Recommendation for parents on developing their child’s self-control over the implementation of sound pronunciation. Consultation for educators “development of correct sound pronunciation” Ball game “Big - small”

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Elena Lobach
Developing the child’s skills of correct sound pronunciation. Recommendations for parents

Developing correct sound pronunciation skills in a child.

Performed: teacher speech therapist

MKDOU kindergarten No. 22,

Lobach Elena Vitalievna

Oh beautiful Every parent dreams of correct speech for their child..

The seriousness of such a task as upbringing pure speech in preschool children should be aware and parents and teachers. It is important that the environment child was quite complete, that is, parents, And the teachers spoke correctly, clearly.

Children with speech underdevelopment find it much more difficult to express the coherence of their thoughts both in monologue and, in the future, in written speech (writing impairments of varying severity occur). They find it difficult to maintain dialogue with peers and adults. Deviations in the development of speech are reflected in the formation of the entire mental life child. Therefore, the task of all caring parents, pay attention to speech development in time child.

For children, preschool age is a time of vigorous speech development, in particular mastering correct sound pronunciation.

How to help Parents to instill in their child the skills of correct sound pronunciation already starting from early preschool age?

Speech child, first of all, becomes by imitation. Do not adapt to the baby's language - babbling, lisping and other distortions. This style of communication not only does not stimulate child to master correct sound pronunciation, but also perpetuates its shortcomings for a long time. Always pronounce all words clearly and Right.

Games and activities should occupy a large place, directed to develop clear diction in children, correct sound pronunciation, development of auditory attention and phonemic perception. For example, familiarization with sounds it is advisable to carry out speeches in a playful way, connecting each sound with a specific image (s-song of water, z-song of a mosquito, p-growling of a dog or tiger, w-inflating and deflating a balloon, hissing of an angry cat, etc.). Children also listen with interest and repeat humorous sayings ( “sa, sa, sa - a wasp is flying”; “shi, shi, shi – the kids are playing” and so on.). Games based on onomatopoeia(how the bell rings - ding, ding; how the wheels of the train knock - etc., etc.; how the cuckoo screams - cuckoo, etc.).

To develop dialogic and monologue speech, it is good to use the game method in combination with techniques of demonstration, explanation, guidance, and questions. This can be any imaginary situation in an expanded form, in which there is a plot and there are roles endowed with game actions. For example, in games "Hospital", "Shop", "Builders". It is advisable that child was not left to his own devices in the games. Play story games together or with the whole family.

Enriching active and passive vocabulary child, use verbal methods in combination with practical visual ones. The main verbal methods are conversation, story, reading. All this can be used with child at play, in transport, on walks. Wherever you go, communicate with as a child, explain, explain what is around you, why it is arranged this way and why it is needed. With such actions and techniques you develop his attentiveness, curiosity, and thought processes. Child will strive for new knowledge if, from childhood, he is interested in the world around him through play.

Using finger games, it is good to develop speech, memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills, and coordination of movements. They are exciting, accessible and interesting to children. Poetic texts are easy to remember.

Currently, there are many printed speech therapy publications and manuals, and a lot of information on the Internet. Come up with a variety of games and exercises for speech development you can do it yourself. Remember, you are the main, first and closest friend to your to kid. Start taking care of his speech and general development from birth. You yourself have the power to help shape speech in its initial stages of development.

But if after three years child does not speak or has serious speech impairments, you should not hope that everything will go away on its own over time, you need to seek help from specialists. And with joint efforts you will be able to overcome the shortcomings of your speech development child.

The leading role in the child’s speech development belongs to parents. It would seem that an attentive, loving mother and father would be more likely to see a lag or violation. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to deal with a situation where parents gradually get used to their child’s incorrect pronunciation. “He’s still small with us, he’ll grow up and speak correctly,” they object in response to teachers or strangers. Of course, incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds during certain periods (when the child learns to pronounce them and adapts his articulatory apparatus) is acceptable. If the process is delayed, you need to seek help from specialists. Incorrect sound pronunciation - tip of the iceberg. The causes of the violation may be various factors:

  • features of the structure of the articulatory apparatus (short hypoglossal ligament, high gothic palate, etc.);
  • dysarthria;
  • phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

It is quite difficult to overcome the disorder on your own at home. The structural features of the speech apparatus, which cannot be corrected, necessitate training of the speech organs using special exercises under the guidance of a speech therapist.

Diagnosis dysarthria in the International Classification of Diseases ICD is listed under code R 47.1. This diagnosis is made jointly by a neurologist (psychoneurologist) and a speech therapist.

Dysarthria- severe and complex violation of the sound side of speech. Dysarthria (from the Greek dys - console, meaning disorder, arthroo - I pronounce clearly) - a pronunciation disorder caused by insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus with lesions of the posterior frontal and subcortical parts of the brain. Dysarthric speech usually means speech that is unclear, slurred, muffled, often with a nasal tint. The expression used to characterize it is “like porridge in the mouth.” Dysarthria occurs as a result of damage to the nervous executive apparatus of speech with one or another localization of the lesion in the central nervous system. Dysarthria negatively affects the development of learning skills. Often children with dysarthria have writing and reading impairments and have difficulty learning mathematics. Such a violation requires a long time to correct and is not always completely overcome, therefore, the sooner special work begins, the better.

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment is a violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system of the native language due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes with normal physical hearing and intelligence. Children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment have a general blurriness speech, “compressed” articulation, lack of expressiveness and clarity of speech. They are characterized by instability of attention and distractibility. They have difficulties in memorizing speech material. Early identification of children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment is a necessary condition for successful correction of deficiencies in preschool age and prevention of writing disorders. Several conditions are identified in the phonetic-phonemic development of children.

  • Insufficient discrimination and difficulty in analyzing only sounds that are disturbed in pronunciation. The entire remaining sound composition of the word and syllable structure are analyzed correctly. This is the mildest degree of phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.
  • Insufficient discrimination of a large number of sounds from several phonetic groups with their articulation sufficiently formed in oral speech. In these cases, sound analysis is more severely disrupted.
  • With deep phonemic underdevelopment, the child “does not hear” the sounds in a word, does not distinguish the relationships between sound elements, and is unable to isolate them from the composition of the word and determine the sequence.

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment requires systematic correction work over a fairly long period of time. Speech therapy assistance is effective in cases where parents actively interact with the speech therapist and systematically work with the child at home (perform tasks, do articulation gymnastics, etc.).

Not only special exercises help normalize sound pronunciation. Sometimes the cause of a violation of sound pronunciation is the unpreparedness of the articulatory apparatus to perform the correct articulation of the sounds of the native language. Very often, children who speak poorly for their age also eat poorly. For some, chewing an apple or carrot is a real problem, not to mention meat. The reason is weakness of the jaw muscles, which, in turn, does not allow the necessary movements to be accurately performed. Chewing crackers, whole vegetables and fruits, bread with crusts and pieces of meat helps in such cases. A loving mother can always figure out how to prepare and decorate a dish in order to interest the child in its appearance and encourage the desire to chew. Sometimes you can invite your child to participate in preparing the salad, instruct him to cut certain ingredients, and be sure to try each one. Carried away by the game, the child forgets that chewing is hard work for him and willingly trains.

To develop the muscles of the cheeks and tongue, teach your child to brush his teeth and rinse his mouth on his own. Play by puffing out your cheeks and holding the air; it is useful to “roll” it from one cheek to the other.

Sometimes you have to observe a situation where, in the speech therapist’s office, a child diligently pronounces all the sounds correctly, but when he goes beyond it, he is completely unable to control himself without a speech therapist. At first this is acceptable. Self-control is formed in a child gradually and over a long period of time.

However, if parents are not persistent, success will take a long time to arrive. The formation of auditory attention plays an important role. It often happens that parents seem to be together with the child, but there is no communication between them. An adult gives short commands, for example, “Don’t get into a puddle” or “Shake off your hands.” It is important to talk to the child, voice any situation - but only if you see that the child hears and sees you. Don't talk into emptiness, look into his eyes. Try to let him see your articulation. An adult's conversation should be accessible to the child's perception and understanding. Speak simply, clearly, distinctly, pronouncing every word and phrase. Children are very sensitive to intonation. The intonation expressiveness of your speech shapes the clarity and expressiveness of your child’s speech.

An adult in a conversation with a child should avoid long phrases and many complex words. Large volume speech flow dulls the child’s attention and interferes with the understanding of an adult’s speech. A situation arises when a child listens adult, but doesn't hear. Gradually, he transfers this negative experience to other adults - a teacher, a speech therapist, a teacher. A persistent habit is developed that causes learning difficulties.

It is important to always accept and support your child’s desire to contact you. At the same time, turn off the music, TV and try to give him the opportunity to hear you and himself. Correct speech develops on the basis of imitation. Reading at home is a good way to broaden your child’s horizons and develop their speech, and reinforce correct sound pronunciation. Read as many poems, fairy tales, stories, etc. as possible. Reread them many times - don’t be afraid that your child will get tired of it. Children perceive texts that they have heard many times before much better. If possible, try to act out the poem - show it in faces and with objects; and give these objects to the child to play with. Wait until the child remembers the poem well, catches its rhythm, and then try not to finish the last word of each line, letting him do it. Tell poems together, in fragments. The ability to remember is formed in preschool age. Some children do not attend kindergarten. There seems to be no one to recite the poems, which means there is no need to teach them. However memory capabilities develop maximally in preschool age. Don't miss this time! During the recitation process, control the correct pronunciation.

A good incentive for speech development and the formation of sound pronunciation is the development of fine motor skills. By learning to use a brush deftly and accurately, the child learns to control the organs of the speech apparatus. Modeling, drawing, finger theater, playing with small objects helps develop precision in the movements of fingers and hands, preparing the hand for writing. Fastening buttons, zippers, lacing, tying knots and bows helps develop hand-eye coordination and speech. You should not buy shoes with Velcro or clothes without buttons to make your child’s life easier. Necessary self-care skills must be developed before starting school.

We adults need to be patient. Our children are learning about the world. You shouldn’t rush them or do something for them, it’s better to do it together.

Consultations for parents are regularly held throughout the school year. The speech therapist shows techniques for individual correctional work with the child, notes his work and successes, and suggests what needs to be paid attention to at home.

Each child has a notebook where the content of speech therapy work is recorded. Parents are explained how to design this notebook and are given examples of homework (sketching objects, sticking decals, writing down poems, stories, etc.). The notebook should always be neat and well-designed.

When working with children at home, parents should consider the following:

1. Exercises for articulatory gymnastics cannot be chosen arbitrarily. It is necessary to choose a set of exercises to master those sounds that the child pronounces incorrectly. If it distorts all groups of sounds, then at the same time you can take the exercises of the complex for whistling and sonorant sounds, and then move on to other complexes.

2. You cannot force a child to study. Classes will give the best results if they are conducted in the form of a game and are interesting to the child.

3. You should not give more than 2-3 exercises in one lesson. You should move on to the last exercise only after the previous ones have been mastered.

4. All exercises must be performed naturally, without tension (the child sits calmly, shoulders and fingers are relaxed and do not move).

5. Some exercises are performed with a count kept by an adult. This is necessary so that the child develops stability in the most important positions of the lips and tongue.

6. A child may not always succeed in everything right away. Sometimes this causes him to refuse further work. In this case, parents should not fix the child’s attention on what is not working - they need to encourage him, return to simpler, already worked out material, pointing out that this also did not work out once.

7. All exercises must be performed in stages. It is impossible to explain to a child the entire sequence of movements of the articulatory apparatus at once: children cannot “in one gulp” and perform them correctly. Instructions must be given step by step, for example: “smile; show your teeth; open your mouth slightly; lift the tip of your tongue up to the tubercles behind your upper teeth; tap the tubercles with the tip of your tongue making the sound d-d-d-d.” You should also check the child’s performance of the exercise step by step. This makes it possible to determine what exactly is making it difficult for the child and to practice this movement with him.

8. If the child’s sounds are normalized, they must be gradually introduced into his speech with the help of a speech therapist, that is, taught to use sounds in words, and then in phrasal speech.

9. Parents coordinate all work on developing correct sound pronunciation with a speech therapist, turning to him with any difficulties that arise.

10. You can start working on differentiating sounds with your child only after he learns to correctly pronounce differentiated sounds: [s]-[w]; [h]-[f]; [b]-[n]; [l]-[r], etc.

Cherkasova Ulyana,
teacher speech therapist

Berezina Elena Vitalievna

Dear parents! Children of older groups with simple and complex dyslalia, phonetic-phonemic disorders are selected for speech therapy classes.
Speech therapist classes with such children take place 2-3 times a week, with the condition that parents consolidate the acquired skills at home, studying according to the speech therapist’s instructions. The number of children for the speech center is limited - 25 people per year. Children of preschool age are enrolled first, and children 4-5 years old are enrolled in the remaining places.
Children suffering from stuttering, general speech underdevelopment and mental retardation should be sent to special institutions. In case of refusal to transfer a child with complex speech pathology, the speech therapist teacher is not responsible for the complete elimination of the defect.
The task of the work The speech center in a preschool educational institution is a comprehensive speech therapy intervention and support for a child in kindergarten. The activity of the logopunkt involves a systemic impact, consisting of several interconnected stages: diagnostic, correctional and assessment-control.
During diagnostic stage Each child undergoes an individual speech therapy examination, where the speech therapist gets an idea of ​​the state of the child’s speech activity and draws up a long-term plan for correctional work.
Corrective stage includes the production of impaired sounds, their automation and differentiation. In parallel with this, problems related to the formation and development of phonemic perception and the lexico-grammatical structure of speech are solved. Classes are conducted both individually and in small subgroups of 3-4 children with structurally similar defects in sound pronunciation. After the sound is set, the stage of its automation in words, phrases, poems and texts begins. The duration of sound production and their automation may vary and depends on the complexity of the violation.
At the end of the correctional stage, the child moves to the dynamic observation group, i.e. comes assessment and control stage , during which the speech therapist and educators monitor the process of sound automation in conversational speech.
Violations of sound pronunciation require special assistance to be provided to the child, and the successful preparation of the child for school will depend on its timeliness and the joint work of the speech therapist, educators and parents

Basic directions activities of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution

Dear parents, please pay attention!

Consultations for parents

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