How to reduce the v-neck of a dress. How to visually reduce volume using the example of Christina Hendricks

Other reasons

What is the use of a beautiful and expensive diamond or pearl necklace on your neck if wrinkles in the décolleté area and age spots are visible under it? For many women after 40 years, the aging of smooth and velvety skin on the chest becomes almost a disaster. Let's look at the most popular ways to eliminate and prevent the formation of folds in the décolleté area.

What is better for wrinkles: camouflage or care?

On her 50th birthday, the American singer Madonna tightly hung her chest with massive chains. The ubiquitous journalists and paparazzi immediately suggested that the pop diva was hiding wrinkles in the neckline in such a simple way. The famous 59-year-old Italian Donatella Versace in some photographs has a neck that looks like a 70-year-old woman. What can you do, many blondes and red-haired women are especially susceptible to wrinkles and freckles on the skin in the décolleté area.

Wrinkles and age spots on the chest are not only signs of skin aging, they arise from ultraviolet radiation, sleeping on the side, and lack of hydration. Even eau de toilette and perfume negatively affect the décolleté area. Losing collagen, the skin becomes dry and thin, deep vertical wrinkles and semicircular furrows appear below the neck. Women have to give up clothes with a deep neckline and desperately try to camouflage defects with scarves, beads, and long necklaces.

Problems of mature skin on the chest - rough epidermis and thin dermis, rosacea and pigmentation. How to remove wrinkles on the neckline? What needs to be done to maintain youth and breasts? The beginning is gentle skin care, eliminating dryness, redness and flaking. There are laser procedures for the décolleté area and injections that reduce wrinkles by 50–90%. Peels, scrubs, cosmetic masks can be done periodically in the salon and at home.

The “ABC” of skin care is the correct sequence of stages of daily care: cleansing › toning › moisturizing › nutrition.

Each procedure and cosmetic product has its own purpose. Thus, lotions, tonics and cosmetic ice refresh and improve blood circulation, strengthen the skin, help narrow pores and bring the pH value back to normal. Peels, scrubs and masks remove dead cells on the surface of the body, heavily flavored with dust, sebum and sweat. This unpleasant film must be removed, being careful not to overdo it with procedures, so as not to achieve the opposite effect.

How to prevent wrinkles in the décolleté and neck area (video)

8 “commandments” for proper skin care on the neck and décolleté

There are many tricks to help those who like to sleep on their side avoid skin creases on their chest. These are special pads, cans, night bras, medical silicone plates. But more supporters are finding traditional ways to reduce wrinkles - anti-aging procedures.

Preventing chest wrinkles at home is the key to anti-aging décolleté.

Cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin to effectively combat wrinkles

How to remove wrinkles on the chest and neck at home? Use lotions, masks and creams made from environmentally friendly products with fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs. Avocado and banana reveal the “ABC” of natural beauty and youth. You can choose apricot and barberry, it all depends on the fertility of the area, financial capabilities, as well as the desire of the lady to use different fruits for masks and peels.

In one of the following articles we will give a detailed list of fruits indicating the chemical components, their actions, and what skin types they are suitable for. It turns out an effective mask for the décolleté area from common products: gelatin, starch and milk. Just don’t leave it on for more than 15 minutes, otherwise the composition will harden, tighten the skin and be difficult to wash off.

Gelatin mask recipe:

  • mix 1 tablespoon of gelatin with 2 tbsp. l. water;
  • heat in a water bath until the crystals dissolve;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. potato or corn starch;
  • Gradually add milk until creamy.
  • Apply the mask while warm to the décolleté area.

Photos of ingredients and ready-made masks made of gelatin for the décolleté area, for the face - made of clay, herbal decoction and baby cream:

The skin on the neck and arms contains fewer sebaceous glands than on the face. This means that the protective lipid layer is very thin. But how to smooth out wrinkles on your hands if they are constantly in contact with hot and cold water, dishwashing detergent, and soap? General recommendations - use protective and moisturizing cream as often as possible, make restorative masks. They prevent dryness, reduce flaking and help get rid of fine wrinkles.

It is useful to apply olive or other vegetable oil to your hands. You can use full-fat yogurt or mayonnaise. After lubricating the backs of your hands for better absorption, put on cotton gloves for half an hour. Then wash off the mask and apply nourishing cream.

Knowing how to remove wrinkles on your hands, do a similar wrap, but only for the skin of your neck and décolleté. Carry out this procedure in the evening, using unrefined oils (olive, sunflower, flaxseed, apricot kernels, almond).

First, thoroughly clean, then warm the skin of your neck and décolleté for a few minutes using a soft towel soaked in warm, slightly salted water. Apply the selected oil with a cotton pad or a wide soft brush to the neck and décolleté. Cover with a wide strip of soft polyethylene or wax paper for compresses.

Secure the compress with a scarf or wide bandage, lie with it for about half an hour. After this time, rinse your skin with warm water and finish the entire procedure by wiping your skin with a fruit ice cube. Complete contrast compresses by applying gel or cream.

Professional help for chest wrinkles (9 ways)

The internal and external processes of aging of the body cannot be reversed. The condition of the skin worsens, and not only the supply of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates is lost. Fewer vitamins and microelements are supplied, metabolism decreases, and turgor is lost. Modern cosmetology helps to “invigorate” these processes, and plastic surgery eliminates the visible manifestations of aging.

Professionals can offer rehabilitation programs for the neck and décolleté, taking into account the type and age characteristics of the patient’s skin:

Many of the methods listed involve painful, expensive procedures (the average price can reach $1,000–$2,000 or more). The characteristic redness goes away after a certain period of time, depending on the depth of skin treatment. Thus, smoothing wrinkles on the chest with a laser takes about 4 weeks, each resurfacing session lasts less than an hour. If the treatment is successful, the skin is literally transformed, because microdamages stimulate cells in the dermis, and they intensively produce collagen.

After hardware procedures, the Obagi décolleté complex keeps the skin in excellent condition.Elastiderm Decolletage.

The set from the American company Obagi Medical Products includes a skin lightening cream and a wrinkle-reducing lotion. The drugs should be used in a certain sequence, observing the dosages (consultation and assistance of cosmetologists will be required). The system is suitable for care after chemical peeling and Botox injections.

Wrinkles on the chest do not disappear with the wave of a magic wand. Even after expensive procedures, it is useless for a 40-year-old woman to expect the skin condition of a 17-year-old girl to return. Probably, a one-time trip to a cosmetology clinic will not be enough; you will have to do several sessions and continue home treatments.

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No matter how expensive the jewelry on your neck is, if there are wrinkles in the décolleté area, they will spoil the whole look. Some believe that they appear in women after 40, but now, even 25-year-old fashionistas have such folds on their necks. If you deal with them in a timely manner, they become deeper.

Causes of wrinkles on the décolleté

To prevent their formation in this zone, you need to know why they appear:

Clinical picture

What doctors say about wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been practicing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous people who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because... Science does not stand still; more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body are appearing, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most affordable alternative.

For more than 1 year, the miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN has been available on the European market, which can be obtained FOR FREE. It is several times more effective than Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and the most important thing is that you will see its effect instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Find out more>>

  • In the absence of proper care. This applies not only to hygiene, but also to timely moisturizing and nourishing the skin. In women after childbirth, with age and after illnesses, hormonal levels change, and this often leads to skin dehydration, loss of elasticity and collagen.
  • Poor posture. Sometimes girls don’t notice how they get used to walking with a hunched back and cramped shoulders; this habit leads not only to back problems, but also to the appearance of wrinkles on the neck.
  • A tan. If it is abused, large doses of ultraviolet radiation will lead to drying of the skin, which results in the loss of their protective functions.
  • Frequent changes in body weight. Wrinkles in the décolleté area are one of the side effects of constant dieting.
  • Dream. If you sleep incorrectly on high pillows in a protective “embryo” position, then in the morning you are guaranteed to have wrinkled folds on your neck. They also occur in women who like to read in bed.
  • Skin sensitivity. In the décolleté area, the skin is similar in structure to the skin of the eyelids. The first wrinkles appear in its areas, as well as around the eyes.

When thinking about how to get rid of wrinkles in the décolleté area, you need to understand that this restoration process needs to be approached comprehensively.

At the very beginning of the journey to get rid of wrinkles, which can take a long time, you must strictly follow several recommendations:

  • Review your diet, and especially your daily dose of water. It should be drunk in such a way that 40 ml of liquid will be intended for 1 kg of body.
  • Regularly use nourishing products for the décolleté. They are well absorbed onto still damp skin, so it is better to rub in creams or cosmetic oils immediately after a shower.
  • Try to exfoliate the skin once a week where wrinkles are located in the décolleté area. It is not necessary to buy expensive scrubs; they can be replaced with compositions from homemade products, for example: honey and coffee, oil and clay, as well as mixtures with sour fruit juice.
  • Clean your neck daily with special lotions and tonics, but they should not contain alkalis or alcohol. Such products narrow pores, strengthen the skin and normalize blood circulation.
  • Use nourishing and moisturizing masks for the décolleté area twice a week. Some of their recipes are presented; they are mainly based on vegetables, oils, fruits and dairy products. It is necessary to alternate the use of nourishing and moisturizing compositions.

When thinking about how to remove wrinkles in the décolleté area, you don’t need to discount regular walking and yoga.

Procedures for eliminating wrinkles on the décolleté

Many anti-aging measures are used for this. The skin of the neck does not have as many sebaceous glands as the face, so its lipid layer is very thin; it reacts sharply to external aggressive factors, but will also gratefully accept outside help in the form of masks, peels and lotions made from natural products.

Wraps and compresses

It is better to carry out such procedures at night. Before them, you need to clean the skin of the décolleté, then warm it up for several minutes by applying a soft towel soaked in warm salt water. Then you need to rub the oil into the skin using a cotton pad or soft brush. Cover the top of the neck with a wide strip of paper or polyethylene. The resulting compress should be secured with a bandage or scarf, take a lying position and wait half an hour.

As soon as the agreed time has passed, you need to rinse the skin with warm water, and, if possible, wipe the décolleté with a fruit ice cube. Then apply the cream.

How else can you remove wrinkles on your décolleté? Wraps will help with this; their use will not be difficult, and the effect from their use will be no less than after compresses. After regular wraps, the skin not only gets rid of wrinkles, but is also moisturized.

Vegetables, honey, fruits, berries and herbs are used as a composition for wraps. But only the ingredients of the anti-aging composition are applied not to the skin, but to a fabric base, which is then fixed to the décolleté area.

From above, so that the composition does not leak and penetrates the skin better, it is covered with cling film.

Oil wraps have a positive effect on the skin. First, the neck and décolleté are lubricated with the selected oil product, and then a hot cloth soaked in a decoction of medicinal herbs is applied to them alternately. Once it has cooled, it is left on the skin, cellophane is placed on top of it, and then a towel. Vegetable oil can be replaced with ghee, homemade mayonnaise or sour cream.

Masks for the décolleté area

You can use purchased options, but self-prepared formulations according to the recipes suggested below, which do not contain harmful substances or preservatives, work better.

How to remove wrinkles in the décolleté area using masks? Make them regularly and correctly, observing the timing and proportions of the components.

Recipe No. 1

One yolk, the juice of half a medium lemon and 1 dessert spoon of vodka are added to homemade sour cream. The resulting mixture sits in the refrigerator for 48 hours. Before using the prepared composition, you can mix cucumber pulp into it and then the skin on the neck and décolleté will lighten.

Leave the mask on for half an hour, then wash off with warm water.

Recipe No. 2

A gelatin mask will help eliminate wrinkles and tighten the skin. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 part gelatin in 2 parts water, and then boil the mixture until the crystals of the bulk component are completely dissolved. Then you need to add a spoonful of starch diluted in milk to the resulting mass (1 part of the bulk component to 2 parts of liquid). The mixture is applied while still warm to the entire chest.

Recipe No. 3

Prepare an infusion of chamomile, mix it with cucumber juice in a ratio of 1:2. Soak multi-layer gauze in the resulting solution and apply it to the neck for half an hour.

Recipe No. 4

Before using the mask, whipped egg white is applied to the décolleté area, to which a drop of honey is added. Then it is washed off and the ground banana pulp with cottage cheese and yolk is distributed over this area. The mask is applied in several layers and washed off after half an hour.

Ice for wrinkles

Even plain frozen water after rubbing with it will help improve skin tone, but it is better to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs and freeze it.

Excellent effect on the condition of the skin:

Salon treatments

When homemade recipes are unable to cope with wrinkles that have arisen, then professional skin restoration programs will help:

A one-time use of the described procedures will not be enough; you need to complete a whole course, but this is an expensive pleasure.

Contrast shower and massage

Such a shower is useful not only for the décolleté, but also for the whole body.. You can start it with any water, but finish it only with warm water.

How to get rid of wrinkles in the décolleté area with massage? You will need to set aside a couple of minutes a day for this. You should raise your head up and, alternating your hands, run the back of your hands along your neck from bottom to top. The massage ends with patting movements.

It is possible to eliminate wrinkles in the décolleté area if you regularly carry out home treatments, but on mature skin they will not completely go away, but will noticeably decrease. The methods described above for combating wrinkles in the décolleté area are effective in combination with proper nutrition, exercise, and constant posture.

If you regularly use them, then the question of what to do with wrinkles in the décolleté area will lose its relevance.

Date of publication: 01/28/2017

If you have been sewing for any length of time, you might have encountered this situation. Having conceived an interesting dress or blouse with a rather deep neckline instead of a high neckline, you simply widen the neckline by a few centimeters, cutting off the excess on a ready-made or self-made pattern. You sew - and you get something in which you absolutely cannot bend over without showing off your underwear or the lack thereof to others. The fabric does not adhere to the chest and puffs up, and when tilted it simply hangs down. It’s unlikely that you intended to get such an effect.

Why does a low-cut dress lag behind the body?

This problem is called “losing cleavage.” Why did this happen? Because when constructing the pattern, the features of anatomy were not taken into account. In women, regardless of the degree of fullness, body type and breast size, there is always a slight concavity in the area from the collarbone to the most protruding point of the chest.

If the dress is supposed to be quite closed, then there is no need to take this depression into account in the pattern - it is still under the fabric. But if the cut line, no matter whether it is continuous or closed, runs along it, then it is still necessary to reduce the length of this line.

The bust is a hemisphere, so it will not be possible to perfectly encircle it using two ordinary straight darts, the chest one and the one from the waistline. To understand this better, imagine that the dress is made not of plastic fabric, but of thin tin or cardboard. The size and shape of the chest cavity are individual, and patterns intended for mass tailoring are standardized and cannot perfectly fit every figure.

How to correct a lagging neckline?

To begin, take additional measurements of your figure. Ideally, you should wear the bra with which you are going to wear this item. Why? Different shapes of underwear, the presence/absence of seals, foam rubber, push-up slightly change the natural relief of the body, which is expressed in completely real measurements. Plus or minus a couple of centimeters noticeably changes the fit. In general, this is one of the main rules of tailoring: to take measurements to create a pattern for a product, you need to wear exactly the underwear that you plan to wear under these clothes. It is best if a second person takes the measurements, but you can do it yourself. The main thing is not to take the “correct” pose with excellent posture, don’t stretch out, don’t bend, don’t suck in your stomach. Stand naturally, just as you live. If your posture is not ideal in life, it will not change even in a new dress. Otherwise, you risk getting something that won’t fit your specific figure well. To clearly define your waistline, tie a lace, narrow belt or thin elastic band along it.

As a result, the solution of ready-made darts (from the sides, from the waist) will become larger, the shape of the top of the bodice will change, and the excess will disappear along the neckline. There will only be a small amount of slack left over the chest cavity, but it is significantly less than there would be excess fabric without bodice correction and is aesthetically acceptable.

The hollow above the bust must also be taken into account when drawing any model lines, for example, a yoke, on adjacent items made of non-elastic fabrics.

Correction of “expanding” neckline on products with a smell

The hem of dresses and wrap-around blouses that lag far behind the body in the area of ​​the middle of the chest is the second common problem of the same nature. The scent line crosses the area of ​​the median pectoral cavity and always has an excessive length that lags behind, folds. In this case, it is appropriate to introduce an additional dart (with a solution of 1.5 cm in the example under consideration; its depth may vary for you) into the scent line.

As a result, the edge of the floor on the pattern will acquire greater curvature, decreasing by the same 1.5 cm, and the finished item will not bulge.

For a more precise fit of the dress, it is advisable to sew a test model from cheap fabric, on which to check the depth and location of the added darts. If necessary, the paper pattern is adjusted, and only then they begin to cut it from expensive material.

30 September 2012, 03:01

On the day God planned Christina Hendricks was very generous. She has such a figure that one can only envy her. And I can’t even dare to call her large breasts, thin waist and wide hips a disadvantage. Rather, all of these are her solid advantages, but sometimes they should be hidden from prying eyes. Oh yes, men's gazes undoubtedly just fall into her deep cleavage. But ordinary girls don’t want everyone they meet to drool and break their necks. She has an hourglass figure, but a little wide, too convex. We all know the cartoon fatal beauty Jessica Rabbit, and so, Christina is her living embodiment, everything about her is hyper, especially her sexuality.
On the red carpet, this look is quite appropriate, but in life sometimes you want to become less noticeable. So, in order to balance the advantages of the figure, make them discreetly elegant and at the same time not become a gray mouse, you need to remember the following rules: The first and main rule - you must have quality, comfortable underwear in your size. There is nothing more unsightly than breasts leaking out like dough from a pan. They must be well packaged. Choose a bra with thick straps to provide support and support for your breasts. Also pay attention to the shape: let them be slightly pulled towards each other so that the neckline is beautiful and the breasts look forward, and not to the side or down. You can also use a corset or minimizer bra (visually reducing the size of your breasts by one size). Also, the bust of the dress or the volume of the blouse should be your size, there is no need to overtighten yourself and squeeze into a smaller size. The chest will still pop out or rest against the chin. And this is not beautiful. Christina often breaks this rule by not complimenting her. I don’t know how Christina is with her stylist, but the work of a hairdresser and makeup artist is sometimes frustrating. Next, pay attention to the fabric. It is better to choose thick fabrics, able to keep their shape. Or mix light with dense. Fabrics that are too light are not in your favor Christina's character in the series Mad Men, Joan Holloway, works in an office, which obliges her to have a certain style of dress. The work of the film's stylists is impeccable. Christina's curves are perfectly emphasized and hidden at the same time. Joan prefers sheath dresses with a defined waist.
Next, speaking about fabric, you need to pay attention to color and prints. Choose deep colors, and choose small and clear prints. Any blurry or large drawings will blur your figure. Cutout on a dress or blouse should be elongated either vertically or horizontally. A round neckline is prohibited. It will only draw attention to the breasts even more, and besides, the breasts will appear even larger and more shapeless.
In the last two photographs there is also such a technique as distracting attention with bright spots - a brooch and a belt. So, distract attention from the bust bright spots or ruffles. Next rule: dark or bright top, light bottom. This way you will balance the figure and it will become proportional. If on the contrary, then kilograms are added. Another good trick is lapels on the collar or long beads and chains.
The next rule is elongate the figure using the length of the dress or neckline on the chest, or better yet, both ways. Blazers and cardigans should choose single-breasted and preferably with several small buttons. Jackets with one button, especially large ones, look ridiculous. Also, don't buy short outerwear, it will add even more volume on top. But long models should have a clear shape with a V-neck. The large buttons of this coat made Christina look very big. Let's look at Christina's very successful and controversial outfits. This sheath dress suits her very well. It fits perfectly on the figure, emphasizes the waist and, despite the round neckline, reduces volume due to the folds. Also for it is the print, the color is dark and the pattern is relatively small. This dress has a wonderful cutout and the stripes at the waist accentuate the figure.
A dark small print on the blouse, plus puffed sleeves, reduced the volume. This dress has all the rules together - dark deep color, thick fabric, cutout at the top, length, distracting belt and small buttons. Just a wonderful dress with a gorgeous color (darker closer to the waist) and a gorgeous neckline. The stylist thought of everything about this dress - great color, good cut, raised shoulders, belt at the waist. But this huge blurry rose on the chest just erased everything else. There is also nothing to complain about here. A very beautiful dress. Short tops seem to be prohibited here. But the horizontally elongated neckline, long chain and small print did their job - the top and bottom were balanced. Updated 30/09/12 10:10:

One of the main spring fashion trends is cutouts and slits. Judging by the collections of world designers from Louis Vuitton to Topshop, skin should now be shown on all parts of the body: at the waist, on the hips, on the shoulders and even under the breasts.

Cutouts on the sides

This is not a new product, but a favorite trend that will last for another couple of years. Let’s do without the typical “what other cutouts, I’m fat.” Narrow stripes of the body, visible slightly above the waist, visually make the silhouette more graceful. And cutouts at the waist are the golden mean: they look quite restrained, but add some piquancy to the outfit.

At the hem

Suitable for: girls without complexes who are not shy about revealing outfits.

On the back

The only sexier thing than a deep neckline is a low back! Of course, within the bounds of decency: others should not see the top of your buttocks. A cutout at the back is a win-win element of a luxurious evening dress. Believe me, men will turn around after you. Of course, you should be sure that there are no rashes or redness on your back. Otherwise the magical effect will evaporate.

Perfect option: a light shift dress or blouse without unnecessary details (the main emphasis is on the back).

Suitable for: charming beauties from 18 to 90 years old.

On shoulders

Like shoulder off, but the collarbones and neckline are covered - only the shoulders are visible. The image turns out to be modest and gentle, so a blouse and dress with cutouts on the shoulders are appropriate to wear (of course, in the absence of a dress code).

Perfect option: light airy blouse, dress or fitted top.

Suitable for: young ladies who are not going to show off their body, but want to look feminine and seductive.