Greenish discharge during pregnancy. What should the discharge be like? Watery and mucous discharge during pregnancy

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With the onset of pregnancy, everything begins to change. And these changes concern not only your inner world and your perception of the environment, but also the functioning of your body. As soon as fertilization has occurred, all organs and systems of the expectant mother are faced with the primary task of safely bearing and giving birth to a child. The circulatory, endocrine, respiratory and all other systems begin to function in an enhanced mode, protecting the fetus primarily from the mother’s body itself, from rejection by the immune system.

information During this period, the expectant mother is in a state of physiological immunosuppression, due to an increase in the function of the pituitary gland and its production of adrenocorticotropic hormone. An increase in the level of which is also associated with its additional production by the placenta and an increase in the sensitivity of the mother’s body to the already existing amount of this hormone. Its main function is to control the functioning of the adrenal glands, where the so-called mineralocorticoid hormones are synthesized. They lead to a decrease in immunity, due to which fetal rejection does not occur during pregnancy.

Thus, it often turns out that a woman’s body, having directed all its protective forces to protect the fetus, remains defenseless against many external factors. That's why it's so easy to catch a cold, get cystitis and earn money. There are plenty of entry points for harmful infections in the body. One of them is the mucous membrane of the genital organs. During pregnancy, its blood supply and the amount of secretion produced increases significantly. Fine Discharge from the genital tract at this time may become larger in quantity, change consistency, while remaining transparent or whitish, without an unpleasant odor or sensation. There should be no itching, burning or other discomfort.

Green discharge during pregnancy is pathological and requires contacting a gynecologist. The reasons for their formation are different and depend on the period, but basically they are all associated with infection.

Green discharge during pregnancy: what could it be?

Possible causes their appearance in the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • This is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Most often the cause is an infectious factor (chlamydia, trichomonas, gonorrhea, ureomycoplasma, streptococci).

Additional examination is required: smear for flora, vaginal culture with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics, test for STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

Based on the results of all tests, treatment should be prescribed.

  • Cervicitis- This is an inflammatory process in the cervix.

Yellow and green discharge during pregnancy are often its symptoms.

additionally You should definitely be sent to the cervical pathology office for a colposcopy. This is a special examination using a colposcope. It is somewhat similar to a microscope and allows you to carefully examine the cervix at the required magnification.

It is also necessary to pass all tests, as with colpitis.

In the early stages, treatment is difficult due to the side effects of many drugs on the fetus. In any case, you should not self-medicate; consultation with a doctor is required.

  • Bacterial vaginosis– imbalance between normal and pathological microflora in the vagina.

This is not an infectious disease and is not transmitted sexually. Men cannot get this disease. Often the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant fishy odor, itching, burning, and bubbling. The number of beneficial milk bacteria - lactobacilli - decreases, and the pH of the vaginal secretion changes. In a general flora smear, specific markers are found - “key cells”.

  • Frozen fetus and threat of miscarriage.

Often their symptoms are greenish discharge during pregnancy. This can happen when the infection has already overcome the protective barriers of the external genitalia and has affected the fetus. Urgent hospitalization in a hospital is required.

Green discharge during pregnancy second trimester appear for the same reasons as in the first. The examination and treatment tactics are the same.

Green discharge during late pregnancy

In the third trimester to the above reasons the following may be added:

  • Chorioamnionitis is an inflammation of the membranes, which often leads to damage to the amniotic fluid and infection of the fetus.

Often accompanied by a rise in temperature, inflammatory changes in general (increase in leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

Urgent hospitalization in a hospital is required.

  • It can also occur in later stages discharge of green amniotic fluid.

Their coloring indicates acute or chronic hypoxia. Additional monitoring of the condition of the fetus during labor is required.

important From all of the above, it becomes clear that green discharge during pregnancy is pathological, and the reasons for its appearance pose a serious threat to the mother and child. Therefore, if they appear at any time, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Normal discharge during pregnancy

After the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, the pregnant woman’s body begins to adapt to her new position. Due to the increased content of progesterone in the first weeks of pregnancy, the production of mucus by the endometrial glands increases, due to which it softens and swells. This protects the fertilized egg from damage. A whole network of new blood vessels grows, feeding the fetus through the placenta. The amount of mucus produced by the glands of the cervical canal of the cervix increases. This creates a barrier to infection. The discharge becomes more intense.

At first, they have the same appearance as in the second phase of the cycle: the mucus is thick and has a beige tint. By 7-8 weeks, leucorrhoea becomes more liquid, due to the fact that the estrogen content in a woman’s body increases sharply. The placenta begins to produce them. Estrogens are involved in the process of preparing the mammary glands for lactation, and also ensure the development and growth of the fetus. Liquefaction of mucus facilitates the subsequent passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

Abundant liquid discharge is considered normal during pregnancy if it is not brightly colored, does not have an unpleasant odor, and does not cause discomfort in the woman’s genitals. The appearance of a faint yellowish or greenish tint is not necessarily a sign of disease.

A tint may appear if mucus mixes with urine. It turns greenish when a pregnant woman takes some medications (for example, vitamins). Green dye is found in some products (confectionery, food additives).

Discharge of this color also appears when using cosmetics for the care of the genitals (allergies or inflammation of the mucous membrane). The cause of the anomaly may be the use of synthetic underwear.

During pregnancy, the discharge may turn green after sexual intercourse.

If the greenish color does not disappear, they acquire an unusual odor, and cause discomfort, then the pregnant woman must inform the doctor about this and undergo an examination.

What pathologies do green discharge indicate?

The reason for the appearance of green discharge during this period may be:

  • diseases of the genital organs (inflammatory and infectious);
  • violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora (dysbacteriosis);
  • injuries to the external genitalia;
  • pregnancy pathologies.

Inflammatory diseases

The greenish color of the leucorrhoea is due to impurities of pus. Chronic diseases may have existed even before pregnancy. After its onset, the immune system weakens sharply. This is a natural process that prevents rejection of the fetus as a foreign organism. Weakening of the immune defense contributes to the development of pathogens and often causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina (colpitis) or cervix (cervicitis).

Warning: During pregnancy, you should not self-medicate for these or any other diseases. This leads to the spread of the inflammatory process into the uterine cavity, infection of the fetus and its death. Mechanical impact on the cervix during douching or other manipulations in the vagina causes miscarriage.

With colpitis and cervicitis, discharge during pregnancy is green or yellowish and has an unpleasant odor. Diseases spread to the urinary system. Urination becomes frequent and painful, and the temperature may rise.

Infectious diseases

The cause of the disease may be an exacerbation of a chronic infection, the pathogens of which were dormant in the body. Their development is provoked by a weakening of the immune defense.

Some types of infectious diseases can be contracted both sexually and through household contact. Such diseases include thrush. Decreased immunity can provoke the proliferation of Candida fungus, especially when a woman takes antibiotics. Discharge from thrush is usually white and cheesy. Their irritating effect on the mucous membranes leads to an inflammatory process and the appearance of a green tint.

The appearance of a bright greenish-yellow color in the discharge in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) is especially characteristic. These include, for example:

  • trichomoniasis (foamy green or yellow discharge);
  • gonorrhea (purulent layered green-gray discharge);
  • chlamydia (yellow mucous purulent discharge with a green tint);
  • ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis (cause inflammatory processes in the vagina and cervix).

During pregnancy, it is important to carry out timely diagnosis and treatment, since such diseases cause infection of the fetus through amniotic fluid or during passage through the birth canal. Birth may occur prematurely. In addition, the likelihood of acute inflammation of the endometrium (endometritis) and further spread of the process into the tubes and ovaries after childbirth increases. Leucorrhoea in these diseases usually has an unpleasant odor, causes itching and burning in the external genitalia, and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Video: Why thrush is dangerous during pregnancy. Is it necessary to undergo treatment during this period?

Vaginal dysbiosis

This is not a disease, but a condition that contributes to the occurrence of infectious diseases (thrush, gardnerellosis). It is associated with the death of beneficial microflora as a result of weakened immunity, improper care of the genitals, taking antibiotics and some other medications. Bacterial vaginosis, as this condition is also called, is characterized by the appearance of liquid, foamy, dark yellowish-green discharge with a fishy odor.

Complications of pregnancy

Green discharge during pregnancy can be a symptom of dangerous complications, such as inflammation of the membranes, leakage of amniotic fluid. Such processes often cause fetal hypoxia and infection. A woman has a miscarriage or premature birth, and endometritis may occur. At the end of pregnancy, when greenish liquid discharge appears, the woman should urgently consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of diseases during pregnancy

By observing the nature of the discharge, we can make an assumption about the reason for its appearance:

  1. Light green discharge can occur with thrush. They have a consistency similar to cottage cheese.
  2. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, liquid light green discharge occurs when the membranes of the fetus are damaged and water leaks. There is no smell.
  3. Dark green discharge is a symptom of vaginal dysbiosis. The dark color is also given by blood impurities that enter the mucus from damaged vessels of the mucous membranes (with cervicitis, cervical erosion).
  4. Yellow-green, brightly colored discharge always appears as a result of inflammation or infection of the genital organs.
  5. Discharge with an unpleasant odor is also a sign of pathology. If they have a fishy odor, it is bacterial vaginosis. A sour smell indicates thrush. Discharge containing pus or blood impurities has an unpleasant odor.

To accurately diagnose diseases during pregnancy, a routine examination of the vagina is performed, as well as colposcopy, during which an additional device is used that illuminates the surface and magnifies the image.

A vaginal smear is taken for examination under a microscope, and a bacteriological analysis (culture) is performed to determine the type of bacteria. A general blood and urine test for leukocytes is done (to detect inflammatory processes). Blood tests are carried out for antibodies to various types of pathogens. To detect hidden infections, blood is examined using PCR.

If necessary, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed.

Video: Sexual infections during pregnancy, complications, doctor’s recommendations


When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the danger of pathologies that cause the appearance of green discharge during pregnancy, as well as the possibility of using various medications.

In the 1st trimester, the use of antibacterial and antifungal drugs orally is extremely undesirable, as it can affect the formation of organs and systems of the fetus. During this period, inflammatory and infectious diseases are treated with topical drugs (they are used in the form of suppositories, creams, ointments).

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the least toxic drugs approved for the treatment of pregnant women are used for internal use, and the minimum doses are prescribed. When prescribing antibiotics, antifungal agents (nystatin) as well as drugs with lactobacilli (Linex) are used simultaneously.

Products are used to strengthen the placenta, which produces substances that protect the fetus from infection. Such medications include drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolism, and vitamins.

Doctors warn about the dangers of self-medication during pregnancy (with folk remedies or, especially, medications not prescribed by a specialist). If, in the presence of green discharge, nagging pain in the lower abdomen appears, pain in the vagina, and the temperature rises, then you should visit a doctor immediately.

Normally, vaginal discharge, its character, color, consistency, is constantly changing. Experts associate such transformations with changes occurring at the hormonal level. The scarcity and abundance, thinning and discoloration of vaginal discharge is influenced by which blood hormones become predominant at the current stage.

To find out the exact cause of changes in the secretion, it is often necessary to undergo an examination. You should be especially careful about your health if you have green discharge during pregnancy.

What types of discharge do pregnant women have?

Pregnancy is a very important stage in the life of any woman. The body begins to undergo restructuring and preparation for increased work. All organs and systems of the expectant mother change, preparing to bear a strong and healthy child. In particular, the hormonal, circulatory, vascular, respiratory, muscular systems, as well as tissues located on the abdomen and bones, are subject to changes.

Small vaginal discharge indicates the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. At the moment the egg is fertilized and fixed in the uterus, the body begins to produce a large amount of a special secretion. It is this that leads to the formation of a mucus plug. It helps protect the child developing inside the mother’s body from infection by various viruses that threaten him from the outside.

Day by day, more and more mucus is produced. If light, transparent or slightly yellowish discharge appears from the genitals throughout pregnancy, then there is no need to worry about this. This is normal.

You should be wary if ichor or blood particles appear in the vaginal area, especially in the first trimester. In most cases, the appearance of blood during this period means that the pregnancy was terminated and the child died. Sometimes expectant mothers mistake blood cells for menstrual symptoms. If you are in doubt about the cause of vaginal discharge, it is better to consult a doctor to reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion.

If a white cheesy liquid appears in the last trimester (at 35 weeks), then this is one of the signs of thrush. The disease must be treated to prevent the risk of infection of the child during childbirth. Candidiasis (popular name - thrush) can be caused by excessive use of antibiotic drugs, as well as exacerbation of the disease during the period of hormonal surge caused by pregnancy. Thrush is accompanied by burning and itching in the area of ​​the genitourinary organs.

If thick gray or yellow-brownish discharge from the vagina is detected, this most likely indicates infection with sexually transmitted infections. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist who will prescribe appropriate therapy. But self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

The specialist in this video will talk about discharge that should alert women:

Is green discharge dangerous?

Not all women's bodies work like clockwork. Sometimes girls, along with the joy of pregnancy, discover problems in the form of greenish or bright yellow discharge. Along with this, unpleasant sensations often arise in the form of itching or burning in the perineal area. In addition, the secretion becomes more abundant, smells unpleasant, and interferes with leading a normal lifestyle.

There is no need to panic; you should consult a gynecologist by visiting an antenatal clinic. He will help determine the cause of the manifestations that caused the excitement and prescribe a medicine that will not cause other pathologies and complications that are extremely undesirable before childbirth.

Nature of green discharge

Greenish vaginal discharge has the following characteristics:

  1. The inflammatory process in the area of ​​the ovaries and fallopian tubes can be judged after the appearance of dark green (sometimes gray) mucous fluid. In addition, dark green discharge indicates that a pus-like substance is accumulating in the genitals as a result of bacterial infection.
  2. Vaginal dysbiosis that arose during pregnancy is indicated by streaks of light green discharge that smells like fish. The development of an acute vaginal infectious process is indicated by a greenish mucus-like substance. Sometimes the substances are watery or look like snot.
  3. The appearance of a pale green secretion indicates the development of an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear materials. The body sometimes reacts in a similar way to panty liners and hygiene products. If these irritants are removed, then the signs of ill health disappear spontaneously.
  4. The development of genitourinary infections (gonorrhea, syphilitic manifestations) during pregnancy is indicated by the appearance of copious green discharge.

Causes of green discharge during pregnancy

There are a large number of reasons why green discharge appears like snot. They have slight differences in early and late stages.

In the early stages

In the first trimester, green discharge occurs for the following reasons:

  1. The development of colpitis, which is an inflammatory process that develops in the mucous membranes of the vaginal area. The disease is caused by various infections, including gonorrhea, streptococci, trichomonas, ureomycoplasma, chlamydia.
  2. The development of gonorrhea is indicated by pain and burning in the genitourinary area, followed by the appearance of white-yellow or greenish pus. Over time, they intensify, causing swelling of the external genitalia and affecting the entire uterus.
  3. Trichomoniasis occurs without any symptoms, and the appearance of green discharge is caused by vaginal irritation.
  4. Chlamydia occurs with almost no symptoms, sometimes with discomfort and itching. At this time, purulent, cloudy greenish mucus-like substances come from the vagina.
  5. The occurrence of cervitis, which is an inflammatory process that develops in the cervix.
  6. The appearance of bacterial vaginosis, accompanied by fluid with an unpleasant fishy odor. There is an itching, burning sensation. At the same time, discharge is visible, plastic, like plasticine.
  7. Indication of a frozen pregnancy and threat of termination. This means that the infectious process has overcome the protection offered by the external genitalia, causing infection of the fetus.

In the later stages

At a later stage, in addition to the above reasons, pregnancy can be terminated:

  1. Chorioamnionitis is an inflammation that develops in the membranes of the fetus, which affects the amniotic fluid and infects the fetus, leading to its death. This phenomenon often causes pathology even at 9 months of pregnancy.
  2. Due to the outpouring of water around the fetus. Most often, greenish-colored water flows from 34 weeks and later.

Treatment options

After taking tests that show that everything is in order, you should take the tests again at the end of the term, which will prevent the risk of infection of the child during labor. This can be done up to 36 weeks, since at a later date the baby can be born at any time.

If, along with green discharge, lingering or sharp pain in the genital area appears or clots of mucus appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. After conducting the necessary research, he will tell you what the cause was and prescribe the drug that will effectively and quickly eliminate all the symptoms that have arisen. Usually medications are prescribed after 20 weeks. Such a delay is necessary so that the baby gets stronger and can withstand all therapeutic measures.

The doctor prescribes probiotics and antibiotics in the last trimester. If you ignore the doctor’s recommendations, you can cure one disease and acquire another. For example, thrush may appear. The disease is eliminated quickly and effectively after using duphaston, reviews of which are entirely positive. The use of suppositories and ointments only temporarily relieves symptoms. A few weeks before giving birth (in the third trimester), the doctor may prescribe medications that are no longer capable of harming the baby. If you ignore thrush and do not treat it at 37 weeks, the baby may become infected during childbirth.

If tests show the absence of infection in the body, then you should change your personal hygiene products. You can replace them with baby soap or care products that are designed specifically for expectant mothers.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the risk of greenish discharge, you must follow some rules:

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with abstinence from alcoholic beverages, smoking and drugs.
  2. Do not eat fatty and salty foods.
  3. Timely treatment of diseases developing in the digestive tract.
  4. Careful selection of sexual partners.
  5. Avoidance of promiscuity of a sexual nature.
  6. Having pelvic exams twice a year, even if there are no signs of concern.
  7. Pregnancy planning.

Most experts believe that the best method of preventing problems during pregnancy is its competent and complete planning. A special treatment will help you recover from long-standing chronic diseases that impede a healthy pregnancy. plant complex based on herbs " Seraphim's Gathering". This is a safe, proven and doctor-approved remedy that has a positive effect on all body systems.


The reason for the appearance of green secretion should be known to every expectant mother. You won’t be able to decide on it yourself. When the first signs appear, it is worth contacting a special medical institution, and not engaging in self-diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications and will quickly and effectively eliminate all signs of the disease.

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body. First of all, the reproductive sphere reacts to fluctuations in hormonal levels. Various discharges from the genital tract appear - from whitish-gray to yellow-green. Should I be concerned if these symptoms appear?

Normally, 7 days after conception, blood flow in the genitals of a pregnant woman increases. Moderate or heavy mucous discharge occurs. They are always transparent and odorless, and are not accompanied by itching or burning. There is no need to be afraid: such discharge is considered completely normal during pregnancy. As a rule, they decrease significantly after 12-14 weeks. In some women, copious mucous discharge persists until childbirth.

What does green discharge mean during pregnancy?

You should be concerned if the discharge turns green or yellow-greenish or acquires an unpleasant odor. If you experience itching, burning or pain during urination, you should also consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate the development of an infection in the genital tract, which means treatment cannot be avoided. What pathogens can cause the inflammatory process?


The causative agent of the infection is gonococcus. The disease is transmitted through sexual and household contact. Gonococci prefer to settle on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, as well as in the urethra. With the development of inflammation, abundant thick greenish discharge appears from the genital tract. Characterized by itching, burning in the vagina, pain when urinating.

Gonococcal infection during pregnancy can lead to damage to the placenta. Against this background, premature rupture of amniotic fluid and premature birth often occur. Infection of the fetus is possible both during pregnancy and at the time of birth. In newborns, the mucous membrane of the eyes, pharynx and genital tract is most often affected. The development of meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) and sepsis is possible.


The disease is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. When an infection develops, copious foamy yellow-green discharge appears from the genital tract of a pregnant woman. Vaginal discharge has a strong unpleasant odor and is accompanied by itching and burning. When the urinary tract is damaged, severe pain occurs when urinating.

Trichomonas infection, if not treated in time, can cause infection of the fetus. Infection of the baby can also occur during childbirth. Newborn girls suffer most from Trichomonas. Some of them develop vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) 5-7 days after birth.


Chlamydial infection is asymptomatic in most cases. Some pregnant women may experience mild yellow-green discharge from the genital tract. Chlamydia usually makes itself felt in the early stages, leading to spontaneous miscarriage. In the second half of pregnancy, intrauterine infection of the fetus is possible with damage to the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Nonspecific colpitis and cervicitis

Not only pathogenic microorganisms can cause inflammation of the vagina (colpitis) and cervix (cervicitis). In the genital tract of every woman live bacteria, fungi and protozoa, which make up the normal microflora. Under normal conditions, these microorganisms exist safely next to lactobacilli and do not interfere with each other. When immunity decreases during pregnancy, an inflammatory process develops. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Gardnarella, Candida fungi - they all actively multiply in the vagina and cervical canal. The normal biocenosis of the genital tract is disrupted, which leads to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.

With a nonspecific infection, vaginal discharge may be yellow or yellow-green. The discharge is usually odorless. Itching and burning in the vagina do not always occur. All these symptoms are variable and rather nonspecific, so the clinical picture alone is not enough to make a diagnosis. To find out the exact cause of inflammation, a more thorough examination is required.

Diagnosis of genital tract infections during pregnancy

The following methods are used to identify the pathogen:

  • survey smear of vaginal and urethral discharge;
  • bacteriological culture of the contents of the cervical canal;
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction;
  • enzyme immunoassay and other serological methods.

All these methods are completely safe for the expectant mother and do not affect the condition of the fetus. Each of these examination methods can be used from the early stages of pregnancy.

Treatment of genital tract infections during pregnancy

Once the causative agent of the infection is identified, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial therapy. This cannot be done without special medications. Green discharge during pregnancy is a clear sign of an inflammatory process. If the disease is not cured in time, microorganisms will travel through the bloodstream to the child and lead to the development of serious diseases.

Expectant mothers should not be afraid of antibacterial therapy. The selection of drugs is carried out taking into account the duration of pregnancy. All products used to treat pregnant women have undergone clinical trials and are found safe for the fetus. Some drugs have time restrictions and are used only in the second half of pregnancy.

Antibiotics by mouth or injection are prescribed after 14-16 weeks of pregnancy. In the first trimester, antibacterial agents are used only for serious indications. The duration of treatment ranges from 5 to 15 days and depends on the severity of the disease. The choice of antibiotic and its dosage are determined by the doctor and depend on the identified pathogen.

To eliminate copious greenish discharge from the genital tract local medications are prescribed. In the first trimester, this may be Fluomizin, Hexicon or other vaginal suppositories. In the second half of pregnancy, the choice of drugs will be much larger. Local therapy lasts from 6 to 14 days. With the right remedy, the symptoms of the disease subside already on the third day from the start of treatment.

Do not interrupt the course of therapy! Even if discharge from the genital tract no longer bothers you, you should complete all treatment to the end. Otherwise, pathogens that have not been completely destroyed will return and begin to multiply with renewed vigor. In this case, microorganisms will become resistant to the antibiotics taken, which means that it will be quite difficult to recover from the infectious disease.

Expectant mothers should know that during pregnancy there should be no green discharge from the genital tract. While clear and yellowish discharge may be normal, green discharge is always a sign of a serious infection. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor.

A woman's body undergoes transformation throughout the menstrual cycle. Mood, hormonal levels, and discharge change. Even body weight may differ. All this is physiology and has no deviations from the norm. But often representatives of the fairer sex are tormented by colors. They can be slimy, thick, creamy or mixed with curd masses and foam. in such cases it is an additional alarming symptom. Women are especially concerned about the color of discharge during pregnancy. What to do if in the early stages a woman detects mucus of an unusual color? Is it dangerous? This article will help you answer this question. You will also find out why yellow-green discharge appears during pregnancy.

Physiology: conception and plug formation

Discharge during pregnancy (in the early stages) especially often frightens women. But there is no need to panic; in most cases, all these phenomena turn out to be normal. Immediately after the fertilized cell attaches to the wall of the reproductive organ, active thickening of the mucus begins in the lumen of the cervical canal. In this place, discharge will accumulate throughout the entire nine months. Before birth, the lump will come out in the amount of two tablespoons.

The mucus that has not collected in the birth canal is expelled. That is why an observant woman can detect unusual things during pregnancy. In the early stages, they should be alarmed only when an unpleasant odor and unusual consistency are added. In any case, the expectant mother will soon have a visit to the gynecologist, during which she needs to talk about disturbing manifestations.

Taking medications, hormones

Doctors warn: do not listen to the advice of friends and experienced acquaintances; if you have the slightest doubt, contact a medical institution. Only then can you be absolutely sure of the normal course of pregnancy.


All expectant mothers become suspicious. Often, ordinary and normal vaginal discharge is mistaken for pathology by the woman herself. As a result, panic begins. With unnecessary worries, you can cause additional harm to your condition. So don't get lost in guesswork. If you experience unusual discharge or other concerning symptoms, go to the doctor and clear up your doubts. The doctor will be able to clearly determine whether the existing signs are a pathology or whether it is not as dangerous as it seems. Have an easy pregnancy, don’t get sick!