How to choose your clothing style: universal tips. How to choose your clothing style

March 8

Did you know that clothes reflect your character? There are things in which you feel confident and good, while in others you cannot even leave the house. If you are still not entirely sure what suits you, what type of clothing characterizes you as a person, then we will tell you how to find your own style in clothing!

Our fashion site has selected 5 simple tips that we hope will help you solve this problem. not an easy task like choosing your own style.

First of all - and this is the most important thing - blindly following fashion is not a method. Your style should be unique, just like you. You can, of course, take inspiration from fashion shows and photographs in color magazines. The word "inspiration" is key here. Cannot passively copy fashion trends, you need to adapt them to your style, lifestyle, figure, etc. But first things first…

So, how to find your own clothing style??

The first step is to inspect the contents of your closet.

First of all, go through your wardrobe and choose clothes that you haven't worn in at least six months. If it fits and isn't too out of fashion, then you're not wearing it for one reason: it's not your style. Give it to someone or just put it away if you are not ready to part with it so easily.

By the way, some things can be altered in such a way that they more suit your tastes - for example, make the neckline deeper, sew on or, on the contrary, remove Bertha, shorten something or change color. Add rhinestones or other decorative elements. It all depends on your imagination.

Step two - which do you prefer?

Now look at the clothes you actively wear and think about why you like to wear them. Maybe you like the fabric it's made from? Perhaps what appeals most to you is the color or the style? Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities you like about your outfits. Also make a list of things that you absolutely dislike. This list will be useful for your future purchases. Now you will have it written in black and white what to pay attention to and what is better to ignore.

Third step - connecting your style and lifestyle

Remember that your lifestyle also plays an important role. For example, you don't need heavy rock-style boots, no matter how fashionable they may be, if you work in an office, or even in Everyday life prefer to look elegant. Conversely, give up fashionable stiletto heels and tight pencil skirts if putting them on every time turns into flour.

And just listen to yourself. Look at different styles clothes, mentally imagine yourself in them, how you will feel, whether you like yourself in such clothes, and how such clothes will fit into your daily life.

There is, however, one nuance here. If, for example, you want to look elegant and sophisticated, but your lifestyle does not allow you to flaunt it every day classic suits and stilettos, then you shouldn’t completely give up the style of your dreams. Just think about how you can “fit it in” and adjust it. For example, trousers can be replaced with jeans, and stilettos with a more comfortable heel. In combination with a jacket, shirt or blouse, they will also look stylish and elegant, and you will feel more comfortable.

Conversely, if you prefer sport style, rock or even grunge, and you need to look sophisticated and sophisticated, then just vary some elements in your clothes. Stylish jacket Biker jacket looks amazing with a tight pencil skirt and formal dress, jeans can be safely combined with a jacket, jumper, T-shirt, etc.

By adjusting your existing clothing style to your tastes and habits, you are adding a touch of individuality to it, making it your own! The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't wear sweatpants with stilettos or pair sneakers with a classic three-piece...we're relying on your gut instinct.

The fourth step is to understand what suits you

Be sure to consider your type of beauty and body shape when choosing clothes and creating your own style. Highlight color scheme, which suits your color type and strictly adhere to it. Today you can find a lot of information on how to choose the color that suits you. But we offer the simplest way. Just bring the fabric, or any item of the color you are interested in, to your face. If your eyes immediately sparkle, your complexion brightens, and you even look a little prettier, then this shade is definitely for you. If you wanted to touch up your makeup a little, change something in your hairstyle, and generally make your face brighter in some way, then it’s obvious that this color scheme is not suitable for you.

Add to the previously prepared list (see point 2) the colors and styles that suit you best and hide flaws. Voila, you're ready to update your wardrobe and find your own style!

By the way, never neglect accessories! They are the ones who put the final touch on your look, give you individuality and set the style. And most importantly, love yourself! Try, experiment, and you will definitely be able to find your own unique style of clothing.

It often happens that a purchased dress or a purchased business suit at some point turns out to be completely unbecoming.

Why this happens, how to deal with it and what principles to choose clothes by, advice from stylists will tell you.

By the way, on the Internet you can find a lot of advice from stylists, most of which are quite vague, but this is not because stylists do not want to reveal professional secrets and are in a conspiracy, but because it is very difficult to give universal tips, which will be equally useful to everyone.
Some advice can be salvation for one and disastrous for another, which is why stylists are so careful in making mass recommendations. The post contains the most universal, but at the same time useful tips that can give something new to those who are seriously passionate about creating a personal image.

How to buy clothes

1. If you are in doubt about whether to buy an item or not, then it is better to buy it, but be sure to keep the receipt so that if you change your mind, you can return it. It’s better to buy and then sell it off, than to suffer from the fact that you didn’t buy the thing you liked at the right time, and then it was no longer there (this will make it seem even more necessary to you), and not buying this thing will seem even more annoying . Keep in mind that if you pay by card, the money will be returned to your card within two weeks, so if you are unsure about the purchase, it is better to pay in cash and check with the seller for possible details of the return.
True, this advice does not apply to purchasing underwear, you will not be able to hand it over.

2. When purchasing, it would be a good idea to inquire about the discount; almost any store can offer a discount of at least 5%, you just need to feel free to ask about it.

3. In order not to carry a huge number of discount cards with you (and they are now issued in every store), some of the cards can be photographed on your phone; in most cases, you just need to give the card number.

4. At the beginning of shopping, do not rush to buy the first thing you like, it is better to ask them to put it aside for you for a couple of hours, perhaps you will find something more interesting in other stores, and if not, then with confidence that you have chosen the best, you will buy the previously postponed item thing.

5. If you are not sure of your taste, then do not combine more than 3 colors in the set and accessories (black, white and gray do not count).

6. “Do you have the same one only with mother-of-pearl buttons?” If the item suits you, but the buttons confuse you, then in addition to the fact that you can simply sew on other buttons, sometimes the existing buttons can be simply “invigorated” with colored nail polish. The main thing during the dyeing process is not to forget to secure the fabric around the button being dyed with tape.
By the way, sometimes jewelry can be improved in this way.

7. The formula for good style is creativity divided by adequacy. That is, your image should not be bland - it is boring and uninteresting, at the same time, excessive creativity gives birth to fashion freaks. Nice style always adequate. Adequate to a person’s appearance, fashion trends, appropriateness and does not contradict the goals.

8. Don't get hung up on lists, otherwise you risk getting a boring and banal set of things.
Each has its own base.

9. Invest in accessories. Expensive and high-quality accessories can increase the value of even the simplest and most inexpensive outfit.

10. Don’t go to the store with your friends - they are bad advisers.

11. Consultants and stylists at stores are the same sellers, whose main function is to provide additional services and sell the goods of a particular store. Therefore, be vigilant when listening to their advice.

12. When choosing an item, think about what you will wear it with. If you don’t have a set for this item in your wardrobe, then think about whether you need it or see point 1.

13. Do not buy trendy items at sales: they are sold out only because the fashion has already passed.

14. The expression “prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter” is not suitable for fashionistas. Buying summer clothes at the beginning of autumn with a 70% discount, expecting to wear them next summer, in a year you risk forgetting about them, and if you remember, they may no longer be relevant or you simply won’t like them, so this is a dubious saving.

15. Throwing old things out of your closet gives you an incentive to buy new ones. Don’t be overly sensitive to old clothes, they’re just things.
Image Industry

How to choose the right clothes

It's rare to meet a woman who is completely satisfied with her figure. More often than not, girls just sigh when looking at the glossy pages of fashion magazines or TV screens. However, anyone can look chic; you just need to choose the right clothes that hide flaws and highlight the advantages that every figure has.

One of the first rules of good manners in clothing is selection of clothes into a “single whole”, that is, the entire set must be designed in the same style and look complete. In order to figure out this issue yourself, you can use clothing catalogs and fashion magazines, they will tell you what to wear with what.
When choosing a wardrobe in a store, try to look at the entire collection and choose the most suitable combinations for you.

Another main point when choosing clothes is clothing size. It is unacceptable to wear clothes that are smaller or bigger size, in both cases it looks comical.
And psychologists say what this can say about your attitude: clothes smaller size what they need to wear is worn by people who want to look or be better than they actually are, and larger clothes are usually worn by those who have low self-esteem.
Turns out, right size You also need to choose clothes in order to hide your complexes.

Don't forget and about the color scheme, color can “kill” or, conversely, transform a person.

  • Pastel and beige tones are more suitable for dark-skinned people with bright features.
  • Suitable for blondes and fair-haired people bright colors.

The easiest way to determine what color suits you is a mirror and several plain fabrics different color. Try to remember what shade is yours and in stores it will be much easier to choose things of one color or another.

When choosing clothes you should pay attention by fabric type:

  • firstly, the fabrics in the set must match,
  • secondly, the fabrics must match the figure.

Persons with curvaceous Outfits made from dense and well-structured fabrics are most suitable. A thin figure type is more likely to suit soft, tight-fitting knitwear and fabrics with padding that will create a volume effect.

Well, and perhaps the most important thing is that clothes should be chosen according to the characteristics of your figure. Here are some general guidelines

1) Short legs are visually lengthened by beige shoes and a short skirt
2) Pants or jeans will hide the fullness of your hips straight cut
3) If you have a thin waist but wide hips, then flared jeans and a belt at the waist will be ideal for you
4) Small drawings visually reduce, while large ones, on the contrary, increase
5) Dresses and maxi skirts make you look shorter
6) Shapeless clothes disfigure any figure
7) Shoes with thin heels or stilettos with a round toe make the leg visually smaller
8) Pointed shoes make your feet look bigger
9) Black tights (no more than 50 den) will make your legs a couple of kg slimmer and a couple of centimeters longer, and in combination with black shoes (or dark colors) will make you the owner of legs from ears.
10) Light-colored tights, on the contrary, make your legs look fuller and shorter. But! Longer with beige shoes.
12) A transparent blouse makes your upper part open to others and shows your strengths, but also your weaknesses
14) If you don’t know how to combine things correctly, then follow the classic canons of fashion and style.
15) Rule of three colors: do not use more than three components in your image, otherwise you risk seeming funny
16) The hairstyle should be combined with all components of your wardrobe
17) Do not spray perfume on your clothes, unless you are using
just perfume. The smell can last for a month.
18) V-necks will suit chubby girls, round necklines will suit girls with an oval face.
19) Avoid obsessing over something, or risk having a wardrobe with only black things or things of the same style, for example.
20) Over the knee boots make your legs shorter!
21) A sheath dress goes equally well skinny girls and curvy. But it will look better on girls with a thin waist and feminine hips

Clothes that make you look slimmer

About, , I have already written several times, because the topic is relevant to me. Today we’ll just go over the basic tips from stylists.

1) Increase growth
If you want to look slimmer, the easiest way to achieve this is to visually increase your height. In this case, the width of the body will be balanced by the height. It's all related to optical illusions.
To increase growth you should use:

  • long beads,
  • vertical stripes,
  • heels,
  • high hairstyle,
  • elongated clothing silhouettes (for example, not short coat, but an elongated jacket).

For footwear, it is better not to use shoes with an ankle strap or ankle boots, because... they visually shorten the legs and reduce height.
Tall boots are great.

2) Heels
Among personal stylists There is a rule: 1 cm of heels visually removes 1 kg of weight.
The heels elongate and slim the figure very well.
Of course, you shouldn’t choose too much high heels(based on 20 kg weight = 20 cm heel), it is better to prefer a wider, stable heel.

3) Dresses and sweaters with a v-neck
Thing must have for those who want to look slimmer, these are clothes with a v-neck. Such a neckline, on the one hand, visually elongates the figure, and on the other hand, focuses attention on the beautiful breasts.

4) Long sleeves
When we dial overweight, they are distributed throughout the body: not only the stomach or hips become fat, but also, for example, the arms.
Full hands are best camouflaged long sleeves or wear a shawl. It is believed that women with with full hands It's best not to wear dresses or tank tops or sleeveless ones.

5) Flared clothes
Best of all, figure flaws are masked by clothes (dresses, sweaters, coats) in the Empire style - clothing that flares from the chest or is trapezoidal in shape. This type of clothing perfectly camouflages the belly and full hips.

6) Black color
Any woman knows that black is slimming. Such rules should not be neglected if you want to look slimmer, even if black seems boring to you.
This is due to the fact that black color absorbs Sun rays and visually reduces the volume of the object. Except black, everyone else loses weight dark colors(dark blue, gray).
Black is also the color of elegance.

7) Single-color clothing sets
One of the almost magical ways to look slimmer is to make your look monochrome, i.e. combine items of only one color in a set.
How more patterns in clothes, the larger their size, the more kilograms you visually weigh.

8) Tan
Tanned skin looks, on the one hand, more toned, and on the other hand, it hides figure defects.

Experiment, love yourself, but don’t forget about others, many people are envious and unkind, don’t let them notice your wardrobe malfunctions...

I wish you good luck in finding yours unique style in clothes!

As you know, fashion is fickle, but style is not. Despite the trends of capricious fashion, each modern woman must know how to choose the right clothing style for various types of events and the society in which you are supposed to be. How to do this - advice from professional stylists collected in this article.

Test for girls and women: ideal image style

Before you find your style, you need to decide on the color type of appearance, a new image and body type:

  • color type depends on appearance – color of hair, skin, eyebrows. To recognize yours, you need to go to the mirror in the daytime without makeup and apply a cloth or clothes of peach and pink flowers. If your color is peach, then you have a warm color type - “Spring” or “Autumn”. If it’s the other way around, then it’s cold – “Summer” or “Winter.” Accordingly, when buying clothes, it is better to give preference to warm shades if you have a warm color type and vice versa;
  • Lifestyle– another factor on which the choice of style directly depends. Active girls For those who are constantly on the move, sports style is suitable - casual, country, military. Women who have connected their lives with business can choose business casual. Girls who follow everyone latest trends, you should definitely take a closer look at pajama and lingerie styles. As for those who go against the grain, they should choose a clothing style for themselves from trends such as grunge or boho, which best express their unusual inner world;
  • body type- the last factor, but perhaps the dominant factor that you need to focus on when choosing clothes and style. Find out how to do this below.

Rules for choosing a clothing style according to your body type

Depending on the type of figure, the features of choosing clothes have certain differences.

Triangle body type

The distinctive features of the Triangle figure are narrow shoulders and wide hips. In order to look stylish, girls with this figure should emphasize their shoulders, neck and arms.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to:

Inverted triangle body type

Girls with an inverted triangle figure should focus attention on the lower part of the silhouette.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • blouses and skirts with peplum;
  • skirts are full and loose-fitting, possibly with a pattern;
  • sweaters and jackets with set-in sleeves;
  • blouses with raglan sleeves.

Stylists recommend choosing trousers and skirts with decorative elements or opting for clothes with horizontal stripes. This pattern will visually increase the volume of the hips.

As for colors, when choosing a set you need to follow the rule “dark top, white bottom.”

Circle body type

Those with a circle figure have narrow shoulders and slender legs, but the body resembles the letter “O”. Girls with this figure have busty and hips.

To highlight the advantages of the figure, girls should choose:

The clothing you choose should be slightly tight-fitting, not tight-fitting.

Rectangle body type

Girls with a rectangle figure have equal width shoulders and hips and a slightly defined waist. In order to visually give this ideal hourglass shape, girls must change their wardrobe.

Basic items in your wardrobe should include the following:

Sweatshirts and blouses should be worn untucked. On such a figure, short sleeves are appropriate.

Hourglass body type

Girls with an hourglass figure are very lucky, as the whole world strives for them. ideal forms. They have approximately equal chest and hip volumes and a pronounced “wasp” waist.

Owners of a chiseled figure can afford clothes such as:

Girls with an hourglass figure can afford massive or, conversely, miniature jewelry. Their clothes can be decorated with flounces, ruffles and other decorative elements.

Basic items in the wardrobe of stylish girls and women

Business suit

The suit must be a trouser suit, preferably black, but you can safely choose another neutral color – gray or blue. You can go to work in it, wearing a white shirt under your jacket.

But no less elegant evening option when the image is complemented by a string of pearls. The shirt should be safely replaced with a T-shirt or top with decor.

Blouses and shirts

The basic wardrobe should have several blouses, shirts and T-shirts without a pattern and neutral colors such as white, beige and black. One of them must be in men's style in a calm shade, for example, blue, light pink.


Dark blue jeans with a straight fit are a universal item that is suitable for any occasion. They can easily be combined with a shirt, jacket and pumps for work or sneakers for a walk. Also, nothing will stop you from combining them with some trendy item.

It’s worth saying a few words about classic trousers. These can be straight or flared models with a high or medium rise. Like other elements of your basic wardrobe, they should be a neutral, dark color.


A dress that should definitely take up residence in your wardrobe is a black sheath. When choosing it, the cut is important - it should be perfect, without unnecessary folds.

In addition to the dress, you need to purchase a pencil skirt. It can be not only black, but also another neutral color. For example, gray, blue or beige. This skirt can be worn not only with a jacket, but also with a jacket or an oversized sweater.

Blouses and sweaters

For cool weather, it is important to have in your wardrobe such things as:

  • a turtleneck or turtleneck sweater without unnecessary decorations;
  • jacket, cardigan or jumper with V-neck dark neutral color;
  • a jumper in a light shade, such as beige or gray.

The cut should be close-fitting, but in no case should it be tight-fitting. A couple of elements must be a free model.


The main role of accessories is to add that missing touch to an ensemble. They can be both unusual and classic. The main thing is that the image looks harmonious.

But, both in clothes and accessories, there is a base that every girl and woman should have:


For cool, windy and rainy days, you should definitely buy a trench coat in a neutral color - beige, gray, blue. The presence of a wide belt with a buckle, a turn-down collar, a yoke, pseudo shoulder straps, straps and a slit at the back is mandatory.

For cold winter days, double breasted cashmere coat below knee length. There should be no unnecessary details or decorations on it, except for the belt. Like the trench coat, it should be a discreet, universal color. For example, blue.

The main rules for combining clothes

By cut

If you don’t know how to choose a clothing style for yourself based on cut, then, first of all, you should focus on your body type and the cut that is allowed for it. But you should also adhere to universal rule– if the bottom is tight-fitting, then the top should be loose and vice versa.

Stylists also allow a combination of original top and bottom, if this is implied by the style. Otherwise, you may end up with a shapeless rather than stylish look.

By lenght

The wrong combination of lengths in clothes can lead to an imbalance of proportions and, as a result, instead of slender, your legs will become shorter and your torso will become too long. In order not to make a mistake with the proportions, with a dress and a skirt or classic trousers with a high waist, you should wear a cropped or fitted jacket.

Cardigans and oversized sweaters should be worn with moderately fitted trousers. In no case should you wear a cardigan that goes below the buttocks with a knee-length dress - such an ensemble will visually shorten your legs. The exception is long ankle-length cardigans - their ensemble, both with a dress and trousers, will look great.

By color

To look stylish, it is important to remember a few rules for color combinations:

For clothes with patterns

Many girls avoid clothes with prints. Stylists note that this is an absolutely wrong step, since a correctly chosen one can radically change the image from ordinary to stylish.

Options for combining things with print:

By texture

When combining things by texture, one simple rule should be taken into account - thin fabrics form an ensemble with thin ones, and dense ones with dense ones. For example, thin silk or chiffon are appropriate in summer sets, and wool and velvet - in winter ones.

But the exception to the rule is the spring-autumn period, when an opaque blouse made of satin, silk or chiffon can be worn with trousers or a skirt and complement the look with a jacket or cardigan.

Examples of figure correction using clothing

It's no secret that with the help of a properly selected ensemble you can become slimmer or, conversely, visually add a couple of kilograms if your figure is too thin.

To avoid looking fuller, you need to exclude from your wardrobe:

You can become slimmer if you wear:

  • fitted clothing with an elongated neckline;
  • clothes without voluminous pockets, stripes and other voluminous decor;
  • knee-length skirts and dresses with a couple of folds in the front, but in no case on the sides.

Girls who want to look fuller need to follow these tips, but in reverse.

Table of combinations of basic colors in the wardrobe

Fashion designers believe that basic wardrobe modern girl must be kept in neutral shades. To make it not boring, the basic shades need to be diluted with other colors that match them. Table the right combination colors in your wardrobe will help you choose the clothing style for yourself in the right colors and shades.

Tips from professional stylists on creating the right look

Don't copy other people's images

Star images are created taking into account their body shape and taste preferences. Therefore, it is incorrect to copy it completely. This tactic does not allow one to reveal individuality and create one’s own individual style, based on the characteristics of appearance and figure.

Therefore, it would be more correct to analyze the onion you like, highlight individual elements, which are right for you and then recreate a similar image, taking into account your own characteristics.

Clothing should be as comfortable as possible

Stylish clothes are not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Moreover, not only physically, but also psychologically. You can hardly look confident in trousers or a dress that are too tight. Or high heels if the girl wears ballet flats most of the time.

When choosing clothes, you need to stick to the golden mean - beautiful and comfortable, and not just beautiful.

Of course, this is not a call to give up, for example, high heels. They can also be worn, but from time to time, since it is not so much beautiful as it is harmful.

Buy clothes according to your body type

It’s not for nothing that stylists have come up with the formula for an ideal figure – the “hourglass”. This doesn't mean that other body types are ugly. On the contrary, the correct selection of clothes will only emphasize this beauty and individuality, and will not flaunt figure flaws.

When updating your wardrobe, you should definitely take into account your figure type and the clothes and proportions that match it.

Try bold ideas and new products

The beauty and fashion industry does not stand still, and what seemed like a fantasy for many years is now a reality. Therefore, you should boldly take on board and try on everything that a capricious lady offers, from clothes to the latest in cosmetology. The latter will allow you to remain young and beautiful for a long time in order to keep up with the times.

Fashionable looks and trends 2019

Cruise style

Despite the name, cruise style is clothing not only for leisure, but also for everyday life. It will allow girls of any size to always look stylish.

Before trying on this look, it’s worth checking out your closet, as you may already have some of the style elements:

Pajama style

Dresses made from flowing fabrics with lace, models with thin straps and loose suits reminiscent of sleepwear - all this is a pajama style. Judging by the latest fashion shows, this style is not going to lose ground for a long time.

TO distinctive features relate:

Stylists note that in order to look fashionable, you should definitely pay attention to flawless makeup and styling. Otherwise, the image will not only be unstylish, but simply careless.

Linen style

The lingerie style is similar to the pajama style, but it is still different from the latter:

The style, despite the flair of intimacy, is closed. Therefore, when choosing, you need to be modest so as not to look vulgar.

One of good images fans of the lingerie style - a dress with a voluminous sweater thrown over it and pumps.

Military style

Military or military style is ideally suited for city life due to its practicality and convenience:

The hairstyle should be simple. Short haircuts are encouraged.

Bohemian style

Bohemian style or “boho” is usually preferred by creative, open-minded individuals. One of the reasons is the opportunity to reveal your individual taste. The other is convenience. The style, according to the history of fashion, originated from the city of Bohemia, where many gypsies lived.

Boho clothing is characterized by the presence of:

But when creating such an image, it is important to remember a sense of proportion so as not to look too pretentious.

Casual style

Casual – great choice style for those who don’t know how to choose a clothing style for themselves. This direction allows both business women and young girls to realize themselves and is located between strict classics and modern styles.

This direction is different:

  • lack of shiny details such as rhinestones, sequins or glitter;
  • a combination of both branded and ordinary items;
  • wide selection of colors and shades.

Casual is divided into several areas:

  • sports in which elements of sportswear are required: sneakers, T-shirts;
  • street, which is characterized by an unusual combination of different styles, for example, denim trousers and a classic jacket;
  • business or chic, thanks to which you can combine comfortable and luxurious clothes. In this direction, a combination of simple clothes and prestigious jewelry is welcomed.

Country style

Country style came from the West when European settlers flooded the continent. Their life was hard, as they left their native lands and began to explore new, unfamiliar places and customs.

Therefore, the clothes are convenient and comfortable:

A hat and Cossacks with spurs will make the look especially stylish.

Grunge style

Grunge is the style of rebels who want to stand out from the crowd and protest against established norms and rules. They express their position to the world through their clothes, boldly violating fashion rules established styles.

It is characterized by:

The look must be complemented with worn flat shoes or high platform, as well as various hats. For example, a hat, cap. Various massive accessories are also welcome.

Professional image makers note that you can choose a successful clothing style if you follow these tips. It is important not only to know how to do this, but also not to be afraid of experiments, so that the created image pleases not only the owner, but also delights those around her.

Video on how to choose a clothing style for yourself

Features of choosing clothes according to your body type:

How to choose jeans according to your body type:

To choose the right clothes, you need to know your body type.

How to determine your body type? What is your body type? Useful tips and tricks for girls.

You've probably noticed a long time ago that the same clothes look amazing on one girl, but somehow not so much on another. Why do some wear straight-cut dresses, while others wear fitted ones? Do miniskirts decorate some people and disfigure others?

All this happens because individual characteristics figures.

Your figure is still developing, but you can already see some hints of your future silhouette. And this silhouette has its own characteristics, which imply both advantages and disadvantages. There is no need to worry about shortcomings - they are also part of your personality. You just need to learn how to properly hide them and emphasize their advantages. This is what women all over the world do - those who care about their own appearance. And no flaws prevent them from being attractive and popular.

Determine your type. It's very simple! You just need to look carefully at your shadow. Strip down to your panties and bra and, in good lighting, look at your “reflection” on the wall.

Depending on the ratio of chest, waist and hip volumes, female figure may be one of several types:

Type A - “Pear”.

Type 0 - “Apple”.

Type N - “Rectangle”.

Type V - "Inverted Triangle".

Type X - "Hourglass".

"Pear" type figure

The Pear figure has narrow shoulders, wide hips and a well-defined waist. It, in turn, is divided into three types:

. “Skittle” - medium-sized breasts, slender waist, small tummy, wide hips and thin calves.

. “Bell” - narrow shoulders and waist, small breasts. The waist is short, wide hips and not a small butt.

. “Pear” - small breasts, long waist, flat stomach and full legs.

If you have such a figure, then your task is to balance the top and bottom, make your shoulders wider.

Dresses. The main thing is to draw attention to the upper body. Light, flowy fabrics will flatter your figure

Dresses with a V-shaped neckline will suit you - they will visually lengthen your torso. And wide straps will also make the figure more proportional, balancing the top and bottom.

Now about what the bottom of the dress should be. A-line or flared skirts will make your waist look slimmer and your bust will look a little bigger.

Avoid thin straps and boat necklines. For the top choose bright hues, for the bottom - dark.

Tops and shirts. Your task is to draw attention to the shoulders. Shirts with a neckline or square neckline will help you with this. They will visually widen your shoulders.

Buttons and jewelry will draw attention to the upper body.

A semi-fitting, classic top will look great on you. You can also wear fitted shirts.

Don’t go to extremes - don’t wear clothes that are too tight or, conversely, too loose.

Skirts and trousers. Things with a slightly low waist will suit you. You can highlight your waist with dark colors.

No patch pockets or patterns! Unless, of course, you want your butt to look even bigger. Try to find trousers with a longitudinal slit pocket - they will visually reduce your hips.

Wear jeans straight from the hips - your legs will appear longer. But tapered trousers will make your hips wider, so it’s better not to wear them, even if they are in fashion.

Skirts will suit you straight or a-line. Better - from flying fabrics.

Avoid baggy skirts and trousers, and avoid high-waisted clothing.

Jackets. Your task is to make sure that the jacket does not end at the widest point of the thigh. A jacket that ends at the waist or a little lower will suit you.

A jacket with a slit at the back or a strap will not suit you. Especially if you have a wide back.

Coat. A coat with fur collar, that is, with an emphasis on the upper part of the body. And a fitted double-breasted coat will look very good on you.

Swimwear. Choose swimsuits that have a patterned or light-colored top and a darker bottom.

One-piece swimsuits or bikinis with a skirt, as well as a swimsuit with a top and panties will suit you very well. Choose wide straps. Avoid tops that are too closed and deep neckline on a bikini.

Shoes. Wear small heels - they will make you look slimmer. Although a flat sole will not spoil your figure. But don't buy shoes with calf straps and blunt toes - your feet won't look very graceful. You suitable shoes made of matte leather in dark colors.

Your accessories:

Short chains and beads;

A beautiful scarf for the shoulders;

Brooches worn closer to the neck;

Small handbags.

Apple shape

The “Apple” figure has a wide waist, large breasts and slender hips and calves. It comes in two types:

. “Apple” – medium breasts, belly larger than breasts, toned butt and slender legs.

. “Vase” - large breasts, slightly defined waist, hips the same width as the chest, slender thighs and calves.

If you, looking at yourself from the outside, decided that your type is “Apple”, you will have to work a little. “Apple” is a very insidious body type! Therefore, outfits need to be selected very carefully in order to hide flaws and highlight advantages. By the way, think about shapewear. And do exercises for your abdominals - you need to get rid of your tummy!

Dresses. Among one piece dresses will most likely suit you sheath dresses sleeveless, as well as high-waisted dresses, dresses with a belt or a corset. But keep in mind that the corset should not be too narrow - otherwise folds will not form at the back. You don't have to cover yourself from head to toe - it's okay to bare a little.

Try to choose dresses of the same color. And if you want to add color, it’s better closer to the hem to divert attention from the waist.

Don't buy dresses made from flowy fabrics - they create extra volume, and you don't need that at all.

Tops and shirts. Tops and shirts that are either too tight or too baggy will not suit you. But knitted or knitted items will be very decorative!

The cutout shape can be any. V-shaped, boattail or curly. You can also wear a high collar. The neck and chest should be open. Emphasize your breasts!

Large and puffy sleeves- not for you, remember.

Try trying on a tunic top. Tops that fit the chest and are loose at the waist are suitable. By the way, vests will suit you very much - they will make your waist slimmer. You don't want to focus on your belly, so the length of your top should be below your waist.

Choose tops with interesting details - ruffles, ruffles, fringes.

If you wear a top and light blouse, then you can visually reduce your tummy. But keep in mind that the blouse should be fitted, otherwise you will appear boxy.

Skirts and trousers. Skirts and trousers in dark colors are more suitable for your figure.

Skirt with high waist It will make your waist slimmer and hide your tummy. A-line and flared skirts will suit you. And it would be nice to wear a semi-fitting top or jacket with them. This will make you look much slimmer.

You shouldn't wear a pencil skirt and a miniskirt - no matter how much you might want to. You don't want to look like a ball with legs!

The ideal length for you is to the knee or mid-calf. And no flashy belts!

You shouldn't wear low-waisted jeans or trousers. But high-waisted trousers will suit you very well! And they will look great on you wide jeans and pants!

Patch pockets on the butt perfectly balance your figure. And the tummy can be hidden with pockets on the front.

Buy clothes made from stretchy fabrics, but don't wear anything too tight.

If you have slender ankles, wear capri pants. You can also try leggings combined with a skirt or a long semi-fitting tunic.

The main thing is to choose everything strictly according to size!

Jackets. Cropped jackets that fasten at chest level or just below it are suitable for you. The jacket should be strictly tailored to the shoulders, and the bottom should be loose. If you don't button up your jacket, you will visually lengthen your torso and make your abdominal area slimmer. The length of the jacket should be up to the hip. And no belts!

Coat. You should wear classic fitted knee-length coats. Interesting details, such as large buttons, will distract attention from the belly. You can also wear down jackets, just not hoodies, but semi-fitting ones.

You are absolutely not allowed to wear overalls - remember!

Swimwear. It's hard for you to choose a swimsuit, isn't it? No matter what you put on, your tummy sticks out. No problem, this problem can be dealt with! Just don't buy swimsuits with low necklines.

A swimsuit with a square neckline and thick straps will suit you. Inserts of stripes in the center will look very nice.

A one-piece swimsuit will suit you better, but if you still want a bikini, don’t deny yourself the pleasure. Just combine a bikini with a skirt or top. And straps are a must!

Choose a swimsuit in dark red, blue or black. No flowers! We already talked about the stripes in the center - they won’t hurt.

Shoes. Wear heels, even low ones - it's your style. You can even have curly ones if you have thin calves. If you are fat, give up curly ones. Strappy sandals will also suit you. Try on platform shoes too - maybe these are the shoes for you. After all, with their help you will create a balance between the top and bottom bodies.

Your accessories:

Long chains and beads in several rows;

Elongated narrow scarves, preferably without knots;

Medium size bags with a short strap.

Rectangle shape

Typically, such a figure is distinguished by the absence of clear bends. Most often, the shoulders and hips have the same width, and the waist is almost the same.

The “Rectangle” figure comes in two types:

. “Column” - shoulders and hips of the same width, slightly defined waist, long legs.

. “Brick” - broad shoulders, an undefined waist, a small tummy, thin calves and thighs.

If this is your type, then you have thin build, small breasts.

This body type has a big advantage. Even if you gain weight, it is not too noticeable because it is evenly distributed throughout your body. And when choosing clothes, give preference to the classic style.

Dresses. You need to choose a dress of such a style that you can achieve curves where they should be, that is, at the waist. You can also decorate your waist with interesting details - an applique or a stylish belt.

And you also need to visually enlarge your breasts, so dresses with round neck. The same effect can be achieved with the help of ruffles.

Tops and shirts. Here too, try to create curves. Shirts made of flowing fabrics with cutouts below the collarbone will suit you. They will lengthen your neck and upper torso.

With tops the situation is the same as with dresses. Ruffles and lace will make your look more feminine.

Wear wide belts- thanks to them your waist will look thinner. Corsets are also suitable - they will make your figure look slimmer.

Sleeves on blouses and shirts should be voluminous. But try to avoid thin straps!

The length of tops, shirts, and sweaters should be mid-thigh or slightly higher.

Skirts and trousers. Choose A-line skirts with a low waist. A pencil skirt won't suit you - it will draw attention to your hips!

Now about the trousers. You don't want to draw attention to your thighs, so wear flared pants. Pipes and other tight pants will make you look fat. If you have a flat butt, choose jeans with a pattern on the back pockets. And never roll up your jeans - this will make your legs look fuller than they really are. Don't wear baggy styles!

Jackets. Choose long jackets to make your torso look longer. They should fit well and have wide lapels. It would be nice if they had patch pockets.

Coat. A fitted coat or one with a belt will suit you - you will look more feminine in it. Try a double-breasted coat with patch pockets.

Swimwear. Open, plain and bright swimsuits will suit you. Wear a bikini - they are made for you! Swimsuits with a belt are also suitable. When buying a one-piece swimsuit, pay attention to the fact that there are some interesting details in the waist area.

Diagonal stripes will also help to visually make your waist thinner.

Shoes. Wear elegant shoes. Classic pumps and high-heeled boots will suit you.

Your accessories:

Long chains, beads;

Long scarves in a free style;

Medium or large bags.

Inverted Triangle Shape

This body type means wide shoulders and narrow hips. Breasts can be any size, but most often quite large. The buttocks are usually flat.

If you have this type of figure, then your main task is to visually narrow your shoulders and widen your hips. And you have great opportunities to create a bright image.

Dresses. In order for the shoulders to appear narrower, around the neck the neckline of the dress should be V-shaped, deep oval or heart-shaped. A strip of fabric around the neck will also look very nice.

A flared sun skirt will visually expand your hips. Tight skirts are not for you. And it’s better not to wear dresses with short sleeves either. But tunics and strapless clothes are perfect.

Wear dresses with a dark top and light bottom - this will make your figure look more proportional.

The good news is that you can wear horizontal stripes with your body shape and not look fat. This pattern is contraindicated for all other body types!

Tops and shirts. Wear tops with butterfly sleeves. They should be darker than the skirt or trousers, and not overloaded with details. It is advisable that they end in the middle of the thigh - then the waist will appear narrower.

No wide collars, bateau necklines or big sleeves!

Skirts and trousers. Skirts should create volume, so A-line, pleated or high-waisted skirts will suit you.

You will have to give up the pencil skirt. Oblique lines and light colors will make your figure more proportional across the shoulders. The best length is to the knee.

Almost any trousers, shorts, capris will suit you. And you will look especially impressive in flared trousers.

Jackets. The main thing here is that there is an emphasis on the waist, so the belt should be wide enough.

In general, there is plenty of room for imagination.

Swimwear. Those swimsuits that suit you are those that have a plain top and a patterned bottom. If you prefer one-piece swimsuits, go for it! Just make sure the neckline is square and the straps are wide. A swimsuit consisting of a T-shirt and panties is not for you.

Shoes. Wear statement boots or boots - it's your style.

Your accessories:

Long chains and beads;

Scarves and shawls with long edges hanging down;

Chain belts below waist level;

Big bags.

Hourglass figure

“Hourglass” is distinguished by balanced proportions: a thin waist and pronounced chest and hips.

If you are not plump, then you can wear almost anything. You have the right to choose a clothing style, because any one will suit you - sporty, formal, romantic.

Dresses. They will suit you especially plain dresses, tight to the chest and free from the hips. Wear with a belt to highlight your waist.

Don't wear baggy clothes - they will make your wonderful figure shapeless.

Tops and shirts. Strapless tops and blouses with a deep neckline will suit you very well. Wear tight or wraparound tops, sweaters and blouses - they will emphasize your waist.

It is better to avoid things that hide your waist. You should not wear sweaters and jackets with a cowl collar or boat neckline, especially if your breasts are no longer small.

Skirts and trousers. If you have beautiful slender legs, feel free to wear miniskirts. Pencil skirts and high-waisted skirts will also suit you. It’s better not to wear striped skirts or with large patterns - they will fill you up.

Jeans should also emphasize the waist, so it is better to choose a mid-rise one. Low-rise jeans will enhance your hips, as will trousers with patch pockets or embroidered sides.

Pants with vertical stripes will make your legs look longer. Capri trousers - only to the middle of the calf - then the legs will look slimmer.

Jackets. Choose jackets that fit your body and end at your hip. This will make you look slimmer. And again, don’t wear things with patch pockets.

Swimwear. It all depends on your build. If you have small breasts, choose two-piece swimsuits. If you have average or high growth, almost all swimsuit models will suit you. If you want to emphasize the length of your legs, choose swimsuits with high necklines. If your legs are a little short, wear a bikini and don't wear shorts.

Shoes. Heels will suit you, but not too high.

Your accessories:

Short and medium length chains and beads;

Beautiful belts and soft belts;

Shoulder bags;

Scarves made of crepe or wool, which are best worn without tying them.

About tights and stockings

The color of the tights (stockings) should match the outfit with which you are going to wear them. There shouldn't be any contrast! Tights should be combined with a dress, trousers or shoes.

If you have very thin legs, wear light-colored tights; if, on the contrary, you have plump legs, wear dark tights.

It’s better not to buy tights and stockings with large, flashy patterns or fishnets.

Try to wash your tights often and by hand. Or buy special bags made of mesh fabric in which the tights will not tear when washed in the machine.

When drying, hide tights from sunlight and hot radiators.

How to choose shoes

Cross straps or high (knee-length or higher) boots, shoes with a shallow cut - only for long-legged people.

Narrow pointed toe, glass heels, longitudinal lines, shoes without heels - for small feet.

Left and right foot sizes may vary, so try on shoes on both feet.

It is advisable to stand rather than sit when trying on.

When buying shoes, make sure that they are not narrow; do not expect them to break in.

Don't buy shoes larger than you need.

Be sure to check the stability of the heel - it should not fall down.

Every girl wants to look stylish, but not all ladies know which style will suit them. In this article we will talk about how to find your clothing style, which will emphasize the advantages of the figure, features, and character. Of course, when choosing a clothing style, you need to think a little, and we, in turn, will try to provide as much useful information as possible.

When choosing a style, it is much more important to focus not on fashion trends, but on one’s own character, position and social status, as well as on one’s lifestyle. Here are a few useful tips, opening the way to own style in wearing clothes.

  • Remember what kind of life you lead. You should think about the places where you spend large quantity time:
  1. At work(in the office, near the work machine, etc.)
  2. on trips(you constantly travel, go on business trips, do work that requires travel, etc.)
  3. on fresh air (for example, walking with children, working outside, training, etc.)
  4. at social events(host corporate events or go out on corporate events, participate in negotiations, etc.).

The point is that the image of a young lady is significantly different from a student who dresses extremely simply, or from a glamorous lioness who cannot imagine her life without parties and social events. When looking for a clothing style, you should start from this factor.

  • Focus on your own appearance. Hair, eye and skin color should not be ignored. The colors of the chosen clothes should be combined with external features and highlight natural beauty and mask imperfections.
  • Determine your body type. We should not forget about the features of the figure and physique. It’s very easy to determine your body type: go to the mirror and look at the silhouette.
  1. rectangle body type. The waist, hips and shoulders are placed at the same level. Should choose bouffant skirts, decorated with wide belts.
  2. pear body type. The waist is pronounced, and the hips are wider than the shoulders. Blouses, tops, blouses with a deep neckline are relevant.
  3. triangle body type. Owners of this type have wide shoulders and narrow hips. You should wear outfits made of light, airy fabrics that will visually enlarge your breasts. Blouses with frills and ruffles are welcome.
  4. hourglass or artist's dream body type. The thin waist is clearly defined, graceful hips and shoulders are located at the same level. Girls with this body type can wear tight-fitting outfits.
  5. apple body type. The hips and shoulders are narrow, the waist is not pronounced. High-waisted skirts and fitted vests are trendy.

Study clothing styles and determine for yourself which one is closest to you. There are many styles of clothing, which we will talk about a little later. Much depends on the lifestyle you lead, as well as on psychological characteristics. For example, sophisticated and creative personalities may prefer a romantic style or a retro style. Those who are looking for themselves in life and have not yet decided on the exact direction of their professional activity may prefer informal styles, such as boho style or grunge. Rock lovers can dress in rock, grunge rock or glam rock style. Conservatives may be interested in classic or retro style. For active people who care about healthy way Sports style is relevant in life. Dreamers and travelers can use a combination of several styles, skillfully combining them into an image.

When choosing a clothing style, you need to properly form your wardrobe. These tips will help you correctly determine the list and colors of necessary things:

  • Create a basic wardrobe. Start choosing a “base”, combining clothes by color and style. For example, these could be classic things or clothes in casual style, which can be called universal. Buy a classic blouse, pair it with a straight skirt and jacket, a couple of accessories in the form of a scarf and a hat. After trying on an outfit, you will understand its advantages or disadvantages. So, for example, you can choose a more elegant or voluminous top or add heels to your look. Then test the created image - wear it for a couple of days, if you feel self-conscious, think about what exactly bothers you (tight skirt, high heels) and replace these things with more comfortable ones.
  • When buying things, pay attention to comfort and convenience. As we started saying above, pay attention to how comfortable things are to wear. If your everyday life involves daily trips around the city by car or public transport, or walks with children, do not buy things that restrict movement - tight skirts, classic jackets etc.
  • Determine your color type. There are four color types: spring, summer, winter and autumn.

As we indicated above, there are four color types in total, which are very easy to identify. It is enough just to bring two pieces of fabric - pink (or coral) and blue flowers to your face. Makeup should be washed off, and all jewelry that attracts your attention (big earrings, hair band) should be removed. Now look carefully at which of the two pieces of fabric “suits” you best and masks imperfections better. Winter and summer color types are characterized by blue color, and pink or coral color types are characterized by spring and autumn.

Now you can more accurately find out your color type if you use the information regarding colors and external signs, characteristic of each color type.

  • Spring color type. Spring type people have thin skin light peach shade, worn blonde hair in shades of wheat, honey and gold. The eye color of such persons is cornflower blue, blue or turquoise. When choosing a clothing style, the spring type should rely on coral, peach, cream, turquoise, cream and light green shades. Orange, yellow-green, golden-brown, cornflower blue and yellow-pearl colors look good in the clothes of spring ladies. White, black and dark colors (dark green, dark blue, etc.) are dangerous. Spring girls will not be mistaken if they make their choice in favor of sports or romantic styles. Materials for dresses can be velvet, knitwear, viscose, linen, suede. The fabric can be plain or have a pattern in the form of stripes or polka dots. IN created images Accessories made of yellow jewelry, gold and silver will look interesting.
  • Autumn color type. You belong to this type if you have copper, bronze or red hair, green, gray or brown eyes. In wardrobe autumn girl there must certainly be clothes of yellow, scarlet and orange shades. Autumn ladies can also create looks in mustard, brick, brown, gold, apricot, orange, marsh and beige tones. You need to beware of blue, white, gray, cyan and black colors. For ladies of the autumn type, safari or sports style is perfect. The fabrics should be selected matte skin, suede, drape, corduroy, tweed, velor. Multi-layering and the presence of ethnic ornaments and patterns are encouraged in the images. Brass, copper, wood and gold can be used as decorations in images.
  • Summer color type. Characteristic are light or dark brown hair having an ashen or light brown tint. Lady Summer's skin is pink, light or completely pale. The accent in the looks should be created with the help of lemon, blue-gray, blue-gray, cherry, chocolate and soft pink clothes. Shades of lilac up to the color of ripe plum are also suitable. Colors to watch out for are black, gold, green, white, orange and beige. You can choose any style of clothing that you like, be it classic, romantic or retro. Good fabrics for creating an image are: cambric, silk, chiffon, linen, thin suede, denim. The look can be complemented by silver, coral jewelry, as well as pendants, earrings or bracelets from rose gold or ivory. Accessories such as ties or scarves with small polka dots or flowers will help complement the style.
  • Winter color type. Representatives of this species have dark eyes and dark hair. They prefer spectacular and bright colors: crimson, malachite, indigo, sky blue, emerald, the color of wet asphalt. Also in demand among winter ladies are purple, silver, lemon, coffee and pink shades. In addition, winter girls can without hesitation combine black and white colors, which cause caution among representatives of other styles. However, winter ladies need to give up warm shades - brown, orange, gold and warm green. Ideal for winter ladies classic style, as well as clothes made of satin, leather and fine knitwear. You will also look good in clothes with a checkered, striped or geometric print. As for jewelry, the choice should “fall” to the side rock crystal, white coral, silver, platinum, pearls, ivory, inlaid with diamonds.

Variety of clothing styles

There are many styles in which you can dress. You can define for yourself one or several styles that will accompany you during work and on vacation.

  • Country. People also call it rustic style, and fashion designers working in this direction show imagination on the theme of a villager in a city and vice versa. The style is characterized by: skirt-pants, leather buttons, jackets wide cut, knitted clothes, jeans, plaid shirts, comfortable boots. The preferred fabric is tweed, plaid, jeans.
  • Folklore. It uses traditional elements national costumes. Welcome natural fabrics and natural colors. Suits, blouses, dresses and trousers of this style are decorated with embroidery, lace, ruffles, hemstitching, weaving, lacing, etc.
  • Rustic. Something between country and folk styles. In the wardrobe of rustic young ladies there are woolen skirts, over which a flannel shirt is worn and knitted sweater. Fabrics in this style are rough, in which the interweaving of threads is clearly visible.
  • Ecological. The colors of stones, sand, earth, and tree trunks are used. The patterns on the fabric repeat the outlines of flowers, grasses, and branches. The fabrics are natural and soft without clearly defined patterns.
  • Safari. Characterized by narrow silhouettes, light colors, patch pockets, shoulder straps, inserted sleeves, belts, as well as hats with rounded brims. The style of the shirts resembles something between a blazer and a blouse and has three-quarter sleeves. Bermuda shorts, shoulder bags and leather shoes without heel.
  • Western film. Leather patches, fringes, hair pulled back from the face, suede, scarves, fringes - allow you to quickly identify this style. Checkered blouses in tandem with a vest made of brown shades suede, a small scarf tied near the throat, silver jewelry, jeans, boots with long bells will allow you to recognize girls in this style.
  • Military. Style in colors and styles of military clothing. Colors: khaki, marsh, green, blue, brown and gray. The cut is the same as when sewing military uniform. Chunky shoes, with or without lacing. This style also features patch pockets, patches, leather and suede knee pads, and wide belts.
  • Sport style. Bright clothes, comfortable to wear. Characterized by a loose silhouette, an abundance of fasteners, zippers, and pockets. Fabrics – knitwear, elastic. T-shirts, sleeveless vests, polo shirts, Bermuda shorts, shorts, leggings, and jeans are worn by representatives of this style. Current big bags, sneakers, sneakers and flats, stripes and diagonal patterns.
  • Club style. Party wear. Classic clothing styles are used, in which the neckline is revealed, the length is shortened, and the sleeves are revealed. Characteristic gold buttons, sequins, rhinestones.
  • Marine or cruise style. The sets are made up of sailor suits, pleated skirts, floor-length skirts, spacious blouses, and jackets. When creating clothes, it is necessary to have nautical emblems (anchors, fish) and stripes. This style can be complemented by a straw hat with a brim. Characteristic colors: white, red, blue.
  • Denim style. Precise cut, patch pockets, edge stitching on details and seams, rivet buttons. Clothes in denim style can be made not only from denim.
  • Business style. Strict styles, straight cut, closed sleeves, skirt lengths just above or just below the knee. Classic colors– white, black, gray, beige, blue. Fabrics – linen, cotton, wool. Ban on knitted materials.
  • Casual style. Loose fit, jeans, sweaters, cardigans, blouses, shoes with or without heels. This style can combine elements of other styles. fabrics - knitwear, synthetics, wool, leather or leatherette, suede, linen, cotton, etc.

Finding your clothing style is easy if you do everything possible to find it. Based on your preferences and type of activity, you will certainly succeed!