Care line for thin sensitive skin. Care for sensitive skin at home

For children

Sensitive skin- the most delicate of all types, it requires special care all year round. Use our tips and forget about problems with your face.

Delicate skin can be much more capricious than its owner. The slightest change in air temperature or humidity, cold wind or summer sun, sea ​​water or deposits on the face, a new cosmetic product or face masks made from natural products - the skin often reacts to all this with redness, inflammation, increased dryness, peeling or itching. Proper care of sensitive facial skin will help preserve beauty and youth for many years.

Morning cleansing and tone

Comprehensive facial skin care includes cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Sensitive skin does not like contrasting procedures, so do not wash it hot or too hot. cold water, and even more so wipe with ice cubes. There must be water room temperature, it is advisable to use purified or non-carbonated.

If the skin is irritated, it is recommended to lubricate it before contact with water. cosmetic milk or vegetable oil - this will protect the skin from the aggressive effects of water. For the same purpose, you can use special mineral oils. For some girls, milk diluted with water or chamomile decoction is ideal for washing.

Moisturize and nourish throughout the day

Daily care for very sensitive skin must include moisturizing and nourishing. When choosing a cream, you should pay attention to products labeled “For sensitive skin.” Conscientious manufacturers do not include components in these products that irritating: flavorings, dyes, alcohol, fruit acids and mineral oils. It is good to use creams whose list of ingredients includes wheat germ oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, vitamin E and panthenol.

The cream should be worn immediately after washing, after absorbing any remaining moisture with a soft towel. If the skin is not very dry, then as daily funds It is recommended to use light moisturizers that do not interfere with cell respiration. At night, it is better to pamper the epidermis with restorative nourishing compounds.

Makeup and protection for sensitive skin

You can make your skin beautiful with makeup only on those days when it is absolutely healthy. Women with a capricious face are better off not skimping on cosmetics, otherwise all the advice on caring for dry and sensitive skin will be useless.

On sale you can find liquid and decorative products aimed at skin prone to irritation - this should be preferred. You can reduce the risk of unpleasant phenomena if you use light blush and eye shadow, use black mascara and eyeliner, and mercilessly throw away all jars that have not been finished within a month.

Makeup, by the way, serves not only as a weapon of beauty, but also as a shield to protect the epidermis from street dust, gases, dry air and other aggressive enemies. Therefore, women who prefer to remain natural in any setting are strongly advised not to give up foundation, and in order not to spoil their magnificent complexion, use transparent foundations.

Evening routine before bed

In the evening, the face awaits cleansing of makeup and impurities - hygiene care under no circumstances should it be ignored. You shouldn’t delay this moment, but immediately after coming from the street, especially if the air temperature differs sharply from room temperature, you don’t need to run to the bathroom.

It is recommended to cleanse sensitive skin of makeup using oils or cosmetic creams. For washing it is better to use cream soap or special means. After cleansing, be sure to apply to your face. night cream, it is better to choose a nutritious one with a calming effect.

Soothing care for sensitive skin

In those unhappy moments when sensitive and dry skin becomes covered with red spots, itchy pimples and flaky patches, it needs emergency help. Flaxseed helps cope with irritation very well.

To prepare a life-saving remedy, flax seeds (sold in a pharmacy) are poured with boiling water and left for about 30 minutes, periodically vigorously shaking the vessel. The resulting mucus is applied to the face and left for 10 minutes. Instead of slime you can use linseed oil, which, by the way, is an excellent substitute for nourishing creams and makeup removers.

Additional care: masks and peeling

Capricious skin does not always respond gratefully to masks, the reason is that it does not like prolonged exposure to nutrients. So as not to irritate delicate skin, it is recommended to reduce the procedure time specified by the manufacturer and not to apply the product in too thick a layer.

Sensitive skin is very thin, so you should not cleanse it with coarse scrubs. On sale you can find peelings with microparticles and gommages that gently cleanse skin covering from peeling caused by the death of the top layer. You can use abrasive products for cleansing care only after all irritations have healed, otherwise the result will be the opposite and instead of smoothness, your face will be covered with new irritation.

Nutrition from the inside with vitamins and fats

Sensitive skin often results from poor nutrition. Do not forget about the important ones for the body fermented milk products, fish, vegetable oils, fresh vegetables and fruits. Women on a diet are advised to take balanced vitamin complexes.

If you can cope with sensitive facial skin with home care, contact a specialist, maybe he will find the cause of the problem and help eliminate it.

Many people think that sensitive skin is a type of skin. It's not like that at all. Sensitivity is an inadequate (not normal) reaction of the skin to the influence of various factors. Typical symptoms of sensitivity are irritation, redness, tightness, peeling and itching. They appear as a reaction to cosmetic procedures, as well as to cold, sun or polluted air.

Reminder for those with sensitive skin

So, if you have sensitive skin, it is useful for you to know:

To prevent irritation caused by bacteria, try adding a little vinegar to your bath. This remedy is especially useful in the summer. As for the choice cosmetics, choose several dermatologist-approved brands.

If possible, drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, as well as spicy foods, should be excluded from your diet. You should also avoid those products that contain potential allergens.

Be sure to use sunscreen, even in winter months. Avoid using new cosmetics without first testing them. To check, apply a little product to the crook of your elbow and observe the skin reaction over the next 24 hours.

It is important to choose the right moisturizer, which contains natural oils and is free of any fragrances. To properly moisturize the skin and provide it with proper nutrition, moisturizing creams must be applied in several layers.

Caring for this type of skin involves drinking plenty of clean water (about 2-3 liters daily). Do not overuse cleansers: by removing the protective barrier, you open the way for dirt and bacteria.

Masks for sensitive skin

Masks are one of the most effective cosmetic procedures. According to experts, masks have a much more powerful effect on the skin than creams and other cosmetics. But you need to remember that for sensitive skin you should choose emollients and nourishing masks. They nourish the skin, speed up metabolic processes, and give the face freshness. You need to make masks at least 1-2 times a week.

Rules for using masks

You need to remember that homemade masks for sensitive skin must be used very carefully so as not to harm yourself. The rules are simple, but require strict adherence.

  • Any mask must be tested for at least 20 minutes on the crook of your elbow or wrist. If after this period of time irritation and itching do not appear, the mask can be safely used.
  • There is no need to cleanse the skin with scrubs before using the mask: they can injure it.
  • Do not apply a thick layer of masks on sensitive skin: its thin skin will not withstand such a load.
  • As soon as you feel the slightest burning sensation under the mask, stop the procedure immediately.
  • There is no need to leave such masks on your face: 10-15 minutes is usually enough for their full effect on the cells.
  • It is recommended to wash off masks for sensitive skin with lukewarm water and not to wipe off with a towel after washing, so as not to injure the skin.
  • After the mask, be sure to apply your daily nourishing (or protective) cream to the skin to consolidate the result.

Only when strict observance All these rules can be expected to have an effect from masks for sensitive skin prepared at home.

Mask recipes

Cottage cheese mask for sensitive skin

Mix homemade cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) with warm low-fat milk (1 tablespoon), cucumber pulp (1 tablespoon). Action time - 15 minutes. Frequency of use: 1 time per week.

Mask with sour cream

Mix the pre-beaten yolk of one egg with two tablespoons of sour cream, add a teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply the mask to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Mask of cottage cheese, milk, banana and carrots

For sensitive skin it will be useful mask, made from cottage cheese, milk, banana and carrots. For this purpose, take 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, mashed banana pulp and grated carrots, and add 2 tbsp. milk. Then the resulting mixture is thoroughly ground. This mask apply for 15 minutes.

Oatmeal face mask

2 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal mix with 3 tbsp. milk; After the flakes swell, apply the mixture to the face and neck and leave for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask.

Carrot-egg mask

Grate 1-2 carrots, mix with 1 yolk and apply to face for 20-25 minutes.

Rinse off the mask with warm boiled water. Course - 1-2 times a week.

Soothing cabbage mask

This mask is very useful for dehydrated, sensitive skin.

Grind a little white cabbage using a food processor or knife.

Cleanse your facial skin with your favorite facial milk.

Then wipe your face with olive oil using massage movements.

And only then apply the cabbage pulp to your face.

Hold for 15 minutes.

Let's wash ourselves a little warm water.

Most common mistakes

Error 1: stress Sensitive skin does not tolerate haste and nervous stress and reacts to them with unexpected redness, spots and itching.

Advice. You need to try to “respond” to stressful situations with exercises that discharge the nervous system. Yoga and auto-training are ideal. Therapists confidently claim that inner calm and balance can stabilize the condition of the skin for a long time

Error 2: coffee and the like Coffee, black tea, cola, champagne? These pleasures are not for people with sensitive skin. They greatly stimulate blood circulation and increase nervousness. This is what leads to red spots and irritated areas.

Advice. It is better to give up foods that increase nervous tension. It is better to drink nettle tea, four to five cups daily. This tea has a calming effect.

Error 3: experiments. Women with sensitive skin often have difficulty choosing new cosmetics. That's why many people constantly try new creams on their faces. As a result, the skin becomes increasingly sensitive and may one day get completely out of control. All experiments must be abandoned. Sensitive skin requires the most simple products care, and the less the better. Any new product may contain some active substance to which the skin will react negatively.

Advice. You cannot use any cream for a week. This will cause discomfort only in the first few days, but then the skin will begin to use its own internal resources and its condition will improve.

Error 4: peeling. Sensitive skin is naturally very delicate, finely porous, with a thin stratum corneum. Using exfoliating products is not only unnecessary, but also burdensome for her. They make the skin even thinner and negatively affect the condition of the stratum corneum. In the worst case scenario, the tiny exfoliating grains contained in each product can mechanically irritate the skin and lead to severe eczema. Intensive cleansing is quite acceptable for sensitive skin, but the method should be gentle. If, when washing, you simply wipe the skin with a rough terry mitten, you can consider it a soft peeling.

And, of course, a very useful addition would be the periodic intake of vitamin and mineral complexes (C, E, K, H, A, group B, rutin, zinc, selenium, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium), which will strengthen blood vessels and improve the protective skin function and will help reduce skin sensitivity.

Dry sensitive facial skin requires special care. In cosmetology it is distinguished as separate category and create a special care system for her. It can cause a lot of problems and discomfort, but you can fight it. Even in a short period of time, many manage to significantly improve their condition and appearance faces.

Signs of sensitive facial skin

Facial skin type can change with age, under the influence external factors or because internal changes body. Each skin type can create certain problems for its owners. Both oily and dry facial skin needs special care

. Too delicate and sensitive skin can bother a person all his life or begin to cause discomfort only at some stage.

  • Those with dry sensitive skin face problems such as:
  • burning sensation for no apparent reason;
  • frequent sunburn and difficulties with a full tan;
  • the appearance of a reaction to most types of cosmetics;
  • severe irritation;
  • feeling of tightness, especially after washing;
  • appearance age spots unknown origin;
  • redness;
  • frequent occurrence of irritation;
  • pallor;
  • thin layer sebum;
  • thin skin.

A special test will help you accurately determine whether a person has sensitive skin. Run the blunt end of a pencil or pen across your cheek and see how long the red line lasts. For those with sensitive skin, this reaction lasts 2 minutes or even longer.

Most often, dry skin with high sensitivity is found in blondes and redheads. However, other people may also experience sensitivity. Correct and competent skin care will help you get rid of constant irritation and peeling that appears for any reason.

Basic rules of care

A sensitive, dry face requires special care because it regularly reacts to the slightest irritants. People who are familiar with this problem may experience peeling on their face due to heat, spots after applying cosmetics, and inflammation due to food allergies.

To bring your face back to normal, it is advisable to determine which negative factor the skin reacted to. Its effects must be eliminated in order to restore the face healthy looking. However, this cannot always be done. Following a special care system developed by cosmetologists will help you get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

Must be observed following rules:

  1. Any aggressive impact must be eliminated or, if this is not possible, at least minimized. Aggressive factors include sun rays, steam, temperature changes, hard peeling, mechanical cleaning facials and similar cosmetic procedures.
  2. You should avoid cosmetics that contain alcohol, glycolic acid or retinoids. These components can be in soaps, tonics, lotions, scrubs and masks.
  3. Don't resort to aromatherapy.
  4. Any products that are applied to the skin must be of the highest quality. It is recommended to use a minimum of cosmetics (both decorative and skin care).
  5. You can use creams with SPF before every time you go outside. It is advisable to use products that contain physical filters: titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, etc.
  6. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation should be avoided. You should completely avoid visiting solariums. You can sunbathe only during periods when the sun provides indirect rays.
  7. The diet must be structured so that foods harmful to the condition of the skin are excluded from it. Strong tea and coffee, alcohol, too hot, cold or spicy food, allergenic foods, which include eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate, etc. are prohibited. The emphasis in nutrition should be on vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, grape, flaxseed). Be sure to consume enough fiber. It is also very important to drink clean water in sufficient quantity.
  8. Smoking should be avoided.
  9. After consultation with your doctor, you can take vasoconstrictors to eliminate redness.
  10. Get examined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist to identify possible hormonal disorders and get rid of them.
  11. Use nutritious cream, preferably after consultation with a cosmetologist.
  12. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes that improve the condition helps to cope with the problem. vascular system and the whole organism as a whole.

If you follow all the basic rules of care and revise your lifestyle, noticeable improvements in the condition of your facial skin can be achieved very quickly. Some products will help speed up the effect and significantly improve your appearance. salon treatments.

What procedures can be performed in the salon?

Dry and sensitive skin will regain its freshness and attractiveness after some procedures that are offered to their clients by numerous beauty salons.

Not all procedures in the arsenal of cosmetologists can be performed on those with dry and sensitive skin. However, some of them are recommended for those problems that create excessive sensitivity and dryness.

Treatments useful for dry and sensitive skin include:

  1. Microcurrent therapy. This procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps strengthen blood vessels, and increases local immunity.
  2. Phototherapy. Using a diode laser you can remove skin redness.
  3. Biorevitalization. Additional uses hyaluronic acid will provide a rejuvenating effect, relieve inflammation, improve microcirculation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Mesotherapy. Eliminates wrinkles and flaking, therefore recommended for mature dry skin with hypersensitivity.

Some salon procedures are prohibited for such problem skin. TO contraindicated procedures relate:

  • chemical and glycolic peeling;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • almost all types of massages.

An experienced cosmetologist will be able to select the optimal course of procedures that will have a positive effect on the condition of dry sensitive skin. Add cosmetic effect will provide remedies that can be used independently at home.

Home care products

From products available to everyone at home, you can prepare effective and safe facial care products. Regular use similar means helps to significantly improve the condition of dry and sensitive facial skin.

An excellent mask for sensitive skin can be made from cottage cheese. If you add a little warmed low-fat milk and cucumber pulp to low-fat cottage cheese, you will get excellent remedy, which should be applied to the face for 15 minutes. It is recommended to use the mask once a week.

As a tonic, you can use a mixture of boiled birch sap and honey. You need to wipe your skin with this composition in the morning and evening. You can also wipe the skin with cosmetic oils. Burdock, lemon, rose, and sea buckthorn oils are good.

Cream for daily use can also be made at home. To do this, you will need to heat 30 g in a steam bath. base oil, add 2 ml of stearic acid, wait until the emulsifier dissolves, pour in 60 ml of green tea. All this time the mixture must be heated. You can remove the mixture from the heat when its consistency becomes creamy. The cream must be stirred constantly. When its temperature drops to 35° C, you need to add 7 ml of chamomile extract and 5 drops of essential verbena oil. All components for the cream can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can use it 1 time per day.

Thus, the problem of sensitive and dry skin can occur in a person at any age and for various reasons.

You can get rid of unpleasant manifestations of sensitivity and excessive dryness of facial skin if you follow certain general rules, use for home care special products and visit a cosmetologist for special procedures.

Cosmetics manufacturers great attention focus on creating products for sensitive skin. This is due to the high demand for such a product. Many people have damaged skin protective layer. In this case, the skin is prone to allergic reactions and is susceptible to inflammatory processes: redness, itching, and rashes from any irritant (for example, contact with low-quality cosmetics, jewelry) appear. To prevent the occurrence negative consequences, learn what constitutes sensitive and hypersensitive skin.

What is sensitive facial skin

The skin is considered sensitive when, due to internal or external irritants, red spots, diffuse redness, peeling, inflammation, itching, burning, tingling, and swelling appear on its surface. There are people with increased sensitivity, hypersensitivity. The skin reacts strongly to irritants and provokes various inflammatory reactions: the permeability of capillaries increases, their walls become thinner and become brittle.

Couperosis and telangiectasia occur - a network of subcutaneous vessels is visible, which enlarge, become red or blue tint. The epidermal barrier is disrupted, which reduces the protective forces and leads to aggravation of the problem. When the epidermal barrier is disrupted, it is lost a large number of water, the cover becomes dry, dehydrated, and peeling appears.

The treatment will be successful if you first become familiar with the causes of the disease. TO negative factors relate:

  • uncomfortable weather conditions (strong wind, frost, sudden temperature changes);
  • direct sunlight;
  • low-quality cosmetics, frequent use;
  • taking strong medications;
  • aggressive salon procedures (deep cleansing, mechanical cleaning, injections, cryo- and thermal procedures, smoothing wrinkles with chemical peeling);
  • unbalanced diet, frequent consumption of allergenic foods;
  • stress;
  • menopause;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system (dystonia, etc.);
  • unfavorable heredity.

Sensitive Skin Types

Almost any dermis can become sensitive. Those at risk are dry, oily, combination skin. The appearance of negative reactions can be provoked by incorrectly selected cosmetics, unhealthy diet, and unfavorable conditions. environment. Learn the characteristics of each dermis type and typical problems:

  1. With oily skin, an unhealthy complexion appears, redness in different areas, uneven facial relief (there may be bumps), enlarged pores, comedones (clogged ducts).
  2. Dry epidermis is very thin, prone to peeling, irritation, and sagging: wrinkles appear early. The color is pale, vascular networks are visible in some areas.
  3. With combination dermis, oily and dry areas are noticeable. Excessive greasiness and wide pores are observed, which leads to the appearance of shine and infection. Some areas are characterized by peeling and redness: these areas are prone to dryness and the development of rosacea.


To accurately determine whether there is a problem, pay attention to its signs. Increased sensitivity is characterized by:

  • unhealthy pallor;
  • strong response to touch (the shade changes);
  • the presence of a feeling of tightness, peeling (especially after washing with water);
  • occurrence of injuries during massage;
  • the presence of constant irritation, allergic reactions;
  • change in shade after contact with fresh grass;
  • presence of burns after sunbathing;
  • painful sensations, discomfort in the cold, exposure to direct sun rays, temperature changes: the skin reacts strongly to heat and cold.

A sensitivity test will help determine the problem. It is carried out like this:

  1. Run the blunt end of a pen or pencil across your cheek or inner forearm.
  2. Look at the result: the red stripe indicates the presence of sensitivity; if it does not disappear after 2 minutes, then this is evidence of hypersensitivity. The appearance of small blisters indicates the presence of an aggravated allergic history.

People often confuse allergic reactions with increased sensitivity. To identify a tendency to allergies, do an immunological blood test: first inform your doctor about intolerance to medications, food, care products, past illnesses - dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, etc. The main difference between an allergy is its appearance 3-5 hours after negative impact(for example, after applying cosmetics). For sensitive skin, the reaction appears immediately or after 3-10 minutes (maximum after half an hour).

Rules for caring for sensitive skin

Pay special attention to sensitive skin, avoid factors that provoke negative reactions. In addition, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Do not perform thermal, contrast, or aggressive procedures.
  2. Do not use other people's cosmetics, otherwise you will get an allergic reaction and contract skin diseases.
  3. In the evening, remove decorative cosmetics.
  4. The use of high-acid peels, lotions, soaps, scrubs containing alcohol, retinoids, glycolic acid.
  5. Avoid aromatherapy.
  6. Solarium prohibited.
  7. Do not use essential oils or use them in minimal quantities.
  8. Check your skin's reaction to the product first.
  9. Apply a small amount of care product, drug - this minimizes the occurrence of a negative reaction.
  10. Use products with SPF all year round: give preference to products with physical filters - zinc oxide, titanium dioxide.
  11. Temperature changes and excessive insolation (exposure to solar radiation) are prohibited.
  12. It is not recommended to consume too hot or cold foods, large amounts of spices, marinades, pickles, canned food, coffee, strong tea, carbonated, alcoholic drinks(especially champagne), allergenic products (eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, berries, food additives).
  13. It is recommended to consume flaxseed, olive, sesame, grape oils, bran, flax seeds, olives, almonds, rapeseed, avocado, peanuts, fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, berries that do not provoke allergies, clean water.
  14. Regularly use vitamin complexes rich in rutin, zinc, selenium, copper, potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, H, K, C, E, group B - reduce sensitivity, improve protection, strengthen blood vessels.
  15. Smoking is prohibited.
  16. Do not go to the bathhouse or sauna often: the temperature in the steam room should be less than 50 degrees, cover your face with a towel.
  17. Take a shower with a water temperature of 35 degrees, finish the procedure with a douche of cool water.
  18. It is recommended to take vascular-strengthening medications: they must be prescribed by a doctor.
  19. To regulate your hormonal status and eliminate its imbalance, visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist: medication may be prescribed.
  20. Visit a cosmetologist regularly. Remember that sensitive skin needs increased attention from professionals: for example, before eliminating pigmentation or acne, consult a doctor.

Care for oily sensitive skin

With increased sebum secretion, fats are embedded in the lipids of the epidermal barrier: the protective structure of the epidermis is disrupted, the level of TEWL (transepidermal water loss) increases, redness, peeling, dehydration are provoked, inflammatory processes. In this case, you need to organize a healthy diet without sweets, snacks, smoked foods, fatty foods, and spices. Important and proper care for sensitive skin, aimed at eliminating inflammation, strengthening the epidermal barrier:

  • Cosmetics for sensitive facial skin should contain a concentration of unsaturated acids of up to 12%; the products need to nourish, moisturize, and protect.
  • Under no circumstances should you frequently use aggressive exfoliating or drying compounds: it is permissible to use scrubs with soft particles that do not cause vascular injury or irritation.
  • Cleansing is carried out with mild compounds without alcohol, alkali and other aggressive components.
  • Cosmetics should be anti-comedogenic.
  • The permissible amount of vegetable oils in creams and masks is up to 10%.
  • If you have acne, apply it to the spot. medicinal ointments in a minimal quantity.

For dry skin

If you have dry sensitive skin, there may be fine wrinkles, expressed vascular network. Care should be aimed at deep hydration, nutrition:

  • Use products with a concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids 10-12%.
  • Strengthen the vascular wall with preparations for sensitive skin.
  • Protect your dermis year-round from ultraviolet rays: used in summer thermal water, spray with SPF, in winter - professional foundation creams, cryoprotectors (if you are prone to pigmentation, buy formulations with SPF).
  • Wash your face with warm water.
  • Avoid steaming and procedures using ice.
  • Use proven creams or replace them with natural vegetable oils.
  • It is forbidden to apply or add esters, acids, or sorbents to care compositions, which scratch and injure the skin.
  • In winter, apply creams and emulsions with components that protect against the cold.
  • To moisturize and improve tone, use thermal water.

Salon treatments for sensitive skin

Avoid deep peelings, polishing, corrective and rejuvenating massages. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the stage of development of the problem: sometimes 1-2 procedures are enough to eliminate redness, peeling, irritation, rashes, and increase the level of protection of the dermis. Patients with hypersensitivity can sign up for procedures using plasticizing, gel-like masks, and collagen sheets. In addition, to effective procedures include:

  • Phototherapy – laser eliminates spider veins, improves complexion, and normalizes blood microcirculation. There are no side effects or rehabilitation period after the procedure.
  • Biorevitalization - injections are made with hyaluronic acid, which leads to improved turgor, increased elasticity, normalization of metabolic processes, elimination of inflammation, irritation, purulent formations, and strengthening of facial vessels.
  • Mesotherapy – injections using formulations with the addition of plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, and natural stimulants. Beneficial substances are added to the deep layers of the dermis, which is difficult to achieve when using traditional masks, emulsions, and creams.

Home Remedies

To avoid harm, use natural compositions: natural ingredients (oils, extracts, vitamins, etc.) are considered the safest. Prepare your own cosmetics. Check the effect of each component of the cream or mask. If you are not allergic, then feel free to add the substance to the mixture. There are a huge number of natural remedies that effectively care for sensitive skin: increase protection, elasticity, maintain freshness, nourish, cleanse, soothe. Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the substance.


The product is very effective in caring for the skin. With regular use, complete recovery can be achieved. Oils are rich in vitamins and acids, saturate the dermis with various microelements, preserve youth, and increase elasticity. Natural remedies for sensitive facial skin, especially recommended for the skin around the eyes: do not irritate, eliminate expression wrinkles, remove drooping eyelids and swelling. The most useful oils are:

  • Olives – strengthens blood vessels, softens, nourishes, eliminates expression lines. Especially recommended in the off-season, in winter, with increased dryness, peeling, and irritation.
  • Almond - does not clog pores, tightens. Add to creams, masks, or use on its own as a moisturizing serum.
  • Jojoba – contains a large amount of tocopherol, rejuvenates, protects from ultraviolet radiation. Use alone or add to ointments to eliminate inflammation and treat acne.
  • Shea or shea butter has a dense structure, is suitable for all skin types, improves regeneration, heals wounds, cracks, increases protection, maintains moisture levels inside, and does not clog pores. It is especially recommended when you need to protect the cover from temperature changes, wind, frost, and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Grapes - ideal for moisturizing problem skin, improves tone, tightens pores, eliminates rashes, smoothes wrinkles, softens, deeply nourishes.


To increase the protective properties of the dermis, prepare a cream. For him we take:

  • beeswax– 20 g;
  • Peach oil– 10 ml;
  • shea butter (can be replaced with almond or olive) – 5 g;
  • bergamot ether – 1-3 drops.

First, melt the wax in a water bath, add oil, remove the mixture from heat, pour into a special jar, add ether. The mixture restores the pH balance, saturates the skin with vitamins and acids, deeply nourishes and moisturizes. Apply a thin layer to clean face, passing along the massage lines. The cream is suitable for morning and evening use. If there are cracks or wounds, do not add ether.

Here's another interesting composition. It is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • black cumin oil – 30 ml;
  • green tea– 60 ml;
  • chamomile extract – 7 g;
  • stearic acid – 2 g;
  • verbena essential oil – 5 drops.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to form a liquid mixture. Use it like a serum: apply to previously cleansed skin. decorative cosmetics face, daily use is recommended, morning and evening, before or instead of using industrial cream. Mixture homemade will improve the protective functions of the skin, making the face fresh and radiant.


To improve the health of capricious, unstable sensitive skin, use cleansing, toning, nourishing masks. Before applying the composition, check the reaction: apply a thin layer to a small area, look for redness or rashes. The curd composition will help increase immunity and eliminate inflammation. Mix the following ingredients:

  • cottage cheese – 10 g;
  • yolk – 2 pcs.;
  • cream – 5 g.

First, cottage cheese and yolks are combined, then cream is added. You should get a thick mass that can be diluted with mineral water, warm green tea. Pre-treat your face with micellar water, then distribute the mixture evenly and leave for 10-20 minutes. The mask deeply nourishes, moisturizes, eliminates rashes, heals cracks and wounds.

For hypersensitive dermis, a mask with rice flour is suitable. To prepare you will need:

  • milk – 20 g;
  • rice flour– 10 g;
  • sandalwood ether – 3 drops.

The flour should be finely ground, like powder. Mix rice powder with warm milk, add sandalwood ether. It should be a paste. Distribute it on your face and leave for 10-20 minutes. Remove any residue with a cotton pad soaked in warm water, or wash your face. This mask soothes the dermis, relieves redness, irritation, and eliminates rashes.

Pumpkin will help nourish the dermis with beneficial microelements. To make a mask, take:

  • pumpkin pulp – 20 g;
  • natural yogurt – 15 g;
  • retinol or vitamin A – 6 drops.

Bake the vegetable, grate the pulp, mix with natural yogurt, add liquid vitamin A. Cleanse the dermis of decorative cosmetics. Using a cosmetic spatula, spread the mixture on your face and leave for 10-20 minutes. Remove any remaining residue with a cotton pad soaked in warm water, or wash your face. The mask will help avoid vitamin deficiency, strengthen blood vessels, improve lymph flow, eliminate puffiness, swelling, and smooth out wrinkles.

Tonic and lotion

Relieve fatigue after working day lotion will help. It is prepared with the following ingredients:

  • pantothenic acid – 1 ampoule;
  • jojoba oil – 15 drops;
  • mineral water – 200 ml.

Take still water, add vitamin B5, vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a convenient bottle. Before each use, shake the bottle thoroughly and apply the product using cotton pad: rub the dermis along the massage lines 2-3 times a day, 10 minutes before applying decorative cosmetics. You can distribute the lotion using a spray nozzle - this method is especially recommended for extremely dry air and adverse weather conditions. The lotion deeply moisturizes, softens, improves metabolism and oxygen breathing of the dermis.


You can refresh and cleanse your face using a scrub-mask with algae. The product is prepared from:

  • kelp – 20 g;
  • grape oil - 15 drops.

Take dry seaweed, chop it, pour warm mineral water, leave for 10 minutes, add grape oil. Clean your face of decorative cosmetics. Apply the mixture using a brush or sponge. Leave for 40 minutes, wash with warm water. The product deeply cleanses, moisturizes, nourishes, and smoothes wrinkles. To achieve maximum effect, use the scrub mask 5-7 times with intervals between procedures of 2-3 days.

A mask with oatmeal is suitable for cleansing. Mix the ingredients:

  • oat flakes – 10 g;
  • plantain – 5 g;
  • chamomile – 5 g.

Grind the dry herbs and flakes (it is better to use a coffee grinder for this), the result should be powder. Add mineral water to the mixture until it has the consistency of porridge or thick sour cream. Distribute the mask on the epidermis, leave for 10 minutes, wash with warm water. The composition removes toxins, refreshes the face, tightens pores, and removes dead skin cells.

You can effectively clean the cover using cosmetic clay. To create a scrub you will need:

  • plantain – 1 tsp;
  • rice flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • clay – 1 tsp.

Grind the dry grass and rice using a coffee grinder, you should get powder. Add white, blue, pink clay to the mixture. The composition is thoroughly mixed, distributed on a previously cleansed and moisturized face: walk along the massage lines. Wait 3-5 minutes, rinse off the remaining scrub with warm water. After an hour, apply nourishing cream. The scrub effectively removes dead skin cells, removes toxins, oxidants, and rejuvenates.


Our face is a mirror that reflects all the stages of your life path. Wrinkles indicate how much you were nervous, smiled, worried, or even cried. Gray, unkempt skin - about problems with internal organs, illnesses, long stays in enclosed spaces, the presence bad habits and dependencies. Therefore, it is important not only to take care of your facial skin by doing masks, peelings, deep cleansing and operations, but also to take care of your health in general.

Facial skin care as a means to restore youth and beauty

Healthy, beautiful, glowing skin is real. It can be acquired not only through thread lifting, operations or unreasonably expensive miracle creams. Regularly applying moisturizer to the skin of the face and neck nourishes it. Your skin will be under the protective film of the cream, and most harmful microorganisms and dust will not be able to enter the pores. Therefore, accustom yourself to hydration.

It is important to remember that if you constantly apply makeup before going to work, you should have a makeup base in your makeup bag. The cream rolls off, causing the powder to fall off, and Foundation look blurry on the face. Buy a quality foundation. It's better to buy expensive product care and protect the skin from the effects of cosmetics, than save time and think about how to stop aging.

Youthful skin depends on your pace of life and attitude to health. Physical exercise, walks on fresh air, an optimistic attitude will add shine and beauty to you.

Remember, it is easier to care for dry or oily skin. After all, dry skin needs hydration, and oily skin needs nourishment and cleansing of pores. Problematic skin causes a lot of inconvenience - this includes the selection of cosmetics, cleansers, and scrubs.

Considering the impact external environment, problem healthy eating and relaxation, most women have sensitive facial skin. Rash, allergic reactions, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation aggravate the situation. Today we will talk about how to care for sensitive skin.

The first rule of care

Cleansing your face and washing your face are the most important secrets healthy skin. When caring for sensitive facial skin, it is worth choosing tonics and cleansing milk based on natural ingredients. They carefully envelop the face, cleansing it of impurities. Avoid using soap as it dries out your skin. In the morning, it is enough to apply a tonic to cleanse your face of secretions and wash with warm water. In the evening, be sure to remove any remaining makeup with tampons and sponges, wash your face and apply moisturizer at night.

Hot water negatively affects capillaries, and cold causes hypothermia. Consequences under 30 years of age improper care It's not as noticeable behind sensitive skin, but the older you get, the more mistakes become obvious.

Second rule

Make it a habit to use scrubs every 5 days. You can even start a tradition of applying a scrub to your face every Saturday to remove dead skin cells. You can buy an exfoliator at the store or make your own. For example, mix two tablespoons of ground coffee with one tablespoon of honey, add a few drops essential oil lavender or orange and apply to face for 4-5 minutes. However, be sure to do a small test - apply a small amount of the product to your neck or hand to check for allergic reactions. Ron Berg insists that those who skip the peeling procedure and do not use scrubs suffer from clogged pores. It's one thing to remove the top layer of dirt while washing. But we must not forget about deep cleansing. He says that men have it much better than us women. We don't shave every morning. A razor and shaving gels remove dead skin particles and cleanse pores.
You can contact specialists to carry out chemical cleaning. There are some that need to be done once a year, once every few years, and even a couple of times throughout your life. This is the deepest cleansing of pores, restoration of tissue functions and a healthy glow.

Third rule

Once you have learned how to properly wash and cleanse your skin, it is also important to moisturize it. There are enough creams that need to be used during the day or applied at night, nourishing the skin with microelements and vitamins. You should buy products from trusted manufacturers so as not to harm your face even more. Avoid applying such creams to the skin around the eyes, because the skin there is very thin and susceptible to external irritants.

It is worth moisturizing your facial skin several times a day - morning, afternoon and evening, as an option. If you can use a moisturizer at work, use it. Don't forget about the neck area.

Fourth rule

Beware of the sun! In any form and in any weather. Exposure to ultraviolet rays causes irritation to sensitive facial skin. Even in winter, rashes, red spots, moles and pronounced freckles may appear on the face.

Women after thirty especially need to take care of their skin so as not to provoke the appearance of age spots and the development of wrinkles. Applying sunscreen to your face not only protects from sun exposure, but also moisturizes it.

Fifth rule

Don't be afraid to use folk remedies. Naturally, within reasonable limits. For example, many women do the following. Normal egg break, separate the whites from the yolks. The protein is applied to the face for 20-30 minutes. The skin tightens and begins to tingle a lot. Rinse off any residue and apply moisturizer. After half an hour, apply the yolk for 10-15 minutes. Rinse again with warm water and moisturize. The skin becomes soft, tender, like a child's. This procedure can be repeated once a week.

Or applying sour cream helps protect the skin from irritation and moisturize the pores. It is advisable to use natural milk to prepare the product or buy it not in supermarkets, but in the market. This way you will be confident in the quality of your mask and the absence of GMOs.

Natural remedies are much better than most expensive creams. But you should always test and check the effect of this or that miracle - cream or mask on your body. The skin of the face is the most delicate and sensitive. She is constantly exposed to wind, frost, heat, breathes street dust and suffers from improper care.

We hope the above rules will help you protect your skin and make it healthy.