Encyclopedia of stones: Orange stones. Precious and semi-precious stones of orange color Dark orange stone

For teenagers

Orange-colored precious and ornamental stones are often used in jewelry. A stone with a sunny color can be transparent or opaque. The most popular orange gem minerals are topaz, carnelian, garnet and opal.. Orange diamonds are also found. Among the ornamental and semi-precious stones are tiger's eye, amber, agate, and jasper. Prominent representatives of minerals of this color are citrine and zircon. Orange sapphires and tourmalines are highly prized.

What can orange stones do?

Precious orange minerals are the focus of the sun in the stone. They are filled with energy, optimism, joy and the power of life. A stone of this shade is a symbol of love, fertility, male strength and female attractiveness. The mineral inspires, stimulates, improves mood, enhances sensitivity and flexibility of thinking.

Most fire topaz is mined in Brazil. Precious jewelry with them can cheer up the saddest person and add new colors to the life of its owner. The mineral activates the right half of the brain, which is responsible for creativity. Topaz brings back a positive attitude during periods of depression. It gives sound sleep and complete rest. Fights manifestations of aggression, prevents conflicts. Carnelian is a type of layered chalcedony. A translucent gem can be exclusively orange or interspersed and streaked with white, gray, and black shades. Carnelian is known for its ability to heal wounds and boost immunity. The mineral brings love, prosperity and the desire for self-improvement to its owner. It has a positive effect on memory and speaking abilities.

Amber is especially popular among orange-colored ornamental stones. Its healing power helps with thyroid diseases and some cancer problems. The high iodine content gives amber bactericidal properties. The mineral gives an optimistic outlook on life, enhances psychic abilities and attracts good luck.

Tiger's eye gives its owner strength, determination and optimism. The stone protects against rash actions, recklessness and rashness. The owner of the tiger's eye becomes insightful and wise. The mineral requires its owner to be active and move forward.

Who benefits from wearing such minerals?

Honey and orange colored gemstones are needed by those who want to live in joy and happiness. Topaz is recommended for workaholics who find it difficult to find time to relax and communicate with loved ones. Those who strive to create a strong family can benefit from wearing carnelian. Orange stones are useful for respiratory diseases. It is useful for pregnant women and women in labor to wear amber. It is advisable for Scorpios to have an orange gem. The mineral will help them become softer, kinder and happier. For Gemini, honey-colored stones will give them the respect and love of others they need. A sun-colored stone is necessary for Leos. It will give them strength and energy to achieve their goals.

Solar talisman

Topaz is the strongest amulet for women and all creative people. It develops intuition, hidden abilities and talents. The stone has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune and respiratory systems. Orange topazes are love talismans. They help to find happiness in the family and preserve love in marriage for many years. Carnelian gives love and protects relationships from boredom. Precious products with it can bring peace back to the family, pacify jealousy and aggression. The stone helps to remain faithful and teaches a person to appreciate his soulmate. Carnelian protects against accidents, injuries and accidents. It is able to protect against damage, love spells or the evil eye. It is advisable to wear precious items with carnelian for women who dream of children. The strongest talisman and amulet is amber. It drives away evil spirits, protects against illness, injury and sudden death. Amber allows you to avoid many troubles and helps you courageously fight difficulties. The mineral is an indicator of health. As it deteriorates, the stone becomes cloudy and changes color. Amber beads or bracelets protect small children from falls and blows. The tiger's eye is a male talisman. It helps in the fight against opponents, protects against intriguers and envious people. The stone promotes career advancement and stimulates healthy ambition. Tiger's eye brings good luck in business and enhances business sense. It is advisable to have it with you during important negotiations.

Since those time immemorial, when man acquired the ability to perceive the harmony and beauty of the world around him, his attention has been drawn to himself by the magical play of color, transparency and perfection of shape and crystals, precious stones and semi-precious stones.
Having no other tools for understanding nature other than observation, people for many millennia accumulated and sorted the signs and properties of stones, discarding random ones and storing persistently repeating connections in memory. At first we noticed the influence of the color of the stone on its owner. There is such a thing as “color psychology” (color is the vitamin of the soul).

RED COLOR activates, increases physical performance, causes a feeling of warmth.
ORANGE AND YELLOW stimulate appetite and put you in an even, optimistic mood.
BLUE causes concern.
BLUE COLOR It has a relaxing effect, relieves headaches of spastic origin, and reduces appetite.
GREEN COLOR calms the nervous system, concentrates thought, and gives a feeling of coolness.

The color of the stone contributes to the development of certain qualities in a person.
Loneliness and perfection are emphasized by decoration with white stones. Such stones develop hard work and a sense of freedom in a person. This is a symbol of spiritual purity, selflessness and the absence of secret black thoughts.
Red colored stones symbolize energy, passion, movement. Such stones are given as a gift to stimulate a person’s energy and strengthen the body’s protective functions. Owners of red stones are able to provoke a person to frankness. Red stones usually enhance passion in a person.
Orange colored stones symbolize beauty, grace, artistry. Jewelry made from these stones develops a person’s sense of beauty and sharpens sensory perception.
Green stones symbolize the integrity of the individual. Owners of such stones are reasonable and patient.
Blue stones are symbols of logical thinking. These stones contribute to the development in a person of such qualities as intuition and practicality. Stones of harmony and tranquility.
Purple stones- a symbol of mystery, magic, mysticism, the color of clergy.
Stones of purple (raspberry) color- a symbol of irresistible will and thought.
Brownish stones symbolize peace, reliability, stability.
Black stones symbolize the beginning and end, connection with the other world.

Each color has its own special effect.
Red activates and attracts attention.
Blue cools and calms.
Green heals and gives energy.
Yellow color enriches emotions.
Brown is the color of solidity, although sometimes it can be too heavy.
Pink and scarlet are the colors of love.
Orange makes you feel hungry.
White and black are not colors in themselves, but the presence of all colors and the absence of all colors respectively. They symbolize different things in different cultures. For example, in Europe, white is considered the most noble color. It is a symbol of purity in the circle of life and death. In China, it is associated with death and mourning. White decor in your home can help bring out all your potential, but too much white will indicate a lack of direction in your life. The color white in China means mourning. Black symbolizes the emptiness of the transition period. The use of colors is a complex topic and requires personal factors to be taken into account when discussing it.

Stones are always associated with the forces of the cosmos and with the person on whom these forces are projected. From time immemorial, astrologers have used stones to communicate with the astral world in order to obtain information about a person’s past or future through them. The astral qualities of a stone, its strength, are determined not by hardness, not by size, and certainly not by cost, but by transparency, color and purity of color. Stones with strong shine and play of light (for example, demantoids and spinels) are especially valued, and the presence of an asterisk or harmonious inclusion (star rubies and sapphires, hairy quartz) enhances the positive properties of the jewelry stone. Defects, bubbles, and areas of opacity enhance the negative properties of the stone.

According to the Chinese school, stones are divided into male and female, i.e. YANG And YIN:
- all transparent and translucent stones, with warm tones and shades - masculine stones, symbolize the active principle of YANG - FIRE (red, orange, yellow) and AIR (colorless, pale blue, golden-green).
- opaque stones, with cold tones and shades, and also capable of changing their color when rotated (opals with the exception of fire opals, lunar stones, alexandrites and synthetic amethysts) - female stones, symbolize the opposite principle YIN, - WATER (blue, blue, violet, blue -green) and EARTH (very dark, dark brown, black).
- stones with noticeable color transitions from warm to cold tones (topazes, tourmalines, jaspers) symbolize the unity and struggle of opposites YIN and YANG. A stone with sharp and contrasting transitions is more Yang, while a stone with smooth ones is Yin.
- hard stones symbolize the beginning of YANG (corundum, diamond), soft stones - YIN (calcite, moonstone).

Typical Yang stones: ruby, diamond, yellow sapphire, red garnet, fire opal, carnelian, carnelian, rock crystal, citrine, peridot, pyrope, demantoid, transparent and pure amber, red corals, tiger and bull's eye, golden topaz, cinnabar, rubellite, sardonyx, eudialyte, pyrite, rutile hairy quartz, rhodolite, varieties of spinel in red, yellow or crimson tones. All Yang stones are good as talismans (active influence on the owner and his environment).
- typical YIN stones: emerald, blue star sapphire, moonstone, labradorite, cacholong, opal, amethyst, morion, rauchquartz, alexandrite, white and green jade and jadeite, pearls and mother-of-pearl of any color, white corals, hawk's eye, cat's eye, charoite, seraphinite, chrysoprase, gray agates, shungite, selenite, tektite, serpentine, jet, mammoth ivory, milky amber, lapis lazuli, aventurine. All YIN stones gravitate towards amulets (passive protective role from the environment, internal harmonization).

Stones by typical color

red pink orange yellow green blue blue violet brown

The joyful shade of sunny color is inherent in many precious and decorative stones. Jewelers choose such minerals to make bright and unusual jewelry.

The meaning of yellow

People associate the yellow hue with life and wealth. Life is sunlight, without which everything on earth dies. Wealth is gold.

There are not as many yellow minerals as representatives of other colors in the palette.

Among the most famous and used by masters are sapphire, topaz, golden beryl, garnet, citrine, tourmaline, spinel, as well as amber and zircon.

Yellow is the most active color of all; it stimulates action and a vibrant lifestyle. A person who chooses yellow can be described as confident, optimistic, extraordinary, and sincere.

Precious yellow stones

The price of such jewelry with a large number of gems and expensive metal reaches several thousand dollars.

Sapphire, also known as yakhont, belongs to the precious subspecies of corundum. This is one of the hardest crystals after diamond, and the yellow color is a unique phenomenon.

In the old days, yellowish sapphire was called oriental peridot, and yellow-orange sapphire was called padparadscha.

Jewelers cut the stone like a diamond and place it in exclusive jewelry. Earrings, rings or pendants with such a gem are valued at thousands of dollars due to the rarity of their inserts.

Spinel yellow in small quantities is mined in India and Afghanistan. This shade is quite rare for a stone, and it is not in great demand in jewelry.

The crystals do not have a rich color, but their high refractive index and perfect transparency make them amazing. They are cut into step or diamond cuts and set into rings and earrings.

The price of yellowish spinel can reach $700 per carat.

Tourmaline yellow-brown color is called dravite. This is a rare type of mineral, which today is mined in only two deposits in Kenya.

Often the gem exhibits heterogeneous color and numerous inclusions. When properly processed, translucent stone acquires excellent properties. Its crystals are used to make pendants, earrings, and rings. The cost of such products made of gold ranges from one hundred to a thousand dollars.

The video talks about the energy of yellow stones and their magical properties.

Semiprecious stones

Beryl differs in a variety of colors. In the yellow spectrum there are pure yellow, gold and yellow-green stones. Most often, its crystals are translucent, but golden transparent specimens are also found. They are usually step-cut and used for expensive jewelry.

True beryl is its yellow-green variety, called chrysoberyl. The most popular jewelry with beryl are pendants, rings, earrings, and bracelets. The stone is set in gold, less often in silver. The cost of jewelry can reach several hundred and even thousands of dollars.

Citrine– a transparent golden-yellow variety of quartz. It is distinguished by good workability and unique properties, which allows you to create interesting jewelry with it.

Some specimens are processed as cabochons, others are faceted. Depending on the type of finish and type of metal in the frame, products can belong to the daytime or evening group and cost from 2-3 to 15-20 thousand rubles.

Pomegranate unusual yellow color is mined in small quantities. Yellow-orange crystals are not highly valued; they are used to make beads and cabochons; quite rarely, jewelers give them the shape of precious stones, cutting them with fancy or step cuts.

In products, yellow garnet can be combined with artificial cubic zirconia or with its own red “brothers”. The cost of earrings, beads, bracelets or pendants with a stone is several thousand rubles. As a rule, the price of such products is determined by the type of precious metal, and not by the gemstones.

– a natural substitute for diamond. However, unlike this nugget, zircon can have all sorts of colors, including bright yellow and yellowish-golden. Transparent or translucent specimens with low cost are ideal for creating inexpensive jewelry.

When properly cut, the stone has a magnificent iridescent glow. Jewelers do not often use zircon, but products with it are distinguished by their beauty and status appearance.

A carat of yellow mineral will cost $300-400, and earrings or a pendant with zircon can be the best decoration for an evening out.

Ornamental and decorative stones

– petrified resin of ancient coniferous trees. Despite its organic origin and low price, it is one of the most beautiful and unique gems.

Only the fact that the age of an amber stone can reach 30-40 million years makes it an unusual decoration in any girl’s jewelry box.

To emphasize the elegance of everyday clothing, it is enough to complement the outfit with a pendant or earrings made of amber. Honey color with all sorts of shades of yellow, gold and orange will enliven the darkest palette in clothes.

Some pieces of amber have a translucent structure, but most stones are opaque. Amber is used more often than other minerals for medical purposes; beads are made from it to treat diseases of the endocrine system. They cost up to 5 thousand rubles. Cheaper jewelry is silver rings, pendants and earrings.

Nephritis yellow color is not very widespread. More often you can find green or white-green stones. The yellow color in this mineral is very bright; opaque specimens of a rich shade are used to make inexpensive jewelry - costume jewelry.

No metals are used in beads and bracelets; the products are made from polished beads of various shapes. Less commonly, yellow jade is processed into cabochon form for pendants, earrings or rings. The price for such jewelry is several thousand rubles.

Jasper– the mineral that always combines several colors at once. An opaque yellow-green stone is found just as often as gems with other colors. The interweaving of basic shades and various inclusions creates amazing patterns on the sections.

The low cost, complemented by the original beauty of jasper, has made it an indispensable material in the manufacture of budget jewelry. They are valued at thousands and sometimes hundreds of rubles, and the most popular are bracelets, rings, earrings and pendants with large cabochons.

If you are not afraid to attract attention or want to make a statement to the world, feel free to choose jewelry with yellow stones. They will not only help introduce you to others, but will also warm you with their light even on cold and cloudy days.

It is difficult to find a color more suitable for solar energy than orange. Even yellow is somewhat inferior to it in terms of “sunnyness”. It is the influence of the main heavenly body that gives yellow gemstones their exceptionally positive energy.

This is manifested in the fact that stones of this shade give the owner a huge charge of energy and strength to perform any feats.

– a stone of an optimist and lover of life. Such a person will always find a reason to be happy. There will be no place for envy in his life - he will only share the happiness of a successful friend or relative. Stones of this color are perfect for both men and women - a rare property in the world of gems. It will add courage to the stronger sex and increase masculine strength. The fair sex, turning to help for help orange gemstones

, will enhance natural beauty.

Orange stones are also good for people of art. A writer who has run out of ideas, a frustrated musician, and an artist who despairs that his career has come to an end will find inspiration in the orange shine of the stones, and they will quickly have the strength to create new masterpieces.

Give an orange gemstone to a bore or an eternal pessimist, and after a while you will not be able to get enough of looking at this person. This is all due to the positive energy of the stone - it literally sparkles with optimism and fun.

Orange Gems in Color Psychology Psychologists say that orange is the color of leaders and creative people. This color is completely safe and natural, there are no contraindications to it. By surrounding yourself with objects of this shade, you can count on increased concentration. Having with you orange colored gemstone

or another item with a bright orange color note, you will get along better with people. This is quite scientifically explainable. The fact is that orange has a positive effect on a person’s attention. If you literally “anticipate” the right words, this will help in successful relationships - both romantic and purely business, with any partner.

Psychologists also associate the color orange with the period of human puberty and the intimate sphere as such. This color is a strong stimulant; it fills our lives with fiery passion. One of the components of orange is “to blame” for this – red. The color of blood, as is known, activates the most important instincts in us - self-preservation and reproduction.

Orange gemstones in magic and medicine With a pure shade, very few are found in nature. But she allegedly decided to compensate for such scarcity by the fact that many famous and not so famous stones have orange variations. For example, there are orange topazes, sapphires, tourmalines and even diamonds. Other stones of this color include amber, carnelian, garnet and opal. This color is also common among the semi-precious family of stones. This includes tiger's eye, agate and jasper. We will tell you about the properties of some of these orange beauties right now.

Cornelian. The name of this stone is associated with its strong association with the human heart. This metaphor was based on the color of the stone - sometimes it resembles blood, and sometimes it resembles flame. Due to the variety of shades in the Middle Ages, this “fiery heart” was usually divided into conventionally feminine and conventionally masculine stones. By the way, “carnelian” is a purely Slavic name, but in other parts of the world the stone is called “sardolite”. This semi-precious orange stone was known to our very distant ancestors back in the Paleolithic era. Even then, our still very wild and hairy relatives used this beautiful pebble as decoration. Carnelian gained real popularity in the era of antiquity. It was incredibly popular among the Romans and Greeks; there are also mentions of it in European, Mesopotamian and even ancient Russian chronicles.

  • Magical properties. The heart stone has long been closely associated with love, family and romantic relationships. This stone, shaped like a gem, was often given to newlyweds as a wedding gift to attract happiness and good luck to the new family. Astrologers believe that carnelian is best suited for Virgo and Gemini. It helps the first to overcome outbursts of spontaneous anger, while the second helps in spiritual and social development.
  • Medicinal properties. The ancient Greeks discovered the beneficial properties of the stone. In their culture, it was believed that carnelian jewelry calms the nerves and helps to relax. These orange gemstones were often used in Europe. There they were crushed into powder, diluted with wine or water and taken orally to treat headaches.

Eye of the Tiger. Included in this orange colored gemstone includes several minerals, to which it owes such unusual shapes and shades. Most often, the orange or yellow color "base" is intersected by dark stripes, which gives a stunning resemblance to the skin of a tiger. In addition to jewelry, tiger's eye is often used in other crafts. Figurines, mosaics and other works of art are made from it. It is noteworthy that this stone is very inexpensive - its price rarely exceeds $10 for a piece with a diagonal of 5 cm. It is also worth noting that stones with thinner “tiger” black stripes are especially valued.

  • Magical properties. Since ancient times, the tiger's eye was used by our ancestors as a powerful protective amulet. It is capable of not only driving away evil spirits, but also changing the person himself from the inside, protecting the wearer from himself. There is a belief that when danger approaches, jewelry inlaid with this orange colored gemstone, begins to warn the owner. A ring or necklace with a stone begins to “squeeze” the part of the body on which it is worn.
  • Medicinal properties. Not all of these properties have been discovered for the tiger's eye - from time to time it still surprises researchers. It is believed that the stone has a strong restorative and strengthening effect. It is recommended not to remove it for those who have just undergone a complex operation and need long-term rehabilitation. Tiger's eye reduces appetite, which may be useful if you are planning to lose weight.

Agate. There is perhaps no precious stone in nature that is more diverse in its color range. The orange shade of the stone is quite common, along with blue, white and gray. Agate got its name from the Achates river, near which it was once first discovered by the ancient philosopher and naturalist Theophrastus. Translated into Russian, the name of the stone means “happy.” Fire agate, this one is wonderful orange colored gemstone, was quite popular in medieval Europe. Chivalry had a special weakness for the stone - future heroes, setting off on their next feat or crusade, ordered an agate from a jeweler with the face of a beautiful lady carved on it, waiting for the knight at home. This stone is also famous for the fact that it was actively used in its creations by the Faberge family.

  • Magical properties. Agate was and continues to be considered a symbol of victory over enemies. Its owner is simply overwhelmed with self-confidence and courage. The stone has also found its use as a talisman for artists and musicians. It strengthens the mind and enhances creativity.
  • Medicinal properties. Water infused with agate has gained particular popularity among the people. When in contact with stone, it is saturated with useful substances, and after processing it can be used both for drinking and cooking. It was also used in the treatment of fever, insomnia and some stomach diseases.

Classification of precious stones. Varieties of precious stones by color. How to identify a real stone among the many fakes, imitations and hacks?

Today, jewelry specialists have a much more difficult time than their predecessors. If a few decades ago a genuine gemstone could be easily distinguished from a fake, even visually, then in the world of modern technology and progress it is almost impossible to do this by eye.

In addition to the well-known hacks made of glass, imitators of expensive stones from cheaper minerals, a new product has appeared on the jewelry market today - stone grown in laboratory conditions. Such a creation of human hands visually looks no worse than a mineral created by nature over many decades, but it costs several times less. How to distinguish a genuine natural stone from a fake or artificial stone? What precious minerals even exist?

What stones, gems and minerals are classified as precious stones: classification of precious stones

  • It will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand the complex classifications of precious stones. The fact is that today there are quite a lot of them: Sobolevsky, Kluge, Kievlenko, Gurich, Bauer-Fersman, etc.
  • In order not to dwell specifically on each of the classifications, we will try to create one, generalizing one, excluding facing stones from it:
  • The first category of stones is precious stones (the most expensive, valuable stones). This category of minerals includes diamond (brilliant), ruby, emerald, sapphire, alexandrite, etc.
  • The second category of stones is semi-precious stones (more common, but no less valuable). A similar category of minerals includes: amethyst, aquamarine, almadine, apatite, garnet, rock crystal, opal, quartz, topaz, tourmaline, zircon, chrysolite, etc.
  • The third category is jewelry and semi-precious stones. These include: agate, turquoise, amber, cat's eye, moonstone, lapis lazuli, malachite, jasper, tiger's eye.
  • Some classifications group stones into similar categories, however, they also divide minerals into classes. The class indicates the strength of the stone, its high cost and beauty.

Black gems: name, description, photo

There are so many minerals in nature that stand out for their black color. Some of them are so rare that it is almost impossible to find any information about them. In many cases, the name “black” stone can be considered relative, since in fact the mineral has a lighter or non-uniform color. Here are the most common black stones in jewelry:


Black diamond or carbonado

Black Diamond is the greatest rarity and value in jewelry. However, it is worth noting that it never reaches the level of jewelry, since its cutting and processing is very complex - it can only be done using the same stone. In the annals of jewelry there are only a handful of such stones, the most expensive of which was estimated at 1.7 million dollars. The other two became known as "Black Star of Africa" ​​and "Korloff Noir".

True black sapphire does not exist in nature. Almost all black sapphires are the work of scientists. They are obtained by processing blue sapphires. The few black sapphires that are of natural origin can hardly be called black, since their color is closer to the color of the sky at night. The most famous black sapphire is the Black Star of Queensland, worth $100 million.

This type of pearl is also difficult to consider truly black, since its darkness is softened by the mother of pearl of the pearl. However, the cost of such a curiosity remains quite high to this day. The rarest specimens of black pearls are collected in Tahiti in the corresponding museum.

This type of opal is considered one of the most expensive and valuable rocks. Most often, this mineral is found in deposits located in the least developed countries of the world, which causes numerous human losses during its extraction.

Black spinel is one of the most inexpensive types of black gemstones. Its cheapness is easily explained by the fragility of the stone and the complexity of its processing. Most often, spinel is used in needlework or jewelry in the form of cabochons.

Semiprecious stones

Black quartz or morion is the only representative of semi-precious stones of black color. This mineral is most often used in jewelry today. Externally, it has an opaque or barely transparent surface.

Jewelry and ornamental stones

In fact, black agate does not exist in nature. Only dark coal-colored minerals can be found. A rich black color can only be achieved through technological processing of this stone.

Other representatives of black jewelry and ornamental stones are: black onyx, obsidian, black jasper or jet, hematite, argillite and hypersthene.

White gemstones: name, description, photo

Naturally white or transparent minerals are considered the most expensive and valuable stones in jewelry. White gemstones include:

Diamond or diamond

It is a transparent diamond or an already cut part of it (diamond) that first comes to the mind of any person (especially women) when mentioning white precious stones. Indeed, this mineral is considered one of the most sought after. Its high cost is easily explained by the few deposits of this mineral in the ground. At the same time, only a small fraction of all mined diamonds are suitable for cutting.

Transparent spinel

Unlike its black counterpart, white spinel is a fairly expensive stone with a high strength. The impeccable purity and the fact that this mineral contains no impurities makes it even more valuable. White spinel is most often used in luxury jewelry.

Colorless topaz

With the naked eye, this mineral can easily be confused with a diamond. However, upon closer inspection, differences can be detected. In jewelry, it is customary to frame colorless topaz in noble white metals - gold, platinum.

Goshenite or colorless beryl

Goshenite is also very similar in appearance to diamond, but its shine can rather be called more chilling and restrained.


White pearls have always managed to captivate the fair sex with their warmth and tenderness. Oddly enough, in nature, pearls rarely have a round shape (such representatives are highly valued) - more often they are oblong and uneven. Pearls have one more feature - their lifespan. If ordinary minerals will delight the eye with their beauty forever, then a pearl can “go out” at any moment. The lifespan of this mineral does not exceed 300 years.

Achroite or white tourmaline

This type of rock is very rare, since its deposits are located in only one point on the map. Achroite is quite rare in the form of jewelry. This kind of pleasure can only be ordered from a few jewelry workshops in the world.

Semi-precious white stones include: white agate, rock crystal and white opal.

Jewelry and ornamental stones can boast of the presence in their list of such white minerals as milky coral, white jasper, moonstone, and white-green jade.

Blue gems: name, description, photo

Blue or cornflower blue sapphire

Only an experienced specialist will be able to distinguish these two types of mineral by eye. Blue sapphire is valued somewhat lower than cornflower blue sapphire, but it is still considered a precious stone. As for the cornflower blue sapphire, in ancient times it was used only for inlaying royal outfits and jewelry.


Topaz is most often found in blue, but in nature it also comes in other colors - yellow, green, orange, etc. Topaz is not an overly expensive mineral. Most often it is framed in white precious metals - platinum, white gold. Such metals seem to emphasize its gentle radiance.

Already from the very name of the mineral, its origin and associations associated with it become clear. The marine color of this stone helps jewelers create masterpiece blue jewelry. Aquamarine lovers should pay attention to the fact that this mineral is quite fragile - exposure to chemicals, mechanical damage and heat treatment negatively affect its condition.

This color of stone is extremely rare, which determines its rather high price. Framed, it can only be found in exclusive creations by jewelers, which are often kept in private collections and cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Semi-precious blue stones include: zircon, chalcedony.
Turquoise, apatite, bezoar, and amazonite are considered ornamental blue stones.

Blue gems: name, description, photo



Lapis lazuli is a gemstone that is most often set in yellow gold. This mineral is believed to have strong healing and protective properties.

Semi-precious blue stones include turquoise, the color range of which includes dozens of shades of blue, green and light blue.

Red gemstones: name, description, photo

Perhaps every person, when mentioning red gemstones, immediately thinks of ruby. This stunningly beautiful mineral is very widely used in jewelry. It is framed in various kinds of precious metals - gold, platinum, silver. A piece of jewelry inlaid with ruby ​​can be quite expensive - everything will depend on the metal, as well as the number and size of minerals. Since ancient times, rubies have been credited with many magical and healing qualities. This stone has always been associated with love, passion and desire.

Semi-precious red stones include garnet, zircon, carnelian, and coral.

Garnet, carbuncle or pyrope

In the myths of various ancient states there were very frequent references to this mineral. It was believed that pomegranate was able to heal many ailments and block the effects of poison and poison.

As for ornamental stones, the most famous representative of them in red color is jasper.

Pink gemstones: name, description, photo

Until recently, this soft pink gemstone was not classified as a separate subgroup - it was simply considered one of the varieties of amethyst. However, thanks to the works of the American Kunz (by whose name it was named), this mineral, based on its composition, different from amethyst, was nevertheless recognized as a completely different stone.

In the early 90s, kunzite attracted the attention of the entire public. He owed such popularity to the Kennedy family. The fact is that the American president, on the eve of his tragic death, purchased Jacqueline a ring inlaid with kunzite. But John was never destined to give the gift to his beloved wife - he was shot dead a month before the celebration.

Morganite or pink beryl

Morganite (in Russia sparrowite) is a rather rare mineral. Most often it is used to decorate products in the company of diamonds.

Rubellite or pink tourmaline

Rubellite is a fairly inexpensive, but no less beautiful gemstone. Its resemblance to a ruby ​​played into the hands of scammers in ancient times. It was this mineral that was used to counterfeit more expensive rubies.

Semi-precious pink stones include quartz, agate, and corundum.
As for ornamental stones, nature often colors jasper, coral, rhodochrosite and rhodonite pink.

Green gemstones: name, description, photo

Naturally, the most famous green gemstone is the emerald. Few people know that in its original form this mineral can hardly be called beautiful - only after high-quality cutting can one recognize it as the king of green stones. Emeralds are most often framed in yellow metals. In white version they can only be found in company with white gold and platinum. The price of emeralds is sometimes simply fabulous - from $300 per carat.

Demantoid or green garnet

The high refractive index of the sun's rays of the demantoid raises it to the level of the most regal stone - diamond. Most often, green garnet is confused with emerald, although its color, unlike the latter, is closer to the color of grass. For one carat of this gemstone you will have to pay from $100 to $1000.

Burgundy gemstones How to distinguish a real gemstone from a fake?

It will not be difficult for a high-class jeweler or appraiser to identify the authenticity of a stone using special tools and devices. As for the inexperienced layman, it will be very difficult for him to distinguish a real stone from a fake. In such cases, professionals recommend using the following techniques:

  1. Natural stone, as a rule, is much stronger than glass or plastic fakes. If you run a sharp object over it, there should be no mark left on it. In this case, a scratch may form on the fake. But this method is relevant only when it is necessary to distinguish hackwork from a real stone - if the product uses a natural, but less expensive mineral instead of a top-level precious stone, then there is no point in conducting such an experiment.
  2. Natural stones have a cool touch. If you put a stone on your tongue or apply it to your cheek, it will remain cold for a long time. If the product uses glass or plastic, the stone will heat up quite quickly.
  3. Natural stones grown in the depths of the earth are rarely large, but artificial minerals created in laboratories can reach more impressive sizes.
  4. The color of natural stone is rarely very rich and bright. At the same time, creating hackwork of any color and shade is quite simple.
  5. You should not expect that a natural stone will cost a penny - the price per carat of a precious mineral can reach thousands and hundreds of dollars.
  6. When purchasing a product with natural stones, you can ask the seller to provide a certificate of authenticity of the stones.

In fact, all precious minerals have completely different chemical and physical properties. Therefore, the identification of each of them must be approached individually.

Gems: Video

How to distinguish a precious stone from a natural one: Video