Increased nervousness during pregnancy: normal or abnormal? Why pregnant women should not cry and be nervous, how nervousness affects the fetus, how to reduce irritability.

To mom

The woman begins get upset over trifles, sort things out, switch to a higher tone. Very often this is accompanied by tearfulness.

After such breakdowns, the pregnant woman suffers from remorse and guilt. It is very unpleasant that such situations arise quite often.

At the same time, the expectant mother realizes that she herself provokes scandals. However, she cannot cope with her irritability.

What to do in this case? First of all, you need to understand the causes of nervousness.

Where does everything come from?

Pregnancy is accompanied by major changes in the body. This also applies to hormonal levels. Changes in hormonal status cause irritability.

Hormonal shift- this is the main factor determining the state of mind of a pregnant woman.

That's why don't be self-flagellation and blame everything on bad character. We must try to prevent sudden outbursts of anger. In addition, all other factors that cause attacks of irritability should be eliminated.

When will it strike?

According to experts, in in the first trimester, excitability, on the contrary, decreases.

Many women become lethargic and distracted. Pregnant women experience constant drowsiness. All these factors have a beneficial effect on health. A calm state leads to relaxation of the uterus.

Attacks of unrest and new experiences begin in the second trimester. During this period, the pregnant woman experiences mental stress.

It is then that anxiety, suspiciousness, nervousness and irritability appear. The inhibited state is replaced by increased excitability.

What can cause nervousness?

Women endure especially difficult trials who are engaged in stressful work. A responsible leadership position also creates additional pressures.

At this time, the woman begins to get offended for minor reasons. She can stick to words. It is very good if the work team treats a pregnant woman with understanding. However, each the expectant mother must learn to control herself. After all, an even greater load awaits her ahead.

Childbirth and the first months of a child’s life are intense moral and physical tests. Much here depends on the immediate environment of the pregnant woman. Support from loved ones, a sense of security and a comfortable environment at home- these are the important factors that help prevent nervousness.

If a pregnant woman continues to work for a long time, it is doubly difficult for her. She puts on extra pounds, her legs swell and her back hurts. At the same time, she manages to take care of the family, do the cleaning and look after her husband.

Closer to childbirth, it becomes difficult for a woman to walk and sit. In such a situation, it is not at all surprising that the pregnant woman is nervous.

By creating a harmonious environment in the home and caring for a woman, loved ones can make her life much easier. Even a little help during this period will be invaluable..

It very often happens that the pregnant woman begins to perceive herself as the center of the universe. She does her best to draw attention to her situation.

Sometimes women try to show how difficult it is for them to bear the burden of great responsibility. They constantly complain and talk about their ailments.

If a woman believes that her loved ones care little about her, then she becomes furious. Such psychological problems cause a lot of trouble for the relatives of the pregnant woman.

Experts say that this is how women trying to get an increased dose of love and participation from loved ones.

Very dangerous if a pregnant woman begins to believe in her imaginary problems. Negative thoughts create a negative emotional background. As a result, the woman experiences complications. Therefore, it is important not to allow negative emotions into your life.

Managing Anger

To extinguish irritability at the very beginning, simple rules should be followed.

Treat events with humor. If you look at the world with a smile, life will seem much more pleasant.

Don't report your health to others. This is true for many pregnant women. When asked by the first friend they meet, they begin to pour out their souls. As a result of such a conversation, a pregnant woman may receive a bunch of useless and harmful advice.

If this is your first pregnancy, you should not listen to scary stories about labor pains, anomalies, complications and other stories. Caring relatives of the older generation can give you a lot of unnecessary information.

Not worth it trust unverified data. First of all, you need to listen to your doctor. Then you can maintain calm and good mood. All this will have the most favorable effect on your health.

Keep the situation under control. If you feel uncomfortable during a conversation, change from victim to attacker. Ask counter sensitive questions to your interlocutor. If you don't like the conversation, end the conversation.

During pregnancy, you need to take care of your psyche and not allow other people’s influence.

Guard your comfort zone. You should not allow unpleasant or unfamiliar people around you. Pregnancy is a period that is best spent in some isolation. This will help prevent irritability.

If the cause of a bad mood is any smells or tastes, then simply exclude them out of my life for a few months.

As practice shows, it has a good calming effect drawing. If you don't like to draw, then find something else you like. You can do light physical labor. Has a positive impact.

Fresh air, walks, listening to calm music are important factors that help eliminate irritability during pregnancy.

The main rule- tune in only to positive events. Don't let negativity into your life. Forgetting about the bad, you can enjoy the changes that are happening in your body.

A woman's greatest joy is her child. While waiting for your miracle, do not waste your energy on trifles.

Hello, dear readers! Today I would like to raise the following topic: irritability in early pregnancy. While carrying a child, women often become nervous over trifles, become irritated and experience rapid mood swings. How to learn to be calmer, not spoil relationships with your husband and other relatives and be happy.

Oh those nerves

I believe that the birth of a child is the greatest miracle in the world. When a woman carries a baby within herself, she becomes a goddess who gives life to a new person. But this process is not easy. Changes occur in the body and this greatly affects the emotional and physical state of the girl.

Mood swings can occur in both early and late pregnancy. Your main task is to study a new state. The body is going through a different period and you must be prepared for it. Catch your feelings and reactions. Don't throw them away, but try to figure it out. Where does irritation come from, what makes you smile, at what point did you want to cry?

Keep track of such moments and it will become much easier for you to manage your condition.

Also, don't forget to talk to your baby. Remember that he experiences absolutely everything that happens to you. Tell him about yourself, about your spouse and everything else. Share your experiences with him. At the moment, the little one is your most faithful listener. For example, I took vocal classes.

There are a large number of techniques to help you cope with your mood. We'll talk about them later.

Relationship with your spouse

It is very important to maintain mutual understanding with your husband during pregnancy. Remember that it is difficult for him too. Not as much as you, but still. Once again, don’t swear at him if he does something wrong. Learn to speak calmly and peacefully.

If your husband annoys you, then the article “” will be incredibly useful to you. There I described in detail what needs to be done so as not to completely quarrel with my spouse.

The main principle of your interaction is honesty. If you don't have enough attention, don't be afraid to ask for it. The main thing is to be nice and calm, and not screaming. Agree, you yourself will not be very pleased if they demand something from you in a hysterical manner.

If your husband wears a perfume that gives you a headache, then tell him so directly. Let him stop wearing cologne for a while. There is nothing wrong with this request. But if you remain silent over such trifles and accumulate such irritants, then sooner or later this can all result in a major quarrel.

Do not forget that your husband does not have a third eye with which he can predict your desires or guess your grievances. The more you talk to your spouse, the less likely there is to be a scandal. The more open and honest the conversations are, the less will remain behind the scenes, as they say.

Taking care of yourself and your baby

The reasons that can make a pregnant woman lose her temper are multifaceted and endless. In any specific case there will be something different. One friend of mine was annoyed by the doorbell, another was annoyed by tangerines that were not peeled, and the third lost her temper when she was called by her full name.

You need to focus on yourself and your baby. Come up with different pampering activities for yourself. This could be food, going to your favorite restaurant, your favorite movie, massage and much more. These things will help you relax and not think about changing your mood. Doing something nice for yourself is always useful.

Also, don't forget about . Be sure to take vitamins after consulting your doctor. They are not only good for your health, but also have a great effect on your mood. You shouldn’t limit yourself too much in something, for example, if you want fried potatoes. In terms of diet, it would be better to consult your perinatologist.

Another nice thing that will help you calm down and relax is aromatherapy. Of course, it also happens that a woman during pregnancy is very bothered by various odors. But the beauty here is that you can find a scent that will be pleasant to you personally. There are a huge number of different oils on the market, among which it is not so difficult to choose the one you like.

Don't sit still

Remember that movement is life. Nobody is asking you to run like a doe. But physical activity is a must. The easiest option is walking. Alone, with your husband or with friends. Walking in the fresh air not only helps you relax and calm down, but also lifts your spirits. Remember how, as a child, you loved to run out of the house and spend as much time as possible outside.

Another option for physical activity is various exercises and activities for pregnant women. You can attend groups where other expectant mothers go. There you can share your stories and experiences. You can study at home. The Internet is filled with various video courses, including options for pregnant women.

In addition, breathing helps a lot against nervous breakdowns. Find a breathing technique that suits you and use it in those moments when you feel irritation approaching. You can combine aromatherapy and breathing exercises.

Don't forget about your favorite thing. If you have a hobby, be sure to do it as often as possible. When a person spends time doing what he loves, he experiences a surge of the hormone of happiness. And this is very important for you. In addition, you can easily turn your hobby into income during pregnancy. I discussed the issue of earning money in more detail in the article “”.

How can you cope with irritability? Search and try different options. If, for example, breathing technique does not suit you, then you can always try do yoga, change your daily routine, change your diet, walk more, and so on. Don't settle on one way to relax. The best rest is a change of activity.

I am sure that you will definitely be able to find your own option for calming down. Remember that there is a little person inside you and he perfectly senses when you are nervous. There is nothing in this world that can make you lose your temper. Remember this!

Hello, dear ladies! Today I would like to talk about what to do if your husband is annoying during pregnancy. Is it really his fault or are you too demanding? How to cope with your constantly changing mood and not completely ruin your relationship with your spouse.

Hormonal surges

How often do I hear stories from pregnant women that everything infuriates them, completely ordinary things irritate them and they don’t know how to deal with it. Why this happens, I think, is not worth explaining. A new person grows inside a woman. And of course, this cannot pass without leaving a trace. For some, pregnancy proceeds more calmly, for others less so. But changes in behavior are observed in almost one hundred percent of cases.

It even happens that a woman is shocked by herself. She had never noticed such behavior in herself, but suddenly it seemed to jam. Do not worry. There's nothing wrong with that. After you give birth, it will take a little time for your emotions to return to their normal state. You will no longer want one thing or another. My article “” will help you plan your schedule after childbirth harmoniously.

Some doctors prescribe vitamin complexes that can help calm emotional outbursts a little. It's up to you to decide whether to use them or not. But for residents of big cities, vitamins will never be superfluous.

It is possible to work with your emotions during pregnancy. Yes - it's not easy. But probably. Learn to breathe, don’t get too excited, don’t overwork yourself, don’t expose yourself to too much stress. Always remember that you are now in a very vulnerable state. After all, a pregnant woman can easily be brought to tears or enraged.

Interactions with husband

I often hear complaints about spouses. His attitude towards me has not changed, he has not become more caring at all, he does not pay attention to me, he cannot please me. My husband smells bad, he slurps too loudly, his perfume makes me sick, and so on.

The thing is that normally you could ignore such moments. But pregnancy can sharpen their perception and now, it catches your eye that you can no longer endure it.

In everyday life, it is not always easy for men to find a common language with a woman, and even during pregnancy it can be very difficult. Dear ladies, I ask you to remember this and not immediately blame the man for everything. Don't make scandals for him and don't throw hysterics. Let's try to figure it out.

If your spouse annoys you, then try to understand why this is happening. What exactly doesn't suit you? If this is some kind of physical action, then a simple conversation with the future dad will help you. For example, you don't like his stubble. It irritates your skin when you kiss, pricks or tickles. Quietly and calmly ask him to shave. Don’t yell at him, saying you’re a fool for not seeing this, it’s unpleasant for me. No, he doesn't see. Men are not clairvoyant and need to be explained and clarified. How will he know that his cologne makes you nauseous if you don't tell him? Tell him this calmly and directly.

If you notice that irritation appears due to a lack of attention or care on his part, then this is where you should think before talking to him about it. Is it really just your husband who doesn’t pay attention to you, or does it just seem that way to you?

Remember that it will be more effective to gently ask for attention and care as much as possible. By throwing a tantrum or a scandal, you will only turn a man against you. If you want him to hug you, just come and hug him yourself. Or ask. Don't yell at your spouse.

If you want to be alone, and your husband is constantly fussing around, again, don’t swear at him. Calmly ask him to leave you alone. There's nothing wrong with that.

Try to rein yourself in

So, what to do when your hormones are playing tricks on you? Try to calm yourself down. Don't be nervous where you don't need to be. It is best, in general, to avoid stress and unpleasant situations. But this is practically impossible.

Find a breathing technique that suits you. If you feel like you are about to lose your temper and start screaming or cursing, freeze for a moment. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Close your eyes and breathe. Calm and slow. And only after the emotions have subsided, answer.

Don't look for reasons to argue with your husband. Now, on the contrary, you need affection and care. Just like your loved one. You are expecting a child. You will soon have another family member. This is one of the most magical events in the family. Rejoice and be happy. Try talking to your husband. Even if he annoys you. Don't be afraid to tell him directly. Only without harsh and rude words. Gently and kindly.

Walk more. Rest. Go to exhibitions, meet with friends. Look for activities that calm you down. Think about the ways you used to restore your strength and improve your mood. Perhaps you will find a hobby that you can do together with your husband.

I hope my article helped you at least a little and gave you interesting ideas. I'm sure you will succeed. You will be able to live this period in harmony with your husband and yourself. The main thing is to love each other and support each other.

All the best to you!

We know why! As always, during pregnancy everything is to blame for the hormonal background, or rather, its hurricane changes that literally take the soul out of the expectant mother. These hitherto unfamiliar radical mood swings make her experience more than just positive emotions.

By the way, for many women the signal of pregnancy is precisely:

  • unexpected tearfulness,
  • sudden anxiety
  • a sudden feeling of childish helplessness (which also does not add peace of mind).

It is believed that it is in the first trimester that expectant mothers experience the most severe nervousness, because the female body has just begun to adapt to the recently begun, but already very rapid changes, and reacts to them, including changes in emotions.

There is nothing strange or unhealthy about this: we say “hormones” - we mean “emotions”, we say “emotions” - we mean “hormones” (may Vladimir Mayakovsky forgive me).

Which pregnant women are more prone to mood swings than others?

In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers who:

  1. Excessively nervous in life or had neurological diseases before pregnancy.
  2. They suffer from hypochondria: they are used to worrying about themselves, and now the health of the unborn child is an inexhaustible source of anxiety.
  3. We got pregnant unexpectedly, the pregnancy was not planned.
  4. During pregnancy they do not receive moral support from close people: husband, relatives, friends.
  5. Even before pregnancy, they had disorders of the endocrine system or acquired complications along this line with its onset.

Possible consequences of nervous breakdowns and hysterics during pregnancy

The question of why pregnant women shouldn’t be nervous, in my opinion, makes expectant mothers even more nervous. During the period of bearing a baby, a woman already has a hormonal storm raging in her body, and she is also constantly reminded: “You shouldn’t be nervous and cry, remember, this will harm the child, forget about your worries, step on the throat of your emotions!”

In my opinion, such advice triggers a mechanism similar to the anecdotal one: to know the truth, drink a specially prepared potion and NEVER THINK ABOUT THE WHITE MONKEY! It’s the same during pregnancy: don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous!

The expectant mother will inevitably become nervous if she is constantly reminded of this. In addition, it is impossible for even non-pregnant people to remain calm all the time, unless 100% phlegmatic people manage to do so. Sometimes even “calm as elephants” people become furious, let alone pregnant women experiencing crazy hormonal changes. Everything is just good in moderation.

Dear pregnant expectant mothers! If you want to cry - cry a little, if you want to get irritated - release your anger. Just do it consciously. Don't give in to extremes. In other words, don't get hysterical, because this is really dangerous.

Yes, you have an excuse: along with all other hormones, the release of the stress hormone cortisol also increases. But please realize that you have the power to cope with negative emotions and refrain from hysterics and nervous breakdowns.

Risk of miscarriage

In the early stages, nervous breakdowns can lead to miscarriage. A sharp release of cortisol tones the uterus and causes it to contract. This is dangerous throughout pregnancy, since at the beginning it can provoke a miscarriage, and towards the end - premature birth.

This, in fact, is the main danger of hysterics and nervous breakdowns during pregnancy - here lies a direct threat to the life of both the unborn baby and the expectant mother.

In addition to “incompatibility with life,” there are a number of negative consequences of emotional incontinence during pregnancy.

Negative impact on the psyche and development of the unborn child

Firstly, a nervous mother makes the fetus nervous, which has a detrimental effect on the formation of the child’s nervous system and psyche. Correlations have already been found between maternal stress during pregnancy and the development of schizophrenia or autism in the infant.

Maternal nervousness especially affects the psyche of boys. Perhaps, the desire to avoid such a prospect for your baby is a good antidote to the need to be nervous during pregnancy.

The risk of developing stress in a baby before and after birth

Secondly, even if we exclude serious mental illnesses in the unborn child, maternal stress during pregnancy can lead to prolonged stress in the baby before and after birth.

While the child lives in the mother's womb, he receives hormones through the general blood supply and through the pregnant woman's placenta. Cortisol changes the chemical composition of the blood and tissues of the placenta, which, in turn, makes it difficult for the fetus to breathe, plunges it into hypoxia and affects the slowdown of development.

When the baby is born, this entire hormonal cocktail received from a nervous mother continues to prevent him from living a peaceful life: the baby cries a lot, sleeps poorly, and has difficulty feeding.

A vicious circle of stress closes: the mother was nervous during pregnancy - the fetus received unwanted hormones. As a result, a nervous child was born; he sleeps and eats poorly, which means he does not allow his parents to sleep. His unstable development upsets his mother - as a result, the woman does not get out of the stress.

The threat of weakened immunity in the unborn baby

Thirdly, an even more distant prospect for the deterioration of the health of a future son or daughter due to the nervousness of the mother is a weakened immune system and hyperactivity, which means a painful childhood and reduced learning ability.

Factors that provoke increased nervousness during pregnancy

Constantly changing hormonal levels

The main factor has already been described by us: unstable hormonal levels. It is hormones that are responsible for emotions, and, consequently, for mood, and not only in pregnant women, it’s just that all this has a stronger effect on expectant mothers.

And then all that remains is to get used to the idea that the body is now pregnant, which means emotions can change, because the endocrine system is being rebuilt, and all this happens inside me while pregnant. This factor is internal.

There are, however, some reasons that can change a woman’s mood from the outside (and again, not only in pregnant women, but in them it is somehow more noticeable).


It is clear that this sensitivity itself is also an internal factor and completely hormonal-dependent, but it is provoked by weather changes: in the rain you want to cry, the wind increases anxiety, temperature changes - headache and melancholy, the sun - quiet happiness.

Or, on the contrary, anger: I, poor pot-bellied one, am suffering here, and this “yellow face” has come out again!

Lunar cycle

Since ancient times it has been known that the menstrual cycle is associated with the lunar cycle, because blood is a liquid, and all the ebbs and flows on earth are controlled by the moon. In pregnant women, menstruation, of course, stops, but, firstly, the body still “remembers” these cycles for approximately the entire first trimester.

And, secondly, the pregnant woman’s womb is filled with all sorts of additional fluids, such as amniotic fluid, plus the volume of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid increases, so the moon has something to control in the pregnant body. And when there are ebbs and flows inside, the mood will inevitably begin to change, if only because of changes in well-being.

Psychological atmosphere around a pregnant woman

Well, here we are talking about well-known things like the support of the child’s father, the parents of the pregnant woman, her various relatives and friends... When all this is there, the pregnant woman feels that both she and the baby are loved, there is somehow more peace of mind in her soul.

Although there are two sides to the coin here: I have more than once heard complaints from young mothers that after the birth of a child everything has changed, the husband and other relatives concentrate on the offspring, and she, the poor thing, no longer receives as much care as she did during pregnancy. So too much of a good thing is also bad.

Unexpected pregnancy

I really don’t want to mention this reason for the hysteria of the expectant mother, but, nevertheless, it exists: the pregnancy was not desired. Awareness of the “unplannedness” of one’s situation, coupled with unstable hormonal levels, increases nervousness in a pregnant woman and can lead to nervous breakdowns.

How to learn not to be nervous during pregnancy?

This is quite easy to do.

  1. If possible, do what the pregnant body wants: eat, drink, sleep, walk. If the body just wants to lie down and eat, turn on the brain and take yourself for a walk.
  2. Seeing the right doctor, listening to him and following his recommendations: among other things, this is reassuring. In addition, the doctor knows well that you should not be nervous during pregnancy, and will decide what to do as a last resort: prescribe a sedative.
  3. Attend classes for pregnant women - gymnastics, swimming, sauna (unless, of course, all this is contraindicated due to the characteristics of your pregnancy). Confidently taking care of yourself and your unborn child also gives you peace of mind.
  4. Take care not only of the body, but also of the soul: read interesting books, specialized publications for expectant parents, study your pregnancy. If you are a working pregnant woman and love your job, work for your health, this is an excellent prevention of intellectual stagnation.
  5. And finally, one more piece of advice. It is harsh, but often works, which is why this simple method is actively used in sports. If you can’t calm down and you’re literally shaking, think about your child and tell yourself: “Well, pull yourself together, you wimp!”

Any nervousness of the mother affects the condition and well-being of the unborn child. A pregnant woman clearly feels this in the third trimester, when the baby is already moving. Having “become nervous” together with his mother, he begins to spin vigorously and kick, not allowing him to sit or lie down. The results of stress can be much more serious: in the early stages you can lose your baby or “reward” him with chronic diseases. The threat of miscarriage persists for 9 months, so it is important to learn to control yourself.

“All on nerves!”, or Why are pregnant women so irritable?

Exciting anticipation of the birth of a child, caring loved ones, a pregnant woman glowing from the great mystery of nature... For some reason, these idyllic pictures turn out to be far from reality.

Often, a woman carrying a child is nervous and stressed all the time, because the body is being rebuilt to ensure normal growth, development and protection of the new life. This explains irritability during pregnancy, tearfulness, outbursts of emotions, and sentimentality.

Doctors note a number of reasons that can disrupt balance:

  1. Hormonal levels: changing levels of progesterone and estrogen, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, cause irritability and mood swings. Progesterone, which is responsible for premenstrual syndrome, is produced in larger quantities during pregnancy, the endocrine system cannot keep up with all the changes, estrogen adds problems to neurotransmitters that transmit signals to the brain. Hysterics, suspiciousness, depression, laughter, fatigue, drowsiness, phobias at this time are the “merit” of hormones.
  2. Physical condition: the developing fetus “spurs up” the appetite, toxicosis of the first trimester recedes, and in the 2nd trimester the expectant mother feels the baby, and at the same time - heaviness in the stomach, pressure on the abdominal organs, digestive problems, heartburn, constipation and other “delights”. The body continues to adapt to the developing fetus and its needs, working for two. In the third it becomes even more difficult. Swelling, increased weight, new onset of toxicosis, increasing pressure on all organs of mood do not improve.
  3. Psychological state: hormones provoke an intensification of all emotions, so that during the 3 trimesters a woman will have to experience worry about the child and his health, fears of losing the baby or family and friends, hypochondria. If you are prone to neurasthenia, irritability during pregnancy will become stronger, and existing chronic diseases may worsen.

Nervousness is associated with weather sensitivity, lunar cycles, and the child’s temperament. Explanations can be found in a variety of ways, the main thing is that you need to treat a pregnant woman with understanding and patience, surrounded by care. It is important to support and reassure the expectant mother if the conception was unexpected, unwanted, the father does not want to hear about the baby if the woman is not legally married. Excitement and anxiety for your fate and the future of the baby are understandable and justified, but are these worries worth the health of the baby?

Is it possible to stabilize the psychological state of a pregnant woman?

Dear reader!

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

Not everyone knows how to love themselves, and when your body changes in anticipation of a child, blurs, becomes unattractive, it’s hard not to get nervous. Out of self-love, the expectant mother needs to continue to take care of her body, accepting its condition and listening to life, which is gaining strength.

Gradually, everything will return to normal, and the woman will celebrate each change with ever-increasing pride in herself, her ability to bring a new person into this world. The care of family and friends is the best antidepressant and sedative, but sometimes, in order to stabilize the psychological state, you have to resort to medicine. It is worth remembering a few rules that will help you cope with sudden outbursts of anger, irritability, and find peace:

Truly close people will never blame the expectant mother for her whims, outbursts of anger, hysteria or nervousness. It is better for a woman not to harbor grudges, not to become depressed from thoughts about how she has changed, but to ask for advice from loved ones, to talk openly about fears and well-being.

The doctor decides whether the expectant mother needs special medications to normalize the condition. You should not take without his permission even those medications that were usually taken without fear, this can have a detrimental effect on the development of the child.

How do the mother's nervousness and negative experiences affect the fetus?

From the first days of pregnancy, the main thing for the mother should be the health of the baby. When answering the question why you shouldn’t be nervous, doctors honestly tell pregnant women that the consequences for the child may be unpredictable. Whatever events occur, they should not be allowed to influence the psychological state. Many people know that irritable mothers risk giving birth to a mentally unbalanced baby who is tormented by whims. Constant emotional instability, irritability, stress can cause:

  • miscarriage in the first weeks;
  • premature birth;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus due to narrowing of blood vessels with a sharp release of adrenaline;
  • malformations of the cardiovascular system, which are caused by cortisol;
  • diabetes (the stress hormone cortisol increases blood sugar levels);
  • asymmetry of the baby’s body (doctors associate this phenomenon with the constant nervous tension of the mother in the first and second third of pregnancy);
  • pathologies of brain development, which leads to mental retardation;
  • complicated and premature births, stillbirths;
  • emotional instability, low level of self-control, nervous diseases of the child in the future.

Obstetricians believe that rapid labor and the absence of a cry in the first minute of a girl’s life and rapid labor with premature rupture of amniotic fluid and large ruptures in boys are associated with strong negative experiences of the pregnant woman. As a result of an explosion of emotions and irritability, a newborn and his mother may suffer; the consequences sometimes become irreversible (bleeding, asphyxia, injuries).

The influence of stress on pregnancy

When talking about why pregnant women should not be nervous, doctors name the most likely consequences of irritation. This includes fetal hypoxia and the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies due to vasospasm, which leads to mental retardation, the development of mental and nervous diseases in childhood or adolescence, autism, and immune deficiency.

Carrying a child is already a serious stress for the body, and if it is fueled by external causes, then the risk of miscarriage in the early stages, miscarriages, gestosis in the last weeks with high blood pressure, nausea, and disruption of the genitourinary system becomes extremely high. Postpartum depression, which causes mothers in labor to harm themselves and their baby, occurs more often in women suffering from excessive excitability. It is necessary to control yourself throughout your pregnancy, not to be nervous and not to be influenced by negative emotions, for the sake of yourself, your health and the sake of the baby.

How can loved ones help a pregnant woman not to be nervous?

After learning about pregnancy, almost everyone experiences stress (we recommend reading:). Every minute will now be filled with anticipation, anxiety and worries. First of all, of course, taking care of mom and her well-being. It is important that a woman feels loved, needed, and takes care of her nerves. You shouldn’t constantly focus the pregnant woman’s attention on the changes, say that she cried only because of a hormonal imbalance, got offended or scolded the children for the mess, also because of it, blame everything that irritates on suspiciousness and nervousness.

It is better to listen carefully to the expectant mother, reassure her, promise protection, and emphasize again and again how beautiful and loved she is. Relatives should remember that the woman’s character has not deteriorated, but has temporarily become slightly different, and this must be treated with respect, patience and understanding.