What does the fetus look like at 8 obstetric weeks. Ultrasound: what does the embryo look like? Required studies and analyzes

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At the 8th week of pregnancy, many changes occur with the baby and mother. They concern both the psychological side and the physiological aspect. The risk of miscarriage is still quite high, so a pregnant woman should be attentive to her health, eat right and visit a gynecologist in a timely manner. We will talk about what happens to the mother and the fetus in this article.

8-9th obstetric is the 6th-7th embryonic week. This period is very exciting for a woman. She begins to gradually realize that inside her was born and is rapidly developing new life. The range of sensations in girls depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the course of pregnancy. Some mothers suffer from toxicosis, lose weight, become irritable. Others, on the contrary, bloom before our eyes.

The fetus at week 8 already quite resembles a person. The head becomes more proportional to the body, the baby gradually straightens. At this time, a woman may well see tiny limbs on ultrasound. The height of the child is approximately 18-20 mm, and the weight is from 3 to 5 grams.

Changes in the body of the fetus:

  • at week 8, the rudiments of fingers are formed on the upper and lower extremities;
  • the intestines are improved;
  • the peripheral nervous system is actively developing;
  • the heart becomes four-chambered, it is already audible on ultrasound;
  • blood is pumped through the vessels to the entire organ;
  • the genitals begin to form, although it is still impossible to determine the sex of the baby;
  • the nervous and endocrine system, brain, kidneys, liver develop.

Quite clearly during an ultrasound examination, facial features can be seen. The baby already has ears, nose, lips. The eyes at this stage are clearly visible, but are still tightly closed for eyelids. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the rudiment of the tongue appears, the salivary glands form.

At the end of the second month, the baby can bend and unbend the joints. From the side respiratory system changes are observed in the form of the appearance of branching in the lungs. The baby moves all the time in the womb, but for a woman these movements are still imperceptible, since the child is still very small.

All the internal organs of the baby are now actively formed. In this regard, a woman is advised to carefully monitor her health so as not to disrupt this process.

Changes in the mother's body

Few of the women at the 8th week of pregnancy do not know about their interesting position. Menstruation is absent, toxicosis, drowsiness and other symptoms appear, indicating the development of a new life. During this stage, many hormonal changes occur in the body. In some girls, they are less pronounced, in others they appear with greater intensity.

Many lucky women are lucky to avoid toxicosis altogether. Other mothers face nausea, vomiting, indigestion, mood swings, irritability and other “charms” of pregnancy. This is explained by a surge of hormones at the 8th week of pregnancy, which have a different effect on the body.

What happens at the physiological level? The changes are as follows:

  • The uterus increases in diameter, often girls complain that their lower abdomen is pulled. Such sensations are considered normal if they are not accompanied by bleeding, fever and other negative symptoms. Belly is not yet visible.
  • Changes in skin condition dark spots, acne, inflammation. It doesn't happen to everyone. In some women, the appearance is transformed, the dermis becomes radiant, even and more attractive.
  • Changes are also observed in the hair and nails. In some, they become weaker, brittle, in others, positive changes are noted.
  • It is difficult not to notice the changes in the mammary glands. The breast increases in size, the nipples darken, sensitivity increases. Some pregnant women describe these sensations as soreness during menstruation. it natural process, indicating the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation.

The growth of the uterus at week 8 provokes an increase in pressure on the intestines and bladder. In this regard, urination becomes more frequent, especially at night. Defecation may also become more frequent, but this usually happens at a later date.

Many mothers do not feel any changes at the end of the second month of pregnancy. Do not worry, this condition is not considered a deviation.

Signs at 8 weeks

At 8 weeks pregnant, hormone levels continue to skyrocket. In this regard, the woman feels many changes. The most common of them include:

  • Emotional swing. Mood swings, irritability, tearfulness, susceptibility to trifles, resentment and other emotional disorders are becoming the norm for many mothers. These are not whims, as many believe. This condition occurs due to the influence of progesterone on the female body.
  • Frequent urination. Frequent trips to the toilet are associated with the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder. This condition is considered quite natural and after childbirth passes without medical intervention.
  • Disorders digestive system. Constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn, belching and other disorders at the 8th week of pregnancy occur due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines. It relaxes the peristalsis of the digestive organs, which leads to dyspeptic disorders.
  • Toxicosis. Nausea, vomiting, and dizziness occur more frequently after sleep. There are many methods of dealing with toxicosis, the surest of which is proper nutrition in small portions and drinking enough fluids.
  • Changes in taste and increased sense of smell. These signs at the 8th week of pregnancy also occur due to an increase in certain hormones in the body.

Among all the symptoms, toxicosis is considered the most pronounced.

With a strong deterioration in well-being and repeated vomiting, there may be a threat of miscarriage. In such a situation, a woman needs hospitalization and special management of pregnancy.

Normal and pathological discharge during this period

At week 8, increased discharge is considered the norm, because the uterus is now undergoing many changes. In addition, blood circulation increases in the pelvic area, which leads to increased secretion. Of course, this does not apply to bleeding, which always indicates pathology. When brown, bloody, pink discharge the girl must immediately inform the doctor about this.

White curdled discharge indicates the development of thrush. The smell of the secret is unpleasant, sour. Thrush is considered a frequent occurrence at week 8, because it can occur with a decrease in immunity.

Purulent, yellow, light beige spots on linen and bad smell indicate infection of the genital organs. If such symptoms are found, you can not self-medicate and expect that they will pass on their own. An infection can cause serious problems. Among them are placental abruption, fading of pregnancy, miscarriage, fetal malformations. Even if the daub is weak, you need to contact the antenatal clinic.

brown and bleeding at the 8th week of pregnancy, they often indicate the separation of the fetal egg from the uterine wall. This is an extremely dangerous condition, often leading to the death of the baby.

Feelings at 8 weeks

At this time, the uterus increases significantly in size, which provokes the appearance of pulling and painful sensations in a young mother. The woman feels that the tummy often pulls, discomfort is also observed in the lower back. The pressure of the uterus on the digestive organs entails heartburn, belching, and frequent defecation.

Due to the decrease in the immune defense of the body, some chronic diseases can worsen. If any unpleasant symptoms appear, a doctor's consultation is required.

Toxicosis, which greatly worries a woman in the early stages, decreases by about 11 weeks.

What tests are needed

After registration, a woman needs to regularly visit a gynecologist for tests. Usually an appointment is scheduled every 2 weeks. For a period of 2 months future mommy should pass the following tests:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood chemistry;
  • smear from the vagina;
  • bacterial culture of feces;
  • blood for hCG and progesterone;
  • research on TORCH infection.

All results are recorded in a special card. The data helps the doctor evaluate the overall picture of the course of pregnancy.

By using laboratory research and ultrasound specialists can timely diagnose a particular pathology in the development of the embryo, take the necessary measures.

How is an early ultrasound done?

Ultrasound examination of the fetus at the considered period is carried out only in the presence of certain medical indications. In particular, this is a multiple pregnancy, often occurring after artificial insemination (IVF) or the appearance of complaints in the patient in the form of pain, spotting, and other things.

What can be seen on an ultrasound at 8 weeks of gestation:

  • place of attachment of the embryo in the uterus;
  • pathology of the reproductive organs of a woman;
  • height and weight of the fetus, gestational age after conception;
  • two or more embryos in the womb;
  • developmental disorders in the child.

Held ultrasound procedure using a transvaginal probe. This method is considered completely safe for mom and baby.

Photo of the fetus on ultrasound

In the picture you can see what the baby looks like in the womb at 8 weeks.

The embryo is still very small and it is quite difficult to see it, but during this period, the mother can hear her baby's heart beating.

Causes of missed pregnancy at 8 weeks

Up to 12 weeks, the risk of miscarriage or fetal fading remains quite high. This is due to many factors, among which the main one is hormonal disbalance. In addition, there are other reasons leading to the cessation of the development of the baby:

  • Deviations in the embryo of a chromosomal nature. This is due to genetics, often happens with Rhesus conflict. Chromosomal abnormalities are more often incompatible with life.
  • Often, fetal fading occurs when outside uterine pregnancy. Read more about this condition.
  • Often, fetal fading occurs with IVF. A woman is warned about the possibility of such a development of events when trying to artificial insemination.
  • Another common cause of fetal fading at week 8 is infection of the embryo due to a decrease in immunity in a woman. During this period, diseases such as influenza, rubella, cytomegalovirus and others are considered dangerous. Even common cold can lead to severe consequences.
  • diseases that can be transmitted sexually can provoke fetal fading. These are chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and others.

Frozen pregnancy is sometimes diagnosed after strong emotional experiences due to heavy lifting. Unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits can lead to tragedy.

You can understand that a fetal fading has occurred by the following signs:

  • brownish discharge;
  • stopped feeling sick;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the chest stopped hurting and toxicosis disappeared;
  • with ultrasound, the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age;
  • heartbeat is not audible.

If we talk about symptoms such as the cessation of toxicosis and soreness in the chest, they cannot be taken as the main ones, since these signs do not always indicate a fading fetus.

It is possible to confirm the fact of the cessation of embryo development only with the help of ultrasound and some other diagnostic methods.

Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion

They call it a miscarriage spontaneous interruption pregnancy. The beginning of the 8th week still poses serious threats to the baby. Often, pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, that is, a pathological spontaneous abortion. This happens due to many reasons:

  • Wrong way of life. Often the cause of fetal death is malnutrition, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, heavy physical exertion, poor-quality rest and sleep.
  • Poor work of the corpus luteum. Insufficient production of progesterone can lead not only to developmental delay, but also to miscarriage.
  • immune factors. At early pregnancy the fetus is often perceived by the body as a foreign body, so the immune system begins to attack it. The risk of miscarriage increases precisely at week 8, when the embryo is actively growing and reaches a certain size.

You can suspect the onset of a miscarriage by the following signs:

  • pain and cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody issues;
  • general deterioration of well-being;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • increase or decrease in pressure;
  • headache.

If you notice the above symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital. Modern methods of medicine help to stop a miscarriage with timely treatment.

Watery discharge at week 8 is a fairly common occurrence. For a baby, this condition is considered quite dangerous, since the release of amniotic fluid indicates a violation of the integrity of the amniotic membrane.

With absence timely assistance there is a risk of miscarriage or placental abruption. As a result, uterine bleeding and fetal asphyxia occur. In addition, leakage often leads to a violation birth process in the future and the development of respiratory distress syndrome in a premature infant.

Reasons for this condition:

  • infection of the female genital organs;
  • insufficiency of the cervix;
  • incorrect location of the fetus;
  • long-term smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • pathology of the reproductive organs;
  • invasive diagnostic methods performed illiterately or in the wrong perinatal period.

Many women at the 8th week of pregnancy are not even aware of their problem, as the fluid leaks in a very meager amount. In other situations, quite noticeable wet spots are found on the mother's underwear. To differentiate leakage amniotic fluid with urinary incontinence, you should definitely go to the hospital.

In the early stages, the treatment of this condition is carried out by the use of antibacterial drugs, bed rest and careful monitoring of the condition of the fetus in the womb.

sex at 8 weeks

Sexual relations with a partner during the normal course of pregnancy are not included in the list of prohibitions. In this case, proper hygiene must be observed and partners must be healthy.

Otherwise, the situation is with various problems in a woman, among which should be highlighted:

  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • the presence of hematoma of the placenta;
  • pathology of female organs;
  • pathological discharge(if it smears with blood or a secret of another pathological color);
  • sexually transmitted diseases in a partner;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • the presence of two or more embryos;
  • miscarriages and abortions in history.

If there are contraindications, the doctor may prohibit sex until the very birth or for a certain time. In any situation, you need to consult a specialist.

Increased uterine tone

Increased uterine tone is another common problem that women often have to deal with for a period of 8 weeks. Under this concept, medical practice imply involuntary contraction muscles of the reproductive organ.

The greatest danger to the baby during pregnancy is hypertonicity. This condition often provokes a miscarriage, so it should be monitored by a gynecologist. If necessary, medical treatment is carried out.

Increased hypertonicity is manifested in a feeling of stiffness, pain in the lower abdomen and pulling sensations in the lumbar region. Many mothers note that at the same time, the back hurts like during menstruation.

Basal temperature at this time

At the 8th week of gestation, the basal temperature should be kept at approximately 37-37.3 ° C. If she is on a short time rises to 38 ° C, but there are no warning signs, no need to worry. To control these indicators, experts recommend keeping a special diary with the fixation of all data.

With a regular increase in temperature, it is necessary to consult a specialist and pass the necessary tests. They will help to exclude inflammatory diseases, as well as a pathological change in temperature fluctuations due to a violation of the level of progesterone in the body.

How to deal with toxicity

Toxicosis is a condition in a woman in early pregnancy, characterized by various symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, dizziness and others. You can deal with these symptoms with the help of simple ways:

  • eat more often and in small portions;
  • exclude spicy, sour, smoked, too fatty and salty foods from the diet;
  • avoid drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol;
  • saturate your menu with vegetables, fruits, salads, healthy cereals;
  • in the evening, you can put an apple, cracker or mint near the bed, which you need to eat immediately after sleep;
  • Fresh, sour drinks like lemonade or mint tea work well.

Positive is very important mental attitude. Reviews of most mothers in numerous forums indicate that by the 11-12th week, discomfort is gradually decreasing.

At severe toxicosis with repeated vomiting, a woman is recommended to stay in a hospital under medical supervision for several days. This is due to the threat of termination of pregnancy due to frequent vomiting and loss of many useful components.

Flying early

At the 8th week of pregnancy, doctors do not recommend women to fly on an airplane. This is due to the fact that before the beginning of the third trimester, the risk of fetal fading or miscarriage is still quite high. You can fly only in case of emergency in the absence of any contraindications. To save the life of the fetus and the well-being of the mother, it is better to postpone the trip and stay close to home in a familiar environment for this period.

If a woman falls ill in the early stages of bearing a baby, you can not self-medicate. The fact is that even a common cold can provoke severe malformations in the fetus, because right now the laying and development of many vital organs is taking place. Why can't you treat yourself at home? Many medicines designed to reduce fever are contraindicated during pregnancy. Their careless use can provoke serious complications, including miscarriage.

When symptoms appear infectious diseases young mother needs to go to the hospital. The doctor will help you choose the necessary, and most importantly safe medicines.

The eighth week of pregnancy is the end of the second month. Despite the fact that the period is still small, the girl is already quite getting used to her new position. To prevent various complications during this period, a woman is recommended to observe healthy lifestyle life. In addition, the following tips will be helpful:

  • eat high-quality and healthy food;
  • take plenty of fluids, herbal teas, natural juices, mineral water;
  • give up bad habits. Even if a girl quit smoking only at week 8, this will reduce the risk of various malformations in the fetus;
  • during this period, it is important to observe sufficient motor activity, often walk on the street;
  • it is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic in a timely manner and take the necessary tests;
  • when anxiety symptoms you need to immediately contact a gynecologist;
  • if toxicosis stops abruptly, you should consult with the leading doctor.

We must not forget about quality rest and healthy sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. At home and at work, try to avoid negative emotions. Do not be afraid to tell your family and friends about your experiences and fears.


You can learn more about the life of the fetus in the womb at week 8 from this video.

Pregnancy is no longer a surprise for a woman. She learned about her "interesting position" a few weeks ago. As for the embryo, it continues to grow and develop.

Pregnant women gradually get used to their new condition. Their eyes now shine in a new way, some kind of mystery appears in their eyes - still, although others do not notice the slightly rounded belly, women know that a new life has already arisen and is developing inside them. And in just 7 months, a small warm lump will be born ...

Embryo size

At 8 weeks, the embryo reaches a length of about 10–15 mm. Now it can be compared to a small nut.

Baby weight

This week the weight of the embryo is 3.5-4.5 grams.

Development at 8 weeks pregnant

The embryo inside while the uterus, huge for him, begins to move! The first movements during pregnancy appear, therefore, already now, at the 8th week of the “interesting situation”. It is impossible to feel the movements of the crumbs - it is still too small, but its development is in full swing. Internal organs and systems continue to progress. The rudiments of the palate and tongue, genital organs are formed, the inner ear is formed (it is responsible not only for hearing, but also for balance), eyelids appear, taste buds appear on the tongue, and constriction membranes appear on the fingers and toes. The arms and legs are lengthened. Gastric juice begins to be produced.


The heart becomes four-chambered. It is reduced at a speed of 110-130 beats per minute.

What does a fetus look like at 8 weeks pregnant?

The head is still much larger than the body (this is normal, as the brain is forming). The face acquires its own features, the nose with nostrils, eyelids, eyes (they are tightly closed) are clearly visible, upper lip. Ears are formed on both sides of the head.

Body changes and new sensations of a woman

A woman who has realized her new position and accepted it changes her attitude towards herself and others. Now, at the 8th week of pregnancy, it is more important for her than problems at work, not quarrels with her mother-in-law, but the health of the unborn baby. Mental changes have a positive effect on physical state: nausea and vomiting no longer cause panic, they occur less and less often, and sudden mood swings are replaced by a sense of long-awaited calmness (in the event, of course, if it is not violated by premature "sentences" of not the best and most competent specialists).

But there are troubles that really await the pregnant woman at this time - they are associated with the pressure of the growing uterus on the sciatic nerve and bladder. In the first case, discomfort may appear in the lower back, thighs or buttocks (the doctor will prescribe medicines that will help the woman), and secondly, urination becomes more frequent. To deal with the final scourge, future mom should exclude drinks that have diuretic properties (carbonated water, caffeinated drinks) from their diet.

Weight gain

At this time, a woman adds about 0.2–0.5 kg per week. And if she suffers from bouts of nausea (toxicosis during pregnancy is a common phenomenon), she can even lose weight. The total increase in two months of an “interesting situation” for a woman with normal body weight is about 1 kg. However, in this matter one cannot discount the genetic constitution of a person. It is clear that overweight women will gain weight more than thin women. This state of affairs should not be frightening.

Mom's belly

At week 8, the uterus becomes the size of a lemon, but the belly of the expectant mother increases by an average of 3–5 cm. The old jeans already hardly converge at the waist, and a tight blouse emphasizes a slightly rounded tummy. At week 8, he can still get sick - this is normal for the first trimester of pregnancy. Pain occurs due to the fact that the ligaments that connect the bones are stretched. More often, discomfort occurs on the right, since the embryo stretches the uterus in this direction. The woman will be helped warm bath or lying down on the side. Does the pain not go away, but only gets worse? Consult with your doctor and find out the causes of unpleasant symptoms.

Analyzes and ultrasound

If a woman has not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, it's time to do it now. When registering, the doctor will definitely ask about previous and chronic diseases, previous pregnancies, abortions and childbirth, as well as measure blood pressure, height and weight. He will inform the woman about the upcoming tests and ultrasound. In addition, the pregnant woman will receive the necessary recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle during her "interesting position".

Nutrition at 8 weeks pregnant

A pregnant woman should not eat twice as much, but several times better! Under the ban - drinks with a high content of caffeine, fried, salty, very spicy, fatty foods, preservatives and fast food. However, nutrition during pregnancy should not be monotonous. Dietary meat, cereals, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables and fruits are the undisputed leaders in the ranking of the most useful products for pregnant.

If you sometimes allowed yourself to drink a glass of wine before pregnancy, don't risk it now! Replace alcoholic drink exquisite vitamin cocktail. Add to freshly squeezed Orange juice plain yogurt and a peeled mango slice. Mix all ingredients with a blender. The drink will be a useful addition to dinner.


At week 8, doctors recommend foods high in folate (B-complex vitamins). Folate deficiency can lead to anemia and fetal malformations. Folate is found in oranges, strawberries, mixed nuts, beans, as well as spinach and broccoli. Don't forget about folic acid, vitamins A, C, B, E and iodine.

Sex at 8 weeks pregnant

If there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, do not push your partner away - intimacy (better without sex toys - this is superfluous now!) And the subsequent orgasm will not bring any harm to your baby. Sex during pregnancy is not canceled! However, from now on, any pressure on the abdomen (even if it is almost invisible), as well as sharp and very deep penetrations into the vagina, should be avoided. Make love calmly, without experiments - leave them for the postpartum period.


No troubles should disturb a measured way of life: now the main thing is your child, and problems can wait! Avoid heavy physical activity avoid frequent visits to the sauna due to the risk of miscarriage, do not take antibiotics, beware of exposure to chemicals and fumes, postpone the planned trip for more late deadline(The first trimester is the most dangerous, according to doctors, time for flights and climate change). And if you feel that something is wrong with you, be sure to consult a specialist. Do not be afraid to seem boring and intrusive - because now we are talking about the health and safety of the crumbs, which means that all your questions should be perceived by the doctor with understanding!

Beauty and accessories

Time to get serious about shoes flat sole and loose-fitting blouses. Avoid tight jeans and heels. And remember: pregnancy is not best time for experiments. No need to drastically change your image now, dye your hair in green color, do new tattoo or bring the old one down. There are already a lot of changes in your life, better take care of yourself and your future baby, protect him from possible negative impact.

To avoid stretch marks, rub olive oil into the skin of the abdomen, and special creams will help from stretch marks on the chest. And do not be afraid that your skin will suddenly become very dry and your hair brittle - these troubles (they are based on hormonal changes) are temporary!

Eighth month of pregnancy or 6th obstetric week from last menstrual period is a difficult and sometimes critical period. At this time, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage remains, so a woman who is looking forward to the birth of a child should pay maximum attention to her health, create all conditions for full growth and. During this period, the expectant mother needs to be extremely careful, because any Negative influence on her body can cause irreparable harm to the fetus. With each new day, the intrauterine life of the fetus changes, new vital processes are laid. The well-being of the woman herself is also changing. All signs of pregnancy become more distinct. At the 8th week, the woman should already be registered with the antenatal clinic, periodically take laboratory tests, visit a doctor who can assess the condition of the fetus, and give the woman useful recommendations.

The first weeks and months of pregnancy are always exciting for a woman, since it is during this period that the laying of all the organs of the child occurs, there are risks, the woman feels visible sensations in her well-being. The 8th week of pregnancy or the 2nd month is no exception to such excitement. On the this stage active development of the fetus. He already resembles a tiny man. Pronounced changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. A woman feels a surge hormonal changes which significantly affect her well-being.

What happens to the baby

The fetus at the 8th week is still very small, but it already resembles a person. With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the expectant mother has the opportunity to clearly see his small arms, legs, head. At this stage, the size of the fetus does not exceed 15-20 mm, and its weight is only 3-5 grams. Despite its tiny size, almost all vital organs are actively formed, the beginnings of fingers and toes appear, and internal organs are rapidly forming. On the 8th week, the intestines are formed in the fetal body, the peripheral nervous system is rapidly developing, a four-chambered heart is formed, which is able to pump blood into large vessels. The rudiments of the genital organs begin to form, but there is still no way to recognize the sex. In addition, the kidneys, liver, endocrine glands, brain and nervous system are formed.

At the 8th week of the fetus, facial features are almost formed. He has eyes that are still tightly closed for centuries, there are ears, lips, nose. The wall of the oral cavity has muscle tissue, the first salivary glands are formed, as well as the papilla of the tongue. At this stage, joints are quickly formed. The fetus has the ability to bend and unbend them.

Starting from the second month of pregnancy, the placenta develops, which in the future will fully provide the fetus with all the necessary substances for its life. In the lungs there is a branching of the bronchi. The fetus is constantly moving in the womb, but for her these movements are not noticeable, since the expectant mother will feel the first movements no earlier than in the 4th month. Despite the rapid development of the fetus, all its organs are not fully formed, so it is very important to monitor your health so as not to disturb this process.

What's going on with mom

At the 2nd month of pregnancy, the woman already knows about her interesting position. By that time, she already has the first signs and sensations. For full growth and a good course of pregnancy itself, the expectant mother must reconsider her lifestyle, give up bad habits, realize the responsibility for the health of her child.

By the time of 8 weeks, pronounced hormonal changes with different intensity occur in the woman's body.

Some women experience no change at all, while others begin to experience early toxicosis, frequent mood swings, increased irritability and other pronounced signs.

All the changes that a woman experiences in the 8th week are associated with hormonal imbalance. Under the influence of hormones, a woman's body prepares for bearing and giving birth, which cannot go unnoticed.

The uterus in the 8th week increases in size, spasms may appear, which will cause discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Fine pain minor and should not be cause for concern. Some women also have external changes. A woman's skin reacts differently to pregnancy. In some, it acquires a healthy appearance, becomes smooth and tender, while in others, acne, pimples appear, the skin loses its natural color, becomes dull and ugly. The same changes can occur with the hair and nails of the expectant mother.

Pronounced changes also occur with the mammary glands, which are preparing for the upcoming breastfeeding. One of the most unpleasant sensations of this period is toxicosis, which is also the result of hormonal changes.

At the 8th week, the woman's uterus begins to grow, puts pressure on the bladder, intestines.

Such changes cause frequent urges to urination, often suffering from heartburn. Some women do not feel changes at all on the 8th week, but in the vast majority of women they are still present and give the woman a lot of unpleasant symptoms.

Symptoms of the 8th week of pregnancy

The level of hormones in the 8th week is growing rapidly, which cannot go unnoticed by a woman. Against the background of hormonal changes, a woman has the first visible symptoms, including:

  1. Constant mood swings, tearfulness, drowsiness, irritability.
  2. Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  3. Violation of the stool not related to eating.
  4. Toxicosis, more often appears in the morning.
  5. Change in taste preferences.

At this stage of pregnancy, due to increased growth of hormones and an increase in the uterus, vaginal discharge is present. Normally, they are light or transparent in color, do not have a pronounced odor.

Among all the signs and symptoms of pregnancy at this stage, toxicosis is considered the most pronounced.

It often prevents a woman from eating, especially in the morning. Often disturbed by the urge to, taste preferences change. Many women begin to eat the food that they avoided before pregnancy.

Against the background of reduced immunity, some diseases of an infectious or non-infectious origin may appear or worsen, therefore it is very important to consult a doctor at their first signs. It is important to understand when chronic diseases are present in a woman's body, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.

Analyzes and examinations

From the moment a woman is registered with the antenatal clinic, she periodically undergoes examinations, takes laboratory tests, and visits a doctor. For a period of 8 weeks, a woman must pass the following tests without fail:

  1. urinalysis for protein;
  2. general smear;
  3. stool analysis;
  4. analysis for .

The results of laboratory tests will allow the doctor to assess the course of pregnancy, recognize visible abnormalities and disorders in the development of the fetus and the health of the woman herself. With an increased level of protein in the urine, it may indicate a violation of the kidneys.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an unscheduled ultrasound examination, which allows:

  1. Find out the exact place of attachment of the fetal egg.
  2. Detect possible obstetric pathologies.
  3. Assess the size of the fetus, gestational age.
  4. Recognize multiple pregnancies.
  5. Confirm the normal course of pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination is carried out transvaginally. It is completely safe for the health of the fetus and pregnant woman.

If necessary or suspected of a pathology, a blood test is prescribed, which makes it possible to assess the presence or absence of fetal pathologies with an accuracy of 98%.

In addition to laboratory and instrumental studies, the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat every month and measures the circumference of the abdomen.

Possible dangers at 8 weeks pregnant

At a period of 8 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of its interruption is quite large, so a woman needs to carefully listen to her body, monitor the nature of vaginal discharge. At this stage, the fetus is actively developing, so any deviations can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. You can recognize its signs by bloody or brown discharge, severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. With timely access to medical specialists, there is every chance to save the pregnancy.

At this time, it can also be detected, which poses a great threat to the life of a woman. Symptoms appear as the fetus grows. You can recognize the pathology with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the results of which will accurately determine the pathology.

In the second month of pregnancy, as well as at any other time, it is very important for a woman to monitor her health and understand that she is responsible for her unborn child.

In order to reduce all sorts of risks, a woman needs to follow the following recommendations, which the doctor will definitely give:

  1. Balanced, fortified and proper nutrition.
  2. No heavy physical activity.
  3. Fresh air and daily walks.
  4. Avoid contact with sick people.
  5. Do not contact with pets.
  6. Follow personal hygiene.
  7. Do not take medicines without first consulting your doctor.
  8. Avoid hypothermia.
  9. Healthy sleep and good rest.
  10. The absence of stressful situations.
  11. Regularly visit a doctor, take all the necessary tests and examinations.

During pregnancy at any time, a woman should spare her body and understand that any negative impact can provoke complications, and sometimes irreversible consequences. By following all the recommendations of the doctor, you can significantly reduce the risk of various complications, endure and give birth to a strong and healthy baby.