Everything is under control, or how not to gain extra pounds during pregnancy. How not to gain too much weight during pregnancy: how to eat as a pregnant woman so as not to gain weight? What to do if you have gained a lot of weight during pregnancy

For men

Questions about how not to gain weight during pregnancy concern, perhaps, every expectant mother. There are special norms for weight gain during all periods of pregnancy. Usually, the doctor monitoring the pregnancy monitors how many kilograms the woman has gained. It is very important to understand that this process is a way to protect the baby from inadequate intrauterine nutrition and prepare the woman’s body for lactation.

The personal experience of many happy mothers indicates that timely measures, that is, a correct diet and moderate physical activity, lead to the fact that after childbirth a woman very quickly returns to her former shape. Sometimes, immediately after giving birth, young mothers are discharged from the maternity hospital with even less weight than before pregnancy.


Weight gain can be divided into two components. One of them involves increasing a woman’s own fat mass, and the second is on average 12 kilograms. It consists of:

The second component returns to normal very quickly, since it is almost completely removed from the body during or immediately after childbirth. Women who are not aware of these norms begin to worry and think that they are gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy. The second fear is also common:

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to lose weight after giving birth.”

But this is a misconception.

The expectant mother's own body fat can normally amount to up to five kilograms. In fact, such an increase is also a physiological need to ensure the baby’s viability in extreme conditions.

Thus, a pregnant woman prepares to protect the fetus in the event of famine or another extreme situation. Fat deposits performed a particularly important function in the past, when the diet of people, including pregnant women, was not balanced. That's why you shouldn't worry too much about weight gain.

Some expectant mothers do not know what proper nutrition should be and how many calories each day they should increase their daily diet. In such a situation, a woman can gain much more than the 15 kilograms considered normal. This situation has an extremely negative impact on the health of the fetus. Many doctors believe that being overweight makes the birth process more difficult and increases the risk of all sorts of complications.

For this reason, the experiences of the expectant mother, who has gained a lot of weight, should be taken into account by doctors and relatives who can help cope with the problem. Experience shows that maintaining a balanced diet and moderate exercise helps a lot.

Lactation period

Adipose tissue ensures the normal lactation process after childbirth. The fact is that while breastfeeding a newborn, a woman needs 500 - 700 calories more daily than usual. In this case, the fat layer also allows you to feed the child even in conditions of hunger.

We can conclude that when pregnant women gain weight, this is only a natural biological reaction that protects both mother and baby from exhaustion.

Diet of a pregnant woman

Basically, expectant mothers gain excess weight above normal if they do not follow a balanced diet. Few people know that the diet needs to be increased by only twenty percent. For this reason, it is not surprising if a woman ate “for two” and gained weight.

Some people make the unacceptable mistake of starting to take huge portions of food, which not only cause pathological weight gain, but also problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Eating more than normal can also trigger allergic reactions in the future in the newborn.

During pregnancy, it is very important for a woman to consume foods rich in folic acid. Otherwise, this component is called vitamin B9.

Folic acid protects the fetal neural tube from developmental pathologies.

This is why some doctors prescribe this substance in medicinal form.

It is also important to consume all foods that contain calcium, iron and other minerals. Calcium is involved in the formation of the baby's skeleton, and iron is involved in the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, in turn, ensures the respiratory function of the fetus and adequate oxygen nutrition, since it carries oxygen through the blood.

Thus, the answer to the question “how not to gain weight during pregnancy” is very simple - you need to adhere to a balanced diet.

Physical activity for pregnant women

Not all physical activity has a beneficial effect on the health of mother and baby. You should not overload the body, as this can provoke premature birth. Of all the workouts, the best effect is provided by:

  • visiting the swimming pool;
  • yoga for pregnant women;
  • gymnastics for expectant mothers;
  • walking.

Water exercises are great for relaxing your back muscles. They are not only able to protect the expectant mother from excessive fat gain, but also relieve back pain, prevent uterine tone and strengthen muscles before childbirth. Of course, classes should be conducted under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Yoga is an excellent breathing exercise, which is why it has become popular among pregnant women today. In addition, yoga classes have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of mother and baby. They are able not only to train proper breathing, which will be useful during the birth process, but also to calm the mother and set her in a positive mood. There are also special groups where a trained instructor teaches gymnastics for pregnant women. It, like yoga, is aimed at strengthening muscles and breathing training.

Of course, physical activity has a huge impact on the health of the mother and her unborn baby. They are aimed not only at how not to gain excess weight during pregnancy, but also at improving the psycho-emotional state of a woman. Hiking is invaluable in this regard. They do not require material costs and are available to every woman. At this time, she has an excellent opportunity to be alone with the unborn baby and her own thoughts, enjoy her wonderful state, and enrich the body with oxygen.

The problem of excess weight has been worrying pregnant women all over the world for many years. In order not to gain excess fat mass, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet and use moderate physical activity. During the process of bearing a child, a woman gains an average of 15 kilograms. Most of them consist of the weight of the fetus, placenta, and amniotic fluid. If your own fat mass does not exceed 5 kilograms, this is considered normal.

From the moment of pregnancy, a woman pays special attention to the issue of nutrition. The development of the fetus and the preservation of the health of the mother depend on its quality.

The influence of nutrition on fetal development and maternal weight

The health of the mother is the key to the healthy development of the unborn baby. Proper nutrition is the main link between these two organisms. Deviations from this principle contribute to the development of a number of complications:

  • late toxicosis
  • loss of protein in urine
  • high blood pressure
  • premature birth
  • miscarriage
  • premature placental abruption
  • anemia
  • weak labor
  • decreased blood clotting during the postpartum period

For the full functioning of a woman’s body, energy is needed. In normal conditions, the average woman’s body needs to consume about 2000 kcal per day. The expectant mother needs to receive 2500 kcal at the beginning of pregnancy and approximately 2900 kcal per day by the end of the third trimester. At the same time, you should regularly monitor your own weight.

Weight change

While waiting for a baby, weight gain cannot be avoided. This occurs due to an increase in the amount of fluid in the body, preparation of the breast for feeding, growth of the uterus, fetus and placenta, and the deposition of small fat reserves.

Weight gain depends on various reasons. If previously a woman’s weight did not reach the norm, then during this period of life it will rapidly increase. Tall women will gain more kilograms. Those who have previously experienced edema and are unable to cope with increased appetite are at risk. We should not forget about age. The older a woman is, the more likely she is to gain weight after childbirth, during and after pregnancy.

To further maintain her figure, a woman should weigh herself systematically, take control of her diet and consult a doctor for individual advice. An experienced specialist will tell you what your diet should be so as not to gain excess weight during pregnancy.

An expectant mother, like no one else, thinks about what to eat so as not to gain weight when she is pregnant. First of all, you need to monitor the amount of protein food. The daily protein requirement is 100 - 120 g. Meat and dairy products, fish, cheese, and eggs cannot be excluded.

Food rich in carbohydrates is allowed to be consumed in the amount of 350 - 400 g per day. Do not indulge in sweets, white bread, rolls, pasta. Otherwise, extra pounds will become a headache for the expectant mother. After childbirth, the consumption of carbohydrate foods should be reduced, otherwise the risk of gaining weight increases.

The norm for fat is approximately 80 g per day. Vegetable oils include: corn, olive or sunflower. Among the animals - creamy and baked. Lard, margarine and all kinds of substitutes are excluded. A slight increase in the norm by the 3rd trimester is acceptable.

Vitamins ensure the full development of the fetus. What can you eat to get vitamins through food? Vegetables of bright sunny colors contain vitamin A. Brown rice, peas and flour contain vitamin B. Berries, sea buckthorn, sweet peppers and citrus fruits will provide the body with vitamin C. To obtain vitamin D, fermented milk products and fish liver are needed. And eggs, liver, beans, cereals, and nuts contain vitamin E.

Any greens are a source of folic acid. Green vegetables and nuts will provide the body with calcium. Unrefined grains, meat products, and fish will replenish the phosphorus balance. Watermelons contain magnesium. Mushrooms, spinach and raisins are needed to enrich the body with potassium. Iron is found in greens, fruits and egg yolks. And table salt is a source of sodium.

An expectant mother does not always manage to fully balance her diet. From the point of view of doctors, a woman must follow a diet. But this word should mean certain rules for eating:

1.The quality of products must be higher than quantity. The selection of products must be careful. Don't overeat

2. You need to eat 5 – 6 times a day in small portions. Healthy snacks in the form of fruits, vegetables or yogurt are allowed. For convenience, you can create a menu for every day

Sports during pregnancy

Women are interested in the secrets of maintaining their figure both before pregnancy and after childbirth. If pregnancy proceeds without complications, sports exercises will be beneficial. However, physical activity should not create a feeling of discomfort or be a burden.

Shakes, falls, overheating or hypothermia are unacceptable. The following sports are prohibited:

  • jumping
  • aerobics
  • diving
  • water skiing
  • long distance running
  • skiing
  • lifting weights

Any types of stretching, sudden swings, or strong back bending are also prohibited.

If a pregnant woman is not prescribed bed rest and does not undergo special treatment from a gynecologist, and there is no threat of miscarriage, then she is allowed to walk, climb stairs, and swim. If you are interested in yoga, it is better to trust an instructor who professionally does gymnastics for pregnant women. Exercises on fitball and Pilates are useful.

If a woman is tormented by the thought of how not to gain weight during pregnancy, with the permission of the attending physician, it is still worth paying attention to sports. However, you should know that by the 8th month, any loads should be stopped. Among the contraindications to physical activity are diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, chronic appendicitis, polyhydramnios, placenta previa, purulent processes, toxicosis, uterine bleeding. In these cases, it is better to pay attention to morning exercises and regular walks.

Women always watch their weight. But there comes a time when doctors begin to monitor this indicator. And the aesthetic side of the issue does not bother them.

Until the 28th week of pregnancy, if everything goes well, the doctor examines the patient once a month, and then 2 times a month. Weighing becomes a mandatory procedure for every visit to the gynecologist and part of the “homework”. It is better to perform it in the morning, on an empty stomach and in the same clothes, so that the results obtained can be compared later.

Weight gain during pregnancy

In the first 2 months of pregnancy, while the baby and mother are just adapting to mutual coexistence, the woman usually does not gain weight. In addition, at this time she may be worried about toxicosis, which often leads to weight loss. So, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy there is no intensive gain; the expectant mother usually gains 1-2 kg. The main events occur later, because the body weight of the expectant mother increases mainly in the 2nd half of pregnancy, when the weekly weight gain averages 250-300 g. If the process goes faster, this may mean the appearance of a problem - hidden, and then obvious edema (hydropsis of pregnancy).

Let's look at the general rules that are accepted among doctors for calculating possible weight gain during pregnancy. So, during the entire 9 months of pregnancy, the expectant mother should gain 10-12 kg. It is believed that starting from 30 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s weight increases by about 50 g per day, by 300-400 g per week and by no more than 2 kg per month.

To more accurately determine acceptable weight gain and take into account all additional circumstances, the doctor can use the table (see below). In addition, the doctor has at his disposal a scale of average physiological weight gain in the last 3 months of pregnancy. The calculation is as follows: weekly weight gain should not exceed 22 g for every 10 cm of height. This means that with a height of 150 cm, a woman can gain 330 g in a week, with a height of 160 cm - 352 g, and with a height of 180 cm - 400 g.

How many kilograms the expectant mother will gain during pregnancy depends on many reasons.

The first one is age. The older the woman, the greater the tendency to be overweight.

Initial body weight(that is, before pregnancy). It is curious that the greater the weight deficit, the more kilograms the expectant mother has the right to add.

Weight loss due to early toxicosis. The fact is that, having survived the events of toxicosis, the body will try to compensate for the loss of kilograms

Features of the constitution. In this case, it is important whether the woman has a tendency to be overweight or thin.

Child size. If the patient is expecting a large baby (more than 4000 g), then the placenta will probably be larger than average. Consequently, a woman has the right to gain more weight during pregnancy than if she were expecting the birth of a small child.

Increased appetite. It happens that during pregnancy the expectant mother has an uncontrollable desire to eat, and if she cannot restrain it. Problems arise with excess weight.

Now let's see what those 10-12 kilograms of weight acquired by the expectant mother are used for. Indeed, if she gained 12 kg during pregnancy, as recommended, and gave birth to a child weighing 3 kg 300 g, then where is everyone else? They are distributed like this:

  • child – 3300g;
  • uterus - 900 g;
  • afterbirth – 400 g;
  • amniotic fluid – 900 g;
  • increase in circulating blood volume – 1200 g;
  • mammary glands – 500 g;
  • adipose tissue – 2200 g;
  • tissue fluid – 2700 g.
Total: 12,100 g.

And what can cause “overkill”? Our calculation shows that excessive weight gain depends on various circumstances: the weight of the child (large fetus), the amount of adipose tissue (weight gain with initial deficiency), amniotic fluid (in case of polyhydramnios) and tissue fluid (if fluid is retained in the body) . If the first two circumstances are normal phenomena, then the last two are deviations from the norm and require the attention of a doctor.

It happens that the expectant mother decides to follow a strict diet in order... not to gain weight. Some people are afraid of ruining their figure, while others (mostly women with narrow pelvises) believe that eating restrictions will lead to the birth of a small child. In both the first and second cases, these arguments are erroneous. If a woman gains 10-12 kg during pregnancy, then with the help of a reasonable diet and exercise, she will definitely regain her previous size. Think about it, for example, ballerinas quickly get back into shape after giving birth, although they usually gain up to 18-20 kg during pregnancy!

You can calculate the acceptable weight gain yourself. To do this, you need to know your height and initial weight, which then turns into the BMI (body mass index). Calculate your BMI: BMI = weight (kg)/[height (m2)]. Results:

BMI< 19,8 – women of thin build;

BMI = 19.8 – 26.0- women of average build;

BMI>26 obese women.

Height – 1.60 cm, weight – 60 kg, BMI = 60/ (1.60)2 = 23.4

It turns out that the woman has an average build, which means that at 30 weeks the optimal weight gain for her will be 9.1 kg, and at 40 weeks - 13.6 kg.

Table of weight gain by week of pregnancy

Week of pregnancy 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Weight gain
BMI< 19,8 0,5 0,9 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,7 3,2 4,5 5,4 6,8 7,7 8,6 9,8 10,2 11,3 12,5 13,6 14,5 15,2
BMI=19.8– 26.0 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,5 1,9 2,3 3,6 4,8 5,7 6,4 7,7 8,2 9,1 10,0 10,9 11,8 12,7 13,6
BMI>26 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,4 2,3 2,9 3,4 3,9 5,0 5,4 5,9 6,4 7,3 7,9 8,6 9,1

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“reward” them with extra pounds. Sport is a great way to speed up metabolic processes in the body. Moreover, excess calories are burned not only directly during training. Women with well-developed muscles are less likely to be overweight, since even to maintain the existing muscle mass, the body is forced to spend a fair amount of calories. In addition, muscles change a woman’s hormonal levels, helping to speed up metabolism. This is not at all that a woman should be a masculine bodybuilder. Muscles are not necessarily huge biceps and tuberous muscles, they are also smooth muscles that support the walls of the abdominal cavity. So moderately developed muscles will help athletic women not only maintain their figure during pregnancy, but also carry and give birth to a baby easily and without problems.

Active women, those who do not believe that pregnancy is a reason for total idleness, are not at risk of significant weight gain. It happens that a pregnant woman stops leading her usual lifestyle, falling into a kind of hibernation: she practically does not leave the house and spends her days sitting in front of the TV. Such lazy people risk “decorating” their thighs with additional fat: firstly, unlike active ones, they will not spend additional energy (that is, calories) on their usual activities. And secondly, boredom - the companion of laziness - will certainly push lazy people to look for entertainment in the refrigerator. Being in voluntary confinement, women tend to overeat, trying to fill the inner emptiness with food and dispel boredom.

Thinking women will not gain weight while in position. By the way, recent studies by Australian scientists have shown that laziness during pregnancy not only contributes to gaining extra pounds, but also dulls a woman! In fact, our intellectual abilities, memory, speed of thought processes are functions that can be trained, like muscles. If, as a result of many months of idleness, a woman does not use her intelligence for a long time, it... decreases. In addition, the brain, this greatest natural computer, uses a fair amount of calories for its work, thus helping to maintain slimness.

Those with a fast metabolism will also maintain their figure. The metabolic rate is determined by many factors: lifestyle, diet, genetic predisposition, hormonal levels. At the same time, a woman can adjust the nature of her activity and eating behavior at her own discretion. But genetics is a given, and you cannot directly influence them. Moreover, hormones are an insidious thing; they can play a cruel joke on a woman. It happens that a woman who was thin and loud before pregnancy, and at the same time did not know about any diets, but only watched on TV, after giving birth, discovers a considerably heavier matron in the mirror. The fact is that the hormones that a pregnant woman’s body produces inhibit metabolism and promote the accumulation of adipose tissue: the body collects fat “in reserve” in case of possible hunger. Of course, a modern woman is unlikely to face food shortages, but her genes preserve the memory of distant ancestors who experienced starvation. In addition, the fat layer is also of the 21st century: from it the body builds a kind of cushion, the task of which is to protect the fetus from possible mechanical damage.

Those women who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition will not gain excess weight: those who, instead of high-calorie buns, cakes and fatty hams, prefer vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, and dairy products. By the way, scientists say: those pregnant women whose diet contains a sufficient amount of fruit gain significantly less fat compared to those who neglect this healthy delicacy.

There is probably no woman who is not afraid of gaining weight during pregnancy. And it’s not surprising: during this difficult period you have to eat more and move less. And if you don’t control yourself, you can easily gain a few extra pounds. And sometimes there are several dozen.

But if you are reading this article, then this will not happen to you. Because in it we have collected for you all the most relevant tips on how not to gain a lot of weight during pregnancy. We guarantee: if you follow these recommendations, after giving birth you will definitely return to your previous shape. So, let's get to work!

Don’t believe those who say that pregnant women need to eat “for themselves and for that guy.” It is a myth.

In the first three months of pregnancy, when all the organs of the unborn baby are formed, extra calories are not needed at all. But you definitely need proteins and vitamins for the child to develop properly. Therefore, during this period, it is not the quantity of food that is more important, but its quality.

For the next three months, no additional calories are required either. They will be needed only in the last three months, when the child is growing most rapidly. But even during this period there is no need to consume double portions - it is enough to consume only 200 calories per day “on top”. For example, add 2 toasts with butter or a whole potato baked with cheese, a couple of small bananas or a handful of dried apricots to your diet.

Rule two: fight against harmful things!

If there is one important nuance in order not to gain weight, it is proper nutrition during pregnancy. Of course, during this period you can’t deny yourself tasty treats if you really want to – a few extra calories are better than a bad mood. But still, it’s better not to eat cakes and chocolates around the clock.

So, how to eat while pregnant so as not to gain weight:

  • Replace unhealthy foods with healthy goodies. For example, fatty fried pork - stewed turkey or rabbit, sweets - dried and fresh fruit, white buns - black bread.
  • Lean on dairy products. Cottage cheese, milk, cheese are not only nutritious, but also very tasty. If you want something sweet, prepare yourself a cheese dessert: both your body and figure will thank you.
  • Add fish to your diet. If you still don’t eat sea and red fish, then we are coming to you! The calcium and phosphorus it contains are essential for pregnant women. And it's also very, very tasty.

Rule three: take control of your appetite

It happens that during pregnancy a woman suddenly feels very hungry. Those who watch their figure try to fight the desire to eat, those who don’t pounce on treats. Both models of behavior are wrong.

You should never go hungry during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. There is everything in a row that your hands can reach, too. The only sure way out is to eat often, but in small portions. About 5-6 times a day.

Another great tip on how to eat during pregnancy to avoid gaining weight is to eat from the same small plate. Get yourself one and use it for 9 months. You will see - the result will be obvious!

If you still feel hungry after eating a small portion, wait 20 minutes. Nutritionists believe that this is how much time must pass for the stomach to transmit a signal to the brain that it is full. If it doesn't help, eat a little more.

Rule four: weigh yourself

For anyone who is concerned about how not to gain weight during pregnancy, we recommend getting the scales from the mezzanine. And yes, every week or two you must weigh yourself and draw appropriate conclusions. Don't forget to record your results - once a month in the early stages and once every two weeks in the later stages.

Compare the figures obtained with the average. On average, a pregnant woman should gain 4-5 kilograms until week 20, and then half a kilo every week. If your results are much higher, inform your gynecologist and, following your doctor’s advice, make changes to your daily diet.

If you monitor your weight throughout the entire period, the question of how not to gain too much weight during pregnancy will itself be removed from the agenda.

Rule five: walk every day!

Firstly, fresh air will benefit both mother and baby. And secondly, long walks are another answer to the question of how a pregnant woman can avoid gaining excess weight. Walk as much as possible - and you will be happy. And if possible, add gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, simple exercises on a fitball or something similar to your daily routine.

Rule six: drink healthy drinks

Let’s make a reservation right away: this point is not relevant for everyone. If your doctor has limited your fluid intake, follow his recommendations. If not, feel free to follow ours.

In order not to gain weight, the menu for a pregnant woman must include healthy drinks. These can be fresh juices, fruit drinks, compotes, green or herbal teas, still mineral water. Such healthy (and in some cases, tasty) drinks will help, at least temporarily, overcome strong feelings of hunger and saturate the body with useful substances.

Rule seven: get enough sleep

In the question of how not to gain weight during pregnancy, reviews from young mothers are unlikely to help. But the opinions of nutritionists are fine. And they all unanimously believe that one of the main rules in this case is to get enough sleep.

If the body does not have enough sleep, it “makes up” this deficiency with treats. Without enough sleep, you feel very hungry and begin to satisfy it with everything that comes to hand. As a result, the established nutrition system for pregnant women, in order not to gain weight, goes down the drain. Have pity on yourself and your baby, try to get enough sleep, and your figure will definitely thank you. 8 hours a day will be enough.

Nutrition during pregnancy so as not to gain weight: menu for the week

Recommendations are recommendations, but nothing without a specific menu. Let's talk more specifically about what pregnant women should eat to avoid gaining weight. We have compiled a sample menu for you for 7 days. Each meal provides several meal options. Mix them as you wish.

Proper nutrition for pregnant women, so as not to gain weight, is as follows:

Breakfast- definitely hot. It is best to eat porridge - any porridge except semolina. You can add lean cookies or toast with cheese to it, and wash it down with green tea. An alternative to porridge is oat pancakes with cottage cheese or mashed banana.

Lunch: cottage cheese with fruit/fruit separately/natural sweets - marmalade, marshmallows.

Dinner: a salad of fresh vegetables plus a main course - soup in vegetable or meat broth / potatoes, rice, buckwheat or a little pasta / meat or fish without a side dish.

Afternoon snack: fruits, fresh or baked in the oven/omelet with vegetables/low-fat cottage cheese pancakes/vegetable salad with olive oil. It is recommended to drink water, compote or juice diluted with water.

To avoid gaining excess weight, a pregnant woman's nutritional system must include dinner. Yes, yes, you can’t go anywhere without him, no matter how surprising it may sound. And - in two steps!

Dinner: rice porridge with apples and raisins/lazy dumplings/fish with vegetables and rice/cottage cheese casserole.

Second dinner- a very tiny portion, no more than 120 grams. For example, a little fermented baked milk, cottage cheese or a couple of loaves of bread.

Don't forget to season your dishes with herbs - they are very useful for pregnant women.

We figured out what a pregnant woman should eat to avoid gaining weight. Let's now clarify exactly when to eat. It is better if the breaks between meals are approximately three hours. The last meal - the second dinner - no later than two hours before bedtime.

We told you what a pregnant woman should eat to avoid gaining weight. Then everything depends only on you. Health to you and the baby!