Coloring of amniotic fluid. How do water break in pregnant women before childbirth

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The color of the amniotic fluid is an indicator of the state of the baby in the womb. What waters indicate the harmonious development of the child? What secretions signal disturbing intrauterine processes? You will learn about this and much more in the article.

Amniotic fluid color: norm and pathology

Amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid is a safe environment for the growth and development of the child from the moment the embryo is born until the birth of the “new person” into the world.

Amniotic fluid: functions and tasks

Amniotic fluid performs the following functions:

  • permanent maintenance of temperature at around 37°C (with a decrease or increase in temperature from the outside);
  • soundproofing;
  • regulation of pressure exerted by the external environment;
  • the tightness of the bladder does not allow infections and viruses to enter the mother's body;
  • antibodies block the reproduction of bacteria and various antigens;
  • the baby has the ability to move and move in the womb;
  • waters hold the child during sudden movements of the mother;
  • during childbirth, the fluid acts as a lubricant, easing pain and the process of sliding the baby through the birth canal.

What color is amniotic fluid before and during childbirth

The color and smell of amniotic fluid may indicate pathologies and developmental abnormalities, or normal, harmonious growth. You can determine the color starting from the second trimester during an ultrasound scan.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the amniotic fluid is clear or slightly white, interspersed with the so-called "flakes". Green, burgundy, brown water signals a threat to the health and life of the child.


Muddy, green and brown waters, discharge with mucus indicate that the fetus in the womb is in a disappointing, and sometimes critical condition. Such modifications may indicate congenital and acquired diseases, as well as developmental difficulties.

Why greenish with flakes

According to statistics, green water occurs in 30% of women in labor. Doctors focus on the progressive trend, and identify the following factors for the occurrence of pathology:

  • discrepancy between the state of maturity of the placenta and the current week of pregnancy;
  • circulatory disorders in the placenta;
  • transferred inflammatory processes of the urinary and respiratory systems;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • insufficient saturation of the fetus with oxygen (intrauterine hypoxia).

Meconium-laden water can enter the baby's lungs during the birth process. To avoid such a situation, the medical staff, as soon as the baby's head appears, examines the mouth and, if necessary, removes the liquid with an aspirator. If this procedure is carried out in compliance with all the rules, green waters do not pose a threat to the health of the newborn.

cloudy whites

In the normal course of pregnancy, a slight turbidity of the amniotic fluid is allowed. However, the most likely factor contributing to the appearance of muddy waters is infection of the womb. If the limit of possible opacity is exceeded, it is necessary to take tests for the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the uterus and establish the cause of such a process. Then choose an individual course of treatment at a gynecologist's appointment.

Often the water becomes cloudy during a post-term pregnancy.

brown waters

Brown waters, unfortunately, indicate the critical condition of the baby. In the worst case, death is possible. When a brown liquid is released, urgent surgical intervention is necessary, otherwise the life of the pregnant woman will be in jeopardy.

Normal colored amniotic fluid

The condition of the fetus in the womb is normal if the liquid in which it is located does not have a bright color. Clear, white and slightly pinkish waters indicate that the child is safe.


The discharge of rose waters can be interpreted as normal only in the case when the anterior waters (located in the area of ​​the head) have passed along with the plug, which sometimes contains streaks of blood. It is also possible a variant of a burst capillary on the placenta, as a result of which the blood stained the water.

If the waters have broken at home, it is important to remember the approximate amount of fluid released. Upon arrival at the hospital, be sure to report your observations to the doctor.

Transparent with white flakes

The presence of white flakes in the amniotic fluid is the norm. Such blotches occur naturally, in the process of exfoliating the skin and losing the baby's vellus hair. By the approach of childbirth, the number of flakes is rapidly increasing.

With slime and flakes

Before the onset of labor, the secretion of fluid (mucus) from the penis increases. The discharge is especially noticeable in the morning, when a woman gets out of bed. This process indicates the softening of the uterus before childbirth, as a result of which the cork is discharged.

After the cork mucus has flowed out, the pregnant woman is forbidden to take a bath and have sex. Without a plug, the uterus is a pathway through which infection can enter the womb.

Due to the softening of the uterus, the mucous plug is gradually pushed out, clearing the birth canal. Together with it, water can flow out, containing the epidermis of the baby and his hairs. Such discharge often indicates that labor will begin in a few hours.

dangerous moments

In addition to the color of the amniotic fluid, their amount released during the discharge process also plays an important role. The standard volume is from 1 to 1.5 liters. If the indicators are lower - there is a lack of water, if the volume is above the norm - polyhydramnios. Depending on this or that pathological process, an individual tactics of childbirth is selected.

It is important to monitor the change in amniotic fluid from the second trimester. By periodically monitoring their condition, a pregnant woman will reduce the risk of developing possible diseases and complications in the development of the child, and will also protect herself from difficult childbirth.

Useful video

The color of amniotic fluid is an important characteristic, and doctors attach great importance to this fact. By the color of the amniotic fluid, you can tell about the well-being of the child.

Sometimes there are situations that the amniotic fluid leaves before the onset of contractions, at home, and of course the pregnant woman herself can draw certain conclusions from the color of the departed waters. If you notice signs of amniotic fluid leakage, then also pay attention to the color of the water.

What color is amniotic fluid?

Normally, amniotic fluid is a colorless liquid without a pronounced odor. However, in the presence of certain conditions that are different from the normal course of pregnancy, the color of amniotic fluid can vary from slightly cloudy to dark brown.

  • If the departed waters have transparent color- this is a very good signal for you - it means that the child feels well, and there is no need to speed up the birth with medications. Doctors, in the same way, with the normal color of the waters, do not seek to speed up childbirth, but allow nature to do its job in the allotted time.
  • amniotic fluid Green colour.

Green amniotic fluid is taken in the event that the child has passed the meconium in utero (in other words, the child pooped). This situation often develops in case of severe oxygen starvation and requires the use of emergency measures.

If the waters have broken at home, you should get to the maternity hospital as soon as possible and be under the supervision of doctors.

If the waters have broken in the maternity hospital, this is an occasion for doctors to conduct additional examinations of the baby’s condition, or a reason for a caesarean section in order to get the child as soon as possible and give him first aid, normalizing his physiological state.

  • amniotic fluid Red.

Such situations are extremely rare, but they indicate a serious danger. Red color means that there is internal bleeding, however, it is unrealistic to determine who is the cause - mother or child at home. Therefore, in such a situation, the count goes to minutes, and you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

The ambulance operator must be informed about the problem, and in this situation they will send you an intensive care team, and not a regular ambulance.

  • Brown color amniotic fluid, like red, does not mean anything good. Most often, brown color is a signal that the child is in the most difficult, critical condition and it is necessary to apply emergency, surgical measures for his birth.

However, it is worth considering that such situations, unless you avoid medical care and do not ignore all the procedures and examinations that doctors prescribe for you, are simply minimized.

As you can see, the color of amniotic fluid is of great diagnostic value. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to and remembering the color of your amniotic fluid, in order to then describe the current situation to the doctor of the maternity hospital as fully as possible.

Amniotic fluid is a substance that normally has no color and no pungent odor. 97% is water, which includes a variety of nutrients: proteins, mineral salts. Also in the amniotic fluid, upon closer examination, skin cells, hair and alkaloids can be found. In addition, the smell of the liquid, according to scientists, resembles the smell of mother's milk. That is why, immediately after childbirth, it reaches for the mother's breast.

The discharge of amniotic fluid is one of the surest signs that labor has already begun. However, it is not uncommon for the waters to break even earlier. And it is very important not to miss this moment, because the fetus can only live 12 hours without them.

If there are any problems with the fetus, the waters may turn green or even brown. If the expectant mother sees the leakage of dark waters, you should immediately call an ambulance.

What does waste water look like?

Normally, if everything is in order with the woman in labor and the child, the waters look like ordinary water. Very often, women at the initial stage of childbirth go to the shower to make it easier, so they may not notice that their water has broken, because. against the general background, they will be completely invisible. In some cases, after the water breaks, a woman may feel uterine contractions, which signal that labor has entered a new phase.

However, it often happens that the water begins to leak long before the onset of childbirth - sometimes even 2-. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the amount that comes out. So, for example, it is believed that normally it can be a natural discharge of liquid with a volume of about one tablespoon. Sometimes pregnant women even confuse it with urinary incontinence. Such a loss of amniotic fluid is quite natural and does not cause any harm to the child, especially since the water is being restored.

On average, the amount of amniotic fluid for childbirth is 1.0-1.5 liters. It is difficult to overestimate their role: they contribute to the normal development of the fetus, protecting it from being squeezed by the walls of the uterus and from external physical influences.

If there are more than three months before the birth, and the amount of leaking amniotic fluid exceeds the norm, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. The ideal option is to call an ambulance. Exceeding the norm may indicate the onset of premature birth.

How to calm yourself

If you are worried that your water is leaking, do not sit at home and be afraid. You have two options. The first is to go to the doctor for a consultation. The gynecologist will carry out all the necessary manipulations and understand whether it is water. If you are suspicious, and it seems to you that your water is constantly leaking, naturally, you don’t run to the doctor. In order not to torment yourself once again, it is enough to go to the pharmacy and buy a special test. Outwardly, it is quite similar to what is done at the very beginning of pregnancy. This test quite accurately determines the leakage of water and allows the expectant mother to gain peace and confidence that everything is going fine and nothing threatens the health of her baby.

Not all women know what the color of amniotic fluid means, why they are needed. The release of fluid indicates the onset of labor. The color will show the condition of the fetus, serves as a signal of danger that threatens the baby.


As the baby develops, the amniotic sac forms around the fetus. It is filled with amniotic fluid, which is necessary for the full development of the child. The amount of fluid depends on the duration of pregnancy.

How much amniotic fluid comes out before childbirth? Obstetricians monitor excess and lack of fluid. By week 38, the maximum amount is reached, and before childbirth it decreases. When overwearing, a progressive decrease occurs, threatening the health of the unborn baby. At week 10, the amount is 30 ml, by 14, water in pregnant women reaches 100 ml, at 19 - already 400 ml. By week 38 - up to 1.5 liters, before childbirth - up to 1 liter.

The composition of the liquid contains 97% distilled water, a concentrate of proteins, carbohydrates, hormones and vitamins. This includes special enzymes and active substances.

Amniotic fluid is the mother's blood plasma that passes through the placenta. In dissolved form, there are electrolytes of the woman and the fetus, oxygen.

What determines the color of amniotic fluid during childbirth:

  1. gestational age;
  2. embryonic hypoxia;
  3. infections;
  4. genetic diseases.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the water is clear and colorless. Over time, they change, as they mix with the secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands, the upper layers of the epidermis, fluffy hairs that fall off the body of the crumbs.

The color of amniotic fluid becomes cloudy before childbirth, as the composition changes. The acid level remains constant, which depends on the blood of the fetus. If the pregnancy proceeded normally, the balance is not disturbed, the water does not lose its protective properties until the baby appears.

In childbirth, fluid is needed to help the embryo get into the correct position, lowering the head into the lower part of the amniotic sac. They help to form the physiological course of the first stage of childbirth, and the uterus gradually opens up. The fluid becomes a hydraulic wedge, separated into anterior and posterior. The habitat of the fetus quickly reacts to the slightest changes in its physical condition.

How to find out the color of amniotic fluid before childbirth:

  • amnioscopy;
  • amniocentesis.

During pregnancy, the condition of the fluid is monitored using ultrasound. Determine the amount and presence of impurities. In pathologies, amnioscopy is prescribed. The procedure for examining the lower part of the fetal bladder using a special device.

An amniocentesis will be needed to visualize the color, determine the maturity of the child and his condition. Make a fence through the abdominal cavity. This is especially important in post-term pregnancy. The bubble may not burst until the onset of attempts. Labor activity begins with the discharge of water, then contractions occur. At this time, the color is assessed to determine the tactics of labor management.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pathologies

During pregnancy, there should be clear water without deviations. A change in color and transparency indicates an incorrect state. An additional examination is ordered. They take a general blood test, check antibodies, take a swab for flora. Examine for STIs, conduct cardiography, fetal ultrasound, dopplerometry. During examination with a stethoscope, compensatory tachycardia is detected, an increase in contractions of more than 180 per minute, then bradycardia occurs - a slowdown in heart tones.

ultrasound. Allows you to see the color of the amniotic fluid, indirectly judge the changes. Helps to determine homogeneity. Clots indicate infection.

Amnioscopy. The instrument is inserted into the vagina and cervix. Determine the color and amount of amniotic fluid.

Amniocentesis. Carried out according to indications, as the procedure causes complications. Make a fence to establish color and composition.

What are the waters during childbirth:

  1. transparent;
  2. streaked with blood;
  3. green;
  4. dark brown;
  5. red;
  6. pink;
  7. dark;
  8. black.

In a normal pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is whitish-yellow, slightly cloudy. This is the normal color of the liquid. If there are streaks and blotches of red, blood has gone, the cervix opens. An examination by a gynecologist is needed to rule out serious pathologies.

A greenish or brownish-green color indicates a deficiency of amniotic fluid or meconium emptying of the intestines by the fetus. The consequences of brown water during childbirth are intrauterine death of the embryo. It is necessary to go to the maternity hospital to avoid hypoxia, which led to the relaxation of the sphincter of the embryo. When fluid enters the baby's lungs, pneumonia and pulmonitis develop. Red color indicates bleeding. An ambulance is called, as any movement of a woman is dangerous.

What does the water look like in pregnant women when the cork leaves? The liquid remains almost transparent. Red veins occur when capillaries burst. A woman may not notice that the cork has come off, as it dissolves in water.

Symptoms of oxygen deficiency in a baby are a change in movement and heartbeat. At first, this happens vigorously and violently to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Subsequently, motor activity slows down.

Reasons for deviations

Green waters are a common pathology during pregnancy. The provoking factor is intrauterine hypoxia. The amount of oxygen in the blood of the unborn baby decreases. Normally, feces remain in the intestines. With a lack of oxygen, the intestines relax and meconium enters the amniotic fluid.

Causes of dark waters during childbirth: fetal hypoxia, infections that a woman suffered during pregnancy, genetic diseases of the child. Failure occurs as a result of circulatory disorders in the placenta. She is getting old. With a delayed pregnancy, degenerative changes occur, the vessels cease to function. In the 1st or 2nd trimester, it occurs due to circulatory pathology or in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Why do black waters break during childbirth:

  • detachment of the placenta;
  • infection;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • genetic abnormalities.

The causes of black waters differ depending on what disease the expectant mother was diagnosed with. It is necessary to do additional research if contractions have not yet begun. The decision on the method of delivery is made on the basis of the results obtained.

Causes of brown water during childbirth: intrauterine infection, low maternal hemoglobin, prolapse of the umbilical cord, placental abruption. Seek help from a gynecologist to determine the severity of the situation. The influence is exerted by a chronic disease of the expectant mother, a severe form of late preeclampsia.

What are the dangers of black water during childbirth:

  1. diseases of the eyes, skin, kidneys;
  2. postpartum pneumonia;
  3. belated development.

If pink waters broke during childbirth, this indicates an increase in the tone of the uterus. The woman feels pain in the lower abdomen. The pathology of the heart and blood vessels, the presence of diabetes mellitus, multiple pregnancy matters. The problem occurs with fetoplacental insufficiency. When blood flows during the passage of water, a diagnosis of placental abruption is made, an immediate caesarean section is required.

If the water with an admixture of blood during childbirth departed, the child receives less oxygen. Do not wait for independent fights. It is necessary to regulate the process under the supervision of an obstetrician. This happens with the syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia, with anemia, long-term use of hormones.

Types of deviations

Light water during childbirth is good, indicates the health of the woman, the absence of anomalies. The child feels normal, the process of the appearance of the baby will go well. Amniotic fluid is constantly updated. Yellow waters, slightly cloudy, are not a cause for concern. Sometimes red streaks are added to them. The woman feels well, contractions begin, the cervix opens, childbirth is approaching.

Note the water with white flakes that occur when the skin secretions of the baby, the secretion of the sebaceous glands, enter. Characteristic for a woman in a position up to 40 weeks. Waters with a smell indicate a prolonged pregnancy. Signals fetal hypoxia, infection. The condition of the child is constantly monitored. Inflammatory processes in the vagina are exacerbated before childbirth. If there are infections, emergency treatment is carried out.

The course of pregnancy is determined by the volume of amniotic fluid. It can be high water and low water. The second type is associated with a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid. Occurs due to a violation of their formation and absorption, dangerous from 18 to 26 weeks.

Increases the risk of abortion, intrauterine death of a child, death of a child on the first day after birth. Promotes fetal defect, infection. With a moderate form, a baby appears with malnutrition of varying degrees.

With polyhydramnios, there is an excess accumulation of fluid. Complications include premature birth. In case of circulatory disorders in a woman, an abortion is prescribed. It occurs in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus, with Rhesus conflict. Diagnosed by ultrasound, methods of therapy depend on the causes and degree of polyhydramnios.

Treatment and childbirth

What color should the water be during childbirth? Normally they are light in color. They are colorless and slightly hazy. There is no pronounced or unpleasant odor.

Where does the water come from during pregnancy? In the normal course of the process, the lower part of the amniotic sac bursts. The woman feels the cotton. The fluid then passes through the cervix and birth canal.

After determining the causes of the pathological condition and diagnosing the infection, medications are prescribed. With fetal hypoxia, funds will be required to improve blood circulation. To avoid preterm birth, tocolytics and glucocorticoids will be needed. For the purpose of prevention, foci of inflammation are eliminated, they are checked for the presence of genitourinary infections. Measures are taken for isthmic-cervical insufficiency - sutures are placed on the uterus.

Preventive antibiotic therapy helps reduce the risk of complications. The course is prescribed from the first day of hospitalization. In exceptional cases, amniotransfusion will be required. Treatment is carried out with regular examination of the pregnant woman and monitoring of the condition of the fetus. Assess blood counts, do cardiotocography.

A woman in position will be able to prevent problems when observing the color of amniotic fluid. If in doubt about the composition and color of the discharge, they turn to the obstetrician. He will prescribe treatment to prevent premature outflow of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.

Water discharge before childbirth in pregnant women

By the end of pregnancy, a woman is already beginning to look forward to when the period of bearing a child is over, and she can meet her blood. Even those to whom pregnancy was easy, get tired by the last weeks, suffer from heaviness, active movements of the fetus, and suffer. Therefore, childbirth is expected as getting rid of all these troubles. But how to understand that the time of the birth of a child is close? This is unmistakably indicated by such a phenomenon as the discharge of water before childbirth.

  1. Contractions without breaking water

What does amniotic fluid look like and what is it?

Amniotic fluid (also called amniotic) surrounds the fetus, creating an optimal habitat for it.

Previously, it was believed that their only function is protective: they protect the fetus from mechanical damage. The waters allow the unborn child to move freely in the uterus, "accept" the waste products of his body. The child moves, swims, develops in his natural environment with a temperature as close as possible to body temperature - 370 C °.

In recent years, the idea of ​​the role of water has become somewhat different: it has been proven that amniotic water is actively involved in metabolism. By swallowing them, the child receives some of the trace elements and minerals he needs.

  • enzymes;
  • sugar;
  • carbohydrates;
  • protein compounds;
  • hormones.

What color should the water be during childbirth? Normally, they are either colorless or have a pinkish tint. By the very end of pregnancy, they may contain particles of the fetal epidermis, hairs, so whitish flakes may appear in them. The water may become somewhat cloudy.

All of these are variants of the norm. For those who are concerned about the question of how the waters look before childbirth, if any pathological changes have occurred, the following can be noted: the waters will have a green or red color. Green indicates the entry into the water of the original feces - meconium, and this, in turn, indicates a lack of oxygen in the fetus. Red signals the onset of bleeding. Both situations require immediate medical attention.

How long does it take to give birth after water breaks?

How does the water break before childbirth in pregnant women? It happens that everything happens rapidly, resembling a waterfall, and it happens that there is a gradual leakage. The amniotic sac ruptures and the water begins to drain. During childbirth, the so-called anterior waters first come out - those that are located in the lower part of the amniotic sac, near the fetal head. On this basis, you can approximately determine when the birth will begin. Normally, this should happen in 6-12 hours. The bubble, bursting, releases part of its contents, and the water with its mass begins to put pressure on the cervix, forcing it to gradually open. This usually happens before the neck opens 4 cm.

How does amniotic fluid drain?

There is no exact scenario, the norm options may be different. The most common scenario is this: a woman feels a kind of cotton inside (it is not accompanied by pain), after which she observes an outpouring of fluid. How many liters or milliliters should come out? Usually in the body is about 1 liter of this fluid or a little more. However, not all amniotic fluid comes out at the same time. Some may leak a little. Therefore, the question of how much water leaves before childbirth is an individual one. When the waters break during childbirth, a woman understands that the exciting process of the birth of a new person will soon begin. It is necessary not to miss the very moment of water discharge, because the waterless period should not last more than 12 hours. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection of the fetus and mother.

If you are tormented by fears that you may not notice the discharge of water, put a fabric pad in your panties. If it gets wet, this indicates that "the process has started." In addition, there are special tests for amniotic fluid. They are sold in pharmacies.

If the water began to leak a little, then there may be a feeling of moisture in the perineum, a feeling that the amount of discharge has increased. If you are having a second birth, then there is a chance that the water will break faster, so you should hurry with a trip to the hospital or call an ambulance.

By the way, it is the waters that make it possible to distinguish true contractions from training ones. During late pregnancy, a woman can sometimes feel painful stretching in the lower abdomen - this is training contractions. They pass if you take antispasmodics and lie down calmly. But if you notice signs of water breaking, this is already a harbinger of childbirth, and no warm shower and relaxation will help here. Cases when a woman missed the beginning of the discharge of water are very rare.

Contractions without breaking water

Sometimes the contractions begin and intensify, giving the woman painful sensations, the intervals between them are reduced, and the outpouring of water still does not occur. What will the doctor do in this case? After waiting for some time (perhaps the body can still cope on its own), the doctor will offer the woman to pierce the amniotic sac. This is a painless and fast procedure. After it, labor activity intensifies, and it will already be possible to make predictions regarding the duration of labor.

There is also the opposite situation: the waters receded without contractions. Here you need to go to the hospital without delay, and if you are already in the hospital, you must inform the doctor about these changes. Most likely, you will need medications aimed at enhancing labor activity.

Sometimes women are concerned about how to distinguish the symptoms of water discharge from normal urination. The discharge of water in the toilet may well occur, so you need to carefully monitor your condition. If the expectant mother thinks: “I’m afraid not to understand whether this is normal urination or water discharge?”, Then those close and more experienced should reassure her by naming the following differences in amniotic fluid:

  • their departure cannot be arbitrarily restrained by any effort;
  • they are colorless and odorless;
  • they are quite abundant (normal).

If a woman does not know how to determine whether it is exactly water, let her try to squeeze the muscles of the bladder: if the process of "expiration" has stopped, then it is just urination.

The discharge of water indicates that the mother's body is ready to reject the ripe fetus. The main thing at this moment is to try to calm down, set yourself up for a long upcoming work (childbirth is real hard work), be sure to notify the doctor about the beginning of the process. It is also necessary to tell the doctor what color the waters were so that he can quickly assess the situation and take the necessary measures to support the mother and fetus.

The outpouring of water is an undoubted sign of your imminent meeting with a long-awaited child. Be patient, there are only a few left!