The emotional state of a pregnant woman after 12 weeks. The emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy


Each woman differently accepts the child growing in her. And, at the same time, a woman accepts each child differently. Pregnancy for pregnancy is not necessary even for the same mother. We are changing, the perception of the world around us is changing, the world itself is changing. Therefore, every time we are different, and different children we give birth to.

Of course, everyone knows that pregnancy must be spent contemplating the beautiful, thinking about the eternal, in peace and joy. But is it possible for any of us, modern women? We are living people, we are overwhelmed with emotions, we are overwhelmed with feelings, and we cannot have an ideal pregnancy in an imperfect world. The question is how to relate to these experiences! If this is just the emotional instability of pregnant women, then it is best to treat it with humor.

Start over.

For the health of the unborn child, the mother needs positive emotions and the absence of stress. Then what is needed to make a pregnant woman laugh and rejoice?

Basically, nothing special:

    remind her husband a couple of times a day that he loves her,

    that he also loves his child - to show interest in the lifestyle of his pregnant wife (which means taking responsibility for walks before bedtime, evening massages, freshly squeezed juice in the morning, nuts and fruits in a vase on the table and attending classes together in a swimming pool)

But what is most terrible - in order for a pregnant woman to burst into tears and fill with tears all the surrounding hollows and hollows, nothing special is needed either!

It is quite normal for a pregnant woman to boil over nothing, cry for the same reason and laugh the same way - not seeing anything funny.

What should men do if all their efforts and worries lead to the opposite results?

It would be completely wrong to be offended and go with friends to drink beer. It is necessary to treat your wife like a child, comforting which is almost impossible, but necessary. In no case should you torment a woman with the question: “Darling, what happened?”

Yes, nothing happened! There is no answer to this question while waiting for the baby!

This is normal for a physiological pregnancy! After a certain period of time, she will throw herself on your neck with the assurance that it is with you that she is infinitely happy.

But if there is no concern on your part, then it will not rush. It's one thing to cry about nothing. And then, as if nothing had happened, ask: “Poor thing! You probably didn't get enough sleep today? Did you run for flowers, did you make juice? And it’s a completely different thing, when a tear rolled down again, to think that no one gave flowers, squeezed juice - that means he doesn’t love me, and in general no one needs me, etc. And having wound yourself, and even not without a reason, to cry and cry forever.

You can joke about it. It is only necessary to remember that every tear brings suffering to your child, who lives inside with mother's emotions. And if we also take into account that his heart beats 2 times faster than ours, then he lives in his dimension for a much longer period of time in tears than we are here, outside.

I will give examples of real family situations where wise dads diverted streams of tears from their future children with thoughtful and beautiful actions. You can’t call them indifferent husbands!

Remember the fairy tale about the ax that hung in the basement and scared the whole family with the possibility of falling on the head of the unborn child, when there was no pregnancy yet? The situation is one on one!

This all happened after a massive attack with massages, walks, flowers, etc. The reason was the TV. The program about the next hostilities made a strong impression on the expectant mother. With the words: “That’s how you give birth to a boy, and then he will be taken into the army, and he will end up in the war zone ... !!!” she gave herself up to sobs. All the assurances of the future father that he might not end up in this area, or maybe the girl would be born at all, did not lead to any result. The husband felt homesick, and it already began to seem to him that the ax would certainly fall on his head, when a minute later he heard a deep breath and an amazing phrase: “Oh, well, okay! Will you drink tea?" This was repeated several times. He realized that pregnancy is a diagnosis. However, the television was replaced by guitar songs, reading and discussion of carefully selected literature. After a while, he honestly admitted that there were fewer tears and life became easier.

The second situation was quite funny.

Coming home from work, the future dad to the question: “Will you eat?” - answered that he had a snack at work, so he was not hungry. He did not expect the consequences. The range of accusations was too wide. He went from the fact that a bad husband deliberately makes his wife laugh in front of the whole team when he eats before leaving home, to the fact that he never loved her at all and did not want a child. Thinking about how to avoid a repetition of this, dad came to the conclusion that a joint dinner was necessary. And so that both sides were ready for him, he began to call back and find out the situation with neutral phrases: “Have you cooked dinner yet?” If the dinner was ready, he was full of praise, and if not, he said: “How good! And I just wanted to invite you to dine in one chic place!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to such dads, who not only can console and reassure, but are even able to remove the reasons for tears! It just needs to be stated that dads who are expecting their first child are doing such things. When a woman is waiting for a second, etc. child, they still make fun of the emotional instability of pregnant women more than they help to cope with it.

Of course, we are women and we ourselves are already experienced and we understand what the state of pregnancy brings with it. We try our best to control ourselves. Tears are no longer shedding. But the fact of the matter is that they do not pour only from the outside. But from the inside they continue to disturb the child. Unfortunately, there are more significant reasons for this.

Rather, we acquire more solid skills in finding causes. It is already clear to ourselves that it is ridiculous to sob over trifles, but it is not possible to restrain sobs. Then an accusation is brought against the husband, more like not only good reasons for tears, but also a clear desire to ignite conflict and offend. After all, it is always clear that "... the least love goes to our most beloved people."

Men, God bless you! In this case, it is important to remember that this is the same "dinner" or "ax".

Only in subsequent pregnancies is it already more sophisticated. These are the same female hormones like fireworks scattered throughout the body. Here you can only hope that you have accumulated wisdom, so as not only not to fall for the bait of discord yourself, but also to stop your wife. And then she immediately believes in what she says.

But now the emotional nutrition of more than one child is in your hands! This will also leave its mark on the elders. Remember the simple recommendations at the beginning of our conversation. Feel free to once again say that the whole family is loved by you. The same juices, massages, walks and flowers will help your wife to smile again, and your children to be carefree happy in a strong and loving family.

Happiness and smiles to you!

Features of the psychological state of a woman in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy

The inner world of a pregnant woman is mysterious and amazing, and her mood is changeable. In a short period of time, it can change several times: either she is happy, cheerful, cheerful, then the very next moment she is upset, upset, saddened. A pregnant woman is sensitive and irritable, she reacts much more sharply than before to the world around her. In some women, during pregnancy, the appearance changes, in others everything remains unchanged. But all expectant mothers have their own special psychology, which changes from month to month.

Pregnancy from a psychological point of view, as in physiology, can be divided into three periods (trimesters):

First trimester- months of uncertainty and adaptation to a new state. The beginning of pregnancy is a period of emotional ups and downs. The feelings of a woman have not yet been determined; from the realization of happiness, she passes to regret. Changes in mood are strong and difficult to understand. This is not yet a fear of childbirth, but an indefinite fear, which includes both the joy of not knowing what is happening, and the fear of the unknown, and anxiety about the future of the child, and fears that her husband will move away from her during pregnancy.

Nausea, insomnia, lack of appetite as a cause or effect of these mixed feelings make the first weeks of pregnancy tiring.

Fear of the unknown can lead to a state of depression, dependence on loved ones.

A woman becomes more impressionable, feels more fragile physically and psychologically, she wants to be the object of attention and care. Cries often and a lot, becomes sentimental; it seems to her that no one loves her, and in general she does not want anything. Responsibility for these changes in feelings is borne by the hormonal restructuring of the body, as a result of which the state of mind of a woman in the first months approaches that of a child. In this state, a woman begins to feel like a child, which will help her in the future when communicating with the baby. However, being in this state, a woman feels that she is growing up.

As at first the expectant mother hesitated between joy and fear, so now infantilism and growing up are struggling in her. This duality causes her anxiety and is often the cause of a change of mood that is not always clear to others.

During this period, the woman feels unusually tired, needs more sleep due to increased energy consumption. The body adapts, adapts to the new state.

In the first trimester, depression may occur, the causes of which may be family disagreements, social and domestic problems, lack of emotional support from the father of the child, complications and illness.

Second trimester months of balance. The energy balance in the body is restored. Calmness, stability come to the woman, mood improves, normal sleep returns. The expectant mother has the first sensations of a new life - the movement of the fetus. Mothers who previously hesitated to show their joy give themselves entirely to her. Now they are confident in their motherhood.

The presence of a child has a beneficial effect not only on the thoughts and imagination of the expectant mother, but also on her body, since it is interconnected.

Third trimester - retreat months. In the first trimester, the baby was a hope, a certainty, but not a reality; in the second trimester his presence became palpable; in the third, he becomes the center of thoughts, interests and activities of the expectant mother.

Gradually, the events of everyday life recede into the background, occupying the woman less and less, her thoughts are concentrated on the child she is carrying. Immersion in the child is the main feature of the third trimester.

Mood swings begin again, irritability, anxiety, fear of childbirth, pain appear.

A woman changes not only emotionally, there is also a change in her priorities: she hardly forces herself to be interested in work, and devotes more time to home and the unborn child.

The last week seems longer than the previous nine months. The feelings and emotions of a pregnant woman are very disparate: on the one hand, she is looking forward to the onset of childbirth, on the other hand, the approach of childbirth causes even more doubts, anxiety, and uncertainty. These sensations have their own advantage: they, as it were, weaken the fear of childbirth, if it arises.

The state of pregnancy is unique. All women who have gone through this period always mark it as completely different, very strong in terms of the level of experiences, specific in terms of the complex of sensations. Someone highlights the positive power of this period of life, and someone - the power of negative sensations, pains, diseases. But it is always a very significant, unique, unlike other period of life.

Anxiety and fears of a pregnant woman

During this stressful period, fear of change associated with getting used to a new state. Indeed, now in life there will be changes regarding work or study, family relationships and plans for the future. Even if the pregnancy was planned, it will still take time to readjust.

The most important thing at the beginning of pregnancy is to realize your condition. To realize pregnancy means to accept the appearance of a child in your life and begin to co-exist with him. And for nine months, communicating with the baby, learn to understand his needs and desires.

Already at the very beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience worries about child health . What will he be like: healthy, weak, strong, will he have developmental deviations, will the analgin tablet drunk last week affect, what to do with the computer monitor ... Different situations are sorted out in the memory, and the imagination draws a lot of dangers for the child.

In the second third of pregnancy, various superstitions and updated previously heard opinions and comments can cause unfounded fears (do not eat a lot of meat so that the child is not hairy; do not look at the fire, otherwise the child will have a fiery nevus, etc.)

The best way to get rid of such fears is to realize that they are natural during pregnancy. But if fears begin to interfere, then it is necessary to contact a psychologist, as well as regularly receive professional advice from a doctor, undergo all the necessary examinations scheduled according to the schedule on time.

By the end of pregnancy, the woman is covered fear of childbirth . Childbirth is a powerful physical and psychological experience and is associated with a series of fears. A woman may be afraid of the unknown, various complications, labor pain, death. The source of this fear lies not in the fear for one's own life, but in the anticipation of the experiences of the child, who, in the process of birth, goes through the stage of psychological "dying". Birth is one of the most powerful human experiences, comparable in strength only to the experience of death.

Life in the mother's stomach for a child is a paradise: it is always warm, calm, comfortable, satisfying, all needs are satisfied by themselves, no effort is needed. But suddenly, in one moment, everything will change: it will become cramped, stuffy and hungry. To cope with the situation, the child will go on a journey, not knowing how it will end. After all the hardships of a dangerous path, a child from a cozy, perfect world will fall into a cold and indifferent world, where everything must be done by oneself. Such impressions can only be compared with a real life catastrophe. The horror that a child experiences at the time of birth is not stored in his mind, since it is not yet formed. But everything that happens around him, he experiences with his whole being - body and soul.

Childbirth is a rather difficult, but rewarding physical and mental work.

To relieve the psychological stress associated with the expectation of childbirth, you need to prepare for them in advance: attend “schools for preparing for childbirth”, take care of the organization of childbirth (choose a maternity hospital, learn about the rules, get to know the doctor).

fear of pain in childbirth is often formed in youth from various “terrible” stories that arise in memory when the time comes to give birth, from the age-old belief that they give birth in pain.

Many women experience pain during childbirth only because they were too frightened by the expectation of the upcoming pain, ignorance and misunderstanding of what will happen to them. Women who experience fear give birth much more difficult than those who are set up correctly for the birth process. It is fear that creates excessive muscle tension. Instead of relaxing and letting the baby be born in peace, the woman is afraid, nervous and tense. And that makes the pain even worse.

Therefore, in order to overcome pain, it is necessary to overcome fear. To do this, a woman needs to know what happens to her during pregnancy, how the child lives and develops, how childbirth will take place, whether it is possible to help herself learn how to breathe correctly, relax and relieve stress.

The influence of the emotional state of a woman on the course of pregnancy and childbirth

Many researchers emphasize the adverse effect of maternal emotional stress on pregnancy and childbirth.

The anxiety experienced by a woman during pregnancy is the first experience of anxiety in a child.

In the second half of pregnancy, the circulatory system of the fetus develops intensively, and it receives a hormonally mediated portion of anxiety through the placenta and umbilical cord whenever the mother is in a state of anxiety. Certain functional disturbances in the activity of the body are also possible in response to prolonged excitement or irritation of the mother. The mother's anxiety also causes the corresponding motor reaction of the fetus.

With emotional stress in the mother during pregnancy, the likelihood of premature birth, violations of labor activity was noted, if the birth took place on time. In the latter case, weakness of labor activity, signs of intrauterine fetal hypoxia, and impaired placental blood supply are more common.

A woman with a positive attitude towards her unborn child endures pregnancy easily, she is always in a great mood, she is confident in the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth, and she sees the joy and happiness of her life in her unborn child. This instills in the soul of an unborn person a sense of confidence, self-worth and security. Positive maternal emotions cause an increase in the growth of the fetus and an increase in the level of its sensory perception.

Pregnancy is a magical state of a woman, when she realizes her true destiny in this world, when colossal changes take place in her body. And all this, of course, cannot but affect the emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy.

Women's emotions at the beginning of pregnancy

The beginning of pregnancy is the most difficult period for a woman, both physiologically and emotionally. It was during this period that women are tormented early toxicosis and it begins at the beginning of pregnancy hormonal changes throughout the body, which affects emotional background. What explains the special emotional tension of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy?

The thing is that a woman at the beginning of pregnancy is accompanied not only by a surge of hormones that affects the emotional state. The beginning of pregnancy is a time of self-awareness not just as a social unit (employee, wife, girlfriend, etc.), but also as a future mother. In addition, at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman is accompanied by various kinds of worries and fears: how to tell your husband, he will be delighted, what to do with work and how relatives will react? And if we also remember that very soon family expenses will increase significantly, and incomes will decrease - and therefore it is necessary to learn how to plan the family budget in a different way? Even if the child is desired and planned, these thoughts will torment future parents. What if the baby was a pleasant surprise? Then there will only be more thoughts and fears. How can you stay calm and not worry?

Features of the emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy

As soon as a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she may begin to experience what is called "pregnancy syndrome". Depending on the social status, it proceeds differently for all women. If before pregnancy you were a successful business woman, or at least just worked in a good position, the news of pregnancy can unsettle you for a while, even if you wanted and planned this child. After all, after giving birth, one way or another, you will have to give up work for a while and devote yourself to your family. And it’s quite difficult to adjust to such a polar opposite way of life. In addition, it is not known how the decree will affect your work and how the authorities will accept this news.

If before pregnancy you did not work or occupied an ordinary position, then the news of pregnancy will be perceived by you more calmly. After all, your lifestyle, if it changes, is not so drastically, and, in which case, it will be easier to find a new job in the same position after the decree.

An imprint on the emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy is also imposed by fears about the upcoming 9 months of waiting, childbirth, and the recovery period. You may be surprised to notice that sometimes the pregnancy that you have been waiting for causes a negative reaction in you, insecurity and unwillingness of this pregnancy. You may be tormented by questions: “Will I be able to bear a child?”, “Will I or my child die?”, “Will I be a good mother?”, “Will I bear childbirth?”, “How much worse will the financial situation of our family be? » etc. These questions can be mixed in with fears of losing sex appeal, personal freedom, and the need to stay at home and be a housewife. In addition, some doctors also say that fears of future (even after 8 months with a little) childbirth may be mixed with fears of the expectant mother, which have surfaced from the subconscious, regarding childhood or even the characteristics of their own birth.

Of course, all these fears and experiences cannot but affect emotional background of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy. You can become whiny, anxious, sometimes nervous and even aggressive - especially in cases where your husband does not understand you or does not pay you due attention. Therefore, throughout your pregnancy - and especially at its beginning - you need the support, care and participation of your husband, even if, at first glance, you are crying and worrying about nonsense.

Hormonal restructuring of the body is also directly involved in the formation of your emotional state at the beginning of pregnancy. Even if before the birth of a new life in you, you could be called an "iron lady" - at the beginning of pregnancy, the slightest irritant can cause a violent emotional reaction in the form of tears, resentment or irritation. Vulnerability, heightened perception, pessimism- future and already held mothers know about all this firsthand.

Often, women in the early stages of pregnancy are surprised to say that any romantic or even slightly sad scene from a movie, a sad song or a compassionate story just causes them to simply stream tears, which can be extremely difficult to stop. Of course, from the outside it may look strange, but in fact such sentimentality in early pregnancy is a normal occurrence. And those who know about your situation will support and understand you.

At the beginning of pregnancy strongly sensory perception changes women. 90% of pregnant women, starting from the second week of pregnancy, complain of an altered perception of smells, tastes, colors, visual images. Of course, such “oddities” of the body are also a kind of irritant and leave an imprint on the emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy.

If we talk about the origins of these manifestations, scientists believe that in this way the expectant mother is preparing to protect her child from external negative factors. After all, you see, with a heightened "sense" it is much easier to notice the danger in time.

Hormonal changes are also “guilty” of the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy a woman is a little inhibited, experiencing drowsiness And memory problems, and her logical thinking gradually fades into the background, giving way to sensory perception. The expectant mother begins to engage in those activities that she might not have tolerated before: knitting, embroidery, drawing, playing music, etc. She is more focused on her feelings, and her reasoning sometimes resembles a child. Such "childish effect"- the normal emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy.

The beginning of pregnancy greatly changes the emotional state of a woman and the expectant mother in general. After all, now she lives not for herself, but for her baby - and it depends on her how happy her child’s childhood will be. And this is a huge responsibility! Therefore, the main function of a loving husband and other family members is to help the expectant mother survive the difficult period of pregnancy and childbirth, to show sensitivity and understanding. Only in this case, the emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy will not negatively affect either the baby or the expectant mother, and she will very soon be able to give all her relatives the best gift in the world!

Emotional state of a pregnant woman

The psychology of pregnancy is a mysterious and unpredictable universe. Everyone knows that the emotional state of a pregnant woman should be positive. But the mood of the expectant mother changes like a picture in a kaleidoscope. Either violent joy, or quiet sadness, or painful experiences. Science knows both quite typical and very original fears of pregnant women. Let's try to understand the features of this interesting phenomenon.
Young modern women, who have time to visit many places and redo a lot of things in a light day, from time to time the thought comes to mind that someday everything will change. Running home late in the evening, tired but happy, they dream of the time when I will expect a baby. They promise themselves to re-read all smart books, finally start listening to classical music, draw watercolors and much more.

And finally, the long-awaited event happened. The first step towards a miracle has been taken. The test shows two lines... Am I pregnant? I'm pregnant... I'm pregnant!!! So… So what?
Outwardly, nothing seems to have changed. The wings did not grow, the third eye did not appear. In the morning it is still difficult to get up, there is no free space in the closet and there is absolutely nothing to wear. The boss has not become less demanding, colleagues are smarter, taxi drivers are polite, the weather is predictable. Yet your universe is turned upside down.

The psychology of pregnancy makes itself felt. Something is happening inside you. Someone lives there... And this someone is so tiny, barely perceptible, powerfully and inevitably changes your reality. Life gradually begins to be divided into “before” and “after”. An optimistic mood during pregnancy is associated with new hopes, dreams of a contented and talented baby.
Among expectant mothers there is a myth about the happiest women up to 5-6 months unaware of changes in their situation. For most of us, everything happens exactly the opposite. Many women experience quite strong emotional experiences during pregnancy. From the very first weeks, you understand that you no longer belong to yourself and there is no turning back. You have to get used to new products and methods of their preparation, try on unusual clothes, understand new terms and indicators.

These psychological factors, both positive and negative, are very strong. Due to this, the emotional state of a pregnant woman is a constant swing. Up, then down. Positive emotions of the expectant mother are the key to the normal course of the intrauterine development of the baby. While fears during pregnancy are quite common, but absolutely optional. Developed skills of self-regulation will help calm the experience.

Typical fears of pregnant women

Along with the first physiological transformations, not only the emotional state of the expectant mother changes. The whole psychology of a pregnant woman is transformed. Priorities, goals and values, needs and aspirations are changing. Instead of a career, shopping, and the premiere of a new movie, the first ultrasound, changes in weight, and the number of people in line to the doctor become important. The mood during pregnancy is determined not by the political situation in the world, but by the need to visit the dentist and pressure control figures.
Given the uniqueness of each story of bearing a baby, it is possible, however, to describe the most common fears of pregnant women.

The first of them is expressed in constant concern for the condition of the unborn baby. If the child actively makes itself felt, the restless mother immediately suspects something unkind: “Something has raged”, “No matter how something happens”. When the child calms down for a while, the mother again finds no place for herself: “Why doesn’t he answer me?”, “What could happen?”. The anxious emotional state of a pregnant woman is most inappropriately reflected on the child.
Such fears during pregnancy affect the intensity of metabolic processes. Blood pressure rises, the absorption of various nutrients worsens. Those. the child experiences physical difficulties - lack of oxygen and vitamins. After birth, the baby may show various psychological problems, delayed speech development and nervous disorders - whims, hysterical reactions, phobias.

Quite common are the fears of pregnant women, which begin with the words "What if ...". “And what if not a boy, but a girl is born ...”, “What if the baby shows up any violations ...”. In addition to psychological problems, modern mothers are afraid of unfavorable ecology, poor heredity, gene mutations, and so on. Mankind stubbornly strives for the ideal, but not a single person has yet managed to achieve it.
Most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are pretty spoiled by fears for their own appearance during pregnancy. Fear of one's own unattractiveness is the plague of modern mothers. The world, sharpened by fitness and spa, is literally going crazy. Of course, expecting a baby, a woman gains weight and roundness. But along with them come a special grace, smoothness of lines and slowness in movements.

Fear of not coping with the duties of a mother, psychological insecurity in one's abilities are also common experiences during pregnancy. Such fears of pregnant women are mostly irrational and unjustified. But they are quite understandable. It is difficult to prepare for something that has never been in your experience. But after all, we all once learned to walk and talk too ... And to cope with emotions is generally a couple of trifles!

Reducing negative experiences during pregnancy

The psychology of pregnancy is such that any mother will be happy to tell numerous stories about how it was. How she couldn't stand the smell of boiled tomatoes, the taste of Antonov apples, the sight of pink sweaters and the sound of running water. In the process of narration, uninitiated listeners are horrified. An inner voice whispers about the fact that never, never, God forbid ...
But, stroking the eyes of the heroine of the story, you suddenly realize that for all the benefits of the world, she will not agree to change her feelings even a little. Because the emotional state of the expectant mother is the most fabulous and magical feeling, despite all the fears of pregnant women. Everyone who has ever been pregnant has "resolved" in one way or another. No one has ever been pregnant forever. And this knowledge somehow tries on the expectant mother with reality.
Plunging into new experiences, future mothers in most cases do not find time for music, painting and all that. But they actively use the World Wide Web. By visiting any mom's forum, you can easily find out that other pregnant women have the same intolerance to smell, taste, color, sound, and something else. Most of them absolutely no one understands and does not appreciate.
Surrounding people seem to deliberately become insensitive and slow-witted.

The psychology of pregnancy is manifested in the fact that expectant mothers with manic persistence collect negative information about all kinds of fetal developmental disorders. Many mothers are looking for alarming symptoms. And whoever seeks, he will surely find. Do you really need it? Refuse to collect other people's experiences, do not try on the misfortunes of others.
Pregnancy is not a disease. Expecting a baby is a sacrament. And every woman is a bit of a witch. Try to work on your negative emotions. Mentally collect all your fears in a box, wrap it securely with tape and throw it in the trash. Bury in the garden. Throw off a high cliff. Or come up with your own bright image that will help you detach from the negative. It is useful to use such metaphors as sand and water.

Imagine that your experiences are small peas under the princess's feather bed, pebbles that have fallen into sandals. Stopped, shook out and moved on. As the proverb teaches: if it grinds, there will be flour. And you can not wait until it passes by itself. Imagine that you are dropping your fears like grains into a coffee grinder. And the resulting dust is scattered in the wind. In the psychological struggle with a negative emotional state, all means are good.

How to create a positive mood during pregnancy?

Knowing that other moms, like you, cry for no reason, buy tons of soft toys, watch TV shows and just can’t choose the name of the future baby, of course, balances the emotional state of the pregnant woman. But this is not enough to finally cheer up during pregnancy. Some social media posts only inflame the fears of pregnant women.
What to do in such a situation? After all, you can’t forbid yourself to think, and concern for offspring is one of the components of the maternal instinct. Folk wisdom and the psychology of pregnancy suggest such a decision - they knock out a wedge with a wedge. If you can’t get rid of thoughts, then you need to replace them with something. And what is the most important and interesting thing for every woman, except for a child? Of course she herself.

Psychologists recommend expectant mothers to engage in self-knowledge. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to look for the meaning of life or delve into the deepest experiences of your childhood. Rely on the fact that everything is possible for pregnant women. In the minds of most people, the words “interesting position” and weirdo are almost synonymous. Use this unique opportunity - try something that you have never done before! Feel free from stereotypes, norms and conventions!
Realize yourself in a new business. Many mothers start successful startups during this period. The emotional state of a pregnant woman contributes to the activation of creativity. Learn something positive and share your experience with others. Create an album or website about how you expected a miracle. Accumulate positive information and unite positive people around you.
Take care of your future baby. He has not yet been born, but he already has certain abilities and abilities. We wrote about this in detail in the article “Prenatal development: is education before birth possible?”. Experiencing constant anxiety, the mother provokes the development of anxiety in the child. An active creative mood during pregnancy contributes to the formation of an optimistic life position in children.

If negative experiences during pregnancy do not let go, there is wise advice: what should happen will happen. You can call it fate, providence, God's will - it doesn't matter. The important thing is that each woman is given a unique baby and her own exclusive difficulties, from which you need to get out with minimal losses. Maintaining a cheerful mood during pregnancy will help the ability to perceive any problem as an opportunity to become a little wiser or more attentive. What doesn't kill makes us stronger.

Millions of women on the planet have gone through a wonderful and terrible 9 months of waiting. And millions more will definitely get acquainted with this state. Dear mothers! Remember: mother's hands will never harm a child. They themselves know what to do. It really is. Nature has given every woman a powerful mechanism called maternal instinct. It works, even if someone does not suspect it.
Listen to your inner voice and trust your feelings. Everything will work out for you! Let your mood during pregnancy be only joyful!

Pregnancy is a new state for a woman, which, in addition to absolutely logical ones in the body, also affects the psyche of the pregnant woman. During the nine months of waiting, the expectant mother may experience various emotions: anxiety, emotional upsurge, joy and fear, and sometimes even the woman herself cannot understand why the change of mood occurs.

What changes in one's own behavior pregnant woman , how relations in the family will change due to the “special situation” and how these changes prepare parents for the future birth of a child, let's try to answer these questions based on the traditional periodization of pregnancy: the first, second and third trimesters.

First trimester of pregnancy

It is not very successful for a woman to work with full dedication: there is a constant distraction in her thoughts, the expectant mother dreams, reflects, plans and ponders something. If a woman is worried about feeling unwell, or this also does not add optimism and performance.

Advice for the future dad : the first reaction to the wife's message about pregnancy is an important factor that can change the relationship between spouses for a long time. And if your reaction to the words: “Darling, you will soon become a dad” was not joyful enough, you were just in shock and did not know how to behave, be sure to try to find the right, necessary words afterwards that can convince a woman that you really We are glad for the unborn child, we are ready to take care and responsibility for him and family life in general.

Another psychologically difficult task of the second trimester: accept the changes that have already happened with a female body, feel your new state, beauty and style. If your usual clothes have become small for you, take this as a great opportunity, colors and materials. It is important not to perceive yourself from a negative point of view, worrying about the loss of a wasp waist or the clumsiness of a weighted gait, but to see your new inner beauty and enjoy harmony, feel like a keeper, a keeper, a real woman.

Advice for future dads : during this period, the husband still needs to be constantly involved in the life of his beloved wife, not to be eliminated during discussions about choosing a doctor, even if you absolutely do not understand anything about it, it is mandatory to visit with a pregnant ultrasound, accompany during the necessary tests. Of course, many women's experiences will be too emotional and not entirely clear to pragmatic men, but in any case, show your wife a willingness to respond to her requests, listen to a too detailed story and not criticize excessive emotionality. Don't forget to tell your wife how beautiful she is, how much you love her, how motherhood is going for her, and how much you look forward to meeting your baby.

Be that as it may, but when a pregnant woman's tummy is rounded, and she begins to feel the movements of the child, the mental instability of the first trimester gives way to some kind of internal detachment, specific protection against external alarms , strong stimuli and experiences.

During this period, the expectant mother can surprisingly get close to her mother and grandmother, try adopt the experience of older relatives , ask about how their pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, what they thought and felt. Rapprochement in relations can also come with the mother-in-law: a pregnant wife begins to be interested in issues that she previously did not pay attention to, for example, some features of her beloved husband in childhood, his habits and character. In the second trimester, a woman may feel the desire to again take part in family holidays and activities, to feel her unity with the family.

One of the original psychological features of a pregnant woman can be desire to do everything until X hour. Intuitively, a woman understands that in a certain month the usual course of her life will end and some other one will begin, which she will not know for sure, and therefore the pregnant woman tries to do as much as possible. To complete an important project, open a store, complete a diploma, defend a dissertation, complete repairs or buy an apartment - each woman has her own list of important issues that need to be resolved before giving birth, and the maximum efforts of the pregnant woman will be thrown into their implementation. Trying to limit a woman in her activity is not worth it, everything will happen by itself, in the third trimester of pregnancy, according to the inner desire of the expectant mother.

third trimester

By the end of pregnancy, a woman is less and less worried about the surrounding fuss, she stays in a state of listening , their feelings and movements of the child. And the pushes with tiny arms and legs are already quite noticeable, which cannot but evoke thoughts about her future life with the baby.

To meet the baby at home with maximum comfort and coziness, pregnant woman starts preparing : a stroller, a crib, clothes for the baby and all other necessary accessories are bought. The process of choosing the necessary things takes place in a pregnant woman under special supervision : the expectant mother does not want to make a mistake and double-checks everything several times, finds out opinions and reviews about the chosen model of a stroller or crib, carefully studies the labels on bed linen and clothes for the baby.

The preparation work does not end there, mainly it is during the third trimester in the families of future parents that repairs and alterations in the apartment , are committed necessary purchases , such as a washing machine or multicooker, which will help make it easier for the expectant mother to care for the baby.

Many pregnant women during this period begin to sew, knit, are fond of embroidery, build toys for the baby with their own hands, trying to give their unborn baby all the best, natural and safe.

With the approach of childbirth, even the most psychologically stable pregnant women can experience anxiety and fears. In this case, a patient understanding husband, a planned examination and consultation with a specialist who will confirm that everything is fine with the baby or, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment, is an excellent and already proven remedy.

To instill in a pregnant woman as possible more confidence that there are no reasons for unrest, it would be useful for the husband or close relatives to accompany the pregnant woman during visits to the doctor as often as possible, not to leave her alone with situations that require quick decision-making.

The situation when a pregnant woman actually works until the very birth is not uncommon now, but from a psychological point of view, it would be right to take a month or two to relax the pregnant woman, tune in to a new program , calmly solve all the necessary matters before childbirth and comfortably enter a new rhythm of life with the baby.

No matter how natural processes pregnancy and childbirth are, it is necessary to prepare for them, and abrupt transition from the life of an active working woman with a wide circle of contacts to the role of a housewife and mother of a tiny child, who at first spends almost all the time at home, is fraught with emotional and psychological problems, for example, postpartum depression.

Advice for future dads : if before pregnancy the lion's share of your wife's attention belonged to you by right, the third trimester is the best time to gradually, taking care of your wife and supporting her, realize that soon most of her attention will be switched to your baby. Learn to be independent: find out where the nearest stores are, try to cook soup with your own hands, figure out where you can buy diapers in your neighborhood and how to get to the nearest children's clinic. Soon you will need all this knowledge, because the roles in the family will change, and from a reckless husband who does not know where his things are, you will become an indispensable assistant for a young mother.

We tried to compile a list of several criteria, adhering to which, your psychological state during pregnancy will be as positive as possible :

  • Do not resist the changes that pregnancy brings, rather try to feel how pleasant they are.
  • Feel free to show weakness and ask for help, this will not reduce your attractiveness.
  • Tell your husband about your anxieties and joys, but only in words, not outbursts of emotions, and first make sure that he is ready to listen to you.
  • Start learning special relaxation techniques, such as auto-training, yoga, breathing exercises. This will help you deal with emotional ups and downs during pregnancy.
  • Keep a sense of humor, thanks to which you can win in absolutely any situation.
  • Do not radically change your lifestyle: meet friends, do interesting things, discover new knowledge and skills. Pregnancy is not a reason for imprisonment, but a way to know yourself in a new way.
  • Do not be afraid of your emotions, do not drive gloomy thoughts into the depths of your soul, but let them out. If you want, cry for your pleasure, perceiving it as a preventive treatment.
  • Plunging into pregnancy, remember that in addition to the child you have a husband, and he also needs your attention and warmth. Do not perceive a man only as a means of consolation and fulfillment of your desires, discuss issues that concern him, believe in your husband, support him in his endeavors and aspirations.
  • Try to rest during the day and get used to the idea that mood swings are, of course, part of the "interesting situation", but this phenomenon is temporary. Soon after childbirth, emotional outbursts will no longer bother the young mother, because a small miracle will be born that will bring you happiness and joy.

During the nine months of pregnancy, you have to go through many physiological and psychological changes, but the main task of future parents is to change your relationship so that you can easily accept a child into the family and become a real happy family from a married couple.