Rules for attaching a baby to the breast. How to properly attach your baby during feeding


Breast milk is not only the best nutrition for a baby, but also a manifestation of love and care. Breastfeeding (BF) is a process that should be enjoyable and convenient for both mother and baby. The appearance of any unpleasant sensations during feeding requires consultation with a specialist - a leading pediatrician or breastfeeding consultant.

What are the signs of proper attachment?

An experienced specialist, having watched the process of putting the baby to the breast, can immediately tell about mistakes. When applied correctly, the baby’s lips should capture not only the nipple, but also the entire areola, only in this case can injury be avoided—nipple cracks. For proper latching, the baby's mouth should be open as wide as possible, and its nose should be pressed tightly to the chest. The main criterion for correct application: the absence of unpleasant sensations.

Incorrect application will be indicated by:

  • Unpleasant and painful sensations in the chest, in the back (posture chosen incorrectly);
  • Poor sucking by the baby, he has to reach;
  • The appearance of sounds of smacking, slurping or sucking - their appearance indicates the swallowing of air, which is fraught with the development of regurgitation, colic, etc.

What could be the consequences?

Regardless of the frequency of attachments, if the baby is not attached correctly, then breastfeeding will be ineffective, and sometimes unpleasant and even painful for the mother.

Therefore, improper attachment is serious and all measures must be taken as quickly as possible.

How to properly attach a baby when feeding, regardless of position?

Consultants for breastfeeding give several recommendations for application, which do not depend on the chosen position; one might say, they are universal:

  • Breastfeeding is a long process, so it is necessary to choose a position in which the nursing mother and baby can remain for a long time without experiencing discomfort. For each woman this will be an individual pose;
  • The baby's head, neck and body should be in the same plane. It is best if the bellies of the mother and baby are in contact (but in some positions, this is not feasible), and the head is located in the crook of the arm. The baby's nose (!) should be located in the same plane as the nipple;
  • As soon as the reflex is triggered, the baby opens his mouth wide, you can gently apply it, holding it in the neck area. For convenience, the nursing mother can support the breast from below, as far away from the nipple as possible.

How to learn how to properly attach your baby when feeding while lying down?

The “lying down” position is one of the most comfortable, especially at night, because the mother may not even wake up if she practices co-sleeping. In this position, the baby’s body must be placed on the mother’s arm or a pillow must be placed under it so that the baby is at the level of the nipple. Mom should take a comfortable position - on her side, with a comfortable pillow under her head. With her free hand, mom helps the feeding process.

How can you not attach your baby while breastfeeding while lying down?

Often, a young mother does not yet know all the intricacies of feeding a baby, so the question of how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk is the most important for her.

Breast milk is a natural food that provides the baby with good digestion, stimulates mental development, can protect the baby from many diseases, and also promotes the formation of immunity.

Features of GW

Breastfeeding newborns can cause a lot of fear and anxiety in the early days and weeks.

But believe me, everything is simple here.

Put in a little effort and time, understand the basic laws of breastfeeding, and then you will watch with a smile as your baby gains weight, grows and develops.

Let's agree right away: immediately before feeding, there is no need to carry out hygiene procedures, which include rinsing the entire breast with cool water, with or without soap. I also don’t wash the nipple.

Important: The protective glands of Mangomery are located on the areola. They produce a protective secretion that prevents infection of the breast, protects it from drying out and cracked nipples.

Application rules

The preparatory stage has already been completed, and now you need to figure out how to properly attach a newborn baby when feeding.

The first thing to do is get comfortable. Feeding a newborn in the first weeks after birth is a long process. The baby can spend from 10 to 60 minutes at the breast, perfectly combining feeding and sleep.

An equally important problem is the formation of cracks, due to which feeding becomes a rather painful process.

To prevent their formation, you can use your own milk, which has antibacterial properties, and lubricate your breasts after each feeding.

Thanks to the special substances contained in breast milk, the healing process proceeds much faster, and new inflammation is also prevented.

Favorable positions for feeding

Choosing a feeding position is no less important for a young mother. There are quite a lot of options for the arrangement of mother and baby, the main condition is convenience and comfort, because the process can take up to 15 minutes, as a result of which, instead of pleasure, the mother will get a bad mood and painful sensations in the back or arm.

Each mother has her own ideal position in which she feels comfortable feeding her baby while enjoying the process. But while there is no experience in this matter, you can experiment a little and try feeding in a lying or sitting position.

So, how to properly position a newborn for lying down feeding?

You need to start feeding by lying on your side. The child is located next to the mother in the same position. The prepared breast is directed into the baby's mouth.

This feeding option will be very convenient while the mother has not yet fully recovered from childbirth. Only the mother decides which side to lie on, especially since during the feeding process the breast is given alternately: right or left. If the previous feeding ended on the right breast, then the next feeding should begin on the left.

You can use the pose in a sitting position. This feeding option is popular among many mothers, but to do this you need to know how to properly position a newborn for sitting feeding?

Mom can sit either on the edge of the bed, with her legs hanging down, or rest her back on the wall. In this case, your feet must be placed on a pillow. This will allow you to comfortably attach the baby, placing him right under the chest.

In addition, this position allows you to experiment with the position of the baby. You can place the baby with his legs along his stomach or armpit.

This feeding is especially convenient for mothers of twins, due to the simultaneous feeding of two babies at once.

Baby feeding frequency

In order not to make a mistake and not leave your baby hungry, you need to know how often to feed your newborn with breast milk. Following modern trends that practice “feeding on demand”, it is necessary to attach the baby at his first request and not take him away until he wants it. In this case, milk production in the breast will be exactly the amount needed for your baby.

Important: This feeding principle is only suitable for breastfeeding, since artificial formulas have a longer absorption period.

Also watch my video on on-demand feeding:

Does the baby have enough milk?

It is necessary to remember that all children are individual, so the mother should answer the question of how to determine that the child is getting enough breast milk by watching her baby.

You cannot overfeed your baby with breast milk; he will eat exactly as much as he needs to be full.

The break between feedings can be from 15 minutes to 2 hours. The signal for feeding will be a whim, crying, or the opening of the baby’s mouth (as if he is looking for a nipple). By putting your baby to your breast as soon as you want, you will save your nerves and make your baby’s life easier.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the baby’s weight, or rather, its increase over the month. If the child has gained 500 grams or more, it means the child is eating enough milk.

How to put a baby to the breast so that he is full, and the mother does not experience pain?

  1. Find a comfortable position with your back resting on the back of a sofa or chair. Excess tension will only make you tired and irritated, so make sure you are as relaxed as possible.
  2. Hold your baby so that his head rests on your forearm. The baby should be turned with its body and facing you, the ear, shoulder and tummy should be at the same level. Your baby's bottom arm should be pressed against his body and not between you and him.
  3. You don’t lean towards the baby, but bring him closer to your chest.

Baby's latching on the breast

It is important to give your baby not only the nipple, but also the areola. Take your chest with your hand so that your thumb is on the bottom and the rest on top. Pass the nipple along the baby's upper lip; he will respond by opening his mouth and searching for the breast. Place the nipple and areola into the baby's mouth so that his tongue is at the bottom, his lower lip is turned out, his chin touches his chest, and his nose is breathing freely. Point the nipple upward towards the baby's palate. The baby's mouth should be wide open, this will help him not to choke or swallow air. Your main goal is to move your lower lip and jaw as far away from the base of the nipple as possible. Thanks to this, the baby will take as much of the breast as possible into his mouth with his tongue and feed more effectively in terms of milk output, as well as painlessly for the mother. Try not to lean towards the baby, but to pull him closer to your chest. If applied correctly, it may only hurt in the first seconds; if the pain is constant, practice more. Usually all unpleasant sensations go away after 2 weeks and the mother experiences pleasure from breastfeeding.

Correct attachment to the breast - photo

Signs of proper attachment

With proper attachment to the breast, the baby will suck the breast with a wide open mouth and actively working with the tongue. First, the baby will make several quick sucking movements, this stimulates the production of oxytocin and the flow of milk. After this, the baby will begin slow, deep sucking movements and you will hear him swallow. Sometimes the baby will pause, then the pauses will become more frequent as the feeding continues and the milk flow will slow down. If proper latching techniques are followed, your baby's body will relax as he feeds and he won't have difficulty breathing.

Throughout the feeding, leave the baby attached to the breast until he is ready to finish feeding, releasing the breast on his own while in a calm state.

Baby's behavior during feeding

The normal situation is that after a few minutes the baby releases the breast to burp, and then returns to feeding again. In this case, the milk flow may be at its maximum. If the baby spits out the breast during feeding, while being in a state of anxiety and irritation, then most likely he was incorrectly attached to the breast.

The baby shows that he has finished sucking the breast by releasing it from his mouth. You can offer him another breast, which the baby will take or not depending on his appetite. Do not interrupt breastfeeding or try to speed up feeding by shaking the baby or the breast. You should allow your baby to breastfeed unhindered until he is satisfied. In the first days of life, a small child may suckle for a long time and take long pauses during feedings.

Painful sensations during feeding

In the first two weeks after childbirth, almost all mothers experience pain during breastfeeding, to the point where they wonder whether it is necessary to breastfeed their baby. Don't worry, if you follow proper breastfeeding techniques, you will definitely begin to enjoy this most important process in your baby's life. Normally, discomfort may occur in the first seconds after latching, and then disappear if, of course, the baby takes the breast correctly. But these feelings will completely go away after a while and breastfeeding will become a joy for you and your baby.

Breastfeeding is one of the important moments in the life of every mother. This period is no less significant for the baby. With mother's milk, the child receives everything necessary for growth and proper development, as well as immunoglobulins, which protect the baby from all kinds of infectious diseases. In order for breastfeeding to bring only pleasure, you should know how to properly attach your baby to the breast.

General rules for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a complex process and for successful breastfeeding it is necessary to remember not only about the correct attachment of the baby to the breast, but also to follow other rules.

Video rules for breastfeeding and latching

Why is proper attachment so important?

Medical staff should explain how to put a baby to the breast in the maternity hospital, and nurses should show the new mother how to pump properly. If the mother learns these lessons, then milk production will not stop, and the likelihood of developing mastitis and lactostasis will be minimal. If you do not follow the rules for attaching your baby to the breast, then:

  • the baby will not get enough to eat - if not latched on properly, he will not receive a sufficient amount of milk (including hind milk, which is the richest in fat);
  • there is a possibility of damage to the mother’s nipple;
  • the duration and number of breastfeeding is reduced - the mother simply cannot stand the pain, the child begins to be capricious, he does not eat enough, loses weight, and digestive problems appear;
  • milk stagnation occurs in the breast - the baby still sucks the breast, although not as it should, so milk production will continue, which will lead to pain in the mammary glands, mastopathy, mastitis, etc.

If the problem is not solved in time, then eventually the baby will have to be transferred to artificial feeding.

Important! At the first flow of milk, the mammary glands become very engorged. This causes the nipples to become flat. It will be difficult for the baby to grab them. Hence the whims and crying. To avoid this, express some milk or apply a hot compress to your breast.

Instructions for properly attaching your baby to the breast

Before looking at the basic rules for breastfeeding, it should be said that the mother’s mood is very important for the flow of milk, so it is important to distract from negative thoughts, relax and fully concentrate on your baby.

Important! When a baby sucks correctly, almost the entire areola area is captured in his mouth. The whole process boils down to the fact that the gums compress the mammary sinuses located behind the areola. That is, the child’s tongue pulls milk not from the nipples, but from the areola.

All the rules and recommendations described above are complex only at first glance. In fact, everything is very simple. The application process takes a few seconds. And after the first attempt, you will understand how to do it, and then everything will become automatic. The main rule of feeding is the mother’s good mood, correct position, avoiding grasping only the nipple and putting stress on the nurse’s spine.

How to understand that mom is doing everything right

You are doing everything right if:

  • during and after feeding you do not experience pain (unpleasant sensations can only be observed in the first few seconds or during the period of adaptation);
  • the isola is practically invisible from below, but its upper part strongly protrudes from the child’s mouth;
  • the baby’s chin rests firmly on the mother’s chest, the nose remains free to breathe;
  • the lower lip protrudes outward, just like the upper one;
  • The baby’s mouth is very open (approximately 140 degrees);
  • the baby’s cheeks are not pulled inward - they are plump, slightly puffed up;
  • the tongue is located on the gum, and not below;
  • you don't hear loud smacking sounds;
  • after 3-4 quick swallows, the baby begins to swallow milk with pauses and much more slowly than at the beginning of feeding;
  • After feeding your baby, your nipple looks symmetrical (there should be no retraction, slanting, or flattening).

What to do if the breastfeeding technique is broken

It is important for mom to understand that she should not endure pain when feeding. Moreover, you should not wait until the end of feeding, since the next day the patience of a caring parent can turn into unbearable pain even with a light touch to the nipple. You can interrupt feeding by inserting your little finger into the corner of the baby's mouth and pushing the nipple out. It's okay if you interrupt feeding even several times. You still need to achieve proper attachment, which will help not only you, but also the baby. After all, if he is not fed properly, he will not receive the amount of milk necessary for development.

Important! You should not squeeze the baby's cheeks to force the mouth to open. The fact is that babies in the first month of life instinctively turn their heads towards everything that touches their cheeks. If touching occurs on both cheeks, then this leads to confusion and, as a result, to frustration and whims.

If you still do not want to tear your baby off the breast, then minor errors can be corrected by using several useful recommendations.

  1. Try to push the baby's lower lip outward.
  2. Apply gentle pressure to your baby's chin, holding it so that he can stick out his tongue and latch onto the breast properly.
  3. Move the baby lower so that his head hangs even more and he tries to open his mouth more and reach for his chest.

Observing the baby plays an important role in mastering proper breastfeeding.

  1. The baby's nose should barely touch the breast. If the baby begins to sniffle while sucking, this means that the mother’s mammary gland has blocked the flow of air into the nasal passages. To adjust the position, go down a little lower, or lightly press on the chest area near the baby's nose. This will provide extra space and full air flow.
  2. If milk leaks from the corner of the baby’s lips during feeding, then the feeding rules have been violated. Lift his head and touch his lower lip with your index finger. This will make it clear to the baby that the lips need to be closed more tightly.
  3. Some mothers notice that their baby suckles for a very long time. If you see that the baby has already eaten and is not going to tear himself away from her, stick your little finger into the corner of his mouth. This will stop the sucking.
  4. Try to start feeding your baby not at the moment of crying, but when he is just starting to wake up and with all his appearance demonstrates the desire to enjoy milk from his mother’s breast (smacking his lips, often turning his head).

Application when lying down and sitting

Regardless of what position is chosen for breastfeeding, the mother needs to learn that the most important thing is to remove the load from the spine.

Sitting position

Sit on a chair or stool. Position your hands so that they resemble a “cradle” position. That is, one hand supports the head (not in the back of the head!), and the second deals with the baby’s body. The baby should be turned sideways towards the mother to make it easier for the mouth to reach the areola. For convenience, you can use pillows that are placed under the baby’s back and mother’s arms (to make it easier to hold).

What to do if it hurts you to feed your baby? If there are cracks and abrasions on your chest? What to do if the child sucks poorly and does not open his mouth? How to deal with all this? Give up on breastfeeding? Or feed through tears for several months? To endure abrasions, cracks, pain for the sake of the child?

A thousand times no! Well-wishers will tell you that you have bad breasts, undeveloped ducts, and uncomfortable nipples. And in general, stop torturing the child. It was my own fault, I should have prepared my nipples and breasts for childbirth.

But you and I are already scientists. We already know that. During feeding, the nipples will not harden, but will become even more sensitive, which will give you a lot of pleasant moments.

It doesn't matter what type of breast a mother has. There is a child under each breast and nipple. It is enough to learn how to put your baby to the breast correctly. When applied correctly there is no pain, cracks or abrasions. There is pleasant contact with the baby, mutual pleasure.

Portal website I have prepared detailed instructions for you on breastfeeding. We hope that this will help mothers, even in those cities where there are no breastfeeding consultants, to cope with all the difficulties. You are already familiar with our heroines. Mom Svetlana is an experienced breastfeeding consultant and babywearing consultant. And her daughter Arina.

1. Sit yourself comfortably and relaxed. There may be support behind your back.

3. To ensure a comfortable position, it is better to place newborn babies in a “cross cradle”. You press the butt with your elbow, the body lies on the forearm, and with your thumb and forefinger you hold the child by the base of the skull (bones behind the ears). Do not fix the back of the head - children begin to get nervous under the chest.
You hold the baby with one hand, and the other is free to feed your breast.

5. Give your baby the breast comfortably. If we feed with the left breast, then we hold the baby with our right hand and feed the breast with our left.

7. With the lower border of the areola we touch the child’s lower lip (on it there is a mouth opening button), trying not to touch the upper lip (on it there is a mouth closing button). Let's stimulate it a little.

9. When the child opens his mouth, you need to combine two movements. Breast into the child, and child onto the chest. We press the baby tightly enough to the breast so that the nipple goes deep. Move towards yourself and upward.
10. When the baby has taken the breast, you can take him in a regular “cradle”. And it's comfortable to hold. If your nose is pressed to your chest, then press your tummy closer to you and tilt your head back a little more. The nose will open. Don't make a hole for your nose - this is
Throughout the feeding, support your baby's entire body, not just the neck and shoulders.

12. Signs of proper attachment:
. The mouth is wide open and relaxed. The lips are turned outward, especially the lower one. The chin touches the mother's breast.
. The nipple is located deep in the baby's mouth.
. The cheeks are rounded rather than retracted.
. The tongue may be visible above the lower lip.
. Mom doesn't feel any discomfort.
. The baby sucks silently.

13. Signs of incorrect attachment:

The baby chews only the nipple
. The child's mouth is not wide open, his lips are retracted.
. The lips and gums are pressed against the nipple, not the areola.
. The tongue is positioned incorrectly, preventing the nipple from entering the baby's mouth.
. Cheeks are drawn in.
. It hurts for a mother to feed her baby.
. Mom hears clattering and smacking sounds.

Perhaps, when you try, you may find this method of application inconvenient. In fact, it's just a matter of habit. This method is good because we do not interfere with the baby with our hands, we give the baby the opportunity to really open his mouth wide and take the breast deeply.

If you are feeding your baby another way and everything is fine, don't worry. Best the enemy of the good. Mom should not have the goal of making a perfect attachment. It’s comfortable for both you and your baby - it means you’ve just found your way. Everything is fine!

In the case when it is painful for the mother to feed, symptoms appear in the chest, the baby often burps loudly, gains weight poorly, cannot suckle at the breast, you need to think about correcting the attachment. The method we described is quite suitable. Maybe at first it will be unusual for you to feed this way or your baby won’t like something. Be consistent and confident in your actions.

Read the “instructions” in detail. Practice it step by step without a child, for example, on a roller, a teddy bear or a doll. Please note that you not only need to put the breast in the baby's mouth, but also the baby must be moved towards the breast. Then try to repeat these actions with the baby in your hands (if you feel confident, you can practice with the baby right away). After just a couple of feedings, your hands will do what they need to do.

Remember that every child is different. Some people immediately learn the new way. Others (especially those who are used to feeding differently) may be a little outraged. Here again the mother’s consistency and confidence will be required. Just breastfeed the way you see fit. It's your breasts, so you decide how to treat them. At this age, habits change quickly. Within a day, the baby will respond favorably to the new attachment. Especially when he appreciates that it’s easier to suck and more milk comes in.

In the next article we will show and tell you how to feed a newborn while lying down so that both him and the mother are comfortable.
Good luck to you! Take care of your children!