What's happening 8. A common question from women in early pregnancy: are microwave ovens dangerous for the expectant mother and baby? What foods should an expectant mother avoid?

For a wedding

8 obstetric week is the 6th week from conception, as well as the 8th week from the beginning last menstrual period. The second month of pregnancy is coming to an end. During this time, the embryo has done a colossal job of laying down the main organs and systems, and this work continues day and night! Now the formed organs are rapidly developing, and some are already functioning by this time.

Embryo dimensions

What does an embryo look like?

If you could look inside your body, you would see a large head, and on it there are dark spots in the places where the eyes and nostrils began to form, there are the outlines of a mouth. Wide-set eyes (more precisely, their rudiments), located on both sides of the head, come closer to each other. Now they look simply huge in relation to other organs. The size of the head prevails over the body. A man's face appears.

At 6 fetal week development - the outer ear buds are noticeable. The upper and lower limbs become distinctly different. The arms are ahead of the legs in their development. The arms and legs look like buds or buds. The hands and feet resemble small oars. Carpal and elbow zones appear on the hands of the embryo. Fingers have also begun to form, but so far only on the hands, and by the end of this week, the beginning of the next, on the legs. At this stage, the embryo can already bend and straighten its neck and move its head to the sides.

Embryo development

  • This week marks the beginning of hematopoiesis in the liver.

  • Rapid development of the nervous system continues. The brain and spinal cord begin to separate, the structure becomes more complex nerve cells, the cerebellum begins to differentiate. Nerve cells are dividing and brain neurons are connecting, so make every effort to ensure that nothing negatively affects the formation of the nervous system.

  • The baby's heart is functioning. The baby's heart rate is from 100 to 160 beats per minute - almost 2 times faster than the mother's - and blood is already circulating throughout the tiny body. With the help of an ultrasound scanner, you can already hear the beating of a tiny heart.

  • By the end of the sixth week, pigment begins to appear in the retinal cells.

  • The thymus gland is formed, which begins to be populated with lymphocytes of the embryo.

  • At this stage, sexual differentiation of the fetus occurs. If there is no Y chromosome in its chromosome set, then the previously formed gonad (sex cell) develops into the ovary.

  • Depending on the sex of the fetus, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, or ovaries begin to form. The formation of female genital organs occurs against the background of maternal estrogens.

  • At the end of the fifth - beginning of the sixth week (7–8 weeks from the date of the last menstruation), the testicles of the male fetus begin to synthesize testosterone. This hormone is the main androgen and directly stimulates the development of the vas deferens. By influencing the urogenital area of ​​the fetus, testosterone forms the external genitalia. The prostate, testicles, and seminal vesicles are formed; on the contrary, the absence of the male hormone leads to the development of the female phenotype.

  • Scientists suggest that the influence of unfavorable factors during this period of pregnancy can lead to deviations in the sexual differentiation of the brain, which can subsequently change sexual orientation person.

  • The amniotic cavity grows, in which fluid accumulates and the embryo floats freely in it, making its first movements.

  • The formation of cartilage tissue occurs, which will continue throughout the second month of pregnancy. The chest begins to form.

  • The formation of utero-embryonic blood circulation occurs.

Good to know
At the 8th week of pregnancy, intensive development of the placenta continues. It is a special special organ that is responsible for nutrition, breathing, hormone production and protection of the child.

What happens in a woman's body

Despite the absence of a still-grown belly, your old clothes are becoming increasingly tight, your favorite jeans may already be difficult to meet at the waist.

Your uterus is actively growing and is now the size of an apple. You may feel slight contractions, like before your period. Now an important organ for you and the baby is growing in your body - the placenta. With its help, the baby will receive everything he needs. nutrients, water, hormones, and oxygen.

The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, increasing urination.


In the second month of pregnancy, filled blue venous nodes may appear on a woman’s legs, visible through the skin. This suggests that the load on the body is gradually increasing, and to avoid varicose veins, expectant mother you should wear tight socks, do physical exercise, eat more vegetables and fruits containing vitamins P and C. If a venous network appears on the legs, a woman should make it a rule to pour cold water on her legs 2-3 times a day.

Breast enlargement

This week your breasts have become larger, firmer and heavier. The circle around the nipple also darkened, and the pattern of blood vessels intensified. In addition, you will notice that nodules have appeared around your nipples - these are enlarged sweat glands.

Hormonal background

In a pregnant woman’s body, the content of progesterone becomes several times higher than before pregnancy. The action of this hormone is aimed at maintaining pregnancy - it relaxes the uterus, preventing it from contracting and creating comfortable conditions for the fetus. also in corpus luteum During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin begins to be produced. It relaxes the pelvic ligaments and cervix. While its concentration is still too low, but by the end of pregnancy it will be enough to ensure a slight divergence of the pelvic bones at the time of birth.

Also, under the influence of hormones, the condition of a woman’s skin often changes: sometimes it becomes more elastic and clear, has a healthier appearance, but for many, on the contrary, the skin becomes drier and more prone to flaking.

Painful sensations

Pain in the abdomen, lower back. Pain in the abdominal area by this time is not uncommon. But these pains should be clearly classified, because the nature of individual painful sensations may pose a danger to subsequent pregnancy. So, the stomach can hurt for several reasons: due to digestive disorders, due to stretching of the ligaments holding the uterus, as an alarming signal of a possible miscarriage.

Good to know

The uterus growing every day and the increasing number amniotic fluid, can cause pain in the pelvic, abdominal and lower back areas. This happens due to pressure from the enlarging uterus on the sciatic nerve. To avoid severe pain, it is recommended to lie on your side with your legs tucked in, this will relieve pressure on the nerve.


Thrush often occurs during this period. This is due to the fact that in order to protect the fetus from infections, the vaginal environment becomes very acidic, which is liked by candida fungi and can cause them to multiply. White, crumbly discharge and itching are its main manifestations. If the discharge is white or yellow, does not cause itching and there is not so much of it, then this is the norm.


Moderate vaginal discharge, light milky whitish in color, uniform consistency, with a slight sour odor, is considered normal for the eighth week of pregnancy. The biggest problem at this stage is the threat of miscarriage. Many women experience bloody or brown discharge at a given period of time, some people just smear, while others develop real bleeding. In any case, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Other warning symptoms include watery discharge, pain or a feeling of pulling in the lower back and abdomen.


The health of the expectant mother at 8 weeks of pregnancy may worsen somewhat. Primarily due to toxicosis, which intensifies at this period. The 8th week is usually marked by toxicosis reaching its “peak” - often women admit that they are almost accustomed to the nausea that constantly accompanies their day, to the “wild” antics of the body regarding food preferences, and the irritation that certain odors cause. Be patient, everything will pass in 12-16 weeks. Toxicosis can result in slight weight loss; some women even seem to become slimmer during pregnancy.

Monitor your condition when frequent vomiting that interferes with the absorption of food and liquid, consult a doctor immediately.

Emotional instability, irritability and tearfulness still remain relevant. There is just a little bit of patience left: another week or two and the condition will definitely return to normal, toxicosis will recede and the “golden time” will begin - the second trimester, a time of peace, full awareness of one’s inevitable motherhood, a time of enjoying one’s condition.

At 8 weeks pregnant, you may also have problems sleeping, especially if you are not comfortable or constantly have to get up to go to the toilet.

During the 8th week of pregnancy, the consumption of alcohol and nicotine is strictly prohibited, and heavy lifting should be avoided. In addition, you should carefully monitor your diet and make it as healthy and balanced as possible. Thinking about the health of the unborn child, a woman should reconsider her life routine and immediately give up all bad habits. During this period, the influence of any negative factors on the development of the child is very significant, in addition, they can worsen the condition of the expectant mother. Therefore, week 8 is included in the so-called “ critical period pregnancy."

If your skin has become oily and acne has appeared, you should not buy all kinds of anti-acne products. Not any of them can be used by pregnant women. To improve the condition of your skin, clean it 2-3 times a day with a disinfectant lotion or toner, do not use greasy creams, decorative cosmetics use as little as possible. In case of severe skin changes, consult a dermatologist.

The 8th week of pregnancy is a great time to choose a new bra. In 70% of women, the breasts have already enlarged, become heavier and require support. During your pregnancy, you will most likely need to change several sizes. It is best to choose a model without wires, but with wide straps and preferably made from natural fabrics. The chest should not be compressed under any circumstances.

If possible, relax more often, walk in the fresh air and enjoy life. Moreover, the woman is already fully aware of her new position; moreover, a certain focus of excitation is forming in the mother’s brain, which experts call the “dominant pregnancy.” This area in the cerebral cortex is intended to become the main “guide” of a woman during pregnancy, determining her reactions to protecting the child, directing thoughts in the direction of caring for herself and the unborn baby.

If you have insomnia, a 10-15 minute walk before bed in the company of your spouse will help relieve daytime stress and help you sleep better.

For pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the growing uterus, lie on the opposite side. This reduces the pressure of the uterus on the nerve.

From the 8th week of pregnancy, it is better to give up high heels, do not overwork, do not put a lot of stress on your legs, and raise them higher during rest. This is due to the increased risk of encountering varicose veins veins Try not to lift heavy objects, alternate between lying and sitting position. To avoid the process of blood collecting in certain areas, place small pillows under your feet before going to bed.

Some experts recommend having sex; this also has a positive effect and improves the well-being of a pregnant woman. The only time when it is not recommended to have sex is when high probability termination of pregnancy. Those women who are at risk of miscarriage should abstain from sexual activity in the first trimester of pregnancy, because the risk of causing miscarriage remains high. Absolutely healthy women can have sexual activity, but it is advisable to use a more gentle knee-elbow position for it in order to avoid dangerous pressure on the abdomen and uterus from the inside. To be completely confident in the safety of sex during this period of pregnancy, the expectant mother should consult on this issue with her doctor.

If you haven't seen your doctor yet, you should do so this week. It's time to register with antenatal clinic. You have probably already chosen a place and a specialist. It’s still better when your pregnancy is monitored by professionals.


Risk of possible adverse effects on the fetus medicines still exists, but takes a back seat to the risk of infectious diseases. Therefore, a woman needs to take care of her health no less than before. All previous recommendations remain in effect.

Now the risk of developing defects is high. During this period, abnormalities of the limbs may occur, such as syndactyly, polydactyly, clubfoot, congenital dislocation of the hip, and other organs are also vulnerable.

Frozen pregnancy also occurs at this stage. In general, abortion at the end of the second month has the highest risk than at any other period of gestation. Now medical intervention will be required, since the period is already quite long and it will be very difficult for the body to cope with the current situation on its own. Spontaneous abortion is not always complete and hospitalization is often required.

Ectopic fetal development is also often detected at this time. The main symptom of this problem is internal bleeding. As a rule, at this stage the fallopian tube is no longer able to accommodate the fertilized egg and ruptures. Blood pours into the stomach, which manifests itself in a state of shock and threatens the woman’s life. All these risks, of course, are scary, but doctors know how to help. With timely treatment, it is often possible to prevent the loss of a child. For example, the so-called retroplacental hematoma can be punctured under ultrasound control; if the fetus is alive, this will help maintain the pregnancy.

As you can see, the second month is the period when it is important to be extremely attentive to your health and pay attention to any changes in the body. Be careful with medications; if you have a cold or fever, do not prescribe treatment for yourself, consult a doctor.

After a month, the risk of losing the baby will practically disappear, and the condition of the expectant mother will return to normal, the main thing is to be patient.

Analyzes and examinations

From the beginning of the 8th week, you need to start undergoing examinations with doctors, such as an ophthalmologist, a dentist, an ENT specialist. In order to promptly identify any problems in the body that may affect the development of the child, and cure them in a timely manner.

If you had problems with the thyroid gland before pregnancy, then be sure to consult a doctor in the eighth week, because this is the period when the baby’s own thyroid gland begins to function. Your illness may cause your child to experience disruptions in its functioning, which will lead to serious problems. So it is imperative to contact an endocrinologist who will prescribe the necessary medications.

If your blood is negative Rh factor, and in the case of a positive father, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe medications for prevention, in order to avoid the risk of death and damage to the fetus.

And if you visited an obstetrician-gynecologist for the first time, you will be prescribed:

  • General urine analysis.

  • General blood analysis.

  • Blood chemistry.

  • Blood sugar test.

  • Blood test for infections: HIV, syphilis (Wassermann reaction), hepatitis (B and C).

  • Sexually transmitted diseases.

  • TORСH-complex.

They will conduct an examination with weighing, measurement of the pelvis and blood pressure.

This is described in more detail in previous weeks of ours.


The goals of performing an ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy, in particular at 8 weeks, is, first of all, to confirm the very fact of pregnancy, if this has not happened earlier. Moreover, it is the uterine one. The embryo must be in the uterine cavity and nowhere else. If he is present in any other place, most often in fallopian tubes ah, talk about outside intrauterine pregnancy. This condition requires urgent surgical intervention in order to eliminate the atypically entrenched ovum And developing embryo. Otherwise, the woman’s life will be in danger.

Scanning in the early stages allows you to accurately determine the period of development and find out the baby’s birthday. With its help, the location of the fetus and placenta is revealed, and the health of both the expectant mother and the unborn child is monitored. If non-serious diseases are diagnosed, appropriate treatment is prescribed. A forecast is given for upcoming birth. Indications for physiological or surgical delivery are formed.

The expectant mother's first visit to the ultrasound room usually occurs at 8 weeks. intrauterine development future child. By this time, almost always, the upcoming addition to the family has already been established. A woman does not menstruate on time, which sends her to the pharmacy for a test. Changes physiological state: mood changes, breast changes, common early toxicosis- morning sickness, change taste preferences. All this brings the woman to an appointment with a gynecologist, who confirms the pregnancy and prescribes specialized tests, including ultrasound.

On an ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is similar in size to a raspberry. He takes on an increasingly human appearance. A study carried out at week 8 allows you to determine the viability of the fetus. It is calculated based on the coccygeal-parietal size (the distance from the highest point of the baby's head to its coccygeal end), heart rate and motor activity.

The average linear dimensions of an embryo at 8 weeks of intrauterine development are 12–13 mm. The arms and legs lengthen, the membranes between the fingers are still preserved, and the elbow joints become visible. The child, although this is not visible on the scan, seems to be hugging himself. His arms and legs are already moving, but the amplitude and strength of the movement are so small that the expectant mother does not feel it yet. The amniotic (fetal) bladder, about 3 cm in diameter, filled with amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) produced by the baby’s kidneys and the amniotic sac, does not allow you to feel the baby’s movements.

With an ultrasound, you can see the developing eyes, covered with a skin fold, and the tip of the nose. By the 8th week of intrauterine development, the formation of the gonads (sex glands) is almost complete in the embryo. But ultrasound recognition of the sex of the unborn child is still difficult, although in some cases, already at 8 weeks, ultrasound shows what sex the fetus caused the current pregnancy. Whether it is testicles or ovaries - such a study cannot determine at such a time.

The neck becomes visible, the child can turn his almost fully formed head. In it, the cerebral hemispheres and the central sulcus separating them become distinguishable. Using devices with high resolution, it is possible to identify even large convolutions and distinguish the border of the transition of white matter into the cerebral cortex. At this point, the formation of all vital organs has been completed.

The 8th week of pregnancy makes it possible to hear a heartbeat on an ultrasound baby heart. It beats so often - at a rhythm of 155 beats per minute - that it gives the impression of a small motor working.

The average size of the uterus, outside of pregnancy, is comparable to the size of a woman’s clenched fist, coinciding with the average size of a healthy heart, increases to 12–13 cm, and its shape changes from pear-shaped to spherical. An ultrasound performed at 8 weeks of fetal development can detect a slight decrease in the elasticity of the walls of the uterine arteries and the expansion of these arteries. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy a greater blood supply to this organ is required with a slowdown in the speed of intravascular blood flow. This mechanism is aimed at providing a rapidly growing embryo (1 mm per day) with a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients.

A very serious pathology that ultrasound helps diagnose is hydatidiform mole. The reasons for its occurrence have not yet been clarified, but in nature it resembles a tumor-like growth. Increasing chorionic villi (the baby's place from which the placenta is formed), with expanding bubbles, quite quickly lead to the death of the fetus. At the same time, the ongoing process resembles a normally occurring pregnancy, which in fact no longer exists.

The news of pregnancy for every woman carries with it many different feelings and emotions. For some, it is long-awaited, desired, the news of it is joy and happiness for the whole family. There are cases when it is undesirable for a number of reasons, but no matter what happens, this news does not remain indifferent.

With the birth of a small life inside a woman, the expectant mother has new experiences and questions. In fact, there are a huge number of them, especially among those who are pregnant for the first time. After all, we really want to protect the little baby in our tummy from all the difficulties and problems of everyday life, from the influence of any factors beyond our control, for example, the environment, natural disasters, stress, falls, etc. The period from 0 to 3 months is especially important. The first trimester is dangerous because the expectant mother may not know about the existence of a small life inside herself and unknowingly expose herself and the baby to dangers: drinking alcohol, smoking, engaging in extreme sports, freezing, steaming, and so on.

When and how does a woman find out about pregnancy?

There are several ways to find out about pregnancy. Firstly, a girl can find out about her situation by physiological changes in organism. There are certain signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks. These include a delay in menstruation by more than 3-4 weeks.

Why such a long time? The fact is that many girls have periods irregularly, so they can be delayed for several days, even a week. This is not a reason to immediately run to the doctor or buy a test. The arrival of menstruation can be affected by a variety of nuances, including overheating in the sun. Any stress, lifestyle changes, nutrition, ecology, hormone imbalance and much more can cause either premature periods or their delay.

Secondly, pregnancy symptoms include changes in a woman’s mood: increased nervousness, aggression or, conversely, tearfulness and apathy. Increased fatigue is also inherent in the early stages. Pregnant women begin to experience enlarged breasts and may experience lower back pain after a hard day. A strong aversion to food may occur, as well as, conversely, a brutal appetite. All changes indicate the birth of a new life in a woman. A girl can find out about her pregnancy as early as 4 weeks without tests or studies. Scientists have proven that knowledge of a new life within oneself can arise on an intuitive level. Some women dream, others feel something in the lower abdomen. For many, every week of the baby’s development is significant, especially such key ones as the 4th, 12th, 36th, 24th and 8th weeks of pregnancy. Photos of the belly, records of its measurements in centimeters - expectant mothers collect all this to capture every moment of the life of the little creature inside.

With the help of the latest research and technology, a woman can find out about pregnancy by purchasing a test. It is injected in a certain way into a woman’s morning urine and shows a positive or negative result. There are many types of tests - super sensitive, simple, those that even show not only the presence of pregnancy, but also the approximate week of fetal development. Such tests are very convenient, but even highly sensitive ones cannot always show correct result. Therefore, doctors often prescribe special examinations for a woman, as well as conduct a routine examination. Examinations include ultrasound and blood tests. These medical methods pregnancy confirmation is one hundred percent. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, any doctor will determine its presence by examining and determining the size of the uterus.

This is such a nuisance - toxicosis. How can he be dangerous?

When a woman begins to feel changes in herself, she is not always happy about them. This is due to severe nausea, which often overshadows everything positive emotions. In pregnant women it is called toxicosis. What it is? This is a painful condition of a woman in response to the presence of cells unusual for her body. In other words, when a child begins to develop, the body cannot accept the new formation inside and begins to poison itself. Toxicosis in pregnant women can manifest itself in different ways: nausea, vomiting, dermatoses, salivation and even softening of bones, asthma, etc. Pregnancy is 8 weeks, the symptoms of which may include toxicosis - dangerous period. At this time, any strong shaking of the body (as with severe vomiting) or excessive intoxication can affect the development of the child. Therefore, there are ways that help reduce the impact of toxicosis on mother and baby.

Before thinking about how to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, a woman should clearly understand that nausea and vomiting are a normal condition for 8 weeks of pregnancy. The following is not considered normal:

  • vomiting not associated with food intake 3 times a day;
  • pronounced decrease in appetite;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • changes in sense of smell and taste;
  • noticeable decrease in body weight.

It is important to monitor your condition. If you are 8 weeks pregnant and symptoms of toxicosis were pronounced and suddenly disappeared, you need to consult a doctor, as fetal fading may occur. In this case, an ultrasound is prescribed, where the dynamics of the development of the embryo and its heartbeat are visible. If everything is in order, the woman can continue to calmly monitor her condition.

Pregnancy of 8 weeks is not an accidental period for the cessation of toxicosis. During this period, some parts of the chorion turn into the placenta, and certain hormones begin to be produced, which can affect the woman’s body’s acceptance of the child. With this process, toxicosis may end, or it may just begin. If after this period the condition has only worsened, and all the prescribed drugs and procedures do not help, then you need to seriously raise the question of terminating the pregnancy. After all, further strengthening of this condition can have a detrimental effect not only on the fetus, but also on the woman’s health.

Physical development of the embryo at this stage

When the expectant mother learned about life inside herself, she began to be interested in many questions: “8 weeks of pregnancy have already passed, what is happening to the baby?”, “Does he feel his mother’s emotions?”, “What does he look like now?” and so on. Such questions are not surprising for a woman in this condition.

At this stage of development, the child is rapidly growing in size. The bones are slowly becoming stronger, internal organs have already formed: the intestines are lengthening, the heart is divided into 4 chambers and connected to the main blood vessels, the bronchi are branching. The face is gradually forming: eyes appear, although they are still far from each other, but there are already prerequisites for the formation of eyelids; the upper lip stands out, the nose becomes more visible, and the auricles can already be clearly seen. The arms are the first to develop from the limbs; they can already bend, and fingers also appear. The legs are still poorly developed; they will begin to grow at a later date. A child at the 8th week of pregnancy has primary sexual characteristics - the boy develops testicles.

Weight little man approaches 3 grams during this period, and its length ranges from 10 to 20 mm! The uterus gradually increases in size, and by 8 weeks it becomes similar in size to a pomegranate. The woman’s body continues to prepare for the long-term residence of a “tenant”.

Formation of the nervous system of the embryo at the end of the second month of pregnancy

At the end of the second month (pregnancy 8-9 weeks), the basis for the formation of the nervous system is actively laid. It is during this period that a large number of miscarriages. Nature, as it were, chooses stronger and more resilient babies. Basic cells appear, the brain and other components of the central nervous system are actively formed. During this period, it is very important to provide comfortable conditions for the expectant mother, since, in addition to physical development, the rudiments of the child’s psyche appear. This process is particularly influenced by the mother’s nutrition and the content of essential nutrients in it - vitamins, macro- and microelements, but we will talk about this below. 8 weeks of pregnancy are important for the entire subsequent life of the child precisely because of the formation of the nervous system. The expectant mother needs to give up bad habits, otherwise there may be all sorts of abnormal development of the fetus. Even if there are none (and thank God!), the child may subsequently be inattentive or hyperactive.

The importance of proper nutrition for a pregnant woman during this period

Food plays almost the main role in a person’s life, providing him with all the necessary nutrients. They help to develop, be viable and active. For a pregnant woman, nutrition is indeed very important. The entire development of a child from 1 week to 40 depends on it.

The embryo at 8 weeks of pregnancy consumes few nutrients. After all, his size is still too small for this, and his mother’s supplies are still enough for him. If a girl does not want to gain excess weight, then she needs to make sure that the food is of high quality, rich in all the necessary elements, and also portioned. What does it mean? This means the following: it is better to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions, do not overeat, getting up from the table with light feeling hunger than to eat large portions 3 times a day. So a lot can accumulate harmful substances in the intestines and excessive weight.

Pregnancy of 8-9 weeks involves slight changes in your usual diet. It is important that all the necessary elements are present: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water and minerals. As for proteins, it is useful to eat meat, especially rabbit meat, fish (preferably boiled), cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, sour cream, eggs (they should not be abused, it will be enough to eat 2-4 per week). It is very important to provide your child with plant-based proteins. To do this, you can eat sesame seeds, peanuts and other types of nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should eat 70-90 g of protein per day. This norm is relative, since it depends on the absorption of proteins by the body, the number of fetuses gestated, the woman’s lifestyle, the presence of chronic diseases, a sufficient amount of carbohydrates in food, and stress present in life.

Fats for a pregnant woman are a source of energy and strength in the body. But you need to behave very carefully with them. It is better to eat vegetable natural fats (olive, butter and sunflower oil, walnuts, hazelnuts and others). Lard should be used minimally in food. per day for this period You need to eat 75 g of fat.

Carbohydrates are also very important for the functioning of the body. They provide energy and also affect the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, it is very important to eat them during the 8 weeks of pregnancy. We already know what happens to the nervous system of the embryo during this period. With a lack of carbohydrates, a child’s intrauterine development is disrupted, as fats and carbohydrates are consumed. With their excess, the mother’s weight increases, and fluid retention in the body occurs and, as a result, swelling. It also affects the baby's weight, which can lead to injury during childbirth. It is important not to exceed daily norm carbohydrates 300-400 g, especially in the last months of pregnancy. Among the products containing these substances, fruits, some vegetables, flour and bakery products, and cereals are useful for a woman carrying a child.

Tests for the mother at the end of the second month of intrauterine development of the embryo

At this stage (8 weeks of pregnancy) the fetus is still too small in size to be heard or touched. Therefore there is special methods medical examination, which help analyze how it develops, the state of the placenta and water, and also monitor the mother’s well-being. Each hospital orders a different number of tests, but there are standard tests and procedures that are ordered for everyone.

  • Informative is Ultrasound. It is done at 7-11 weeks for more precise definition duration of pregnancy, assessment of the condition of the pregnant woman. Based on the results of this study, the doctor analyzes the placenta and fetal development and makes recommendations on the consumption of folic acid, minerals and vitamins.
  • Blood tests. This clinical analysis, donating blood to determine group and rhesus, the presence of sexually transmitted diseases - this is blood for RW, HIV, hepatitis C and B, studying blood sugar levels. All these studies carry very important information, as they may indicate an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the acquisition of new ones that can adversely affect the child. The results of these tests are also important for monitoring the woman. Separately, it is worth noting a blood test called a coagulogram. It shows the level of blood clotting in a woman’s body. If it is elevated, there is a high probability of blood clots. If it is low, frequent bleeding is possible.
  • Also important Analysis of urine, which is a must. Here the function of the kidneys is assessed.
  • At the appointment, blood pressure is measured, weighing is carried out, the abdomen at the 8th week of pregnancy and the pelvis are measured.
  • A smear on the vaginal flora determines the situation with bacteria. Hidden infections, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and other not very pleasant things can be found here. The level of leukocytes tells a lot. The most important thing is that bacteria from the vagina can move along the cervix to the fetus and provoke an inflammatory process.
  • In the early stages, screening for TORCH infections is carried out. The result indicates the presence of infections that can cause serious fetal defects.

Pregnancy 8 weeks: photo of the fetus

Many mothers, wanting to remember the moments of fetal development, leave copies of the first ultrasound, tests, tests with positive result and so on. Doctors insist that there are mandatory ultrasound examinations that must be done without fail. They are carried out at 8-11 weeks and 16-21. In other cases, it is better not to expose the child to danger. When a woman is 8 weeks pregnant, a photo of the fetus shows that it already looks like a little person.

How does the threat of miscarriage manifest itself in the second month of pregnancy?

At the end of the second month, there is a high risk of miscarriage. Under unfavorable conditions, spontaneous abortion may occur. To avoid this, you should immediately consult a doctor if:

  1. You have a constant and painful tone of the uterus - tension in the lower abdomen, cramping pain, as if the uterus is gradually turning to stone.
  2. You are 8 weeks pregnant and have red or Brown, their intensity does not matter. We must remember that this is the most dangerous sign.
  3. Pain in the ovaries and uterus.

Precautions for mother during this period

Pregnancy is a woman’s condition when, in principle, she is not sick, but must behave very carefully in everything. During this period, it is important not to lift weights, not to be nervous, to healthy image life, eat right, spend more time in the fresh air, and drive vehicles carefully. It is necessary to rest and get enough sleep; this is very important for the formation of all systems of the child’s body. Some superstitious mothers, when the 8th week of pregnancy arrives, are afraid to take a photo of the belly, citing the possibility of the evil eye.

Intimate relationships during this period

Doctors are not against intimate relationships at any stage if the pregnancy is progressing well, without various complications. The only one important nuance is the position in which sexual intercourse is carried out, and the method. If there is a threat of miscarriage, intimate relationships will have to be abandoned.

Environment for a pregnant woman in the early stages

There is no need to talk too much about how important peace and comfort is for a pregnant woman during pregnancy. early stages pregnancy. Changes in appearance, mood, and even sometimes worldview are caused by changes that occur at the hormonal level. Pregnancy of 8 weeks must be carefully preserved and no overload (emotional and physical) must be avoided, since during this period the fetal nervous system begins to form. Therefore, loving people should take care of positive attitude future mother.

In no case are scandals, long journeys, or complex work at home or at work acceptable. You should not carry heavy loads, as they can cause a miscarriage. Particular care should be taken when taking medications. The vast majority of medications are prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy, so you need, as far as possible, to carefully protect yourself from various types of infections and other diseases. With the news of the upcoming addition to the family, the entire lifestyle should change. You need to remember that you no longer live for yourself, but for the little man growing inside you. By changing your life, you improve the world around you for your child.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby inside the womb is the size of one grape. Fetal weight by this moment time is only 3 grams, and the baby’s height varies between 14-20 mm. what happens to the expectant mother and the embryo at the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy? Read more about this.

What does it feel like for a woman who is 8 weeks pregnant?

The first symptoms of pregnancy that appeared in previous weeks, in this period become more noticeable and greatly aggravated. The amount of hormones continues to increase, and outwardly this is manifested by constant drowsiness, sudden mood swings, tearfulness or bursts of joy. The uterus is greatly increasing in size, although this is not yet visible from the outside. However, the enlarging uterus puts pressure on nearby internal organs, and they begin to feel discomfort. This manifests itself in constipation and more frequent urination. During this period, vaginal discharge often intensifies. They can be considered normal, unless the discharge is accompanied by itching and burning in the vaginal area. In some women, this discharge may be brownish in color. Again, if a woman is not bothered by lower back pain or poor health, then such discharge can be considered normal occurrence. However, you should still warn your doctor about such symptoms.

For many pregnant women at 8 weeks the main problem toxicosis becomes. The expectant mother complains about increased salivation, lack of appetite due to constant vomiting, development of a strong aversion to food. Of course, through such discomfort most pregnant women pass through, however, if vomiting is too frequent (5 times during the day or more), then this becomes a reason to consult your doctor.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound scan at the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy is unscheduled and considered early. The main task Ultrasound examination at this stage is to clarify the fact of intrauterine pregnancy. Eliminating the possibility of fetal pathology, establishing the exact age of the baby. If a patient is diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, then a period of 8 weeks is the deadline that allows an abortion to be performed without harm to the health of the pregnant woman. Often, if doctors have suspicions about ectopic implantation of the fetus, an ultrasound scan is prescribed a little earlier, at the 5th week obstetric pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination at the 8th week of pregnancy allows:

  • Confirm that the fetus is implanted in the uterus and is developing normally.
  • Using the heart rate, determine how viable the baby is inside the womb and whether it is developing correctly.
  • Using the standards corresponding to 8 weeks of pregnancy, determine the size of the embryo inside the uterus and the size of the fertilized egg.
  • Determine the location of the fertilized egg in the uterus. Ideal option it is considered to be fixed on back wall uterine cavity.
  • At multiple pregnancy An ultrasound at the 8th week allows you to determine the number of fetuses, and completely confirm the very fact of multiple pregnancy.
  • Assess the state of health of the embryo, the presence of all organ systems and vital tissues.
  • Study the characteristics of the corpus luteum.
  • Carefully examine the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries.

An ultrasound in the 8th week of pregnancy is of great importance for a woman, because with its help a frozen fetus that has stopped developing is diagnosed in a timely manner.

Features of fetal development in the 8th week of pregnancy

At the 8th week of pregnancy, a new status appears in the baby developing inside the mother's womb. From now on, it is officially called not an embryo or fetus, but a fetus. The placenta is actively developing, and blood circulation between the placenta and uterus is significantly improved. Starting from the 8th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to nourish itself by receiving the necessary components through the umbilical cord. The size of the fetus during this period of time is still very tiny, only 1.5-2 cm. However, the baby is already quite similar to a person, albeit a very tiny and fragile one. During an ultrasound examination, the fetus's arms, legs, facial features, and head are already visible.

During this period of development, the internal organs of the fetus also improve. The baby’s heart is divided into 4 chambers, kidneys and bronchi branches are formed in the already formed lungs. At the 8th week of obstetric pregnancy, the baby’s genitals begin to appear (for girls, these are the ovaries, and for boys, the testicles). However, based on the external gender characteristics shown by ultrasound, it is still impossible to understand who lives in the mother’s tummy - a girl or a boy. During this period of time, the nervous system of the fetus is subject to active improvement. From this week, the baby begins to actively move in the mother's womb. He is already able to clench and unclench his fists, tumble and move his legs. All these body movements are clearly visible on an ultrasound. However, the size of the fetus at the 8th week is still so small that the expectant mother will not yet be able to feel all these movements. In order for a woman to feel the baby's kicks inside the womb, several months of pregnancy must pass. By the 8th week of pregnancy, all the baby’s organs and systems are already fully formed, and nothing new will be added in the following weeks. Now the fetus will only grow and develop, and all systems and organs will be improved in every possible way.

Belly at 8 weeks pregnant

The appearance of the abdomen at the 8th week of pregnancy will depend on the woman’s body constitution. Basically, the majority of expectant mothers have a small tummy, but it is already quite noticeable. A woman should understand that the period from the 8th to the 12th week of pregnancy is considered the most vulnerable for the fetus. If development conditions are unfavorable, placental abruption may occur and, as a result, miscarriage. Signs of danger for the baby inside the womb include pain in the abdomen and lower back, as before the onset of menstruation. With such symptoms, bleeding may occur. In general, if you have such symptoms, you should definitely get medical advice and provide your body with complete rest.

Mandatory examination at the 8th week of obstetric pregnancy

If before the 8th week of pregnancy a woman has not yet managed to register with a gynecologist, then now is the time to do this, especially since it is no longer possible to delay. When registering, the gynecologist will issue a referral for testing. necessary tests, which will confirm the fact of progressing intrauterine pregnancy. The specialist will also select the optimal complex of vitamins and mineral components, and, if necessary, prescribe the woman to undergo an ultrasound scan at the 8th week of pregnancy.

In addition to the mandatory examination by a gynecologist, a woman who is in the 8th week of pregnancy will have to undergo examination by a dentist, therapist, or venereologist. At this stage, the tummy is already noticeably rounded and becomes visible even to strangers. However, when registering, a woman should still notify the doctor about her interesting position. Pregnancy for each woman proceeds individually, therefore, the size of the tummy at the 8th week of pregnancy may be different. if the expectant mother has any chronic diseases, in connection with which she is forced to take potent medical supplies, she should definitely tell her gynecologist about this. If the need arises, the physician can prescribe additional tests for the pregnant patient, adjust the medication intake, and perform the required medical examinations.

What tests should you take at the 8th week of pregnancy?

At the 8th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend that women undergo the following types of tests:

1. Biochemical blood test. With its help, the condition of the internal organs of a pregnant woman is assessed. Such a study allows you to find out exactly which microelements the expectant mother’s body lacks.

2. Several types of urine tests. The Nechiporenko system option will help identify hidden inflammatory processes. A general urine test will help doctors assess the condition of a pregnant woman’s kidneys. Finally, testing your urine for sugar will allow you to accurately determine the level of glucose in your blood.

Useful tips for a woman who is 8 weeks pregnant

If a woman in the 8th week of pregnancy does not have any particular cause for concern, then she can continue to lead her usual lifestyle. You can play sports during this period of time, although you will have to reduce the amount of physical activity. There are also no contraindications to sexual activity. However, all these conditions are feasible only if the pregnant woman is not in danger of miscarriage. If it persists in the 8th week, then sexual contact and sports exercises should be excluded for a while.

Many women in the 8th week of pregnancy note the presence of symptoms such as fatigue and nervousness. Such unpleasant symptoms can be avoided if a woman walks in the fresh air more often. Proper nutrition, the predominance of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet also play an important role in normal course pregnancy at 8 weeks. IN daily menu A pregnant woman should have fermented milk products and protein foods. But foods such as sweets, cookies and candies, coffee, and foods with allergens should be completely excluded from your diet.

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The 8th week of a child’s life is characterized by intensive growth. The body gradually straightens - let us recall that before it had an arched shape. The head (it still makes up half the child’s height), torso and limbs are more clearly visible on ultrasound. The previously defined tail disappears - it will become the vertebrae of the coccyx. The baby makes active movements and periodically changes its position in the uterine cavity. But these movements are not yet felt by the expectant mother, since the baby is still too small to touch the walls of the uterus.

By the end of the week, the baby's size reaches 16-20 mm, weight - 1-3 g, and he himself looks like raspberry.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby develops nostrils, eyes, and ears. By the end of the week, facial features are already formed: the outer parts of the nose are determined, the eyelids are visible.

Taste buds are secreted on the tongue, and olfactory receptors are located in the nasal cavity. These are prerequisites for the development of taste and smell.

On the hands, the fingers are separated from each other: thumb henceforth set aside and opposed to the rest. The ulna and knee joints, ossification of the bones of the arms, legs and skull begins to occur. Chorionic villi grow deeply into the wall of the uterus.

At 8 weeks, the uteroplacental circulation is fully formed. At the 8th week, the baby’s nervous system is actively developing: the brain is divided into sections, convolutions appear in the cerebral hemispheres. The formation of the chambers of the heart, kidneys and Bladder. The development of the digestive system: esophagus, stomach, intestines is almost complete. Salivary glands are formed. The bronchi are laid. The formation of the external genitalia is completed.

Development of twins

Kopa Birth

With twins at the 8th week of pregnancy, the same thing happens as with one baby. The digestive, nervous, genitourinary, cardiovascular systems of children and the musculoskeletal system develop. The outlines of the face, ears, inner ear, tongue, fingers, knee and elbow joints, and heels are laid out.

The size of twins at 8 weeks of pregnancy is slightly smaller than that of one baby in the womb: height - up to 15 mm (like a grain of rice), weight - 1 g.

The volume of amniotic fluid increases, the placenta develops, but the belly is not yet noticeable at the 8th week of pregnancy with twins. The supplier of everything necessary from the mother's body to the fetus is still a temporary intrauterine organ - the precursor of the placenta. Children with a common placenta (twins; born from the division of one fertilized egg) are already beginning to compete for nutrients. Babies, each of whom has their own placenta (this can happen not only in children of the same age, but also in twins), have an easier time; they are less interdependent. An ultrasound at the 8th week of pregnancy with twins will definitely show that you will have two babies, but at this stage it is not always possible to reliably determine whether identical or fraternal twins are present.

What's happening to mom: sensations

At the 8th week of pregnancy, no significant changes occur in the expectant mother’s body compared to the previous week. The woman gradually gets used to her new state, finds a comfortable diet, work rhythm and sleep.

Uterine changes. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the uterus continues to increase slightly, but is not yet higher than the pubic area. After sexual intercourse, the uterus may become irritated (its muscular walls become softer under the influence of hormones), which manifests itself in the form of slight bleeding.

Frequent urination. The growing uterus begins to squeeze the bladder, which provokes more frequent urge to the toilet. An increase in the volume of circulating blood in a woman’s body also increases urination.

Pain and cramping in the lower abdomen. Moderate nagging pain in the abdominal cavity is a physiological phenomenon during pregnancy. The uterus prepares to bear a child, its muscles stretch, and this can cause painful sensations, spasms or feeling of constriction. If the pain is intense, radiates to the lower back, and is accompanied by bloody discharge, urgent medical attention is needed to avoid the threat of miscarriage.

Headache. Can have a variety of reasons: from hormonal changes and overwork to increased anxiety, stress or ARVI. If necessary, consult a therapist, neurologist or psychologist.

Lower back pain. Every woman experiences moderate nagging pain in the back during pregnancy, since the load on the spine increases with each week of bearing the baby. If the pain is severe, accompanied by bloody-brown vaginal discharge, elevated body temperature, an urgent visit to the doctor is needed to eliminate the risk of miscarriage and other pathologies.

Breast changes. Breasts at the 8th week of pregnancy continue to grow slightly and retain increased sensitivity, there may be a feeling of heaviness and tingling. This continues to prepare the mammary glands for breastfeeding.

Swelling. Many expectant mothers experience edema. The reason for this is hormonal changes, an increasing load on a woman’s kidneys, and an increase in the need of her body and the child’s body for fluid. An increase in the volume of amniotic fluid also occurs weekly.

Vaginal discharge. Normally, leucorrhoea may appear during pregnancy - colorless discharge or discharge of light colors with a sour odor. In the 8th week they may become more abundant. However, if the discharge is a different color, especially if it is brown, purulent or bloody, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate a threatened miscarriage, placental abruption, or infectious diseases genitourinary system.

Increased body temperature. Many expectant mothers, due to hormonal changes, experience symptoms of a false cold, not only in the 1st trimester, but throughout pregnancy. These symptoms include body temperature 37-37.5 degrees, nasal congestion (“runny nose during pregnancy”), body aches, headache, drowsiness, weakness. You should visit a general practitioner to rule out a real respiratory disease.

Increased fatigue. The expectant mother is inherently weak, increased fatigue, constant feeling fatigue, drowsiness, mood swings caused by physiological, including hormonal, changes in the body.

Changing food and smell preferences. The action of hormones changes the attitude of expectant mothers to certain smells and foods: they like some things and don’t like others, even if they did not cause rejection before pregnancy. An increased need for certain foods may indicate a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet of a woman expecting a child.

Increased/decreased appetite. It is equally bad for an expectant mother to eat for two and to refuse food due to, for example, toxicosis. You should report a loss of appetite to your doctor, since excess weight and a deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and minerals will have a negative impact on the well-being of the woman and her unborn child.

Changes in skin and hair condition. Hormonal changes in the body caused by pregnancy affect the condition of the skin and hair, either better side, or, on the contrary, for the worse, making them fatter. If skin problems become severe (acne, enlarged pores, etc.), it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Weight gain. The expectant mother's body begins to make a reserve of fat deposits, which during pregnancy will protect the stomach from accidental blows or injuries. Your favorite clothes may become a little tight, although it is not yet obvious to others from your figure that you are expecting a baby. However, if by the end of the 8th week you have gained more than 0.5-1 kg compared to your pre-pregnancy body weight, consult your doctor for advice. Excess weight complicates bearing a child.

Medical examination

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, registering with the antenatal clinic is the right time, if you have not done so earlier. Doctor's supervision is necessary for the safe bearing of the child and monitoring the health of the expectant mother.


  • obstetrician-gynecologist (the doctor will confirm your pregnancy, if this has not been done previously, give referrals to other doctors and referrals for tests and examinations)

If you are registering for the first time, you will be given referrals to the following specialists:

  • therapist (the doctor will rule out/confirm chronic diseases in the expectant mother, decide on their compatibility with pregnancy, and prescribe treatment if necessary)
  • ophthalmologist (the doctor will assess the likelihood of developing pathology and give recommendations during pregnancy and childbirth, if this or that eye disease already exists)
  • dentist (untreated teeth and gums are a source of infection, which can adversely affect the condition of the embryo; as a rule, the doctor recommends moving dental treatment to the 2nd trimester, since in the early stages of pregnancy almost any medicinal effect is undesirable)
  • otolaryngologist (ENT) (the doctor will identify/exclude chronic infections of the ears, nose or throat, due to which the expectant mother’s well-being may worsen and the course of pregnancy may be complicated)
  • endocrinologist (this specialist will evaluate the condition endocrine system the expectant mother will give recommendations important for a successful pregnancy)
  • geneticist (the doctor will assess the baby’s risk of developing hereditary diseases and pathologies)
  • surgeon (a specialist will assess the likelihood of developing varicose veins, possible risks for pregnancy and childbirth, related to the characteristics of the woman’s musculoskeletal system, with injuries and fractures received before pregnancy)
  • general blood test (necessary to assess a woman’s health status, identify inflammatory processes, chronic diseases, etc.)
  • biochemical blood test (also required to monitor the well-being of the expectant mother)
  • blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin; necessary for control normal development pregnancy)
  • blood test for progesterone (also necessary to monitor the normal development of pregnancy)
  • general urine test (necessary to identify/exclude kidney and bladder diseases)
  • urine test according to Nechiporenko (prescribed for in-depth diagnosis to identify infection if there are deviations from the norm in the clinical (general) urine test)

If you are registering for the first time, you will also need:

  • analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor (important, firstly, to provide a pregnant woman with timely medical care - transfusion of blood or its components, and secondly, to identify/exclude Rh conflict between mother and fetus)
  • coagulogram (blood test for prothrombin; required to identify/exclude blood clotting pathologies)
  • blood sugar test (necessary to identify a predisposition to the development of gestational diabetes - diabetes mellitus pregnant women; the disease can lead to abnormal development of the fetus or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • a blood test for HIV (mandatory to determine the HIV status of the mother and child and the appropriate tactics for managing pregnancy and childbirth; the disease can lead to fetal developmental abnormalities or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • blood test for syphilis (RW, Wassermann reaction; necessary to identify/exclude syphilis in an expectant mother and prescribe appropriate treatment if the reaction is positive; the disease can lead to fetal developmental abnormalities or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • blood test for hepatitis B and hepatitis C (mandatory to identify/exclude hepatitis in an expectant mother and prescribe appropriate therapy; the disease can lead to fetal development abnormalities or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • blood test for TORCH infections (mandatory to identify/exclude a complex of infections such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia; diseases when infected with them after the baby is conceived can lead to fetal development abnormalities or complicate the course of pregnancy)
  • smear for flora (microscopic examination of vaginal discharge is necessary to identify/exclude infections of the genital organs, in particular thrush (candidiasis); timely treatment helps to avoid infection of the fetus and complications during pregnancy)
  • Ultrasound (at the 8th week of pregnancy is not mandatory, planned; performed according to indications to confirm pregnancy, identify multiple, ectopic or non-developing pregnancy, uterine hypertonicity, hydatidiform mole and other pathologies; The sex of the unborn child at this stage has not yet been determined, but starting from the 8th week of pregnancy, the heart rate, size and weight of the fetus are measured)

If you are registering for the first time, you also need to go through:

  • ECG (electrocardiogram is needed to assess the heart health of the expectant mother)
  • measuring the size of the pelvis (with narrow pelvis prevention of complications of childbearing is required)
  • body weight measurement (necessary to calculate weight gain during pregnancy)
  • measuring blood pressure (a woman’s usual blood pressure, at which she feels good, may be slightly higher/lower than normal; this is a benchmark for assessing blood pressure in an expectant mother: an increase in blood pressure indicates arterial hypertension, gestosis and other complications of pregnancy)

Difficulties in pregnancy

Problems in the 8th week of pregnancy that can threaten the health of the woman and her unborn child are:

Toxicosis. At the 8th week of pregnancy, toxicosis, as a rule, begins to be tolerated more easily (nausea and vomiting occur less frequently). True, this does not apply to mothers expecting twins. If attacks of nausea and vomiting occur more than 3 times a day, a woman should consult a doctor to avoid adverse consequences for the development of the fetus and her own health.

Miscarriage. At 8 weeks of pregnancy there is still a risk spontaneous interruption pregnancy. The causes of early miscarriage are hypertonicity of the uterus, non-viability of the embryo, rejection of the embryo by the mother's body as foreign body, sharp deterioration in health, chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, stress, bad habits, injuries to the expectant mother, etc. If you are bothered by severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, or have bloody (brownish) discharge, consult a doctor immediately.

Ectopic pregnancy. The attachment and development of a fertilized egg outside the uterus: in the abdominal cavity, on the ovaries, in the fallopian tubes is an absolute indication for termination of pregnancy, even if the fetus is healthy and develops normally. By gaining weight and size, the baby causes a rupture of the fallopian tube or damage to another internal organ of the mother, which causes heavy bleeding threatening her health and life. Pathology is diagnosed by ultrasound and a blood test for hCG (the level of this hormone is lower than during intrauterine pregnancy at the same period). Factors that increase the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy include previous abortions, inflammatory processes in the woman’s genitourinary system, the age of the expectant mother (less than 18, more than 35 years), bad habits, abnormalities in the structure of the uterus and fallopian tubes, and other reasons.

Non-developing pregnancy. Fetal development can stop at any stage of pregnancy, although the likelihood of pathology is higher in the 1st trimester. A frozen pregnancy leads to fetal death and miscarriage. Symptoms of the pathology are a decrease in the level hCG hormone, spotting bloody (brown) vaginal discharge, severe weakness, elevated temperature body, chills, nagging pain and cramps in the lower abdomen, disappearance of painful sensations in the chest. Diagnosed using ultrasound. The causes of a missed abortion can be pathologies of the fetus, infectious and chronic diseases of the mother, hormonal disorders in her body, bad habits, stress, blood clotting disorders, medications taken, traumatic, heavy physical activity.

TORCH infections. TORCH stands for Toxoplasma (toxoplasmosis), Rubella (rubella), Cytomegalovirus (cytomegalovirus), Herpes (herpes). These infections are dangerous if they are initially infected during pregnancy, as they lead to fetal malformations and miscarriage, and can become an indication for termination of pregnancy. Compliance with hygiene and prevention measures, including vaccination 6 months before conceiving a child, will help reduce the risk of infection.

Placental abruption. Abdominal pain, back pain and bleeding may be signs of placental abruption. With timely medical care (bed rest, medications), it is possible to preserve and carry out healthy baby even with a significant area of ​​placental abruption.

"Color Pregnancy". In 20% of cases, that is, every 5th expectant mother, menstruation occurs during pregnancy, often until the birth. This phenomenon is called “color pregnancy” and is caused by low level hormones that suppress menstruation. The deviation is not dangerous for the woman and her child, but requires medical supervision.

Photos: belly at 8 weeks pregnant

Notes for the expectant mother: what is possible and what is not

What a future mother CAN do:

  • go for a massage
  • do fitness programs for pregnant women
  • walk more, being in the fresh air; take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • do cosmetic procedures after consulting with a gynecologist and cosmetologist in order to avoid allergic reactions, contact with toxins, etc.
  • have sex if the pregnancy proceeds without complications: there are no other factors that provoke a miscarriage (many expectant mothers, due to hormonal changes during this period, increase sensitivity, and they experience more pleasure from sexual intercourse than before pregnancy; however, complete lack of libido, which is also to blame for the woman’s changing hormonal levels)
  • visit the bathhouse and sauna, if there are no contraindications ( high temperatures increase the risk of miscarriage)
  • take a multivitamin prescribed by your doctor
  • introduce daytime naps into your daily routine to restore strength

What the expectant mother should NOT:

  • maintain bad habits - smoking, being a passive smoker, drinking alcohol, using drugs
  • take medications and dietary supplements without consulting a doctor
  • take an x-ray of the chest and abdomen
  • experience severe stress
  • endure intense physical activity, lift weights
  • work in conditions harmful production
  • take hot baths (the risk of miscarriage is the same as when visiting a steam room)
  • have sex with uterine hypertonicity, uterine fibroids and other factors predisposing to miscarriage, practice rough sex
  • dye your hair (a procedure that can cause toxic substances to enter the body of the mother and fetus, it is better to postpone it to the 2nd trimester, when the baby’s vital organs and systems are already formed, or completely abandon hair dyeing until the baby is born)
  • have pets (animals, especially cats, can be carriers of TORCH infection - toxoplasmosis; care for existing pets at home during pregnancy should be entrusted to one of the family members)

Proper nutrition

Nutrition during the 8th week of pregnancy, as throughout the entire period of bearing and feeding a child, should be healthy and varied in order to maximally meet the needs of mother and baby for fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

The right diet for an expectant mother includes:

  • fractional, 5-6-fold, meal: 3 main meals, 2 snacks, a glass of unsweetened fermented milk product at night;
  • Recommended energy value of the diet in the 8th week of pregnancy - 2,200 - 2,500 kcal per day; during pregnancy with twins - 2,600 - 2,800 calories;
  • approximate distribution of dishes by meal: breakfast - porridge, omelet, pudding, casserole, boiled egg, whole grain bread; lunch - soup, boiled or baked lean meat, wholemeal pasta (pasta), vegetable salad; dinner - fish, or seafood, or chicken breast with vegetables; snacks - fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy and fermented milk products;
  • boiled, steamed, baked, stewed, lean instead of fried, salted, spicy, pickled, smoked, fatty;
  • fruit drinks, compotes, freshly squeezed juices without sugar, herbal tea, mineral and regular drinking water of good quality are preferable to black, green tea, coffee (these drinks contain a lot of caffeine, which adversely affects the well-being of the mother and unborn child), sweet carbonated water and industrial juices ;
  • avoiding fast food and junk food- foods high in salt, sugar, trans fats, E-additives: hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, chips, salted nuts, convenience foods from the supermarket;
  • increasing fiber in the diet to prevent heartburn and constipation (for this purpose, many fruits and vegetables: apples, cucumbers, radishes, young carrots, etc., are best eaten with the skin);
  • dark chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, honey, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, sweet fresh vegetables (carrots, bell pepper, turnip) as a healthy dessert, if there is no food allergy, excess weight;
  • homemade croutons, whole grain bread, buckwheat bread, baked goods and pasta made from wholemeal flour instead of fresh baked goods made from premium wheat flour to prevent constipation, pregnancy diabetes, and excess weight gain.

Cooking is tasty and healthy for yourself and your baby

Magnesium- the most important mineral for the heart and blood vessels. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the need for it increases, as the baby’s heart becomes more complex (becomes four-chambered) and a network of blood vessels is formed between the child and the mother. Therefore, expectant mothers, prepare dishes rich in magnesium!


Need for vitamins and minerals

Among the most necessary microelements for the expectant mother and her baby in the 8th week of pregnancy are:

Vitamin B9 (folic acid). Prevents the development of neural tube defects in the fetus. Necessary for the formation of the nervous system and DNA of cells, intrauterine development of the child, maturation of the placenta, prevention iron deficiency anemia, improving blood clotting and immunity in the expectant mother. Where to look? Beef liver, cod liver, parsley leaves, spinach, lettuce, green onions, asparagus, cabbage, fresh green peas, cereals, legumes, wholemeal products, yeast, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Necessary for metabolism and synthesis of hormones in the body of the expectant mother, for the intrauterine development of the baby. Helps prevent miscarriage, prevent blood clots, and prevents inflammatory processes. Where to look? Unrefined vegetable oils, cereals, bran, sprouted grains, nuts, seeds, tomatoes, lettuce, fresh peas, spinach, parsley, rose hips, meat, eggs, beef liver, milk.

Iron. Necessary for the production of hemoglobin and the prevention of anemia in the expectant mother, the prevention of hypoxia - oxygen starvation fetus Where to look? Beef liver, meat, kidneys; poultry, fish, seafood, legumes, buckwheat, rolled oats, cabbage, tomatoes, celery, spinach, lettuce, watercress, leeks, strawberries, cherries, apricots, quince, blueberries, pomegranate, apples.

Iodine. Important for the functioning of the thyroid gland of a pregnant woman, for the mental and physical development of the child. Where to look? Sea fish, cod liver, seaweed, iodized salt.

Calcium. It is necessary for the formation of the baby’s bones and teeth, the development of his nervous and cardiovascular systems, muscle functioning, the prevention of osteoporosis, problems with teeth, hair and nails in the expectant mother. Improves blood clotting and tone of blood vessels, reduces the severity of toxicosis, helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, and participates in the production of hormones. Where to look? Cabbage, garlic, sorrel, spinach, celery, parsley, dill, basil, dairy and fermented milk products, eggs, fish, nuts, sesame, poppy seeds, bran, pasta and baked goods made from whole grain flour, gooseberries, black currants, strawberries, cherries, mineral water, soy, molasses.

Phosphorus. Participates in the formation of bone tissue along with calcium, is necessary for metabolism, protein synthesis, energy production, muscle activity. Part of DNA and RNA. Where to look? Fish, seafood, beef, cheese, cottage cheese, cereals.

Magnesium. Participates in the formation of bone tissue, metabolism, coordinates heartbeat, normalizes blood pressure and blood sugar levels, increases the immune activity of cells, prevents DNA and RNA mutations, accelerates the removal of toxins from the body, is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes, nucleic acids, fats, proteins, B vitamins, collagen, strengthens nervous system, helping to resist stress, insomnia, anxiety, headaches. Where to look? Drinking water, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame, bran, cereals (including legumes), wheat germ, cocoa, seaweed, rose hips, dates, watermelon, dried fruits, spinach, hard cheese, rye bread, whole grain flour products , green pea.

Zinc. Necessary for normal functioning of the immune system, metabolism, cell growth, lymph functioning, brain activity, reproductive health. Where to look? Seafood, beef, lamb, chicken, pork, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, spinach, chocolate.

Selenium. Necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and, in general, for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It is an antioxidant and improves the absorption of vitamin E and iodine. Helps improve immunity and neutralize toxins that enter the human body. Where to look? Meat, offal (liver, kidneys), fish, seafood, cereals, garlic.

Copper. Necessary for hematopoiesis, metabolism, immune and respiratory systems, prevention cardiovascular diseases. Where to look? Sea kale, nuts, cereals (including legumes), sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sprouted wheat, apples, pears, raspberries, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, dill.

Important! A multivitamin complex should be purchased only after consulting a doctor.

Expectant mothers at 8 weeks

Fitness for expectant mothers

Physical activity in the 8th week of pregnancy is not prohibited unless there are contraindications: threat of miscarriage, placental abruption, uterine hypertonicity, ectopic pregnancy and other risk factors. When choosing a load, preference should be given to fitness programs for pregnant women, where excluded increased loads on the abs, lower back and joints, impacts and collisions, heavy lifting.

If you cannot or do not want to visit the fitness center, then make sure that your schedule includes time for 1-2 hour walks in the fresh air daily, and for visiting the pool 2-3 times a week. Movement is life (and health!) for you and your unborn child.

Ailments during pregnancy

At the 8th week of pregnancy, women most often encounter such ailments as:

Acute respiratory diseases (ARVI, ARI). At the 8th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother's immunity is still reduced so that the baby can be securely implanted in the uterus and connected to the mother by the umbilical cord. Therefore, it is easy to catch a cold at this time. At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate. Before visiting a therapist, you can rinse your nose with saline solutions ( sea ​​water), gargle with chamomile decoction or soda solution, drink tea with honey, lemon, raspberries, rose hips, if you are not allergic to these products. You should also observe bed rest. Respiratory diseases worsen the well-being of the expectant mother, which can adversely affect the child.

Bloating. Occurs due to a decrease in the tone of the abdominal muscles and intestinal motility: it works more slowly under the influence of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. Increased gas formation often worries expectant mothers, but is not dangerous for the fetus.

Constipation/diarrhea Due to the action of progesterone, an imbalance occurs in digestive system expectant mother: her stool either strengthens or weakens. The disorder is not dangerous for a child, and regular moderate physical activity, a sufficient amount of fiber in the diet, and compliance will help the expectant mother improve intestinal motility. drinking regime, medications prescribed by a doctor.

Heartburn. The cause of heartburn is the increased production of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus to prevent miscarriage. The effect of the hormone also affects other internal organs of a woman, so stomach contents can be thrown into the esophagus with its relaxed wall, causing the expectant mother to irritate the mucous membrane and feel discomfort inside. The disorder is not dangerous to the fetus and can be treated with medication.

Thrush. As you already know, at the 8th week of pregnancy a woman’s immunity is weakened. This can lead to the appearance of not only respiratory, but also fungal diseases, in particular candidiasis (thrush). There are effective ways to treat thrush that are safe for the baby. Therefore, you should not endure unpleasant sensations: itching, burning in the lower abdomen, curdled discharge, - but you should consult a doctor and get rid of the disease that worsens women’s health.

Cystitis. If you experience pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen when urinating, consult a doctor. This may be a sign of cystitis - inflammation of the bladder mucosa. The disorder is not dangerous for the fetus, but for the expectant mother the presence inflammatory process undesirable in the body.

Good to know at 8 weeks

  • Ventilate the work area and apartment several times a day
  • If possible, avoid stress, mental and physical overload at work
  • switch to comfortable, comfortable clothes, cotton underwear
  • give up high-heeled shoes
  • control weight gain (you need to weigh yourself in the morning, on an empty stomach, in light pajamas and no more than once a week; it is better to write down the results)
  • start mastering breathing exercises
  • save the first ultrasound image of your baby (your twins) as a souvenir, and for greater safety, you can immediately paste the image into a children’s album
  • Go to healthy eating for the expectant mother this also means a significant limitation of sweets in the diet. If you are not allergic to bee products, then you can fill your need for sugar with honey (remembering, however, that it is also high in calories). But it is undesirable to switch to sugar substitutes - artificial sweeteners - without the approval of a doctor, since some of these additives contain substances that are dangerous to the unborn child.

    If your home still does not have a filter for purifying tap water, or is not in the habit of ordering bottled artesian water, it’s time to think about it. The expectant mother, the baby before and after birth, and all family members need high-quality drinking water.

    Maria Sokolova

    Reading time: 19 minutes

    A A

    And so the eighth (obstetric) week began. This period corresponds to the 4th week of missed menstruation or the 6th week from the conception of the baby.

    Signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks

    The eighth week is not much different for you from the seventh, however, for your baby it is special.

    • Absence or, on the contrary, increased appetite;
    • Changes in taste preferences;
    • Nausea and vomiting;
    • Pelvic neuralgia;
    • General weakness, drowsiness and decreased body tone;
    • Restless sleep;
    • Changes in mood;
    • Decreased immunity.

    What happens in the mother's body during the eighth week?

    • Yours The uterus is actively growing and now it is the size of an apple. You may feel slight contractions, like before your period. Now an important organ for you and the baby is growing in your body - the placenta. With its help, the baby will receive all the necessary nutrients, water, hormones, and oxygen.
    • A hormonal storm occurs in your body, it is necessary in order to prepare your body for the further development of the fetus. Estrogen, prolactin and progesterone dilate your arteries to deliver more blood to the baby. They are also responsible for milk production and relax the pelvic ligaments, thereby allowing your tummy to grow.
    • Very often during this period, women feel a feeling of nausea, increased salivation, lack of appetite, and stomach ailments worsen. you can feel everything.
    • This week your breasts have become larger, firmer and heavier. The circle around the nipple also darkened, and the pattern of blood vessels intensified. In addition, you will notice that nodules have appeared around the nipples - these are enlarged sweat glands.

    What do they write on the forums?


    I’m in conservancy, tomorrow I’ll have an ultrasound, I’m praying that everything will be fine. A week ago there was bleeding and strong pain, but on the ultrasound everything was fine. Girls, take care of yourselves!


    This is my second pregnancy and today is the last day of week 8. The appetite is excellent, but the toxicosis is unbearable, I constantly feel sick. And a lot of saliva accumulates. But I am very happy, because we wanted this baby so much.


    We are 8 weeks old, I feel sick in the morning and have a slight tug in my lower abdomen, but these are all minor things. I have my treasure growing in my tummy, isn't it worth it?


    Today marks the start of the eighth week. There is no toxicosis, just no appetite either, it appears only in the evening. The only thing that bothers me is the constant desire to sleep. I can't wait to go on vacation and enjoy my position to the fullest.


    Today I had an ultrasound, I was so looking forward to this moment. I worried all the time that everything would be fine. And now the doctor says that we correspond to 8 weeks. I am the happiest on earth!

    What tests need to be taken at this time?

    If you have not yet contacted an antenatal clinic, now is the time. At 8 weeks you need to visit a gynecologist And undergo an initial examination for complete control. You will undergo a standard examination in a chair, the doctor will ask you questions and find out how the pregnancy is progressing. In turn, you can ask the doctor about issues that concern you.

    At week 8 you will have the following tests:

    • Blood test (determination of group and Rh factor, hemoglobin, rubella test, check for anemia, general condition of the body);
    • Urinalysis (determining sugar levels, for the presence of infections, general indicators of the body’s condition);
    • Examination mammary glands(general condition, presence of formations);
    • Blood pressure (presence of hypertension or hypotension);
    • Analysis for TORCH infections, HIV, syphilis;
    • Smear analysis (on the basis of which later dates may be determined);
    • Measurement of indicators (weight, pelvic volume).

    Your doctor may refer you for additional tests.

    Besides, you should be asked the following questions:

    — Are there any hereditary diseases in your family?
    —Have you or your husband ever been seriously ill?
    — Is this your first pregnancy?
    -Have you had any miscarriages?
    — What is your menstrual cycle?

    Your doctor will create a personalized follow-up plan for you.

    Fetal development in the 8th week

    This week, your baby is no longer an embryo, he becomes a fetus and can now safely be called a baby. Despite the fact that the internal organs have already formed, they are still in their infancy and have not taken their proper places. Your baby is 15-20mm long and weighs almost 3g.

    • Ends embryonic period. The embryo now becomes a fetus. All organs have formed and now they are only growing.
    • This week the small intestine begins to contract.
    • The rudiments of male or female genital organs appear.
    • The fetal body straightens and lengthens.
    • Bones and cartilage begin to form.
    • Muscle tissue develops.
    • And pigment appears in the baby’s eyes.
    • The brain sends impulses to the muscles, and now the baby begins to react to surrounding events. If he doesn’t like something, he frowns and shudders. But, of course, you cannot feel it.
    • The baby also begins to develop facial features. Lips, nose, chin are formed.
    • Constrictive membranes have already appeared on the fingers and toes of the fetus. And the arms and legs became longer.
    • The inner ear is formed, which is responsible not only for hearing, but also for balance.

    Fetus at 8 weeks

    Video - 8 weeks:

    • Now it is very important for you to tune in to a wave of positivity and remain calm. Go to bed a little earlier and get up a little later. Sleep is the healer of all ailments. Get enough sleep!
    • If you do not want others to know about your situation, come up with excuses, for example, why don't you drink alcoholic beverages at a party.
    • It's time reconsider your fitness routine. Change it so as not to further irritate your already sensitive breasts. Avoid sudden movements, lifting weights, and running. Gymnastics for pregnant women and yoga are ideal for you.
    • The entire first trimester , taking medications, any toxins.
    • Note: taking 200 g of caffeine per day doubles the likelihood of miscarriage. Therefore it is worth abstain from coffee.
    • Don't be lazy to wash hands during the day. This is the easiest way to protect against viruses and infections.

    Most detailed calendar pregnancy by week