How to get rid of constant feelings of jealousy? How to get rid of jealousy Why men are jealous.

Other reasons

Jealous means he loves, says popular wisdom. In reality, where love happens, jealousy also happens. Jealousy is a difficult and painful feeling, sometimes destructive for a person. It is one of the most powerful feelings inherent in a person. Jealousy has its advantages. It mobilizes the couple, which is beneficial for a long-term relationship. Let's clarify the concept of the contradictory feeling of jealousy.

Jealousy manifests itself in people in different ways. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what is happening to a person. Anyone who has ever experienced this feeling has difficulty admitting to himself that he is jealous. After all, strangers tend to ridicule jealous people, considering them crazy and stupid. In any case, everyone is always jealous. Wives stage scenes of jealousy towards their husbands, husbands suspect their wives of cheating, friends are jealous of each other, and cases of jealousy at work are known. Where does this obsession with jealousy come from?

The beginnings of jealousy are hidden in the irresistible desire to be the center of attention. This condition can be observed in the example of young children. The baby needs adult care. They feed him, look after him, protect him, teach him life skills. The child is growing up, but still requires increased attention. You need to talk to him, play with him, buy toys, monitor his development, respond to requests. Parents do all this to the best of their ability, but sometimes there come times when the child has to be alone, and when not all children’s requests are satisfied. A child, unaccustomed to rejection, begins to experience a feeling of loneliness and resentment. But this is a normal condition necessary for the development of children. Here it is, the key point - either the child will learn to cope with resentment, or he will develop into a dependent personality, prone to experiencing a constant feeling of jealousy.

Therefore, it is important for adults to know that they should not unquestioningly fulfill all children’s requests. The feeling of resentment contributes to the development of the child, giving him the opportunity to experience his first feelings of pain and resentment. After some time, the child learns to analyze and find a way out of the current situation. He will be able to occupy himself with games or other activities, coping with jealousy on his own. Much here depends on the normal distribution of attention in the family. It is for this reason that jealousy manifests itself differently in people. It is important that it does not become a pathology. Healthy parent-child relationships are the key to a future fulfilling adult life.

Now you know where jealousy comes from. It’s easy to reason, you say, for those people who have not experienced the pangs of jealousy, who have not been enveloped in a pool of suspicion, gossip and intrigue. When we suffer from jealousy, we tend to endlessly analyze the relationship with a partner, or with a friend, or with a parent, we put our daily reality through the scanner. But this is not always healthy for any relationship. How to get rid of constant feelings of jealousy? Here are some recommendations:

Don't hide your jealousy. Talk openly about your feelings. If you accumulate grievances within yourself, this will result in an explosive mixture that can destroy any, even the strongest, relationships.

Always try to understand the reason for your jealousy. If it is unreasonable, then you may lose your loved one. Be careful in your displays of jealousy.

If they are jealous of you, then react to such statements adequately. Misunderstanding on the part of another person causes even greater pain and resentment. If possible, discuss everything, convince your partner that his jealous suspicions are groundless. Reconnect with him.

Decide for yourself that this feeling will bring you more benefit than harm. Force yourself to become a better person by using a situation that has turned against you for your own gain. If you are jealous of your chosen one or chosen one for a specific subject of the opposite sex, note for yourself the moments that warm up your jealousy. If it’s your way of communicating, then correct it; if it’s your appearance, then improve your appearance. Turning a situation to your advantage is an art. Start a new life.

Try to define the boundaries of states for yourself. You will notice that over time the unbearable feeling will seem absurd to you and you will be able to control it.

Find something distracting to do. It can be anything as long as it brings you peace of mind and peace of mind.

Try to understand that every person needs freedom. Freedom as a conscious necessity. Freedom as the will to life and love. Therefore, do not drive yourself and the person close to you into the strict framework of inadmissibility. Trust. Think about how to start trusting, because trust is the basis of strong relationships. I am sure that our advice and trust will help you soon get rid of feelings of jealousy!

How can you deal with jealousy? It's a feeling that, in small quantities, can really spice up a relationship and make it more interesting. But as soon as you “go too far” a little, it becomes clear that there is nothing good in jealousy. Jealousy, having settled in a person’s soul, gradually kills all other feelings and nothing remains of love and affection, only aggression and the search for the guilty remain.

Jealousy is a constant torment, a constant suspicion of one's other half of lesser love or devotion. Of course, such a feeling causes a constant feeling of fatigue and mistrust. Life in such an environment is simply killing, so finding something good in jealousy is very difficult. Moreover, pathological jealousy is most often groundless.

What is jealousy

The nature of jealousy is not a mystery to psychologists; it is simple and complex at the same time. Most often, jealousy is caused by low self-esteem coupled with a sense of ownership. Of course, there may be more reasons, but these are the main ones.

How to treat and what to do in case of adultery:

Low self-esteem or a feeling of unattractiveness, uselessness, etc. This in itself is an unpleasant and complex problem, but when it leads to jealousy, it becomes even more difficult.

A person with low self-esteem begins to think that he/she is all bad, but other people definitely like his/her significant other and may well find someone better.

This is how the first suspicions arise, then the search begins for possible signs of betrayal, for example, long conversations on the phone, a minute delay on the way home to a stranger. This is how a person who is innocent of anything turns out to be caught in “infidelity” and problems begin to grow exponentially. To avoid this, it is enough to maintain your self-esteem at a normal level and trust your significant other more. The feeling of ownership also causes a lot of problems. The “owner” does not look for evidence of infidelity; he does everything to eliminate the very possibility of infidelity. Such a person simply creates boundaries that he forbids his partner to go beyond.

Moreover, gradually these boundaries are narrowed and the requirements become more and more unrealistic.

At the initial stage of a relationship, the “owner” may simply prohibit his partner from attending parties without him or spending time in the company of the opposite sex, which seems quite normal. But gradually the boundaries of what is permitted are narrowed so much that it becomes difficult not only for the one who is being restricted, but also for the restrictor himself. This results in aggression on both sides; failure to follow the rules and the inability to fulfill them leads to the fact that any mutual understanding in the family is lost.

Typical behavior of a jealous person An attack of jealousy is in any case inappropriate behavior, no matter in what form it occurs and no matter what provokes it. For most women, attacks of jealousy usually end in screams and tears,

sometimes this can be a physical manifestation of aggression, which is most often limited to the presence of dishes. Men throw up scandals less often, so their range of manifestations of jealousy is a little wider.
Of course, a baseless scandal with abusive language is a classic manifestation of jealousy, but there are others.. A man who feels weak, incompetent and inferior can compensate for this feeling by physically beating and humiliating a woman who is unable to fight back if violence is used. This cannot be allowed, and in the event of even a single manifestation of jealousy of this type, the relationship must be terminated; even experienced psychotherapists are often unable to cure aggression of this type.

Types of jealousy

Jealousy, like any other phenomenon in our world, has its own classification and its own types. U as if there are three types of jealousy, which differ from each other in the intensity of sensations and manifestations.

Mild constant jealousy is the most harmless form and rarely harms relationships. Such jealousy makes it clear that the feelings still exist and have not disappeared, reminds that the spouses are still interested in each other and does not let them get bored.

Exaggerated jealousy
this is a more complex case and often leads to serious discord in the family. It is at this stage that serious conflicts begin, and love begins to disappear, since it is not easy to preserve good feelings in the face of constant scandals. Gradually, all good feelings are replaced by mistrust and aggression.

Pathological jealousy this is the most difficult situation. It does not allow either partner to relax and think soberly. The whole life of a jealous person turns into a search for evidence of his partner’s infidelity and incriminating her. At the same time, he is bursting with negative sensations and flare up almost daily. Such jealousy brings suffering to both the jealous person and the victim, and building a normal family in such a situation most likely will not work.

How can you overcome the jealousy of your husband or wife (Video)

Jealousy always brings suffering to both partners. But it is very difficult to get rid of it. Very often psychologists advise not to create reasons for jealousy, but Pathological jealous people don’t need reasons - they come up with them themselves.

If scandals based on jealousy become too frequent, this may indicate both a brain disease and a banal excess of free time. A person who is busy with something all day and is tired until the evening has no time to look for reasons for scandals, and there is not enough strength to organize them. If your significant other begins to make trouble for no reason, you can look for a new activity for her.

Women who suffer from jealousy are often helped by taking care of children, but a new job can help achieve exactly the same effect.

If a woman is often jealous for no reason, you need to help her realize her potential in another direction, for example, take a course or look for a hobby. Physical labor often helps jealous men. Having spent his energy “in a peaceful direction,” he will no longer want to make noise at home.

And yet, it is very important to assess the degree of validity of jealousy and the possibility of further cohabitation.

If there really are reasons for jealousy, maybe you don’t need this person, you shouldn’t torture him and yourself. The same situation applies to unreasonable jealousy. Is it worth living with a person who can come up with a reason for jealousy and then be jealous himself and, in fact, lives in his own world? Most likely no.

Many of us encountered jealousy in childhood, jealous of our mothers and fathers of our brothers and sisters, sometimes of our fathers of our mothers and our mothers of our fathers. Usually, few people managed to avoid this feeling.

Later, it can manifest itself not only in female-male relationships, but also in friendly relationships, in relationships where there is something important for the partner.

The significance of a person and a relationship with him increases his value, and therefore the fear of losing, a reason to show his jealousy. Therefore, often, having ceased to feel our value and need in a relationship, we can create reasons for jealousy in order to make sure of love and affection, acting from the idea “being jealous means loving.” Maybe he doesn’t always love, but if he’s jealous, most likely he values ​​it and doesn’t want to lose it. But if he’s not jealous, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love or value you at all.

A developed sense of ownership is an additional factor in jealousy. If a person’s property boundaries extend far, then there is no reason for jealousy, i.e. more to protect them. One man may feel jealous when he sees the salesman smile at his woman. Another man will get jealous when he sees his wife kissing another man.

Jealousy is aggression. It can clearly and actively manifest itself externally to rivals and to the person they are afraid of losing. More often, those who are jealous suffer from aggression, because... it is easier and easier for a loved one to express all his indignation and outline the boundaries of what is permissible. Usually, if the relationship is important to both parties, then the loved one is not given serious reasons for jealousy, and his feelings are protected.

In the most extreme cases, they kill out of jealousy, which gives this feeling a bloody connotation. In psychology, it is believed that a second before a person falls into affect, he has a choice whether to fall into it or not to fall into it.

Sometimes jealousy as aggression is habitually directed at oneself, then a person, instead of showing feelings outside, clarifying the situation that causes strong jealousy with a partner, meeting an opponent, begins to get sick, and does other things.

Jealousy can be a projection of one's repressed desires onto a partner. When you want a relationship with someone else, new experiences, but for some reason a person cannot afford it, then he may suspect his partner of all the mortal sins.

In female jealousy there is more fear of losing her man, so it seems that the rival is better. In female jealousy there is a lot of feelings of inferiority and self-abasement. In male jealousy there is more aggression towards the woman and the rival. Therefore, a man in jealousy is scary, dangerous, and unpredictable.

Jealousy can be justified and suspicious. Justified - this is when there is a fact of betrayal. Everything else is suspicion. They appear where there is already or no trust yet. Here I deliberately do not consider pathological cases of delusions of jealousy, which are treated by psychiatrists.

If there is a fact of betrayal, violation of the fidelity agreement by the partner, i.e. boundaries, and a jealous person wants to preserve the relationship, then the opportunity to meet a rival or rival face to face sometimes helps resolve the situation. In this case, there is an opportunity to show up, to outline your boundaries in front of those who encroach on them; see that your opponent is an ordinary person, no better than you (often we fantasize that we were exchanged for someone outstanding, but even more often this is not the case at all); courage and an attempt to protect the relationship at a time of serious threat, it happens, shows the jealous person at his best for his partner. But it may happen that it will completely destroy your relationship with him if he does not tolerate your interference in his life. If you manage to save the relationship, then you can try to figure out what prompted your partner to cheat, look for reasons in your relationship, and try to change them.

If the partner’s behavior objectively becomes constantly provoking jealousy, then it is necessary to talk and clarify the reason for this, to find out what is missing. Mindlessly engaging in provocations means reinforcing your partner’s attempts in his “crooked” ways to gain your attention or power over your behavior. Are you afraid to take the courage or lack signs of love? If it’s missing, then what exactly...

So, no matter how painful jealousy is, it is, within reasonable limits, necessary to indicate the boundaries of acceptable behavior in a relationship. But jealousy does not guarantee that your partner will not cheat. Often it is mistrust and strong feelings that can provoke betrayal, because... they will one way or another cause indignation in the one they are jealous of, and a desire to provide justification for strong jealousy.

To be jealous is not only to react aggressively to the violation of boundaries, but also to show your dependence on the relationship, the fear of losing it. If you need to constantly make sure that your partner needs you, then it seems that you cannot fully relax and believe that this person or anyone really needs you. And therefore, build your relationship on manipulation, hiding your insecurity and anxiety.

A jealous man refuses to take a hostage. But at the same time, he gets some pleasure from them, replaying in his head pictures of real or imaginary betrayal, becoming dependent on his emotions, while tormenting his partner. The fact of ongoing painful relationships indicates the presence of some mutual dependence of the partners and the ability to endure what happens to them in this relationship.

Most often, the basis of strong jealousy is an attempt to merge with the object of jealousy, some illusion of erasing interpersonal boundaries. Then unfounded, and even justified, jealousy is a powerless rage when it is impossible to absorb, appropriate a partner, gain power and control over him.

One of the most effective ways to cope with your jealousy is to gain your own individuality, experience your own value, on the basis of which respect for freedom, for the choice of a partner and other close people appears.

Working with pride will allow you to accept the fact of your non-uniqueness, but of equality with other people, you will understand that you are no better and no worse, so another person can choose or chose not you. Just like for you, this person is not special, so you can love and pay your attention to different people, spend time with your loved ones and friends, and not get hung up on one person. In this experience, joy may appear from the moments of your meetings, pleasure from the fact that there is an opportunity to be together. The value of the present moment.

Such inner freedom can appear with age, experience, or during psychotherapy. It is much more difficult to cope with your partner’s jealousy, because you will have to take on the role of a person who constantly confirms his importance, uniqueness, and necessity.

The issue of betrayal and fidelity is a personal choice of each person. No external boundaries, obligations or promises guarantee that you will not experience the possibility that one day your loved one will not choose you. Or it will happen that you choose not him.

If you don’t have enough of your own resources to cope with strong jealousy, or the relationship has reached a dead end, then you can turn to a psychologist for help and sort out the situation.

32 363 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to get rid of jealousy. Who is not familiar with jealousy? Finding such a person is extremely difficult. We are jealous of our boyfriends, husbands, children and even friends of the people around us when it seems that they have begun to show little attention to us. This feeling never adds positivity, but, on the contrary, corrodes us from the inside and does not have the best effect on relationships. Therefore, for many, the question of how to get rid of jealousy is very relevant, but quite often it seems impossible. Yes, it's not easy. Yes, it will take a lot of effort. But if you have the desire and full awareness that life will be easier without jealousy, then everything will work out and you will definitely cope with it. How to do this - read on.

Why are we jealous

Jealousy is a negative feeling that appears when we begin to experience a lack of love, attention and care from a loved one, and it seems that someone else is receiving all this. If this feeling is constantly present and directed at different people, then it results in a personality trait - jealousy - and usually causes a lot of problems for both the one who experiences it and the one who is its object.

We are accustomed to consider jealousy a confirmation of love. Still would! After all, “if he’s not jealous, that means he doesn’t love,” right? Many believe that these feelings are inextricably linked and go in step with each other. But this opinion is wrong. Jealousy does not grow out of deep love. Moreover, it acts as an obstacle to real strong feelings and the development of relationships.

Jealousy involves an explicit or hidden demand for self-love.

Among the reasons for the appearance of jealousy are the following:

  1. . This is the most common reason for this feeling. It may seem to us (sometimes unconsciously) that we are not good enough for the one we are jealous of, that he (she) needs something more than we can give. Insecurity in this case is a consequence of low self-esteem and insufficient self-love.
  2. Fear of losing a loved one. It is closely associated with insecurity, and a strong attachment to the object of jealousy.
  3. Sense of ownership. We want to completely possess a loved one and do not even allow the thought that he could belong to someone else. It is the feeling that only we have the “rights” to it. This is especially true for men.
  4. Egocentrism. Some people passionately wish that the whole world revolved only around them. Therefore, they strive to completely capture the attention of a loved one (children, parents, friends).
  5. Family example. Models of behavior of the mother and father often settle in the subconscious of the child, and he can transfer them into his future life. Examples of the behavior of a parent of the same sex have a stronger influence.
  6. Negative past experiences. If a person has ever experienced betrayal, then there is a high probability that in the next relationship his suspicion of his partner will be stronger.
  7. If a person cheats. He can judge his partner by himself, attributing to him the same desires. Of course, he does not want to be treated like this, and begins to feel jealous.

How jealousy manifests itself in behavior

The most extreme way of expressing jealousy is regular outbursts of rage, scandals, even when there is no reason. Such people completely strive to control their loved one, limit his freedom, arrange interrogations about his leisure time, meetings with friends, delays from work, study the telephone directory, read his partner’s personal mail and SMS messages. This can be called painful jealousy.

Some people, feeling jealous of a loved one, begin to show intense concern for him, trying to attract attention to themselves by the behavior and appearance they desire. This is the most productive way of showing jealousy.

Quite often there are cases when people try to hide their jealousy, being embarrassed by this feeling and trying to overcome it. Not everyone succeeds, however. But the very presence of the desire to cope with jealousy and mistrust is already commendable.

So, the common features of the appearance of jealousy are always:

  • strong attachment to a loved one, the desire to completely possess him;
  • constant internal anxiety about relationships;
  • the desire to constantly be close to the person to whom jealousy is directed, to be aware of all his affairs, to limit his circle of contacts;
  • a negative attitude towards others who show increased attention to the object of jealousy and arouse sympathy in him.

Differences in male and female jealousy

In women, jealousy is more often expressed in internal experiences. They experience anxiety, dissatisfaction with themselves, and are prone to self-examination. Men often demonstrate jealousy in their actions: they show severity and coldness in communication, control their passion, can openly express anger, scream and even use physical force.

Typically, women are more lenient in situations when their life partner pays attention to other representatives of the fair sex. A man will not tolerate it if his beloved glances at other males in his presence. Obviously, this is explained by the polygamous nature of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity, and society (mainly female) is ready to “turn a blind eye” to their small weaknesses.

Is jealousy always bad?

If jealousy manifests itself occasionally, this can have a positive effect: it can charge them with fresh energy, bring variety and new ideas to their time together. Also, someone who is jealous can reconsider their behavior and change themselves for the better. That is, jealousy plays a positive role only when it motivates self-improvement and the development of relationships in a new way. If, as a result, the partners’ interest in each other increases, then jealousy is justified. But a prerequisite for this is its temporary nature.

If this feeling is constantly present in a relationship, then there can be no talk of its positive meaning, in which case it only poisons and destroys the union.

Negative consequences of jealousy

  1. First of all, someone who is jealous experiences constant discomfort, lack of peace and mental balance. He does not rest emotionally, even when he is with a loved one. Obsessive thoughts are constantly spinning in your head, suspicions, doubts and fears haunt you.
  2. The consequence of jealousy is often. We envy someone who claims the right to be close to our loved one (children, parents), who shows attention to him and evokes sympathy. This is one of the most difficult negative feelings, because it always plunges us into the abyss of stress and destructive thoughts, distances us from productive communication, and sometimes even pushes us to destructive actions.
  3. Jealousy always puts us in. We begin to rely entirely on the attitude and opinion of the person for whom we feel it. If a loved one said something wrong or looked at us wrong, this immediately causes resentment and the feeling that he doesn’t love us and is more interested in someone else. But if he gives you a compliment, praises you, or hugs you, then your joy knows no bounds and you want to move mountains! The mood and condition depend only on him. The sense of self-worth, understanding of one’s merits and strengths are lost. Line up.
  4. Jealousy destroys trust and understanding between people. In an atmosphere of constant quarrels, control, suspicion and resentment, there is no place for spiritual intimacy and mutual respect. Such relationships can no longer be called strong and reliable. Unfortunately, many marriages have broken up for this reason. Jealousy between children towards their parents also often brings discord into their communication even in adulthood.

How to stop being jealous and save your relationship

Jealousy is a difficult and annoying feeling, and it is not easy to overcome. But there is always a way out, and a psychologist’s advice on how to cope with jealousy will help in this matter.

  • First of all, admit that you are jealous. Don’t run away from yourself, don’t hide your feelings deep down, no matter how negative they may be. Awareness and acceptance is always the first step towards getting rid of negative states and feelings, which includes jealousy.
  • Analyze the emotions you experience when you are jealous. It can be fear, anger, irritation, envy, resentment, hatred and others. For clarity, it is better to reflect them on paper (for example, put them in a diary of emotions, write them down in a table, make a diagram or drawing). Having understood the whole range of sensations and feelings, it will be easier to control them when the next outbreak of jealousy overtakes you.
  • Understand the true reason for your jealousy towards your husband or other person. Are you afraid of losing your lover? Do you consider yourself not attractive and worthy enough for him? Or do you constantly want to be the center of attention?
  • Become more confident and raise your self-esteem. People around you read your attitude towards yourself. If you don't value and respect yourself enough, then this is a signal for them to treat you the same way. This is a law that applies in any relationship: between lovers, parents and children, strangers. IN It is important to love yourself, know your advantages and strengths. If this requires changing something in your personality or environment, you will have to work a little - the result will not be long in coming. New hairstyles, clothing styles, hobbies, changing occupations, giving up disturbing habits will help you look at yourself from a different perspective and achieve what you want. Do what will help you respect yourself. For example, complete some task that you constantly put off (if you have one), start going to the gym, learn a foreign language, learn a new hobby, help those in need, etc.
  • Be positive with people you are close to, especially those you are jealous of.. The fundamentally wrong behavior in relationships with them is to control them, demand submission, be rude, take offense and be angry with them. This widens the gap between you even more. And, on the contrary, any positive emotions (joy, goodwill, support) always bring you closer and cause sympathy for you. Everyone around you - be it a child, your husband or a colleague - is drawn to energetic, positive and attractive people. Remember this and immediately turn on the button for a good mood and vigor as soon as even a tiny desire to be jealous and offended by someone comes. The more positive emotions you let into your life, the more you push the negative ones out of it.

Practice being positive! At the mirror, when communicating with loved ones, when meeting others, smile, say pleasant phrases, and give sincere compliments. By inspiring others, you become a significant person in their lives. .

Here are a few special cases of experiencing jealousy:

How to stop being jealous of your husband's past and ex-girlfriends

There are often cases when our spouse’s previous relationship haunts us, and we may admit to ourselves: “I’m jealous of the past and I don’t know how to deal with it.” Usually there is a fear of being compared to your ex-girlfriends. How to stop being jealous of your husband's previous relationship? Here again questions of trust, self-respect and a sober assessment of the situation arise.

Do not ask questions about previous girlfriends, do not ask your husband for details of their intimate life. Your spouse is with you. If he wanted to be with one of his exes, he would have stayed. He chose you and now the common task is to maintain (and maybe increase) your relationship.

How to stop being jealous of your ex-husband

Many people, after breaking up, continue to think and suffer about their ex-lover and feel jealous of him. In this case, our “inner owner” wakes up, who still considers the former partner to be his. But this is counterproductive both for oneself and for new relationships. How to overcome this feeling?

  1. Accept the fact of separation and recognize the right of each of you to make new acquaintances.
  2. You should mentally thank your ex-lover for the experience gained and the pleasant time spent together.
  3. “Work through” all the emotions associated with that relationship that do not leave you. Forgive me for the insult and betrayal. Or ask for forgiveness yourself if you are tormented by guilt.
  4. Mentally separate yourself from your previous relationships and let them go.

How to stop being jealous of your husband for his child

Jealousy towards children from a first marriage is a fairly common occurrence in our lives. Through them, the attitude towards your lover’s ex-wife is projected. To deal with unreasonable jealousy, there are several recommendations.

  • Under no circumstances should a husband be prohibited from communicating and meeting with children.
  • Let meetings take place more often at your home.
  • Try not to be present when your husband and children meet; leave the house during this time.
  • Make friends with your husband's child. Show warmth and care when communicating with him, try to win him over.
  • Discuss with your husband how much money he will spend on the child.
  • And, of course, don’t forget about increasing self-confidence, self-esteem and a positive attitude!

Video from a psychologist on how to get rid of jealousy.

Your internal positive energy will always help you cope even with such an insidious feeling as jealousy. Your mood is in your hands, and, therefore, your emotions too. The stronger the love, respect and mutual understanding in a relationship, the less room there is for jealousy and other negative states.

Psychologist, family therapist, career coach. Member of the Federation of Consulting Psychologists of Russia and member of the Professional Guild of Psychotherapy and Training.