Decorating bottles with napkins with your own hands. Decoupage bottles with toilet paper: master class

Church holidays

Any housewife can give a special appearance to her home. To do this, you need to decorate the interior with original things made by yourself. And everything you need, as a rule, is at hand: old scraps of fabric, shells, remnants of ceiling tiles... You never know the objects that, in the right hands, will become a work of art. A little imagination, and the idea comes to life. And now you become the owner of things that bring uniqueness to your interior.


Decoupage is translated from French as “an object that is cut out.” In needlework, this word was originally used to describe the method of applying elements cut out of paper onto an object. For greater strength, these glued elements were later varnished, and the surface took on the appearance of painting. This is how poor peasants in China decorated furniture, and this is where this technology for making decorative items with their own hands came from. This article will talk about how to decoupage a glass bottle.

Different ideas: what happens

For such a craft, as a rule, you take a bottle of an unusual shape. Most often these are containers of expensive branded alcohol. It is interesting in itself, and after decoration it turns out to be a real masterpiece, but only if the decoupage is done well.

There are many ways to give a bottle a new look. Having appeared at the end of the seventeenth century, this technique of decorating objects has been improved. Today, these types of decoupage are widely represented in needlework.

  1. Volumetric (creating 3D images from scrap materials).
  2. Classic (applying a picture directly to an object).
  3. Artistic (creating a single full-fledged canvas using different effects).
  4. Reverse from the reverse side).
  5. Decopatch (work using patchwork style).

Today there are several DIY methods. This means decorating with toilet paper, tights, napkins, semolina, and various types of paper.

Method 1: toilet paper

A common way of decorating is to decoupage a bottle with toilet paper. The master class offers step-by-step instructions for making such a craft.

You will need toilet paper, paints, paste, brush, and pencil for decoration.

At the first stage we make the base. To do this, apply glue to the bottle and glue the paper, forming small random folds.

At the second stage, when the base is dry, we make a drawing (for example, a tree). It's better to start with simple sketches with large details. Once this technique has been mastered, you can then move on to more complex compositions.

We continue to decoupage the bottle with toilet paper. The master class offers the third stage of work. Now we glue the paper according to the drawing, forming individual parts of the tree. This is done like this: tear off a piece of paper, twist it into a flagellum, dip it in glue and apply it to the drawing. The trunk and branches of the tree are made of flagella of different thicknesses. You can also make stones, water, grass. Upon completion of the work, it must be thoroughly dried.

At the last stage, we move on to coloring the workpiece. This is done with paints and a brush. Apply paint in a thick layer to add volume. Your imagination will tell you how best to decoupage a bottle with toilet paper; we reviewed a master class on how to make it.

Method 2: tights

Now let's look at how decoupage is done, let's take the most common vodka bottle. This craft is called "Bunch of Grapes". Step-by-step work on this craft will clearly demonstrate another way to decorate a bottle with your own hands.

First, wash and degrease the bottle.

At the next stage, soak the nylon stocking in PVA glue diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Now let’s put the nylon on the bottle, secure it to the neck and gently press it against the walls of the bottle, forming random folds. Let's leave it to dry. When it dries, the folds will tighten up a little.

At the next stage, we cover it with acrylic paint of the desired color, then varnish, and dry it again for 24 hours.

After that, use a regular sponge to tint to highlight the folds. This will give a special effect to our product.

Now we take the pebbles and form a bunch of grapes. We make leaves from paper, and antennae from wire. We shape the brush and tint. And our wonderful bottle is ready. Other designs are also possible.

other methods

This amazing art is decoupage. Creative ideas allow you to make wonderful models.

Let's see how you can use napkins to decorate bottles. To do this, we first make a base on a clean bottle: we use acrylic paints, decorate the bottle with them, choosing a color that matches the shade of the main paper motifs. Using decoupage glue, glue a design cut out of a napkin onto the dried paint. Let it dry, then draw lines along the contour of the drawing to shade the applique. In addition, it will give a voluminous effect. Next, at your discretion, you can decorate the neck of the bottle and finally cover the design with varnish. This method is easier to perform than decoupaging a bottle with toilet paper, a master class on making which was presented above.

And here is the decoupage of the bottle with paper. We take newspaper as the basis for the decor. You will also need acrylic paints, PVA glue and varnish. Wash the bottle and dry it well; the label does not need to be removed. We apply glue to the bottle, tear off pieces of paper from the newspaper, crumple and seal the bottle. Press the paper tightly so that there is no air left under it. We form folds in random order. When dry, paint and varnish. You can do another option. Before applying paints from newspaper flagella, we lay out an impromptu frame on the bottle. Then, when everything is covered with paints and varnish, you can add a picture or photograph here.

A fun activity

Decoupage of bottles is a very interesting and also in demand activity. Very often ordered at weddings and banquets. This is an expensive service. Therefore, you can master this technique yourself and save money if you need this bottle design. In addition, this is a fun activity that allows you to prepare things with your own hands that can be used as an original gift.

Decoupage bottles with fabric. Master class with photos.

Razumova Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher at the Shukhobod kindergarten, Shukhobod village, Cherepovets district.
Description: In this master class we will look at decoupage on glass with fabric and napkins in different styles. With the help of step-by-step photographs and detailed explanations, those interested will be able to decoupage bottles themselves and get an original handmade vase. The material is intended for all creative people, without exception, who are interested in making crafts using the decoupage technique or who want to master it. The master class can also be used as a basis for teachers to practice handicrafts with high school students and, to simplify it a little, with older preschoolers in kindergarten.
Purpose: vase, interior decoration, exhibition piece, work for a competition or charity event.
Target: Making original crafts from a glass bottle using napkin decoupage and fabric decoupage techniques.
* introduce various methods of decorating a bottle;
* develop creativity, the ability to work with various materials and tools;
* develop the ability to “give a second life” to items that are usually thrown away, turning them into exclusive handmade crafts.

The simplest and, at first glance, unsightly objects can be transformed with the help of decoupage.
The decoupage technique is a type of needlework that involves decorating various objects using paper cutouts, napkins and other materials. They are applied to the surface using varnish and glue. And at the end, the product is coated with several layers of acrylic varnish in order to protect the image. Using decoupage you can make beautiful and original crafts with your own hands. They will decorate your home. The most famous and popular is napkin decoupage. But this technique has many variations. Today we will decorate the product with fabric.

Option number 1 "Pink vase"

In this version we use a combination of napkin decoupage with fabric decoupage.
Materials and tools:
* beautifully shaped glass bottle;
* acrylic paint: white and pink;
* acrylic lacquer;
* fabric: chintz;
* scissors;
* PVA glue;
* paper napkin with a pattern;
* foam sponge, sponge for coloring;
* brush: bristles No. 12;
* deep bowl for glue;
* stained glass paint (optional);
* white marker.

The first stage of working on the product is cleaning the bottle from inscriptions and stickers, degreasing the surface. I have a bottle of champagne today. You can remove the labels by soaking the bottle in water, then scrubbing them off with a hard sponge. Traces of glue can be easily removed with acetone or any solvent.
Having dried the bottle, we begin to think about the future composition. I picked up this paper napkin with a picture of roses.

Carefully tear off the drawing along the edge.

Next, we place a fragment of the napkin on the bottle and trace it around the edge with a marker, indicating the place where the pattern will be pasted.

For now, put the napkin aside.
Let's start gluing the bottle with fabric. Prepare the strips - cut the chintz randomly. It is better to use old, fairly thin fabric (the thinner the fabric, the more graceful the folds will be). The drawing is not important here. It will be painted over later.

Soak a strip of fabric in PVA glue. To do this, it is better to pour it into a fairly deep bowl. The glue should not be very thick. If necessary, dilute it with water.

Lightly wring out the fabric and begin to stick it onto the bottle, forming folds. We do all this arbitrarily, the way we like. There is no need to cover the area where the drawing will be with fabric.
This is the result I got.

Leave the product to dry. This process is quite lengthy. So, you will need to be patient.
After drying, our bottle must be painted with white acrylic paint. To do this we use both a brush and a sponge. Using a brush, carefully paint over the folds of the fabric. They have hardened and after painting they will gain even greater strength. We use a sponge to paint smooth surfaces. If necessary, repeat staining. The glass should not be transparent.

We wait for the paint to dry and begin gluing the pattern torn from the napkin. Don't forget to remove two extra layers, you only need the top one with the image.

Apply PVA glue to the area where we will stick the napkin. We place an image with roses on top.

Apply a brush with glue over the design from the middle to the edges, smoothing the image, trying not to tear the napkin. Let's look at different angles of the resulting product.

Take pink acrylic paint. You can create the shade we need by taking white paint and colored tint or gouache. We apply pink paint with a sponge, without painting thoroughly, but only passing over the folds of the fabric. Apply paint to the sponge with a brush, not very thickly, the sponge should be semi-dry.

If you wish, you can apply more stained glass glitter on top, as I initially planned. But I like the result. So I leave it as it is.
Apply several layers of acrylic varnish with intermediate drying (2-3 layers).
The vase is ready. Let's look at it from different angles.

I really like how the flowers look in the vase.

Option No. 2

We decorate the vase using decoupage technique with fabric.
Materials and tools:
* glass juice bottle;
* scraps of fabric (chintz) with a beautiful pattern;
* acrylic lacquer;
* brush: bristles No. 12;
* scissors;
* materials for decoration: bindweed braid in silver and blue shades, transparent Moment glue;

Having cleaned the juice bottle and degreased its surface, we get to work.
Cut the fabric into small pieces. Something like this.

We begin to glue the scraps onto the bottle. We use acrylic varnish for this purpose (you can also use PVA glue). Apply varnish to a small area of ​​the glass surface.

Place a piece of fabric on the varnish. We also apply varnish on top, pressing the fabric, removing air from under it, smoothing it.

We proceed in the same way, gluing the scraps in random order.

Fill the entire surface of the bottle. The resulting result.

I decided to decorate the joints of the flaps with beautiful braid in matching shades.

First, glue the silver braid onto the neck of the bottle. You can use any strong, preferably transparent glue. I'm having a "Moment".

In the same way we glue the bottom edge of the vase.

We glue the first piece of tape along the contour.

We proceed in the same way further.

We select the braid at random, as fantasy and imagination suggest.

The resulting result.

Cover the entire surface again with acrylic varnish.

After drying, the vase is ready.

We can put flowers and decorate the interior.

The word decoupage literally translated from French means “cutting” or “unfolding”. Therefore, decoupage is a technique of decorating an object with cut out paper motifs.

History of decoupage technique

Decoupage is a very ancient decorative technique for decorative items and furniture, which consists of meticulously cutting out illustrations from various materials (paper, fabric, etc.), and then attaching them to the surface to be decorated.

The origins of technology lead to the Middle Ages. Although decoupage as an art form was first mentioned in the 15th century in Germany, it gained its greatest popularity in the 17th century in Venice, where at that time furniture inlaid with Chinese and Japanese motifs was in fashion. But such a hobby was not available to everyone. Therefore, Venetian craftsmen came up with the idea of ​​making imitations of inlays using cut-out images that were glued to the surface of the furniture they produced.

The popularity of this idea grew, the technique of the process was constantly improved, and decoupage reached the peak of its glory in England in the 18th century. At that time, not only furniture, but entire rooms were decorated in this way.

The decoupage technique has not lost its relevance to this day.

Why is decoupage needed?

Decoupage is used to decorate hats, shoes, accessories (bracelets, watches), plates and trays, Christmas tree decorations, and to create exclusive interior items.

Thanks to this technique, you can easily turn an old vegetable box or drawer into a stylish piece of furniture. And a bottle that should have been thrown away can, in skillful hands, turn into an irreplaceable flower vase.

But that's not all decoupage is for. This technique not only allows you to save on purchasing new interior items, but also breathes new life into them, turning them into unique things that cannot be found in the store.

What materials are needed for decoupage?

Today there are a lot of things that make the traditional process easier and faster. It will not be difficult for experienced craftsmen to select the necessary “ingredients” for a certain type of work (for example, for decorating a plate). But for beginners, the modern variety of tools and materials is sometimes even scary.

In big cities, there are more and more specialty stores for creative supplies every day. And those who decide to take up decoupage, due to their inexperience, rush to exactly where polite consultants will try to sell them branded materials and tools. But more often than not, in ordinary office supply stores you can buy almost everything you need for decoupage for a beginner, and at a fraction of the price. Although it is possible that you will still have to go to specialized retail outlets for some materials.

Here is a list of what a beginner needs for decoupage:

1. Tools:

  • sharp scissors;
  • synthetic brushes, preferably with a flat tip (natural ones tend to lose bristles);
  • masking tape;

2. Materials:

  • any napkin with a pattern, magazine clipping, printout, etc.;
  • primer or, more simply, ordinary white acrylic paint;
  • simple PVA glue (perfectly replaces special glue for decoupage and is much cheaper);
  • the finest sandpaper;
  • acrylic paints (which paints are needed for decoupage - decide for yourself, it can be either colored or metallic, that is, gold, silver, bronze, copper and so on, you can buy it either as a set or individually);
  • acrylic varnish (although it looks milky white, it becomes transparent after drying);
  • paint thinner or white spirit;
  • wood putty, necessary when working with wooden objects.

3. Additional materials:

  • crackle (for the formation of cracks);
  • bitumen (for aging);
  • silicone (for 3D effect).

Types of decoupage

Depending on the type of surface to be decorated and the desired effect you want to achieve, there are five types of decoupage techniques.

The most common is direct decoupage. What is needed for beginners and is most suitable is this particular technique, which is the basis for all the others. Direct decoupage is the application of an image to almost any surface without unnecessary effects.

To decorate transparent glass objects, there is a reverse decoupage technique. Its essence lies in gluing the application to the reverse side of the surface.

Three other techniques are more complex and are not suitable for a beginner decoupage artist:

  1. Artistic decoupage is the combination of several techniques and effects into a whole picture.
  2. Volumetric decoupage. To perform it, in addition to the standard set of items, a special paste, small pieces of fabric and/or natural materials (pebbles, eggshells) are required.
  3. Decopatch is a mixture of decoupage and patchwork (patchwork). Made from many pieces of paper.

Main stages of work

As with any process, for decoration using the decoupage technique, there are main stages of work, which are almost always performed in a certain sequence:

  1. Cleaning the decoration item from any contaminants (label, plaque) using an alcohol-containing solution.
  2. Coating the surface with acrylic varnish.
  3. Applying a layer of primer or white acrylic paint.
  4. Re-coating with acrylic varnish.
  5. Grinding.
  6. Attaching a picture.
  7. Another layer of acrylic varnish.
  8. The process of artistic underpainting, applying the main background, and so on.
  9. Coating with acrylic varnish in several layers.
  10. Decorating, creating various effects (for example, the effect of cracks is achieved by applying a layer of craquelure)
  11. Applying the last layer of acrylic varnish.

When working using the reverse decoupage technique, the order of some steps changes: first, craquelure is applied (if necessary), then an image is attached, then decoration occurs using patterns, stamps, and the main background.

Objects for decoupage

The most common decorative items are various boxes, plates, cabinet doors and glass containers.

In general, decorating jars and bottles is quite simple. The list of what is needed to decoupage a bottle is practically no different from a typical list: the basic tools and materials are the same.

There is only one caveat when choosing a decoration method. As stated above, the design of transparent glass surfaces is done using the reverse decoupage technique. This rule is more often applied to flat surfaces to be decorated, such as plates, glass lids or doors, and the like. Bottles can be decorated in direct, reverse, or both ways together.

What else you need to decoupage a bottle is just to determine what your craft will serve as: a vase, a container for oil, or just a decoration for a window sill.

Newbie mistakes

Decorating using the decoupage technique is a creative process. But even here there are some points that do not forgive mistakes that are typical of almost all beginners.

The most common are the following:

  1. Start working on an unprepared and unprimed surface.
  2. Do not apply a finishing coat of acrylic varnish.
  3. Haste and haste.
  4. Late washing of instruments.
  5. Smoothing the pasted image with your fingers.
  6. Using gouache and watercolor instead of acrylic paints.
  7. Mixing paints directly in a jar.

Sometimes it happens that you seem to be doing everything correctly, following all the steps and points, but the result is not very beautiful. To prevent this from happening to you, use the advice of decoupage artists:

  1. You cannot brush over the same place more than twice.
  2. You should squeeze the brush well from the glue.
  3. Mix the paints with a small margin, this way you will have something to touch up the edges of the application or the background after drying.
  4. The plastic surface needs to be made a little rough using sandpaper so that neither the paint nor the illustration comes off.
  5. Before you start decorating an iron can, you should apply a base coat to it, since without it the paint will quickly peel off.
  6. To achieve a uniform background coverage, apply paint not with a brush, but with a foam sponge with the smallest holes.
  7. Do not skimp on varnish for the final layer, i.e. apply several layers.
  8. Before gluing pictures printed from magazines or other paper, they should be wetted, this will reduce the likelihood of wrinkles.
  9. An applique pasted on a dark background becomes almost invisible, so avoid dark colors or apply a light background under the picture.
  10. Apply the craquelure with a sponge, then the cracks will be smaller and “run” in different directions.

Decoupage translated from French means “cutting”. It means a technique that involves cutting out images from leather, wood, fabric, napkins, which are subsequently pasted for decoration on dishes, furniture, textiles and any other surface. We have already offered you master classes on, now we offer you to decorate the bottle.

One of the favorite objects of decoupage masters is a bottle. Absolutely any bottle is suitable for decoration: from olive oil, alcoholic beverages, etc.

Decorating bottles with napkins is a fascinating process that requires patience and perseverance when gluing the bottle.

What do you need to decoupage a bottle?

To create a masterpiece of “napkin technique” using bottles, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • glass bottle with a smooth surface without bulges;
  • special cards for decoupage, magazine clippings, three-layer napkins;
  • means for removing grease from glass surfaces (solvent, alcohol, acetone);
  • acrylic paints for priming and painting the surface;
  • PVA glue or decoupage glue;
  • synthetic brushes of various thicknesses;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • additional details for decoration: rhinestones, beads, stickers;
  • craquelure varnish - to create an antique effect;
  • nail scissors;
  • masking tape;
  • a small piece of foam rubber;
  • disposable plates intended for diluting paint;
  • rags;
  • sandpaper.

Before making decoupage on a bottle, you need to prepare not only the necessary material for work, but also a work place so that you can decorate bottles with napkins for a long time and not feel tired. You need to do decoupage on a large table, on which it will be convenient to place the required tools and items. The room should be well lit and ventilated, since when decorating a bottle using the decoupage technique, special products are used that have a pungent odor.

DIY decoupage of bottles with napkins: master class for beginners

After the necessary material has been prepared, you can proceed directly to decorating the bottle:

In order to understand how to decorate a bottle with napkins, no special skills are required. It is enough to be careful when gluing the napkin to the bottle. Such a creative craft can serve not only as decoration, but also as a holiday gift. At the same time, you can decorate the bottle in accordance with the theme of the holiday, for example, for New Year, Family Day and any other holiday.

Recently, the technique of direct and reverse decoupage has gained particular popularity among lovers of needlework. Its essence lies in gluing in a special way drawings and patterns cut from paper, leather, fabric or wood onto various surfaces. Using decoupage, craftswomen make amazingly beautiful, original crafts that can decorate the interior of your home or become a gift. How to master this technique? It is easy to make decoupage of bottles with tights, the master class of which is given below. Try yourself in this technique and you will get a lot of pleasant emotions!

Rules for decorating bottles using decoupage technique

Your children will be delighted if you allow them to participate with you in creating unique items with their own hands. These pleasant moments will remain in the kids’ memory and will bring you both a lot of joy. Various materials are suitable for crafts: fabric, women's tights, shells, seashells, toilet paper, napkins, lace, photographs and more.

Glue, primer, oil, paint, and varnish will help prepare the surface, fix it and give the necessary shape and background to the decoupage elements. Using this technology, you can decorate a bottle of champagne, wine, cognac, martini, a plastic or clay flower pot, a vase, or a glass jar. If you are going to make a craft for the first time using this technique, then in order to avoid some mistakes, familiarize yourself with several rules for performing decoupage.

Decorative products made using this technology should be as contrasting and bright as possible. It is important to choose a plain surface for gluing pictures and decorate it with bright, color-saturated elements. Any bottle is suitable to create an original interior decoration. When making this craft, consider the following recommendations:

  • For decoupage, take a container of a simple shape, because it will be difficult to work with a non-standard one.
  • If napkins are used in decoupage, then a design is first cut out of them, and then the top layer is separated and then glued.
  • To glue fragments to the surface, it is best to use decoupage glue. However, regular PVA diluted with water will do instead.
  • The drawings are glued to the surface of the object greased with glue and leveled to avoid the formation of wrinkles.
  • When the bottle processed using this technique dries, it is opened with a special varnish for decoupage.
  • After finishing the work, the craft, if desired, is tinted with acrylic paint and decorated with ribbons, beads, shells, sparkles, and bows.

Step-by-step master classes on decoupage bottles with nylon tights

Before starting decoupage work, prepare the bottle. To do this, it is soaked in warm water and then cleaned of stickers, dirt, and glue residues. The washed glass surface is degreased with alcohol. This step must be done, because otherwise the layers applied to the glass will not last long. Next, acrylic varnish is used. They cover the surface or elements of the bottle.

DIY champagne bottle decoration “Lady in the Hat”

It’s easy to make the interior of your apartment more original with the help of unusual, stylish decor. A handmade craft in your home will look especially impressive and will arouse the admiration of family members and guests. To make your own decoupage of bottles with tights using the “Lady in a Hat” master class, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • champagne bottle and cap;
  • PVA glue;
  • tights;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Titan";
  • canning lid;
  • peas;
  • spray paint brown, golden color.

Craft manufacturing technology:

  1. Cut off the stockings from the tights.
  2. Soak the nylon parts with PVA glue.
  3. Place the stockings prepared in step 2 onto the glass container from bottom to top.
  4. Make a beautiful drapery on tights, placed on the container to be decorated, and dry.
  5. Take a canning lid. Put a small piece of stocking soaked in glue on it, tie the ends of the nylon fabric at the top of the wrapped element.
  6. Bend the edges of the cap up and dry.
  7. From the remains of the stocking, cut 6 strips, gather each on one side using a thread and a needle and form roses, soak them in glue, and dry.
  8. When all the blank elements have dried, you need to glue the “flowers” ​​onto the cap and middle of the bottle with “Titanium”.
  9. Glue peas in the form of earrings and beads to the top of the glass container, as well as to the “neck” of the dress.
  10. Glue the champagne cap to the bottom of the “hat”.
  11. Paint all elements and visible parts of the bottle with brown and then golden paint.

Decorating a holiday bottle using tights and napkins

If you show your imagination and use the decoupage technique, then unnecessary things can easily turn into elegant and unusually beautiful decor. So, an ordinary glass bottle and nylon tights, napkins can easily be transformed into an exclusive stylish decoration for a table or interior, a stunning wedding or New Year’s gift, a gift for parents for the birth of a child or a loved one. The instructions below will help you make decoupage. To make it you need the following items:

  • glass bottle;
  • PVA glue;
  • nylon tights;
  • acrylic paint;
  • napkins with an interesting floral pattern or lace motif;
  • watercolor paints or spray paint.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Clean and treat the surface of the bottle with alcohol.
  2. Soak the stockings with glue.
  3. Place the stocking on the glass surface from below and give the material a relief, turn the top edge of the fabric a little for a voluminous look at the neck, and make the window where the picture will be glued even.
  4. Dry the product and cover it with acrylic paint. Dry.
  5. Cut out a design from a napkin using a stencil, separate the top layer and glue it onto the glass surface. Dry.
  6. Use an aerosol can to paint the surface of the glass container, except for the part with the picture. Dry.
  7. Decorate the bottle with decor (butterflies, beads, rhinestones).

How to decoupage a bottle from pleated tights

It’s easy to colorfully decorate any glass bottle using the full type decoupage technique. Any nylon tights are suitable for this. This material, dipped in glue, drapes beautifully on a glass container. What shape to give to the nylon depends on the ideas and imagination of the needlewoman. The surface decorated with this material can be painted in any color. Decoupage of bottles with tights according to the master class described below will help turn ordinary glass containers into a beautiful thing for decoration. Required for its manufacture.