Komarovsky's chin is shaking. Trembling chin in infants: physiological and pathological causes

February 23

It is not surprising that young parents are particularly concerned about the health of their baby and begin to worry at the slightest symptoms of illness. One of the problems that frightens and worries parents is chin trembling in newborns.

Why does a newborn's chin shake?

Involuntary muscle twitching in a baby is called tremor. If you notice that your newborn baby is shaking his chin or his hands are shaking when crying, do not panic. In children under three months of age, the nervous system is not yet sufficiently developed, at the same time, when the baby displays emotions, the immaturity of the adrenal glands leads to an excess of the hormone norepinephrine in the blood. These two factors together can lead to chin tremors in newborns. As a rule, such a symptom can be noticed in a baby after physical exertion or emotional experiences, this indicates that the nervous system is overexcited. Thus, chin tremor in newborns under three months of age is not a pathology and does not require separate treatment.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

It should be noted that trembling of the chin when the child is calm may indicate hypertonicity - this is a muscle tone disease in which overstrain of the child’s muscles occurs. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who, after a complete examination of the newborn, will provide recommendations on how to relax the baby’s tense muscles. Typically, with this diagnosis, several courses of professional massage and therapeutic exercises are prescribed, as well as warm baths based on a decoction of medicinal herbs, which have a calming and relaxing effect.

The case is considered dangerous if the tremor in a newborn child spreads to the entire head. Also, you should consult a neurologist if your baby’s chin continues to tremble after reaching three months of age. These symptoms indicate diseases of the central nervous system, and the causes of their occurrence can be very different.

As a rule, premature babies are most susceptible to this disease. This can be explained by the fact that at the time of birth the child’s nervous system was not yet mature enough. The main reason that can provoke the appearance of chin twitching in newborns, as a symptom of the disease, is the stress suffered by the mother during pregnancy. An increased level of the hormone norepinephrine enters the fetal blood through the placenta, as a result of which the development of the baby’s nervous and endocrine systems is disrupted. Another cause of chin tremor in infants may be hypoxia suffered by the fetus, since due to lack of oxygen the normal functioning of the brain is disrupted. Prerequisites for tremor in infants during pregnancy may be a threat of miscarriage, placenta, entanglement of the baby in the umbilical cord, as well as too weak or, conversely, rapid labor activity.

Treatment of chin tremor in newborns

If chin tremor occurs for no reason in a newborn or the child is already more than three months old, you should contact a pediatric neurologist. With timely and correct treatment, your baby’s nervous system can return to normal in a short time. The main thing is that the child must be under the strict supervision of a doctor. In addition, it is important to give the newborn a relaxing massage and therapeutic exercises, and swimming also helps to cope with this ailment. Surround your baby with a calm, friendly environment and your little one will feel good again.

When new parents notice that their newborn's chin or lower lip is shaking, they are often confused. More often, a minor tic occurs if the baby feels uncomfortable. Over time, such symptoms disappear, so until 3 months there is no particular cause for concern.

Similar manifestations occur frequently in infants (almost 50%) in the first days after birth.

Causes of normal tremor in newborns

Chin tremor can occur under the influence of physiological causes or as a result of pathology. After birth, the part of the nervous system that is responsible for coordinating movements is not always fully formed in the baby.

Controls the contraction of smooth muscles norepinephrine, the synthesis of which occurs in the adrenal glands at times of stress. In a baby, even slight excitement can produce this hormone in larger quantities.

Increased synthesis of norepinephrine occurs due to the fact that the adrenal glands have not had time to adapt to life in the outside world. This explains why a newborn's chin shakes.

In full-term babies, the trembling is not too pronounced, in premature babies it is strong, because their nervous system is not yet mature enough and is not able to respond appropriately to changes occurring in the outside world.

Causes of pathology

There are at least 2 reasons why a newborn’s lower lip shakes:

  • neurological (reaction to external stimuli);
  • hormonal (as a result of increased release of norepinephrine by the adrenal glands, overexcitation of the nervous system occurs).

In addition, some factors that occur during pregnancy or during labor can cause chin trembling:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • severe stress suffered by the woman;
  • intracranial hemorrhage;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • lack of magnesium, calcium in the blood;
  • intoxication during pregnancy (drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • intrauterine infection.

Tremor can also occur under the influence of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the brain:

  • in case of rapid labor or weak labor;
  • under the influence of entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord;
  • due to premature placental abruption.

Hypoxia often causes neurological pathologies, which causes the child’s chin to shake.

Pathological tremor can occur even at rest. This negatively affects the child’s condition: he may refuse to eat, become irritable, and whiny.

Considering the presence of physiological muscle hypertonicity, it becomes clear why a baby’s chin is shaking.

If you notice a trembling chin in a newborn, you should seek advice from specialists. In a child under 3 months of age, this sign may be physiological (provided there are no other warning signs).

It happens that a newborn's chin shakes when crying or during a strong cry. In the first time after birth, violent manifestations of the nervous system in response to any irritants are noted.

It becomes stressful for the baby:

  • sudden bright light;
  • unexpected sharp sound;
  • hunger;
  • bathing process;
  • changing clothes;
  • fatigue;
  • cold, etc.

Trembling of the chin can occur for any reason accompanied by the manifestation of emotions. If it ends quickly, it should not be a cause for concern. After 3 months, the tremor disappears in most cases; in premature babies it sometimes persists a little longer, but does not require treatment. It is important to organize everything so that the baby develops in favorable conditions.

When a child over 3 months of age has a trembling chin, you should visit a pediatric neurologist to identify the causes and prescribe the necessary therapy.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

A trembling chin, even if the cause is physiological, signals that the nervous and endocrine systems are functioning under strain.

When tremor of the chin, head, legs, and arms occurs in a state of relative rest, the presence of hypertonicity can be assumed. Parents' fear is justified when, when trembling, the skin turns blue and becomes covered with perspiration.

If a newborn is shaking his chin by 6 months, the birth was difficult, the child was born premature or suffered intrauterine hypoxia, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

The listed symptoms may occur due to problems in the functioning of systems (nervous or endocrine). Pathological tremor is one of the manifestations of the underlying pathology.

Revitalizing massage technique

This technique is recommended when chin tremor appears in a baby. Massage is also beneficial for healthy children. Doctors advise turning to professionals for massage. Parents can also undergo training and begin performing the procedures independently under the guidance of a specialist.

Before carrying out the manipulation, preliminary preparation is required:

  • ventilate the room, dim the lighting, create a comfortable temperature;
  • the child should be on a flat surface;
  • You should choose a time for massage when the child is in a good mood;
  • Nails should be cut short, palms should be lubricated with cream.

The massage is done as follows:

  1. Perform gentle stroking: start from the fingers to the armpits. The fingers are carefully kneaded and clenched into fists.
  2. When performing a chest massage, movements are made from top to bottom, to the sides.
  3. Abdominal massage is performed in a circular motion in a clockwise direction.
  4. The legs begin to be massaged from the toes upward. They stretch their fingers, squeeze them and unclench them.
  5. Back massage is performed from bottom to top in a herringbone pattern.
  6. Repeat each technique 10 times.

To prevent the occurrence of problems, it is necessary to systematically monitor the child’s health and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

As you watch your baby, you may notice that sometimes his chin (lower part of his face, lower jaw) trembles. This is a natural concern, since in some cases it is associated with neurology. Why does a newborn's chin shake? Such a symptom may have natural causes (for example, the room is cold) or a pathological background, and the child needs treatment.

When not to worry

The nervous system of a newborn is not the same as that of an adult, so you should not compare your child’s motor skills with your own. Trembling (or tremor) of the chin is observed in about half of newborns. It occurs when experiencing certain emotions, and not necessarily negative ones. Most often, a child's chin shakes when crying, but there are many other factors:

  • bright light;
  • loud noise;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • fright;
  • hunger;
  • REM sleep stage;
  • the child has just been undressed;
  • unexpected change in body position;
  • feeding, etc.

Tremor of the chin in a baby (and sometimes also the lips, arms and legs) during emotions and at rest can be observed for up to 3-4 months (and sometimes up to 5-6 months), and with prolonged and severe crying even up to 1 year. Sometimes chin trembling in children increases for some time after the first month, as they begin to see better and react more sharply to the world around them. Particularly sensitive babies may even be frightened by sudden movements of their own arms and legs, and at the same time they will also experience a trembling of the chin.

Causes of physiological (normal) tremor

  • Immaturity of the central and peripheral nervous system. Even in a healthy child, the nerve centers of the brain are not yet fully mature, and may send too strong a signal to the motor center when exposed to external stimuli. A premature baby's nervous system is even less mature, but it also continues to develop outside the womb.
  • Immaturity of the endocrine system. During emotional shocks, the adrenal medulla releases excess amounts of the hormone norepinephrine into the blood, which causes even greater nervous tension.

That is, when a child is emotionally or physically overstrained, the central nervous system tries to compensate and sends motor signals that are expressed by twitching of the chin, lips and limbs. During the first year of a child’s life, the nervous system will continue to develop and gradually these phenomena will begin to disappear.

If your baby is under four months old, no special treatment for tremors is required, but you can always help your baby relax. Here are a few tricks you can use yourself:

  • get a relaxing massage;
  • do light exercises;
  • Swim with your baby in the pool or at home in the bathroom;
  • listen to soft, calm music;
  • close physical contact with the mother is very important, for example, while falling asleep or feeding;
  • if the child cries a lot, do not shake the rattle in front of him (do not try to switch him), but simply pick him up;
  • create a favorable psychological environment in the house;
  • maintain and ventilate rooms;
  • Feed your child in a timely and sufficient manner.

If you have suspicions that something is wrong with your child, contact your pediatrician, who will either dispel your doubts or refer you to a specialist to clarify the situation.

There are critical moments in the development of the nervous system of children when even the slightest disturbances can lead to serious consequences. The first, third, ninth and twelfth months - during these periods it is necessary to visit a neurologist in order to identify problems in a timely manner.

When do you need a doctor?

In most children, by 3–4 months, chin tremor goes away on its own and does not require active intervention. But you should worry if you notice that:

  • in a newborn, not only the chin, but the whole head trembles;
  • tremor lasts more than 30 seconds;
  • twitching occurs for no apparent reason, and the child is characterized by increased excitability;
  • shaking is too intense;
  • the tremor is not symmetrical (for example, one arm or leg trembles along with the chin);
  • Chin tremor at rest persists even after 4 months.

In this case, it is necessary to visit a pediatric neurologist as soon as possible to find out why the baby’s chin is shaking. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! Only a doctor, after a careful examination (and possibly additional examination), will be able to determine whether tremor needs to be treated, or whether it is simply the individual characteristics of the child’s nervous system.

Causes of pathological tremor

  • Mother's stress during pregnancy.
  • Fetal hypoxia (premature placental abruption and other pathologies, umbilical cord entanglement, prolonged labor, maternal anemia).
  • Intrauterine infections.
  • Threat of termination of pregnancy (miscarriage).
  • Hypoglycemia (blood sugar deficiency).
  • Hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency in the blood).
  • Hypomagnesemia (magnesium deficiency in the blood).
  • Withdrawal syndrome as a result of drug addiction or alcoholism of the mother.
  • Sepsis.
  • Intracranial hemorrhage.

In such cases, doctors most often recommend regular relaxing massage, gymnastics, swimming, warm baths with soothing herbs (melissa, mint, valerian). Massage is needed to calm the child’s nervous system, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems, improve lymph flow and blood circulation throughout the body (including the brain). Sometimes it is necessary to prescribe medications that stimulate the maturation of the nervous system, which in no case should be neglected. If you are concerned about your child's reaction to the medication, discuss it with your doctor immediately so they can suggest other treatment options, but do not decide to stop the course yourself.

If you contact a specialist in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations, as a rule, serious consequences can be avoided, and the tremor weakens or disappears within three months.

The baby’s nervous system is very malleable, therefore, the sooner you contact a specialist and begin the necessary treatment measures, the faster and easier it will recover.

Relaxing massage

A relaxing massage is useful not only for children with a shaky chin or increased tone - it will not hurt any healthy child. For tremors, doctors recommend contacting a massage therapist, although sometimes they allow mothers to carry out the procedure on their own (but it is still advisable to conduct the first session under the guidance of a specialist). It is recommended to start the course at 5–6 weeks from birth.

Rules for preparation and conduct

  • The room must be well ventilated and the optimum temperature must be established.
  • Fingernails should be cut short and filed. Pay attention to whether you have hangnails that could scratch baby's delicate skin.
  • Remove jewelry from fingers and wrists to avoid injuring your child.
  • Hands should be dry and warm.
  • Do the massage on a flat surface (floor, changing table) - a place that is familiar to your child so that he feels comfortable.
  • Be careful in the area of ​​the spine and liver, do not massage the area of ​​the mammary glands.
  • During the procedure, talk to your baby, smile at him, sing songs - this will enhance the healing effect and relieve boredom.
  • Choose a time when your child is in a good mood. It is best if the massage is carried out before bathing and an hour before feeding.
  • If you see that your baby is tired of the procedure or doesn’t like it, put it off.

For a massage to be effective, you need to master only 4 basic movements: stroking, vibration, kneading and rubbing. Begin and end the procedure with gentle strokes. The session should take 5-10 minutes so that the baby does not freeze, and the massage is always a pleasure.


  • Start the massage with the hands. Move from the periphery to the center, that is, from the hand to the shoulder, avoiding the elbow bend. Don't forget to gently massage each finger (to open your palm, lightly tap your fingertips on your baby's lower forearm).
  • Rib cage . Place your hands at the base of the baby's neck and perform downward and sideways movements (herringbone). The armpit is not massaged.
  • Tummy. Place the heel of your hand on your baby's pubic area and move your fingers in a clockwise direction. This will help you cope with intestinal colic easier.
  • Legs. Massage the legs is done in the same way as the arms - from bottom to top, from the foot to the hip joint. The front surface of the lower leg and the inner part of the thigh are not massaged. To massage the feet, grab the baby’s ankle joint and “draw” a “seven” and “eight” on his foot. Here you can also gently massage your fingers.
  • Backrest. Turn the baby over onto his stomach and make a few movements from bottom to top, and then a few more in a herringbone pattern.

Perform all movements 5–10 times. In addition to the main massage, during the day you can periodically do very light stroking of the face: on the eyebrows, wings of the nose and cheeks.

Massage helps not only strengthen the physical health of the baby, but also the emotional rapprochement of mother and child.

If you notice chin tremor, in any case, ask a specialist. You should not self-medicate. And finally, the main recommendation on what to do if a newborn’s chin is shaking is to remain calm! Monitor your child carefully and try to understand what might be bothering him. Pay attention to the weather - if there are any sudden changes in pressure. Try to analyze your baby's temperament and adjust his care - maybe he just doesn't have enough of your attention.


The vigilance and anxiety of many mothers sometimes goes off scale. When young parents notice that for some reason their infant’s chin is shaking, tremors appear in the arms and legs, they are seized with panic. Is there any real reason to worry?

Each person, under certain circumstances, noticed that his limbs were shaking. Most often this happens from strong excitement. As a result of hypothermia, tremors of the arms and legs occur, the lower jaw trembles, and when crying, the chin and lower lip tremble.

Why do infants often have shaking legs and trembling hands? Muscle twitching is the result of excessive stress, overstrain of the nervous system.

Trembling of the arms and legs, head, lower jaw, lips, which begins as a result of external influences (cold) or when crying, is not a pathological condition if it disappears when the external stimulus is eliminated.

Tremor in a newborn baby

As a rule, until the age of three months, the baby’s nervous system is imperfect, as a result of which one can observe how his leg twitches, his arms shake, and when he cries, his chin, lower lip, and jaw often tremble. It should be immediately noted that if these symptoms quickly disappear after the baby has calmed down, then there is no reason to worry.

Head tremors may indicate certain neurological disorders that require appropriate treatment from a neurologist or neurologist.

Causes of tremor in infants:

  1. Physiological immaturity of the baby’s nervous system.
  2. Premature pregnancy.
  3. Complications during childbirth, such as rapid or prolonged labor.
  4. Complications that arose during pregnancy: uterine hypertonicity, fetal hypoxia, etc.
  5. The stress that a mother experiences while carrying a child, her experiences, her fears. All this can affect the baby’s vulnerable nervous system.

As a rule, treatment is not required if:

  1. Tremors of the arms, legs, and chin are observed in the baby until he reaches the age of three months.
  2. The chin trembles when the baby cries.

When to sound the alarm

Parents of the baby should be alert if:

  1. The child’s hands and chin are not only shaking, but convulsive trembling of the whole body is also observed.
  2. Head tremor.
  3. The child's arms and legs are shaking for no apparent reason.
  4. The baby's general condition is alarming: he is lethargic, whiny, and sleeps poorly.
  5. As the child grows up, the tremor of the arms and legs does not go away and becomes more pronounced.

Having noticed these symptoms, you should rush to the doctor, who, after examining the baby, will be able to explain why the tremor is present.

No need to worry

Children grow by leaps and bounds. Every day there are noticeable changes in their development. The baby simply “outgrows” many of the symptoms. The nervous system matures, and, accordingly, tremors, regurgitation and other troubles remain behind.

  1. The baby's chin shakes before the age of three months.
  2. The baby quickly calms down, and the trembling immediately disappears.
  3. Against the background of trembling of the arms, legs, and chin, there is no disturbance in the general condition of the baby.
  4. There are no other neurological symptoms.
  5. The chin and lower lip tremble while crying.

What to do

As a rule, treatment of tremor in children under 3 months is not required, but it is necessary:

  • Monitor the baby's condition.
  • Analyze what factors cause the child’s hands, chin, lower lip, and jaw to shake.
  • Determine the presence or absence of other complications in the baby’s well-being, for example, sleep disturbances, tearfulness, mild excitability, trembling of the limbs and body for no apparent reason, etc.

  • Notify the treating pediatrician or family nurse that the baby’s arms or legs are trembling, and demand that the baby be examined by the appropriate specialists.
  • Create an atmosphere of calm and goodwill in the house, since the psychological microclimate in the family significantly affects the health of children.
  • Massages and warm baths will also be useful, provided that the baby accepts them with pleasure.

Treatment of tremor in infants is carried out by a neurologist. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe the necessary medications, monitor and, if necessary, adjust the baby’s treatment.

Children are born with an imperfect nervous system. This is expressed in trembling of the limbs or other parts of the body. In medicine, such symptoms are referred to as tremor - muscle spasms. They manifest themselves as slight twitching of the arms, legs, lips and chin. Young parents tend to panic when they see this phenomenon in their child. Let's look at the main causes of tremor. Should I contact a pediatrician? Does newborn tremor require treatment? Can parents bring their baby’s muscle tone back to normal on their own?

Newborn tremor is a physiological phenomenon that can greatly frighten young parents.

Authoritative children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky, whose opinion young mothers listen to, believes that trembling of the limbs, lips and chin in a newborn is a common phenomenon, depending on the state of the nervous system. It is she who bears a large load when the baby passes through the birth canal and rapidly improves in the first weeks of the baby’s life. Attentive parents monitor how the baby’s reflexes, excitability, and muscle tone change day by day. Of course, they will immediately notice that the child’s chin is shaking after sleep. Tremor is also possible with other reactions of the baby to the world around him:

  • loud sounds;
  • a bright flash of light;
  • Strong smell.

Also, the little person reacts to changes in body position, hunger, thirst, and uncomfortable air temperature. Pediatricians believe that muscle twitching is a normal reaction that completely disappears with age.

Trembling of the chin, lips, involuntary twitching of the arms and legs stops by 4 months of age; less often, tremor persists in an excitable child up to 1 year of age. Thus, the physiological condition when a newborn’s chin and lips shake at an early age does not require medical intervention and should not cause concern to parents.

A loud sound or bright light can greatly frighten the baby - the body will react to this with a tremor

Causes of “normal” tremor

So, we have defined the concept of the baby’s physiological (normal) state, when muscle contractions occur in response to an external stimulus. Let's figure out why a baby develops tremors and twitching limbs:

  1. Imperfection of the central nervous system. Brain centers that are not sufficiently developed send an inadequately strong impulse to the motor centers when irritating factors occur. In response, the baby's arms and legs shake. This reaction is observed in almost half of newborns, as noted by Dr. Komarovsky. In premature babies, tremor is observed at night, when the baby wakes up, when crying and feeding, but the nervous system quickly returns to order. At 3 months of age, movements become conscious, the trembling of the lips and chin stops, the child does not shake his head or jerk his arms randomly.
  2. Disruptions of the endocrine system lead to the release of norepinephrine into the blood by the adrenal glands. This hormone causes tension in the muscles of the arms, less often the legs.
  3. Tremor after sleep - the baby’s fragile nervous system cannot quickly switch the body from a state of rest to wakefulness. He wakes up, cries, and there is slight trembling of the limbs.

Conclusion: the central nervous system reacts with increased excitability in response to physical or emotional stress. This is followed by a motor reaction in the form of tremor of the chin, lower lip, and limbs. By the age of 1 year, when the nervous and endocrine systems improve, these signs completely disappear. Pediatricians believe that up to 3 months the baby does not require symptomatic treatment; it is enough to correct the behavioral model.

Children are shown several manipulations aimed at relaxing muscles and creating a calm environment in the home. Parents should heed the following advice:

  • Do special gymnastics with your baby every day aimed at relaxing muscles;
  • light stroking massage movements are pleasant for the baby and have a calming effect on him;
  • let a soft, gentle melody sound in the children's room;
  • the beneficial effect of water on the fragile nervous system - bathe your baby in a bath with herbal infusions, in the pool;
  • teach your baby to clench his fists by giving him your fingers;
  • establish tactile contact with the baby, rock him before bed, hug him before feeding;
  • do not calm the child down while he is crying with rattle toys, just take him in your arms and rock him;
  • walk outside more often, ventilate the bedroom, do not overheat the child;
  • carry out hardening procedures;
  • Follow your daily routine and sleep schedule.

See a doctor urgently!

It is noted that by 2-3 months the physiological tremor in newborns disappears - the nervous system is strengthened, the endocrine glands begin to work adequately. A neurologist should be contacted immediately when a child exhibits the following signs:

  • not only the limbs, lower lip and chin shake, but also the head, tongue, jaw, eyelids, and trunk muscles - regardless of age and irritating factors;

If tremor is observed not only on the chin, limbs and lower lip, you should urgently undergo a medical examination
  • tremor of the limbs lasts longer than half a minute;
  • the child is restless, characterized by increased excitability and a violent reaction to external stimuli;
  • asymmetrical trembling of body parts - for example, one leg or arm trembles along with the lower lip;
  • chin shakes when at rest;
  • tremor appears after 1 year;
  • the shaking is too intense.

Unusual symptoms should alert parents and prompt them to consult a doctor. Only a specialist, after a comprehensive examination, can prescribe appropriate treatment and give recommendations to parents on care and therapy.

Causes of pathology

Prolonged tremor of the limbs and chin depends on the intrauterine development of the fetus. The following factors lead to pathology:

  • infections and intoxication of the body of a pregnant woman (alcoholism, drug addiction);
  • stress, threat of miscarriage;
  • sepsis;
  • placental abruption;
  • intracranial hemorrhage;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • deficiency of calcium, magnesium, glucose in the blood;
  • withdrawal symptoms of alcohol, drugs, and psychotropic drugs cause withdrawal symptoms in pregnant women.

The cause of tremor may be intoxication of the pregnant woman’s body or abrupt withdrawal of stimulants after prolonged use.

Pathological tremor occurs not only in a state of motor activity, but also in a state of rest, when the baby just wakes up. The pathology negatively affects the general condition of the baby: it leads to refusal of food, sleep disturbances, tearfulness, and irritability. Often the baby begins to have hysterics and cry for a long time. If you notice symptoms of severe pathology, immediately contact a pediatric consultation. The neurologist will prescribe specific treatment and recommend a number of restorative procedures:

  • light massage;
  • gymnastics;

These procedures, carried out regularly, strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular system, as well as the endocrine system, ensuring good blood flow to all tissues of the body. As a rule, improvement in the condition occurs provided that all medical prescriptions are followed. Under no circumstances should you stop taking medication on your own if you notice an improvement in your baby’s condition. Only a specialist can cancel the appointment, and it directly depends on the parents how quickly the nervous system returns to normal. An atmosphere of love in the family, attention to the baby, affection, games and care will very quickly give a positive result.

Gymnastic exercises help develop the nervous system

Revitalizing massage

The role of massage in promoting health is great: it is indicated not only for tremor of the chin and limbs, but also for all healthy babies. When a child is diagnosed with pathological tremor, pediatricians recommend that procedures be performed by a professional massage therapist. Another option is to teach parents simple techniques and perform the first procedures under the supervision of a specialist. Subsequently, armed with knowledge, mothers can massage the tiny body on their own.

What parents need to know at the preparatory stage

You have mastered the techniques of massaging your baby under the patronage of a specialist and can perform manipulations at home, in a familiar environment for your baby. Prepare for the massage:

  1. The room should have a comfortable temperature for a naked body. Before the massage, ventilate the room and dim the bright lights.
  2. For manipulation, choose a flat surface on which the baby will lie. It is more convenient to use the changing table.
  3. Choose a time for massage when the child is in a good mood. Usually - before water procedures, 1 hour before feeding. If the baby is capricious during the session, stop manipulation.
  4. Prepare your hands: cut your nails short, file the edges, and make sure there are no hangnails. Lubricate your brushes with nourishing cream and warm your fingers.
  5. Strengthen tactile sensations with a gentle voice. For example, say a tactile little rhyme: “Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers, the train was late…”

For a massage to be effective, you need to master the basic movements: stroking, vibration, kneading and rubbing. Begin and end the procedure with gentle strokes. The session should take 5-10 minutes so that the baby does not freeze and the massage is enjoyable.

The result of home massage highly depends on environmental conditions and proper preparation of parents

Massage technique

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on mastering the basic techniques: stroking, rubbing, vibration, kneading the muscles. The manipulation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Start the massage with gentle stroking. Handles first: from the fingertips to the armpit, bypassing the elbow area. Stretch each finger by squeezing them into fists. Lightly “run” your fingertips along the lower area of ​​your forearm.
  2. When working on the chest, make a “herringbone pattern”: movements from top to bottom and to the sides. Do not touch the armpit - large lymph nodes pass through there.
  3. The tummy is massaged with the same movements as for stomach colic - clockwise with gentle touches from the pubis.
  4. The legs are massaged along the blood flow: from the fingertips to the hip joint. At the same time, go around the front surface of the shin and the inner surface of the thigh. Fix your foot in the ankle joint area and draw a figure eight on it with jerky movements. Stretch each toe by squeezing and unclenching them.
  5. The back, like the chest, is massaged in a herringbone pattern. The beginning of movements is from bottom to top.

Repeat each massage technique up to 10 times. Finish the procedure with gentle stroking of the skin. In a playful way, lightly stroke your face: along the brow ridges, wings of the nose, chin. You can lightly pinch the cheeks while entertaining the child with rhymes or a song. This procedure can be done several times a day, depending on the baby’s mood. Try to massage your baby's body regularly, finishing it with a bath in a warm bath with herbal infusion - chamomile, valerian, peppermint.

By observing the development of the baby and its behavior, you will successfully cope with the physiological tremor of the limbs. In collaboration with a pediatric neurologist, and meticulously following all the recommendations, you will overcome pathological tremor by the second year of your baby’s life.