June 1 Children's Day background. Children Protection Day

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When did Children's Day begin?

Children's Day is one of the oldest international holidays. For the first time, this holiday was discussed at the World Geneva Conference on the well-being of children. This happened in 1925. Children's Day for unknown reasons, it was decided to celebrate June 1st.

More precisely, there is one version of why Children's Day fell on this particular date, however, its validity has not yet been proven. The fact is that in the same year that the Geneva Conference was held, the Duan Wu Jie (Dragon Boat Festival), established by the Chinese consul, was held in San Francisco. This holiday was organized specifically for Chinese orphans, and, by a lucky chance, fell on June 1st..

But Children's Day was finally established only after the Second World War, in 1949, when the problems of children were of particular relevance. After the war, it was necessary to think about the generation that was to build the future of the world. In this regard, in 1949, at the Paris Congress of Women, an oath was pronounced, which spoke of the intention to fight for world peace and the happiness of children as the basis of this struggle. And for the first time, International Children's Day was celebrated on June 1, 1950 and affected 51 countries of the world. Having enlisted the support of the UN, since then the holiday on June 1 began to be celebrated annually.

Along with this holiday, there are several more dates dedicated to children's topics. This is World Children's Day, which is celebrated on November 20 since 1956, African Children's Day (June 16).

There is a symbol of International Children's Day - a flag depicting the symbol of the planet on a green background, and five multi-colored figures around its circumference. The green background symbolizes fertility, growth and harmony, the planet is the common home of all children, and the colorful figures symbolize tolerance and diversity.

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June 1 is rich in various holidays. Today you can celebrate: International Children's Day or Children's Day, World Parents' Day (UN), World Milk Day and International Water Cleanup Day. Also today Russia celebrates the Day of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy, the Day of the Ameliorator and the Day of the Establishment of Government Communications.


On the first day of summer, the world celebrates the most important holiday - International Children's Day. Russians know this holiday as one of the old international holidays - International Children's Day. The decision to hold this holiday was made in Geneva at the World Conference on the Welfare of Children in 1925. It is not known why this holiday was decided to celebrate on June 1.

One of the versions says that the Consul General of China in San Francisco, during the "children's" conference in Geneva in 1925, arranged for Chinese orphans the celebration of Duan-wu jie - the Dragon Boat Festival, the date of this holiday, by a lucky chance, is just fell on June 1st.


June 1 is World Parents' Day - a new holiday on our planet, which was proclaimed in September 2012 at the 66th session of the UN General Assembly "in honor of parents around the world." Since 2013, this holiday has been celebrated annually on June 1 - the first day of summer. The family, originally, is the parents who are responsible for the health, protection and upbringing of their children.

The purpose of this holiday is to remind all the inhabitants of our planet of universal human values, to protect and affirm these values ​​as the basis of a strong and moral family.


On June 1, another holiday is celebrated all over the world - Milk Day, which fully refers to the date when the whole world celebrates International Children's Day. The very first time this holiday was celebrated at the initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2001. The tradition of celebrating Milk Day on June 1 in many countries of the world has since become widespread. The purpose of this holiday is to inform the population about dairy production and popularize milk and dairy products among people.

World Milk Day is celebrated on June 1 because earlier in some countries, there was already a tradition of celebrating this national holiday on June 1.


On this day, June 1, a large-scale clean-up day is celebrated all over the world. Divers are the organizers and ideological inspirers of this holiday.

Since 1995, the holiday has been held in different countries of the world under the auspices of the Professional Association of Diving Instructors - PADI.

The International Water Cleanup Day in Russia began to be celebrated in 2003, eight years later than the rest of the world.


The annual holiday Day of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy is celebrated on June 1 in honor of the creation on this day in 1933 of the Northern Fleet, which is the youngest of all the military fleets of our country.


Land irrigation is one of the main tasks of meliorators. Today, June 1, in Russia, the workers of the earth celebrate their professional holiday - the Day of the Ameliorator. Land reclamation workers today are thanked for the work that is carried out for the cardinal improvement and revival of lands.


June 1, 1931 is the Day of the creation of government communications in the USSR. On this day, a network was put into operation in the country, providing long-distance high-frequency communications. Since 1928, the OGPU, the unified state political administration under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, has been working on the creation of this network. The new type of communication was called "HF communication".


Today, on the first day of summer - June 1, you can cheerfully celebrate a funny holiday - the day the river sends bottles with good thoughts


Good good thoughts should be written down on a napkin and rolled up and sent down the river in a bottle. If good thoughts are entrusted today, June 1, to a fast river, then they will sail right on target.

Close the bottle with the will,
Send me on a voyage beyond the swift river.
Let someone far away, open at a certain hour
A note with a good thought and with the memory of you.

Orthodox holidays June 1, 2018

June 1, 2018 in the Orthodox Church: 1st Week after Pentecost. All Saints. Trinity week, no fast.

Also today in the church calendar:

  • Commemoration of the Hieromartyrs Patricius, Bishop of Prussia, and with him three presbyters: Akaki, Menander and Polien;
  • The memory of the Monk Cornelius, the miracle worker of Komel;
  • The memory of the right-believing Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy;
  • The memory of the Monk Cornelius, hegumen of Paleostrovsky, Olonets;
  • The memory of the right-believing Prince John of Uglich, in monasticism Ignatius, Vologda;
  • The memory of St. Sergius of Shukhtomsky (Shukhtovsky);
  • Commemoration of the Martyr Kaluf the Egyptian;
  • Commemoration of the Monk John, Bishop of Goth;
  • Holy Hieromartyrs Matthew Voznesensky, Viktor Karakulin, presbyters, Onuphry (Gagalyuk), Archbishop of Kursk, Anthony (Pankeev), Bishop of Belgorod, Mitrofan Wilhelmsky, Alexander Eroshov, Mikhail Deineka, Ippolit Krasnovsky, Nikolai Sadovsky, Vasily Ivanov, Nikol aya Kulakova, Maxim Bogdanov, Alexander Saulsky, Pavel Bryantsev, Pavel Popov, Georgy Bogoyavlensky, presbyters and martyr Michael Voznesensky;
  • Commemoration of the Monk Martyr Valentin (Lukyanov), hieromonk.



On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. John the Long, and in Rus' he was also called the Amulet of the Niva.

Peasants uttered various conspiracies against Ivan Dolgoy in order to protect their fields from various misfortunes - from bad weather, from the evil eye and from pests.

Each wind in the people had its own nickname.

On this day, people noticed that if it rains on Ivan Dolgoy, then the first month of summer will be dry.

Abundant dew that day testified that there would be many mushrooms in the forests.

Holidays around the world June 1, 2018

Arbor Day (Cambodia)
It is unclear why Cambodians are so late in planting green spaces. Probably, the local climate and weather conditions do not allow doing this earlier. The end of planting work is celebrated magnificently and cheerfully.

Children's Day (China)
For many years, China pursued the policy of "One family - one child", now the situation has changed for the better, the authorities began to understand the importance of the younger generation for the future of the nation.

Children's Day is another opportunity to draw attention to the problems of children, as well as arrange lavish celebrations and fun activities for the youngest participants.

Mother and Child Day (Mongolia)
On this day, China's neighbors hold events dedicated to childhood, only the holiday has a broader name, the focus is not only on the young generation, but also on mothers. In a certain sense, the holiday is close to International Children's Day.

  • Holiday in the Bahamas June 1, 2018 - Labor Day (Randol Fawkes Day). Labor Day in the Bahamas is celebrated annually on the first Friday of June. It is a nationwide holiday dedicated to honoring workers and recognizing their contribution to the development of the nation and society. Usually on Labor Day in the capital of the Bahamas, the city of Nassau, a parade is held.
  • Holiday in Kenya June 1, 2018 - Madaraka Day. June 1st is Madaraka Day in Kenya. This holiday commemorates the anniversary of the formation of the first black government in Kenya in 1963. Then Kenya became a sovereign state, and the post of prime minister was taken by Jomo Kenyatta, a native of the Kikuyu tribe.
  • Holiday in Palau June 1, 2018 - President's Day. On this day, various events are held throughout the country, including performances of folk song and dance ensembles, festivals, and general festivities. Often on this day, ceremonies specially prepared for tourists are held.
  • Holiday in Samoa June 1, 2018 - Independence Day. Every year Samoa celebrates Independence Day on June 1st. This holiday is established in honor of Samoa's declaration of independence from New Zealand in 1962. Independence Day in Samoa is celebrated nationally and is one of the most important public holidays of the year.
  • Holiday in Tunisia June 1, 2018 - Victory Day. June 1 is Victory Day in Tunisia. This public holiday commemorates the adoption of the Tunisian Constitution in 1959. On this day, the flag of the country is hoisted at all state institutions. Before gaining independence, Tunisia was a protectorate of France for more than 70 years. At the same time, since 1951, an armed struggle for independence from France has been waged in the country. By 1956, Tunisia became an independent monarchical state, and from July 1957 the monarchy was abolished and Tunisia became a republic. In 1959, the first constitution was adopted in Tunisia, which enshrines the fundamental rights and civil liberties of the inhabitants of the country.

Name day June 1 at: Alexander, Anastasia, Andrey, Anton, Valentin, Vasily, Victor, George, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Ignatius, Cornelius, Maxim, Matvey, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Oleg, Onufry, Pavel, Sergey


1950 - The American company Desa Records released the first 33 rpm record.
1958 - The National Assembly of France appointed Charles de Gaulle as prime minister, granting him emergency powers.
1960 - Canadian Indians are granted the right to vote.
1960 - Sheremetyevo International Airport opened in Moscow
1962 - In the USSR, as a result of Khrushchev's ill-conceived reform policy, prices for meat, milk, butter and eggs increased by 25-30%.
1965 - Mikhail Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
1968 - Diplomatic relations were established between the USSR and Singapore.
1980 - Ted Turner's CNN, the first 24-hour information channel, launched.
1989 - From the first summer day of this year, coupons for soap were introduced in Latvia. In 1989, such a long-forgotten phenomenon appeared in the USSR as coupons for sugar, cigarettes, wine and vodka and other products. This was a consequence of Gorbachev's policy aimed at the collapse of the country.
1992 - Russia officially joined the IMF.
1993 - The most unruly match in the world took place in the Paraguayan Football Championship. The referee sent off 20 players.
1996 - Ukraine transferred the last nuclear missiles to Russia, becoming a non-nuclear power.
2001 - In the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu, Crown Prince Dipendra shot his entire family and shot himself, killing King Birendra and almost all members of the royal family.
2009 - The largest air crash in the history of Air France over the Atlantic Ocean.
2010 - Andrei Andreevich Voznesensky (born 1933), Soviet and Russian poet, prose writer, artist, architect, one of the famous poets of the "sixties" died. A lot of useful and new information can be seen on the channel

Date in 2019: June 1, Saturday.

The kids are looking forward to the start of summer. After all, this is not just the arrival of warmth and an opportunity for a great holiday, this is a real holiday, as the long-awaited and long holidays have come. But not all kids life is so carefree and joyful. Thousands of kids suffer from incurable diseases or domestic violence, do not have normal nutrition and living conditions, and some even have to find ways to survive on their own. These and other acute issues of childhood have become global problems, which is what a special holiday is dedicated to - Children's Day, which, by the will of fate, coincided with the first day of summer.

They say that the fate of a person is completely in his hands. But many aspects that affect how adult life develops depend on what childhood was like. After all, the baby comes into this world absolutely defenseless and helpless. And only actions, deeds, love of relatives and others enable the baby not only to survive, but also to know all the joys and sorrows of life. Unfortunately, the children's world is not as carefree as adults would like. It was the versatility of childhood and its actual problems that became the reason for organizing a holiday dedicated to kids.

history of the holiday

Today, International Children's Day on June 1 is celebrated in many countries. And for the first time officially it began to be celebrated in 1950. But the history of the holiday begins much earlier. For the first time, issues related to the actual problems of childhood were raised by women in 1925 at the World Conference, which was held in Geneva. At the beginning of the century, the public was worried about the problems of homeless children, orphans, and poor medical care. But the idea did not receive wide public support.

It was for the orphans in San Francisco that the consul from China organized a holiday that went down in history as the festival of floating dragons. This large-scale event took place on June 1st. According to one version, it was this event that became decisive in choosing which day to celebrate the holiday of childhood in the future.

Acute issues of children's well-being arose before the public in the postwar years. Therefore, in 1949, the Women's Congress again puts forward the idea to establish a special holiday. At the conference, a unanimous decision is made to direct all forces to the struggle for peace for the sake of a happy childhood for all the kids and teenagers on the planet.

And already in 1950, the new holiday is celebrated in many countries, and on a large scale.

Holiday symbolism

The main symbol of the holiday is the green flag. It depicts our planet, on which there are children's figurines of different races and nationalities. They extend their hands to each other, symbolizing unity and friendship, as the only opportunity for development and peace.

Holiday symbolism

But there are also more specific characters. So, under the image of a white flower, on June 1, an action is held aimed at raising funds for seriously ill babies.

And under the symbol in the form of a white lily, actions are held in support of reproductive medicine, which gives a chance to give birth to thousands of babies.

Holiday for every child

The very word holiday is associated with joy, fun, happiness. And, indeed, for many kids June 1, 2017 will be unforgettable.

But this holiday also has a downside, which is perhaps much more important than the idea of ​​​​fun itself. The main goal of Children's Day is to draw the attention of the public and ordinary people to real children's problems. This idea is directly present in the name of the holiday. Therefore, it is important to think about what children should be protected from.

The sad facts of world statistics:

  • 100 million children do not have the opportunity to study, because there are simply no schools nearby;
  • 15 million babies have become orphans, having lost a parent or one of them due to AIDS infection;
  • 10 million die every year due to lack of access to health facilities and medicines;
  • 300 thousand - are forced to participate in wars, in the most real, and not computer or toy ones;
  • millions of babies do not have housing and normal nutrition;

And in developing countries, the practice of exploiting child labor as a cheap labor force and even child slavery has been preserved.

It is this state of affairs in the world that has become the basis for the appearance of some documents that spell out children's freedoms and rights.

All children's rights and freedoms are reflected in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1959. This document is a call to recognize the rights of every child and respect them. It must be strictly observed by parents, public organizations and authorities.

After 30 years, in 1989, the “Convection on the Rights of the Child” is established, which defines all the rights of small citizens, and also spells out the duties of adults.

These documents have been ratified in many countries. But this did not solve all children's problems.

Children of Russia

Several organizations in Russia are engaged in protecting the rights of minors and helping mothers in difficult situations. First of all, this is the UNICEF Children's Fund, which has been operating since 1997.

At the legislative level, children's rights are protected by Federal Law No. 124 "On Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation." But even the care of the state and public organizations cannot solve all the problems.

Today, more than 30 million children live in our country, and only 12% are absolutely healthy. Many are in need of care and expensive treatment. Moreover, the problem of psychological health is acute. Aggression, vandalism and suicide are common among toddlers and teenagers.

And how many children are born in Russia with congenital defects through the fault of the parents themselves. The heirs of alcoholics, drug addicts are left without care immediately after birth, having received a whole complex of incurable pathologies from their parents. And among adolescents, almost half are already addicted to alcohol and drugs.

There are enough problems in relatively prosperous families. First of all, it is a lack of attention. The concern of parents lies in material support, and the baby is sorely lacking in the warmth and affection of loved ones. Teenagers grow up early, receive unnecessary and sometimes dangerous information from the Internet.

In low-income and large families, the issue of material security is acute. After all, often in such families, despite all the efforts of caring parents, kids do not have enough elementary things, up to nutrition and living conditions.

We can safely say that children's problems concern every adult, regardless of social status, age and financial support. Therefore, the holiday of children has become very popular in Russia and is supported by many state and public organizations, as well as simply caring people. Many charitable actions are timed to this day.

Traditions: how to organize a children's holiday

June 1 is a great occasion to organize a fun holiday for children. As part of the festive events, competitions of drawings on asphalt, exhibitions of children's pictures on the street, festive concerts with the participation of children are held. Kids and teenagers dance, sing songs, recite poems, take part in competitions.

To organize a children's holiday, you can use our contest ideas. Suitable games and contests:

  • theatrical performance of a fairy tale;
  • contest ;
  • a game ;
  • contest ;
  • team relay;
  • contest ;
  • entertainment for the relay race;
  • contest .

In addition, we suggest adding dance and children's songs to the program.

Songs for the holiday

When a children's holiday is celebrated, you can not do without perky and cheerful music. Our selection of songs about childhood and just funny melodies will help make the holiday unforgettable:

We are small children, we want to walk

Childhood Island of Chung Chang

Congratulations to children in verse and prose

Get your kids in the holiday spirit on Children's Day. Let them laugh and enjoy life, catch sunbeams and do what they love. In the circle of family and friends, create a real fun holiday with games, entertainment and congratulate all the kids. Do not forget about those crumbs that are deprived of care. May this day become unforgettable for them, filled with festive joys.

Every kid has every right to a childhood, to a carefree and happy time. And it depends only on adults how it will be. After all, all babies are vulnerable and defenseless. On Children's Day, I so want all the kids, without exception, to feel love, need and protection. And to never face indifference, cruelty, early maturation and unnecessary information flow. Let troubles and wars, illnesses and worries bypass them.

On this warm summer day

When the wind whispers

Everybody needs to warm up

Boys and girls.

Let their smiles shine

And spread through laughter

Shouts and cries of happiness

We love them all very much.

Children are our treasure

Our heart and joy

This is our pride, joy,

Happiness and more reward.

The day you need protection

I sincerely wish

For the children to sleep soundly

And of course they didn't get sick.

To smile at the sun

And they did not know the troubles, anxiety.

To grow up happily

Light they are always dear.

Larisa , May 11, 2017 .

Children are the best thing on our planet. Their laughter makes people happier, kinder. How I want to never see tears and sadness in the eyes of a child. And yet - how wonderful it is that the first day of summer is officially declared International Children's Day. Do you know about this holiday? If not, then hurry up and find out.

On June 1, many countries of our planet celebrate International Children's Day. Why exactly the first of June - no one will give an answer. They don't know. All appointed! But the history of the appearance of the marked date is very interesting.

Everything happened in 1925. The conference addressed the issue of the well-being of the children of Geneva. During the conference, a decision was made to set a date for a special day.

There are several versions as to who exactly came up with such a holiday. One by one children began to be celebrated after the Chinese consul, having gathered homeless orphans from China, arranged for them a merry holiday-festival of dragon boats. The celebration was held in San Francisco. They say that everything was organized on June 1st. And that very same conference was taking place that day in Geneva.

There is also another version of the creation of the holiday. And the story is connected with the Second World War. After the war, many children were left orphans. The children, left without parental care, a roof over their heads, were sick and starving. Child mortality has risen.

In 1949, at the Paris conference, a slogan was heard calling for the struggle for the happiness of children, in whom the future of all mankind lies. Exactly one year later, the first holiday was organized - International Children's Day. Since then it has been held every year.

Features of a children's holiday

A very interesting fact is that the celebration of Children's Day was supported by many. For example, in the USSR, it was decided that children start on June 1st. On this day trips to cinemas, excursions, competitions and relay races were organized. The main participants of the festival are, of course, children. But parents are also actively involved.

The international one has its own unique flag, which is simply impossible to confuse with any other. Against a background of green, children's multi-colored figures are located around. Each element depicted on the flag is symbolic. Green color implies harmony and prosperity, purity and fertility. The globe is a common home. Human figurines are children of the Earth.

How to celebrate a children's holiday?

Of course, for a child, every day should be like a holiday. But June 1 is a special day. Adults, put things off on International Children's Day! Dedicate yourself to the kids. Take the whole family for a walk, visit fun activities for children, please them with sweets and gifts. Let the children laugh and rejoice.

Also, do not forget on International Children's Day about those who do not know and do not remember parental warmth. Visit, for example, an orphanage and give gifts to children in the orphanage. They will be very happy. Believe me, in these touching moments you will feel immense happiness from the fact that thanks to you these lonely little hearts have become a little happier.

There are a lot of holidays in our country, although not all of them are official holidays. These are all kinds of religious, very extraordinary (like the Day of handshakes or hugs), professional holidays, the beloved New Year and many more interesting things.

Children have their own date when they are honored - this is Children's Day, held on June 1, but not everyone knows why it is celebrated on this particular date. Let's dive into to understand what gave impetus to make the first day of summer a solemn event for children.

Where did it all begin?

The history of the origin of the Children's Day holiday is unknown to most of us. And no wonder, because it was born in the distant twenties of the last century, when we were not yet in sight. So, one day, on June 1, the consul from China, whose name is not mentioned, in San Francisco (USA) decided to please the destitute little children left without parental affection. He arranged for them a real Chinese festival of "Dragon Boats", which has long been held in the consul's homeland, using oriental paraphernalia.

On the same day, but already thousands of kilometers from San Francisco, in Geneva, it was decided to hold a conference dedicated to the upbringing and problems of the younger generation. Subsequently, these two events, which took place on the same day and have a common focus, were the reason why Children's Day is now celebrated on June 1st.

This holiday gradually began to be celebrated in many countries, but it reached the USSR after the war in 1949, when the relevance of caring for children was more burning than ever. In the post-war years, women held conferences dedicated to the rehabilitation, upbringing and education of children who had experienced a difficult time for everyone. It is noteworthy that after that, many countries with a socialist regime also decided to celebrate this day, and it began to be celebrated in almost 60 countries, becoming

How is Children's Day celebrated today?

Traditionally, on June 1, children already finish the school year, and the most favorite time for everyone begins - the summer holidays. Local authorities of small and large cities and villages make every effort to organize entertainment events for children - rides, concerts, fun contests with prizes.

In parallel with the fun, conferences are held on the topic of the problems of the younger generation and ways to resolve them. Adults are once again reminded that the rights and freedoms of the child must be protected at the highest level.