Causes of bleeding during early pregnancy: what to do? Severe pain during bleeding pregnancy 9 weeks.


Fetus (development, size)

The third month of pregnancy begins. The fetus is only 7 weeks old, but it has already grown great during this time: its coccyx-parietal size reaches 22-30 mm, and its weight is about 2 g. The embryo continues to straighten, and soon it will get rid of its tail. Now it looks like a small pea pod. And I can’t even believe that such complex processes are taking place in it!

The brain, nervous system, some internal organs have already been formed, but development does not stop even for a second! At the 9th week of pregnancy, the fetus already notifies the mother of its needs: special signals from the tiny brain come to the mother's body. Scientists believe that a woman feels their sharp changes in food addictions.

The 9th week of pregnancy is the next stage in the development of vital mechanisms. Now the cerebellum is being formed (coordination will be controlled here), the pituitary gland (the first hormones will be produced here), the middle layer of the adrenal glands (adrenaline will be produced here), and the lymph nodes (lymph cells will be formed here). The mammary glands begin to form and the genitals begin to form.
The heart and central nervous system are already working, but their improvement does not stop: cranial, intervertebral and spinal nerves are formed this week. The shoulders and forearms have already stood out, the limbs move and can bend, they continue to lengthen and improve: the foot grows, the fingers separate more and more, the rudiments of marigolds are visible, which are now still located on the inside - on the palms and feet.

The baby is gradually overgrown with muscles, and the bones are gradually becoming stronger. The head is still too large in relation to the body, but the face is improving all the time: the eyes are getting closer, they are closed by eyelids, which will not begin to open soon. The mouth lengthens and acquires more expressive features: corners and folds are formed, the baby can wrinkle his lips and even know how to swallow. At week 9, the future neck is already visible.

Another achievement is the ability to urinate. The embryo carries waste products through the umbilical cord into your body, so the load on your kidneys will increase all the time. The umbilical cord at week 9 becomes even longer and denser, and the placenta is already beginning to function, although it will take over the functions of the yellow body only after a few weeks.

Feelings at 9 weeks pregnant

All these changes a woman feels on herself. Mostly, she begins to go to the toilet more often in a small way: the kidneys are already working for two. At the 9th week of pregnancy, appetite may completely disappear or increase with a vengeance. Bizarre food addictions surprise not only relatives, but also the woman herself: she has never eaten strawberry ice cream with cucumber pickle!

Still terribly sleepy! You feel tired, you may feel dizzy and even faint, sometimes it seems to you that there is not enough air. The body began to accumulate fat reserves for feeding the baby. This means that you should not go on a diet, but think about more spacious clothes that will not squeeze your stomach and cause you discomfort. Choose clothes only from natural fabrics, be sure to buy yourself a comfortable bra that will not squeeze your chest. The chest, by the way, continues to please your dad - it grows all the time. The nipples are hypersensitive to irritants and can darken, it also happens that the venous network on the chest is visible.

A woman may be tormented by insomnia, but by this time you need to try to develop an optimal daily routine, including mandatory outdoor walks and rest.

Of course, not all pregnant women are doomed to such inconveniences: many experience the 9th week of pregnancy absolutely comfortably, without any "side effects".


The 9th week of pregnancy can be accompanied by various pain sensations. Most often, they indicate a possible threat of miscarriage. We are talking about severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen, which are given to the lower back and may be accompanied by bloody discharge of brown or even red color. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to preserve the pregnancy.

If the pain in the abdomen is associated with the intestines, then you can drink a No-shpa tablet, after agreeing this with your doctor.

Pain in the back or sacrum may be due to compression of the sciatic nerve by the uterus. If they get worse, your doctor may recommend that you wear a bandage. Pain in the area of ​​the pubic joint can be a symptom of symphysitis, so you should definitely tell your doctor about it.


Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back can result in bleeding at the 9th week of pregnancy. In this case, you can’t hesitate: lie down and call an ambulance, and if possible, immediately go to the hospital yourself. Any amount of bleeding should be taken as bleeding. Menstruation at the 9th week of pregnancy no longer goes, although there is a term in medicine “washing the fetus” - a condition in which menstrual bleeding occurs despite the pregnancy developing in the body. But in that case, you would hardly know already that life was born inside you.

Bleeding at the 9th week of pregnancy may be a sign of cervical erosion or some kind of neoplasm. In this case, pulling cramping pains in the lower abdomen will be absent. But still, the doctor must establish the cause.

Discharge at 9 weeks pregnant

We figured out spotting, now about whites. They may change their character somewhat. Abundant mucous discharge in the first trimester is quite normal. They thicken due to increased levels of progesterone to protect the embryo from infections. From the second trimester, estrogen becomes more active, and the discharge acquires a liquid, watery consistency.

Leucorrhea may be clear or whitish (like raw egg white). Normally, they do not smell of anything, do not cause discomfort (itching, burning, redness, swelling in the genital area) and should not change their color. Strong-smelling or discharge of a different color or consistency (yellow, green, gray, brown, red, or cheesy or bubbly) should be a reason to see a doctor and take a smear to detect infections.


An elevated body temperature may also indicate the course of the infection. But if there are no such signs, and the subfebrile temperature persists and does not fall, then do not rush to panic: for pregnant women, this condition is the norm.

If, in addition to temperature, you observe other “bad” symptoms (pain, for example), then your therapist or gynecologist will help you find the cause of the high temperature.


Fever with cough, sore throat, chills and runny nose is a clear sign of a cold or flu. Remember that treatment is now prohibited, but somehow you still need to alleviate the condition. The throat can be treated with warm milk with figs or butter (do not borscht with honey, as this is a highly allergenic product). Also suitable are gargling and rinsing the nose (Rotokan, salt, soda). Cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are very good - both tasty and healthy, and the temperature will be lowered. Up to 38C, no antipyretics, and if it is higher and worse, you can Paracetamol, but not Analgin. And bed rest - you need to lie down for a cold.


At the 9th week of pregnancy, the child should receive all the necessary substances: fats, proteins and carbohydrates. But there is a big difference between them, and this should be taken into account when compiling your menu. Give preference to complex carbohydrates, trying not to lean on sweets or replace them with healthy ones - dried fruits, for example. Meat is better to eat boiled and lean, cooked in a gentle way. Try to regularly eat beef and fish (be careful here, as overseas delicacies are very allergenic and generally can be questionable in terms of quality).

If you are very tired and constantly want to sleep, then you should increase the amount of protein and iron in your menu.

Every day, fresh natural vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet of the expectant mother. Choose fruits according to the season, homemade, but always remember about allergization: many of them can provoke the development of allergies in an unborn child. However, you should not abuse any.


Alcohol at the 9th week of pregnancy should be completely excluded. The baby is completely dependent on you and feeds exclusively on substances that get to him from your body. Alcohol passes through the placenta in the same amount that was taken by the mother. Therefore, even the smallest doses can be fatal for a baby. And it is not at all necessary that the consequences of drinking appear immediately. Doctors do not even prescribe alcohol-containing drops to women during this period. But the choice is always yours.

Sex at 9 weeks pregnant

But you can fully enjoy intimacy with your spouse. The tummy is still almost invisible - it will neither embarrass you nor interfere with you. And libido at the 9th week of pregnancy can jump noticeably, and it’s a sin not to take advantage of this.

Sex at week 9 is not contraindicated, but with one caveat: if there is no threat of miscarriage. Otherwise, you will have to be a little patient.


Most likely, you have already registered and started taking the necessary tests. In that case, their results should come soon. And if the examination is just ahead, then get ready, because you will have to walk around the laboratories and doctors a bit.

When registering, your gynecologist will refer you to a number of mandatory tests: a general urine and blood test, a blood test for clotting, blood type and Rh factor, sexually transmitted diseases, antibodies to hepatitis. Without fail, it will be necessary to pass a feces to determine the worms and a smear from the vagina to determine infections. When registering, a woman must undergo an examination by a general practitioner, ophthalmologist, dentist and cardiologist. The father of the child also takes part in trips to the offices: he needs to undergo a fluorography and donate blood from a vein to determine the Rh factor.

According to indications, additional tests for hormones can be prescribed - they will help to assess the development of the child and make predictions in the development of pregnancy. The level of hCG at the 9th week of pregnancy (or 7th week from conception) reaches its peak and can range from 20,000 to 200,000 mU / ml and even higher. Underestimated values ​​may be a sign of developmental disorders of the embryo, overestimated - indicate multiple pregnancy, negative Rh and can also be a warning of malformations in the development of the fetus.

An important diagnostic value is also the level of progesterone in the blood at the 9th week of pregnancy. This hormone contributes to the preservation and successful development of pregnancy, therefore, its underestimated indicators may be a warning about the probable threat of interruption.

Ultrasound at 9 weeks pregnant

The doctor can also refer you to an ultrasound at the 9th week of pregnancy to assess the condition of the fetus, uterus, more accurately determine the gestational age and make predictions for the future.

An ultrasound at week 9 will already show how a small heart beats: at this time it makes 130-150 beats per minute, driving blood through the blood vessels of its entire body.

Also, an ultrasound examination will evaluate the motor activity of the embryo: the baby already bends and unbends the arms, moves the legs, although the mother will feel these movements only at 4-5 months of pregnancy.


The uterus at the 9th week of pregnancy continues to grow actively. Until the end of the term, it will increase more than 500 times compared to its original size. And now it can be equated to a grapefruit.

The condition of the uterine epithelium and the size of the uterus are also evaluated during an ultrasound scan at the 9th week of pregnancy.

The outflow of blood from the genital tract during the bearing of a baby is a very dangerous symptom, especially in the early stages. This clinical sign can be the first signal of the development of many pathologies.

What causes bleeding during pregnancy?

During its intrauterine development, the fetus shares a common circulatory system with the mother. This feature is inherent in nature. In the first months of its development, the baby does not yet have its own blood vessels that would provide its body with the necessary nutrients and oxygen. They will appear a little later.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the embryo undergoes a very important process, which doctors call organogenesis. During it, the child begins to lay all the vital organs and systems. During this period even minor impacts can lead to very dangerous consequences for its further growth and development.

In the normal course of pregnancy, bleeding from the genital tract in a woman should not be. The appearance of blood on underwear is a warning sign. In some cases, it may indicate the development of dangerous pathologies that may threaten the development of the embryo.

In the first weeks

The appearance of spotting spotting at 4-5 weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus may indicate its successful implantation to the uterine wall. Usually at this time, a woman may have droplets of scarlet blood on her underwear. This symptom for many expectant mothers becomes truly frightening, as they are not yet aware of their new status.

6-7 weeks of pregnancy is usually the time of the first visit to the doctor. During this period, the woman stops menstruation, which leads her to a consultation with a specialist. After a gynecological examination, the expectant mother may experience slight bleeding or separate blood clots. You should not be afraid of this. This symptom will disappear on its own in a couple of days. In this case, physicians It is recommended to limit physical activity and keep calm.

After intercourse

The appearance of blood at 7-8 and subsequent weeks of pregnancy may be after sexual intercourse. In this case, damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina occurs, which leads to the appearance of a small amount of blood on the underwear. Many mothers are afraid of this symptom. You shouldn't be afraid of him. During pregnancy, you should only choose the most gentle postures used during intercourse.

After transvaginal ultrasound

At 10-12 weeks of gestation, the first transvaginal ultrasound is usually performed. It is necessary to identify pathologies in both the developing baby and his mother. This study is carried out on the appointment of an obstetrician-gynecologist who observes a woman during the entire period of her pregnancy.

After this procedure, some women may also experience bleeding from the genital tract. It is usually mild and disappears on its own after a few hours. In certain situations, an ultrasound examination can be performed earlier - at 9-10 weeks of gestation.

The appearance of drops of blood on underwear after a transvaginal ultrasound is most often an independent symptom. Usually this condition occurs without pain. A woman may only have slight discomfort in the genital tract after the examination. It also disappears quite quickly in a few days.

bubble skid

Bubble drift is a pathology that also leads to the death of the fetus. It is characterized replacement of the embryo with connective tissue. The cause of the development of this pathology, unfortunately, the researchers have not yet found. This condition does not pose a threat to the life of a woman. The fetus dies.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous pathology, which is usually manifested by the development of severe bleeding. This pathology usually manifests itself in women during the first trimester of pregnancy. The extreme degree of this condition is a rupture of the fallopian tube where the fertilized egg is located.

The beginning of the development of tubal pregnancy practically does not differ in any way from the usual one, which takes place in the uterus. The woman also becomes positive pharmacy test for hCG, there is heaviness in the mammary glands and there is a change in mood. All these signs are due to changing hormones that begin to be produced after conception.

The peculiarity of this pathology is only that the embryo is not implanted in the uterine wall, but remains in the tube. Such growth of the fetus is not provided for by nature, therefore it does not have further development. This leads to the fact that the woman starts bleeding heavily, which leads to a further miscarriage.

This condition usually causes numerous adverse symptoms in a woman. Some patients even lose consciousness. The intensity of the pain syndrome can be very pronounced. To reduce pain, the administration of painkillers is required, preferably by the parenteral route.

In this case, timely hospitalization is indispensable. Delay in transportation to the hospital can lead to the development of extremely dangerous complications. In the hospital, doctors remove all components of the fetal egg from the epididymis. Quite often, the entire fallopian tube is removed.

"Frozen" pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy is another pathological condition that can develop in early pregnancy. Quite often, it manifests itself in the second or third month from the moment the baby is conceived.

This pathology is characterized by the embryo under the influence of any reasons simply ceases to fully develop. This can be determined using special hormonal tests, as well as during ultrasound.

During the termination of pregnancy, a woman's symptoms begin to change. She feels much less soreness in her breasts. In some cases, she develops pain in the abdomen, which only increases over time. This condition is also characterized by an increase in temperature. Usually its values ​​​​do not exceed 37.5 degrees.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is one of the most common pathologies in the female population. It can occur even in women who have not given birth. Numerous factors lead to the development of this pathology.

Many cervical erosion doctors try to treat even before the onset of conception. Such therapy allows to achieve epithelialization of the mucous membranes and reduce the risk of possible complications during pregnancy. However, this does not always work out.

Many future mothers learn about the presence of this pathological condition in them only during pregnancy. In this case, any traumatic effects can contribute to the release of blood from the genital tract. These include: ultrasound, deep gynecological examination, sex, injuries, infections.

As a rule, doctors during pregnancy with cervical erosion are guided by expectant tactics, limiting the possibility of surgical treatment. If it is impossible to do without such therapy, then it is carried out only according to strict medical indications.


Polyposis is quite common in women. Many expectant mothers neglect the importance of treating this pathology before pregnancy. This is absolutely false! The background changing under the influence of hormones promotes the growth of polyps, which can lead to infection and even separation. Such situations, as a rule, are accompanied by bleeding.

Its severity depends on how large the detached formations were. Quite often, this pathology manifests itself at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy. It is still worth treating polyposis before pregnancy, as this is a rather lengthy process that requires mandatory rehabilitation time.


Varicose veins are another pathology that leads to the development of bleeding from the genital tract. Usually its severity is moderate.

This pathology is accompanied by the development of other causes as well. In some women, varicose veins can also be seen on the legs. Rupture of the thin varicose wall of the uterine blood vessel and leads to the outflow of blood from the genital tract.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to the development of erosive forms of pathologies. When exacerbated, they are accompanied by various types of bleeding.

During pregnancy it is essential immunity decreases, which leads to the activation of many sexually transmitted diseases and their rapid development. Treatment in this case is carried out in conjunction with a venereologist. Drug therapy may be required to eliminate adverse symptoms.

Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion is another, no less dangerous clinical situation. Usually it proceeds against the background of complete well-being. A woman has a strong pain syndrome, localized mainly in the lower third of the abdomen. The pain can also spread to the anal area, as well as to the thighs. The pain syndrome is usually unbearable. From pain, a woman can moan, scream.

If the bleeding is massive, then she may also faint or lose consciousness. A woman develops severe dizziness, and general weakness is rapidly increasing. In this case, emergency hospitalization is required.

In this case, it is impossible to do without removing the fetal egg from the uterus. This procedure is carried out by gynecologists. After the operation, the woman is given recommendations and prescribed medications.


The intensity of the severity of clinical signs may be different. It largely depends on the situation that caused the development of bleeding. The severity also determines the amount of blood lost.

There are a number of clinical situations where losses become chronic. Usually this happens if a woman has any diseases of the reproductive organs.

Many infectious pathologies and erosive processes occurring in the uterus can also lead to the development of bleeding. In this case, blood accumulates between its layers and the future forming placenta. As a rule, in this situation, a woman notices only the appearance of drops of blood on the linen.

Persistent spotting causes her to develop an anemic condition, accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin. This condition adversely affects the intrauterine growth of the fetus, and can also lead to the formation of a number of defects and developmental anomalies in it.

Quite often, it happens that bleeding from the genital tract begins in pregnant women after taking a bath or a hot shower. This leads to a strong expansion of blood vessels under the influence of high temperature.

Various traumatic effects or intense physical exercise can also provoke the outflow of blood. Some women noted that they had bleeding from the vagina after lifting weights.

In some cases, blood on linen also appears when visiting the toilet. In this case, it is imperative to determine the source of bleeding. If blood is released directly during urination, then the cause may be associated with pathologies of the kidneys or urinary tract. Often, an exacerbation of chronic cystitis leads to the appearance of blood streaks in the urine.

Severe bleeding leads to severe anemization of the woman. This is manifested even in the change in its appearance. The skin becomes pale, cold to the touch. Lips turn blue. The area under the eyes and the zone of the nasolabial triangle acquire a gray color.

The woman begins to feel a rapid heartbeat. It's getting harder for her to breathe. This is how the lack of oxygen is manifested, which is caused by anemia that has arisen due to severe blood loss.

When a fetus dies in the womb, a woman experiences pain in her stomach. Its intensity increases every minute. For some women, even taking painkillers and antispasmodics in this condition does not lead to an improvement in well-being. The severity of the condition progresses every minute.

The critical degree of development of disorders is loss of consciousness. Before this, a borderline disorder usually develops - a “clouding” of consciousness. A woman's head begins to "spin", the feeling of space is lost, "flies" may flash before her eyes. Already with the onset of these symptoms, it is urgent to call an ambulance team. Procrastination in such a situation is very dangerous.

What to do?

If a woman has bleeding from the genital tract, this is an absolute indication for visiting a doctor. As a rule, emergency doctors suggest that all pregnant women be hospitalized. This must be done.

In the hospital, doctors will be able to establish the cause that led to the development of bleeding, and will also be able to provide a full range of all the necessary assistance.

The appearance of blood clots during pregnancy - this is an occasion for an unscheduled visit to your obstetrician-gynecologist. Consultation should not be delayed. It often happens that the expectant mother is simply afraid to see a doctor, thereby aggravating the development of pathology.

It is important to remember that the complications of many pathological conditions can be prevented only by consulting a doctor in time.

When bleeding starts, it is very important to remain calm. An ambulance must be called without delay. It is better to have someone close to the woman. This will allow her to be more calm and less nervous.

It is very important to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room. To do this, be sure to open the window or window.

With heavy bleeding, you need to put in the underwear a regular pad, which a woman uses during menstruation. You don't have to walk around the apartment. It is better to put a woman on a bed or sofa. At the same time, the legs can be slightly raised.

You should not wash or shower when bleeding starts. Hot water can only aggravate all symptoms. If a woman has dryness and strong thirst, then you can offer her to drink water. This will make her feel a little better.

Close relatives should prepare medical documents before the ambulance arrives. You will need a passport, an outpatient card and a compulsory medical insurance policy. Arriving doctors, most likely, will offer the woman to be hospitalized due to the severe severity of her condition.

Only with non-dangerous pathologies will a woman be left at home. In this case, you should definitely visit your obstetrician-gynecologist the day after such an incident.

In the next video, you will learn about whether bleeding is normal in early pregnancy.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Currently, there are two options for determining the gestational age - this is obstetric And embryonic terms of pregnancy. They differ by about two weeks, due to different points from which the gestational age is counted. So, the obstetric period is counted from the date of the last menstruation, and the embryonic period is counted from the date of ovulation. And since ovulation occurs about two weeks later than menstruation, it is obvious that the difference between obstetric and embryonic terms is also two weeks.

The embryonic period is more accurate, since it is considered from the date of ovulation - and it is during this period, as a rule, that a child is conceived. The obstetric period also takes into account the two weeks preceding ovulation, during which, of course, there has not been any pregnancy yet. But this is the traditional method of calculating the gestational age, which obstetricians from different countries have been using for many years. Therefore, despite the inaccuracy, the obstetric term is still used in Russia and other countries.

The embryonic period is determined according to ultrasound data with an accuracy of plus or minus four days, and the obstetric period is simply counted from the date of the last menstruation. Both terms are compared with each other, and if the difference between them is less than two weeks, then no corrections are made, and a further countdown is carried out according to the obstetric term. If the difference between the terms is more than two weeks, then the countdown of further pregnancy is carried out according to the embryonic term, since it is more accurate.


From the ninth week, the third month of pregnancy begins. By this time, the fetus has already grown significantly, its length (coccyx-parietal size, CTE) is from 22 to 30 mm (an average of 23 plus or minus 1.1 mm), and its weight is 2 plus or minus 0.01 g. On the ninth week, the tail, which existed before that time, is reduced (dissolved) in the fetus, and a rudimentary formation remains from it - the coccyx.

The arms and legs lengthen, the fingers separate and grow, the rudiments of nails appear on them, the foot is formed. Bones are strengthened, gain strength, the number of muscles in different parts of the body increases.

The eyes come closer, and eyelids form on them, which are still closed and do not open. The corners of the lips and folds on the skin of the lips appear, the fetus can even wrinkle the lips and make swallowing movements. The head is increasingly separated from the body, the neck takes on the usual contours and outlines.

By the ninth week, the fetus is already removing metabolic products from its tiny body with urine, releasing it into the amniotic fluid. From the waters, in turn, urine is absorbed into the amnion, from the vessels of which it enters the mother's body, where it is neutralized and excreted.

If a pregnant woman has a negative Rh factor, then several times during the bearing of a child she will have to be tested for the detection of antibodies to Rh. These antibodies in the blood indicate Rh conflict, which causes hemolytic disease of the newborn, if this condition is not treated in time.

Tests to detect dangerous infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C) a woman passes three times during pregnancy - when registering, at 30 weeks and a few days before the expected date of birth.

A biochemical blood test and a coagulogram (blood clotting indicators) during the normal course of pregnancy are given three times - upon registration, at 22-24 weeks and at 32 weeks. However, if any pathologies of pregnancy are observed, then the coagulogram and blood biochemistry can be taken more often in the direction of a doctor.

In addition to the mandatory ones, the doctor may prescribe other additional tests necessary to diagnose the pathology of pregnancy or other diseases that a woman has.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

If, until the ninth week, a woman was not seen by an obstetrician-gynecologist and was not registered for pregnancy in a antenatal clinic, then this should be done. At the first appointment, the doctor will assess the general condition of the woman, identify existing chronic diseases and risk factors for the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth. Based on this, the obstetrician-gynecologist will develop a pregnancy management plan, if necessary, prescribe preventive or therapeutic treatment, or refer you to hospitalization in a hospital. There is no need to postpone a visit to the gynecologist, as pregnancy complications can occur at any time and lead to dire consequences, up to the death of the fetus.

At the first visit and registration, the obstetrician-gynecologist must perform the following actions:

  • Starts medical documentation, which will reflect all the information regarding the course of pregnancy in a woman, complications, prescribed therapy, its effectiveness, etc. Documentation in different CIS countries differs in some nuances, but in principle it is exactly the same. So, in all CIS countries, two documents are necessarily created, in which all information related to pregnancy is recorded, and one document is stored in the consultation, and the second is given to the woman. The document in the hands of a woman must be presented during hospitalization to any gynecological or obstetric department.
  • During the conversation, the doctor finds out how many pregnancies there were earlier, how they proceeded, how they ended (childbirth, miscarriage, etc.), whether there were any complications. The doctor also asks if there were abortions, miscarriages, gynecological operations, caesarean sections, diseases of the genital organs.
  • The doctor finds out if the woman has had rubella or been vaccinated against this infection, if she has varicose veins, and if she currently suffers from any other diseases.
  • The doctor calculates the gestational age and expected due date based on the date of the last menstrual period.
  • Without fail, the doctor measures the size of the pelvis, blood pressure, as well as height and weight, calculates the body mass index.
  • A two-handed gynecological examination is carried out, an examination of the genital tract in the mirrors on the chair and a swab sampling.
  • Referrals are issued for tests, for visiting other specialists (ENT, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, therapist, dentist, endocrinologist), for ECG and for screening ultrasound examination. Screening ultrasound is performed without fail in the period of 10-14 weeks to detect malformations. In principle, ultrasound at earlier stages of pregnancy can not be done, but at 10-14 weeks, ultrasound should be done without fail.
  • The doctor also tells the woman about the symptoms of pregnancy pathology, in which it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, recommends attending courses to prepare for childbirth, and provides other useful information.
Next visit after the first usually appointed after 7 - 10 days, so that the woman has time to pass all the tests, get advice from other doctors and come with the results of all the examinations already ready. Further, if all tests are normal, the next visit is scheduled in a month. In normal uncomplicated pregnancy and the absence of any complaints, the woman visits the consultation infrequently - once a month until the 28th week of gestation, 2 times a month from 28 to 37 weeks of pregnancy, and weekly from 37 weeks until delivery.

However, if the results of the examinations are not normal, then the doctor prescribes treatment and the next appearance earlier than in a month. If there are pregnancy complications the frequency of visits to the consultation is determined by the doctor and does not depend on the usual turnaround time determined for a normal pregnancy.

Feelings, signs of pregnancy and changes in the state of the body

At the ninth week, a woman often goes to the toilet to write, because, firstly, the growing uterus squeezes the bladder, and it holds a smaller volume of fluid, and secondly, the kidneys of the expectant mother secrete more urine than before pregnancy.

The cause of a woman's worries at the ninth week of pregnancy may also be an elevated subfebrile body temperature (not higher than 37.2 o C), which stubbornly holds on and does not subside, but there are no other signs of a cold, SARS or other infectious disease. However, such an elevated temperature is a variant of the norm, if it is not accompanied by symptoms of SARS. If the temperature rise is combined with the symptoms of SARS, then this is already a sign of the disease.


Normally, at the ninth week of pregnancy, the discharge should be profuse, mucous, thick, odorless, transparent or whitish in color. In appearance, the discharge is most similar to raw egg white. If a woman has just such discharge and there is no discomfort in the genital area (itching, burning, swelling, redness), then this is normal and, therefore, there is nothing to worry about.

Discharges with a strong odor, having a bubbly or curdled consistency, and also colored yellow, green, grayish, brown, reddish, are pathological, indicating either an infectious disease or a threat of miscarriage. When they appear, you should consult a doctor for examination and subsequent treatment.

The presence of burning, itching, swelling, redness, discomfort or pain in the genital area, in combination with any discharge, is a sign of trouble, so this situation requires a visit to a doctor.

Bleeding and menstruation

In the ninth week, a woman may have blood or bloody masses from the genital tract. Moreover, these spotting can be both normal and pathological.

Bloody discharge in any quantity and any nature (with or without clots), combined with sharp pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, are considered pathological, dangerous and are a sign of a threatened miscarriage. Therefore, in such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance and urgently be hospitalized in a hospital for treatment aimed at maintaining the pregnancy.

Bloody discharge without abdominal pain can also be abnormal, and may be a sign of cervical erosion or genital tumors (eg, uterine fibroids). But since sometimes the threat of a miscarriage may also not be accompanied by pain, in the event of bleeding without abdominal pain, it is still recommended to urgently consult a doctor and be hospitalized in a hospital.

In addition, in the ninth week, a woman often has back pain (sacrum, lower back) and in the hips, which are caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the growing uterus. Such pains are normal and do not indicate pathology. If they bother the woman too much or are poorly tolerated, then a supportive bandage must be worn.

In rare cases, a woman at the ninth week may feel pain in the pubic symphysis (along the midline of the pubis), which is a sign of symphysitis (inflammation of the pubic symphysis), and requires immediate treatment.

Otherwise, in the ninth week, a pregnant woman may experience pain in any parts of the body and organs, like in any adult, and the reasons for their appearance should be clarified in each case individually.


At the ninth week of pregnancy, sex is not contraindicated, but on the contrary, it is useful if women do not have a threat of miscarriage. And since libido can increase significantly at this stage of pregnancy, intimacy can bring a woman very vivid sensory experiences that have a beneficial effect on both her condition and the development of the baby - an orgasm causes blood flow to the genitals, as a result of which the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients in the right amount. The stomach still does not protrude strongly, does not interfere with taking any comfortable postures. However, it is recommended to make love in normal positions, without trying to experiment.

But if there is a threat of miscarriage, then sex is contraindicated, since intimate intercourse can provoke increased uterine contractions and cause the onset of spontaneous abortion.


Body weight in the ninth week may increase by 750 - 1700 g, counting from the weight that existed before pregnancy. Moreover, the fuller the woman, the less weight she adds. That is, thin women put on more weight than full ones. An increase of 1700 g should be considered the maximum allowable for the ninth week of pregnancy. This means that normally a woman's weight can increase by a maximum of 1700 g, and no more. And if the weight has increased by more than 1700 g, then this is not normal, and may indicate pregnancy complications (for example, swelling), so in this case you need to see a doctor.

Food and alcohol

On the ninth week, you can’t follow any diets for weight loss, since the developing and growing fetus must receive all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, since if they are deficient, there is a high risk of malformations, deformities, stunting or even death of the child. Therefore, in order to provide the fetus with all the necessary plastic substances, one should eat fully and varied, including proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in one's diet.

The menu of a pregnant woman in the ninth week must contain dairy products, meat, fish, nuts, cereals, as well as fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries. It is best to cook dishes by steaming, boiling, stewing or baking, and avoid frying. For example, it is better to eat baked meat than smoked ham.

It is advisable not to abuse unhealthy carbohydrate foods such as sweets, pastries, cakes, fresh white bread, french fries, chips, etc. Instead, it is optimal to include complex carbohydrates in the diet, for example, cereals, whole grain bread, dried fruits. It is also desirable to exclude from the diet salty, fried, spicy, peppered, smoked, fatty, canned, as well as fast food and a variety of snacks (crackers, chips). In addition, you should not experiment with your menu during pregnancy, including exotic foods and dishes that a woman has not previously consumed, as they can provoke an allergic reaction or dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, belching, bloating, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and etc.).

With severe fatigue and drowsiness, it is advisable to increase the amount of animal protein in the diet due to lean meats, fish or cheeses, and also start taking iron supplements, since this condition may indicate developing anemia.

Alcoholic drinks in the ninth week should not be consumed even in a minimal amount, since ethyl alcohol crosses the placenta and can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Drinking alcohol during the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to fetal malformations, as well as fatal consequences for the nervous system that appear after birth.

Pregnancy is a difficult stage for the female body, it is not surprising that sometimes there are failures. Often bleeding can serve as a signal of such a failure. The list of causes of bleeding at 9 weeks of gestation is not that big. Not all of these reasons are alarming or dangerous, but, perhaps, all of them require a serious approach, since most pathologies, abnormalities and disorders in the development of the fetus, uterus, placenta and in the mother's body appear at an early stage. Therefore, if traces of blood suddenly appeared on the pad at the 9th week of pregnancy, then you need to urgently see a doctor.

If we talk about the causes of bleeding at the 9th week of pregnancy, then we must definitely mention the non-dangerous ones.

Firstly, the blood at the 9th week of pregnancy may be on the days when menstruation used to be. The discharge is scanty, dark in color, not at all like menstrual bleeding. However, some women don't even know they're pregnant by 9 weeks because of this bleeding. As a rule, this condition does not require treatment, as it is caused by hormonal changes in the body. If the bleeding does not stop by the second trimester, then an additional examination will be required.

Secondly, pregnancy can provoke erosion of the cervix, damage to the vessels in the uterus and neoplasms. All this can cause intermittent spotting at the 9th week of pregnancy. As a rule, these diseases that have arisen during pregnancy are not treated, since they are safe for the baby, but the treatment process can be harmful. Therefore, their treatment is postponed for the period after childbirth.

It happens that diseases that occur during pregnancy disappear after childbirth without additional treatment.

Thirdly, a certain amount of blood at the 9th week of pregnancy may be released after a gynecological examination and after sexual intercourse due to microtraumas of the vagina.

During pregnancy, it is almost impossible to independently determine whether this is a natural discharge of blood or not, and it is dangerous, but if the doctor has identified the cause, then you should not worry. You need to worry if the bleeding suddenly changes intensity, color, and pain will be added to them.

Dangerous bleeding at 9 weeks

In the first trimester, there is a high probability of fetal death due to various disorders: genetic, hormonal, immunological, psychological. Vaginal or uterine bleeding at the 9th week of pregnancy may indicate just the death of the fetus, or violations leading to death.

Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) begins with bleeding. Depending on the severity of the violations, miscarriage can be characterized by different conditions.

Threatened miscarriage at 9 weeks' gestation, when the baby can still be saved, is accompanied by scant bloody discharge, sometimes with aching pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes without pain at all. A miscarriage that has begun, when a child can be saved only with emergency assistance, is accompanied by slow bleeding and sharp pains. But "abortion in progress" cannot be stopped - the bleeding is very strong, which stops only after curettage.

A miscarriage in the initial stages can be prevented, so if you bleed during pregnancy and there is a threat of miscarriage, you should urgently consult a doctor.

An ectopic pregnancy often manifests itself just at 9 weeks. This is a pathology when the fetal egg is attached not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube or cervix. With the growth of the fetal egg during pregnancy, such tissue rupture can occur that blood will flow. An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous because it is difficult to diagnose at an early stage, and with a rupture, blood loss for the mother is very large.

If suddenly there is a sudden bleeding during pregnancy, you need to call an ambulance to save your mother. Blood loss can be very dangerous. Frozen pregnancy can also be manifested by spotting. It is possible to determine whether the pregnancy has frozen or not by ultrasound on the heartbeat.

In order to prevent bleeding, you need to try: limit physical activity (do not lift weights, avoid active sports), you can go to the pool, do fitball, yoga, gymnastics; treat infections and gynecological diseases in time; avoid stress, nervous tension; limit sexual activity. How is bleeding treated?

After bleeding is detected, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed depending on the results. If there was a miscarriage, but the pregnancy was saved, then the woman will be sent to maintain the pregnancy and prescribe special drugs that normalize the hormonal background, lower the tone of the uterus, vitamins and trace elements. Subject to all recommendations, it is possible to safely continue pregnancy and stop bleeding. However, after discharge, you need to limit physical activity, avoid stress and be more attentive to health. If a miscarriage occurs, then curettage of the uterine cavity is carried out so that there are no fragments of the fetus left.

The same thing happens with a frozen pregnancy. The detected ectopic pregnancy requires surgical intervention, in which the fetus will again be lost. For women who have managed to maintain a pregnancy for 9 weeks, spotting should stop over time. If the discharge of blood during pregnancy continues, then you will need to go to the hospital again.

To preserve pregnancy in obstetrics, sedatives have long been used - motherwort and valerian. Today, experts say that calmness, emotional background, thoughts affect the course of pregnancy, which is why it is so important to learn methods of relaxation and self-soothing. Women need to be careful about any bleeding during pregnancy. In most cases, they are the cause of pathologies, therefore, require the intervention of a doctor.