Psychological tests at work. How to find your favorite job: the most accurate test to determine your talents

Gift ideas

We are all interested in a successful future and each of us asks one question - what profession should we be in life? This topic plays a vital role in a person’s destiny, so it needs to be given special attention.

Often do right choice It's hard enough. In order to accept conscious decision, it is recommended to take into account some recommendations.

1. Determination of personal interests and aspirations. You should think about what abilities a particular individual has. You can make a list of directions labor activity in which a person is most interested.

2. Identifying life goals. For example, if the financial side of this issue comes first, it is necessary to study in detail professions that generate significant income.

3. Education. To obtain a leadership position, you must have a senior vocational education. If you want to achieve more in life and constantly strive to advance your career, you need to take care of the proper level of training.

4. Comparison of desires and possibilities. There is an opinion that the possibilities of a person striving to achieve his goals have no limits. To quickly get the desired result, it is important to focus on one desire. Don't waste time on fleeting needs that may seem stupid in the future.

There are many recommendations on the topic of choosing a profession. At the same time, statements are highlighted that should not be taken seriously. Among these, it is necessary to highlight the 2 most popular:

Life is a lottery. Only people who were unable to achieve their goals due to laziness think this way. What is planned is not always given easily and simply. It is important not to give up at the first defeat, but to move on;

Life is a project. A person must live as his ancestors planned. If in the family for for long years The medical profession occupied a leading position, which does not mean that every member of this family should become a doctor.

Personal abilities and professional suitability play a key role when choosing a specialty.

Basic criteria for building the future

In order to determine who to be in the future, you need to understand three concepts:

  1. “I WANT” – you love to do it.
  2. “I CAN” – there are possibilities.
  3. “MUST” – the market is ready to pay.

The concept “WANT” is what the person himself wants (interests, inclinations, talents) and implies an explanation of what the individual strives for. These are personal qualities that are individual in each case. A competent determination of professional inclinations plays a role key role in choosing a specialty, and in particular who to be. The direction of work activity and the success of training depend on this. It should be taken into account that one “I WANT” is not enough.

The next important criterion when choosing a life’s work “I CAN” is physical capabilities, health status and other market barriers. Why barriers? Because if a person does not have " perfect health"he shouldn't be a pilot civil aircraft. (But he can be the pilot of his own plane ;)

No less important role occupies the concept “NEED” - this is demand in the labor market. Activities for which the market is ready and will pay money. You need to find out which profession is in greatest demand on the labor market.

And now main question: what should you be by profession in life? It’s simple - success is the intersection of all three criteria: “I WANT”, “I CAN” and “I NEED”! If there is an overlap, why not get educated accordingly?

What to be in life by profession

To make choosing a specialty easier, tests for choosing a profession were created. Their technology is quite simple. The person is presented with multiple choice questions. Based on the test results, the program provides a possible direction of activity in which a particular person can achieve success.

If possible, it is recommended to try yourself in the profession that, based on the test results, suits you best. Practice is especially important in this case. In addition, you need to study the features of the specialty and try to find out all the subtleties that exist in it. Work is something on which a person spends a significant part of his life. Therefore, it is important to choose its specifics in the most competent manner.

Test what to be by profession will help you make the right choice and protect you as much as possible from errors of this type. Testing will help determine your predisposition to a particular field of activity and identify your abilities. All this will allow you to choose a specialty that you will like and will bring you joy.

On our website, anyone interested in a successful future can take a profession test online. Testing will help determine the direction of the most suitable work activity.

According to statistics, the vast majority of people make mistakes when choosing a specialty. Often, many people choose the level of earnings and the prestige of the profession as a guideline, forgetting to take into account that work should bring pleasure and then life will be a joy!

Talented, capable young people have long been aware of the selection criteria for large foreign and domestic corporations. The main barrier for thousands of applicants is candidate testing. No matter how particularly “smart” candidates argue among themselves that experienced specialists don’t need to take anything, they have already proven everything; the selection method has been working in the Western world for more than half a century, having proven its worth a long time ago. Hundreds of applicants for one vacancy can apply for free, and HR specialists do not spend a lot of time processing data about each one.

For the applicant, taking the test online is also more convenient than in the office, first of all, due to the familiar atmosphere, because at home you can retire and work with maximum efficiency. In an office, people walk around, operating units make noise, employees communicate - there is enough interference, although a person can cope normally in such an environment if he knows how to concentrate. You shouldn’t rely on assistants or Google, firstly, there is little time for this, and secondly, the data is checked using verification tests. To verify, you will need to answer a couple of questions, but in the office, where there will be no one to help.

Online tests when applying for a job are a kind of testing level for the applicant himself, if he cannot score 70-80 percent, then he needs to practice or try himself in other companies that do not have such requirements. To assess your capabilities, you don’t have to go to an interview; some companies make screening tests publicly available. You can contact the compilers of collections of assignments that help applicants and go through online test s when hiring an auditor. Collections of tests are good because their authors provide explanations for them, that is, it turns out to be a kind of “solution book”. Also, the creators of collections of problems offer a job application test to take online, which allows you to roughly assess the upcoming test.

Specifics of online testing

Remote testing is not much different from office testing, because no one forces you to write essays in notebooks, offices also have computers, only there are other applicants and employer representatives nearby. All candidates for online testing a link is given and indicated deadline change. The link opens a window with tasks, the time countdown begins, and you can no longer pause it.

There are differences between tests different manufacturers, but they are not particularly significant. So, in SHL tests, unused time goes to the next questions, Talent Q does not have this, and even the timeline is not in front of your eyes, only a reminder is turned on 30 and 15 seconds before the end of the answer time.

Solving tests when applying for a job online involves answering questions in several blocks. Typically, aptitude tests include a numerical section plus verbal or logical, and depending on the employer and the open vacancy, professional knowledge is also tested: accounting, information technology. Also, some companies give for passing psychological test when applying for a job online. In any case, the applicant is warned in advance about the upcoming tests, and if the employer does not have online trial tests, he must search for them on his own and prepare.

The main developers of online tests are SHL and Talent Q. Test tasks, questionnaires created by SHL are used by leading corporations such as Amway, IKEA, BAT, KPMG, UniCredit Bank. Talent Q clients are Pepsico, Valio, Coca-Cola, Gazprom Neft, and other companies. Many Russian graduates planning to work in the banking sector have heard about Sberbank’s online test when applying for a job, which has become an insurmountable obstacle for some applicants.

Structure of pre-employment tests

The tests consist of several blocks, one of which is mathematical, the other is logical, and another section is used to test specialized knowledge.

It happens), a dentist, a businessman - probably somewhere in your childhood your hidden dreams live. Yes, as a child you still knew nothing about life and had little idea about the professions you dreamed of. But who knows, maybe that’s where your unrealized talents are buried. Remember who you loved to play as a child, who you loved to pretend to be. Yes, even “intelligence agent” and “Arctic explorer” can turn out to be a childhood dream realized in the present.

If the train has not left yet, if you are young and energetic, if you are still studying or in your first year, try yourself in different areas. You can always find time for this. While you are young, you can learn the ins and outs of life in restaurants by registering, or in large stores by becoming a sales consultant. You can earn extra money as a tour guide, a museum employee, or if you want, you can find a place in a clinic. Of course, you will not be paid much, but the experience gained is priceless. Subsequently, it will be much easier for you to decide whether you want to work here or there.

Next step, which will allow you to understand whether you are on the right path - industrial practice at a university. By that time, you will already have gained certain knowledge and a certain understanding of the profession that you will receive upon graduating from university. On the other hand, if you suddenly realize that this is not for you, that for some reason you are learning from history, when you want to build nuclear submarines, you still have time to turn in the other direction.

If you are already an adult, an accomplished person, and the business you are doing does not bring you either money or pleasure, you still have the opportunity to try yourself in another field. There are many recruitment agencies that can send you to work for . There you can be introduced to other activities that you may have never tried. After that you will choose new job- or learn to appreciate and love more the specialty that you once spent your years studying and in which you are working now.

When choosing a business to your liking, listen to the voice of your heart. The voice of your heart will tell you what exactly you want to do and what you generally expect from work. If you need a job that will bring you pleasure and no matter how much money they pay for it, then look for just such a job. If the main thing for you is - wage and opportunity career growth and it is precisely this, and not the business itself, that will bring you pleasure - then look for the “gold mine”. Just don't get gold fever!

Tip 2: How to monitor the performance of duties by employees

Even the most conscientious and competent performers must be supervised. But a team made up of inexperienced people who do not want to work, and one made up of professionals for whom work is a pleasure, need to be controlled differently.


You will need the most intense control over how employees perform their duties if they are not at all motivated to work and do not want to do it. In this case, you will need to tell everyone in great detail each time what he must do and say how he must achieve the result. Then ask them to repeat everything you said to make sure they understood you correctly and know how to solve the problem.

In this case, in order to be on the safe side and correct the work in time, arrange inspections at a certain frequency or upon completion of the next stage. Punishment should follow failure to comply with deadlines or incorrect execution instructions. Otherwise, do not forget to encourage the employee, preferably financially.

When under your leadership there are inexperienced specialists who are striving to work well, then they also need to explain in detail the task itself and the methods of its execution, instruct them and guide them. But this will not last long and after some time such strict control may not be required.

If you are sure that the employee, having listened and understood your task, will cope with it execution independently, then you can control its work based on the result obtained by it. In this case, there is a risk last moment discover that the task has not been completed, but you know your subordinates better and will trust the one you can.

Monitor execution responsibilities employees High qualifications are needed at the stage of making controversial decisions. Such a team works under self-control and you only need to listen to their proposed solutions to the problem and approve them. Control, as such, can even offend such people and reduce their motivation to work. Superprofessionals don't need control at all - you can intervene only when you are asked to do so.

And today on the Internet new trend- monetary esotericism. The essence of the approach: money is energy that you need to be able to attract, retain and increase. You can “upgrade” your money thinking different ways. Play the famous Cash Flow game, work, develop good habits.

Don’t be alarmed, we won’t teach “money conspiracies.” I just wanted to note that in all such books and trainings, a valuable thought runs through the “red thread”. Good money comes from a job/business that you truly enjoy! And for which we have the ability.

So today I’ll talk about how to find your favorite job using a simple but surprisingly accurate test.

There are a lot of aptitude tests on the Internet. And in blogs, and on forums, and on specialized sites. They are even published in glossy magazines, so that between a haircut and a manicure, women can choose an activity to their liking.

Sometimes among the tests you come across surprisingly accurate ones!

The authors of a unique methodology called Clifton StrengthsFinder, Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton, are recognized experts in management and leadership. They developed a test to identify innate “talents for work”, and wrote an excellent book: "Achieve Your Maximum: Employee Strengths Serving the Business".

I'll try to summarize the point in a nutshell. The authors believe that 99% of people make the same mistake since childhood. We focus on what doesn't work. And we try to bring this “something” up to at least an average level. Let’s say you’re not good at math – we study with a tutor.

Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton are confident that this approach is fundamentally wrong.

If a person concentrates on weaknesses and not on strengths, everything is given to him through strength and with great difficulty. It is much more logical to focus on your natural talents and develop them in your favorite job or business.

Let's say if strengths– the desire for competition, the ability to unite people, charisma and strategic thinking, then you are a born businessman and manager. And you are unlikely to be successful in accounting, programming or writing poetry.

The difference in effort on “your own” or “someone else’s” profession is colossal! It's like swimming with the flow or against it.

  1. Talents are innate and repeatable patterns of thinking, behaving and responding. The Clifton StrengthsFinder test reveals such talents.
  2. Skills are skills that have been brought to automaticity through repeated repetitions.
  3. Knowledge – lessons learned and facts

Taken together, all three components represent “strengths.” The authors of the methodology believe that the most important “ingredient” for success at work is innate talents that are inherent in nature.

How to identify your key talents?

Identifying your strengths is not as easy as it seems. One can only be happy for those who, from childhood, know exactly who they will be in the future.

Everyone else has to grope their way. For example, once every six months or a year to master the new kind activities. Natural inclinations allow you to quickly learn and master new skills in your “own” field. But how many of us can afford to “test by practice” before the age of 40?

StrengthsFinder testing will help you quickly “find yourself.” The test is based on the results of a 30-year study of the strengths of the most different people and their impact on success at work. Testing is based on the general model of positive psychology.

The Clifton StrengthsFinder Thematic Profile helps you select five dominant “themes” or talents out of 34 possible options. The “five” found are areas of activity that provide maximum opportunities for development.

The test results will make it easy to find a job you like in Kolomna or Moscow. And do what you truly love.

Examples of Dominant Talents

"Student". A person receives the same pleasure from the learning process as from its results. Not afraid of new tasks and projects. Constantly improves in areas that attract him.

"Self confidence". Self-confidence makes it possible to take additional risks. A man without fear takes on more complex tasks. Excellent at overcoming obstacles.

"Adaptability". Easily adapts to any situation, using all the possibilities of the current moment. Can perform several diverse tasks simultaneously.

"Caution". People with such talent analyze any situation and soberly assess risks. They do not like to act spontaneously and make only informed decisions.

"Charisma". Such personalities evoke sympathy from the first minutes of communication and easily attract people to their side. They are the ones who most often start a conversation and encourage frankness.

"Positivity." Congenital optimists see everything bright sides. They infect others positive attitude and inspire effective work. For them, failure is useful lesson, and not a reason to give up.

The respondent needs to answer 180 questions in 20 seconds. Each question consists of two statements. You need to choose the one that matches your behavior. For example: “I carefully read the instructions” and “I prefer to get down to business right away” (assemble furniture, deal with a new gadget).

Based on the responses received, the program will select five dominant talents. Using his strengths, a person increases his effectiveness many times over!

The online Clifton StrengthsFinder test is also available in Russian ( True, I didn’t find it for free on the Internet. Each Achieve Your Maximum book has a unique code that must be entered into the form before taking the test. The book with the code is also sold in in electronic format(I definitely saw it on

What if I don’t know what I want?

Sit down and honestly answer three questions:

  1. What I love to do most
  2. What am I willing to do even for free?
  3. What I'm always trying to find out more about

How did you find your favorite job?

To choose the optimal profession for yourself or your child, you first need to decide on the field to which you or your child is closer. After passing a simple test, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of school, college or technical school. Our test [Choosing a Future Profession] will give your child or you the right to independently choose a future profession and will help you better realize your abilities in life. Answer all questions with the utmost sincerity, making sure to believe in your strengths and that you or your child will be able to handle any job. Testing for children is best done between the ages of 12 and 13. At the end of the test, you will be given an assessment of the area of ​​activity that is most relevant to you or your child. Our online test: [Choosing a future profession] is completely free without SMS or registration! The result will be shown immediately after answering the last question!

The test contains 20 questions!

Start the test online:

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