in the later stages, or tends to 38 in the early stages, you should consult a doctor.

If the doctor is delayed or is not available at all, you should call ambulance, call a team to your home , explain the situation and follow the recommendations in order to slightly contain the increase in body temperature before the ambulance arrives.

  • Prescribe medications yourself.
  • Drink aspirin (note: for expectant mothers, aspirin is prohibited due to the risk of bleeding).

Usually the doctor prescribes drugs from the paracetamol series, viburcol suppositories or panadol.

But treatment will depend on each person in any case. specific case and causes of temperature rise.

Among the safe folk methods of reducing temperature, the following are usually used:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. For example, cranberry juices, tea with raspberries, milk with honey, etc.
  2. Wiping with a wet towel.
  3. Wet compresses on the forehead.

Remember that during pregnancy you need to exercise Special attention to your health, and even discuss minor (in your opinion) problems with your doctor.

Pregnancy is a time of change and restructuring in the body of the expectant mother, and often a girl wonders what the temperature should be during pregnancy, the norm of indicators. It is very important during this happy period of bearing a child to carefully monitor own health and pay attention to even the slightest changes. In particular, you need to monitor your body temperature and seek help if a deviation from the norm occurs.

Normal body thermoregulation

In general, when carrying a child, body temperature indicators should not differ from those of a person in a normal state.

A slight increase in body temperature may be physiological and not indicate a problem

However, there are a number of factors that can trigger a temperature rise to 37.1°C in the first and second trimesters. Doctors consider this condition not dangerous. This is usually due to the following factors:

  • production of the hormone progesterone, which is actively produced in the woman’s body;
  • immunosuppression, a disorder of the immune system that is associated with the attachment of a fertilized egg.

These are natural changes in a woman's body that can cause changes in thermoregulation. Monitoring the condition of the expectant mother is necessary and for this you need to regularly visit your doctor.

What do increased indicators mean?

An increase in body temperature during pregnancy can signal a number of disorders. When manifested similar symptom You need to urgently consult a doctor to eliminate the danger to the fetus or the expectant mother. Speaking of increasing indicators, a temperature above 37.5°C is considered.

An increase in temperature may indicate the development of a cold, the presence of a viral infection, or poisoning. A viral disease or ARVI requires drug therapy. For appointments, you must contact your supervising doctor.

An increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman may be a symptom of ARVI or another disease

Increases in temperature may also indicate pneumonia or kidney problems. And, if a cold can be dealt with using traditional methods, in this case it will not be possible to do without medications. It is required to visit the clinic to take tests, undergo relevant studies and receive recommendations from the attending physician.

In addition, the symptom of elevated levels may accompany conditions such as:

  • increased uterine tone (in some cases leads to miscarriage);
  • pathology of the placenta (provokes painful changes in the fetus);
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (the cause is often serious intoxication of the girl’s body);
  • malformations of the baby (often manifests itself in the first trimester).

And yet most common reasons Temperatures with an elevated rate are a cold, flu, acute respiratory viral infection or kidney problems. Recipes can be used for treatment traditional medicine, but first consult with your supervising doctor.

What do the reduced indicators mean?

Reduced temperature during pregnancy may also indicate the presence of pathology. But there are cases when a temperature below 36.6°C does not indicate any disease and is considered normal. The most common reasons for low performance are:

  • specific characteristics of a woman’s body;
  • toxicosis;
  • extreme fatigue;
  • iron deficiency in a woman’s body (anemia);
  • flaw nutrients;
  • malfunctions endocrine system.

Prolonged maintenance of low temperatures can cause acute headaches, deterioration of health, dizziness and loss of consciousness. A clear sign A violation of the thermoregulation of a woman’s body is increased sweating.

Doctors often have to answer questions from pregnant women about whether they need to constantly monitor their temperature. In fact, there is no particular need for this. If there are no signs of illness, there is no threat to the body and the unborn child.

Increased or decreased temperature can speak about the individuality of a given woman. At the same time, such a feature can manifest itself for the first time during the period of bearing a baby. The main provocateurs of this phenomenon are considered to be changes in hormonal levels, decreased immunity, etc. If you experience various symptoms or feel unwell, you should immediately contact your supervising doctor to rule out the development of pathology.

There are no clear norms and standards for the normal body temperature of a pregnant woman

The question of what temperature during pregnancy should indicate pathology is difficult to answer unambiguously and specifically. Indicators may vary depending on individual characteristics woman's body. At the same time, deviations from the generally accepted norm of 36.6°C can indicate serious disorders in a woman’s body. Temperature readings need to be monitored especially carefully in the third trimester. This last stage of bearing a child does not involve changes in the woman’s body that could cause an increase or decrease in temperature.

The temperature in the early stages of pregnancy may deviate slightly from the norm, but this does not always indicate the presence of pathology. The fact is that during this period a restructuring of the woman’s body occurs, as a result of which heat transfer slows down.

Temperature in the early stages

From the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body begins to actively restructure itself. First of all, this concerns the hormonal background, which is responsible for heat transfer from the body. At the same time, the woman feels tired and excessively drowsy. Given this anomaly, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a temperature of 37 is normal.

Medical research shows that after conception, a woman's levels of progesterone, which is considered one of the most important hormones in the body, increase sharply. During this period, the main thing is that, in parallel with the increase in temperature, symptoms of the disease do not appear. In this case, you urgently need to go to the doctor for examination, since even the most minor infection can negatively affect the fetus.

The temperature in the early stages of pregnancy should not exceed 37.2 degrees. Do not forget that excessive exposure to the sun can also lead to an increase in indicators. In any case, if the temperature is slightly deviated from the norm, and there are no signs of illness, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air.

If the thermometer shows 37.5 or higher, then this already indicates the presence of infection in the body. It wouldn’t hurt to go to a therapist and get tested necessary tests. The infection, whatever it may be, threatens miscarriage at any stage.

When to lower the temperature

Up to 37.5 degrees, resorting to medications is strictly contraindicated. It is impossible to bring down such a temperature during pregnancy, even if the mother has a cold. In this case, the body itself fights the infection. According to doctors, any intervention can significantly reduce immune defense and allow the disease to develop at an extraordinary speed.

The temperature in the early stages of pregnancy only drops when the mark of 37.5 degrees is exceeded. However, here too you should not immediately resort to medications. In the first trimester it is recommended to limit yourself to such traditional methods like rubbing and lemon tea. Some mothers start eating raspberries with spoons all day long, but at this stage of pregnancy, any berry is a strong allergen.

If the temperature reaches 38.5, then you can bring it down, but before that it is better to call a doctor. High fever- This huge risk for the baby developing inside the mother, however, resorting to antibiotics can only be done as a last resort.

Scientists have also proven that regular walks around fresh air They normalize body temperature better than any medicine. In the first months, expectant mothers should be at rest and eat properly.

Reduced temperature

If the thermometer readings are slightly lower than usual, then you should be wary. This temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy can be caused by exhaustion of the body as a result severe toxicosis. On the other hand, this phenomenon is sometimes associated with problems of the endocrine system. Treatment in this case should only be given by a therapist, since folk remedies are powerless here. If the temperature does not rise above 36.3 for a long time, then the time has come to consult an endocrinologist.

IN in rare cases readings below normal indicate a cold when the immune system is so weakened that it cannot cope with the virus, and the body is not able to control heat exchange. Also, low temperature can result from unintentional fasting due to toxicosis. Therefore, in the first couple of days you should restore your appetite.

Low temperature always leads to weakness and dizziness. In such cases, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air.

Basal body temperature

It can be used to judge with high probability diseases and pathologies in the body, as well as its reproductive state. Many doctors advise expectant mothers to regularly measure their basal temperature even before conception in order to subsequently observe the dynamics of its changes. In some women, it is permanently elevated based on the characteristics of the body.

As you know, the basal measurement method shows the internal body temperature. Often it differs by tenths of degrees from the usual. Measurements are taken in the rectum, but it is important to adhere to several rules:

The procedure should take place in a horizontal position;
- duration varies up to 7 minutes;
- optimal time day - morning.

Basal temperature in the early stages is determined in the same way as before conception, and the difference in indicators should be no more than 5 divisions on the thermometer. In addition, measurements can be taken vaginally. The main thing is that the procedure is repeated every day at the same time.

Increase in basal temperature

Deviation from the norm is always noticed with the onset of ovulation and lasts up to several days. Such changes are associated with an increase in progesterone levels in the body. So basal temperature during the cycle it is fixed at 37, when on other days it does not exceed 36.7. If the deviation lasts for quite a long time, then there is a high probability of pregnancy.

In the early stages, basal temperature in most cases reaches 37.2. There is no need to be alarmed by these changes, but it is worth making an appointment with a doctor. Of course, an elevated temperature may also indicate an inflammatory process in the body, so it is important to pay attention to additional symptoms.

In pregnant women, basal rates can sometimes reach up to 37.5, but if 38 is exceeded, then you should sound the alarm. This temperature may lead to dire consequences for the fetus. Additionally, high basal rates may indicate ectopic pregnancy. In other words, if the temperature is above 37.5, then you need to think about treatment. You should resort to medications only after consulting a doctor.

Dynamics of basal temperature

The norm is between 37 and 37.3 degrees. In rare cases, the temperature in the early stages of pregnancy can reach up to 38. Exceeding this mark is a signal of an inflammatory process or a cold. If mommy shows such dynamics, then she should immediately undergo a full medical examination. Important on initial stage illness to determine its causes in order to then begin treatment.

Do not forget that basal temperature can increase even after minor stress or sexual intercourse. That is why it is best to measure it in the morning at rest. Sex hormones can also cause increased levels.

Why is high temperature dangerous?

Despite the fact that indicators up to 37.2 are normal, the mother should be under the supervision of specialists throughout the entire period. The temperature at the beginning of pregnancy can vary within 37, but by the end of the first trimester it should drop to 36.8. The fact is that increased performance A thermometer may indicate both an ectopic and a frozen pregnancy. This can be diagnosed through ultrasound.

Also, high temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy disrupts the blood supply to the placenta because protein synthesis significantly deteriorates. In this case, there is a high risk of miscarriage. In the first months of the term, it is especially important to pay attention various symptoms ailments in order to prevent consequences in time.

Temperature due to illness

Pregnant women are most at risk of contracting even the most minor virus. Fever in the first trimester it can signal flu, pneumonia, pyelonephritis and other diseases. Main hidden symptoms Such an illness is a slight fever and severe weakness. Pregnant women often confuse them with ordinary fatigue during the restructuring of the body.

However, if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees and signs of ARVI appear, treatment must be started immediately. Otherwise, irreversible consequences during the development of the embryo are possible, such as mental retardation, microcephaly, central nervous system defects, muscle hypotonia, etc.

What to do in case of high temperature

First, you need to see a doctor. In addition to medication treatment, it is recommended to adhere to simple tips on disease prevention:

1. Under no circumstances should you overcool.

2. It is important to regularly ventilate the room.

3. Contacts with strangers are excluded, since during illness the body is especially vulnerable, there is a risk of catching another virus.

4. It is necessary to rinse your nose and mouth regularly.

5. It is important to continue to monitor proper nutrition.