Cucumbers for dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles under the eyes will be overcome by cucumbers

Choice of colors

Interest in natural cosmetics made from homemade products is growing every day. It’s not surprising, because they contain a huge potential of minerals, trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. Cucumber remains one of the invariable attributes for quality facial care. It cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, refreshes and soothes. Read on to learn how to properly use cucumber on your face for great success.

Composition and benefits

Cucumber is considered life-giving moisture for the skin for a reason - 80% of its mass is water. The remaining percentage comes from important vitamins and microelements. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Vitamin A – regulates the water balance in cells, eliminates peeling of the epidermis;
  • Vitamin C – actively affects the process of skin renewal, stimulates the formation of new collagen fibers. Ascorbic acid increases tissue tone and elasticity;
  • Vitamin E is the skin's favorite vitamin. It accelerates the rate of regeneration, tightens it;
  • B vitamins – have a comprehensive effect on the epidermis. Thiamine (B1) rejuvenates the skin. Pantothenic acid (B5) eliminates wrinkles. Riboflavin (B2) is responsible for tissue respiration. Pyridoxine (B6) speeds up metabolism. Folic acid (B9) prevents the development of acne;
  • Vitamin K, PP - fight pigmentation, eliminate redness, help whiten the face. After a complex of cucumber procedures, the skin looks fresh and healthy;
  • Vitamin H – has wound-healing properties, reduces the appearance of scars to a minimum;
  • Potassium – retains moisture particles in cells, reduces the risk of early aging and withering of the epidermis;
  • Iodine – contributes to the functioning of cells, strengthens them and activates metabolic processes. The lack of an element affects the general condition of the skin, leading to fatigue and dry tissue;
  • Sulfur is an active assistant in skin rejuvenation. It stabilizes collagen production in adulthood, returning its former firmness and elasticity.

The cucumber stores most of the microelements, nutrients, enzymes, organic acids and mineral salts. Without them, the skin looks weakened and lifeless. Cucumber facial cosmetics are gentle and suitable for the sensitive area around the eyes.

What effect to expect

You can create many products based on the green vegetable. Their benefits for the face will be unimaginably high. Cucumber juice refreshes, gently cleanses, tones and intensively moisturizes the epidermis. You can judge for yourself how effective and necessary cucumbers are for the face:

  • Regular use of cucumber products can whiten your face. Freckles and age spots become lighter and less noticeable;
  • The cucumber mask is ideal for everyone. It quickly penetrates into cells, normalizes the acid-base balance;
  • You can use cucumbers for any type of epidermis. Adjust the composition of the mixture with additional ingredients to achieve a better effect. For example, for a fatty type, add egg white, and for a dry type, add homemade sour cream;
  • The high water content in the vegetable instantly solves the problem of dryness and flaking. For those with dry epidermis, a cucumber mask is a real find, an effective solution to the problem of lack of moisture;
  • Cucumber for the face at home can be used to lighten the circles under the eyes. Apply vegetable slices to your eyes - and the issue is resolved;
  • Cucumber cosmetics are ideal for sensitive and problematic skin. It soothes, reduces inflammatory reactions and prevents acne. Prepare cucumber lotion and rub it on problem areas. A cleansing and healing effect awaits you;
  • Such cosmetics are excellent for preventing early aging of the epidermis. It will prolong the youth of the skin;
  • For a face prone to increased oiliness, a “green” product is also suitable. It normalizes the functioning of cells and glands. A light protein-cucumber composition will dry the epidermis and give a healthy, natural shine.

Fresh cucumber for the face is a faithful assistant in skin care. It will cleanse, soothe, heal and restore your face. Be sure to add your “green friend” to your diet with other rejuvenation products to consolidate your success.

Cucumber products have no contraindications. But keep in mind that the product must be natural, grown without nitrates. Otherwise, an allergic reaction to chemical inclusions may occur.

Indications for use

Solve skin problems at the first symptoms. Delaying, ignoring redness, rashes, and the first wrinkles will complicate the situation in the future. This does not mean going straight to surgery. Try to improve your facial care, make homemade masks more often from cucumbers, lemon, milk, kefir, and cosmetic oils. Make adjustments to your diet and be sure to massage. If you don’t have time to go to a massage specialist, you can learn the technique of self-massage. Read more about it.

Use fresh cucumber for the face to solve the following imperfections of the epidermis:

  • Lack of moisture in cells, peeling;
  • Feeling of tightness;
  • Freckles, age spots;
  • Redness, irritation;
  • Noticeable blueness, puffiness under the eyes;
  • Increased fat content of the epidermis;
  • Withering, sagging skin.

Cucumber can temporarily eliminate foci of inflammatory pimples and acne, but you should not hope to get rid of extensive rashes. It will only provide first aid to the skin, soothe it, gently cleanse it and prepare it for the application of medicinal compositions.

Cucumber facial tricks

There are several ways to use cucumber at home. Each of them is important in care and can be used independently of the others. Let's look at the basic techniques for using green vegetables:

  • Washing with cucumber water is a great option for your daily facial cleansing routine. With it, the skin will always be toned, refreshed and filled with mineral elements. Place vegetable slices in mineral water several hours before washing. During this time, the liquid will infuse and receive nutritional components from the green product.
  • A rejuvenating, nourishing, cleansing face mask made from cucumber is an active dope for the epidermis, filled with moisture and microelements. Use vegetable mush with other nutritious ingredients. To make the mixture easier to apply, add oatmeal, flour, and thick sour cream.
  • Cucumber juice is ideal for making lotions, tonics, and creams. To obtain it, you need to grate the vegetable and squeeze the resulting pulp through cheesecloth.
  • Cosmetic ice - dilute concentrated cucumber juice with boiled or mineral water and freeze. Wipe your face with it in hot weather - the effect will pleasantly surprise you.
  • Cucumber mugs are an option for the lazy. There is no need to cook anything. Apply sliced ​​vegetable slices to problem areas. Place the cucumber in the refrigerator first to enhance its tonic and refreshing effect. It is recommended to apply cucumber lotions for 10–15 minutes on the area near the eyes to relieve puffiness and get rid of dark circles.
  • You can simply wipe your face with cucumber. Cucumber juice is quickly absorbed, leaves no residue and does not require rinsing.

Do not use a cucumber mask if you have lesions or dermatological diseases on your face. This threatens to spread the infection and complicate the problem. As a last resort, apply the product carefully, avoiding problem areas.

In order for the lotion and cucumber face mask against wrinkles and other skin problems to work as effectively as possible, it is recommended to follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

  1. Cosmetics must include high-quality, natural ingredients.
  2. The ingredients must not cause an allergic reaction. Additionally, perform a rapid test. Apply a little product to your wrist and wait 10 minutes.
  3. Please note that you can apply homemade masks only after removing makeup and treating with cleansing gel and milk. This way, you will get rid of remnants of cosmetics, dirt and fatty particles.
  4. Rinse off cucumber mixtures with clean water.
  5. Use cucumber that has been chilled in the refrigerator. It tones the skin better.
  6. It is important during the procedure that your face is relaxed. Take a comfortable position, turn on some light music and anticipate a magical transformation.
  7. Stick to the time frame for keeping the mask on your face. There is no point in holding the mixture for more than 25 minutes.
  8. After the procedure, use a face cream with a lifting effect for mature skin, and for young girls, limit yourself to a nourishing cream.

The best masks for beauty and youth

The cucumber mask is considered universal, suitable for everyone without the risk of worsening the condition of the skin. It acts so gently that everyone will like it. Dryness, wrinkles, sagging or wilting of the epidermis - all this is subject to simple cucumber compositions.

For cleansing and whitening

To thoroughly clean, refresh and whiten your face, use a green product. A cucumber cleansing mask is prepared according to the following recipes:

  • Mix 1 tsp. lemon juice with 2 tbsp. cucumber puree. The mixture is ready for application. After 20 minutes, rinse the product with water and apply the main face cream.
  • Add 2 tbsp to cucumber puree. chopped oatmeal and unsweetened yogurt. Apply the thick mixture to your face and wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Many natural blondes and red-haired girls are tormented by bright freckles and hyperpigmentation on their faces. You can get rid of them and give your face the sophistication of Italian women with a honey-cucumber mixture. You will need 1 tbsp. vegetable puree and 1 tsp. liquid honey. Hold the nutrient mixture for 20-25 minutes.

From excessive fat content

Protein and low-fat yogurt will help to slightly dry the surface of the face, soothe and get rid of unpleasant oily shine. The following recipes will tell you how to combine them correctly with cucumbers:

  • A combination of green vegetables and protein can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Prepare juice from the cucumber and beat the egg white. Mix the ingredients in a 1:2 ratio. Spread the mixture on your face for 20 minutes.
  • For those who find it difficult to prepare cucumber juice, another recipe will come in handy. It consists of grated pulp of half a cucumber, 1 tsp. whole milk and 1 tbsp. yogurt without additives. Apply the mixture to the problem surface. After 15–20 minutes, you will be pleased with clean, greasy-free skin. By regularly using the product, the production of sebaceous glands will decrease, and the condition of the epidermis will be normalized.

For the eye area

Cucumber puree with parsley will help get rid of fatigue, swelling, and crow's feet in the eye area. Mix 2 tbsp. green puree and 1 tsp. finely chopped greens. Place the mixture on the problem area for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and moisturize with eye cream.

For intense hydration

Cucumbers are famous for their high moisture content. They will happily pass it on to your skin. Use classic recipes to moisturize the epidermis:

  • Puree the cooled cucumber mixture. Apply it to the surface of your face. After 15 minutes, wash your face.
  • A sour cream and cucumber mixture will also help get rid of excessive dryness of the epidermis. To prepare it, mix 2 tsp. homemade, full-fat sour cream, one cucumber puree. Distribute the product evenly onto your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off any remaining residue with a cool herbal infusion or water.

For rejuvenation

To smooth out fine wrinkles, tighten contours, and refresh the skin, prepare a multi-component mask. To prepare it, you will need 2 tbsp. cucumber puree, 1 tbsp. puree of parsley, cottage cheese and whole milk. Add 1 tsp nutritional mixture. olive oil . Apply the mask for 20–25 minutes. After a while, rinse off the mixture and apply a firming face cream.


Text: Alisa Antonova

Cucumber masks are a classic of the genre. According to everyone, they save you from puffiness under the eyes and refresh your complexion.

Where do swelling and redness of the eyelids come from and how to deal with them? No one can tell you about this better than cosmetologists. Dermatologists Gregory Nicolaides and Debra Jeliman have been teaching their patients to deal with this problem for a long time and know everything about it.

“Temporary puffiness under the eyes is usually caused by congestion of lymphatic fluid,” says Dr. Nicolaides. - In such cases, massage and special exercises are more effective than creams. Also watch how you fall asleep. Do not stand on your stomach - it is better for your face to “look” up. Limit your salt intake. Avoid soy sauce and pizza, they are usually too salty.”

Drinking a lot of water is a favorite beauty rule of many stars. But for those who are prone to edema, large amounts of tea or mineral water can play a cruel joke. So if you don’t want to get bags under your eyes, give up excess fluid.

Now, actually, about cucumbers. When you are worried not only about swelling, but also about irritation of the skin around the eyes, according to the doctor, cucumber slices can really help (chamomile compresses are also good for relieving redness). Cucumbers are high in antioxidants and flavonoids that have beneficial effects on the skin, but the dermatologist warns that much of the effect comes from cooling. Cool cucumber helps evaporate moisture from the skin. Applying the slices to the eyelids for five to seven minutes is enough.

If you want to look fresh, Debra Jeliman advises relying not only on cucumbers, but also reconsidering your lifestyle in general. “Lack of sleep, smoking and alcohol contribute to the appearance of bags under the eyes,” she warns.

We believe in the power of the life-giving cucumber, but we still urge you not to abandon the inventions of professionals. Patches under the eyes are a great solution when you need to quickly deal with swelling. You can stick them on and do household chores. And right before going out, take it off and... enjoy your own reflection in the mirror. Among our favorites are Gatineau collagen compresses and Academie patches (we talked about them in more detail. By the way, eye drops are also very convenient to use and give a quick effect. We like the classic Visine, enclosed in a new package: now the redness-relieving solution is placed in convenient sterile ampoules that you can carry with you anywhere and everywhere.

How do you remove puffiness under the eyes?

Today on the website we’ll talk about very popular home remedies for the skin around the eyes, prepared using fresh cucumbers or juice from them, and finally find out why cucumbers are placed on the eyes.

Cucumbers on the eyes: why?

There is no doubt that every woman has at least once used cucumber masks on the face or skin around the eyes. We have all heard about their benefits, but how does it manifest itself? It turns out that this vegetable can tone the skin, moisturize it and whiten it. It has a unique composition, consisting of as much as 95% water. In addition, it also “found” pectin and starch, and they are the best for whitening the skin (in particular, they are useful for eliminating dark circles and cyanosis under the eyes). Among the vitamins, cucumbers contain incredibly valuable B vitamins for the skin, as well as anti-aging thiamine (vitamin H), vitamins E and C - antioxidants that prevent aging. If you are still thinking about putting cucumbers on your eyes or not, then these reasons should finally convince you. In addition, there is nothing in these vegetables that could cause allergies, so they are ideal for preparing home remedies for the care of the delicate skin around the eyes.

Cucumber eye masks: recipes

The website presents a selection of the most effective and affordable recipes for cucumber-based masks for the skin of the lower and upper eyelids:

  • Cucumber is as simple as shelling pears. If you don’t want to bother with various recipes, but still need to refresh and whiten your skin, just cut cucumber slices and place it on your eyes. How long should you keep cucumbers on your eyes? - until their surface heats up from the heat of your body. In addition, the circles can be turned over or replaced with new ones when you feel that the juice has already been absorbed into the skin of the eyelids. Cucumber applications in this form can be made when you apply any mask to the skin of the face and leave the area around the eyes clean from this product. In this case, get the benefit of 2 in 1.
  • As a modification of the previous recipe, you can use coarsely grated cucumber. Again, nothing complicated: grate, lightly squeeze out the juice, apply the paste on your eyelids for about 15 minutes. After that, rinse and apply your favorite cream for this area to your eyelids.
  • You can eliminate darkening under the eyes using cucumber infusion. To prepare it, chop a couple of homemade cucumbers (you can use a blender), pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for five to six hours. After this, strain off the liquid and wipe the skin of the eyelids with a cotton swab dipped in this infusion. In this case, the main thing is regularity. Use this product morning and evening and you will forget about dark circles.
  • Good mask from cottage cheese and cucumbers from bruises under the eyes. To prepare it you will need 100g of fat cottage cheese and two small cucumbers. Grate the vegetables on a fine grater and mix with the cucumber pulp using a fork. It’s even better if you beat the ingredients of the mask with a blender. Apply this mixture to gauze folded in half and “cover” your eyes with it for 25-30 minutes. After this, wash your face and wipe your eyelids with fresh cucumber.
How to put cucumbers on your eyes for bruises
  • Cucumber under the eyes also works well. Most often, this mixture is used to eliminate dark circles and dark circles. To prepare the mask, take equal quantities of finely grated potatoes (fresh) and cucumber, mix, and apply this mixture to the skin of the eyelids for half an hour. With regular use, even very dark and extensive circles around the eyes can be eliminated.
  • "Cucumber yogurt". This mask is suitable for women aged 35+ who want to make the first wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and crow's feet invisible, and it is also great for dry skin. To prepare, take equal amounts of finely chopped fresh cucumber and natural (not sweet) yogurt. You should make a mask every evening, keeping it on for at least half an hour, after which it would be a good idea to apply a nourishing cream for this area that is suitable for your age.
  • Milk-cucumber eye mask. You will need chilled milk and one fresh cucumber. Grind the vegetable, apply this mixture to the lower and upper eyelids, and place two cotton pads soaked in cold milk on top of the pulp. Keep the mask on for at least half an hour and rinse with running water. This product will help tighten and cleanse the skin and tighten pores.
  • Rejuvenating cucumber ice. To make cucumber juice, take half a kilogram of vegetables, squeeze the juice out of them and mix 1 to 1 with boiled water. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and wipe the skin of your eyelids with them daily. This way it will be “preserved” and will not age. Remember that excessive cold can negatively affect the delicate skin around the eyes, so allow no more than 1-2 minutes for the procedure.

The best cucumber-based home remedies are: homemade vegetables. Cucumbers for the skin around the eyes can also be dangerous if they are grown with the use of nitrates and other chemicals, since these substances can provoke a serious allergic reaction.

Natalya Degtyareva - especially for the site Under the Eyes ru

Due to the composition of this vegetable, cucumber masks have the following properties for skin rejuvenation:

  1. Vitamin A helps moisturize the skin and eliminate flaking (excessive dryness).
  2. Tocopherol helps in cell regeneration.
  3. Folic acid fights acne.
  4. Riboflavin helps improve metabolism in the epidermis.

Moreover, cucumber masks have the following effects on human skin:

  1. Promotes cell renewal.
  2. Return lost elasticity and firmness to the skin.
  3. Stimulates normal cellular metabolism.
  4. Refresh and restore tired skin.
  5. Eliminate swelling, age spots and bruises.
  6. Gives the skin a healthy glow.
  7. Relieves irritation and redness.
  8. Tones and soothes the skin.
  9. They have a whitening effect (for freckles).
  10. Eliminates excessive oiliness on the face and makes pores less noticeable.
  11. Get rid of circles under the eyes and bags.

How it works

Cucumber has long been considered an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation. After applying to the face, a mask made from it refreshes and tightens the skin, making it soft, moisturized and velvety.

Its effect is due to the fact that the pH content in cucumbers is equal to the acid-base balance of human skin, so this product is excellent for the epidermis.

It promotes its gentle restoration without causing harm (unlike many decorative cosmetic creams and masks).

Moreover, such an incredible effect of cucumber masks is also due to the fact that they are rich in beneficial enzymes, organic acids and mineral salts.

Another clear advantage of such masks is that cucumber contains absolutely no caustic or irritating substances, so it can be safely applied to the area around the eyes and eyelids, which are highly sensitive.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following are the benefits of using cucumber masks:

  1. High effectiveness of masks.
  2. Naturalness.
  3. Easy to prepare.
  4. Possibility of different combinations of cucumber with other additives (yolks, sour cream, whites, etc.).
  5. The minimum cost of such a mask compared to expensive salon procedures and anti-wrinkle creams.
  6. The possibility of using masks both warm and cold (you can freeze the cucumber and use it as a tonic in ice cubes).
  7. Good skin sensitivity to this product.
  8. Versatility of use (masks can be applied even at a young age to prevent the appearance of wrinkles).

In addition, not everyone can apply cucumber masks (the product has several important contraindications).

Indications and contraindications

Cucumber masks for wrinkles have the following indications for use:

  1. Dry skin.
  2. Excessively oily skin.
  3. Freckles or severe pigmentation.
  4. Withered skin with the first signs of aging.
  5. Acne and pimples.
  6. Irritation and redness of the skin (occurs after unsuccessfully selected creams or previously performed cosmetic procedures).
  7. Peeling of the skin.
  8. Feeling of tightness and dehydration of the skin.
  9. Enlarged pores.
  10. Black dots.
  11. Deep expression and age wrinkles.
  12. Prevention of wrinkles.

Contraindications to the use of cucumber masks are:

  1. Open wounds on the skin.
  2. Ulcers and scars on the skin at the intended site of application of the mask.
  3. Purulent rash.
  4. Individual intolerance to some additives in the mask.
  5. Oncological pathologies.
  6. Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, etc.).
  7. Bacterial or infectious skin diseases.

Before you begin a course of rejuvenation using cucumber masks, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations for their preparation:

  1. Naturally, it is better to use only fresh cucumbers for masks, since stale vegetables will contain much less vitamin.
  2. It is better to use cold cucumbers to prepare the mask.
  3. Before chopping, the cucumber should be thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel.
  4. The peel of cucumbers is not removed, since it also contains many useful substances.
  5. You need to cut the cucumber into thin slices. Some recipes will require grinding it in a blender or grating it.
  6. To obtain cucumber juice, you will need to use a juicer or simply squeeze the vegetable after grating it.
  7. If you use pure cucumber juice as a mask, then you should not wash it off - it is already perfectly absorbed and does not leave any marks on the face.

Video: Popular recipe

To achieve maximum anti-aging effect, when applying cucumber masks, you should remember the following:

  1. Masks should always be applied to previously cleansed skin.
  2. Masks must always be fresh. This way they retain a large amount of useful substances. It is better not to leave any leftover product for later, but to prepare the mask again.
  3. It is better to apply the mask while lying down. This way, the cucumber pieces will not fall off on your neck, fall to the floor and roll into the chest area.
  4. The duration of “wearing” cucumber masks should be no more than twenty minutes.
  5. It is recommended to wash off this cosmetic product with warm water. After this, you should let your face “rest” and not apply makeup to it.
  6. It is best to apply masks before bed.

Effective recipes for cucumber masks for facial wrinkles

The most effective face masks for wrinkles made from cucumber are:

  1. Recipe1 :
  • chop one cucumber and mix it with white cosmetic clay in a ratio of 1:2;
  • add a little warm water so that the mixture has the consistency of thick sour cream;
  • Evenly distribute the finished mixture over the face and neck. Leave for twenty minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

This mask will nourish the skin and brighten it.

  1. Recipe for dull skin (will help smooth out wrinkles andcget rid of flabbiness):
  • mix cucumber juice and rose water in equal proportions;
  • add a little heavy cream;
  • Apply the prepared mixture to your face and leave for fifteen minutes, after which remove the remaining mask with a paper towel.
  1. Recipe against fatigue and wrinkles in the eye area:
  • squeeze the juice from the cucumber and freeze it in cubes;
  • wipe the eye area with these ice cubes daily;
  • After a few days, the swelling and fatigue in your eyes will subside.
  1. Anti-wrinkle mask with a strong toning effect:
  • chop a bunch of parsley and pour boiling water over it;
  • strain and leave for an hour;
  • Mix the prepared liquid with grated cucumber and lubricate the facial skin with the product;
  • repeat the procedure daily for a week.
  1. Mask to give skin elasticity and hydration:
  • grate one cucumber and mix it with yogurt;
  • add a couple of spoons of oatmeal;
  • when you get a homogeneous thick mixture, apply it to the skin of the face;
  • You can wash off the mask with cucumber juice.
  1. Whitening and nourishing mask:
  • mix sour cream and cucumber (chopped in a blender);
  • add a couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • Apply a thin layer to the face twice a day for a week.
  1. Remedy for wrinkled and acne-prone skin:
  • chop one cucumber;
  • add three tablespoons of grated fresh carrots to it;
  • pour in another spoonful of kefir;
  • add 1 spoon of oatmeal;
  • apply to face and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse thoroughly;
  • After the procedure, the skin must be moisturized with a rich cream.
  1. The milk mask will nourish the skin:
  • mix a tablespoon of milk and cottage cheese;
  • add chopped cucumber and olive oil (2 tsp);
  • put in the refrigerator for ten minutes to cool the product;
  • Apply the finished mask to your face and leave for twenty minutes;
  • rinse with cucumber juice.
  1. Mask for smoothing deep wrinkles:
  • chop two cucumbers;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. almond oil;
  • apply the product to your face and leave for fifteen minutes;
  • rinse with cold water, then apply a rich cream.

This mask perfectly nourishes the skin and moisturizes it. It also gives shine and a healthy look:

Regarding the area around the eyes

A cucumber face mask for wrinkles around the eyes can be used, however, in addition to cucumber, such a product should contain only natural ingredients (honey, sour cream, essential oils).

Do not add caustic substances (lemon juice) that may irritate the delicate skin near the eyes.

Also, when using a cucumber mask in the area around the eyes, you need to remember that the product should not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise it will cause a burning sensation.

Opinion of doctors and cosmetologists

Dermatologists and cosmetologists are more than positive about the use of cucumber masks for wrinkles, explaining that cucumber itself is harmless and can very rarely cause skin damage in the form of allergies.

Cucumbers are not just tasty vegetables, they are a real storehouse of many vitamins and even an ingredient in cosmetics. The greenhouse fruit is so common that probably every woman has used it at least once to moisturize and refresh her facial skin.

Why is the vegetable so popular and why is it so useful?

Why put cucumbers on your eyes?

Eye cucumbers are one of the most popular uses of the vegetable. This is done in order to improve the tone of the area around the eyes, reduce dryness and improve color. Cucumbers are 95% water and contain large amounts of pectin and starch - the best substances in skin whitening. Also, these microelements help get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Cucumber is rich in B vitamins - vitamins that are extremely useful for improving the condition of the skin and maintaining its youth.

Vitamin H promotes rejuvenation, and antioxidants E and C inhibit cell aging. Potassium is an indispensable element in skin care, because it helps control the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Potassium also helps cells retain moisture, preventing them from becoming dry. Vitamin A contributes to the anti-inflammatory effect of masks made from this vegetable. The water in the fruit is a moisturizing component and removes flaking of the skin.

All these medicinal properties of cucumbers are used in the preparation of a wide variety of cosmetic products. The most common of them is a mask. To prepare it, you can use only this vegetable or add other ingredients that can always be found at home. Any mask does not require a lot of time and effort.

Recipes for dark circles under the eyes

The easiest way to improve the condition of the epithelium around the eyes is to cover this area with a cucumber ring. You should leave the cucumbers in front of your eyes until the ring becomes warm. If you feel that the juice of the vegetable is no longer released, you can change the rings to others.

This method can be used even when you are using any other product, leaving the skin around the eyes clean. By also placing cucumber slices on the area of ​​your face that is clean from the product, you will double the effect.

Cucumber infusion is the worst enemy of dark circles under the lower eyelids. To make the product, chop several medium cucumbers, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 6 hours. When the infusion is ready, strain it. Moisten cotton swabs with the resulting liquid and lubricate your eyelids. Carry out the procedure every morning and evening, and the hated circles will no longer exist.

A cucumber-curd mask will help against bluish discoloration of the lower eyelids and under them. Take about one hundred grams of cottage cheese and 200 grams of cucumbers. Grind the vegetables (or in a blender) and mix with the cottage cheese using a fork. For convenience, you can use a blender. The mask is placed on a double layer of gauze, which is then used to cover the eyes for half an hour. After the time has passed, remove the gauze, wash your face and lubricate your eyelids with cucumber.

For women of Balzac age, a mask using yogurt is suitable. Unsweetened yogurt and finely chopped vegetables are mixed in a one-to-one ratio. Apply the product for half an hour, or longer, every evening. This mask makes the first wrinkles invisible and goes well with dry skin, as it provides strong hydration.

Using chilled milk and one fresh cucumber, you get a rejuvenating mask. Grind the vegetable using a grater and place it on your eyelids. Pre-moisten cotton wool or cotton pads in cold milk and place on top of the cucumber mass. This mask tightens the skin and tightens pores.

A mask is suitable for high-quality hydration "cucumber in sour cream". Everything is simple here: grate a medium-sized vegetable, mix with a tablespoon of high-fat sour cream and spread on your face for 15 minutes. After the procedure, wash your face and apply the cream you usually use for daily skin care.

Why is cucumber not always the ideal ingredient?

A very low percentage of people have any contraindications with this vegetable. This may be a genetic intolerance to cucumber extracts. Due to their enormous usefulness, cucumbers are prescribed to people even for gastrointestinal diseases.

Harmless masks made from this product can be harmful if made out of season for vegetables. Because at other times you can run into vegetables that are stuffed with chemicals. These substances can cause all sorts of allergic reactions on the face, as well as in the body as a whole. Therefore, a cucumber mask is relevant in the summer.

What is the result of cucumber cosmetology?

The use of this vegetable provides great advantages over other types of masks. The price of such an ingredient during the season reaches about 20 rubles per kg, and given that kg is the raw material for half a summer for all kinds of tonics, masks and other things, then this price is the ultimate dream in cosmetology. Regular use cleanses problematic skin from acne and other types of rashes, tightens mature skin, and eliminates fine wrinkles. Dry skin after the procedures gets rid of eternal tightness, and pigmented skin will remain without freckles.

The area around the eyes is smoothed out, dark circles and other “charms” of lack of sleep and stress disappear without a trace.

To ensure that the result does not keep you waiting, you must follow some rules that will help you achieve what you want:

  • Only fresh vegetables should be used;
  • We thoroughly wash the ingredient, remove the peel and seeds. The latter can injure the skin, and the peel can carry a large number of toxins from the atmosphere;
  • The risk that the vegetable will cause an allergy is very small, but still do a test on your wrist.

So, cucumber and a mask made from it are a safe, cheap and effective cosmetology product.

All masks or other remedies can be quickly and easily prepared at home.

Summer is not only the season for salads, but also an excellent occasion for self-care, especially since it is so easy to do.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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