Fasting gives you energy. Intermittent fasting as a source of energy and clear thoughts

To mom

It is clear that it is quite difficult to endure any long-term fasting, even physically, but mentally it is even more difficult to endure. And complete fasting, which many saints and simply esotericists often experience, is much more difficult to endure.

But people who have passed this test, and have undergone long-term dry fasting, often begin to look much younger, get rid of most diseases, greatly increase their energy, and even sometimes gain the ability to obtain energy from the environment. According to all the so-called pranoeaters or the sun of food, they first practiced ordinary fasting, which allowed them to subsequently reach a different level of nutrition.

Fast in clean places

It is also not recommended to carry out long-term fasting while sitting in an apartment or in environmentally poor areas, since the largest human organ, the skin, can become active and begin to actively accept moisture, toxins and energy from the environment. You can pick up extra toxins from the environment yourself, but there have also been cases when starving people suppressed the immunity of their loved ones and they began to get sick.

Therefore, it is better to be in the fresh air more often and walk in various parks and forests, sit near bodies of water, there will be good energy and fasting will be even easier. Many people even sometimes have a desire to sleep under a tree, or even to hug it, or just touch it.

There is no need to resist, this is explained by the fact that a person can receive energy from trees and nature, and during fasting he becomes many times more sensitive and receptive, and there are even groups of people who often engage in similar practices.

Therefore, usually in forests and in the fresh air there is a faster restoration of strength and normalization of energy, but in starving people these processes intensify, and sometimes they can even be consciously controlled.

Fasting as a spiritual practice

Anything at all fasting is a good spiritual esoteric practice, at a minimum, this is a very strong cleansing of impure substances in the body, and even negative energies.

To withstand prolonged fasting you need to have an unshakable and clear desire During fasting, the will and intention of a person is greatly concentrated and purified, which is why many priests, ascetics and other esotericists(not to mention spiritual leaders and the most famous philosophers) very often use fasting, which at least shows its benefits in energetic and spiritual terms.

Almost all fasting people note the fact of extraordinary clarity of mind during fasting, and this, by the way, has scientific logic. During fasting, the stomach hardly functions and does not take much energy, the body can use it both for self-medication and for mental activity, and there are even people who fast only to solve complex logical and intellectual problems.

Fasting in yoga

In terms of energy, fasting also has a very strong cleansing effect; in various schools of yoga and other teachings, it is believed that fasting cleanses both energy channels and human chakras. Cleansing the body in any case leads to greater closeness to nature, and tunes more to positive energy and thinking. And by the way, even to prepare for many shamanic and magical rituals, fasting is often used.

And indeed, it seems to me very unlikely that a person who has undergone, for example, 7 days of dry fasting would be left with some kind of damage and all the other negative energy aspects. And even if you do not believe in energy, spirituality and other immaterial heresies, then at least with fasting, the very cause of the disease very often disappears, and even if this disease had an energetic basis, which very rarely happens when treated with medications.

Return to Natural Health

Many mediums and others " seers“People often note that during long-term fasting, people experience a rejection of gray smoke, various energy bindings and all kinds of garbage, which, by the way, is confirmed by recently invented technical devices that allow partial observation of energy processes.

But even if we don’t believe in all this, in fact, many people still refuse to from alcohol, tobacco, and even drugs, and not for any philosophical or spiritual reasons, but simply their dependence disappears and often even a strong disgust appears.

Even unhealthy foods such as fast food, and often even meat, are abandoned after long periods of fasting; the taste buds are simply cleansed and unhealthy foods become unpleasant to the taste, while healthy foods, on the contrary, become much more tasty. And even if you have never eaten fruit and only ate sandwiches, there is a high probability that you will start eating normally, even if you haven’t done this for a long time and are used to it, eat everything you can get your hands on.

In general, there are many legends around dry fasting, it is possible that Jesus starved for 40 days in the desert using dry fasting, and at least in the desert it is not so easy to find a good, clean source of drinking water.

And even according to legend, Count Cagliostro, who they say lived for at least 5 thousand years, starved for 40 days without drinking water, while still being showered with some kind of powder, after which he again looked like a 25-year-old youth. Paracelsus said that fasting protects a person from evil passions and desires, unclean feelings and thoughts. A temperate life drives away demons, sins and vices from us.

Never stop hoping and striving

Fasting helps us see the Light of nature, learn the true philosophy of life, evokes true dreams, and allows us to penetrate into divine secrets. It is clear that these are all delusional theories, esoteric fabrications and fairy tales, but this at least shows that during fasting very strong, and sometimes incomprehensible even to modern medicine, cleansing and restorative processes occur.

Hundreds of times cases of incomprehensible “healings” and other “ miracles", and this at least proves that you should never give up, but you need to be positive, believe in the best, and continue to do your best. If you give up, it’s unlikely that anyone will help you, and if you strive to live, then it often happens like in the old joke « If the patient decides to survive, medicine is powerless here«.

Currently, the existence of humanity is unthinkable without obtaining and using large amounts of energy, but nothing lasts forever. Let's look at the table. It presents a ranking of the leading countries in electricity production.

How much electricity does your family consume? For example, ours consume about 50-300 kW of electricity per month. I will provide data for the first 2 months of 2014 in the form of a chart.

In the near future, humanity is facing the problem of energy starvation due to a lack of resources. How to solve this problem? Let's figure it out.

What is a power plant? Types of power plants.

Power stationelectromechanical installation consisting of several

components.The main task of the installation is to produce electricity.

Let's remember what types of power plants exist.

Approximately 70% of the world's electricity is generated by thermal power plants.In Russia, about 75% of energy is produced at thermal power plants. Thermal power plants are built in areas of fuel production or in areas of energy consumption.
A combined heat and power plant (CHP) is a type of thermal power plant that not only produces electricity, but is also a source of thermal energy in centralized heat supply systems.


  • water is needed to operate turbines and actually generate electricity
  • emissions of sulfur and other combustion products
  • if the fuel is coal, huge waste heaps of ash appear next to the thermal power plant

2. Hydraulic power plant - a power plant, which is a complex of various structures and equipment, the use of which makes it possible to convert water energy into electricity. Hydraulic structures provide the necessary concentration of water flow, and further processes are carried out using appropriate equipment.

Hydroelectric power plants are built on rivers by constructing dams and reservoirs. The choice of location is of great importance for the efficiency of the station. Two factors are necessary: ​​a guaranteed supply of water throughout the year and the greatest possible slope of the river. Hydroelectric power stations are divided into dam (the required river level is ensured through the construction of a dam) and diversion (water is diverted from the river bed to a place with a large difference in levels).


1) no fuel is needed to generate electricity
2) no emissions into the atmosphere
3) ease of maintenance and operation


1) when rivers are blocked, vast territories are flooded;
2) blocking the river creates an obstacle for fish (and other aquatic organisms).
3) it is possible to build a hydroelectric power station only
in specific locations, often far from consumers

3.Nuclear power plant - nuclear installationfor the production of energy in specified modes and conditions of use, located within a certain territory in which a nuclear reactor (reactors) and a complex of necessary systems, devices, equipment and structures are used to achieve this purpose.

Nuclear power plants are built in areas where a lot of energy is consumed and other energy resources are scarce (in the western part of the country). The fuel of a nuclear power plant is mainly uranium.For comparison:1 kg of coal = 8 kWh, and 1 kg of uranium = 23 million kWh

1) Cheap electricity compared to thermal power plants.
2) no emissions into the environment

1) Radioactive waste
2) High cost and complexity of construction
3) High safety requirements and difficulty of maintenance

You can build a small power plant yourself, and find instructions on the Internet. We made our wind farm according to the plan below:
Tools and materials: wooden block, metal plates, nuts, bolts, small fan, miner's lantern, glue, generator.


1. Make a rectangular stand from a block.

2. Attach fan blades to the front of the generator.

3. Screw metal plates to the back of the generator to form a stand.

4. Place the resulting structure (3) on a stand.

5. Remove the light bulb from the flashlight, install it near the generator and solder the wires from the generator to the light bulb stand with tin (this light bulb has a stand in the form of a circle).

This is how we ended up with a wind power plant.

4. Power plants using alternative energy sources .

Alternative energy is a set of promising methods of obtaining, transmitting and using energy, which are not as widespread as traditional ones, but are of interest due to the profitability of their use and, as a rule, a low risk of causing harm to the environment.

What are the sources of alternative energy?

During dry fasting I the body's energy is renewed.

Water is one of the best energy information carriers. This is achieved due to the unique molecular structure of water and the variability of its cluster structure. Scientists have also proven that in the human body, long before the symptoms of diseases appear, local areas of “heavy” water, water with an irregular structure – pathological zones – are formed. Any evil eye, damage, or simply human envy, in short, all negative energy is located in these pathological zones. During dry fasting, old “dead” water is replaced with high-quality, energetically renewed, “living” water synthesized by the body itself.

Dry hunger uniformly burns all organs of the body everything unsuitable for its evolution, not only mechanically, but also spiritually. Since after at least 7-10 days, negative energy entities, feeling their death in the absence of nutrition, begin to leave you. Because they cannot stand dry hunger and the positive vibrations emitted by you. Especially if you back it all up with positive deeds. Dry hunger provides a supply of energy. This seems incredible: how is it that a person does not eat anything, wastes energy, and his energy increases? But there is no paradox. Being deprived of organic food, the body intensively begins to absorb subtle energy from space and the environment. With the transition to normal nutrition, the effect of super-recovery is triggered - the body gains energy more intensely than before hunger, fortunately, all the possibilities for this appear. After all, thanks to hunger, chakras and energy channels are cleansed, on which many abilities depend. After breaking fast, sleep is reduced to 4-5 hours, a person literally gains strength, and the energy that overwhelms him is seething within him.

This wonderful state lasts for a long time if you adhere to a healthy diet, do exercises, and spend time in the air and sun.

This post will focus on water fasting for 24 hours once a week. For long-term fasting, you need to prepare the body with proper nutrition for several months and carry it out under the supervision of specialists.

Why do we need food? For health and energy.

Quality of our life depends on what we eat, when we eat, how and in what quantity.

What does the modern human nutrition system look like?

There is an invasion of convenience foods on store shelves and instead of choosing wholesome and healthy foods, most people in recent decades have easily consumed foods high in fat, salt and sugar.

As a result, they run to pharmacies and doctors to get rid of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, lethargy, headaches or heartburn. You can add excess weight, skin or intestinal problems to this list.

Cameron Diaz's book The Body reveals the sad fact that our generation is witnessing a profound shift in human existence: for the first time in history, more people are dying from diseases not related to food shortages, but to overeating.

Illness is a signal from the body to cleanse itself.

This means that it is filled with toxic substances.

Weekly 24-hour fasting helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. During fasting, the energy that helped digest food is used to remove toxins from the body.

It is also a great way to train your mental strength. We can call ourselves free only when we are able to say “no” to our addictions and unhealthy habits.

You can start fasting provided that you are convinced that you will benefit. 24 hours on the water.

When fasting, there should be nothing in the stomach except water.

Very important During fasting, lead a normal lifestyle. I remember how on the first day of fasting I was haunted by the feeling that something terrible would happen to me. Smiley. Then I realized that the body is controlled by thoughts. With the help of your mind you can control your desires. On such days, I load myself with work as much as possible so that I don’t have time to think about food.

Rules for 24-hour fasting:

● Choose a day of the week when you will fast. Friday or Wednesday are great for one-day fasting.. Think about what reminder will help you remember this habit? You can fast after a light dinner or after a light breakfast.

● Drink only water for 24 hours, maybe with lemon juice. If you consume fruits, vegetables or juices at the same time, this is not considered fasting, but a fruit or vegetable diet. Make sure you have water on hand throughout the day.

● The duration of recovery from fasting should be the same as the period of fasting. In the first meal after fasting, you should not eat meat, fish or dairy products. The diet should contain only vegetables. Avoid overeating, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

● If during fasting you feel a headache or malaise, this is a sign that a lot of harmful substances have accumulated in the body. If you feel this way, you can lie down. As the body cleanses, your health will improve.

What does your tongue say?

The tongue is a mirror of the stomach and the digestive system as a whole. The tongue is an indicator of the amount of harmful substances accumulated in the body. During a course of fasting, this manifests itself most strongly - the tongue becomes covered with a white coating, from which an unpleasant odor emanates. As Goltis says, during fasting it is better to communicate with people only by phone.

There is good news. The more you cleanse your body, the more healthy foods you have in your diet - vegetables, fruits, grains, the cleaner your tongue becomes. You no longer have to use gum or mints to cover up the effects of an unhealthy diet.

When I was preparing this publication, I received the Goltis Academy newsletter by email, and I’m sharing important points:

● If you've never fasted, Goltis advises start with a 12-hour water fast.

● Of course, these 12 hours should not be at night. That is, fasting 20:00-8:00 is not fasting, this is a completely logical time when a person obviously may not eat.

● Reasons to “break” fasting- faintness, unbearable headache.

● Having practiced a 12-hour fast, coming out of it, having come to your senses, you can move on to a 24-hour fast on water.

● The 24-hour water fast will last from 6 am to 6 am. In fact, you will have to survive the same 12 hours, and then sleep).

● Try to choose the time for fasting in such a way that you are not bothered by work and family problems; if possible, when starting to practice fasting, do not prepare food for others. Later, having already experienced fasting, you will be able to lead your usual active lifestyle during fasting without any problems - work, cook, train, travel. (I confirm)

● But the first fasting is such a subtle, gentle process, try to go as deep into it as possible, to feel it as much as possible.

The best solution would be to fast in nature, not in the city. After all, the body during fasting is extremely susceptible to the environment, absorbing like a sponge.

So allow your body to absorb the sun and snow, grass and flowers, trees, humid air, sea salt, and not concrete and city exhaust fumes.

● Having practiced 24-hour fasting on water, you can move on to fasting “1 day”, namely 36 hours of fasting: from 18 pm to 6 am.

● Fast with faith, for the sake of spiritual and physical cleansing, take blessings, set creative goals for yourself, never starve for the sake of records, for the sake of “I could” and so on... and then everything will work out for you!

After all, what matters is not “how long”, but “for what”, “why” and “for whom”!

Contraindications to fasting

  • Acute mental.
  • Acute infectious kidney diseases, renal failure.
  • Critically low pressure.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Oncology stage 4.

Fasting is contraindicated for children under 9 years of age. (From 9 to 12 years old, you can practice fasting, but not longer than three days).

There are also a number of conditions and diseases in which you cannot fast dry, but you can fast on water:

  • Pregnancy (you are allowed to fast for no more than three days on water).
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Circulatory disorders of the 2nd, 3rd degree.
  • Tuberculosis.

Take care of your health.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

With love, your wellness coach Olga Ryabushenko