Whether there was a conception how to find out. Symptoms and physiological changes in the body in the first days after conception

Choice of colors

fertilization- penetration of the sperm into the egg

ovum division after fertilization and its movement through the fallopian tubes

For it to come ovulation, an immature egg (follicle) in one of the ovaries matures under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is secreted by the pituitary gland. As the follicle matures, luteinizing hormone is produced. Under its influence, the follicle ruptures, releasing the egg. This is ovulation, which usually occurs in the middle of each normal menstrual cycle. After ovulation, the egg travels into one of the fallopian tubes and from there into the uterus. Usually, the egg is capable of fertilization within twelve hours. If fertilization does not occur during this time, she dies and is excreted during menses along with menstrual flow.

For conception to occur, the sperm must already be in the fallopian tubes at that time. time when the egg is capable of fertilization. The spermatozoon, being in the genital tract of a woman after ejaculation, usually does not die for another 48-72 hours. So about four days monthly, most favorable for conception.

For conception to occur, the sperm must penetrate the membranes of the egg. A large number of spermatozoa are involved in the dissolution of the outer shell, but only one can connect with the egg. The egg and sperm combine to form one cell (zygote), which divides into two, then four, and so on. Each cell of the fetus contains the chromosomes of the mother and father, which form the individual genetic code of the child.

After conception the developing fetus passes through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. The cells continue to divide and form a ball called a morula. After about four days, fluid accumulates in the center of the morula and a cavity is created. This structure is called the blastocyst. After a few days, protrusions called chorionic villi form on the blastocyst. They penetrate the wall of the uterus and are fixed in it. This process is called implantation. Implantation occurs about twenty days after the last menses. In it time after conception first signspregnancy usually absent.

When planning conception, it is necessary to consider that:

    During one menstrual cycle, a woman can mature several eggs.

Ovulation may not occur in the middle of the cycle. In young girls and in violation menstrual cycle, the ovaries often work irregularly, and therefore ovulation may occur earlier or later. The time of ovulation may depend on the emotional and mental state of the woman, which affects the hormonal balance.

Various diseases affect a woman's ability to conceive and the ability to implant a fertilized egg in the uterus.

Very common lately asymptomatic course of gynecological diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases and tumors. Even pathological vaginal discharge with such diseases is not always the case. Without analyzes it is difficult to distinguish them from normal secretions. With a hidden course of female diseases, there are no stomach ache, bleeding, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms. Therefore, every woman needs a preventive examination by a gynecologist at least twice a year.

Favorable days for conceiving a child

Conception- First step pregnancy. Sometimes, in order for conception to happen faster, preparation is necessary. Choose favorable days for conception better according to conception calendar. Male germ cells are able to maintain their activity in a woman's body for several days. If there is no ovulation during this period, then conception will not occur, and they will die. Most favorable time for conceiving children- This day ovulation.

Since the lifespan of an egg is about 12 hours, sexual intercourse in days before ovulation is more preferable for conception of a child, how after ovulation, since it takes about a day for sperm to get into the fallopian tube. Define day ovulation and calculate auspicious days for conception possible by basal temperature chart, but this method is complicated and imprecise. You can also do it yourself in the middle of the menstrual cycle tests for ovulation and consult a gynecologist who, using analysis secretions, Ultrasound, hormone tests, will determine the day of ovulation with an accuracy of 1-2 days. Some women subjectively feel ovulation - they feel pain in the lower abdomen, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, nausea, they note the release of ovulatory viscous abundant mucus from the genital tract on the day of ovulation. Sometimes there is discharge during ovulation bloody. Ovulation in different women can occur on different days. Therefore, after determining the days of ovulation for three menstrual cycles, a woman can draw up an individual conception calendar.

Fertility calendar for ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle

Poses for conception

It is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for 3-5 days before ovulation for the maturation of spermatozoa. For conception, it is better if a woman lies on her back during intercourse. After its completion, you can put a pillow under the buttocks and raise your legs. This posture need to save some time. In this case, the cervix will be immersed in the sperm located in the posterior fornix of the vagina. Also facilitate the penetration of spermatozoa into the cervical canal and conception helps knee-elbow pose during or after intercourse. Most young women who are newly sexually active do not experience orgasm during intercourse. The presence of an orgasm does not affect conception.

Days before conception and after conception

IN days before conception child And after conception, drinking alcohol by spouses should be excluded, since alcohol has a damaging effect on female and male sex cells. It is necessary to avoid other harmful factors - smoking, household chemicals, x-rays, drugs. If the spouses are not healthy, it is better to postpone conception until recovery. In the case of long-term use of medications and chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor about their possible effect on conception And pregnancy.

Days after conception before the first delay of menstruation signspregnancy usually absent.

The best time to conceive a child

The biggest plus for conception at any time year is the very fact of pregnancy, especially if it is long-awaited.

conception in summer

When conceived in the summer, the first trimester pregnancy falls in the summer-autumn, childbirth - in the spring months. The advantages of this time for conception include good natural fortification of the body, the opportunity to spend more time outdoors, and a favorable epidemiological situation for acute respiratory infections in the first trimester of pregnancy. But childbirth and the formation of lactation occur in the most hypovitaminous season of the year, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of essential nutrients to the female body.

Conception in autumn

The first trimester of pregnancy falls on autumn-winter, childbirth - in the summer months. At the same time, a good natural fortification of the woman's body during the period of conception, before childbirth and during the formation of lactation.

But the first trimester falls on an epidemiologically unfavorable season - influenza outbreaks, acute respiratory infections. In the first trimester, the fetus is especially vulnerable to infection. This should be taken into account when a woman is prone to colds.

Part of the last trimester of pregnancy will take place in hot summer conditions. This should be considered for women who do not tolerate heat well and need plenty of fluids. The heat complicates the fight against late toxicosis of pregnancy, worsens the well-being of the expectant mother, it is difficult to maintain a drinking regimen at high temperatures.

conception in winter

The first trimester of pregnancy falls in the winter-spring, childbirth - in the fall. Plus, conception at this time is a good natural fortification in the last trimester of pregnancy, during childbirth and in the period of lactation.

But the first trimester of pregnancy falls on the peak of epidemic trouble in terms of influenza and acute respiratory infections. And at this time, as mentioned earlier, the embryo is most sensitive to the effects of infection.

conception in the spring

The first trimester of pregnancy falls on spring-summer, childbirth - in the winter. The disadvantages include the peak of hypovitaminization of parental organisms at the time of conception and early pregnancy, the unfavorable epidemic situation in terms of acute respiratory infections and influenza during conception in the first half of spring.

Conception of a child - a boy or a girl.

It is believed that compliance with certain rules before conception guarantees conception of a child a certain gender. Statistics do not confirm the effectiveness of any of the "folk" methods of planning the sex of the child, positive results when these rules are observed are random.

All the "folk" methods of planning the sex of a child listed below do not have any scientific justification, however, with strong faith in them, they may be effective. With regard to following the described diets, one should be especially careful, since none of them is complete in terms of nutritional composition, which can adversely affect the health of the mother and child.

Folk methods of conceiving a boy or girl

To conceive a boy it is necessary in even years of life to plan conception for odd months or in odd years - for even. It is believed that sex is necessary at night, when there is a month in the sky, and not a full moon, and there is no precipitation. It should be cool in the bedroom, the window should be open, you should lie with your head to the north, you should put some “male” attribute under the pillow - a toy gun, a typewriter. More likely to conceive a boy in those couples where the husband is more sexually active than the wife. During intercourse, a man should reach orgasm earlier than a woman, and after sex, future parents are advised not to sleep for a long time. Before sexual intercourse, the husband should wash the testicles with cold water, which will increase the activity of spermatozoa. Before the onset of an important night, for at least three weeks, a woman should eat meat and fish products, potatoes, mushrooms, drink tea, coffee, forgetting about milk and dairy products, as well as bread and egg yolks. All dishes must be salted.

To conceive a girl the year and month of the onset of pregnancy can be either even or odd. The day must be rainy, the phase of the moon is the full moon. In these cases, you need to have sex in the evening, in a room painted in pink tones, lie with your head to the south, and put a pink ribbon under the pillow. The window should be closed, and the air in the room should be scented. Girls are guaranteed to couples where the wife is more sexually active than the husband. In the conception of a girl, the observance of a milk diet helps, fish, bread, carrots, cucumbers, herbs are allowed, the consumption of dried fruits, meat is limited, carbonated water, salt and spices are excluded. The future father of the girl should warm the genitals with warm underwear to reduce the activity of male germ cells.

One of the often discussed methods of planning the sex of a child has the sonorous name "blood renewal". It is believed that in men the blood is renewed every 4, and in women - every 3 years. If a person had some kind of operation or blood loss during his life, then the countdown does not start from the birthday, but from the date of this blood loss. Thus, the age or time from the last blood loss is divided by 4 for men, and 3 for women (with Rh-negative blood in the mother, the opposite is true - for men, the denominator will be 3, and for women - 4). Whoever has a larger balance (mom or dad), he has a more “young”, strong blood, therefore, the child will be of the same sex. The method has not received any scientific justification.

Conception of a boy or girl from a scientific point of view

According to statistics, 106 boys are born for every 100 girls. Even more male embryos are formed, but male embryos, as well as boys of the first year of life, die more often. Dangerous games, men's professions, wars, bad habits often lead to the death of adult men. By reproductive age, the sex ratio becomes approximately 1 to 1.

The sex cells of a man and a woman contain one sex chromosome and 22 somatic (non-sex) each - a sperm cell and an egg contain 23 chromosomes each. When a sperm and an egg merge during fertilization, an individual genotype of a girl (46XX) or a boy (46XY) is formed. Gender is determined by the combination of two sex chromosomes: girls have a combination of XX, and boys have XY. In a woman, all eggs contain one X chromosome (there are no other sex chromosomes in the female body). Male spermatozoa are of two types: with the X chromosome and with the Y chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by X-spermatozoon, a girl will be born, if Y - a boy. Thus, the sex of the child depends on the male germ cell! Therefore, claims to the wife about the sex of the child born on the part of the pope are completely unfounded. For the same reason, all methods of planning the sex of the child related to the expectant mother are unreasonable. A woman can pass on only the X chromosome to her child, and the second chromosome - X or Y, on which it will depend whether a boy or a girl is born, the child's father transmits.

Some methods of planning the sex of the child are based on scientifically based facts. They are difficult to use for women with an irregular cycle, in which it is difficult to determine the exact day of ovulation. In healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle, the date of ovulation may also shift.

    Planning the sex of the child by the date of ovulation.

To increase the likelihood conception of a boy, you need to have sexual intercourse on ovulation time. The method is based on the differences between X- and Y-spermatozoa. The X chromosome is much larger than the Y chromosome. X-spermatozoa are slower, but more viable. Fertilization of the egg by the sperm is possible after its release from the ovary - after ovulation. If sexual intercourse was a few days before ovulation, then the likelihood increases conception of a girl, because, most likely, only hardy X-spermatozoa remained in the female genital tract, which will get the honorable mission of fertilization. If, however, future parents manage to abstain from sex for at least a week before the day of ovulation, and sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation, then the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases, since the extremely mobile Y-spermatozoa will be the first to reach the egg, ahead of the X-spermatozoa. 2-3 days before ovulation, the environment in the vagina is more acidic, which contributes to the rapid death of Y-sperm. During ovulation, the pH of the medium becomes slightly alkaline, which contributes to the survival of Y-spermatozoa.

    The dependence of the sex of the child on the sexual activity of the parents.

With frequent sexual intercourse (daily or every other day), boys are born more often because the probability of fertilization by fast Y-spermatozoa is higher. With low sexual activity, the probability of giving birth to a girl increases, X-spermatozoa remain viable until ovulation in the female genital tract (up to 5 days after intercourse).

    Practical advice.

A woman needs to determine the time of ovulation for several menstrual cycles using a basal temperature chart, an ovulation test, or using a daily ultrasound - from approximately the 10th day of the menstrual cycle until the release of the egg from the ovary. With ultrasound, a maturing (dominant) follicle containing an egg is clearly visible. It disappears after ovulation, and a corpus luteum forms in its place. Some women subjectively feel ovulation, for example, they feel pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, they note the release of ovulatory mucus from the genital tract on the day of ovulation - such mucus is viscous, quite plentiful. When planning to conceive a daughter, intercourse should be 2-3 days before the calculated date of ovulation, if you want to conceive a son, you should abstain from sex at least 2-3 days before ovulation, and intercourse should occur during ovulation.

    Separation of spermatozoa into X and Y using special procedures.

The spermatozoa are separated using laser technology. After performing one of these procedures, the egg is fertilized in a test tube with a selected spermatozoon, an embryo of the desired sex is obtained and it is introduced into the uterine cavity (in vitro fertilization).

Even this scientifically based method of planning the sex of a child does not give one hundred percent guarantee. The possible genetic changes in the application of procedures for artificial sorting of spermatozoa have not been fully studied. In the future, sperm separation may help solve the problem of preventing hereditary diseases associated with sex.

None of the methods of planning the sex of the child gives a 100% guarantee. The appearance in the family of a healthy child of any gender, a boy or a girl, is a happy event.

Artificial insemination

Intrauterine insemination the husband's or donor's sperm is produced when the immunological incompatibility of the married couple is established or when the fertilizing ability of the husband's sperm is reduced. On a pregnancy-friendly day of the menstrual cycle, pre-treated sperm is injected into the woman's uterus. The effectiveness of intrauterine insemination in the treatment of infertility is quite high. It is advisable to repeat the procedure for 4 cycles.

in vitro fertilization outside the uterus with subsequent transfer of embryos into the uterus of the mother (IVF) is performed with persistent obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Those stages of development of the egg and embryo, which normally take place in the fallopian tube in the first 2-3 days after fertilization, during IVF occur under artificial conditions - “in vitro”. The IVF method consists of several stages:

    diagnosis of the form and causes of infertility

prescribing to a woman drugs that stimulate the growth of several follicles in the egg - superovulation induction

assessment of ovarian response to induction using ultrasound and hormonal studies

determining when to puncture the follicles using ultrasound and determining the concentration of hormones

puncture of follicles, extraction of eggs from them, placing them in a special environment

collection and preparation of spermatozoa

connection of eggs and spermatozoa insemination of eggs in a test tube and their placement in an incubator for 24-42 hours

transfer of embryos from a test tube to the mother's uterus

prescribing drugs that support implantation and development of embryos in the uterus

diagnosis of pregnancy

management of pregnancy and childbirth

The success rate of IVF is currently 30% on average. This is a high percentage, given that the probability of conception in a healthy man and woman in the same menstrual cycle is about 30%. Due to the high efficiency of IVF, today this method is used in almost all forms of infertility. With IVF, preimplantation diagnosis of hereditary diseases is possible. The frequency of genetic diseases in children born through IVF does not exceed that in children conceived in the usual way.

Surrogacy. The ovum obtained from the woman is fertilized with the husband's sperm. The resulting embryo is transferred to the uterus of another woman, the so-called surrogate or biological mother. The surrogate mother bears the child and after giving birth gives it to the owner of the eggs - the genetic mother.

Discharge after ovulation if conception was successful

The emergence of a new life in a woman's body is subject to a number of complex interrelated processes. Provided that all the factors for conception have shown themselves positively, and the development of the fetus. Become a clear signal discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred successfully and the woman will soon become a mother.

  • What happens after conception?
  • Changes in the female body during pregnancy

What day does conception occur after ovulation?

The reproductive system is built very intelligently and fragilely. Every twenty-eight days, she potentially prepares for the birth of a new life, which means that the body almost every month waits for the moment when the germ cell meets the sperm.

The menstrual cycle resembles a general preparation for the main event - ovulation. - this is the key, the most important link in the process of the emergence of a new life. Depending on whether the egg was released in the cycle, the possibility also depends.

When an egg is released in a woman's body, a germ cell is released from a maturing follicle, ready to merge with a spermatozoon. Towards her other half, she moves along the fallopian tube, hastily driven by the villi of the mucous membrane.

Nature has determined how many days after ovulation conception occurs - this is the middle of the cycle. Girls with a stable cycle can even find out what day conception occurs after the act or plan it in advance. In some cases, ovulation is shifted by several hours or days, this can happen for the following reasons:

  • past illnesses;
  • taking medication;
  • changes in the climatic zone;
  • stress;
  • overheating or hypothermia, etc.

Women who want to get pregnant “catch” the exit of the germ cell in various available ways - by measuring the temperature in the rectum, express tests, etc. Knowing on what day after ovulation conception occurs, you can make contact with the father of the child or. In this matter, you can trust scientific methods, but also listen to your own feelings - for the majority during this period, but sexual desire intensifies.

The luteinizing hormone, which reaches its maximum during this period, plays a decisive role in the release of the germ cell. Under the action of the hormone, the walls of the follicle burst in one and a half to two days, and the female reproductive cell is sent to the uterus.

To understand when conception occurs after ovulation, you need to know how long the most important cells live - eggs and sperm. The female reproductive cell is the most capricious, as a real lady is supposed to be - her life lasts only 12-24 hours. But a group of assertive "suitors", although not quickly, but confidently strive for their chosen one for several hours after penetrating into the female body. In order for the sperm to enter the uterus, they have a rather dangerous path. The genital tract secrete a mucous secret that prevents their progress. Despite the fact that it takes several hours for the sperm to fuse with the egg, they themselves live for about six days. Some spermatozoa become inactive on the 5th day.

The result - fertilization after the release of the egg from the follicle takes place directly on the first day, since it simply does not survive anymore. If the sperm is late, then the "second half" dies.

If we take the time of sex as a basis and consider the question of how long conception occurs after the act, then here we need to start from just the opposite - from the lifetime of the male cell. As mentioned above, sperm are most capable in the first six days after intercourse. This means that even if the female reproductive cell was not yet ready to accept the spermatozoon directly during the PA, then already on the fifth day of the spermatozoon's stay in the uterus, their fusion can occur and a zygote is formed. Therefore, when conception occurs, it will not be possible to determine exactly after the act, because the process can take up to five days. But this means that within a few days after sex, the expectant mother can become the happy owner of a small miracle under her heart.

What are the feelings after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

The question of the meeting of cells is another 50% success on the way to the formation of a zygote. Nobody knows exactly what day fertilization occurs after conception, but most of the medical literature determines that the necessary time for fertilization is approximately seven days.

The fusion of two germ cells in a significant part of cases does not drastically affect the health of a woman. After all, to start the hormonal changes in the body, it is necessary to implant the embryo into the uterus, which is worth waiting for.

However, indirect symptoms of successful ovulation still exist. Those girls who want to get pregnant and cannot do this for a long time know how to understand about the onset of pregnancy, so they follow this process with special care. They already know what kind of discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, so they are looking forward to them. So, they include:

  • Persistently elevated basal temperature, which usually decreases after "idle" ovulation. As a rule, a temperature of 37 degrees is considered normal, because the metabolism in the body of the expectant mother accelerates, which means that the temperature also rises. When measuring basal temperature after successful fertilization, the indicators may increase by several divisions to create a comfortable temperature regime for the zygote.
  • Breast engorgement and. Since the level of hormones is still high in the first days after ovulation, the processes regulated by these hormones remain relevant.

What is the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

The process of the exit of the germ cell may be accompanied by a slight release of blood during the violation of the integrity of the follicle and damage to the smallest vessels, but this does not happen in all women. Knowing how it feels after ovulation, if conception has occurred, the expectant mother may not worry about the discharge. Blood is also not always visible. It is rare that there are clear spots of blood on the underwear, which was released directly from the follicle.

Discharge during implantation of the zygote into the wall of the uterus may become more pronounced. This happens approximately seven days after fertilization. During this time, the uterus receives a signal that it is necessary to accept the embryo. Normal changes occur with the uterus - its walls soften, swell, store nutrients, and microscopic villi work to "capture" the fertilized oocyte.

The microtrauma that occurs with a tiny damage to the uterine wall during (a week later) provokes implantation bleeding, traces of which can be seen on the underwear. Do not be afraid, because a few drops of blood in the middle of the cycle do not speak of pathology at all, and bleeding itself is the norm for this significant event. The absence of implantation bleeding does not guarantee the absence of conception.

What are the feelings after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

The first fourteen days after conception is an extremely important period for the fetus and intriguing for the expectant mother. She does not feel how many days conception occurs after the act, she does not yet know what is happening to her body, and the embryo is already developing in her with might and main. By this time, the embryo is well immersed in the villi of the uterus, and it, in turn, signals the beginning of gestation to other systems and organs.

From this moment, a specific hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, will enter the blood and urine of the pregnant woman. Based on the presence of this hormone, most of it is arranged. Unfortunately, the first week does not yet give a high level of the hormone, so the tests cannot yet confirm or disprove pregnancy. But right after the date of the expected period, which potentially should have come in 2 weeks, such a test can be done.

Consider what happens after conception by day.

Period Changes taking place
1-5 day In the first four days, the zygote actively divides exponentially. Daughter cells appear. Simultaneously, the zygote moves down the fallopian tube and descends into the uterus for attachment. As a result of division, a blastula appears - a small vesicle that has a cavity inside. The walls of the blastula consist of two layers. The outer layer of smaller cells is called the trophoblast. From it, the outer shells of the embryo are formed. And the larger cells located inside the blastula give rise to the embryo. By this time, the embryo boasts already 58 cells and a growth of a third of a millimeter. Initiated - the release of the embryo from the protein coat.
6-7 day At this time, the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. A special enzyme is released on the surface of the blastula, which makes the walls of the uterus looser. As a rule, the mucous membrane of the organ is already ready to accept the embryo - the walls of the uterus become thicker, the blood vessels grow, the uterine glands are stimulated. Small villi appear on the surface of the blastula, which increase the adhesion of the surface of the blastula and the uterine mucosa. After the blastula is attached, the villi gradually atrophy and remain only on the attachment side. At the site of attachment of the trophoblast and the uterine mucosa, the placenta is laid, which will nourish the baby until birth.
7-15 day During this period, the cells form two vesicles: an ectoblastic vesicle is formed from the outer cells, and an endoblastic vesicle is formed from the inner ones. The outer cells are tightly fused with the mucosa, and the umbilical cord is formed in the initial stage, as well as the nervous system. The second week is the first critical period, the success of which depends on the further development of the embryo. It is very important that the embryo is firmly attached to the uterine cavity and begins to fully divide - it is at this time that the pregnancy can fail if the embryo does not attach. In this case, menstruation will begin, and the woman will not know about a possible pregnancy.

In the first two weeks, the embryo increases in size and reaches one millimeter. It is still surrounded by a special protective film that provides power. The third week gives the fetus the opportunity to grow a little more, and after another two, the baby can be seen on ultrasound - ultrasound screening. Doctors will set the obstetric gestational age - not when conception occurs after intercourse, but from the beginning of the last menstruation.

What are the feelings after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

In the first days, the hormonal background of the expectant mother undergoes colossal changes. Under the influence of chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone is released into the blood by the corpus luteum. It is progesterone from now on that is responsible for the life of the unborn baby. The task of this hormone is to prepare the mucosa and control the location and attachment of the fetus. In a significant part of cases, it plays a decisive role in spontaneous abortion - termination of pregnancy at this time.

All the same hormonal background will slow down menstruation, and cause classic manifestations of toxicosis: nausea and vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite. As a rule, the expectant mother already suspects pregnancy, and toxicosis only confirms her assumptions.

Under the influence of hormones, external changes occur with a woman - she becomes more rounded, her forms are smoothed out, the oval of her face is slightly rounded. She still does not know what happens after conception by day with her body, but the first signs are already appearing. The chest does not become smaller, on the contrary, it is at first that a bursting feeling is felt in the chest, which indicates the preparation of the passages and alveoli of the mammary glands.

The reproductive system is also undergoing changes. The cervix closes tightly, protecting a new life, and metamorphoses also occur with the vagina and labia - they thicken, become softer. In this way, the body protects the baby from injury and prepares the birth canal.

Summing up, it can be noted that even without knowing how many days fertilization occurs after conception, vaginal discharge will tell you about the onset of pregnancy. It can also be stated with certainty that conception after ovulation occurs within 1–2 days, and after intercourse - within 5 days, since it is during this period of time that a viable sperm cell “living” in the uterus waits for ovulation to occur.

Thus, conception is affected by both the time of ovulation and the time of sexual intercourse. By following the nature of the discharge, it is possible to determine with a high probability whether the fetus has occurred or not.

Many women wonder if fertilization can be felt. Unfortunately, the answer here is an unequivocal no. And any of your sensations is just the power of intuition or suggestion. Of course, I would like to immediately know about the changes in my own body, but in this case you have to wait.

fertilization process

To understand what a woman feels during fertilization, whether she feels anything at all, it is necessary to turn to the process itself. So, after the completion of sexual intercourse, millions of spermatozoa start up to meet the egg, ready for fertilization. Their fusion occurs only after a few hours - this is fertilization. But before the onset of pregnancy itself, and, accordingly, the first symptoms, a lot of time will pass.

Pregnancy occurs only 6-7 days after fertilization. This is how long it takes for a fertilized egg to return to the uterus. It is at this stage that changes begin in your body that you could notice. Therefore, it is impossible to find out or somehow determine whether fertilization has occurred before the onset of pregnancy.

Many, in order to somehow understand that fertilization has occurred, listen to see if their stomach hurts, feel their chest and mammary glands, and wait for morning nausea. All these symptoms, of course, will appear, but much later.

The onset of pregnancy

As soon as the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, pregnancy occurs. And here you may feel the sensations that you were waiting for during fertilization. Of course, everything is purely individual, because there are some ladies who do not know about pregnancy for several months, and the irregular menstrual cycle is attributed to stress or hormonal imbalance.

The first clear sign may be discharge, which, after fertilization, as a rule, intensify. Perhaps you will observe the appearance of mucus, and the discharge itself may be yellowish or brownish.

Many girls, turning to the antenatal clinic with the question of how to find out that fertilization has occurred, are advised to monitor their body temperature. By measuring your basal temperature every morning, you will notice that with successful fertilization, it does not fall below 37 degrees.

At some point, your body will let you feel about the birth of a new life, so be patient and try not to be nervous.


conception after ovulation

Getting two coveted strips on the test is the goal of every couple who decide to become parents. But to achieve it, one desire and aspiration in the form of frequent intimacy, which is also important in this matter, is sometimes not enough. Theoretical knowledge of the "subtleties of conception" will direct the efforts of future parents in the right direction, and, we hope, the result will not be long in coming. So let's go!

Will ovulation or probability theory help in conceiving a child?

Ovulation is the most important phenomenon in the field of reproduction provided by Mother Nature, which provides an opportunity for the birth of a new life as such. Ovulation is the part of the menstrual cycle in which each month one egg is fully matured and released from the ovarian follicle for fertilization.

The maximum lifespan of a mature egg is 24 hours, so if it is not fertilized by a sperm cell during this time, it will die and, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, will come out with menstruation. That is why, for the “reliability” of conception, it is important to perform a full-fledged sexual intercourse with ejaculation during ovulation (during these 24 hours). At least it has been scientifically proven that the probability of conception on the day of ovulation is the highest and is 33%.

This fact does not mean at all that conception before ovulation is impossible. Yes, the probability of conception before ovulation is below the maximum value, but it increases every day until it occurs. For example, 5 days before the release of a mature egg, it is only 10%, 2 days before it - already 27%, on the day before it - 31%. So, there are quite high chances during this period as well. And this is explained, again, by the foresight of mother nature: the viability of a sperm in the female body, unlike an egg, can reach from 2 to 7 days. Therefore, the “hit” of spermatozoa may be effective even a few days before ovulation.

Is it possible to conceive after ovulation?

Conception of a child after ovulation is possible, but its probability is low. But still there are other, more optimistic opinions about its sufficiency the day after ovulation.

Conception on the day of ovulation is not yet a 100% guarantee of pregnancy

At the stage of planning a child, it is also very important to understand what conception itself is, and that the “direct hit” of spermatozoa in the female body during the period of ovulation cannot yet guarantee the result we are going to. Conception is a set of processes, in which fertilization is only the first of them, really impossible without ovulation.

So, pregnancy will occur after going through all the stages of conception:

  1. Fertilization of an egg by a sperm. After their fusion, the formation of a complete set of genetic information necessary for the development of the child occurs. Then the fertilized egg develops by internal crushing and moves to the uterine cavity, where it will be implanted in a few days. That is why sexual intercourse is not yet the moment of conception.
  2. Penetration and introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa. Having turned into an embryo by division, a small vesicle of cells, about two weeks after fertilization, in the process of moving through the fallopian tube, it may die due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes against the background of STIs, adhesions, inflammation or attachment not in the uterine cavity - ectopic pregnancy. Also, the death of the fetus is possible if it cannot attach to the uterus. But let's not talk about the bad, our embryo has successfully attached itself, begins to develop, and its shell produces the hCG hormone. The process of conception is completed and the desired pregnancy begins.

Signs of conception after ovulation

Thus, the first "signals" of pregnancy may appear no earlier than 2-3 weeks after intercourse. These include:

These signs are very conditional and can be caused by other circumstances (stress, colds and inflammatory diseases, etc.), so it is better to determine pregnancy using a test, which is preferably done after a delay or 4-5 weeks after sexual intercourse, which could lead to conception.

And let two cherished stripes be visible on your test as soon as possible!


How to determine pregnancy in the first weeks and days after conception

How to determine pregnancy in the early days? This question is very exciting for many girls, because their future life and fate often depend on whether conception occurred or not. Someone passionately desires a baby and waits with hope for a delay in menstruation, while others, on the contrary, tremble in "anticipation" of a possible abortion. Be that as it may, whether you want a child or not, but for your own health, and for the health of future offspring, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible if there are signs of pregnancy. Especially if you feel unwell or plan to artificially terminate the pregnancy.

But still, how to determine pregnancy in the early stages? Is it necessary to see a doctor for this or can you make an accurate diagnosis yourself? Let's discuss.

How to determine pregnancy at home

The primary diagnosis, so to speak, a woman always makes on her own, do not run to the doctor every time at the slightest delay. A diagnostic tool is a pregnancy test bought at a pharmacy. By the way, these diagnostic tools are sold at different prices, there are 20 rubles and 200. How do they differ? And they differ, albeit very slightly, in their sensitivity in response to the hCG hormone contained in the urine of the expectant mother. If desired, contrary to numerous medical opinions, it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages even before the delay, more precisely, 2-3 days before it starts. But this requires a more expensive sample. And after the delay, in fact, all tests are “equal”, since at this time the chorionic gonadotropin reaches such a concentration in the urine of a woman that any test can detect.

Here is the answer to the question "how to determine pregnancy in the first days of the absence of menstruation" - buy and take a test. The reliability of this method approaches 100%. Errors can only happen due to violation of the instructions, but this happens very rarely, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake here. Sometimes women observe a second strip on the test (which is evidence of pregnancy), fuzzy, barely noticeable. This can be caused by two reasons - either a poor-quality test, or an insufficient content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of a woman. The second case should not be overlooked, since low chorionic gonadotropin can be with an ectopic or missed pregnancy - pathologies that require immediate medical intervention. But it’s not worth going to the doctor right away for clarifications - it’s easier to get a couple more tests from different companies, and if the result is positive or weakly positive, go to the gynecologist.

And how to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception, even before the onset of delayed menstruation? Purely theoretically, as we wrote above, you can make a good pregnancy test. If this option does not suit you, then try measuring your basal temperature - it is most reliable in the rectum. If the temperature is above 37 degrees, and 2-3 days remain before the delay, then it is quite possible that you are in position. But keep in mind that many factors influence the result. For example, sexual intercourse a couple of hours before measuring the temperature can provoke its increase. In general, before being diagnosed in this way, carefully read all the rules for measuring basal temperature.

How to determine pregnancy with the help of medicine

The most elementary thing is to go to the gynecologist, who will definitely look at you on the chair. According to the shape of the uterus, its size, the consistency of the cervix and its color, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. But just keep in mind that sometimes the uterus can be slightly enlarged even before menstruation, and the doctor may decide that this is a short term pregnancy, especially if you have previously asked about how to determine pregnancy in the first days of it and found that some signs / you have symptoms of an interesting situation. But the longer the period, the more obvious becomes an interesting situation for the doctor.

If the doctor doubts whether you are pregnant or not, or he has suspicions about whether the fetus is developing and whether it is developing in the uterus at all, then he may prescribe an ultrasound examination. Many future and already established mothers are sure that it is very harmful to do ultrasound in the early stages, supposedly this negatively affects the health of the child. There are no reasons to panic. If there are indications for ultrasound, you should not refuse. This will not affect the child in any way, rather, on the contrary, in some cases, timely results obtained can be lifesaving.

The fetal egg can be seen on ultrasound already at 4 obstetric weeks. And at about the same time, the baby begins to beat his tiny heart. It is by heart contractions that the doctor determines whether the embryo develops or not.

Another wonderful and very accurate method designed for those who are looking for a way to determine pregnancy in the early stages is the test for human chorionic gonadotropin. Yes, yes, exactly on the hormone that the pregnancy test also reacts to. But only in the blood this hormone can be detected a little earlier, already 8 days after conception, almost immediately after implantation of the egg in the uterine wall. Errors can only occur if a woman is sick with any oncological disease, then hCG can also be increased in non-pregnant women, and not only in women, but also in men. And elevated hCG is found in people taking certain medicines containing this substance.

Subjective signs of pregnancy

We looked at how to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception, now it's the turn of the subjective and fairly common symptoms that accompany the first trimester.


If a woman in the "prime of her reproductive powers" begins to feel nauseous, then all her close female acquaintances begin to ask: "Are you pregnant?" Indeed, we all associate nausea in this case not with poisoning or overeating, but with pregnancy. However, nausea begins to be felt by women not from the first days after conception, but at a period of 4-5 obstetric weeks and later. And not all women have it.

Pain in the mammary glands and nipples

This is due to hormonal changes in the body. The whole body begins to work for the benefit of the baby and prepare for the upcoming birth. And the breast is preparing for the upcoming lactation. The nipples become somewhat larger, pigmented (become brown, but this usually happens in the second half of pregnancy). In some cases, colostrum is released from them even in the early stages with gentle pressure. The mammary glands are painful. During the first months, they will also increase in size.

Lower abdominal pain

Pain in the lower abdomen instead of menstruation ... Rather so. This is a rather specific sign, but many girls have identified their pregnancy in this way. However, in many cases this pain is not normal and indicates the threat of spontaneous miscarriage, uterine tone.

Frequent urination

Many women claim that this is the most accurate answer to the question: “How to determine pregnancy in the early stages?” Just do not confuse this symptom of an interesting situation with cystitis - also a common occurrence in the female. With cystitis, urination is not only frequent, but also painful. It is possible to accurately determine the nature of this phenomenon only by passing a urine test.

Profuse vaginal discharge

These discharges can be transparent, slightly whitish or yellowish. The consistency is thick, viscous. Their appearance is a natural phenomenon. With the help of them, a mucous plug is formed in the cervix, which prevents the penetration of various pathogens from the vagina to the baby, and simply provides mechanical protection. The mucus plug comes off just before childbirth or already in the process of giving birth.

Sometimes discharge can be a symptom of various sexually transmitted infections or other diseases of the reproductive system. The doctor at your first visit to him will take smears, and if there is a pathogen, he will prescribe a safe and effective treatment.

Now it has become clearer how to determine pregnancy in the first days and weeks. Be more attentive to your health!


Secrets of conception and early pregnancy

Author: Elena Berezovskaya (Canada)

More than 80% of all pregnancies in the countries of the former Soviet Union end in induced abortion, and, in fact, these countries lead in the number of terminations of pregnancy - abortions - worldwide. Illegal abortions are not counted at all because they are covert abortions, so the actual abortion rate will be much higher. Such high rates of abortions are due to the fact that most pregnancies are not planned, and the use of precautionary measures for pregnancy in the territory of the post-Soviet countries leaves much to be desired.

But one way or another, in the life of almost every woman, the question arises of conceiving children in order to create a family, regardless of whether there have been interruptions of pregnancies before or will be in the future. Most families are planning one to three children, although there are some that welcome more children. This means that in the life of almost every woman there are periods when she is looking forward to the positive conclusion "Pregnant". And as soon as the period of this irrepressible desire to have a child sets in, artificial problems are created that turn into a “chain reaction”, introducing a woman into a stream of ever-larger endless problems, up to childbirth, and then they are already moving to a newborn. Problems are so banal, so unimportant, and, alas, often created or inflated by medical personnel, that it is surprising that such problems can even exist. But fear has big eyes, and when fear dominates in life, then even from the smallest fly you can make a big elephant.

Many women in such a period of expectation of the appearance of a child in their lives begin to “intensely” listen to everything that happens in their body, even before the next menstruation should be. "Oh, it hurts in my chest. I am pregnant?" “My stomach is swollen. Maybe I'm pregnant or not? “I felt so bad, it was such a weakness. Do you think I'm pregnant?" “I was nauseous yesterday. Is this pregnancy? Many women run to the pharmacy, buy a dozen pregnancy tests, and some manage to do these tests 2-3 times a day, nervous that they are negative or finding fault with poorly visible stripes - either they dreamed of pregnancy, or it wasn’t there yet . “No, you need to urgently run for an ultrasound scan, maybe they will see something there.” Usually in such cases, I want to ask a simple vital question: “Actually, where are we driving?”

Let's dive into the nature of the female body to understand when a woman can be pregnant and when not. Almost all modern doctors count the beginning of the pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. This means that any woman who has an open sex life, and also a regular one (every 2-3 days), at the time of the expected next menstruation, can be pregnant for a period of 4-4.5 weeks. When a woman or a doctor talks about pregnancy at 2-3 weeks, this may mean that a fetal egg appeared 2-3 weeks ago, that is, fertilization (conception, conception) occurred, but again, there is no delay in menstruation yet or a delay of only a few days . However, such calculations of the gestational age are very inaccurate and incorrect, since they can then lead to an incorrect calculation of the expected date of birth, so obstetrician-gynecologists around the world have agreed for many years that the onset of pregnancy is the first day of the last menstruation, when a new female genital begins to mature. a cell that will then be fertilized. Such a countdown of the gestational age is carried out in those women whose menstrual cycles are regular, for 28-30 days. For those who have a cycle of more than 30 days (up to 40 days is the norm in most cases), ultrasound is used to determine the exact gestational age or the calculation is carried out with a certain amendment, subtracting 1-2 weeks from the last menstruation (depending on the cycle).

And now let's look at some important factors that affect the conception and successful attachment of the fetal egg in the uterus, and discuss what chance of a woman's normal conception exists in nature, and how much the fears that envelop those who suffer from becoming pregnant as soon as possible are justified. Childbearing fever is a serious diagnosis that gives rise to another, no less serious disease: artificially created infertility. And women, and many men too, become reproductive disabled, unable to reproduce offspring, often through their own fault.

What is the role of men and women in terms of Nature? No matter how we hide behind our “high” position in the tree of evolution (development) of the living world of the planet, our ability to speak and think, our social perfection, but in the eyes of Nature we are all males and females, and created to continue our human race sexually. Therefore, we all (with the exception of rare individuals) are endowed with organs of reproduction, that is, organs responsible for the reproduction of their own similar members of the human world. This means that each of us has a huge potential for the implementation of the plans of Nature, if we ourselves do not muffle or eliminate this potential.

The process of reproduction of offspring includes the production of normal female germ cells (eggs), the production of a sufficient number of full-fledged male germ cells (spermatozoa), the movement of germ cells through the fallopian tubes (therefore, a normal number and normal sperm motility are very important for conception), where fertilization of the egg occurs , the movement of the embryo into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tube, and its normal introduction into the uterine wall (implantation) with further normal development of the fetus. I repeat the word “normal”, because if there is even a slight deviation from the accepted norms of certain indicators from the point of view of modern medicine, the process of conception and the development of pregnancy can be disrupted. Most often, women are blamed for the problems of conceiving a child, and those, voluntarily and dutifully putting on the label “infertile”, begin to go through endless diagnostic tests, which are often prescribed by commercially oriented doctors, the purpose of which is to maximize the income from the zombie woman they programmed. . Although the role of a woman in bearing offspring is of paramount importance, however, without a healthy conception, there can be no healthy offspring. Even with the availability of artificial insemination technologies, when fertilization takes place "in vitro", these types of human reproduction will not be successful if the male and female germ cells are not of high quality.

What determines the quality of germ cells? Eggs and spermatozoa, although they have the same stages of division (from a simple division in the form of mitosis to a more complex sexual one - meiosis or gametogenesis), nevertheless, their production in the body of a woman and a man depends on many factors.

Do you know that what is given to a man and a woman in the form of primary germ cells (gametes) even in the process of growth and development of the embryo, is the first and most important link for the future reproduction of offspring in the life of every born person? During the first weeks after conception, these cells travel (migrate) according to their own laws (still not fully understood by scientists) from the embryo to the outside and then back to the embryo. Although the sex of a child is determined by the combination of two sex chromosomes, X and Y, the presence of the Y chromosome includes the production of male sex hormones and the development of the fetus according to the male type.

The maturation of spermatozoa in men occurs in the testicles, but a number of other genital organs (glands) are involved in the formation of high-quality healthy sperm - a liquid with certain properties that contains spermatozoa. The process of sperm maturation takes approximately 64 days, but this does not mean that this process is spasmodic. Every day, a healthy man produces up to 100 million spermatozoa! In other words, the process of maturation of sperm in men is constant and continuous, from the moment of puberty in adolescence to old age, however, the quality of sperm and spermatozoa depends on many factors, including age. With age, the number of unhealthy male germ cells increases, which negatively affects their mobility and ability to fertilize an egg.

In women, the process of maturation of germ cells differs from that in men. The fact is that everything that the female body receives in the form of female germ cells and then owns all her life with a significant decrease in their quantity and quality appears at the very beginning of the intrauterine development of the fetus-girl. This means that the reserves of eggs are constantly depleted, and are not reproduced daily, as in a man from the moment of his puberty. In other words, every day, from the prenatal period to extreme old age, women lose female sex cells and never regain them. The eggs don't regenerate! Therefore, the ovaries must be protected, like the apple of an eye, from the moment the girl is born and then all her adult life, especially if the girl-woman plans to become a mother in the future.

As an important addition, I will say that such a serious procedure as laparoscopy (small abdominal surgery, when a special instrument is inserted into the abdominal cavity to examine the pelvic organs) should not be used in women planning a pregnancy, without strict indications for this. Worldwide, the number of laparoscopies performed has dropped significantly because one of the serious side effects of this research is ovarian dysfunction, which often leads to infertility. In the former countries of the Union, laparoscopy has become a commercial type of diagnostics, as it is very expensive, and allows a doctor or medical institution to make a huge profit on almost universal laparoscopy.

The latest scientific data suggest the presence of an additional resource of female germ cells that arise "in the course of life", but the active participation of these cells in the process of reproduction of offspring has not been proven. Thus, all hope is only in what is in the ovaries.

There are three key periods in the process of loss of female germ cells when this loss accelerates, and at the same time a very large number of eggs die. 2 million sex cells. During this period, having undergone a simple division (mitosis), gametes form follicles (vesicles). Many vesicles are never destined to grow to large sizes and reproduce a mature female germ cell.

The second period of mass death of eggs is associated with the birth of a girl. A newborn girl has about 1-2 million eggs - oocytes. During this period, the level of female sex hormones (estrogens) in the child's body is increased, since the girl receives most of these hormones from her mother before childbirth. Many follicles begin to grow, but as estrogen levels drop rapidly (maternal hormones break down and are excreted from the body, and the girl's own estrogen level is very low), before reaching full development, many of the follicles stop growing and regress. Most follicles die in the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death). Often, a newborn girl has unexpressed vaginal bleeding, so the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) also exfoliates due to a sharp decrease in estrogen.

The third period of death of a large number of eggs occurs in the first years of puberty. At the time of the first menstruation, the girl has about 400,000 oocytes. The level of estrogen rises again, and this again leads to the intensive growth of a large number of follicles. However, most of them stop growing again and regress. At the end of puberty in each ovary of the girl there are about 25,000 oocytes, which continue to die further.

It is believed that a woman with a regular menstrual cycle produces about 400 mature oocytes (300-500 according to some sources) during her life. This does not mean that she can be pregnant 400 times, because not all eggs are complete, and periods of life when a woman does not have open sexual contacts with a man must also be excluded. It is believed that usually after 37 years, most women begin a period of accelerated egg death. When the number of eggs reaches 1000, menopause usually occurs, which is observed closer to 50 years.

Here it is necessary to remember such an important factor as age. There is a concept of chronological and biological ages. Chronological age is the age in years, months, days from the moment of birth of a person. Biological age, from a medical point of view, is determined by the levels of hormones and other substances associated with the aging process, and, from the point of view of a woman's reproduction, this age takes into account the ovarian reserve of follicles and the woman's ability to reproduce offspring. Therefore, women can be biologically old even at 30 years old. It turns out that eggs not only mature and leave the ovary for fertilization, which is called ovulation, but they also age in the same way as people. It is good if the aging process of female germ cells occurs after ovulation, but in some women they age before ovulation. Such eggs are not capable of fertilization, or in case of fertilization, their division will be of poor quality, which will eventually lead to poor quality implantation and loss of pregnancy. Modern medicine allows you to determine the quality of eggs and sperm, and determine the cause of infertility in most couples.

The problems that are associated with age are also in the fact that the quality of germ cells is dramatically deteriorating. Alas, the ovaries are the first organs that begin the aging process at a very early chronological age - at 25-26 years. No matter how hard we tried to outsmart our nature by delaying reproduction, it gave us a very narrow window of getting healthy offspring with the least number of complications for both mother and child - from 21 to 25 years, or approximately 4-5 years.

Of course, women get pregnant at an earlier age, and later, and give birth to quite healthy children. But if we are talking about the most optimal framework with the most optimal result, then this is precisely the age of 21-25 years.

It is important to understand that if you start to find wrinkles on your face, then your internal organs are also aging, and not just the skin of your face. The whole body ages, each with a different rate of metabolic processes involved in aging. So, talking about the fact that you still have time to start a family and have children if you are already over 30 is, to some extent, rose-colored glasses that you put on yourself deliberately. For not everything is as simple and easy as you think, when it comes to human reproduction.

Now let's return to the issue of maturation of female germ cells in order to know when a woman can become pregnant and when not.

The monthly cycle, that is, the period from the first day of menstruation (always from the first day!) To the first day of the next menstruation, is divided into two phases, delimited by the day of maturation of the egg and the days of menstruation: into estrogen (first phase, proliferation phase) and progesterone (luteal, the second phase, the secretion phase), depending on the production of certain female hormones - estrogen and progesterone. The second phase is always more stable and usually lasts 14-15 days. This stability is due to the fact that the egg is mature, and then, if it is not fertilized and pregnancy does not occur, then the female body quickly prepares for a new cycle, freeing the uterus from the old lining (endometrium ) by its rejection in the form of menstruation. Therefore, when some doctors diagnose progesterone phase deficiency, this is a very erroneous diagnosis, made from just one result of a blood test. And many women “chew” progesterone, aka duphaston, aka utrozhestan, aka other names, believing that this particular drug will help them get pregnant. Read about the pointlessness and dangers of prescribing progesterone for most women in the article “Progesterone Nation”.

You must understand that the second phase is completely dependent on the quality of the first phase. The first phase can be very short, and vice versa, long, so the monthly cycle can normally be from 14 to 40 days, although most often we are talking about normal cycles of 21-35 days. Classic "tutel-to-tutelka" cycles, when a woman menstruates every 28 days, does not happen in real life, since there are too many factors that affect the length of the cycle. Cycle fluctuations of 7 days in both directions are considered the norm, or in other words, menstruation can begin a week earlier or later than the previous cycle. Many women clutch their heads and immediately run to the doctor in a panic if they had a menstruation with a delay of 2-3 days, or, conversely, started a little earlier. And, unfortunately, some doctors do not use this for the benefit of frightened women.

Thus, in the first phase, the maturation of the egg occurs, which is located in a special vesicle (follicle) in the ovary. Usually, several follicles start growing in both ovaries, but after the 7-8th day of the cycle, only one (rarely two) follicle grows further, so that between 13-16 days (on average, on the 14th day) burst, which is called ovulation . Often women mistakenly think that the ovaries work alternately. Many doctors also have a very erroneous idea about the work of the female reproductive system. Two ovaries always work, and the growth of follicles with the onset of menstruation occurs in both ovaries at once. And only approximately on the 7th day of the cycle (usually it is the 3rd day after the end of menstruation) in one of the ovaries, the growth of the follicle begins to dominate, which will end with ovulation. But the ovaries continue to work, as they did, because they need to get rid of those follicles that began to grow, but did not become dominant.

During ovulation, a mature egg, a female germ cell ready for fertilization, goes beyond the ovary and ends up in the abdominal cavity, but it is immediately "absorbed" into the fallopian tube, one end of which has a funnel with special processes. The egg is capable of fertilization for only 12-24 hours, and then it dies and dissolves if the conception of the child does not occur. So, couples planning a pregnancy should understand that the time when conception of a child can occur is very limited. Considering that the ovum ages from the moment of ovulation, and some may begin aging before ovulation, the window of successful conception is very narrow.

Heading to the ampullar part of the fallopian tube (the widest), the female germ cell meets here with the male germ cells (spermatozoa), which begin to actively attack the egg, dying at the same time, but not without purpose - their contents liquefy the thick wall of the egg. Finally, one "lucky one" manages to get inside the egg, which practically absorbs it. The spermatozoon loses its tail during conception most often. Thus, the statement that one sperm is enough to conceive a child is not entirely accurate. Under natural conditions, there should be millions of actively motile spermatozoa, which play a very important role in conception, but only one spermatozoon fertilizes the egg.

Further, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus, passing through several divisions - this is how the embryo appears. The process of moving takes from 4 to 6 days. Approximately 30 hours after the fertilization of the egg by the sperm, its first division occurs, on which the course of the entire pregnancy will largely depend. Scientists involved in reproductive technologies that allow artificial creation of embryos have found that if the first division was of poor quality, unevenly, then the fetal egg may be of poor quality, which will lead to its poor implantation, which means that such a pregnancy in most cases will end with its termination. The cells that arise during the division of a fertilized egg are called blastomeres, and the embryo itself in this state is called a zygote. First, division occurs without the growth of these cells, that is, the dimensions of the embryo remain the same. When the embryo has reached the 16-cell structure, its cells differentiate and increase in size. At this stage of division, the embryo is called a morula, and in this state it enters the uterine cavity. Division continues and once fluid appears inside the morula, the embryo is called a blastocyst. The blastocyst contains primitive villi - the chorion (hence the name of the hormone - "chorionic gonadotropin"), with the help of which the process of implantation begins.

What happens in the female body while the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube? The uterus is getting ready to receive the fertilized egg. If in the first phase the inner lining of the uterus, which is called the endometrium, grows (cells divide and grow), then in the second half of the cycle, after ovulation, they are saturated with nutrients - this phase is also called the secretion phase, while the first phase of the cycle is called the phase proliferation. Although the thickness of the endometrium plays a certain role in the attachment of the fetal egg in the uterus, the quality of the endometrium plays a much larger role, which is achieved precisely in the second phase of the cycle due to the increase in progesterone levels. Many women run to endless ultrasounds to measure the thickness of the endometrium. Normally, in most women of reproductive age, the endometrium has a thickness of 5-8 mm (average values).

And now let's continue our journey through the female body not in the direction of the movement of a fertilized egg, but let's talk about pregnancy hormones, or rather, about those substances that can appear in the blood and other fluids of a woman with the advent of pregnancy. Very often women ask me what is their chance of getting pregnant within one monthly cycle. This question is related to another: how can you know that a woman is pregnant?

So, I will remind you that the egg matures in the first half of the cycle, but while it is inside the follicle, fertilization is impossible. However, it is always important to remember that sperm can stay in the fallopian tubes for up to 7 days and remain fertile for up to 5 days. This means that the closer sexual intercourse is to the time of ovulation, the greater the chance of pregnancy. And since no one knows exactly when ovulation will occur - the moment (not a period of time!) Of the release of the egg, then it is not worth speculating with the exact definition of this moment when seriously planning a pregnancy.

If we talk about the chance of pregnancy in a healthy woman of young reproductive age (20-26 years), then in several medical sources you will find a figure of 22% per month. How was this percentage determined? How true is he? What is meant by this chance?

To understand what exactly is the chance of getting pregnant and giving birth to a child on time in a healthy woman, let's talk about how pregnancy can be diagnosed in the early stages. Many of you will immediately mention pregnancy tests. Quite right, these tests can determine pregnancy when implantation has already occurred, and the level of pregnancy hormone in the urine has reached those levels when the tests can “catch” this rise in hormonal levels. But until that moment, is there no pregnancy? How can it be defined?

Let's start with the well-known hormone of pregnancy (and not only pregnancy) - progesterone. Where does a woman get progesterone from? It is produced by the ovaries, especially the area where ovulation has occurred. The follicle burst, the egg is released, and the volume of the burst follicle is quickly filled with blood (which on ultrasound may look like bleeding in the ovary and which shocks some illiterate doctors, and they refer such a woman to an urgent operation), and while the egg travels through the fallopian tube, formation occurs two main types of cells in the ruptured follicle, which becomes the corpus luteum. Some cells begin to intensively produce progesterone so that while the egg travels, the uterus has time to prepare for its acceptance. Other cells produce female sex hormones (estrogens) and male sex hormones (androgens) in small amounts. Due to the increase in the level of progesterone, the endometrium of the uterus becomes "juicy", loose, filled with a large number of substances important for the implantation of the fetal egg.

The period of implantation and attachment of the fetal egg doctors call the implantation window. Outside this window, attachment of the fetal egg is impossible! If, under the influence of external and internal factors, this period is shortened, or the staging of changes in the endometrium is disturbed, implantation may also be disturbed and result in a miscarriage.

The peak level of progesterone in the blood is reached approximately 5-7 days after ovulation, and this shows the amazing rationality of female nature. Having reached the uterine cavity on the 4-6th day after ovulation and conception (this is the third week of pregnancy!), the fetal egg (blastocyst) is in it from one to three days in a “suspended state”, that is, being not yet attached to the uterine wall . It turns out that there is already a pregnancy, but, on the other hand, it is not yet, because the fetal egg can be removed by the uterus before its implantation, and the woman will not know about it. This is not as scary and terrible as some might think. Most often, defective fetal eggs are removed that cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. During these 2-3 days of being in a "suspended state", the fetal egg releases special substances that suppress the mother's defenses, because it is a foreign body for the mother's body. Progesterone, in turn, suppresses the contractility of the muscles of the uterus, that is, it calms its reaction to a foreign body, relaxes the uterus, allowing the fetal egg to implant. Thus, the process of implantation begins, or the introduction-attachment of the fetal egg to one of the walls of the uterus.

An increase in the level of progesterone also leads to the fact that special formations appear in the endometrium - pinopods, which somewhat resemble tentacles (fingers). They appear between days 19 and 21 of the menstrual cycle and last only 2-3 days (with a 28-day cycle). Their appearance leads to the fact that the uterus decreases in size, as if shrinking due to these protrusions inward, and the cavity itself also decreases in size, bringing the walls of the uterus closer to the fetal egg floating in it - nature reduces the distance between the uterus and the fetal egg for its successful attachments. While the fetal egg is not attached to the uterus, the intrauterine fluid secreted by endometrial cells under the influence of high levels of progesterone becomes its source of nutrition.

It is important to understand that the maximum increase in progesterone is observed not on the 21-22nd day of the menstrual cycle, but on the 5-7th day after ovulation. Did you catch the difference? With a 28-day cycle, this will be the 21st day, and with cycles shorter or longer than 28 days, the peak of the increase in progesterone will fall on other days of the menstrual cycle. Those doctors who do not understand or do not know the specifics of fluctuating hormone levels in women send their patients to determine the hormonal background on certain days of the cycle, and if the level of progesterone is lower than what they expect to receive on the 21st day, a deficiency is immediately diagnosed progesterone phase and treatment in the form of progesterone is prescribed, which is extremely wrong and can have many side effects for the entire female reproductive system. Because progesterone suppresses ovulation! If you take it before ovulation, do not expect pregnancy.

And now I will reveal to you another secret of conception. Is it possible to know that a woman is pregnant even before implantation? Some women say that they feel inside themselves some strange sensations, indescribable in words, even before the delay of menstruation. And what, in this case, is the biochemical stage of pregnancy, when there is supposedly a pregnancy, but implantation has not yet occurred?

It turns out that conception can be known literally in a matter of hours. In 1974, the first data on the so-called early pregnancy factor (Early Preganancy Factor) appeared in the medical literature, although it was known as early as 1968. For more than forty years, scientists have been arguing what this factor is by chemical nature, since during this period of time it was found that from the first minutes after fertilization, the egg secretes several types of proteins (peptides, proteins), which are different in structure, but are factors , giving a signal to the entire mother's body about restructuring it into a pregnancy mode. Recent data suggests that Chaperonin-10 may be such a substance.

Early pregnancy factor can be detected in a woman's blood within 24-48 hours after conception. The level of this factor increases in the first trimester, but the factor disappears completely before childbirth. Studies have shown that in healthy women of reproductive age with a menstrual cycle of 18-28 days, this factor was detected after unprotected intercourse in 67% of cases. Thus, the chance of conceiving a child in a healthy young woman is 67% per month. Other data confirmed these figures with slight percentage fluctuations. However, the early pregnancy factor decreases immediately after the death of the embryo. Therefore, it turned out that in 78% of cases of conception, embryos die due to their inferiority. This means that 22% of the embryos are successfully implanted, and pregnancy will be confirmed by the appearance of human chorionic gonadotropin in the woman's blood. In other words, about 80% of all conceptions do not end in pregnancy. About 20% of conceived pregnancies are carried to term. But is it?

In reality, what is the chance of not just conception, but the occurrence of pregnancy, which can be diagnosed by traditional methods, taking into account the data that I have given above? It turns out that not 22% (this figure applies to all live embryos that can be implanted). The real figure will be 14.5% with each monthly cycle - this is an indicator of the chance not only to conceive a child, but also to implant and develop a pregnancy until the moment when it is diagnosed by other methods.

Why do embryos die in such a large number? According to the law of natural selection. Most often due to defective genetic material, as well as due to a defect in the fetal egg. In 90-92% of cases of frozen and aborted implanted pregnancies (from 4 to 12 weeks), the cause of pregnancy loss lies in defects in the ovum. The older a woman is, the less likely she is not only to conceive a child, but to have a normally progressing pregnancy.

Of all those pregnancies that are clinically confirmed (not only by a positive pregnancy test, but also by ultrasound, and elevated levels of hCG in the blood), 5-20% end in spontaneous termination before 20 weeks. According to European data, the level of diagnosed spontaneous miscarriages is very low - 2-5%. We are talking about those pregnancies that will not be interrupted artificially at the request of women. About 40% of missed pregnancies in the early stages are associated with anembryonic pregnancy, that is, a pregnancy without a developing embryo inside the fetal egg - an empty egg. If an empty fetal egg is found in a woman, there is no need to grab her head and lose consciousness. This is a fairly common occurrence in the lives of women planning a pregnancy. Usually, the uterus throws out such a fetal egg on its own, and women do not need cleaning. Alas, most often women are “put under a curette”, and worst of all, they can be so “zealously cleaned” that they remove the functional layer of the endometrium and make the woman infertile for the rest of her life.

There is also another phenomenon - the first pregnancies are most often interrupted. In other words, for most women, the first pregnancy is not successful. Again, you don’t need to panic and grieve about this, just as you don’t need to “dig” in yourself for a long time in search of the cause of pregnancy loss. You can understand such an unpleasant incident of female nature. A fetal egg is a foreign body for a woman, and in order for it to take root in the uterus, a multi-stage process of “getting used” to this foreign body takes place. It is believed that the immune response of women who have not had pregnancies to the first pregnancy is very aggressive - the female body is just learning to “interact” with the product of the concept. This leads to the fact that implantation may not be very successful and the uterus throws out the fetal egg.

If the embryo dies, the level of the early pregnancy factor decreases and disappears from the woman's body within a day. Low levels of the factor are found in women with ectopic pregnancy, as well as in unsuccessful embryo implantation after IVF (in vitro fertilization). If a pregnant woman does not have an early pregnancy factor, then the prognosis of such a pregnancy is poor.

It would seem that you can finally know whether a woman is pregnant or not even from the first hours after conception. However, the method for determining the early factor of pregnancy has not found practical application. Why? First, there is still no clear idea of ​​what this factor is. Secondly, how ethical is it to say to a woman: “Congratulations, conception took place, but you have an almost 80% chance of losing an embryo”? Many women do not understand the difference between conception and pregnancy. The latter is understood not as the biochemical phase of pregnancy, which lasts from the moment of conception to the moment of successful implantation, but pregnancy as such, which can be diagnosed by several methods and is accompanied by signs of pregnancy (delayed menstruation, a positive test for hCG, the presence of a fetal egg with an embryo in the uterine cavity ). Thirdly, scientists and doctors are completely powerless in regulating the manifestation of the law of nature by discarding what is defective. Is it necessary to interfere with this law, trying to take on the role of God? Imagine the colossal disappointment of women, especially with a number of reproductive system problems that will create an additional infertility factor for themselves - stressful, running around the laboratories after each sexual intercourse in search of an early pregnancy factor.

Some doctors try to determine the early factor of pregnancy in cervical mucus in women after IVF, which may be a sign of successful or unsuccessful implantation, but such a determination is more experimental than practical.

But back to the implantation process. Most often, implantation takes place along the back wall of the uterus, since by nature this wall is thicker, saturated with a large number of vessels, and is located in the depths of the small pelvis - nature tries to protect future offspring with all its "devices". Many ultrasound doctors do not know that the posterior wall of the uterus is thicker than the anterior one, and they often scare a woman with “uterine hypertonicity”. This diagnosis is absurd and belongs to the category of diagnoses “you can’t imagine it on purpose”. In other cases, the attachment of the fetal egg can pass along the anterior wall of the uterus, sometimes along the side walls of the uterus. Other types of implantation are not the norm, but this does not mean that pregnancy in such cases will not progress, even if the attachment of the ovum occurred in an unusual place.

Another feature of the implantation process is the occurrence of a kind of inflammatory reaction at the site of attachment of the fetal egg. As I mentioned above, a fertilized fetal egg is already a representative of a new life, and therefore a foreign body for a woman. Therefore, when it is implanted, a certain struggle arises between the mother and the unborn child: to accept or not to accept - that is the question! When doctors transplant an organ, they understand that in order for it to take root, it is necessary to suppress the body's defenses. At the same time, signs of unexpressed inflammation in the area of ​​transplantation are a good prognostic criterion that an organ or biological tissue (skin, for example) will be well engrafted. The area of ​​inflammation is characterized by improved blood supply (and therefore redness), delivery and production of many useful substances, as well as the creation of a "fence" - a kind of barrier that limits the area of ​​inflammation from other tissues of the body. The same thing happens at the site of implantation of the fetal egg - a focus of inflammation is created, which improves the process of implantation, and, on the other hand, limits the influence of the entire female body on the unborn child. If during this period a woman takes drugs that suppress the inflammatory response (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.), the implantation process may be disrupted.

When the implantation process begins, it is, in fact, 3 weeks of pregnancy, in terms of modern medicine. The process of attaching the ovum itself takes two weeks, so early pregnancy losses are observed as a result of poor implantation, and are most often interrupted when menstruation is delayed by 7-14 days, that is, 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. But while there is a delay in menstruation, the woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant, and therefore continues to take a number of medications, alcohol, and smokes. If you are planning a pregnancy, it is very important to be careful about taking a number of diagnostic tests and taking medications, as well as alcohol, in the second half of the menstrual cycle. If treatment cannot be delayed because it is needed, try not to have an open sex life in the middle of the menstrual cycle and be careful about planning a pregnancy at such periods of your life.

Very often I receive letters from women who, in fear for their unborn child, are ready to have an abortion only because they had to take antibiotics, hormones and other drugs before their period, and they did not know that they were already pregnant at that time. The normal progress of pregnancy is the best indicator of the normal development of the child, so in such cases you do not need to grab your head and run to an abortion clinic. One termination of pregnancy can result in infertility for the rest of your life, and there are many such cases.

Although the first two weeks of attachment of the fetal egg play a very important role in relation to the future prognosis of pregnancy, however, in general, attachment takes place up to 20 weeks, until the placenta is fully formed and it begins to function at full strength.

The fetal egg, attaching to the wall of the uterus, begins to secrete a special pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which, entering the woman's bloodstream, maintains the function of the corpus luteum in one of the ovaries for the constant production of progesterone until the placenta takes on such a role . There is a close direct relationship between these two hormones: if implantation goes badly (most often due to a defective ovum), then the amount of hCG will not be enough, and the function of the corpus luteum will begin to fade, which will lead to a lack of progesterone to support pregnancy. The additional appointment of progesterone in case of poor-quality attachment of the fetal egg does not improve the situation, with the exception of those cases when artificial insemination and embryo transfer are carried out, since in such cases the woman does not have her corpus luteum. HCG is also an immunosuppressive substance, that is, one that suppresses the mother's defenses, preventing her from rejecting the attached fetal egg.

During pregnancy, the corpus luteum becomes the corpus luteum of pregnancy, and it supports the development of pregnancy in the early stages, until the placenta begins to secrete special substances that inhibit the work of the corpus luteum, since it itself will produce enough progesterone and other hormonal substances for the normal development of pregnancy. Thus, the fetus with fetal membranes and a child's place become independent of the mother's hormonal level, which manifests the mechanism of self-defense of a new life.

If pregnancy does not occur, then the corpus luteum functions for approximately 14 days (therefore, the second phase of the cycle is always more stable than the first), the level of progesterone slowly decreases, and as a result, a scar forms in place of the corpus luteum, which is called the white body.

When a number of pregnancy factors and hCG enter the bloodstream of a woman, we are talking about the biochemical stage of early pregnancy. Usually women do not feel changes in their body, up to a delay in menstruation. And only a few out of several thousand or tens of thousands of women can feel certain changes in their bodies associated with the onset of pregnancy. However, it will not be nausea and vomiting, or bloating, breast tenderness - all this will appear later. These will be specific sensations, very individual, which many women cannot describe - most likely, the feeling of the presence of a new life in their body. Before the delay of menstruation, almost all women do not realize that they are pregnant, although many hope so.

Thus, considering the whole process of conception and implantation, it is important to understand that at the beginning of the next menstruation you are already at least 4-4.5 weeks pregnant, although you were not pregnant for the first two weeks! And there is still at least 8 months of pregnancy ahead. Therefore, do not turn the beginning of pregnancy into a rush, winding around pharmacies and ultrasound rooms, do not panic if everything is in order, because the unborn child needs peace of your body and soul. It amazes me that some women start doing endless pregnancy tests or run around for ultrasounds, and almost pass out if the test is negative or the ultrasound can not find anything. Calmness and patience are essential attributes of motherhood, so if you do not have them or they are not developed enough, start working on creating them today.

Now let's talk about traditional methods of diagnosing pregnancy.

A normal pregnancy is considered to last from 266 days (38 weeks) to 294 days (42 weeks) - an average of 280 days (40 weeks) - from the first day of the last menstrual period. This period takes 9 months of the calendar, but in obstetrics one month is 4 weeks - a lunar month. Doctors do not like the word "month", but prefer the word "week", so the gestational age is set in weeks and days (for example, 20 weeks 5 days). Not only women, but many doctors, especially the old school, define the term in different ways, which often brings more confusion than clarity to the interpretation of many data. Some consider the gestational age from the day of conception (concept), however, not all women know the exact day of conception, since the menstrual cycle is not always monitored.

So, the gestational age is determined from the first day of the last menstruation, provided that the menstrual cycles are regular, that is, their duration is 26-30 days, and an average of 28 days. If the cycle lasts 35-40 days, then a certain number of days are subtracted, or ultrasound is most often used at 11-14 weeks to clarify the gestational age and conduct prenatal genetic screening.

Traditionally, obstetricians use three methods to diagnose pregnancy: clinical signs of pregnancy, which include complaints and examination of the woman, determination of pregnancy hormones in the woman's serum and urine, and ultrasonography (ultrasound). Often a combination of several methods is used.

The very concept of “diagnosis: pregnancy” is not entirely accurate, because pregnancy is not a disease, but only a temporary state of a woman. Many doctors use the term "gestation", which also refers to the state of pregnancy, so the duration of the pregnancy is called the gestational age, and the entire period of pregnancy is called the gestational period. Another name for pregnancy is "gravida". It is often used to indicate the number of pregnancies a woman has. For example, "gravida 3" means that a woman has had three pregnancies.

Although pregnancy is a special condition for a woman, it is not a pathological condition. The word "pathological" comes from the Greek word "pathos", which means "suffering". Even if pregnancy is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, unpleasant sensations, this is not a state of illness - and this is important to remember for both women and doctors. Reminds me of an old joke:

A young man and woman enter the bus. The man immediately shouted into the crowd:

“Come on, step aside and give way to a pregnant woman!”

People look around, look at the woman, and she is thin, slender - pregnant and "does not smell."

“So you can’t see that the woman was pregnant!” - someone says.

- Do you want the pregnancy to be visible immediately after intercourse? - the man is outraged.

This is exactly how some women behave (and there are many of them!): they didn’t have time to “sleep” with a man, when they immediately fall into the excitement of “childbearing fever”: “Oh, I'm pregnant! There was something growling in the lower abdomen ... An urgent need to take a pregnancy test. And run to the ultrasound. And tell a fortune teller. Although I didn’t dream of a fish, maybe I just forgot what I dreamed about. ” And in such a "spirit".

The first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Let's start with this. However, 25% of women have spotting, and even bleeding, in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, which can be implantation bleeding, false menstruation, or a sign of miscarriage. Menstruation can also be late, a common normal occurrence in many women's lives. In such cases, you must wait 7-14 days, and then you can take a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy is desired, then you should not rush somewhere in search of something terrible and terrible (for example, an ectopic pregnancy). Who seeks will always find! Therefore, look for a normal pregnancy, or rather, accept it into your life patiently and with joy.

Some women develop soreness in the chest, sometimes a tingling sensation, the chest "poured" and becomes sensitive to touch. This usually happens after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Before menstruation, the breasts can also be painful. It is not advisable to use a sign of changes in the mammary glands to diagnose pregnancy.

The bladder can send signals of frequent urination, especially at night, which some women and doctors perceive as an inflammation of the bladder. The problem is not the growth of the uterus - it is still normal in size or slightly enlarged, but it sends a huge amount of signals along the nerve fibers to the lumbar spinal cord. The peculiarity of the nerve plexuses in the pelvic area is that the signals that come from the pelvic organs are often "mixed" at the level of these plexuses and further, entering the brain, are not always perceived by a person correctly. Thus, the overstrain of nerve impulses due to the entry of the uterus into its completely new state in quality leads to the fact that a woman feels discomfort in the bladder, appendages, and lower back. The pain is usually migratory, changing the place of sensation several times a day: either in the right side it pricked, then in the left, then in front, then behind.

A small number of women complain of general weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, changes in the sense of smell and taste. Judging only by these signs of pregnancy in the absence of a delay in menstruation or a slight delay is not worth it, but you must be prepared for pregnancy too.

A doctor's examination can clarify the diagnosis of pregnancy if this examination is not carried out too early, that is, not immediately after conception, and not 1-2 days after a missed period. The cervix begins to soften at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, but not every doctor can determine this. At about 6 weeks, the color of the cervix becomes cyanotic, due to an increase in the blood supply to the uterus. At 6-8 weeks, the doctor may detect softening of the isthmus between the body and the cervix. The uterus is located in the small pelvis, the upper limit of which is the level of the pubis. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy (3 months), the size of the uterus does not go beyond the small pelvis, and only by 12 weeks the upper border of the uterus (bottom) reaches the level of the pubis. The size of the uterus resembles a man's fist by this time. But since there is a lot of space in the pelvis, the circumference of the abdomen / waist does not actually change. In addition, if a woman has nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, which often happens, especially during the first pregnancy, then it is possible that even a slight loss of body weight may occur. The tilt of the uterus also changes, that is, its body straightens, and by 12 weeks of pregnancy there are no more forward or backward bends (bend). By 20 weeks, the bottom of the uterus reaches the level of the navel. By the way, the bend of the uterus, which women are so terribly afraid of, is the normal position of the uterus and occurs in 30% of healthy women. It does not affect the process of conception and implantation of the fetal egg.

Determination of pregnancy hormones is one of the methods of diagnosis. Doctors use this method not so much to determine the presence of pregnancy, but its progress, and to diagnose ectopic pregnancy in most cases. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced by the cells of the fetal egg, from which the placenta is then formed. Even in the absence of an embryo in the ovum (empty ovum), the level of hCG in a woman can be elevated. With a number of tumors of the ovaries and rarely other organs, hCG can be produced.

The peculiarity of hCG is that in its structure it consists of two subunits - alpha and beta: ?-hCG subunit is the same in structure with the same subunit of other hormones of the female body (luteinizing, follicle-stimulating, thyroid-stimulating), but ?-hCG subunit unique in its structure and characteristic of hCG pregnancy. Therefore, most often in the blood serum of a woman is determined? -HCh.

This pregnancy hormone must reach a certain level before it can be detected in a woman's serum. The level of the hormone is measured in special units - miles - international (international) units per 1 ml of blood plasma (mU / ml, mIU / ml), and in the blood it can be detected on the 6-8th day after conception, that is, on the 21-23rd day menstrual cycle, and the urine of a woman on the 8-9th day after conception.

There are four main laboratory methods for determining ?-hCG. Each of them is designed for a certain minimum level of this hormone in the blood or urine of a woman. Values ​​below 5 mU/mL are considered negative for pregnancy, all values ​​above 25 mU/mL are considered positive for pregnancy. But again, I repeat that a single measurement of the level of hCG in the blood serum of a woman is not of great practical importance, and is used by doctors extremely rarely to diagnose pregnancy.

The first four weeks after conception, hCG levels rise rapidly, doubling every 2 days. To be more precise, the process of quantitatively doubling the level of the hormone is 2.2 + 0.8 days for the first 4 weeks. After 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, its growth rate slows down slightly, and doubling can take up to 3.5-4 days. In 85% of pregnant women, hCG levels double every 48-72 hours, but it is believed that the increase in levels may be slower, which does not mean that the pregnancy does not progress and the woman will have an unhealthy baby. Having reached maximum levels at 9-10 weeks, the production of hCG decreases, and after 16 weeks it remains at the level of 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. In the second half of pregnancy, the level of this hormone is only 10% of the maximum at 10 weeks. Before childbirth, the level of the hormone rises slightly again.

A decrease in the level of hCG after 10 weeks characterizes the process of transformation of the child's place (placenta) into an organ of nutrient transport. In other words, the main role of the placenta is not hormonal, but transport: it is a bridge between the mother and the fetus, through which the metabolism and the supply of necessary nutrients to the child take place.

Women, on the other hand, can’t wait to know about their pregnancy, so over the past decade, pregnancy tests have gained immense popularity, when hCG is detected in a woman’s urine. Such tests are commercial in the first place, so not all are of high quality, and there is no special control over the production of such tests. Some companies promise a positive pregnancy test almost 2-3 days after conception. If pregnancy is not desired, then it is understandable that some women want to find out about their pregnancy as soon as possible and have an abortion. I received more than one letter from women whom doctors "cleaned up" even before the delay of menstruation or with a delay of 1-2 days, which does not fit into the canons of modern medicine.

There are many pregnancy tests using a woman's urine that can be obtained from a pharmacy, but none of them has an advantage, and each has its own disadvantages. According to some manufacturers of these tests, the sensitivity of the test is 99% and they allow you to determine the presence of pregnancy a few days before menstruation. However, these tests are designed for a certain minimum level of hCG in the urine - from 25 to 2500 mU / ml, which is usually observed at the 5th week of pregnancy. A comparative study of several types of such tests showed that the most reliable results can be obtained at a urinary hCG level of 100 mU / ml for 44% of such tests. Many tests give "foggy" results, when the second line is not clearly visible. The test is considered positive when both lines are clear. Therefore, interpretation of home test results can be difficult and often requires a repeat test.

Like all diagnostic laboratory methods, determining the level of hCG in the blood can give a false positive or false negative result. False-positive results are rare (0.01-1%), and are observed in the presence of certain types of antibodies in the blood (in workers of livestock farms, zoos), rheumatoid factor, LH. Usually, to clarify the diagnosis, hCG is determined in the urine. False-negative tests?-hCG in the blood are even rarer, and are associated with technical errors in the determination of this hormone. A false-negative result in the determination of hCG in the urine is more common and is associated with a weak concentration of urine or too early a test. A false positive test can occur when using certain medications, such as hCG to induce ovulation.

Although the placenta and fetus produce many other substances, their presence in the blood of a woman is not a reliable sign of pregnancy, since these substances can be produced by the mother's body, or their level in early pregnancy is so low that it is technically possible to determine the presence of these substances in the mother's blood or its other fluids and tissues difficult.

The third method doctors use to diagnose pregnancy is ultrasound. Around the ultrasound created a real stir by the women themselves. If foreign doctors strictly do not recommend performing ultrasound in early pregnancy only to determine its presence or term, with the exception of a number of indications, then doctors in the post-Soviet countries not only encourage early ultrasound, but also perform them several times in a row in the first weeks of pregnancy. This speculative use of ultrasound is more commercial than practical in diagnosis. And the women themselves have turned ultrasound into almost an object of admiration and a panacea.

Why do foreign doctors perform ultrasound in early pregnancy according to strict indications? Ultrasound in early pregnancy is very uninformative, so you can make a lot of false-negative and false-positive conclusions. When the process of attaching the fetal egg is in progress, the uterus needs rest. Interference in this process with vaginal sensors just to see if there is a pregnancy or not can result in a violation of the implantation process and termination of pregnancy. Determining the gestational age up to 11-12 weeks has a wide range of errors, which means it can be very inaccurate. This is a completely false idea that the earlier an ultrasound is done, the more accurately the gestational age will be determined.

With a vaginal probe, a gestational sac with a diameter of 2-3 mm can be seen at 4 weeks and 3 days (delayed menstruation by 3 days with a cycle of 28 days). The yolk sac is the first structural part of the fetal egg, which confirms the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy, it can be seen when the size of the fetal sac is 5-6 mm, that is, not earlier than 5 weeks. From 5 to 7 weeks, the gestational sac should grow 1 mm per day. An embryo can be detected with a vaginal probe when the embryo measures 1-2 mm, which corresponds to 5 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasound doctors use other criteria for diagnosing pregnancy, taking into account the level of hCG in the blood. You can see a fetal egg at an hCG level of at least 1000-2000 mU / ml, and according to the recommendations of most medical associations and societies, it is desirable to conduct an ultrasound scan at an hCG level of more than 2000 mU / ml. In most cases, a clear heartbeat of the embryo can only be detected when it is 5 mm in size, which corresponds to 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. At 5.5-6.5 weeks of pregnancy, the heart rate of the embryo should be 100 beats per minute. Over the next three weeks, the rhythm accelerates and reaches 180 beats per minute.

So, in order not to jump to conclusions, to make a pregnancy diagnosis, there must be one or more signs of pregnancy, as well as a positive result when using one of the diagnostic methods.

The entire period of pregnancy is divided into three parts - trimesters. This division is determined by the fact that each trimester has its own characteristics in the development of the fetus and changes in the female body, as well as its own specific complications of pregnancy and the causes of these complications.

The first trimester lasts from the beginning of conception to 12 weeks (some doctors define this period up to 14 weeks). The second trimester lasts from 12 to 28 weeks. And the third trimester lasts from 28 weeks to delivery (38-40 weeks). The greatest number of pregnancy losses occurs in the first trimester, which is explained by the action of natural selection, when nature itself discards defective fetal eggs and embryos. The closer to childbirth, the more pregnancy complications can occur on the part of the mother, while on the part of the fetus, on the contrary, the frequency of complications decreases. A child up to 12 weeks is called an embryo, and after 12 weeks and before birth, a fetus. Each trimester has a specific set of tests to help determine if the pregnancy is progressing normally.

In the female body, a mechanism regulated by nature itself occurs the birth of a new man. Recognizing the signals of reproductive function, talking about a successful conception, is quite difficult. But some women still manage to notice even the slightest change in their condition and recognize the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception.

With long-term planning for a child, a married couple immediately after sexual contact grabs an express. But such haste will not give an answer to the exciting question. After all female hCG level cannot increase at one moment, its amount increases gradually throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

The most reasonable moment to use the test is considered the first day of missed menstruation. But even here there is a risk of obtaining an unreliable result. Even woman's menstrual cycle throughout life passed steadily like clockwork. No one is immune from the influence of external factors and the shift of ovulation for several days in advance. In this case, even if the pregnancy did occur, the test will show a negative result. Then you need to wait a few more days and do a second study.

When conducting a pregnancy test, it is advisable to collect urine in the morning immediately after waking up. It contains a concentrated level of hCG, and the result will be more reliable. This is especially true for those ladies who nevertheless decided not to wait for the delay of menstruation and check their guesses ahead of time.

The nature of vaginal discharge changes in a woman, according to which she may suspect pregnancy symptoms in the first days after conception. Under the influence of progesterone since the conception of excretion become viscous and thick, a woman may notice their reduction. This is due to the fact that the vaginal mucosa is preparing for the fixation of a fertilized egg. A cork is also formed from the vaginal mucus, the function of which is to close the cervix and thereby protect the fetus from external influences.

At the time of fixation of the fetal egg, slight damage to the blood vessels in the uterus occurs. A barely noticeable drop of blood may appear on the panty liner. In gynecology, such discharge is called " implantation bleeding". Most often, a woman does not even notice it, especially if all the changes fit into the norm.

Dangerous vaginal discharges include:

  1. White curdled discharge means that Candida mushrooms have settled in the woman's body. The so-called thrush affects the mucous membrane of the genital organs, from the vital activity of yeast-like fungi, unbearable itching appears in the perineum.
  2. Yellow or green discharge with an unpleasant odor signal the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. Yellow discharge is also characteristic of various infections of the reproductive system (staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, gonorrhea).
  3. Bloody issues in large volumes with a bright red color - the most dangerous for a pregnant woman. In such a situation, they are already talking about the onset of vaginal bleeding, which can end in a miscarriage. Bloody discharge also appears during an ectopic pregnancy.

In the early stages, it is very important, if uncharacteristic discharge occurs, to visit a gynecologist to clarify the diagnosis.

Indeed, many changes in a woman's body can indicate serious violations that can harm the child and even disrupt the pregnancy.

From a scientific point of view, first 7 days after conception are not considered pregnancy. This is due to physiological processes in the reproductive function of the female body. So, for 7-10 days, a fertilized egg only moves into the uterine cavity, where it has yet to gain a good foothold. And only after that begins the formation of the fetus from the embryo, the umbilical cord and the placenta. This period is very significant in the formation of a new life, because the body of a woman at first can perceive the fetus as foreign body.

Successful implantation of the fetus causes hormonal changes in the female body - the level of hCG rises. This hormone contributes to the preservation of the fetus throughout pregnancy. At this time, a woman can already take a blood test in order to confirm pregnancy.

If a woman is planning a pregnancy and monitors any changes in her body, then for her the first signal of pregnancy becomes delayed menstruation. In other cases, young ladies notice only indirect symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception. These include:

In individual cases, a woman may feel a heavier uterus in the first days of pregnancy. This is manifested by heaviness in the pelvic area and tingling in the uterus.

In a healthy body under the influence of pregnancy protective function is reduced. Immunity weakens, exposing a woman to the risk of infection with various seasonal viruses and infections. Of course, you should not panic when symptoms of a cold appear. But it is quite possible to try to protect yourself from hypothermia. After all, even a harmless cold in the early stages without effective treatment can harm the baby's health.

A fairly large danger to a developing fetus is influenza, an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract. This disease may not affect the fetus, but the treatment of a pregnant woman involves taking strong medications. They are necessary to stop the reproduction of the virus and eliminate the occurrence of complications. Such treatment in the first days of pregnancy can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or development of fetal pathologies.

The most dangerous disease for pregnant women is rubella. This viral infection, when ingested, goes straight to the uterus to infect the fetus. The rubella virus can infect any organ of the child and cause pathologies incompatible with life. When diagnosed, a woman may offer to have an abortion.

To maintain pregnancy, the body produces progesterone. The bladder is also under its influence, its walls weaken. Due to this, stagnation of urine residues occurs, and along with an increase in the number of bacteria inflammation develops. Therefore, a pregnant woman often faces such problems as painful urination, urinary incontinence, and general weakness. In a neglected state, blood may appear in the urine, which means that a serious inflammatory process is underway in the bladder.

In the recurrent form, cystitis in the early stages manifests itself with less pronounced symptoms.

At the same time, a woman should visit the toilet room on time to empty her bladder. Ignoring the urge can lead to excessive relaxation of the muscles of the bladder and a pathological change in its walls. You should also avoid spicy and sweet foods. have a more moderate sex life.

We examined the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception. And what symptoms during pregnancy did you feel in the first days? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

It is during the period from conception to the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy, under the influence of various negative factors, that serious defects, anomalies and deformities, known as fetal malformations, are formed. According to modern data, due to various anomalies, about 70% of pregnancies end in the death of the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy. Approximately 25% of children are born with various (anatomical, mental, functional, biochemical) abnormalities.

Conception: what you need to know about teratogens?

Teratogens are factors that can change the structure or function of the organs of the fetus, cause the formation of deformities or intrauterine malformations. The consequences of exposure to teratogens depend on the nature and dose of the harmful factor, the duration of its exposure, the gestational age at which the teratogen was exposed, as well as the state of the mother's and fetus's defenses. It is thanks to individual resistance that even unconditional teratogens cause the development of abnormalities in only 1-10% of all cases.

Conception: with extreme caution

The nature of the damaging effect of the teratogen depends on the duration of pregnancy: the most sensitive are organs and tissues that are in the process of formation at the time of exposure to a negative factor. From conception to the 13th day of pregnancy, the “all or nothing” phenomenon is characteristic, that is, when exposed to harmful factors, the embryo either dies or remains viable and its development is not disturbed in the future.

From the 13th to the 57th day of pregnancy, the formation of tissues and organs of the fetus occurs, so the fetus at this time is most sensitive to the effects of damaging agents. By 8 weeks of pregnancy (56 days), all the organs of the fetus are already formed, in the future only their growth occurs. Therefore, exposure to teratogens during this period rarely leads to the development of defects.

Necessary precautions after conception

Considering how much happens in 2-3 weeks, while a woman, many things need to be thought out even at the stage of the hypothetical possibility of her onset. It's never too early to start thinking about how your actions might affect the shaping of your unborn child. Below are 10 simple rules that a woman who is waiting must follow.

1: Stay away from toxins after conception.

There are substances in which the ability to have a negative effect on the fetus is confirmed by sad statistics. Developmental anomalies occur in 4% of cases of exposure of a pregnant woman to aggressive chemicals. First of all, it is important to avoid harmful addictions: smoking, alcohol, drugs. Any amount of alcohol can negatively affect a child's mental and physical development.

If you work in a hazardous industry, consider a temporary job change or plan to conceive after a full vacation. Lead and a number of organic solvents (which are found in paint, glue and varnish), pesticides and some other chemicals, as well as ionizing radiation (radiation), vibration and electromagnetic fields can also adversely affect the health of an unborn child. Refuse home repairs, avoid contact with insecticides. Avoid contact with household chemicals, aerosols and detergents (especially with the smell of ammonia and chlorine), use baking soda, vinegar, lemon instead of synthetic cleaners.

2: After conception, avoid close contact with people with infectious or viral diseases.

Some infections may affect your child's development during this period. About 3% of fetal anomalies are due to infectious diseases. All teratogenic infections are grouped under TORCH. One of the clearest examples is rubella. If a woman becomes ill with rubella at the beginning of pregnancy, then the fetus may develop heart disease, congenital cataracts, and deafness. To protect yourself from rubella, get vaccinated against it six months before planning a pregnancy. If you are late with the vaccination (it is contraindicated during pregnancy), then avoid contact with children.

Another dangerous infection is toxoplasmosis. A person becomes infected with Toxoplasma by eating raw meat or by contact with the feces of infected animals. Toxoplasmosis flows like a mild cold. But if a pregnant woman is first infected with Toxoplasma, the disease can cause defects in the organs and tissues of the fetus. To protect yourself from infection, wash your hands thoroughly after walking, contact with the ground or cat litter, and do not try raw meat when preparing food.

Teratogenic infections also include cytomegaly, chicken pox, herpes and some other viruses. If a woman gets sick with them before pregnancy, then thanks to the formed immunity, the child is not in danger. You can find out if you are at risk for TORCH infections by checking the level of special protective antibodies in your blood.

It should be noted here that a normal pregnancy from the time when the embryo is already fixed in the uterus may be accompanied by a malaise similar to a viral infection. In particular, an increase in the overall body temperature to 37.0–37.5 °C. The woman's immunity perceives the embryo, which contains half of the genome from the mother, and the other half from the father, as a foreign body, trying to fight it. But a viral infection also leads to an increase in temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor in such cases. Also, early pregnancy is often accompanied by frequent urination, but it is necessary to exclude a urinary tract infection. In rare cases, such poor health can last several months, and it is associated with the production of mainly the hormone progesterone.

3: After conception, do not take medications that you can do without.

Even if it was not possible to avoid the disease, do not rush to grab the medicine. Many drugs are potentially teratogenic, their most dangerous effect during the laying of the organs of the fetus (18-55th day of pregnancy). The negative effect of drugs on the course of pregnancy and the fetus is noted in 1% of cases. Therefore, when prescribing a drug during pregnancy, the ratio of the expected therapeutic effect for the expectant mother and the possible risk to the fetus should be carefully evaluated. Based on experimental data (the negative effects of drugs on the fetus are studied on animals - for obvious reasons, it is unethical and unsafe to include pregnant women in such studies), as well as the results of random clinical observations. According to the degree of risk to the fetus, drugs are usually divided into five categories from "A" (safe) to "X", which includes drugs that are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy. There are practically no medicines that could be classified as category “A”. The use of any medicines, even with a "permissive" annotation, during pregnancy is possible ONLY WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE OB/GYNECOLOGIST. It should be noted that nutritional supplements and preparations based on medicinal herbs, in most cases, are not tested at all for possible teratogenicity, so their use during pregnancy is undesirable.

Without drugs?

To avoid the negative impact of medications on pregnancy, use the following rules.

  • Do not plan pregnancy within three months after suffering an acute illness for which you took medications (any).
  • If you need constant medication for a chronic disease, then when planning a pregnancy, consult your doctors to select the safest combination of drugs.
  • If pregnancy occurs while taking medications, stop taking them on the first day of a missed period (upon receiving the first positive pregnancy test).
  • If the intake of potentially harmful medications occurred after 2 weeks of pregnancy, a consultation with a gynecologist and medical geneticist is necessary.

4. Avoid vaccination after conception.

Some, such as those for measles, mumps, chickenpox and rubella, consist of live attenuated viruses. They provoke a mild version of the corresponding disease and activate a person's defense against real viruses. But if these weakened viruses get into the fetus, it can be damaged. The immune system of the fetus does not have the means to resist even weakened live viruses. These vaccines are contraindicated during pregnancy. There are also safe vaccines for pregnant women. Such vaccines do not contain live viruses, but given the risk of developing allergic reactions, it is better to postpone vaccination until the second third of pregnancy.

5. Avoid radioactive and electromagnetic exposure after conception.

Ionizing radiation also has a teratogenic effect. However, in this case, everything depends on the dose of exposure. So, exposure at a dose of up to 10 rad is harmless to the fetus, and at a dose of more than 25 rad, it is likely to cause the formation of malformations. Most diagnostic procedures (X-ray examination, fluorography) are characterized by a radiation dosage of less than 5 rad, that is, it is quite safe. But computed tomography is characterized by a rather high dose of radiation (since a series of x-rays are taken, the radiation that accompanies each of them is summed up). During pregnancy, X-ray examinations for preventive purposes are contraindicated and can be performed only if there are serious indications.

It is worth knowing that the radiation dose received by a person during a one-time air flight is comparable to the level of radiation that affects people while in an X-ray room. Therefore, it is better to avoid flying on airplanes in the early stages of pregnancy.

Electromagnetic radiation comes from many of the devices we are used to: from a microwave oven, a computer, a TV, and even a cell phone. Moreover, if several devices are located at a small distance from each other, their radiation seems to be layered. And in the zones of such intersections, the electromagnetic field is amplified. Excessive exposure to an electromagnetic field on the human body leads to a pronounced suppression of immunity and disruption of the endocrine organs, slowing down or abnormal development of the embryo. There are studies showing that babies whose mothers were exposed to intense electromagnetic fields during pregnancy have a greater risk of developing functional diseases of the central nervous system, they are more likely to have neuropsychic developmental delays, fatigue, learning disabilities, headaches and depression.

6. Eat right after conception.

In the case of planning in advance or immediately after the establishment of pregnancy, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet.

Your diet should now include:

  • 1.5–2 liters of pure non-carbonated water. As you know, the human body, including the unborn, is 80% water. It is from the water that you drink.
  • Maximum fresh vegetables and herbs (just remember to wash everything thoroughly). It is a source of mineral salts and vitamins.
  • Fruits, freshly squeezed non-concentrated juices, nuts, dried fruits. In addition to vitamins, they quickly give the body additional strength.
  • Cereals, cereal bread, cereals - a source of "correct" carbohydrates.
  • Meat, fish, eggs - only after a good heat treatment. All these are sources of protein, the main building material. Most of the protein comes from animal foods, these foods give you the amino acids in their best combination.
  • Dairy products, especially "live".
  • raw and insufficiently thermally processed meat and fish;
  • dishes from mushrooms and meat of wild animals;
  • smoked meats, canned meat or fish, foods rich in preservatives and other food additives.

7. Stock up on folic acid and vitamins.

The main vitamin for both future parents is folic acid (vitamin B9). This vitamin provides the necessary growth and development of the unborn child, especially in early pregnancy. Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of congenital malformations in the fetus, in particular the nervous system, as well as malnutrition and prematurity. Malformations such as cleft lip and cleft palate can also result from vitamin B9 deficiency in pregnant women. The natural analogue of folic acid, found in green leafy vegetables, beans, asparagus, citrus fruits, is unfortunately very poorly absorbed from food. To prevent developmental disorders, multivitamins should contain at least 800 micrograms of folic acid. Women who already have children with similar problems are prescribed 4 mg of pure folic acid per day (4 tablets). In addition to folic acid, multivitamins for the expectant mother should contain vitamin E. This vitamin in early pregnancy contributes to the normal production of female sex hormones. The recommended dose of vitamin E in this period of pregnancy is 1500 IU.

Pay attention to the content of vitamin A (retinol). It accumulates in the body, and its excess can cause malformations in the fetus. The maximum allowable dose of retinol in multivitamins is 2500 IU per day.

If you live in an iodine-deficient area and don't use iodized salt, your multivitamin should include 150-200 micrograms of iodine per day. The exception is women with increased thyroid function, in which case iodine is contraindicated.

8. Get more rest.

Very often, the first sign of pregnancy is increased fatigue and drowsiness. Nature seems to give a signal to our body: “Stop! Stop! You no longer need to be in time anywhere, you have a completely different task.

Hormonal restructuring, a sharp increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, on the one hand, causes relaxation of blood vessels, which leads to a drop in blood pressure, and on the other hand, it rebuilds the metabolism towards accumulation, which is accompanied by a decrease in blood sugar levels. Of course, these two phenomena affect well-being. Full sleep and rest are more than ever necessary for the expectant mother. It is recommended to increase the duration of sleep at night and, if possible, rest during the day. As a rule, by the beginning of the second trimester, the body adapts to changes and changes, and drowsiness disappears.

9. Provide dosed physical activity.

No matter how worried you are about the safety of your pregnancy, it will be categorically wrong if you completely exclude physical activity. On the contrary, it has been proven that moderate physical activity is very beneficial for maintaining the health of the mother and the proper development of the child. Walking in the fresh air, habitual aerobic exercise in the first trimester ensures good health, improves psycho-emotional status, eliminates pain, and ensures proper bowel function. In addition, physical activity increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which contributes to the proper formation of the placenta and is the prevention of placental insufficiency and late toxicosis of pregnancy.

In active expectant mothers, the birth process occurs faster by about 30%, and fewer complications during childbirth are recorded.

10. Do not visit the sauna and do not take hot baths.

At the beginning of pregnancy, it is better to exclude these water procedures, which are certainly useful in another period of life. This is due to the risk of overheating, which can be the cause of the formation of malformations of the neural tube (brain and spinal cord) of the fetus, a sharp change in blood pressure (up to fainting), bleeding.

The normally normal first month of pregnancy does not require any medical supervision. To make sure that you are pregnant, you can do a pregnancy test at home. With an ultrasound with a vaginal probe, 3 weeks after conception, you can see the fetal egg and corpus luteum. But, if nothing bothers you, do not rush. There is evidence that even minimal ultrasonic exposure at such an early stage can lead to a threatened miscarriage.