Are there any beautiful girls with thin faces? Very thin face: what can be done

For teenagers

There are stereotypes that a person with pointed, thin facial features has an evil, unpleasant character. Indeed, often a thin face does not have an attractive appearance: protruding skull bones, dark circles under the eyes, an elongated nose, and not a completely healthy skin color - all this visually adds several years to a woman and makes her look like a predator.

Where does such thinness come from?!

The reason for such thinness can be severe nervous stress, overwork, poor nutrition, and unhealthy environmental conditions. Maybe you should pay more attention to proper rest, take soothing drops based on herbal ingredients, and treat stressful situations more calmly and simply? All this, of course, is a scientifically proven fact, but no one has yet canceled the simple and natural, as well as unspoken rules of makeup, including for people with excessive underweight.

Makeup tasks for a thin face

The main task of makeup for underweight people is to try to widen the face as much as possible, remove protruding cheekbones, disguise hollow cheeks and dark color under the eyes.

At the same time, you can slightly shorten your nose or an overly prominent chin. In other words, using the language of professional makeup artists, darken all noticeable areas of the body on the face and vice versa - lighten those that need to be highlighted. For this we will use light and dark tones.

Dark tone (accent or filler) - lengthens, makes objects seem remote and in-depth. In this case, the exception may be the eyes and the area around them. Here are two examples of makeup for a thin face, using both drugs.

Example 1. Thin face and narrow forehead. In such cases, the lightener is applied: - 1 to the recesses of the sunken temples to visually enlarge them and the superciliary area to emphasize the shape and color of the eyebrows, 2 - to the bridge of the nose, 3 - all nasolabial pits and corners of the mouth. For a very thin face, highlighter is applied over the entire oval.

Example 2. Thin face and wide forehead. In these cases, the filler, or in the language of the pros - dirt, is simply irreplaceable and is applied: - 1 to the side parts of the temples and the sides of the forehead, in order to narrow and visually reduce it as much as possible, 2 - to the side parts of the bridge of the nose, for the same purpose and 3 – on the zygomatic fossa.

We mask all other parts of a thin face that are not affected by the lightener and filler in the usual way, according to the same scheme as a face with an ideal oval shape.

  • Too wide and dark eyebrows make a thin girl’s face even thinner. It is best to choose a medium eyebrow thickness, approximately 4 mm at the beginning and 2 mm at the end.

  • You can ideally correct a narrow forehead and widen it a little with the right hairstyle. So for a girl with underweight, long parted hair or a short haircut are not acceptable.

  • Replace long earrings with round or oval ones.

  • Try to reach your ideal weight.

Step-by-step makeup for a thin face

Let's now move on to the practical part of how to hide your thinness with cosmetics. Our main goal is to achieve visual fullness of the face.

Skin tone

For this procedure, you will need 2 shades of foundation, one of which should perfectly match your skin tone. The other, on the contrary, should be one and a half shades darker. Using a foundation brush, apply the dark shade to the root zone of the hair on the forehead. We also distribute it over the cheekbones and chin. Apply a light shade of foundation to all remaining areas. The layer should be soft and even. Only perfect application will allow you to achieve the desired effect. So, your face has become a little fuller.

Eye makeup

The first thing you need to pay attention to in eye makeup for a thin face is the shades of the palette used. You need to avoid using dark colors, they will highlight your thin face and make you look sunken and tired. Pay attention to shades such as coral, pink, bronze, peach, gold and lilac. These shades will help you achieve soft eye makeup for a thin face. Such soft shades can be safely applied to the entire upper eyelid, including the line under the eyebrows. The only time you can use dark shadows in makeup for a thin face is if you want to emphasize the lash line by highlighting soft arrows with shadows.

But if you are not a fan of shadows in makeup, then you can make elegant winged eyeliner. can be drawn using liquid eyeliner or regular eyeliner. In your case, you don’t even need to neglect textures with pearl particles. Shimmering particles can be called allies in makeup for a thin face. When choosing mascara, focus on the one that has the effect of adding volume. As for color, black or gray mascara will look better on you.

Eyebrow shape correction

Girls with a skinny face are not recommended to have dark and wide eyebrows. The thing is that they visually make you look even thinner and make your face even rougher and less feminine. Also, you should not experiment with plucking your eyebrows into a thin thread, they will not give you beauty. The ideal eyebrow shape for a thin face is light, not coarse, in natural tones.

Correction of cheekbones

Girls with a thin face look better in lilac, soft brown or pale pink tones. These colors will make your look softer. How to distribute blush on prominent cheekbones? It's quite simple: run the brush over the blush, grabbing a little product, and then move it from the lips towards the ear, that is, from the bottom up. And so on until you have the shade you want.

Make-up lips

Women with a thin face can wear absolutely any shade of lipstick and gloss. There are no restrictions at all. There remains only one rule that every female on the planet knows. This is the Rule of one accent in makeup. If you have calm, not particularly expressive eyes, then you can safely paint your lips with bright, juicy lipstick. If the eyes are the accent in makeup for a thin face, then the tone of the lipstick should be calm and barely noticeable on the lips.

Video: how to apply makeup for girls with a thin face

The beauty of a woman is far from being about the proportions of the body or the sophistication of the face. And no matter what girls imagine, their opinion is not always correct. To get rid of complexes, you should look at everything through the eyes of the stronger sex.

Now we will talk about appearance. Special attention is paid to it, since a creepy or ridiculous appearance can be very off-putting. Because of such mistakes, interesting and attractive women are often lonely.

External (natural) data - (face, lips, nose, neck, ears)

You can always find a highlight in natural beauty. Often married couples talk about how they were attracted to just one trait. These could be slightly protruding ears or a rounded face.

An ugly face is rough and unkempt skin covered with blackheads or pimples. Of course, there are diseases and predispositions to acne, etc. But in most cases, girls are simply too lazy to use scrub and cream.

Lips should not be bitten or cracked. After all, any man, during his thoughts, can think about whether I want to kiss her. Rough lips are not the best prospect.

The nose is only embarrassing if it is too large or round. The neck should be clean. The ears are small. If you evaluate portraits of real beauties, then small facial features are ideal. They give youth and playfulness.

The figure and its parameters

Large breasts are not a mandatory element. A beautiful and slender figure is much more important. According to statistics, 60% of men will never date obese women. Excessive thinness is also not attractive.

The parameters 90/60/90 today represent only the ideals of the last century. In real life, slender girls who are actively involved in sports have smaller parameters.


Men don't like weird and bad hairstyles. Naturalness is more important. Long hair is especially praised. And it’s good when a girl knows how to braid them and do different hairstyles.


It's strange, but many girls today try to parody monsters from horror films. Why so much cosmetics? It should only emphasize the cheekbones, eyes, highlight the lips, if necessary. But, under no circumstances should you create a completely new face for yourself that stands out from the crowd.


Don't buy a lot of cheap and flashy jewelry. Large earrings and beads create unpleasant associations with fortune tellers at the bazaar. Small studs and a thin chain can perfectly highlight a beautiful neck and ears.


This is a special part of the face. Crooked or diseased teeth are a turn off. But white and smooth ones are attractive. Although this is not always the case. Sometimes the teeth are far from “ideal”, but the smile is simply attractive.

How quickly does a man determine that a girl is ugly?

A man’s opinion can change dramatically within a day after meeting. At the first meeting, appearance, sense of style, and harmony are immediately assessed. There is such an expression - “repulsive appearance”. This effect often appears in the first seconds. It can be triggered by worn nail polish, greasy hair, any stains on clothing, or the presence of strange items of clothing.

One face is not enough. Sometimes you want to confide in your thoughts and experiences in a conversation. A woman without a rich inner world and her deep-rooted beliefs will not be able to become a pleasant interlocutor. It's not true that men like stupid girls who laugh all the time.

Men say that there are no ugly women, just not enough vodka!

What does it mean?

This expression does not paint the stronger sex. Its essence is that a drunk man no longer cares what kind of girl is next to him. In a dope, he imagines a beauty, and in the morning he regains his sight.

Sometimes women use this saying to get someone they love through drinking. Remember, nothing will come of it. No matter how much effort is put in, nothing will work.

The ugliest girls in the world through the eyes of men

Let's go to extremes. The following women repel all men with their behavior, appearance and lifestyle. They are more like caricatures, which, unfortunately, many people use.

The first two women show what surgery does. Men only pay lip service to silicone breasts. You can look at it.

But most husbands understand perfectly well that they would never allow their wife to do something like this.

Donatella Versace

Traces of operations do not give her the opportunity to be called a grandmother.

She used to be a beautiful woman, but for a lot of money she turned into a monster.


Popular Christerna shows how creepy girls can look with tattoos and piercings.

Lizzie Velazquez

On this list because of a terrible disease - anorexia. It always starts with one thing - a woman refuses to eat because she wants to be thin and beautiful.

Movies about ugly girls

The most popular films are those where a plain-looking girl turns into a real beauty. Although, sometimes, an “ugly” actress, by society’s standards, is cast in the main role.

Pretty Woman: 1990

Yes, Julia Robberts is excellent. But in the first half of the film she plays the role of a prostitute who has absolutely no understanding of style, manners, or communication. She seems like a normal person, but she can't present herself correctly. This is a problem for many girls.

Office romance: 1977

Classics of Soviet cinema. Few could imagine that a boring and gray “mymra” could turn into a pretty woman. This film gave food for thought to many girls. If she could change, why can't I?

The Devil Wears Prada: 2006

A young girl gets a position in a major modeling campaign. Everything around is perfect. And she is dressed awkwardly, with a stupid hairstyle. To prove herself, she needs to completely change.

My scary nanny: 2005

There are a huge number of problems in a large family. A sweet and spineless father cannot cope with raising his children. Suddenly a strange woman appears. Her appearance is scary. But there is no choice, they need a nanny. Every time the children succeeded in something, changes occurred in her appearance. And so on until she became excellent.

Are men ready to date ugly women?

A similar question is asked in many surveys. And the result is 20%. This means that 20% of men are ready to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of their chosen one. But there are also conditions. For example, money is an important factor. With a large fortune, a man is ready to take a difficult step and start living with someone he doesn’t like at all.

If there are no rich parents, then ugly women have a hard time. Their problem is their own criticism. Self-flagellation leads to a gray appearance, sticky hair and baggy clothes.

Home image of a woman through the eyes of men

Rarely do girls show their true colors. Stretched leggings, huge sweaters and bathrobes are hidden until the moment when there is nowhere to run. But robes completely destroy the beauty of a woman. The mystery, the dignity of the figure, the elegance are lost.

You can be attractive even at home. All clothing must fit your figure and be free of stains or holes. Walk around the house as you would without changing clothes to go to the store or park. Men evaluate bad appearance as a reluctance to do something nice.

Unhealthy women are ugly women

The health of our body greatly affects the external and internal state. We are not talking about different diagnoses, heredity or injuries. Men like it when girls take care of themselves: eat the right food, play sports, and follow their daily routine.

When everything is under control, the woman looks cheerful, cheerful, and ready for adventure. It is such a chosen one that will be able to bring color to a man’s life and interest him every day.

But the most correct conclusion is that all women are special. That’s why it’s such a pity when they voluntarily neglect themselves, destroying all beauty.

Hair is one of the natural decorations of human appearance. Those characters who think that only thick curls can be proud and admired may be mistaken.

If thick hair is unkempt, it is unlikely to earn a compliment from others. But in fact, it is important to maintain the correct form and maintain a well-groomed appearance. You can make your hair look well-groomed by regular haircuts and maintaining healthy hair with various means. With the correct form everything is much more complicated. How to decide on a hairstyle, given your face type? What if your face is thin?

Many young ladies dream of making their face appear thinner.

But not all ladies can boast of such a treasure in appearance. And you can correct the oval of your face using styling and hairstyles. Features of a thin face Thin girls do not have excess fullness in the face area, but it is too early to say that the face is thin, relying only on complexion. Parameters need to be measured. First, take the width of the front area. Then the figure for this parameter must be divided by the height of the face. It is measured from the hairline to the jawline.

After you divide one number by another, you get a ratio coefficient.

If the value is more than 1.5, you can consider that the face is thin. Example of a long thin face Very often you can find a thin, elongated face.

Such girls have a high forehead and an oval lower jaw, and the cheekbone line is clearly defined. Stylists call this type the predominance of vertical lines. This type of face is very beautiful, but with very clear vertical lines, the face seems sadder. require the creation of additional volume.

This method will help round out the shape of the facial area as naturally as possible. If the volume is concentrated at the level of the ears and the back of the head, mainly at the back of the head.

Thus, the excess miniatureness will be lost in the lower part.

Consider whether you should open your forehead line. The technique with bangs will hide the length of the face and hide excess millimeters.

I would really like to note what is contraindicated for a thin face:

  • do not wear smooth and straight long hair combed back;

Straight smooth hair

  • you should give up a long tail, which will visually narrow the face area even more;
  • don't use too short ones;
  • do not wear a straight parting;
  • if your hairstyle suggests, be careful to look with beveled shapes, which make the face even narrower.

Options for long hair

Long, and even more so straight hair is not suitable for a thin face, as it stretches the face even more. The main rule is not to neglect volume. It can be done using large curlers, as well as simple blow-drying using products that give additional volume.

  • if you still want to keep your long hair, but your soul requires transformation, try the hit of all times -.

Tips of different lengths will distract attention from the face and visually expand the area;

  • Ladder for long hair
  • if your hair is curly, cut your hair in a cascade or the same ladder - this will add additional volume. These are ideal. They visually increase the volume and thickness of the strands; Choosing bangs can also help shape your facial lines.

Thick, straight bangs are a great option for visually expanding and rounding your face shape. Make your bangs wavy and comb them to the side - this can help perfect the area of ​​your face;

  • Do not opt ​​for torn or oblique bangs, they can add extra millimeters.
  • If you have a thin face with a rectangular or square forehead, you can have straight long hair with thick bangs that cover the forehead.

However, it is better to correct the roughness of features with soft lines and waves;

If you have long shoulder-length hair, it’s good to give it some color variety, highlight it, and make it seem bigger.

Hairstyle with curls and coloring

Hairstyles for medium hair

  • . For a thin face, medium length hair is a great option. This is the length that many Hollywood stars try to choose.

The most optimal haircuts for a thin face are:

  • Additional volume can be added by thinning the strands. But keep in mind that the length of the curls should not be higher than the chin; Volumetric bob
  • is an unusual image, but only fragile young ladies can afford it. When doing a haircut, the back strands must be shortened, and the front strands, on the contrary, must be left longer;
  • can be a great choice for girls with a thin face. The haircut is done in such a way that the front strands are cut to the level of the cheekbones, and the back hair can be left along the line of the shoulder blades. This design can add additional volume to the hair and expand the lines of the face.

The bob is the most successful option, as it can hide minor imperfections in the face: a high forehead line, an angular chin, a narrow long nose.

Haircuts for short strands

If you are forced to choose a short haircut for a thin face, do not go to extremes. By choosing, you risk emphasizing an unnecessary angular chin and long nose.

The ideal choice in this case is . The characteristic features of this hairstyle will be different lengths of strands and layering.

Also suitable for girls with an elongated face shape are bobs and graduated bobs. Such haircuts will favorably emphasize beautiful features and visually make the shape more rounded.

  • short curls are cut so that they appear fluffy, unruly strands are treated with foam or gel and an artistic mess is created on the head;
  • straight strands can be shortened so that they reach the middle of the cheek, with milled ends, these can be “bob” or “bob” haircuts;
  • tightly curled, tousled curls should reach the middle of the cheek, they will look good with side-combed bangs and an asymmetrical parting;
  • haircut with strands about 3 cm long above the chin, parted in the middle, but raised and styled using a hairdryer and a round comb-brush and neatly curled inward.

Hairstyle with length above the chin

Subtleties of styling and care

Styling haircuts for a thin face is aimed at practically one thing: creating additional volume, with which you can expand and round the lines of the face.

  • The easiest way is to style with a hairdryer and a round brush. Dry your hair by tilting your head down and twirling your curls with a large brush.;
  • Light combing, which can be done with a fine comb, can round out your face. Lifting strand by strand, comb the hair from the inside of the curls, and at the end smooth the hair to eliminate excess “fluffiness”;
  • Due to lack of time, you can cheat a little: before going to bed, distribute the entire wet mass of hair into four parts and turn each into a plait, securing it on the top of the head.
  • In the morning, unravel the structure and comb the curls with your fingers; A hairstyle with curls released in such a way that they touch the face will look advantageous.

This will allow you to shift attention from the thin face and emphasize the dignity and beauty of the young lady.

You can decorate a haircut for a thin face with various hair clips, complemented with rhinestones, unusual bobby pins, in short, any additional details will help you divert attention from the facial features that you want to hide.


For more details on choosing hairstyles for a thin face, watch the video

Conclusion For a thin face, you can choose from a huge variety of options. The main thing is to choose the right hairstyle that will only emphasize your beauty and tenderness.

Be Beautiful and Expressive!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

16 Mar 2016

High cheekbones, emphasized by exquisite makeup, make the face attractive and aristocratically sophisticated. Visually, a woman without “extra” roundness in the cheek area looks slimmer. For overweight young ladies, the task of losing weight in the cheeks is extremely simplified - diet and physical exercise for the body will help restore beautiful shapes to the whole body. What should chubby beauties with a slender figure do to lose weight on their face? Special gymnastics, adherence to drinking regime and the subtleties of the art of applying makeup will help.

How to remove cheeks with a facial diet

  1. The reasons for round cheeks, which look so beautiful in girls in childhood and so bother adult girls, are:
  2. Hereditary factor. For those with lovely, rosy cheeks, achieving a thinner face is problematic. You will have to constantly maintain skin tone by doing special exercises.
  3. Lack of vitamins. Lack of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, vitamins A, C, B negatively affects the condition of the skin, worsening weight loss results. When deciding what to do to effectively lose weight on your face, pay attention to foods rich in calcium and containing beneficial amino acids.
  4. Insufficient fluid intake. By drinking less than one and a half liters a day, you are doing bad things to your body, putting it into “accumulation” mode.
  5. Excess salt. If you don’t want to “put on weight” in your face, eliminate salt from your diet or make dishes with a small amount of it.
  6. Drinking alcohol. Masks/lotions will help you lose weight on puffy cheeks in the morning if you make them based on green tea, chamomile, and calendula.

Strict diets and fasting are not the best way to lose weight on your face for a man or woman. Half-fainting from a lack of calories, sagging skin - the results of a “quick” way to get beautiful cheekbones and sunken cheeks. What to do to make your face lose weight:

  1. Surgical intervention. This radical method is aimed at removing the fat layer on the cheeks. It may be possible to get a “new” thinner face, but will the results please you?
  2. Do the right makeup. Using a foundation of a darker shade and applying blush with a tanning effect to the “prominent” area of ​​the cheeks will help visually “thinner” your face.
  3. Skin care. Massage, warming masks, moisturizing compresses are ideal ways to emphasize a beautiful cheekbone line and thinner cheeks.
  4. Gymnastics. By regularly doing special exercises, you will tone your muscles and restore your skin to a healthy appearance.
  5. Normalization of water balance. How can a girl lose weight on her face to speed up metabolic processes? Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Add diuretic teas with chamomile, cranberry, and rosehip to the menu.
  6. A diet containing maximum fiber, vitamins and minerals. Vegetables, fruits, fish, dietary meat will help you lose weight and relieve swelling.

How to get a perfect thin face: proper nutrition

How to remove cheeks from your face while adhering to the basics of proper nutrition? Considering that most women succeed last, the diet should be designed for a long time. You should follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, choosing to minimize the consumption of “harmful” carbohydrates, animal fats, and alcohol.

What to do to beautifully lose weight on your face using advances in nutrition:

  1. Enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables. A large proportion of all foods eaten should be plant fiber.
  2. Seafood and fish will help your cheeks lose weight; thanks to their rich content of fatty amino acids and B vitamins, they will return youth and a healthy appearance to a woman’s skin.
  3. Replace sweet sodas and store-bought juices with herbal teas, fruit drinks, and fresh juices. They will help enrich the body with essential microelements, thanks to which the face will acquire a toned shape and look thinner.

Gymnastics and massage

Special facial exercises help smooth out facial wrinkles and restore youthful skin. They are aimed at activating the muscles of the cheeks and chin. Set aside a quarter of an hour to combat your lost cheeks, performing each exercise in the complex at least 20 times. Massage your cheeks - it stimulates blood flow, due to which metabolic processes proceed faster. Lifted cheekbones, absence of a double chin, and a beautiful complexion will be a pleasant bonus of daily procedures.

Effective exercises for slimming cheeks

A special complex of facial gymnastics effectively fights wrinkles on the cheeks, improves blood circulation, strengthening small vessels - capillaries, and triggers skin regeneration mechanisms. How to get rid of cheeks, and what exercises will help solve the problem:

  1. Rolling air or water. Take air/water into your mouth. Try to do the exercise slowly, rolling the contents from one side to the other. Repeat this simple method 20 times.
  2. "Capture" of the lips. Lower jaw exercises are effective if you want to achieve a thinner face. Move it forward so that you wrap your lower lip around your upper lip. Number of repetitions – 15 times.
  3. Pronunciation of letters. Alternately fold your lips into a tube, trying to pronounce the sounds “u” or “o”. Then stretch your lips as if trying to smile.

Exercises for the oval face and neck

Thirty-year-old (and older) young ladies who want to have beautifully defined cheekbones with thin cheeks should pay special attention to correcting the oval of their face by making gymnastics a daily procedure. Overweight girls trying to lose weight in their cheeks should not forget that the neck not only shows age, but also reacts to the loss of extra pounds. What to do to lose weight on your face? Exercises that will help maintain the elasticity of the neck and chin:

  1. Head tilts. When bending, try to fix your head at the lowest point for a few seconds. The exercise is performed with a straight back.
  2. Neck muscle training. Cross your arms, placing your hands on your shoulders. You can do the exercise standing or sitting. In this case, the back should be straight, like a string. Press down hard while trying to stretch your neck up.

How to get rid of a double chin

The double chin gives a puffy appearance, making the outline blurry and adding age. Those who like to sleep on high pillows, bookworms who prefer to spend time lying down with a book, as well as anyone who wants to have a beautiful face shape should pay attention to a set of lifting exercises. How to remove your chin and cheeks:

  1. Model exercise. Having placed a book on your head, walk around the room with a perfectly straight back for at least 5 minutes. This will help strengthen the muscles of the neck and chin.
  2. "Reach your nose." Tilt your head back. In this position, try to reach the tip of your nose with your lower lip, pushing your jaw forward. Then do the same with your tongue.
  3. Exercise "press for the chin." Lie on your back on a gymnastics mat. Without lifting the rest of your body from the floor, lift your head up, fixing the top point of the movement. Do this to make your cheeks thinner, up to 20 times.

How to pump up your cheekbones

Exercises that involve all the muscles of the lower part of the face are designed to increase the volume of the cheekbones. By repeating simple exercises daily, in three weeks you will notice a beautiful shape and thinner cheeks. How to make cheekbones on your face using gymnastics:

  1. "Rotations... with the tongue." Open your mouth as if you want to make the sound "o". Move your tongue in a circle, pressing it firmly against your cheeks and palate.
  2. Press your lips firmly against your teeth, keeping your mouth slightly open. Use your fingertips to make circular movements from the corners of your mouth to your cheekbones.
  3. Smile without opening your lips. Tighten the muscles of your cheekbones, trying to pull them up towards your temples.

How to do a facial massage at home

By making warming massage movements using a terry towel, soft rubbing with your fingertips, you will tighten your chin, give a rested look and a clear outline to the contours of your face. After taking a morning shower, begin the procedure, which will take 15-20 minutes and will help you lose weight:

  1. Brew the herbal mixture overnight. Chamomile, linden flowers, calendula are natural ingredients that are effective for lymphatic drainage and activation of skin metabolic processes. Soak a small terry towel in the broth for a minute, wring out. Use gentle upward movements to rub the cheeks and chin. After a massage, a herbal compress is good to make your thinner face look pleasing to the eye.
  2. Lubricate your fingertips with essential oil. Smoothly, but with effort, perform massage movements towards the temples. Alternate light patting and finger tapping with pressing on problem areas of the face.


Thanks to the gentle effects of various masks based on natural products, the subcutaneous layer of fat on the cheeks is effectively broken down, and the skin becomes soft and elastic. Having tightening, regenerating properties, the following will help your face lose weight:

  • seaweed;
  • oatmeal;
  • egg white;
  • citrus;
  • green tea;
  • yeast;
  • coffee.

Home Remedies

How to make your face thin using homemade masks that deserve the best reviews:

  1. A mask for those with oily skin will help you lose weight on your cheeks. Grind oatmeal and peas in equal proportions. Dilute a tablespoon of the mixture with natural (preferably homemade) milk to a thick, viscous mixture. Add a few drops of lemon juice.
  2. Make a yeast mask. Mix 2 parts yeast, one part milk, olive oil, honey, rice/buckwheat flour in a blender until smooth. Beat in one egg. Daily use of the mask will help you lose weight in your cheeks in a couple of weeks.

What to do to prevent wrinkles from appearing

Having successfully gotten rid of thick cheeks and a plump figure, many young ladies who have lost weight are surprised to note the appearance of new “problems”. They are associated with the formation of wrinkles on the cheeks. The main culprits for the sharp deterioration of the muscular frame of the face are:

  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • the desire to quickly lose weight without doing exercises;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements.

How to remove cheeks from your face, minimizing the consequences for the skin:

  1. Gelatin masks with glycerin are effective for maintaining the skin tone of a thin face. Mix edible gelatin diluted in a water bath with an equal amount of glycerin. Apply to clean face, leaving for 10 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad or rinse with warm water.
  2. A contrast shower stimulates collagen production well. A procedure to help your face lose weight should be done daily.

How to make a full face look thin with makeup and hairstyle

A bad hairstyle and makeup in bright pink tones can make a neat face with slightly rounded cheeks look excessively full. A lush head of hair up to the chin line, a classic bob, adds unnecessary volume. What you need to do to visually lose weight on your face:

  1. Opt for short haircuts or shoulder length hair.
  2. Torn, oblique bangs, crooked haircut lines are an excellent option to give a “thinner” shape to the face.
  3. Use a beige-golden palette for makeup. Natural shades, play of tones - from light to darker - will emphasize naturalness, focusing on the beautiful shape of the face.

What to do to make thick cheeks visually smaller

When dreaming of a perfectly clear cheekbone line, “like the models in the photo,” do not forget that famous stylists worked on their appearance. Before taking drastic steps, learn the secrets and subtleties of corrective makeup at home. It will help you visually “lose weight” by hiding excess volume. Listen to the advice of makeup artists on how to make your cheeks smaller:

  1. To slim down your face, use a darker color foundation. Apply it with gentle finger movements, trying to blend the contour.
  2. Use a thick brush when applying your usual powder tone. When doing makeup, watch for smooth transitions of shades: your face should look refreshed, and your cheeks should look naturally thinner.
  3. Blush with bronze reflective particles will help you lose weight on your chubby cheeks. Opt for a beige-brown palette, a couple of shades darker than your skin color.

You can decorate a haircut for a thin face with various hair clips, complemented with rhinestones, unusual bobby pins, in short, any additional details will help you divert attention from the facial features that you want to hide.

Often, girls who have lost weight, who were recently teased as fat, remain dissatisfied with the fact that, while successfully losing excess weight, they are unable to correct the oval of their face: it remains round, or even full. Most diets and physical exercises are aimed at burning fat in problem areas. What to do in this case? Find out how to lose weight in your face so that your cheekbones appear by watching video tips.

How to get rid of chubby cheeks in 3 minutes

Exercises for the oval face

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Many women, fighting for an ideal figure with the help of grueling diets, receive an unpleasant additional effect - their face also loses weight. Characteristic signs of a thinner face include sagging skin, sharpened cheekbones, an exhausted look and excess age. A face that is too thin makes the housewife puzzled by finding ways to gain weight in her face. If your face has lost weight for no apparent reason or complex diets, you should seek medical help; such changes never occur without a reason. In this publication we will talk about the reasons for losing facial weight and how you can hide excessive facial thinness with haircuts, makeup, hardware cosmetology and plastic surgery.

About beauty and health

A face that is too thin, as well as a face that is too full, usually indicates health problems. In many world cultures, the ideal is a female face with a beautiful oval, good skin and a slight blush. It is no coincidence that blush, powder and foundation are considered one of the main cosmetic products. These are means of visual correction of irregular cheekbones, enlargement or reduction of cheeks. Pleasant color and healthy elasticity of the skin are a hallmark of youth, and it beautifies everyone. Sunken cheeks and protruding cheekbones also spoil the appearance of the face, as do a triple chin and fat folds.

Overweight people always dream of losing weight, but what often happens is that fat deposits on the waist and hips remain untouched, and the face becomes thinner and loses its attractiveness. In any diet, the face, as an indicator of deficiency, immediately shows that the body has not received enough nutrients and vitamins. When engaging in self-exhaustion in the form of various diets, you should always remember about a healthy, balanced diet. There is no diet that would allow you to lose weight in one place and maintain it in another. But there is an opportunity to correct your appearance moderately, tirelessly and skillfully working on it. And only under this condition does the golden mean, consisting in the harmony and beauty of a healthy body, become possible. .png" alt="Diet and face" width="450" height="222" srcset="" data-srcset=" 760w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Why does the face or the fatal ten lose weight?

There are 10 main problems of facial weight loss. All the rest are only a consequence of these, which have a detrimental effect on women’s appearance. Not all of them can be avoided, but some can be prevented or corrected:

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The problem of how to gain weight on your face is solved differently in each specific case. But you should always start by eliminating the cause of excessive thinness of the face. The factor that has become provocative is removed or corrected using available methods.

Haircuts and styling to hide a thin face

Every woman knows approximately what to do with existing shortcomings. An excellent tool in the arsenal of women's tricks is a haircut. The essence of a proper haircut is to hide some facial features and draw attention to others. For a thin face, which is often also elongated, stylists recommend voluminous hairstyles, often with ringlets or curls, where the mass of hair hides the outer outline. With such an appearance, short haircuts are contraindicated; the shortest may be the one where the hair ends in the middle of the cheeks. A shoulder-level bob perfectly complements the face, especially if the hair is blow-dryed in a rounded line. .png" alt="Haircuts for thin faces" width="450" height="296" srcset="" data-srcset=" 758w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

If your hair is not your greatest asset and is not voluminous, special products are used: styling, curling, professional gels to add volume. Hair gathered into a smooth hairstyle is not recommended, but if the need arises, not all of it is removed - individual strands, curls or curls are left. A long and thin face can be perfectly corrected by bangs, which can also be chosen to the desired shape by styling them beautifully with a hairdryer. Backcombing is often used for the same purpose. The size of curls and curls, so that the cheeks appear rounded, is adjusted depending on the length of the hair. Sometimes it is better to turn to a competent stylist, instead of getting better, achieving the desired roundness of the face.

Usually in such cases, ladder or cascade haircuts are recommended, in which strands of medium-length hair are laid one on top of the other. Proper styling will ensure that the hair beautifully borders the cheeks and gives them width, while hiding the protruding cheekbones. This way you can correct your appearance visually without fear of gaining weight. .png" alt="cascading haircut for thin face" width="328" height="376" srcset="" data-srcset=" 262w" sizes="(max-width: 328px) 100vw, 328px"> !}

Correction of face shape using decorative cosmetics

When you suddenly lose weight, the first thing that makes your face look unattractive is the problem areas, which include the cheeks, cheekbones, eyes and overall oval shape. Facial contours deteriorate because the cheeks lose volume and elasticity and begin to sag unsightly. The skin, in turn, slides down due to the fact that muscle tone has atrophied and turgor has been lost at the cellular level, which is why the cheekbones have begun to protrude unattractively. Very often, such changes are irreversible and can only be treated with cosmetic surgery. But things can be improved a little.

To hide at least part of the changes that have occurred with a very thin face, you need to disguise the sunken and sagging skin under the eyes, where it is noticeable first of all, even out and refine it on the cheeks, make the nose and chin visually smaller, and reduce the cheekbones. All this will give the illusion of increased roundness and fullness. To do this, a foundation of a natural shade is applied completely over the entire surface, and the cheekbones are covered with dark blush, which is evenly shaded with a brush towards the ears.

Light powder will refine and even out the chin and general outline; for the nose you need a special one that allows you to correct its shape. The skin under the eyes and bruises will be masked by light shadows distributed with a damp sponge. Then light blush is applied to the parts that protrude when you smile, and on top everything is covered with a thin layer of light powder. .png" alt="Makeup for a thin face" width="450" height="367" srcset="" data-srcset=" 741w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

This is a general contour modeling procedure. In order to emphasize the eyes, lips, eyelashes and eyebrows, you will have to resort to decorative cosmetics, which should be quite reasonable, made with a transition from one shade to another. Do not forget that the first dominant feature of the face is the eyes, not the lips, and hairstyle and makeup, eyebrow width and color scheme are aimed at visual correction of appearance, and not at attracting everyone’s attention.

The skinny oval is not a palette for the bright colors of an abstract artist, but rather a spectrum of pastel tones from gray to gold and brown.

Watch a video about the rules of facial contouring:

Hardware cosmetology and cosmetic surgery

Don't rely only on cosmetics and makeup. If you lose weight dramatically, you need to take a closer look at your skin health. Returning turgor, fullness, and natural health at the cellular level is a priority task, which modern cosmetology will help solve. Her arsenal of products includes a variety of products, ranging from masks that you can prepare yourself or purchase ready-made, scrubs, and nourishing creams, to effective methods of hardware cosmetology and cosmetic surgeries. If surgery is undesirable for any reason, you can always resort to non-surgical methods of treatment and skin care.

One of the most effective is rightfully one, the essence of which is the introduction of biologically active substances under the skin to a slight depth using microinjections. The composition of substances and vitamins is selected individually depending on the reasons that caused sagging skin, and the therapeutic effect is achieved not only from the administered cocktails, but also from the stimulation of biologically active points. .png" alt="Mesotherapy for thin face" width="450" height="302" srcset="" data-srcset=" 624w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

But before resorting to radical methods, you should remember that correct and competent daily skin care, carried out regularly and systematically, can work real miracles. Under no circumstances should you give up moisturizing and nourishing masks, vitamin complexes, homemade skin cocktails, cleansing and tightening procedures, baths with herbal infusions and other achievements of cosmetology.

Cosmetic surgery is also a solution to this problem. If you don’t have enough patience for constant care, the surgeon will lift sagging cheeks, remove wrinkles around the eyes, straighten the cheekbones and correct the nose. Just six months of patience, and your appearance for 8-10 years will acquire the illusion of beauty and health.

For more details on choosing hairstyles for a thin face, watch the video

When making various efforts to correct a defect in appearance, you should always remember that this may become a factor in the appearance of another defect. One of the main means of health and roundness of the face with an ideal figure is nutritious and proper nutrition, accompanied by physical activity. .png" alt="Healthy lifestyle" width="450" height="198" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 880w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Always be beautiful, happy with your appearance and in great physical shape!