Thick milk mixtures for newborns. Rating of the best milk formulas for newborns


The development of the child in the first month after birth depends on the correct diet. Mothers often face the problem of not being able to breastfeed. For this reason, young parents begin to look for the answer to the question of which mixture is best for the newborn.

Natural or artificial - advantages and disadvantages of artificial feeding

Natural feeding meets all the needs of the baby. After childbirth, in the first 2-3 days, colostrum is released from the woman in labor. It contains a large amount of protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals. From the 4th to the 5th day of lactation, colostrum is formed, then - transitional milk, and from the second week - mature. It is less caloric, but retains useful properties.

Mother's milk helps in adaptation to the conditions of extrauterine life, protects against infections, prevents the development of allergies. The process itself creates a special connection. However, sometimes it is important for parents to be able to determine this.

But not always a woman's desire to breastfeed coincides with her capabilities. In this case, milk mixtures for newborns are used, which are made on the basis of cow or goat milk. They are as close as possible in composition to the female breast, and are also adapted to the characteristics of the metabolism and immune system of children from birth to 1 year.

It is important to determine which formula is suitable for artificial feeding and which mixture to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding. To do this, it is important to carefully study the advantages and disadvantages.

Simplicity Benefits:

  • You can determine exactly how much mixture a newborn should eat. In this case, the baby will not overeat and will not remain hungry.
  • Digestion of artificial food takes longer. You can develop a clear feeding schedule.
  • Feed conveniently anytime, anywhere. And it will not always be a mother - any member of the family will cope with such a task.
  • If an allergy occurs, you can change baby food. It is easier and faster than revising the diet of a nursing mother.

Easier doesn't mean better. Flaws:

  • Due to the lack of essential antibodies in breast milk substitutes, formula-fed babies are more likely to develop allergic reactions and infectious diseases.
  • Ideal cleanliness of containers used for feeding is required. Failure to comply with this rule often leads to intestinal disorders.
  • Mixtures are much more difficult to digest, as they are uncharacteristic for the baby's gastrointestinal tract.

Types of breast milk substitutes

Today, most of the market is represented by dry infant formula.

Dry milk products for children's diet must comply with the requirements of the interstate standard GOST 30626-98.

According to the degree of identity in composition to human milk, the mixtures are divided into substitutes for female milk and complementary dairy products (and they are given to the child if there is not enough mother's milk).

Adapted mixtures can be used from birth

According to the degree of processing of milk protein, the following types are distinguished:

  • Adapted. Suitable for use from birth. They contain a large amount of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins and minerals. They are quickly absorbed, as their properties are almost identical to breast milk.
  • Partially adapted. They have a thick consistency, contain starch and sucrose. It is used for feeding babies from 6 months.
  • Unadapted. Made from whole cow's milk. They have practically nothing to do with breast milk, so they are not suitable for feeding from birth.

According to the method of production, they distinguish:

  • Fresh. Milk-based products made without the use of starter cultures.
  • Sour-milk mixtures for newborns. Produced using sourdough.

By consistency:

  • Dry. Diluted with water before use. Almost 90% of the market consists of this type.
  • Liquid. They are ready to use. Before use, you only need to warm them up.

To determine which mixture is best for a newborn, you need to consider the classification of products by age:

  • "0" or "pre" in the name - from birth or for premature babies;
  • "1" - from birth to 6 months;
  • "2" - older than 6 months;
  • "3" - from 1 year (note that in the eighth month of life they already add to hard-boiled).

Read in this one whether it is necessary to water the baby during breastfeeding and artificial feeding.

Composition secrets

Baby formula "Malyutka" contains palm oil

In accordance with GOST 30626-98, 53 components are used in production. The amount of toxic elements, mycotoxins, pesticides, radionuclides and antibiotics in dry dairy products for children should not exceed the permissible limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Infant formulas for newborns are similar and include the following components:

  • milk serum;
  • sunflower, coconut, rapeseed or palm oil;
  • lactose;
  • skimmed milk;
  • prebiotics: galactooligosaccharide and fructooligosaccharide;
  • minerals: calcium, sodium, iron and others;
  • vitamins: group B, also F, F, D, C, PP and others;
  • carbohydrates;
  • soy lecithin, choline, taurine, fish oil;
  • L-tryptophan, L-carnitine.

Main selection criteria

On the shelves of stores there are a lot of dry dairy products for baby food. All of them advertise their useful properties. For the choice of nutrition from birth, it is necessary to take into account the criteria:

  • Degree of adaptation. From birth to 6 months, adapted mixtures are used.
  • Baby's age. For children under 6 months, it is necessary to choose a product with the number 0 or 1 indicated on the package. The prefix “pre” is also found.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Compliance with current quality standards.
  • Individual features on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

There is a debate about the dangers of palm oil. Many argue that exclusively dairy formulas for newborns without palm oil are useful. By itself, it is not toxic. The palmitic acid contained in the oil is required for better absorption. This makes it harder for calcium to be absorbed. This leads to brittle bones and stool problems.

Signs of the wrong choice

During the first three days after the start of feeding, the reaction of the baby is monitored. In any case, there will be a change in mood, anxiety, capriciousness. The main symptoms that the body does not accept a new food:

Allergic reaction. The main thing that is important to pay attention to is the appearance of a rash on the body. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully examine the child when changing clothes.
Disruption of the digestive system. The appearance of constipation or diarrhea indicates the need to change the product. This is also evidenced by frequent colic, gas and bloating.
Lethargy and lack of weight gain. Since when using artificial mixtures, feeding takes place hourly in the required amount, such children gain weight very well. If the child is not gaining weight, this may mean that the absorption of food in the intestines is not complete. In this case, it is better to change the diet. In order not to be mistaken, you need to know by months.
Change in behavior. Increased activity or passivity should alert young parents. Often this indicates a violation in the digestive system. Also, formula feeding a newborn becomes difficult. He may simply refuse to take food, not taking a pacifier and turning his head away.

Make the Right Choice: Product Rating

Nutrilon and Nan blends are free of palm oil for complete calcium absorption
Name Price for 400 gr., rub. Advantages Flaws Conclusion
hipp from 680 No sucrose, high calorie content Cooking at a temperature of 50 °C, therefore it is necessary to refrigerate High quality product. The best formula for newborns
Semper from 760 Exclusive combination of milk fat components and milk fat globule membrane Individual intolerance Suitable for almost all babies
Nutricia (Nutrilon infant formula) from 900 Meets all modern standards High price Great start to baby food
Nestle (Nan formula for newborns) from 420 This formula for newborns does not contain palm oil. Dissolves at a temperature of 20 °C. Low cost. No Prebiotics Balanced set of components and affordable price
"Baby" from 360 Contains prebiotics and nucleotides. With them, digestion and immunity develop properly. Includes many vitamins and minerals Contains soy lecithin and palm oil. Strong foam Baby formula for newborns is an acceptable combination of quality and price.
Humana From 620 Does not contain dyes and preservatives. Osmolality is higher than normal, which indicates possible problems with the absorption of food The mixture of "Human" for newborns has a significant drawback. The digestive system is the basis of future immunity. It is important to pay special attention to it
Friso from 680 Wide variety of products and reasonable price Does not meet basic safety standards. The iron content is lower than stated on the package The disadvantages are significant. Not recommended for baby food


Full development is of great importance from the first days of life. This requires a personalized diet. It is important to follow the recommendations of the pediatrician and decide which mixture to choose for the newborn. Then the baby will develop correctly and successfully master the world around him. In the following video, you will learn how to choose the right infant formula.

The shelves of shops and pharmacies are full of bright packages, complicating the already difficult choice of parents. None of the manufacturers can duplicate the unique composition of mother's milk, but there are those who are trying to bring the product closer to the ideal.

Such mixtures contain a complex of ingredients similar to mother's milk: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral components. Before purchasing any mixture, you need to have a general idea of ​​what they are.


Each manufacturer divides the mixtures depending on the age of the child, marking them with numbers:

  • 0 - suitable for small and premature babies;
  • 1 - a product for children from birth to 6 months;
  • 2 - from 6 to 12 months;
  • 3 - for children over 12 months old.

Important! Most mixtures are made on the basis of cow's milk in a modified form. For babies suffering from food intolerance, there are mixtures that are made using goat's milk.

Despite the wide range of products for artificial feeding of babies, there is a rating of the most popular infant formulas, based on the preferences and experience of parents. A detailed review of baby food for babies will help you make the right choice.

Nutricia Nutrilon Premium 1

The product has been produced in the Netherlands for over 30 years and is of high quality.. This dry mix contains modified whey, vegetable oil mix, vitamin complex, lactose, skim milk, whey protein concentrate, minerals, fish oil, choline, soy lecithin, taurine, prebiotics, trace elements, nucleotides, inositol, L-tryptophan.

The mixture can be given to children from 0 to 6 months, carefully observing the possible presence of allergic manifestations. The mixture is contraindicated in children with atopic dermatitis or food intolerance to lactose, cow protein.

Advantages of the mixture:

  • The composition is as close as possible to the composition of mother's milk.
  • It has a neutral taste and a pleasant aftertaste.
  • Dissolves quickly in water, does not form lumps.
  • Promotes the development of immunity due to fatty acids ARA and DHA.
  • Patented prebiotics Gos/Fos control the normal functioning of the microflora, form and maintain the acidic environment of the intestine.
  • Suitable for children from the first days of life.
  • Convenient packaging.

Of the minuses, one can single out the high price, which averages 850 rubles for a package weighing 800 grams.

Nestle Nan

Premium infant formula suitable for feeding healthy babies. Contains the necessary complex of nutrients that contribute to the mental and physical development of the child.

The Nestle Nan composition list includes purified whey, skim milk, lactose, vegetable oils, whey protein, L-carnitine, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, manganese sulfate, calcium and potassium citrate, fish oil, soy lecithin, sodium chloride, L-arginine , magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, taurine, nucleotides, L-histidine, ferrous sulfate, inositol, zinc sulfate, sodium selenate, and vitamins.

The product is used in cases where breastfeeding is not possible. It is indicated for children suffering from food allergies, intolerance to the components contained in the composition, this mixture is contraindicated.


  • The rich composition contributes to the development of strong immunity.
  • Supports healthy intestinal microflora due to the protective complex of components.
  • Contains fatty acids that contribute to the development of vision and intelligence of the child.
  • The patented Optipro system provides the right amount of protein for baby's growth and development.
  • Easily mixes up with water.
  • Has an age range.


  • High price.
  • Peculiar smell.

The average cost of the product is 700 rubles per 800 grams.

Humana Expert 1

Dry mix from a German manufacturer. It has proven itself positively due to its high quality, as well as a wide range of products that are designed for both healthy children and children with allergies, colic and even lactose intolerance.

Ingredients: skimmed milk, processed whey powder, lactose, galactooligosaccharide syrup, potassium citrate, L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, magnesium carbonate, calcium taurine carbonate, sodium citrate, potassium chloride, fish oil, L-tryptophan, vitamins, iron sulfate, L-lactic acid nucleotides, potassium iodite, sodium selenate.

Mother's milk substitute category Expert 1 is indicated for children who do not have problems or abnormalities in their health. Contraindicated in newborns, with atopic dermatitis, food allergies, problems with stool.


  • Made from fresh milk.
  • The prebiotics included in the composition support a healthy intestinal microflora and help strengthen the immune system.
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids ensure the proper development of the organs of vision and the formation of the brain.
  • Complex biological substances of the composition increase the protective function of the body against various infections.
  • Contains a vitamin complex for full growth.
  • Due to the balanced and rich composition, the mixture is similar to mother's milk.
  • Has a pleasant taste.


  • High price.
  • Small packages.

The average price is 650 rubles for a package weighing 350 grams.

Reference! The brand produces liquid mixtures with a volume of 90 ml, which can be used by children from birth. Such packaging is very convenient for feeding a child in places where it is not possible to prepare the formula.

Bibikol Nanny 1 with prebiotics

Premium segment blend produced in New Zealand, is made on the basis of natural goat's milk.

Bibikol Nanny consists of: whole goat milk powder, lactose, vegetable oil mix, maltodextrin, Orafti Synergy prebiotic complex, encapsulated marine fish oil, minerals, Mortierella alpina oil (source of arachidonic acid), vitamins, acidity regulator (citric acid), tryptophan and taurine.

Product Pros:

  • The structure of goat's milk is close to mother's.
  • A balanced amount of protein reduces the load on the body.
  • The presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the composition favorably affects the development of mental abilities and vision of the baby.
  • Contains no sweeteners other than lactose (natural milk sugar).
  • Has medicinal properties.
  • Prevents the risk of developing allergies.
  • It has a mild creamy taste.

Cons - the high price, which is 1200 rubles per 400 grams.


Balanced substitute for mother's milk, rich in all the necessary components. Products are made according to age gradation.

Ingredients: skimmed milk, processed whey, lactose, vegetable oils, soy lecithin, calcium citrate, vitamin complex, magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, taurine, iron sulfate, lactobacillus culture, zinc sulfate, L-carnitine, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenate.


  • Contains active probiotics to support normal bowel function.
  • Contains dietary fiber that normalizes stools and reduces the likelihood of constipation.
  • Easily absorbed by the child's body.
  • Does not contain palm oil.
  • Helps eliminate colic.

Minuses: not detected.

The average price for a large package weighing 700 grams is 550 rubles.

Similac Comfort 2

Milk replacer, produced by a Dutch company based on partially hydrolyzed whey protein. The series is suitable for children aged 6 to 12 months.

The mixture consists of: a complex of vegetable oils, partially hydrolyzed whey protein, galactooligosaccharides, minerals, vitamins, soy emulsifier, bifidobacteria, docosahexaenoic acid, taurine, m-inositol. The mixture also contains complex biological compounds, l-carnitine and carotenoids.


  • Does not contain palm oil.
  • Promotes the formation of soft stools.
  • Live bifidobacteria and probiotics support a healthy intestinal microflora.
  • Easily digested due to hydrolyzed protein.
  • The low lactose content reduces gas formation.

Minuses: not detected.

The cost of Similac Comfort is 650 rubles per 375 grams.

Important! The choice of formula should be based both on its beneficial properties and on the preferences of the child and his reaction to the use of the product. If the mixture is not suitable (the occurrence of allergic reactions, a systematic violation of the stool), it should be replaced with another one.

Having decided on the type and firm of the mixture, it is important not to neglect the nuances of its purchase and storage:

  1. It is best to purchase baby food in large children's stores or pharmacies, where there are all the necessary documents for the conformity of the product to quality and standards.
  2. It is worth paying attention to the integrity of the package, especially if the product is packaged in cardboard. Tears, dents, blurring of inscriptions should be absent. Otherwise, there is a risk of purchasing low-quality goods or products that have been stored improperly.
  3. Check the expiration date indicated on the package.
  4. Strictly adhere to the age recommendations of the manufacturer.
  5. Study the composition before buying, it must have a sufficient content of fatty acids and vitamins.
  6. Adhere to the shelf life indicated on the packaging. Opened packaging can be stored on average 3-4 weeks.

When breastfeeding an infant is not possible, formulas for newborns and grown children will be the way out. Modern large manufacturers value their reputation and offer parents quality products rich composition.

With artificial feeding, it is necessary to focus on the child: his taste preferences, lack of skin reactions, stool stability. When choosing the best option, it is better to consult a pediatrician in order to initially feed the baby with the most useful.

Useful video

Breast milk has many health benefits. If for some reason it is not possible to breastfeed the baby, he is artificially fed. Parents need to understand the variety of mixtures offered by manufacturers. Often the baby is allergic to the mixture, so it is important to choose the right one. The nutrition of the baby largely determines the work of the internal organs in the future.

Mixtures differ in their constituent components, consistency and age-appropriateness of the child.

According to the consistency, dry (should be diluted with water before use) and liquid mixtures (already ready for use, just warm up).

Almost all formulas contain milk protein, which is processed in various ways. When buying a product, it is important to take into account the age characteristics of the child.

Adapted mixtures are close to breast milk in all components. They are used for feeding newborns. They contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus. It contains the amino acid taurine. The number "0" means that the products are suitable for babies born prematurely or who are underweight. The number "1" means that the mixtures are suitable for babies under 6 months old. When a baby has poor absorption of cow's milk protein, it is right to choose a formula based on goat's milk.

Partially adapted. This is a casein food (based on cow's milk protein), containing an increased amount of trace elements, especially iron, zinc, and copper. It contains no minerals or fats. This diet is recommended for babies aged 6-12 months. There will be a mark with the number "2" on the package.

Unadapted. These mixtures are made from whole milk powder, to which sucrose and starch are added. They do not contain choline, taurine and other biological additives. The number "3" indicates that the mixture is suitable for children over 12 months old.

There are mixtures that take into account some of the characteristics of the child's health.

Fermented milk mixtures are made on the basis of the starter culture of live bacteria. They improve bowel function and maintain a normal balance of microflora.

Fermented milk mixtures are not prescribed if the child has an allergy. Treatment is aimed only at restoring the functioning of the digestive tract.

Fermented milk mixtures are rarely prescribed to children in the first 3 months of life, as they increase regurgitation. For therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, fermented milk mixtures should be alternated with ordinary ones.

How not to make a mistake and not harm the health of the child

After the baby is examined by a specialist, baby food must be chosen correctly.

  • Until the age of six months, it is imperative to select an adapted milk formula.
  • It is necessary to take into account age characteristics.
  • If there are diseases, then you need to choose medical nutrition.
  • It is better to choose food that does not contain palm or coconut oil.
  • Be sure to check the expiration date of the product.
  • Monitor the condition of the child after the first complementary foods.

Choosing the right mixture is not so easy. Sometimes you have to change several brands. In order not to cause problems with the health of the baby, you should understand in time the symptoms that signal that the food is not suitable for him:

  • An allergy to the mixture develops (rash, skin irritation).
  • The chair is liquefied, white lumps appear.
  • The child becomes capricious, restless, especially after feeding.
  • There is no weight gain.
  • Sleep is disturbed.

It is necessary to make the mixture, strictly following the instructions for breeding. Do not increase or decrease the dose on your own.

The composition of nutrition, especially if it is intended for a newborn, must necessarily include the following components:

  • Iodine. Promotes active growth and development of the body, starts metabolic processes.
  • Taurine. It is an amino acid necessary for the formation of the nervous system, cognitive sphere and vision. The body itself begins to produce this amino acid only by the end of the second month of life.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Necessary for the proper formation of all parts of the brain.
  • Nucleotides. Promote the growth of the body, form immunity, improve the intestinal microflora.

You can not experiment with the nutrition of a child under one year old. For any questions, you need to contact a specialist who will help solve the problem, taking into account the state of health of the baby.

Overview of famous brands of baby food

Often pediatricians recommend this particular brand. The best milk formula, topping the rating of baby food. Strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the digestive system, colonizes the intestines with beneficial bacteria. Contains all the necessary biological substances for healthy development.

The only downside is the presence of palm oil.

Topping the rankings is another top milk formula. For the category of children with an allergic predisposition, manufacturers offer dairy-free and hypoallergenic types of mixtures. Their distinctive feature are components such as fish oil and iodine.

The negative side is the presence of palm oil, which inhibits the absorption of calcium. The mixture does not contain prebiotics.

It contains prebiotics that help to improve the functioning of the intestines, fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements necessary for the full development of a growing organism.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the presence of maltodextrin.

The best blend recommended by experts. Suitable for children who have digestive disorders. Does not contain sucrose and starch. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals. You can also find hypoallergenic milk formulas of this brand.


The rating continues with another of the best children's medicinal products, which is prescribed for stool disorders, colic, anemia. There is a milk formula designed for babies born prematurely and prone to allergies. The composition includes fatty acids, nucleotides, prebiotics, a lot of vitamin C.

A good infant formula, included in the ranking of the best nutrition for babies. It contains folic acid and iron, so pediatricians recommend Hipp for anemia. The mixture contains a lot of lactobacilli, so nutrition helps to establish intestinal microflora.

The negative point is the content in the mixture of potato starch and a small amount of iodine.

Baby dry mixes of this brand are intended for babies from six months. You can choose sour-milk types. The mixture is included in the rating of baby food recommended by experts. Contains prebiotics and probiotics, casein, nucleotides, lutein, inositol. Nutrition helps build a healthy immune system.

The mixture contains little protein and iodine, it contains maltodextrin. Quite difficult to dissolve in water.

The best infant formula suitable for babies intolerant to cow's milk protein. It is based on goat milk, vitamins and microelements, nucleotides, marine fish fat. The mixture does not contain glucose and sucrose.

The disadvantage is the low content of taurine and iodine.

The rating of mixtures determines one of the first places for this product. Thanks to Similak, the work of the child's digestive tract is normalized, constipation is eliminated, the absorption of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, is improved. The mixture includes taurine, nucleotides, prebiotics.

Among the shortcomings can be identified the content of coconut oil.

The disadvantages include the content of palm oil and lecithin. The finished liquid tastes sweet, which harms the enamel of the child's teeth.

How to recognize the problem in time

At the time of the transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, you should carefully monitor the condition and behavior of the child. Parents need to know how an allergy to the mixture manifests itself. Every adult can understand that a child has an allergic reaction. Symptoms of its manifestation can be different:

  1. Disorder of the digestive system. The number of spitting up is increasing. Before blaming the mixture, you need to check the pacifier. The hole may be too large and the child is swallowing too much air. When a child is allergic to the mixture, a violation of the stool occurs. The baby may be disturbed by colic and pain in the abdomen.
  2. Respiratory manifestations. There is a severe runny nose and cough.
  3. Skin signs. There is a rash, redness in various parts of the body. They cause discomfort to the baby, as they itch and itch.

If such symptoms are found, nothing should be done on your own. For any manifestations of allergies, you should contact a pediatrician, allergist or gastroenterologist.

Hypoallergenic mixtures are prescribed for allergies to conventional types of baby food, which is manifested by urticaria, tissue edema, atopic dermatitis. Hypoallergenic formulas differ from other types of nutrition in that instead of cow's milk protein, they contain whey protein and casein.

Treatment of allergic manifestations will depend on the severity of the disease and the stage of development.

If the allergic symptoms are not too pronounced, you can try the following steps.

  • Reduce portion. This step should be taken when there is a rash, frequent spitting up, and the child is prone to overweight. When the portion is reduced, the load on the digestive organs decreases, bloating and colic disappear, and food is quickly absorbed by the body.
  • Change the mixture to a product of a different brand. Treatment can be carried out with fermented milk products.

With severe manifestations of allergies, treatment is based on a special diet. You can try making mixtures with goat milk or soy protein. A lactose-free and low-lactose diet will help. Sometimes treatment is accompanied by the use of antihistamines.

If the mixture is chosen correctly, the child will have normal physical and mental development. In case of deviations, you should consult with a specialist who will help identify the causes and choose the right diet.

2018 infant formula ranking to educate mothers about the infant formula market. Manufacturers try to bring the composition of infant formulas as close as possible to breast milk. There are product lines designed for healthy children, and with a therapeutic effect, for children predisposed to allergies to organic milk components. The latter are overpriced, because. during the manufacturing process, cow or goat milk is taken as the basis for the future product, which goes through several degrees of filtration in order to minimize the content of lactose and casein in the final product.

All infant formulas are divided into "steps": 1 - newborns, 2 - from 6-12 months, 3 from 1 year, 4 from 18 months. Also pay attention to the content of whey protein. According to the WHO regulations, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union, products with a whey protein content of at least 50% for children from 0 to 6 months and at least 35% for children older than 6 months are considered adapted mixtures imported or produced on the territory of the Russian Federation. This rating is compiled taking into account the opinions of experts and consumer reviews about the best infant formulas. So, TOP 10 infant formulas:

Baby 4(Nutricia)

The brand Malyutka, from Nutricia, opens the rating of baby food mixtures. This mixture is suitable for use by children from 18 months. The composition eliminates the presence of sugar, starch, gluten, harmful additives, flavors, leaving the child only the essentials: skimmed milk, prebiotics, a complex of vegetable oils, a bunch of vitamins and minerals, and taurine. The ratio of casein to whey proteins is 4:1 - this fully satisfies the norms, and even more. The complex of vitamins and minerals involves 13 pieces of each in the composition. The price for a 600 gram pack is 300 rubles.

Kabrita 3 GOLD

Takes 9th place in the ranking of baby formula from 12 months Kabrita GOLD. Balanced infant formula contains 37% whey protein and 63% casein. The manufacturer has created an optimal formula that softens stools, improves digestion and absorption of calcium, and also helps to optimize metabolism, calling this complex DigestX. Kabrita Gold is 100% whey protein concentrate from goat's milk mixed with skim milk, eliminating the addition of maltodextrin, sugars, flavors and other harmful additives. The formula is also rich in prebiotics FOS, extracted from chicory extract, GOS, which are part of goat's milk, as well as beneficial bifidobacteria BB-12 - all this helps to maintain the intestines in a "healthy form". The cost of an 800 gram can is 1600 rubles. Recommended for healthy children.

MD mil Goat 2

The 8th place in the ranking of infant formula from 6 months is occupied by MD mil Goat 2. The Spanish brand MD boasts its goat milk products, produced in accordance with the recommendations given by the D-A-CH association of societies: the German Nutrition Society (DGE), the Austrian Society (ÖGE), and Swiss Nutrition Societies (SSG/SSN). However, the composition, unfortunately, contains palm oil and lactose, so the product is only suitable for healthy children. Palm oil is not recommended to be used constantly, because. in the intestine, palmitic acid binds to calcium, blocking the entry of the structural material necessary for the child for bones through the intestinal walls, on the other hand, with NOT systematic use, palm oil has a beneficial effect on children under 2 years of age, tk. contributes to the increase in cholesterol required during this period. According to the standards declared by the manufacturers, the ratio of whey proteins and casein proteins is 1:1. The composition is dominated by a decent amount of GOS prebiotics, and PUFAs omega 6, omega 3 in a ratio of 7: 1 is the optimal indicator. The price for a 400 gram jar is about 900 rubles.

Nestogen (Nestle) 1

It occupies the 7th place in the ranking of baby formula for newborns from Nestlé - Nestogen 1. The product is suitable for use by children from the very first days of birth. Does not contain anything extra, including palm oil, only skimmed and demineralized milk, sunflower and rapeseed oils, maltodextrin, as well as probiotics and prebiotics. Lactobacillus Reuteri acts as a probiotic - supporting oral hygiene and reducing the duration of diarrhea. Complementary foods for lacto and bifidobacteria in the intestines are FOS and GOS prebiotics, thanks to which living microorganisms "eat more", multiply, and fight pathogenic bacteria. Maltodextrin is an energy source that breaks down in the body into glucose. Corn maltodextrin is used in Nestogen, and, as you know, corn does not contain gluten, a common causative agent of allergic reactions. This mixture is not hypoallergenic due to the way the milk is processed, which leaves a large amount of lactose. The price for a 700 gram pack is 475 rubles.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) Pepti Gastro

Nutricia was recognized as the best in the test purchase rating of infant formula. Pepti Gastro is designed specifically for children with gastrointestinal problems and intolerance to certain food components. Pepti gastro milk base is a whey protein concentrate that has undergone additional hydrolysis, with the help of which it is possible to decompose the whey into separate fractions - peptides, and then, using ultrafiltration, leave only the most necessary of them, almost completely eliminating lactose, fats and casein, bringing the spectrum as close as possible to breast milk. Such a gentle method of preparation with an emphasis on hypoallergenicity makes the Pepti Gastro complex the leader in the quality rating of infant formulas. The manufacturer also adds nucleotides to their product in order to bring the mixture as close as possible to breast milk. Nucleotides play an important role in the synthesis of antibodies - the weapons of immunity, serve as the basis for building DNA and RNA, are responsible for the synthesis of proteins, etc. The cost of a 450 gram can of a hypoallergenic product is 950 rubles.

NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro

Nestle takes the 5th place in the best infant formula from birth for healthy children, that is, those who do not have intolerances to some components, incl. lactose. Nestlé NAN excludes the addition of palm oil, flavors, GMOs, dyes and other harmful additives to its product. A children's composition is being prepared from demineralized whey with a high content of albumins and globulins, and the opposite content of casein, a complex protein that often provokes allergies. In addition to important amino acids, NAS is saturated with 13 vitamins and 14 minerals, as well as cultures of bifidobacteria. A feature of NAS is the addition of oil of unicellular fungi Mortierella Alpina - producers of arachidonic acid, exactly the same as that found in breast milk. Arachidonic acid is an oily liquid that contains omega 6 fatty acids necessary for brain maturation. The price for an 800 gram container ranges from 700-750 rubles.

Similac (Abbott) Premium 1

4th place in the ranking is the best baby formula without palm oil. According to some studies, palm oil has a negative effect on the absorption of fats and calcium in the intestines, because. palmitic acid, a derivative of palm oil, binds to calcium and forms insoluble compounds that prevent the absorption of some other components. Similak Premium 1 contains lutein pigment, which is not synthesized by the human body itself, which helps to increase visual acuity and filter out the "harmful" spectrum of rays for the human eye. Similac also contains "live" bifidobacteria, complete with food for them - a prebiotic. This product is suitable for feeding children from the first days of life who are not allergic to lactose (since it is available in Similak). The cost is 900 gr. banks - about 1000 rubles.

BIBIKOL Nanny Classic

Opens the TOP 3 rating baby formula from 0 to 6 months manufacturer Bibikol. In the preparation of its products, the company uses natural goat milk produced on farms in New Zealand. So, this mixture is made from goat's milk, and this is a big plus for several reasons: first, it does not contain the alpha-S1 fraction of the casein protein, which causes “rejection” in some people; second, goat's milk tastes less sweet, which means it has less lactose - milk sugar that causes allergies; third, goat's milk contains oligosaccharides - a prebiotic, omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids that contribute to the "correct" development of the brain in newborns and infants. You can write endlessly about the properties of goat's milk, summing up, we can say that goat's milk is better tolerated by children than cow's, and is not inferior to the latter in terms of benefits for the body. For an 800 gram jar of Bibikol, Nanny Classic will have to pay about 1,800 rubles.

Friso Frisopep

Friso is the best infant formula for 0 to 6 months in our ranking. Firstly, this composition is completely hypoallergenic, and, secondly, it has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Despite the fact that the main components of infant formulas are derivatives of cow's milk, Frisco made sure that the mixture contains lactose in the most minimal amount. This was made possible thanks to the technology of separating protein from lactose and fat using whey protein hydrolysis, which produces a protein concentrate from 50% of the mass fraction of all other substances. Frisco also contains about 5 nucleic esters that help synthesize immunoglobulin M and A - antibodies, the prebiotic galactooligosaccharide - food for beneficial bifidobacteria living in the intestines, as well as a huge amount of essential and non-essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The price for a 400 gram jar is about 900 rubles.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 Premium

Nutrilon from Nutricia is considered the best infant formula for newborns. This mixture is not suitable for children with lactose allergy, because. the composition contains demineralized whey - finely dispersed dried cottage cheese, from which salts are removed, but a large amount of proteins and lactose are left. In addition to whey, the complex composition includes oils (rapeseed, sunflower, coconut, palm, etc.), as well as fish oil, vitamins, taurine, nucleotides, prebiotics, etc. The manufacturer uses a patented prebiotic complex called IMMUNOFORTIS. This is a two-component "nutritional menu" for beneficial bacteria in the intestines, consisting of fructooligosaccharides, which are not broken down and not absorbed by the human gastrointestinal tract, and oligosaccharides contained in mother's breast milk, which are also complementary foods for bifidobacteria in the intestines, which only they "eat" and assimilate. On the container with the contents, Nutrilon is framed “improves immunity and intelligence”, we figured out the first one, prebiotics and a complex of vitamins with nucleotides contribute to this, but polyunsaturated fatty acids ARA and DHA are responsible for the development of the brain, in simple terminology, these are Omega acids 3 and Omega 6. The price for 800 grams is 650 rubles. It is the clear advantage of quality over the price in Nutrilon Premium that allows the product to become the best infant formula in the ranking.

All mothers know that the best food for a newborn baby is breast milk. It gives the child the whole complex of substances he needs, contributes to the proper formation and development of all organs and systems and strengthens the immune system. However, there are cases when the mother's milk is produced in insufficient quantities or not produced at all. In some cases, doctors prohibit breastfeeding due to certain medications or certain serious illnesses. This leads to artificial feeding. Today, there are many different options for such nutrition on the market, so what is the best mixture for babies.

It is quite difficult to make an objective rating of the best formulas for babies, because they differ in many ways. At the same time, a mixture that suits one baby well can cause a negative reaction in another and vice versa. The most popular and well-known mixtures for babies are the following:

  1. Nan. This mixture is produced by Nestle. It is believed that its composition is very close to breast milk. Nan is distinguished by the optimal ratio of casein and protein, the presence of iodine, taurine, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other substances required by the baby. The basis for the manufacture of the mixture is the whey of cow's milk. It is worth noting that vegetable oils and soy lecithin are present in Nana. In addition, this mixture is not suitable for children prone to allergies.
  2. Nutrilon. The manufacturing company is Nutricia, which was one of the first in the world to start producing milk formulas. The products of this company contain all the elements necessary for the baby, have the correct ratio of carbohydrates and proteins and high nutritional qualities. Nutrilon, like Nana, contains soy lecithin (found in most infant formulas today) and palm oil.
  3. Unstable. It is produced by the Nestle concern on the basis of whey, therefore it is not suitable for children with allergies. The composition contains taurine, L-carnitine, lactose, iodine and prebiotics. The components of the mixture contribute to the proper metabolism, strengthening the immune system, the formation and development of the nervous and other systems of the baby's body.
  4. Baby. This product has been known on the domestic market for a long time, this mixture has been produced and sold in our country for more than 30 years. During this time, the composition and quality of the mixture have changed markedly. Today, Malyutka contains all the substances necessary for the baby: Omega 6, Omega 3, taurine, lactose, prebiotics, iodine, and more. Of the minuses, the presence of palm oil can be noted (this is not only allowed, but also recommended by pediatricians and nutritionists for baby food). Another advantage of Malyutka is its low price compared to its competitors.
  5. Hipp. The mixtures of this manufacturers are positioned as bioorganic, not containing any hazardous and harmful substances. They include iodine, prebiotics, taurine, however, palm oil and soy lecithin are also present. Hipp blends are free of colorants, preservatives, sugar, starch, gluten and flavors.
  6. Humana. These mixtures are not very common. Their composition is close to mother's milk. It includes the necessary vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, Omega 3 and more.
  7. Agusha. The mixture contributes to the regulation of the digestive system, stimulates the development of immunity, contains prebiotics, probiotics, taurine, choline and other useful components. Well suited for supplementary feeding and mixed feeding.
  8. BelLact. Produced in Belarus. It has a low price and meets all international standards.
  9. Similac. It contains vitamins and minerals required by the baby, as well as probiotics, Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids, prebiotics and more. Similac does not use palm oil in its production, but the composition of this mixture is less balanced than that of competitors.

The best formula for breastfeeding

To choose which mixture is the best for babies, mothers are advised to follow some selection rules. Criteria to pay attention to include:

  1. Child's age. For each age group, manufacturers produce their own mixture, which differs from others in composition.
  2. The presence and tendency to allergies. No components of the mixture should cause the reaction. It is better to start the introduction of the mixture with hypoallergenic species.
  3. Individual intolerance to the mixture or any of its components is possible.
  4. Child's weight. It should be recruited according to age. Too slow or, conversely, too fast weight gain indicates the wrong choice or use of the mixture.
  5. The presence of anemia. For children with this deviation, it is better to give mixtures that contain more iron.
  6. If the baby often has colic, then sour-milk mixtures are better suited for him, normalizing the functioning of the intestines and preventing the appearance of unpleasant and painful sensations.
  7. With a weak immune system and frequent illnesses, mixtures containing probiotics and prebiotics should be preferred.
  8. For babies prone to frequent regurgitation, special anti-reflux mixtures are produced. However, when using them, you need to give your baby more water, as they can cause constipation.

When choosing the best formula for babies, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. The child should willingly eat the selected mixture, feel comfortable and put on weight well. Do not think that the more expensive the mixture, the better it is. Often, expensive mixtures cause a negative reaction, and the usual ones are well suited for the baby.

The best formula for breastfeeding

There are situations when the mother does not have enough milk, and it becomes necessary to supplement the baby with a mixture. Usually the need for this occurs in the first six months of a baby's life. After 6 months, complementary foods are introduced into the baby's diet, which reduces the need for supplementary feeding.

When conducting mixed feeding, one should not forget that the child can suckle the breast on demand, while complementary foods are given strictly by the hour, and only after the breast. It is also imperative to control the amount of mixture received by the child and the need to change this volume.

For supplementary feeding of children under six months of age, only adapted mixtures are suitable. Goat or cow milk at this age can harm the health of the baby.

Infant formulas can be dry or liquid, as well as regular or fermented milk. The latter help to normalize the stool, activate the digestive processes and have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. They are usually better suited for debilitated children and toddlers prone to allergies.

When introducing the mixture as a supplement, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child. Diarrhea, constipation, frequent profuse regurgitation, abdominal pain, manifested by crying and anxiety, flatulence phenomena indicate that the selected mixture is not suitable for the baby.

The best hypoallergenic formula for babies

For children prone to allergic reactions, special hypoallergenic mixtures for babies are produced. Depending on the composition, they are usually divided into three groups:

  • with goat milk;
  • with protein hydrolysates;
  • soy based.

It is impossible to say which of these hypoallergenic mixtures is the best for babies, since none of them is universal. For each child, the type of mixture is selected individually.

Goat milk formulas are recommended for children who are allergic to cow's milk or soy products. Fats and proteins contained in goat's milk are more easily absorbed by the body than cow's. Such mixtures can be fed to healthy babies.

Pediatricians usually advise soy formulas for children with lactose intolerance, certain genetic pathologies, and cow's milk protein intolerance. Before introducing such food into the infant’s diet, it is necessary to visit

cancer specialist.

Infant formulas based on protein hydrolysates are intended for children with severe intolerance to cow's milk and soy components. They are often prescribed to babies with serious pathologies of the digestive system.

Before switching to a hypoallergenic mixture, you should consult a pediatrician. The new product is introduced first in a minimal amount, carefully monitoring the possible reaction of the child: the appearance of constipation or diarrhea, skin rashes, flatulence, and so on.