Essay on the topic of psychological characteristics of a modern preschooler. Tsrtdiyu g

Other reasons

Kovalchuk Lyudmila Nikolaevna
Job title: Educator
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 74 "Filippok"
Locality: Surgut, Khanty–Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug
Name of material: Article
Publication date: 18.07.2018
Chapter: preschool education

“Modern preschooler, who is he?”

Prepared by Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kovalchuk.

Today a preschooler is not at all the same as his peer was yesterday. Are changing

morals, society is changing.

Modern preschooler is faster , than an adult, he is free

navigate modern technology, go to cafes with family and friends and

restaurants, goes abroad on vacation, travels, knows brands

cars, names of clothing manufacturers, etc. Children are well informed.

They talk about adult topics, watch TV series and are well versed in

intricacies of storylines. Sometimes you wonder what children do

extraordinary and unexpected conclusions in non-childish situations. We are adults

We are seriously thinking about the premature maturation of the current generation. Where to

Has childishness and play gone? Perhaps these are echoes of upbringing and life

lifestyle of busy modern parents. Children are mirrors; in play they experience what

what the adults around them live. Unfortunately, or fortunately, they do not have

other experience. It seemed like an ordinary situation: someone came to visit the group

a fairy-tale character and the formulation of the problem begins with him. Yes, that's the problem -

Modern children for the most part do not know the liveliness of Pinocchio’s character

or the inquisitive mind of Dunno. These are not heroes of modern times. That's why,

Before taking such a formulation of the problem, you need to acquaint children with these

works. Let many say that these heroes are outdated, there is nothing

similar. The children's mind is very inquisitive; children are doubly interested in learning what

they are not seen on the pages of the modern Internet and are rarely seen on the screen

TV. And parents are so busy, it’s easier for them to take their child to

So, everything is in our hands, we introduced the characters, read the works,

watched fairy tales, and even on the big screen (thanks to the Federal State Educational Standard), because you can’t take away from

children craving for modern technologies. And that’s it, give me knowledge, teach me to think, to pose

goals, achieve them, calculate steps to achieve the goal, reflect,

talk, communicate, cultivate kindness and responsiveness. Inquisitive Mind

absorbs everything, the main thing is to present it correctly.

Modern preschooler makes happy with their activity, mobility,

initiative and determination, developed imagination, inclination

to imagination and creativity. Children today are capable of independently

think and act, live with a sense of inner freedom, are cheerful

and optimistic, characterized by positivism, intellectual development

processes aimed at understanding the surrounding world. These are real

engines of our time, they force us to change our worldview, along with

thus they accept love, patriotism, and respect into their hearts. Very often this is

already self-sufficient individuals.

Lyudmila Nedik
Essay “Modern preschooler”

Nedik Lyudmila Evgenievna - physical education instructor.

MADOU Kindergarten "Ship"


« Modern preschooler"

Today there is no longer any doubt that the modern child is not like that, what his peer was like several decades ago. Children are well informed.

Preschoolers sometimes they make such unexpected conclusions and conclusions in non-childish situations that adults begin to seriously think about growing up prematurely modern children.

Modern preschooler makes happy, on the one hand, by their activity, mobility, initiative and determination, on the other hand, by their developed imagination, penchant for fantasy and creativity.

Children are able to think and act independently, live with a sense of inner freedom, are cheerful and optimistic, are distinguished by positivism, developed intellectual processes, and a focus on understanding the world around them.

Today's preschooler faster than an adult, manages to master a mobile phone and a computer, a TV and a tape recorder, and is fluent in modern technology, goes with family and friends to cafes and restaurants, goes abroad on vacation, travels, knows car brands, names of clothing manufacturers, etc.

Starting from the age of 4-5, children begin to intensively prepare for school. Therefore, most six-year-old children know letters and numbers, can read syllables, can write in block letters and perform simple calculations.

But along with strengths in development modern preschoolers Weaknesses are also noted.

Poor physical health and development (since they spend almost all their time at the computer and TV; in their mode, walks in the fresh air, failure to follow a daily routine, and poor nutrition are practically excluded).

Inability to restrain one’s impulses, to be patient, to wait, to give in; children are reluctant to obey external demands and have difficulty following general rules for everyone

Inability to listen and hear another person, not only a peer, but also an adult (interrupting, concentrating only on one’s own interests, desires, inability to sympathize, empathize, turning to "You" to an adult)

Low level of speech development (violations of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing)

Increased egocentrism (selfishness)– priority for children of personal interests over the interests, feelings, desires of other children (of people)

Weak hand readiness for writing.

Despite changes in the world, society, family, modern preschoolers continue to be children. They love to play, but the content of the games and gaming interests have changed somewhat. Along with role-playing games, children choose games with modern designers, various puzzles, know and are interested in computer games;

Thus, a teacher, when organizing educational work with children, needs to take all this into account and live with the times!

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“They say that a heroine is a mother if she has five children. They say you will be awarded a medal if you raise seven children. What can you call a teacher, If she has five times five? A bunch of nice, noisy kids, Naughty girls and boys. What should you call the teacher? Seven times three times heroine-mother

In modern society, big changes are taking place, guidelines are changing, and accents are being rearranged. These changes also affected the preschool education system. The work of preschool educational institutions is based on the use of new curricula and variable programs. At the present stage of development of preschool education, in accordance with federal state educational standards, the goal of educational work is changing - instead of a set of knowledge, abilities, skills, it is proposed to form new qualities of the child (physical, personal, intellectual).

Demands for educators are also increasing. A teacher is not only a profession, it is a vocation, which not every person is marked by, this vocation must be earned, earned through your work, your talent, your desire to constantly change, transform, improve.

We live now, and not in some other time, so the teachers of our team reconsidered their life positions, developed new pedagogical thinking, and took the position of a child in their pedagogical activities.

Factors in the development of a child’s positive emotions in kindergarten are:

- The teacher, his behavior, speech, professional competence.

A neatly dressed teacher who is friendly, speaks in a calm tone, and professionally and competently organizes communication with the child evokes a feeling of trust in the child.

“For a modern child, a modern teacher!” - the slogan of today!

- And who is a “modern educator”?! Does a person who lives by his profession, in which he achieves significant success, receive the predicted result? A creative person who strives to find himself?...

Let us note the unique aspects of the profession:

    The teacher must know and be able to do a lot. The task ahead is not a simple one - to teach a child to perceive and understand everything beautiful in the world; nature, music, poetry.

    The teacher must be able to: sew, craft, play and sing with children. And he needs to read a lot. He must have a good knowledge of children's fiction.

    The teacher not only organizes the work of the children's team as a whole, but also the personal relationships between children. The appearance of the teacher plays an important role in raising children. Pleasant appearance and gentle demeanor attract not only children, but also make a good impression on parents.

    The educator faces a difficult task - as an adult who develops and teaches a child, to understand and feel the children's world, to combine rigor and kindness, respect for the little person and exactingness. Therefore, educators need patience and flexibility of thinking in order to individually and accurately apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology. The main method in teaching, developing and raising children is play. Wise educators prohibit little and play a lot. After all, children live in play. The teacher’s skill lies in the fact that he knows when to support a timid child, “assigning him as a wolf,” and to teach an aggressive child empathy, “making him a kid.”

    Having noticed the child’s abilities, the educator must not only support the weak shoots of future endeavors, but also convince the parents of the need to develop the child. Here he cannot do without observation, good memory and tact.

The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher.
Educators need to master modern educational technologies, with the help of which they can implement the requirements of new federal state educational standards. These are well-known technologies of problem dialogue, game pedagogical technologies, productive reading technologies, activity technologies, as well as ICT technologies. I recognize that the computer is a powerful new tool for the intellectual and creative development of children, but it must be remembered: it should only complement the teacher, and not replace him.

We must not forget that we are called upon not only to teach the child, but also to keep him healthy. Consequently, the task of raising modern children should be to create a system of work that provides conditions for reducing hyperactivity, relieving anxiety, developing strong-willed qualities, concentration, concentration, maintaining and strengthening the physical health of the child

Practice shows that the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of children’s further education at school; it is much more important for us to teach a child already in kindergarten to obtain and apply it independently. This is the activity approach that underlies state educational standards. By teaching activities in the educational sense, we make learning motivated, we teach the child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it, we help children develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem - this is the task of a modern educator. By preparing children for school, we form in a preschooler the qualities necessary for mastering educational activities - curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, and creative self-expression of the child.

We choose the forms of work independently, depending on the number of students, on the equipment of the group, on the experience and creative approach of the teacher. So, in the morning, when the pupils are cheerful and full of energy, I provide for the most labor-intensive activities: conversations, observations, looking at albums, didactic games, work assignments. As the children get tired, I include role-playing games, outdoor games, and reading fiction. By alternating different types of children's activities during the day, I ensure their diversity and balance while maintaining the leading role of play; in order to strengthen the health of preschoolers, I pay great attention to physical activity.

We are modern educators, making preschool childhood diverse. This has become the norm for us. We give children the opportunity to realize their individuality. In this case, everyone will not walk in formation, not in step, but at their own pace. It is simply impossible to do otherwise. We understand that children came to us - why-wonders, who should remain why-wonderful. We can talk about different opinions on the assessment of the Federal State Educational Standard, but for us, educators, the main criterion is the satisfaction of the parents. If a child is well-fed and healthy, if he goes to kindergarten with pleasure, if there is an organized activity there that attracts him, and he tells his parents about something new every day, then this is the highest mark of a professional educator.

In their professional activities, teachers of our preschool educational institution harmoniously combine and integrate traditional forms of interaction with innovative ones.

We pay special attention to the implementation of educational activities based on active interaction with society and family. In my opinion, it is necessary to widely and en masse involve parents, create conditions for the formation of family values, rapprochement and unity, instilling a sense of tolerance, active cultural and sports leisure. Organize holidays where parents, along with their children, perform various creative tasks.

In our work we plan such forms of work as

    family diagnosis;

    pedagogical education of parents, exchange of experience;

    joint creativity of children and adults;

    joint events with social institutions;

    individual work with parents.

    information communication (email, social network)

We involve parents in participating in the implementation of the program, in creating conditions for the full and timely development of the child in preschool age, so as not to miss the most important period in the development of his personality. Parents of our students are active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outside observers.

In my opinion, modern society no longer requires a teacher-performer, but a teacher-researcher, proactive, widely educated, therefore the teachers of our preschool educational institution try to present the material creatively, unconventionally, in a new way, organize pedagogical work in an interesting way, and provide preschool children with the opportunity to express themselves as creative individuals.

So, a modern educator must have the following list of personal and professional qualities

- a clear vision of modern educational objectives;

- value attitude towards the child, culture, creativity;

- support the process of personal development of children, their self-development;

- demonstrate a humane pedagogical position;

- preserve the physical and spiritual development of children;

- be able to carry out pedagogical activities to introduce modern technologies for raising and teaching children;

- ability for self-education and personal growth.