How is harmful work experience considered according to grid 2? Labor pension for workers in hazardous industries

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A preferential pension for harmfulness is assigned to employees with difficult working conditions that lead to the risk of loss of health at work. It involves lowering the retirement age and benefits that compensate for the harmful effects of working conditions.

A preferential pension is awarded to employees whose production activities involve difficult working conditions, increased danger and the risk of loss of health or life. The definition of “unhealthy pension” is in no way connected with the often fair personal characteristics of the pensioner, but is associated only with the conditions of his production activities.

This kind of production activity, confirmed by certification acts of the employee and his workplace, involves a reduction in the retirement age and some benefits that compensate for the harmful effects of working conditions.

These benefits consist of increased wages, free medical and preventive meals for workers and their sanatorium-resort treatment, regular medical examinations, increased vacation duration, shortened working hours, etc. They are ensured by increased payments of insurance premiums by the owners of enterprises with hazardous industries.

Necessary conditions for receiving a preferential pension

About 40% of Russian enterprises are classified as hazardous. And although working at these enterprises often involves risks to health and life, many applicants strive for such work in order to retire earlier and receive the listed benefits.

Work at the following enterprises is potentially hazardous:

  • ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy,
  • in the nuclear industry,
  • in geological exploration,
  • in mines and quarries,
  • on river and sea fleet vessels,
  • on railway and heavy-duty road transport,
  • in civil aviation,
  • in fire and rescue services
  • etc.

The listed types of work are associated with harmful physical effects of an aggressive environment or other difficult working conditions on the worker’s body.

  • medical workers,
  • teachers,
  • correctional officers
  • and some other specialists whose work is associated with increased psycho-emotional stress.

Categories of workers in hazardous industries

Depending on the danger, severity and intensity of production, the following categories of workers in these hazardous industries are distinguished:

  • list No. 1 of workers - critical degree of harm;
  • List No. 2 of workers – difficult working conditions.

Legislative acts on preferential pensions were adopted back in 1991 on the basis of previously existing disparate acts and laws. Subsequently, and up to the present time, the provisions of these laws and acts have been clarified, supplemented, and adjusted, but their basis has changed slightly.

In the mentioned legislative documents, both lists of works (both No. 1 and No. 2) are classified as “particularly harmful and particularly difficult.” The differences between them consist in different permissible levels of controlled limiting factors that determine the danger of a particular production (temperature, humidity, dose rate, noise level, vibration, etc.). Sometimes work on lists No. 1 and No. 2 is distinguished on a professional basis based on certification of production and employees’ jobs.

Retirement age for workers in hazardous industries

Current legislative documents prescribe reducing the retirement age to 50 years with 10 years of work experience on List No. 1 and 20 years of total experience for men and to 45 years with 7.5 years of work experience on List No. 1 and 15 years of total experience for women.

For men working on list No. 2 for at least 12.5 years, the retirement age is reduced to 55 years with a total length of service of 25 years. For women working under list No. 2 for at least 10 years, the retirement age is reduced to 50 years with a total work experience of 20 years. For retirement according to list No. 2 for both men and women, it is possible to sum up the length of service in lists No. 1 and No. 2. This procedure is used when the length of service only on list No. 2 is insufficient to apply for a pension based on harmfulness, i.e. it is less than 12.5 years for men and 10 years for women. Of course, this requires real work experience and according to list No. 1.

To apply for a pension according to list No. 1, the procedure for supplementing the missing length of service in list No. 1 at the expense of the existing list No. 2 is not applied, since the work of list No. 2 is less harsh and dangerous. In this case, the employee can only honestly and patiently accumulate the work experience required for retirement according to list No. 1.

The law provides for a partial reduction of the retirement age in case of incomplete work experience according to lists No. 1 and No. 2. To do this, the following technique is used:

  • When working on list No. 1, the retirement age is determined based on the reduction of the retirement age under normal working conditions by the amount of length of service on list No. 1, provided that the total work experience exceeds 20 and 15 years for men and women, the length of service on list No. 1 is 5 years and 3 years 9 months. respectively.
  • When working on list No. 2, the retirement age is determined based on the reduction of the retirement age under normal working conditions by one year for every 2.5 and 2 years of service on list No. 2 for men and women, respectively.

Separately, it should be noted a number of professions or categories of workers whose retirement age is not fixed, but is determined only by “harmful” work experience. Regardless of age, a pension is assigned to the following employees: those employed in underground and open-pit mining - 25 and 20 years (depending on specialization), on naval vessels - 25 years, in civil aviation flight personnel - 25 years (if leaving flight work due to health – 20 years), for teaching activities – 25 years, for medical activities – 25 years (in rural areas) and 30 years (in cities).

Amount and registration of disability pension

The size of the preferential pension for hazardous work is determined by the size of the pension for similar professions in ordinary “clean” production, taking into account the increased insurance payments of the employer, who is obliged to do this, based on the current legislation for workers employed in hazardous industries. In this case, the degree of danger of production and the category of the worker according to the classification given by a special certification commission are taken into account.

The registration of a disability pension is carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia at the request of the employee. In addition to the application, you need a passport and military ID (for those liable for military service), a work book, an insurance certificate, as well as a certificate from the company confirming “harmful” work experience. You can read about the legislative framework justifying the appointment, as well as the procedure for applying for a preferential pension on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia - PFR.

The majority of our compatriots work in unsafe conditions. In this regard, they often think about the possibility of reducing their service life. This allows you to enjoy your free time with a clear conscience. Let's consider how this right can be implemented in practice and what is the list of professions eligible for early retirement.

What could be the reason for early retirement?

We are talking about insufficiently good working conditions or achieving a special status.

  1. A person who has worked in difficult conditions for a certain period of time can count on early termination of service.
  2. In the second situation, we are talking about the presence of a certain status, according to which an early pension is due.

Such lists containing a set of professions were developed back in Soviet times. Since then, two fundamental lists have remained.

Pension legislation has managed to provide for an early age for certain categories of citizens. These include:

  • women who managed to give birth and raise 5 or more children;
  • people whose children are disabled from childhood (but this does not apply to both - mother and father, but only to one of them);
  • persons who received a certain group of disabilities due to military trauma;
  • people who are disabled in the first group due to visual impairment;
  • persons classified as dwarfs;
  • those who have working experience in the Far North.

Employees working in hazardous conditions and having certain statuses and positions are also granted the same right.

List of preferential professions

In practice, the list “1” and “2” of preferential professions for early retirement is used. They are different in their structure and general features.

List "1"

All professions included in this list are united by one feature: such industries necessarily have dangerous and harmful working conditions. These are mining professions, production activities related to the production and processing of metals, and the field of transport services. Citizens can receive a pension only if the following conditions are met:

  1. Men must have at least 10 years of experience in hazardous work. Such men retire at 50. Considering that the retirement age is 60 years old, it is being reduced by a whole decade.
  2. Women – they are subject to a requirement related to the presence of special experience of 7.5 years. The total insurance coverage must be at least 15 years old; it is important that the employee reaches the age of 45 years. That is, taking into account the fact that the general conditions assume a retirement age of 55 years, it is also reduced by 10 years.

List "2"

This list includes representatives of positions associated with difficult working conditions. These are mining workers, those involved in the production of refractory elements, people working in the field of communications and railways. As with the first list, there are special requirements for women and men:

  1. Men must have a special work experience of at least 12 and a half years, with a total covered period of work of 25 years. As for the retirement age, for this category of workers it is reduced to 55 years.
  2. Women must have a special experience of at least one decade, and the total amount of time worked must be at least 20 years. As for the retirement age, for this category of workers it is 50 years, that is, it has been reduced by 5 years.

Both lists include “general professions”; work in them does not need to be confirmed using certificates and other documentation. To do this, an entry in the Work Book is sufficient, which confirms the total length of service. There are positions for which length of employment requires special confirmation through certificates. If these documents are missing, the employee may be denied an early withdrawal plan. Therefore, every working citizen undertakes to take care of his own rights in advance and do it independently.

Now let’s look at both lists of professions that can qualify for early retirement in more detail.

First list

It was approved within the framework of a special Resolution and includes several professions. It includes such areas of activity as:

  • mining;
  • work with ore, in particular – beneficiation, roasting, sintering;
  • production of non-ferrous and ferrous metals;
  • coke activity;
  • measures with generator gases;
  • manufacturing of electrical equipment;
  • creation of chemicals;
  • production of explosive structures;
  • work related to gas and oil processing;
  • production of building materials;
  • metal processing activities;
  • employment in the field of creating glass, artificial fibers;
  • work within the field of paper and pulp production;
  • printing;
  • transport service;
  • interaction with substances of radioactive origin;
  • nuclear industrial and energy sector.

This is the basic first list of preferential professions for retirement.

Second list

  • work performed in the mountains;
  • ore beneficiation;
  • employment in the metallurgical sector;
  • coke production, coal preparation;
  • refractory production process;
  • creation of hardware;
  • production of gas generators;
  • work with mercury substations;
  • oil production activities, oil refining operations;
  • maintenance of energy trains, steam power plants;
  • repair of electrical equipment;
  • printing inks;
  • work in the communications sector;
  • medicinal production;
  • peat mining;
  • food sector;
  • construction and reconstruction activities.

In these cases, citizens can easily be entitled to an early retirement pension; list “2” contains an extensive list of professions. All this information is valid at the present time. That is, absolutely any person who has found his position or workplace in the above lists can easily go to the Pension Fund in order to obtain special preferential conditions and ensure early retirement.

Later, additional professions were added to the above lists. Specialists in these areas are involved in the following industries:

  • glass and paper production;
  • metallurgy;
  • extraction of minerals that could be useful in industry;
  • work with radioactive substances.

It would be useful to know that the procedure for using these lists has special regulations and a clear resolution within the framework of Art. No. 665. 13 Federal Law 400.

Early retirement according to categories

Each enterprise in which people work is obliged to carry out detailed assessment activities related to checking the dangers of working conditions. It is also important to analyze the degree of harmfulness of certain working conditions. These provisions are reflected within the framework of federal legislative act 426, in Art. 14. The law became effective in 2013. It is on the basis of this assessment that the employer will pay contributions to the Pension Fund. The higher the occupational hazard, the larger the amount you will have to pay.

If a detailed analysis is not available (and sometimes this measure is not necessary), each employer can make contributions on general terms. That is, the employer acts according to a list that involves paying a percentage (1-9% for list 1 and 2-6% for list 2) of the salary level. If these payments are not made by the employer for any reason, this will expose him to administrative liability and the courts.

Features of pensions for men and women

When assigning preferential conditions for receiving a pension, it is important to take into account a large number of factors, which include the general parameter of length of service, the degree of harmfulness of the work, the IPC, and gender. After all, the standard age for men and women differs, and accordingly, there will be a difference in pension payment schemes. Practice shows that women live longer than men, which is why legislation includes projects related to age equalization. But at present they are not valid, which is why it turns out that female workers retire earlier than male workers.

Peculiarities of retirement for residents of the Far North

If a person works in the Far North, then he can qualify for early retirement benefits. To do this, it is important to meet several conditions:

  • possess a certificate confirming residence in territories classified as hazardous places for work;
  • reach the age that is considered retirement (within a particular specialty) so that you can count on early retirement;
  • have a minimum insurance period;
  • have in hand a document (most often a work book), which indicates the presence of a minimum length of work experience in the Far North.

There are also several other parameters that determine at what age you can retire. It is important to take them into account so that retirement according to list “2” of harm or according to the first list is carried out in a timely manner.

Social pension for small nationalities

For citizens belonging to small nationalities, not exceeding 50,000 people in number, who have not had time to complete the required length of service, advance pension provision is expected.

The fact that a person belongs to a certain nation must strictly have official confirmation. To do this, you must provide a certificate from the indigenous people, as well as a photocopy of your passport and birth certificate.

Features of pension provision for unemployed citizens

According to the current law, on the basis of Art. 32, every citizen who finds himself unemployed due to staff reductions or liquidation activities of a company can claim early retirement benefits, especially if he is unable to find a new job related to his specialty. The conditions are as follows:

  • unemployment for at least three months;
  • length of service, which is the minimum required to receive security;
  • the inability of a citizen to find employment within the specialty.

Preferential pension conditions for representatives of teaching specialties

The list of positions for teaching staff on preferential pensions deserves special attention. These are the following categories of employees:

  • directors;
  • deputies;
  • managers of specialists;
  • teachers;
  • educators (including preschool workers);
  • school teachers;
  • organizers of extracurricular activities;
  • educational psychologists;
  • speech therapists;
  • music specialists schools and colleges;
  • representatives of additional education programs.

Thus, there are quite a lot of professions that require early receipt of pension benefits. The lion's share of them is associated with heavy physical labor in unfavorable conditions, but their list is increasingly being replenished with mental types of specialties. Every employee must know their rights and capabilities in order to avoid misunderstandings and deceptions. Compliance with certain conditions also plays an important role, allowing you to get a well-deserved rest ahead of time.

40% of citizens risk their own health every day by working in difficult working conditions. For this category of citizens, the authorities have developed preferential pension system. Thus, “for harmfulness,” workers receive pension payments at the ages of 50 and 55 years (women and men, respectively). But how should you apply for this pension? Let's look at our material.

Conditions for receiving a pension for “harmfulness”

Persons who work in hazardous industries have the right apply for early retirement on the basis of Article 27 of Federal Law-173 of December 17, 2001. At the same time, the period for receiving pension payments for harmful activities largely depends on the position held.

Let's highlight vacancies, on the basis of which citizens have the right to apply for early retirement:

  • underground works;
  • textile industry;
  • health workers;
  • teachers, pedagogues;
  • fire service;
  • pilots;
  • machinists, public transport drivers;
  • other vacancies specified in Article 27 of the above law.

Besides, vacancies are divided by level of harmfulness. There are 4 levels, namely:

  1. First– negative changes occur in the employee’s body, which cease when work activity ceases.
  2. Second– development of chronic diseases during 15 years of work activity in hazardous work.
  3. Third– temporary loss of ability to work.
  4. Fourth- complete disability.

To make it easier for Pension Fund employees to calculate the amount of pension contributions, all employees were divided into two lists.

List No. 1 identifies professions that are associated with a high degree of danger. Such citizens have the right receive a pension at age 50. But at the same time, the total length of experience must be at least 20 years, and dangerous experience - 10 years (for women, experience is 15 years, harmful - 7.5).

The second list shows professions that have more favorable working conditions. The male part of the population from this list can receive pension payments at 55 years of age (25 years of experience, 12.5 years of service), and the female part - at 50 years of age (10 years of service).

When calculating length of service, the following periods are taken into account:

  • direct labor activity;
  • paid holiday;
  • sick leave;
  • temporary periods of incapacity;
  • education.

Retirement procedure

In order to receive pension payments for "harmfulness", a potential pensioner must provide the following list of documentation to the Pension Fund:

  1. Passport.
  2. Application – it is worth indicating the method of receiving a future pension.
  3. Military ID.
  4. Employment history.
  5. SNILS.
  6. Medical report on the health status of a potential pensioner.
  7. A document confirming the fact of working in hazardous production.
  8. Certificate of average salary.
  9. Order for admission to a specific position.
  10. Document on compulsory pension insurance (compulsory pension insurance).

Payments are scheduled from the next month after a positive decision is made.

Pension payments can be arranged in advance, but actual contributions will be made upon reaching the appropriate retirement age!

In case of refusal, Pension Fund employees must explain in writing the reason for the decision.

Increases to the basic pension for hard work

In accordance with current legislation, employees who worked in hazardous work do not receive additional bonuses.

Previously, pensioners could demand recalculation based on outdated legislation, but the amount of the final the increase was 30% of the total amount of pension payments. The number of persons who were engaged in “harmful” activities was more than a million people. Consequently, it has become unprofitable for the state to establish an increase for employees working in hazardous industries.

Recalculation of pension in case of hard work

As mentioned above, citizens holding vacancies in hazardous industries cannot apply for recalculation and bonuses. The amount of pension contributions is formed on the basis of length of service, place of work, and also on the basis of the number of pension points.

However, the recalculation must be made by employers at the time of the employee’s labor activity. Thus, the category of harmfulness should be reflected in the number of contributions made to the Pension Fund.

The average amount of contributions should be 25–30% of the employee’s salary. Based on Federal Law 426, the amount of additional payments to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation depends on the class of the enterprise in which the work is carried out.

Currently there are 4 classes, namely:

  • optimal;
  • acceptable;
  • harmful;
  • dangerous.

What you should pay attention to?

Most employers seek to save on employees when paying tax contributions. And employees working in hazardous industries are no exception. Therefore, every employee should carefully monitor the following points:

  1. The employee should follow the conclusions about the harmfulness of production, which are prescribed in the relevant documents (employment contract, work book, etc.). Otherwise, the pension is calculated in the standard way upon reaching 60 and 55 years of age (for men and women, respectively).
  2. It is worth paying attention to entries in the work book, where the full title of the position is indicated. If the name does not correspond to one of the lists (list No. 1 or 2), then pension contributions are formed in the standard way without additional benefits.
  3. It is always worth monitoring the personalized accounting where it is written preferential employee experience.
  4. Costs annually order an extract from the Pension Fund of Russia, where all insurance premiums paid by the employer over the last year are recorded. In addition, the statement indicates the number of pension points, which play a role in the assignment of pension payments.

How to protect your rights if you work in difficult conditions, watch this video.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that hazardous working conditions negatively affect the health of any person, therefore every citizen should be aware of the rights when working in hazardous work, which are recorded in this material.

The common phrase “harmful length of service” today in the field of pensions is usually understood as the period of time when a person retiring worked in industries that are harmful and hazardous to health. Despite the fact that the concept seems to be quite simple, citizens have many questions about which professions are included in the “harmful experience” and how to calculate it correctly.

Harmful work experience is taken into account by pension fund employees to determine the amount of monthly pension payments, bonuses and benefits for pensioners, and also allows a person working in harmful and dangerous industries to retire early.

Statistics show that more than 40 percent of Russian residents work in harmful and dangerous industries, performing work that threatens not only loss of health, but in some cases even life.

Despite this, people go to work in dangerous fields of activity, because in addition to early retirement, they are attracted by significant additional pension payments in the amount of 2 to 9 percent of basic accruals.

In Russia, this type of experience is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.
  • Law “On Labor Pensions...” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ.
  • Lists No. 1 and No. 2, which include a list of professions with hazardous conditions, working in which people can receive early retirement and additional payments.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On lists...” dated July 16, 2014 No. 665.
In addition to the above documents, there are also additional lists of activities in specific professional industries, which also provide the opportunity to retire early.

What is harmful experience?

This concept is actively used in the pension funds of the Russian Federation in order to provide the future pensioner with a decent pension for the fact that he has worked for many years in dangerous or harmful conditions that threaten his health, as well as to allow him to retire early.

Males have the right to early retirement and additional payments if they have worked in those industries indicated in the first list for 10 years or more, and their total work experience is at least 20 years.

Female persons who have worked in industries included in the first list can retire early if they have worked for 7.5 years, and a total of 15 years. In addition, it is worth noting that early retirement due to harmful work experience is permitted for males no earlier than 50 years of age, and for females no earlier than 45 years of age.

Female persons can retire early if they have worked in an industry included in the second list for 10 years, and their total experience is at least 20 years. In addition, the age of a woman who decides to take early retirement must be at least 50 years old.

Harmful work experience – 1st and 2nd list

It was said above that there are 2 lists that list areas of activity. By working in them for a certain time, a person deserves the right to receive a pension for harmful work experience, as well as the opportunity to retire earlier than employees in other industries.

The first list was compiled and approved back in 1991 by a resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers; over time, types of activities were added to it, it was changed and supplemented. Today, there are two lists that people working in pension funds rely on when determining the amount of pension accruals and the possibility of early retirement.

IN list No. 1 lists all types of activities that are associated with particularly harmful and difficult working conditions. It lists those types of activities that are carried out in workshops (“hot”), underground, etc., which can seriously threaten not only the health of the person working in them, but also lead to his death.

IN list No. 2 a list of jobs and professions is listed, most of which, although they do not pose a danger to human health, also deserve retirement earlier than others.

Both lists contain types of activities with hazardous working conditions, which are carried out in such areas as:

  • “hot” shops (this could be metallurgy, mechanical engineering, etc.);
  • mines;
  • printing;
  • healthcare sector;
  • logging;
  • Russian Railways employees;
  • nuclear industry;
  • firefighters;
  • geology;
  • chemical industry;
  • rescuers;
  • mines;
  • fleet;
  • textile industry (mainly for women);
  • paper production.
In addition to the two lists, there are also smaller lists covering professions in individual economic sectors. They are also regulated by law.

List of professions

It was noted above that to the first list includes particularly dangerous areas of activity, such as:
  • Railway workers.
  • Mine workers.
  • Workers in “hot” shops.
  • Workers engaged in geological excavations.
  • Mining works.
  • Energy workers.
  • Underground construction work.
  • Mining.
  • Mine workers.
  • Metallurgy (ferrous workshops).
  • Services involved in the repair of equipment in hazardous industries.
  • Workers of coke, pitch coke, coke-chemical and thermo-anthracite industries.
  • Workers in chemical industries.
The full list can be found in Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10.

To the second list includes people engaged in activities such as:

  • Parachutists.
  • Psychologists.
  • Theater, ballet or circus artists.
  • School directors.
  • Teachers.
  • Defectologists.
  • Pilots.
  • Speech therapists.
  • Pharmaceutical factory workers.
  • Doctors.
  • Food and light industry workers.
  • Transport workers (air, sea, urban and railway).
  • Workers in such sectors of the economy as communications.
  • Workers working in glass production.
  • Geologists.
  • Workers of agrochemical services for agriculture.
Both lists have the right to “preferential” retirement. But the first list will be precisely the list of professions that are called “harmful.” Read more about what preferential length of service is.

Employers must also draw up lists listing the jobs and workers employed in them that will be subject to harmful work experience. These documents are submitted to local pension funds every 5 years.

Before submitting such lists, the employer must conduct a special assessment of working conditions (special assessment of working conditions) at the production, company, institution or organization, conducted by a third-party organization.

How is it calculated?

Before calculating the length of service that ensures a person’s right to retire early, you need to determine:
  • Periods of activity a citizen at work where there were dangerous and harmful factors.
  • Also, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 30 of Law 400-FZ, it is necessary establish an economic sector or field of activity, in which a person was working who was applying for early retirement.
  • List to which the activity belongs a person who has the right to retire early.
  • Profession name in the work book, correlate with the one that is in one of the lists.
In general, the amount of pension accruals is made according to a special formula approved by Federal Law No. 400-FZ. To schedule early payments, a person must contact the local pension fund at his place of registration or the MFC.

An application for such a pension must be submitted either by the applicant himself or his legal representative. It should be remembered that when contacting the Pension Fund of Russia in order to receive payments for harmful work experience, you must have with you a package of documents (original and copy of passport, work book and other documentation that can confirm activity in hazardous production or industry, military ID if available ).

In order to reduce the time required for assigning such pensions, the Pension Fund of Russia bodies begin to check in advance the documents of those people who are going to retire and create a model of the pension file.

What is not included in harmful experience?

When preparing to retire, many people who have worked a sufficient amount of time in hazardous areas of activity begin to think about what may not be included in this length of service, for example, sick leave or vacation, as well as maternity leave and parental leave.

A detailed answer to an exciting question can be obtained by reading in detail Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 516 of July 11, 2002.

Having studied the above legislative acts, we can come to the conclusion that the insurance period, which gives the right to early retirement, includes periods such as temporary inability to work while receiving state social security benefits.

This length of service does not include periods of unpaid leave (administrative or “at your own expense”), or educational leave. It also does not include the probationary period, downtime (due to the fault of the employer or the fault of the employee), the time during which the employee was not allowed to work due to such circumstances as:

  • any type of intoxication;
  • a medical report identifying the reasons for inadmissibility to perform work;
  • failed knowledge test in the field of labor protection.
In addition to the above, there are other reasons why an employee may not be allowed to carry out activities. These periods are also not counted towards the length of service of this type.

Is vacation included in harmful service?

This question often worries people who are planning to retire early. In paragraph 5 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 516 of July 11, 2002, a detailed description is devoted to this issue. After reading it, we can conclude that this length of service includes the time of annual paid leave - both basic and additional, which are often provided to people engaged in hazardous activities in order to improve their health.

Harmful work experience allows a person who has worked a certain number of years in a hazardous or hazardous industry to retire early and receive benefits. But when applying for such professions, a person must soberly assess the situation and calculate his resources, since working in hazardous industries can seriously undermine one’s health.