Pregnant whims - a change in taste preferences during pregnancy. Why do you want meat during pregnancy? What is missing in the body


Many people say that a woman who is expecting a child should eat for two. There are women who do this, and in the end, swelling problems begin, high blood pressure, painful sensations in the back area. Often, women during the period of bearing a baby claim that they always want to eat. Literally all expectant mothers are shown a low-carbohydrate diet for pregnant women. Therefore, questions arise why pregnant women constantly want to eat.

Reasons for feeling hungry

When a woman is pregnant, she constantly wants to eat. Some women demand that their husbands constantly buy them different delicious foods. But there are those who keep their weight under control.

Why pregnant women constantly want to eat:

  1. hormonal changes in the body;
  2. psychological factor;
  3. depression.

The main factor is the restructuring in the hormonal sphere, therefore, such changes contribute to the emergence of new desires and sensations. For example, a girl eats dishes that she previously did not like at all.

In addition, dishes that do not combine are combined - salty with sweet, sweet with salty. Experts say that this is normal for those who will soon become a mother. There is an increase in the need for calories, which are so necessary for prenatal development baby. But the psychological factor also plays an important role when it is said that you need to eat for two.

Doctors are sure that when carrying a baby, the expectant mother should consume more calories, but only by 300-400 calories, and not dozens of times.

Depressive states are attributed to the causes of hunger. A woman lacks the hormone of joy, which is found in sweets. As a result, the girl tries to compensate for this condition by eating sweet foods.

What to eat during pregnancy:

  • salty foods;
  • sweets;
  • pastry, bread;
  • sour food.

When a woman complains that she is constantly very hungry in the early stages of pregnancy, a competent doctor talks about the reasons for such an appetite and gives recommendations.

If a woman overeats while waiting for a child, then swelling occurs, kidney function is disrupted, varicose veins veins.

By following the advice of experts, you can avoid constant feeling hunger. They must be observed so as not to harm your health and the health of the child. A carbohydrate-free diet is recommended for pregnant women.

  1. eat small portions. In the form of a snack, there can be biscuits, yogurt, carrots;
  2. refuse baking;
  3. do not confuse when you want to drink, and when you eat;
  4. reduce consumption of acidic foods;
  5. eat seasonal vegetables and fruits as much as possible;
  6. protein and calcium should be consumed every day;
  7. don't eat on the go.

get busy interesting things because hunger can come from idleness.
Thus, it is advisable to make a list of foods for pregnant women, as well as a no-carbohydrate diet menu for pregnant women, in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

Tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Quite common is the phenomenon increased tone uterus when carrying a baby. In such a situation, the expectant mother feels pain in the abdomen and lower back. This condition contributes to a miscarriage, so you need to urgently consult a doctor.

What to drink with uterine tone during pregnancy:

  1. magne-B6;
  2. sedative tablets;
  3. drugs to relax the uterus.

But you can lower the tone of the uterus in other ways. There are products that reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. It's about about foods that contain magnesium.

What foods reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • Wheat groats;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • Rye bread;
  • green vegetables.

Thus, almost every woman experiences in different periods waiting for the baby to tone the uterus. It must be disposed of under any circumstances. In addition, you should follow rational nutrition, do not overeat. Experts recommend a diet without carbohydrates for pregnant women.

Stressful conditions most often contribute to the occurrence of various anomalies. As soon as certain health disorders become noticeable, you should immediately consult a doctor, avoid stress and take a horizontal position.

Without physical intimacy between a man and a woman, it is impossible to achieve harmony in relationships. This is an act of love, complete trust and tenderness between partners. With the onset of pregnancy, sexual intimacy is not only not contraindicated (with the exception of special occasions, which will be discussed below), but is also very necessary. It is at this time that many couples become liberated, free in their desires, because now you do not need to control yourself in order to avoid unplanned conception. Sexual love during pregnancy also acquires a spiritual meaning: it is not only the physical and spiritual contact of a man and a woman, it is something more, thanks to the act of love, new life- their own child.

Get down to business
If we descend from the heavens of spiritual love to the earth, then we want, between us girls, to discuss quite real, I would say, vital issues. How and in what has your attitude towards the man from whom you are expecting a child changed. Because, some women become closer to men, others want to retire more, they become isolated on their feelings of pregnancy, they cannot or do not want to talk about the nuances of their psychological mood partner. For men, such behavior of the ladies of the heart is not something that discourages, it simply stuns. There was one man, bam - and suddenly a completely different personality, as if his wife had been replaced. The topic of sex becomes a sore point for many couples who are expecting a baby. So let's dot the i's.

Visit to the gynecologist to confirm pregnancy

In addition to two stripes on the test, your pregnancy must be confirmed by a gynecologist. It is during such a solemn visit that you should discuss the possibility of continuing sexual activity during pregnancy. Since your doctor is quite familiar with your inner content, this means, of course, not spiritual world, you certainly need to overcome the characteristic of many in such sensitive issue shyness and just ask: “Tell me, can I have sex?” Believe me, the doctor is by no means a puritan, he is well aware that thanks to sex, your conception took place. So, the vast majority of gynecologists are allowed to continue to have sex. They do not want your lover to languish in anticipation of closeness for a long 9 months or, God forbid, go to the side. What to do if the doctor answered this question - "no". This means that you should definitely ask additional question: "And why?" Here are some reasons why your gynecologist may forbid you from having sex for some time or even before delivery.

When pregnant women should not have sex

  • If you or your partner do not want to have sex.
    • If you even have minor bleeding(This must be reported to the doctor).
    • If you had a miscarriage in a previous pregnancy, sex life prohibited during the first four months of pregnancy.
    • If there is a possibility of premature birth.
    • If amniotic fluid is leaking.
    • If your partner has been diagnosed with a urinary tract infection.
    • Gynecologists also do not recommend having sex on the days when you used to have your period, and also when you had a miscarriage (if any).
    Also not desirable during pregnancy is cunnilingus (oral sex with vaginal stimulation), as well as masturbation. They can cause very strong contractions, incomparable with.
    If your attending physician has given a convincing reason for not having sex, be sure to specify the end date for abstinence. Because confusion can happen: the doctor will forbid sex, you will strictly follow his advice month after month, and then it turns out that the doctor meant sexual “rest” for two weeks. And how will you look into my eyes after that own husband?

    Hormones not only make it possible to endure long-awaited child they bring surprises in sexual life. Many women are on such a rise that sometimes they cannot control themselves and literally pounce on the future fathers of the family. The power of lust is such that it gives women a chance to feel like a man who "wants" almost always. Some members of the stronger sex even feel that they have been used. But the vast majority of couples love this sexual revolution.
    Many ladies in position read the lines written above and were indignant: what kind of sex, if nausea torments you from morning to evening, you always want to sleep, you are overcome by weakness, dizziness and others unpleasant companions(occurs not at all) pregnancy. New sensations exhaust the woman so much that by the end of the day she only wants to get to bed as soon as possible. And the husband dreams of the joys of sex alone. This state of drowsiness and weakness is especially pronounced in the first months of pregnancy.

    Men, in the first trimester of pregnancy, you should not strain your beloved with sexual fantasies. At this time, the woman's desire fades away. Hormonal background, sorry for the tautology, it is so bright that everything vitality women go to rebuild the body in the name of the needs of your baby. At this time, you should be very sensitive in order to prevent misunderstanding in your relationship. In addition, women who have a tendency to miscarriage or there is a real threat of termination of pregnancy should refrain from sexual intercourse for 12 weeks. By this time, the placenta is fully formed, thanks to which the child is supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and the waste products of the baby are removed. Many women find themselves dizzy during sex, and not just from happiness. And sometimes there is nausea. Strictly between us: so that your feelings do not come out completely real way just enough to change your posture. The pose of a woman on her back, a man on top is canceled, the dominant position from above is now in fashion, and entry from the side or on all fours will not bring anxiety either.
    According to doctors, most good time for sexual relations - the second trimester of pregnancy. In most cases, the manifestations of toxicosis disappear, the woman again begins to feel attracted to the man. Unprecedented passion can promise the birth of a boy: doctors explain this by the fact that more male hormones enter the woman's body. A calm sex life without bursts may be evidence that future mother expecting the birth of a daughter.

    Rounded shapes, tense chest - all these external signs A normal pregnancy sometimes causes a feeling of anxiety in a woman: what if the beloved man grows cold towards you? Your fears are unfounded, most of the stronger sex find the changes more erotic.
    So, be sure of yourself, because you will not go pregnant all your life: this is not forever! Just take care of yourself even more carefully than usual: manicure, pedicure, makeup, if you wear it. Buy yourself not only a maternity costume, but also an exciting underwear(you'll have to look, lace is not often sewn on busts for rounded shapes). Bearing a child directs your thoughts about the future care of the baby, in children's stores you want to buy literally all the sliders and toys. But don't forget yourself. There is very little time left that you can devote only to yourself and your beloved man. I'll tell you a secret: most of the stronger sex consider only intimacy to be a manifestation of self-love. That is, if there is no sex, he does not love, there is sex, he loves. I won’t say that it’s already painfully primitive, but simply yes. Therefore, it is not necessary to reject the future father of the child and, moreover, push him into the background.

    By the way, in recent months During pregnancy, sexual activity often decreases even in a man, to say nothing of a woman: she is physically and psychologically tired. All the thoughts of the spouses that the birth of their baby should soon occur. The child is no longer something abstract in the stomach, but here it is, very close, small miracle, now and then showing a leg or handle from mother's belly. Men become more tender and afraid to harm little man. By the way, there are representatives of the stronger sex who are afraid to do something wrong during sex and throughout pregnancy and do not want to hear about intimacy. This usually happens with those couples who, for some reason, have been waiting for the appearance of their child. And now they are afraid to inadvertently destroy an almost come true dream - to give birth to a healthy, beautiful baby.

    In the third trimester of pregnancy sexual attraction both partners are declining. Men are becoming more responsible and realize that premature birth that sex can cause are undesirable. The thoughts of the spouses are increasingly busy with the upcoming change in their status: soon they will become a father and mother. However, many couples live sexually until childbirth. Women report that the most auspicious time for the physical manifestation of love - early morning or after lunch. It's okay if a man adapts to your mood: this will only strengthen your feelings. Big belly pushes couples to search for others except as the woman on the back, and the man on top. Very comfortable in the last trimester of pregnancy pose on the side. Also, the woman is comfortable sitting on her husband's hips and all poses from behind.

    Sex during pregnancy - Harm to the baby

    Doctors forbade our parents to have sex during pregnancy. This was explained by the fact that microorganisms can enter the uterus during intercourse. Today the taboo on sex is abolished. It is now known that the baby is securely hidden in the uterus and amniotic fluid protects it from jolts during sex. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, the entrance to the uterus is securely closed with a mucous plug, through which no microbe can penetrate.

    Many are overwhelmed by the thought that a child is spying on lustful parents and sooner or later will declare: “And these people forbid me to pick my nose?” So, there is no proof that sexual relations the baby remembers the parents (how many, when and where) and can inflict psychological trauma. A child in the womb feels only the state of the mother: if a woman experiences the pleasure of having sex, then it only benefits him. During intercourse, blood supply to the placenta improves, which means that the baby receives more nutrients. Beneficial effect on the child and powerful energy metabolism that occurs between a man and a woman during lovemaking.

    Benefits of sex during pregnancy

    So, we summarize the information why you SHOULD have sex:
    • If a woman abstains from sex for a long time, she accumulates negative emotions. It has long been known that the baby in the womb is sensitive not only to physical condition mother, but also psychological. Negative emotional background harm the fetus.
    • Lack of sex can lead to toxicosis. Yes Yes. When sexual activity decreases, the placenta (through which the baby receives nutrition and excreted waste products) decreases metabolism. That is, the waste products of the child are more slowly excreted from the body of a woman, which can cause toxicosis.
    • Sex perfectly trains the anal-genital muscles of the uterus to upcoming birth. Unlike the muscles in your legs or arms, these muscles only work when you "use" them, as they say. No sex - the muscles are sluggish, there is sex - they work and, most importantly, get stronger. Orgasm cramps are a lot like childbirth. By the way, I know women who, during the birth of a child, experienced an orgasm incomparable in brightness. Developed anal-genital muscles guarantee the normal position of the uterus in the abdominal cavity, and this important condition in order to successfully bear a child. Just do not overdo it with sex, my dears, in your condition it is better to exclude long "runs". You will begin full-fledged training of the anal-genital muscles now after the birth of your baby.
    • During orgasm, an explosion occurs in the body: this group of polypeptide chemical compounds called endorphins gives us blissful pleasure, joy and a feeling of happiness. Hormones during pregnancy make a woman just a geisha, sensual and sensitive. An enlarged clitoris, an expansion of the uterus and vagina, a more powerful blood flow to the small pelvis contribute to the fact that a woman begins to get great pleasure from sex, many experience an orgasm for the first time during pregnancy.
    • The semen contains the hormone prostaglandin, which helps to relax the uterus, thus smoothly preparing it for childbirth. It is this property of prostaglandins at the end of pregnancy that can provoke the onset of contractions.
    P.S. Sex is an important part of life, but not all of life. Therefore, if there is no sexual relations in the family, it is worth talking about it simply and without hiding. You must be absolutely frank in your desires and reluctances. No need to drag a tail of unresolved problems into your post-pregnancy life. Surprises await you there, and not always pleasant ones. So, solve problems, including sexual ones, on the shore, and not in a boat. Love can be shown not only through direct sexual contact: there is also Erotic massage, and oral sex. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, because HOW EXACTLY TO LOVE is your own business.

    To improve relationships, including in bed, will help common affairs. Try to go to examinations together. A man who sees his baby on the ultrasound monitor with his own eyes will certainly become more attentive and gentle towards you - his beloved woman and the future mother of his child. On the other hand, not all necessarily free time be sure to do it together. During pregnancy, it is important to find time for yourself alone. And here long separations worth postponing. Even highly autonomous couples on long business trips get nervous. Women feel abandoned to their fate, and men twitch all the time, believing that without their presence next to their beloved, something will go wrong. So, love each other, be there, and be sure to DIRECTLY talk about all your desires: what is going on in your head is not transmitted by impulses to the subconscious to your beloved. Men love to fulfill the most delusional but clearly stated desires, not our vague expectations.

    Pregnancy is a time of new sensations and various complaints. Expectant mothers may notice drowsiness or irritability, pain in the head and lower back, changes in taste or nausea, weight gain. Sometimes they notice that more and more often there is a desire to drink plenty of fluids. Is extreme thirst related to pregnancy?


    Moderate or severe thirst is not a sign of pregnancy, although it occurs quite often during this period. Usually, the desire to drink a lot occurs even in the early stages, in the first or second trimester, and is more often noted during the day. However, nocturnal thirst also occurs. In the third trimester, the appearance of such a symptom along with edema is often noted.

    The causes of this condition can be both physiological and pathological. However, the appearance of such a complaint should alert the expectant mother. It is best in this situation not to postpone the consultation of the attending physician.

    If a strong thirst develops abruptly, among full health and it is almost impossible to quench it, a trip to a specialist should be immediate.

    Physiological causes

    Bearing a child is impossible without a complete hormonal restructuring of the female body. The volume of substances changes, blood flow increases, the speed increases chemical reactions.

    The expectant mother must ensure not only the normal functioning of her body, but also the growth of the fetus. All this requires additional fluid intake into the body and is manifested by the desire to drink a lot.

    The physiological causes of thirst during pregnancy include:

    1. Change in metabolism. Water is the basis of all chemical reactions. If their number or speed increases, then the need for fluid also increases.
    2. Change in blood flow, which entails an increase in fluid volume.
    3. Appearance amniotic fluid. It leads to additional expense fluids and the appearance of thirst, especially in the second or third trimesters. The desire to drink can become strong if the volume of amniotic fluid increases sharply or there is polyhydramnios.
    4. Intensive work of the kidneys. Because excretory system women have to work for two, all processes in them happen faster. This explains the more frequent desire to drink.
    5. Diet change. Expectant mothers often note the need for spicy, sweet or salty foods. After such dishes, thirst will intensify, sometimes quite strongly.

    If the desire to drink is associated with physiological reasons, there is no need to be afraid of it. However, only the attending physician can determine the nature of thirst after certain tests.

    Pathological causes

    Although most often thirst during pregnancy is a natural phenomenon and can be easily corrected by changing the diet or drinking regimen, sometimes it can become a symptom of a dangerous disease.

    Most frequent pathological causes thirst when carrying a child is:

    • Diabetes.
    • Toxicosis.
    • Preeclampsia.
    • Associated diseases.

    Pathological thirst cannot be ignored. It can be suspected when you want to drink all the time and the inability to satisfy this desire with any drinks. Such a state requires complete examination And quality treatment, since the outcomes of it can be too serious.


    Diabetes mellitus, or DM, can develop before conception or only during pregnancy. In the second case, it is called gestational and, with appropriate treatment after childbirth, safely disappears.

    If a woman has not previously had any changes in the blood sugar level, then a sudden feeling of intense thirst may be a sign of the onset gestational diabetes. In addition to the desire to drink, the expectant mother may also notice other symptoms:

    • Very frequent urination or polyuria. Sometimes this symptom is called diabetes, so often you have to go to the toilet.
    • Increased appetite, or, conversely, its absence.
    • Weight loss.
    • Dry skin.
    • Nausea and vomiting.

    The combination of such signs with a strong thirst for the first time indicates the development of gestational diabetes and requires an immediate determination of blood glucose.

    If a woman had diabetes before pregnancy, then a pronounced desire to drink is associated with decompensation of this disease. This can happen during the gestation period, as sugar levels and stress on the body change significantly. But as a rule, people with a long history of diabetes know the warning signs, and if they are constantly thirsty, they go to the doctor in time.


    Toxicosis in the early stages is often accompanied by vomiting. It can be single or - which happens more often - multiple times during the day. This condition can easily lead to dehydration, especially during the hot season.

    With severe vomiting, the expectant mother will experience constant intense thirst. If you can’t cope with toxicosis and dehydration on your own, the woman will need treatment in a hospital - intravenous drip fluid.

    Increasing thirst against the background of vomiting is a dangerous sign.


    In the second half of pregnancy, preeclampsia may await the expectant mother. It is most often noted on later dates, in the third trimester. Like toxicosis, it is a specific complication during the bearing of a baby.

    In this case, first of all, women begin to complain about the appearance of edema. However, they in no way indicate an excess of fluid intake. On the contrary, it is a symptom of impaired kidney function, due to which water does not linger in the vascular bed, but accumulates in the surrounding tissues. She practically does not participate in the exchange. That is why, despite the growing swelling, the expectant mother will constantly be thirsty. And it is impossible to limit the flow of fluid in such a situation.

    Concomitant diseases

    During pregnancy, the defenses are reduced, and various diseases begin to attack female body. Most often it is SARS, colds, pathologies respiratory system- pharyngitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis.

    These diseases are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which causes thirst. Also, the desire to drink arises from the emerging dryness of the mucous membranes.

    The more liquid is ingested during illness, the faster the expectant mother will cope with it. Therefore, a wise organism reacts to pathological process increasing thirst.

    To distinguish a pathological desire to drink from a physiological one, a doctor's consultation and a certain examination are necessary.


    suspect true reason The doctor is already capable of thirst during the interview and examination. However, there are a number of tests that are required when this symptom appears. First of all it is:

    1. Blood glucose to exclude or confirm diabetes.
    2. General urine analysis. It allows you to determine the protein that appears there only with preeclampsia.
    3. General blood analysis. Its changes indicate an inflammatory process.
    4. Biochemical study of blood. This is a set of indicators that help to evaluate the work of the liver and kidneys, markers of inflammation, protein composition of the blood.

    If necessary, other examinations, such as ultrasound, may be prescribed.


    It is impossible to get rid of pathological thirst without treating the underlying disease. And the therapy in each case will be different:

    • Insulin in diabetes.
    • Saline solutions for dehydration.
    • Protein preparations for gestosis.
    • Anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drugs in case of concomitant diseases.

    However, it is equally important to follow the correct drinking regimen. And in the case of physiological thirst, this is the only treatment option.

    Drinking regime

    While carrying a child, not all drinks are useful. Some are strictly not recommended for quenching thirst. Pregnant women can drink:

    • table water.
    • weak green tea.
    • compotes.
    • fruit drinks.
    • fresh juices.
    • herbal teas (allowed during pregnancy).

    Under the ban is sweet carbonated water of all tastes and varieties, energy drinks, tonics, strong black tea, coffee.

    Thirst during pregnancy can be common. But not to miss dangerous disease, you must inform your doctor about it.

    What kind of symptoms do pregnant women not find in themselves: accumulation of gases (flatulence), cravings for salty and sweet, capriciousness, tearfulness, nausea and increased pigmentation. But thirst during pregnancy is not a sign of future motherhood.

    However, it can become an integral part of his companion. This factor cannot be ignored, and first you need to find out the reasons for the increased need for fluid in the body.

    Why do you always want to drink during pregnancy

    Experts believe that there are two types of factors that cause intense thirst during pregnancy: chronic diseases and pathological conditions, as well as the usual physiological processes:

    • it must be remembered that all metabolic processes and biochemical reactions in the body occur through fluid. During pregnancy, these phenomena become more frequent, the woman's body experiences increased loads and use more energy. Hence the increased need for drinking;
    • due to the accelerated metabolism, the kidneys have to work in an enhanced mode “without days off”, it is not surprising that a woman is very thirsty during pregnancy, and a feeling of thirst accompanies her day and night;
    • against the background of a constant increase in the number amniotic fluid, organism future mother carries a significant loss of moisture, so you have to drink a lot and often;
    • if the pregnant woman has undergone a change taste preferences, and the amount of salty foods in her diet has increased, the body is trying to remove excess salt. Naturally, you have to drink more water to make it easier for the kidneys to work;
    • due to the activation of the hematopoietic system, which prevents the formation of blood clots, in vascular system fluid accumulation automatically increases, which is the cause of intense thirst during pregnancy.

    Also, the need for water may arise due to some disease. For example, diabetes mellitus, viral infection, bronchial diseases or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

    By the way, blood sugar levels in pregnant women are often elevated. If this fate befell you, you should consult with your doctor about the diet.

    Sometimes a woman is constantly thirsty during pregnancy for a reason reduced hemoglobin. If you have anemia, it is not surprising that the body requires a lot of water.

    There are situations when at a later date there are edema, but thirst during pregnancy only intensifies. It would seem that it is worth limiting fluid intake, but no - the body needs water even more than before. The fact is that an actively growing fetus takes a lot of protein from the mother, “eats” muscle mass.

    To reduce swelling in this case and prevent blood clots, you can give up fast carbohydrates - pastries, sugar, sweets, instead increasing the intake of proteins and foods containing protein.

    If you are constantly thirsty, especially at night, share your concerns with your doctor. Sometimes thirst signals such serious illness, How preeclampsia, so let the specialist for safety net prescribe additional tests.

    As you can see, the reasons why you may be tormented by intense thirst during pregnancy are pretty clear. Now let's figure out what drinks you can satisfy it with.

    Faithful helpers in the fight against thirst

    Naturally, if you are very thirsty during pregnancy, then you need to fight thirst, and not endure it. Fortunately, the range of drinks is quite wide:

    1. Water. Of course, the first and most correct is a simple pure water. Not only does it best satisfy thirst, but there are no contraindications to it;
    2. Mineral. You need to be careful with this drink. It is better to refuse medicinal waters, but the dining room can be consumed within reasonable limits. However, it is better to choose mineral water without gas, so as not to burden the intestines. It is also worth paying attention to the composition and make sure that this water is mineralized in a natural way, and not by an artificial method;
    3. Juices. Of course, drinks made from fresh vegetables and fruits are good for expectant mothers and their babies. But you should approach the choice of juices with all responsibility, because their abuse is fraught with various complications. First of all, try to eliminate juices in packages or bottles from your diet. Product manufacturers often do not disdain sweeteners, flavors and preservatives. There will be no benefit from such a drink at all. Also note that exotic juices such as pineapple or mango are made from fruits that have undergone long-term transportation and storage, not always in favorable conditions. It is advisable to drink nectars of domestic production, grown in the CIS apples, cherries, plums, carrots. But it is best to drink a drink from freshly squeezed berries or fruits, prepared with your own hands. To do this, you need to choose on the market (but not in the supermarket) not too beautiful raw materials - in this, as a rule, there are no pesticides and nitrates. But do not forget that from sweet juices, thirst during pregnancy can only increase. Therefore, dilute them with water 1:1 and consume in moderation;
    4. Morses. Perfectly helps to cope with thirst fresh fruit drink from cranberries or lingonberries;
    5. Teas and decoctions. Both black and green tea contain considerable doses of caffeine, so they are on the list of dubious drinks for pregnant women. But if you can’t refuse them at all, choose varieties carefully, do not abuse additives that can cause allergies, and the strength of the drink. It is best to drink tea no more than 2 times a day, giving up sugar in favor of honey. And if possible, even switch to rosehip decoctions, dried fruit compote (uzvar), jelly, chamomile or mint tea.

    For a pregnant woman in drinking, as in everything, moderation is important. Drink no more than two liters of fluid per day and be healthy!

    The taste preferences of expectant mothers have long been a topic for jokes. However, when a pregnant woman wants something to tears, it is difficult to refuse her. Often mommy is drawn to sour. Why do women like sour during pregnancy so much and what does this addiction mean?

    Want sour during pregnancy? This is the body's need!

    The body of a woman expecting a baby itself tells what exactly he needs. Most often, you want sour during pregnancy in the first trimester, when most women suffer from toxicosis.

    With toxicosis, nausea is a common occurrence. It occurs due to the fact that the production of gastric juice slows down, digestive enzymes are produced less actively. And sour food provokes the release of gastric secretion and starts the work of digestive enzymes. At the same time, nausea weakens, vomiting stops.

    Calcium and iron: proper absorption

    The first trimester of pregnancy is the time when the skeleton of the crumbs is formed and its teeth are laid. In the mother's stomach, the presence of acid is necessary so that calcium and its compounds are normally absorbed by the body. Yes, and vitamin C, which is found in acidic foods - good partner for calcium, which helps the trace element to be absorbed. However, some types of acids (oxalic, inositol-phosphoric), on the contrary, do not allow calcium to be absorbed.

    Iron is an important trace element in the body of any person, and how expectant mothers suffer from its lack! Without iron, the level of hemoglobin drops, which means that the blood of two organisms at once (maternal and fetus) lacks oxygen. This threatens the baby with anemia, and the mother feels constant weakness, dizziness and may faint. Vitamin C helps with iron absorption.

    Vitamin C - the body's little guardian of defense

    Acidic food is a source of vitamin C. And it is very important for maintaining the mother's immunity and the formation of cells of connective tissues, skin and of cardio-vascular system baby.

    Where is a lot of vitamin C?

    In products such as:

    Rose hip;


    Lemons and other citrus fruits;

    Apples, etc.

    In addition, vitamin C has been shown to protect pregnant women from nervous stress and depression, relieves constipation, improves digestion and reduces the tone of the uterus.