How to understand that you are pregnant: the main signs of pregnancy without a test. Methods for determining the term in the early stages of pregnancy


Sometimes there are situations when you need to know about the possible onset of pregnancy even before the time when it can be shown by ultrasound.

It is in such cases that it is very useful to know what the first signs of pregnancy are and when they occur.

Fortunately, now there are many ways to find out about the onset of pregnancy at its earliest stages. In our article, you will learn by what signs you can make an assumption that you are expecting a baby.

The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation

Regardless of whether a woman plans a child or not, she wants to find out as soon as possible whether the pregnancy has occurred or not. And this is quite understandable. To begin with, let's figure out how the signs of pregnancy appear before the delay and what it is connected with. Let's start with the fact that earlier than a week after the possible fertilization of the egg, find out whether the pregnancy has occurred or not. just impossible. So you have to be patient and wait. due date. During this time, if the egg is fertilized, it attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. Actually, this is your future baby. It is from this moment that your hormonal background, and the body begins to show signs of pregnancy before the delay.

Early signs of pregnancy before menstruation include, first of all, subjective feelings women. In addition to them, these are:

  • changes in the mammary glands. It could be hypersensitivity or soreness, enlargement or heaviness in the mammary glands - in every woman these changes are different character. But at the same time, keep in mind that many women have the same symptoms before the onset of menstruation, so you should not trust this symptom alone;
  • spotting, which during pregnancy is associated with implantation gestational sac. If you have a stable and regular menstrual cycle, then this may be a sign of pregnancy, but in case of an irregular menstrual cycle it can also talk about the beginning of menstruation;
  • mood changes, nausea, fatigue. Again, if you usually feel good before your period, these symptoms may indicate pregnancy. If you know firsthand what premenstrual syndrome is, which women often experience a week before menstruation, then such ailments can be precisely its signs;
  • increase in basal temperature is more exact sign which can be used to diagnose pregnancy. Unless, of course, it is not associated with some kind of disease. The temperature usually rises to 37 degrees and does not rise above 37.2. If you use this method of determining pregnancy, you must measure the temperature correctly. This is done only in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. The temperature is measured in the rectum, with the same thermometer, to eliminate measurement errors.

These are the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay. Do not discount another method - your own intuition. Many women made assumptions about conception even before the appearance of any signs of pregnancy before the delay. Some feel that they are pregnant, literally from the first days.

The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages

Over time, the signs of pregnancy appear stronger, they become more accurate, and you are more and more convinced that the pregnancy has really come. Let's look at the first signs of pregnancy that almost every woman faces.
  • The appearance of copious discharge
IN this case correction needs to be made we are talking not about bleeding, which we talked about above. If you follow your women's health you know that vaginal discharge that is colorless and odorless is normal. And you probably know that the amount of these secretions varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle (during ovulation). However, the amount of discharge increases during pregnancy. Therefore, if ovulation is still far away, and there is more discharge, watch to see if you still have any signs of pregnancy. If, for example, it turns out that the basal temperature has increased, then you can be almost sure that the pregnancy has occurred.
  • Headache
Usually, women do not attach importance to this sign and do not associate it with a possible pregnancy, but in vain, since the hormonal changes that occur in the body may well provoke headaches and migraines. Moreover, if headaches are not common for you, be sure to pay attention to this, as they may well indicate pregnancy. If you are planning a pregnancy, pay attention to all pain and discomfort in the body and do not self-medicate, even if you do not yet know for sure whether you are pregnant or not.

Could these be early signs pregnancy before or after menstruation. Each woman's body reacts differently to the changes associated with bearing a child.

  • Delayed menstruation
This is the very first sign by which pregnancy can be assumed. Of course, there may be a delay different reasons, but the first thing that comes to the mind of every woman, regardless of whether she is planning a pregnancy or not, is pregnancy. After a delay, they usually begin to look closely at other signs.

However, you should not trust this sign 100%. Firstly, a delay can be caused by stress, exhaustion, nervous strain, inflammatory processes in the genital organs, climate change or place of work, hypothermia, etc. In addition, if you cannot boast of a regular menstrual cycle, then this method cannot be considered valid in your case. However, a delay is a sign of some kind of imbalance in the body and should not be ignored. In any case, you need to contact a gynecologist.

In addition, there are very important point which concerns the absence of menstruation during pregnancy. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then this sign must be present. If in the future you diagnosed the onset of pregnancy, which was confirmed by the gynecologist and ultrasound, and your bleeding does not stop, this is a bad sign, since it indicates a threat of miscarriage. The fact is that these bleedings are not monthly in the truest sense of the word. Therefore, never ignore bleeding, but urgently call an ambulance or consult a gynecologist - thereby you will increase the chances of maintaining a pregnancy.

The most dangerous in this regard are those weeks when a woman, in case of non-occurrence of pregnancy, should have begun menstruation. During this period, you need to be very careful, avoid stress, stress, etc. Some women wonder: how long do these signs of pregnancy appear? In the normal course of pregnancy, periods are absent for the entire period while you are carrying a child, and for some period while breastfeeding (an irregular cycle is possible).

These are the signs of pregnancy that can help you make an assumption about conception or refute it.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay

If there is a delay for a longer period than you usually have, it may be more reliable sign that pregnancy could occur. However, to be sure to the end, listen to your body: it is able to tell you a lot by giving the appropriate signals. Usually there are such signs of pregnancy after a delay.
  • Toxicosis
It cannot be said that toxicosis occurs in all pregnant women, but in the majority - that's for sure. Usually, morning sickness and vomiting are considered symptoms of toxicosis. But in fact, many more symptoms testify to toxicosis: sensitivity to smells and tastes, preference for some foods and violent rejection of others, changes in gastronomic tastes - all these are also signs of toxicosis. So if you, along with other signs (or some one), also have this one, this gives an almost 100% guarantee that you will have a baby. It is difficult to say how many these signs of pregnancy appear. For some, they go away after the 12th week of pregnancy, for someone later, at the 14th week, and there are women who do not suffer from toxicosis at all.
  • Frequent urination, constipation
Usually these signs do not appear immediately, although much depends on what the woman eats. If you snack on sandwiches and fast food, then constipation can appear at the very beginning of pregnancy. But in fact, constipation appears as the uterus grows, when it begins to squeeze bladder and intestines, which leads to such inconvenience. But that doesn't mean it should be treated as the norm. You definitely need to reconsider your diet: no snacking on the go, no junk food. If you change your diet to a diet rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, dried fruits), you will drink enough liquids, constipation will stop.
  • breast augmentation
Almost every woman has this period increases, the chest swells. Women wonder how long it takes for symptoms to appear. They can appear long before the delay of menstruation, maybe later. Colostrum may even be released, but this is extremely rare - usually it appears at 5-6 months or does not appear until the birth itself. These signs increase with the course of pregnancy.

Pregnancy test result as a sign of successful conception

There is another way that you can apply at home is a pregnancy test. Now everything more women and gynecologists trust test results, although they are not always reliable. However, this does not prevent you from additionally using this method. However, you should not rely solely on the test result, as it may indeed give an incorrect answer to your question. The test can serve as an additional method, but by no means the only one.

As test manufacturers usually write, they can be used literally from the first day of the delay. But it is best to wait for time, because the longer the delay, the more reliable the test result will be. But no matter how eager you are to find out about your situation, it makes no sense to use the test earlier than 7-10 days after the intended conception, since the result will be incorrect. It is better to do the test in the morning, and a few hours before that do not drink alcohol and spicy food. Buying is much better sensitive tests, some of which can be used just a few days after intercourse.

Signs of pregnancy after menstruation, which are visible only to a gynecologist

Before that, we considered those signs that each woman can observe in herself and, by the presence of which, she can make an assumption about pregnancy. If you think you're pregnant, it's time to make sure by consulting with your doctor, who can either confirm your suspicions or refute them. These are not the first signs of pregnancy, but methods that will give you a reliable answer to the question.
  • HCG blood test results
Analysis can be done 10 days after possible conception(sexual intercourse). This method allows you not to wait for a delay in menstruation: the test is absolutely reliable. regular test for pregnancy also gives a result depending on the presence of the hCG hormone, which is present in the blood of every pregnant woman (the second strip on the test indicates the presence of this hormone). But the test is still not as accurate as a blood test.
  • The result of an ultrasound examination
It happens that a woman suspects that she is pregnant, but there are no signs as such. In this case, she is sent for an ultrasound, which will give an absolutely correct and exact result and the answer to the question about pregnancy. In addition, according to the results of ultrasound, it can be judged that at an early stage, pathologies in the development of the fetus are not observed if the fetal egg is located in the uterus. It makes sense to do an ultrasound 10 days after the delay, then it will reliably show the onset of pregnancy.
  • Enlargement of the uterus
In the first weeks, the gynecologist will not be able to tell you unambiguously whether you are expecting a baby or not, but by about the 3rd week after the delay in menstruation, the doctor, upon examination, can ascertain pregnancy, based on the size of the uterus. It is at this time that it increases slightly, and the cervix and vaginal cavity acquire a bluish tint. Earlier, even before the delay of menstruation, such an examination will not give anything, because before menstruation the uterus also slightly increases in size.

It is these first signs of pregnancy that allow you to make unequivocal conclusion about the onset of conception and make a choice in favor of continuing the pregnancy or vice versa. Note that the signs of pregnancy before the delay are still more subjective than after menstruation (estimated).

How to determine pregnancy is one of the most exciting questions all women of reproductive age who are sexually active. What could be easier - you just need to go to the doctor if there are any signs of an interesting situation. However, even a specialist will find it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis if too little time has passed after conception. How to determine pregnancy before a delay - this question is much more scrupulous and interesting. let's consider various ways diagnosis and associated symptoms.

Until the delay

We determine the presence and level chorionic gonadotropin

So, the only reliable symptom before the onset of a delay in menstruation is elevated level chorionic gonadotropin in the body. This is a hormone that is produced by the chorion (developing placenta), respectively, may indicate an interesting situation. However, in some cases, hCG rises and not during pregnancy. Such a phenomenon, quite rarely diagnosed, may indicate the development of some dangerous disease, for example, oncology.

But let's talk about the good. HCG begins to be produced immediately after the introduction of the egg into the uterus or ... into another organ that is not suitable for this - for example, into the wall fallopian tube. In the second case, during an ectopic pregnancy, this hormone grows much more slowly than during the uterine one. Low hCG is one of the symptoms of unfavorable pregnancy.

The introduction of the egg into the wall of the uterus occurs approximately 1 week after sexual intercourse, which gave new life. With help laboratory research(donating blood for analysis from a vein) get reliable result can be already for 8-10 days. We think that now it has become clearer how to determine pregnancy before menstruation (as much as 6-10 days before they probable date onset, depending on the length of the menstrual cycle). We took for example the standard - 28-30-day cycle. By the way, a little closer to the start of menstruation, you can try to diagnose using a pregnancy test with high sensitivity. 1-2 days before the due date, the result should be correct. But, of course, it is better to wait for a delay so that the result is certainly correct. We will talk about tests in more detail a little later in the article.

We measure basal body temperature

basal temperature. A lot of people are involved in its measurement - and those who need it for medical indications(for example, in the treatment of infertility, the numbers obtained may be important), and those who want to get pregnant quickly (to calculate ovulation), and those who are trying in this way to avoid unwanted conception (forgetting about intimate relationship on "dangerous" days).

The basal temperature is measured either in the vagina, or in the mouth, or in the rectum, but not under the arm. The most reliable and common way is to measure the temperature rectally.

If you are looking for an answer to the question - how to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception by measuring basal temperature, do not be lazy and find out all the factors that can cause measurement errors and, in fact, the rules for this procedure. In order to find out about your position, you need to start measuring 10 days after conception. As a rule, by the end of the menstrual cycle, the temperature decreases (becomes below 37 degrees), if not, then it is likely that conception has occurred.

But back to technology. Measurement rules.

1. Measurements are taken exclusively in the morning, immediately after waking up. If you got out of bed a couple of hours before and then went to bed, the results are likely to be incorrect.

2. Do not take alcohol the day before.

3. Do not have sex 12-24 hours before the measurement.

4. If you regularly measure BBT, then do it with the same thermometer.

5. Wrong results may cause the intake of dietary supplements or drugs.

6. Don't spend this diagnosis in case of illness, especially if the body temperature is elevated, since the result will still be incorrect.

After a delay

Making a test

How to determine pregnancy at home after the onset of a delay? Very simple! You just need to purchase a test at a pharmacy and do it in the morning. Why in the morning? The fact is that this is the most suitable time, in the urine accumulated during the night, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin is higher. This means that the reliability of the test is higher.

Currently, 3 types of tests are sold in Russia: ordinary "strips", tablet and electronic ones. The latter are a curiosity for many, and they are by no means cheap. Tablet tests are usually highly sensitive. But ordinary, cheap test strips are not far behind them either. The main thing is to perform the test exactly according to the instructions. If the second shelf is very weak and the result is negative, while other signs of pregnancy are present, this diagnosis must be repeated, preferably with 2-3 tests from different companies.

And how to determine pregnancy without a test at home? It is also quite realistic - you can measure BT (we already wrote about this in this article) or listen to your body and try to find likely symptoms interesting position.

Are looking for likely signs pregnancy

For example, toxicosis. This is probably the most common companion of any pregnancy. In varying degrees, toxicosis manifests itself in everyone. For some, this is mild nausea in the morning and intolerance to certain foods, while for others frequent vomiting, loss of appetite and other "gastrointestinal troubles".

Another common sign of pregnancy is changes in the mammary glands. They can literally grow by 1-2 sizes before our eyes, and this is not surprising, because from the first weeks the breasts begin to prepare for lactation. A little later, you can notice the darkening of the nipples, and the discharge from them a small amount liquids when pressed are colostrum, pre-milk.

The third sign is an increase in temperature, no, not only basal, but the whole body. And with all this, there are no symptoms of diseases. You just need to endure this phenomenon, avoid overheating, ventilate the room more often and everything will return to normal.

A marked increase in the amount of discharge from the genital tract. Normally, they are transparent, viscous, odorless. It is from these secretions that a cork is created in the cervix, which will protect the uterus from penetration of infection from the vagina into it. The mucus plug comes off before childbirth. The appearance of bleeding indicates either the onset next menstruation, or a miscarriage. In the second case, as a rule, the discharge is quite plentiful. Arise pain in the abdomen.

The next symptom is mild aching pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination. The pain is similar to premenstrual pain. Attention, if both of these symptoms are present, and urination is not only frequent, but also painful, then this is a symptom of cystitis, not pregnancy. And his treatment should be handled by a urologist.

The rest of the signs are probabilistic. It's insomnia, change taste sensations, mood swings, etc.

What will the doctors tell us?

But not all women know exactly how to determine pregnancy in the early stages, and therefore those who are most concerned about their health turn to gynecologists. Going to see a doctor due to a delay in menstruation is worth at least 2 or even 4 weeks after it starts. You understand perfectly well that the absence of menstruation can be caused by many reasons and it’s not at all a fact that this is due to a possible interesting position. In addition, at a very early date, the doctor during the examination will not be able to accurately diagnose you, therefore, if nothing hurts or worries, you can not rush to the doctor. If only possible pregnancy is not undesirable for you ... Then you need to run headlong to the doctor.

And although the doctor cannot accurately diagnose pregnancy at such an early date, a laboratory assistant who does a blood test for the presence of hCG can do this at once (the analysis can be taken even before the start of the delay, in the morning, on an empty stomach).

Ultrasound also shows the fetus in the early stages, literally from 2 weeks of delay. Approximately then it is already possible to say whether the baby is developing or not by the presence of contractions of the heart muscle.

So we answered the question of how to determine pregnancy in the first days after the fertilization of the egg and after the start of a delay in menstruation. By the way, the second sign is the main reason to suspect pregnancy if a woman is sexually active.


Tell me, please, is there any way to determine pregnancy without a test.

Of course, I already bought a test, but I want some more methods and ways to accurately determine pregnancy.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Of course, you are right that you bought a pregnancy test. This is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to determine an interesting position.

Only now its sensitivity does not always allow you to determine pregnancy before a delay or in the first days, but I know how impatient you are and how you want to quickly or make sure happy event or collect hopes and wait for a new cycle.

To determine pregnancy without a test before a delay, you can see what signs of pregnancy you have.

The more signs you notice, the more likely you are to be pregnant.

Signs of pregnancy

  1. Swollen and painful mammary glands;

Hypersensitivity of the nipples and their pigmentation, engorgement, breast enlargement, indicate the work of the hormonal system in a new mode.

  1. Heaviness in the lower abdomen;

In addition to discomfort, many feel as if “butterflies flutter” inside.

During this period, one can observe spotting discharge, accompanied by cramps and spasms, which in turn can also be attributed to the approaching " critical days', not to mention diseases genitourinary system, as well as the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy.

  1. Manifestations of toxicosis;

Nausea, vomiting are characteristic of the first period of fertilization.

It seems that only this indicator can be the main one in determining pregnancy at home without a test, only in cases of poisoning these signs can also appear.

  1. Increased body temperature;

If for several days there is subfebrile temperature, then this may be a signal of implantation of the fetal egg. But we must not forget about the possibility inflammatory process, which also gives such a clinical condition.

Indirect symptoms of pregnancy

  • Gastronomic fads;

There is a strong reaction to certain products. For example, there are often cases when a woman during pregnancy cannot stand the smell at all. raw meat. Or vice versa, ready to walk for hours along the counters with fish.

When the body reacts so violently to changes, determining pregnancy is easy.

  • A sharp set of extra pounds;

Someone is sick of one type of food, and someone wakes up a "brutal" appetite. In connection with large meals and the absorption of liquids, future mom begins to rapidly gain weight, and swelling is not long in coming.

  • Mood swings are typical during pregnancy;
  • Drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue;

At the very beginning of the wonderful period of pregnancy, the body spends a huge amount of energy on reconfiguring all systems. Therefore, a sudden onset of fatigue helps to clarify the whole picture.

  • Frequent urination, as in cystitis;

It occurs due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder. Although this phenomenon is typical for more late dates, there are girls for whom this particular symptom answers the question of how pregnancy can be determined without a pregnancy test.

  • Metamorphoses associated with a sharp increase and decrease sexual attraction due to changes in the hormonal system during pregnancy.

Ways to determine pregnancy without a test

How was pregnancy determined without tests?

Our great-great-grandmothers had to get out and look for ways to determine pregnancy. But some of them you can do now.

  1. Determination of pregnancy with soda.
  • You will need: morning portion of urine, soda;
  • Having collected required amount urine in a transparent bowl, pour 1 tsp of soda;
  • Usually, the discharge is acidic, and in the case of pregnancy, the PH level shifts in favor of alkalinity;
  • Thus, in the first case, a reaction with bubbles will occur, and in the second, a precipitate will be obtained;
  • Also, read the article on this subject: Determination of pregnancy with baking soda >>>.
  1. It is necessary to collect morning urine and boil. Then, pour into a glass container. If whitish flakes are observed, then the answer is yes. Otherwise, pregnancy did not occur;
  2. Determining pregnancy with iodine.
  • You will need: morning urine and iodine;
  • In a container with liquid, you need to carefully drop an iodine solution from a pipette;
  • Did the drop immediately dissolve? The result of the study can be considered negative. But if a droplet floats on the surface for some time, then, most likely, the pregnancy is confirmed.

A drop of iodine can be dropped onto the soaked morning urine paper strip. If habitual Brown color reagent changed to bluish-violet, then a sign of pregnancy is evident.

  1. Another method of how pregnancy can be determined without tests, using urine, was used in even more ancient centuries:
  • Red wine was mixed with urine;
  • Then, the behavior of the mixture was observed;
  • While maintaining the transparency of the "cocktail", they issued a positive verdict.

Pregnancy and basal temperature

The easiest way to determine pregnancy without a test is to measure basal body temperature.

It is necessary to measure the temperature for 5 minutes in the rectum in the early morning, without getting out of bed. It is advisable to exclude any movements immediately after waking up.

  1. After ovulation has occurred, two or three days before menstruation, the temperature, which rises to 36.8 - 37.2 degrees during ovulation, should be sharply lowered;
  2. Ideally, if you have already plotted basal temperature charts for 2-3 months and you have something to compare temperature readings with (see article

You may be assigned to ultrasonography or take urine tests that will already confirm or disprove the fact of pregnancy.

Pregnancy test

You can determine the basal temperature using a mercury or digital thermometer. They do this at the same time (in the morning) while lying in bed, while fixing the temperature in the mouth or in the vagina.

This is done throughout the entire cycle, and it is best to measure directly during menstruation. Keeping a temperature chart for at least three months in a row will give you a 100% result.

Folk methods

With the help of onions

Place heads onion in two glasses. The first bulb will talk about the presence of pregnancy in you, the second - about its absence.

If the feathers of the onion from the first glass grew 4 cm first, then you are pregnant; otherwise, the result is negative.

Dreams about fish

Everyone famous dream that you are fishing indicates pregnancy. But this is not always a 100% result.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages is a rather important question. He is also interested in those women whose plans do not yet include having children and those who dream of a child. We will consider the most common and affordable methods to determine your status as soon as possible after conception.

Pregnancy test

This method of diagnosing pregnancy is extremely convenient and affordable. The main thing is to follow the simplest instructions.

So, to get a reliable result, you need:

  • do the test not earlier than the designated period (usually this is the first day of a missed period);
  • strictly follow the instructions for implementation;
  • buy a test with the highest sensitivity;
  • carry out diagnostics in morning time;
  • before diagnosis, do not urinate for 5-6 hours (which is why early morning is the ideal time to do it);
  • with a doubtful result (the second strip is blurry, barely noticeable), the test should be repeated.

In pharmacies, you can see 3 types of tests: regular strips, tablet and electronic. The latter, as you might guess, will be more expensive. Buy the one that feels more comfortable. The main thing is high sensitivity.

Many women carry out home diagnostics of pregnancy even before the start of the delay, which is already contrary to the instructions of the test. And therefore, false negative results are often obtained, since hCG (“pregnancy hormone”) begins to be produced only 7-10 days later immediately after fertilization of the egg, that is, just before the start of the delay. However, there is a way to get a reliable result even earlier. So, how to determine pregnancy in the early stages without a test, is it possible?

Blood test for hCG

This method makes it possible to find out about your position even before the start of the delay, approximately 6-10 days from sexual intercourse (conception). In addition, quantitative hCG indicators make it possible to judge whether a pregnancy develops or not. So for the first two weeks of hCG will be equal to 25 - 300 mU / ml, and on the third already 1500 - 5000 mU / ml. If the result is greater than these values, the doctor may suspect hydatidiform mole or development of 2 or more embryos. Smaller values ​​\u200b\u200bare in frozen and ectopic pregnancy. A blood test for hCG is the most accurate diagnostic method to date. Here's how to determine pregnancy in the early stages before a missed period.

In very rare cases increase in hCG in a woman, it does not occur due to pregnancy, but is a symptom of an oncological disease. In addition, hCG may be normally elevated for some time after childbirth, induced abortion or miscarriage.


You can see the fertilized egg in the uterus when hCG values above 1000 mU / ml, it is desirable to use a vaginal probe. For reliability, it is better to do an ultrasound after the start of the delay, at least a week later (the size of the embryo will be 2-4 mm in this case). If hCG is significantly higher than 0, there are other signs of pregnancy, but the doctor does not see the fetal egg in the uterus, they may suspect ectopic pregnancy. Such a patient requires careful medical supervision and ultrasound control.

It is worth noting that ultrasound at such an early date “according to plan” is not carried out. Only if the doctor has reason to suspect any pathology, or if the woman is going to have an abortion. No pathology of fetal development at such an early stage can be determined. In medical terms, an ultrasound scan at 12 weeks is much more informative.

Gynecological examination

If you are looking for a way to determine pregnancy at the earliest possible date, then this option- not the best. But it's better than being ignorant. Let's say right away that you can not count on the definition of pregnancy before the start of the delay. Yes, and after a delay (3-4 obstetric week) diagnosis is difficult, since the size of the uterus is still little different from the usual.

The doctor pays attention to Hegar's symptom (determined no earlier than 2 weeks after the onset of the delay, the uterus is enlarged, its lower edge is softened) and Chadwick's symptom (the walls of the vagina, the cervix become bluish).

Subjective sensations

This is something that the doctor should also pay attention to.

1. Increase in body temperature and basal. This is due to an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone. However, expectant mothers do not always have this symptom. Modern doctors advise not to take into account the basal temperature, in order to avoid incorrect interpretation of the measurement results and the low reliability of this method.

2. Mammary glands. They undergo changes in expectant mothers. Many women are sure how to determine pregnancy at an early stage - you just need to press the nipple, and if liquid comes out from there, then the answer is positive. However, colostrum is not always allocated at such an early date. In addition, the appearance of colostrum may not be related to pregnancy.

In addition to discharge from the nipples, the expectant mother may notice pain in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands (without localization at a certain point), as well as their slight increase.

3. Nausea. Usually, toxicosis appears after the onset of the delay, but some especially sensitive women begin to feel unwell even earlier. The main thing is not to confuse toxicosis with poisoning.

4. Abundant discharge. Transparent, odorless, non-irritating. This phenomenon is familiar to many women. Such discharge is observed during ovulation. And during pregnancy, another 2-4 weeks continue.

5. It's no secret how to determine pregnancy in the first week after the start of the delay. And if the delay has not begun, there is bloody discharge from the genital tract, but at the same time there are some signs of pregnancy, then this may indicate either a miscarriage or a threatened miscarriage. You should take a blood test for hCG and do an ultrasound.