Dangerous and harmless causes of discoloration of urine. Why is urine dark yellow? Diseases in which there is a dark color of urine

For a wedding

Straw-yellow color of urine is considered to be the generally accepted norm. Sometimes it changes shade, but it should always remain in the yellow color palette. Why is urine yellow? There are several answers to this question.

To begin with, the color of urine depends directly on the pigmenting substances that are in it. They color this biological fluid in one color or another. Urine is colored in different shades based on what factors affect the body. With some factors, the pale color of urine changes. It can be lighter or darker in color.

Bright yellow urine is not a reason to panic. However, this is a significant reason to look at the state of health and exclude the debut of any disease. It is worth noting that urine of a bright yellow color can become such due to the use of certain foods and drinks.

The dependence of the color of urine on drinking and food

In many situations, the changed color may be due to the fact that a person consumes little fluid, as a result of which the content of pigment substances increases, and the urine changes color either to bright yellow or darkish. The way urine is colored is influenced by a person's food habits (citrus fruits, carrots, beets).

Also, the color of urine can be due to artificial food colors, which are currently found in almost all foods. Therefore, yellow urine may well appear after drinking soda or eating candy.

When a person discovers lemon-colored urine in himself, he needs to take into account all the foods that he has consumed.

The color of urine depends on the amount of fluid in the body

Factors causing color change

What are the causes of bright yellow urine? The shade of urine depends on what percentage of pigmenting compounds is concentrated in it. The main ones are urobilin, urochrome, urorosein and others. Urobilin plays a major role in urine staining.

It is the result of the metabolism of bilirubin, which, as part of bile, enters the small intestine to break down food. Due to the influence of many bacteria located there, bilirubin is converted into urobilin. In parallel with this substance, urobilinogen is involved in the color of the urinary fluid, it functions after urine has been removed from the urethra. Interacting with oxygen, it gives the urine a dark yellow tint.

If the color of the urine is changed, then this indicates either that a foreign substance has entered the body, or about any violations. Of course, do not forget that normally the urine that a person excretes in the morning is more saturated in color than daytime.

Main reasons:

  • dehydration;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • pastosity in some chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • nutrition;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • lactation;
  • heredity;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • salt abuse.

The first factor that explains the change in color of urine is the lack of fluid in the body. When it comes in insufficient volume, then a chronic form of dehydration can occur. There is a failure in the mechanism of normal excretion of metabolic products, they are not excreted and thus lead to a gradual poisoning of the body.

Another reason may be pathological changes in the functioning of some organs. For example, urine that is too yellow may indicate damage to the kidney or liver system.

Also, the situation can be explained by an infection in the gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, with this ailment, there is a colossal loss of fluid through diarrhea, vomiting, and sweating. As a result of this, the concentration of coloring substances occurs in a small amount of urine, and due to this it changes its shade.

There are situations in which a change in the color of this biological fluid is accompanied by extensive pastosity, this can be interpreted as a sign of some disease (chronic heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, pyelonephritis). Often, strongly yellow urine indicates the presence of kidney stones.

The color of urine is directly dependent on the number of years lived, gender, and level of health. In newly born babies, it has practically no color, but in the first 7 days it begins to acquire a certain shade. The baby adapts to life outside the womb, he fully performs all the functions himself, reacting to the world around him, routine, nutrition.

You can learn more about the appearance of bright yellow urine in children.

Urinary processes in childhood

Because the urine of the baby is able to acquire a lemon hue or rich dark. In such a situation, the main thing is not to panic, it is worth monitoring the situation. You should consult a doctor if this phenomenon is delayed. After all, a change in color sometimes means that there is a pathology or a failure in the correct drinking regimen.

The urine of the beautiful half of humanity is lemon-colored during the bearing of the baby. This waste product of the body in a pregnant woman is an important marker of the level of health. However, not in every situation such a change means a pathological process. This happens after taking vitamins, as well as when introducing certain products into the menu. Vitamin complexes that color the secreted liquid contain a group of B, C, A.

Read more about the causes of bright yellow urine in women.

It is worth noting that if the pregnant woman did not take vitamins and did not eat foods that could color urine, then you need to see a doctor. After all, we can talk about toxicosis. And this condition is very dangerous for the fetus.

Pregnant women need to be especially attentive to the color of urine, as its changes can be a sign of toxicosis.

Laxatives also cause discoloration of the urinary fluid, as they lead to more fluid loss.

Another phenomenon such as color change indicates an imbalance of hormones. During lactation, a change in the color of urine may be due to a large consumption of liquid for milk production, against this background, the development of dehydration is not excluded, it is for this reason that the drinking regime should be strictly observed.

Bright yellow urine in men, as well as in women, is in some cases a sign that there is inflammation. It is important that all other factors are excluded. The presence of yellow urine of intense color, as well as urine with a greenish tint, indicates inflammation of the urinary system. In men, it can be prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, or kidney disease.

In women, inflammation of the bladder very often occurs due to the structural features of the urethra (it is shorter and wider than in men). The clinical picture of such ailments is characterized by a change in the color of urine from normal straw to bright yellow, dark yellow and even brown. When foam bubbles are visible in urine, then, as a rule, this indicates in favor of a high content of protein compounds. In a strong half of humanity, such signs can also indicate the penetration of sperm into the urinary fluid.

Fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sorrel, parsley, spinach, celery, pumpkin, citrus fruits, black currants, raspberries can give a bright yellow and orange color to the urinary fluid.

As for the factor of heredity, here we are talking about the fact that some people have a tendency to intensive formation of salts, and those, in turn, give the urine a bright yellow color. If you do not take action, then urolithiasis may soon develop. It is important to know that prolonged excretion of concentrated urine leads to the formation of stones.

Do not forget about drugs, antibiotics of some groups (Furacilin, Furazolid) can affect the change in urine color. In addition, drugs, the shells of which have dyes in the composition, give the same effect. Urine smells very sharp with an excess of vitamins, this usually happens in children who consume a lot of Revit, Undevit.

A change in climatic conditions, namely the weather conditions of hot countries, leads to a loss of fluid through sweat, as a result of which urine also changes. The same happens with intense physical exertion.

Consuming too much salt leads to fluid retention in the body and the excretion of a small amount of concentrated urine.

What to do?

It is important not to leave this situation unattended. First of all, you need to analyze your lifestyle. Answer yourself the questions: do you drink enough liquid, what foods, vitamins, medicines have you been using lately? Further, if possible, all drugs are excluded.

Vitamins, as well as food products capable of coloring. Physical work is also suspended. Try to establish a drinking regimen, do not drink carbonated drinks with dyes, give preference to clean water, herbal teas. But if urine has not acquired a normal shade within seven days, then you should not hesitate to visit the doctor.

He will definitely appoint an appropriate examination and give recommendations. You can contact both the therapist and directly to the urologist. It is important to know that when changing the color of this biological fluid, along with pain in the lumbar region, vomiting, diarrhea, it is dangerous to delay consulting a urologist. These symptoms indicate damage to the urinary tract.

Drinking enough fluids is a step in preventing dehydration

To find out the cause of the pathology, another urine test is prescribed, an ultrasound examination of the kidneys is required. If necessary, the abdominal cavity is examined with the help of ultrasound.

To prevent this condition, you should consume a sufficient amount of fluid, for an adult it is at least one and a half liters per day. It will also be a preventive measure for the formation of stones. A change in urine color should not be ignored. After all, this can be a sign of a serious pathology in the body, if detected in a timely manner, it can be completely cured.

The color shade of urine is one of the most important indicators of the state of health of not only the human genitourinary system, but also the stability of the work of all vital organs in general. The thing is that urine is released only after the kidneys perform the cleansing function of the blood, aimed at ridding the body of metabolic products, toxins and other harmful substances. Depending on their concentration in the biological fluid collected in the cavity of the bladder, its corresponding color is formed. Also, a bright yellow tint of urine can be the first sign of a number of diseases of the internal organs, or the reproductive system, of both men and women.

During normal functioning of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and endocrine glands, urine has a yellow golden hue without signs of clarification. If, due to certain circumstances, there was a malfunction in the work of these organs, or there was an influence of other negative factors, it is possible to develop diseases of varying severity, the course of which is reflected in the pigment color of the excreted urine.

Let us consider in more detail what causal factors are present in the life of the female half of the population, in men and children, contributing to the appearance of urine of a light yellow hue.

Among women

This physiological phenomenon is directly related to the characteristics of the female reproductive system, which is very closely related to the excretory organs involved in the formation of urine. Based on this, the following causes of the appearance of this symptom are distinguished:

  • hormonal imbalance resulting from recently ended menstruation, pregnancy, oral contraceptives containing synthetic sex hormones;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina, when, due to infection of the mucous membrane, pathogenic bacteria begin to predominate in its cavity, affecting the color shade of urine;
  • oncological processes in the epithelial tissues of the uterus, or its cervix has been damaged (malignant neoplasms can change the color of urine in any direction, so the presence of a light yellow color is also typical for cancerous tumors localized in the organs of the female reproductive system);
  • a recent abortion (later there is a reaction of an irritated bladder, which becomes inflamed for a short time and causes an urge to go to the toilet);
  • various kinds of ovarian pathology, the development of which is accompanied by an inflammatory course.

Also of great importance is the woman's lifestyle, how high-quality her nutrition is, whether she leads a stable sex life, in what conditions she works and whether the hormonal background of her sexual secrets is disturbed.

In men

For representatives of this social group, urine clarification is most often a consequence of the quality of living conditions and the place of work where a man spends most of his time. Therefore, the following causes are distinguished, the presence of which affects the appearance of urine with a distinctive light yellow tint:

  • the use of a large number of low-alcohol alcoholic beverages that provoke an excess of fluid in the body (beer, energy drinks);
  • the presence of a chronic form of prostatitis, when the inflamed tissues of the prostate gland swell, increase in size and exert static pressure on the walls of the bladder, irritating it and causing a constant accumulation of light urine in it;
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus, which arose as a result of daily stress (sadly, but men are more susceptible to nervous strain, and they endure its consequences in themselves, not giving vent to emotions, which is further expressed in such diseases);
  • work in workshops that produce carbon dioxide or alkaline compounds (vapors of these chemicals disrupt the electrolyte balance of the blood and other fluids of the male body, which negatively affects the pigmentation of urine);
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys that have developed after the ingestion of infectious agents migrating from already infected prostate tissues.

Each case is individual, therefore, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that the appearance of light yellow urine in a man arose precisely because of the above reasons. It is possible that other negative factors also affected his genitourinary system.

In children

In a child, urine clarification is very rare and only in certain cases, consisting in the following circumstances:

  • daily heavy drinking, when a glut of moisture occurs in the baby's body and its tissues, and due to its excess, it is excreted through the kidneys, changing the usual color of urine;
  • hypothermia of the body, which has become a catalyst and accelerator for the work of the kidneys;
  • inflammation of the walls of the bladder and its ducts due to an insufficient level of hygienic care for the genitals (especially common in young girls whose parents ignore the requirements for mandatory washing after each trip to the toilet);
  • taking antibacterial drugs that change the microflora not only of the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract, but also spread to the organs of the genitourinary system.

The appearance of light yellow urine is quite common among children whose diet is saturated with sweets, confectionery products made from white flour of the highest grade, as well as in children who consume large amounts of milk and sour-milk products.

What to do, do I need to see a doctor with lemon-colored urine?

It is believed that the appearance of urine of this color shade is a short-term phenomenon that will soon disappear on its own without the use of special medications. Especially if there are no concomitant symptoms indicating the presence of a particular disease.

In the event that the light yellow color of urine does not disappear for 2-3 days, then adults are advised to make an appointment with a general practitioner who will conduct an initial examination and write out a referral for testing, and the child must be shown to a pediatrician. The doctor will find out the reason for the change in the color of urine in the baby and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The color of urine is an important indicator by which one can judge the state of human health and the functioning of body systems. Yellow urine is perceived as a good indicator, but few pay attention to changes in shade from time to time and think about what determines the color of urine and whether urine of a bright yellow color can indicate the development of an infection in the body.

The color of urine is an indicator of the health of the genitourinary system.

Causes of yellow urine

Saturation of urine color may be due to high concentration. Such changes occur due to lack of drinking, with increased sweat on the skin surface, excessive accumulation of fluid in body tissues, due to diseases that damage the digestive tract. Concentrated urine can be caused by breastfeeding or after constipation medications.

Yellow urine in children

The color of urine can change constantly, even throughout the day. Urine in the first days of a baby's life can be transparent. Further, in the process of adapting to existence outside the mother's body, the body adjusts its functions for a full independent life. The change may be evidence of these changes and does not pose any danger, brown urine (for example, due to the child's nutrition with colostrum) after a few days is replaced by pink, then turns into a rich yellow, and then it can become transparent again. Changes in urine can occur several months after birth.

A change in the color of a child's urine does not always indicate a health problem.

Since children cannot always tell about their well-being, you should carefully monitor the change in the color of urine in a child. If the shade does not normalize within a week, you should consult a doctor, as such manifestations may indicate the development of the disease. Self-administering drugs to a child or giving water to babies without a doctor's prescription is fraught with a deterioration in the baby's health.

During pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, the color and smell of urine are considered as one of the main indicators of the health of the expectant mother. In order to prevent various kinds of diseases, at each scheduled consultation with a specialist, a pregnant woman takes urine for analysis, one of the criteria for which is the color of the sample. Saturated lemon color or bright yellow color of urine does not in all cases indicate the presence of an infection. Non-dangerous reasons that urine has changed color include:

  • Vegetables, fruits and berries. Carrots, beets, pumpkins, blackberries or cherries can change the light color of urine to yellow due to the presence of natural food colors in them.
  • Various confectionery products and sweet (sparkling) water are capable of coloring urine. These products are often high in synthetic colorants, so if your urine turns dark yellow after dessert, this is not a cause for concern.
  • Taking prenatal vitamins makes urine yellow.

The work of the body during pregnancy has not been thoroughly studied, therefore, bright yellow urine in women does not always indicate a deviation in bearing a child. Pregnancy rebuilds a woman's body, adjusting to new conditions, since forces and energy during such a period are used by two people. An additional load on the body, especially on the kidneys, changes the color of the urine, it can become copper, light yellow, and urine discoloration also occurs. In this case, it is worth consulting with a doctor, after remembering the names of the drugs taken and your menu in recent days.

Causes in men and women

In men and women, dark urine appears due to a lack of fluid in the body. The lack of water is due to a violation of the drinking regime, taking drugs without a doctor's prescription, and gastrointestinal infections. In the case of an infectious bowel disease, high fever, increased sweating, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are noted. With high fever, diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a significant amount of fluid, which stains the urine in a dark color. If the urine is dark yellow in the morning, this is not a cause for concern. During the night in the urine there is an accumulation of coloring pigment, which is included in the concept of norms.

Products with coloring properties, tablets, can change the color of urine.

Other causes of discoloration of urine

The normal color of urine in humans can sometimes differ from generally accepted concepts due to personal characteristics of metabolic processes or hereditary factors. Also, the strongly pronounced color of urine is due to the high level of salts in the urine. This process leads to the formation of sand and crystals in the organs of the urine excretion system. Under such conditions, the result of a rich yellow color of urine can be nephrolithiasis, manifested by the deposition of stones in the kidneys. Beer color urine can acquire with hepatitis. In women, bright yellow urine sometimes indicates the occurrence of urethritis (elevated proteins). If the urine turned yellow in men, the onset of prostatitis is possible.

The color of urine is an important indicator by which one can judge the state of human health and the functioning of body systems. Yellow urine is perceived as a good indicator, but few pay attention to changes in shade from time to time and think about what determines the color of urine and whether urine of a bright yellow color can indicate the development of an infection in the body.

Causes of yellow urine

Saturation of urine color may be due to high concentration. Such changes occur due to lack of drinking, with increased sweat on the skin surface, excessive accumulation of fluid in body tissues, due to diseases that damage the digestive tract. Concentrated urine can be caused by breastfeeding or after constipation medications.

Yellow urine in children

The color of urine can change constantly, even throughout the day. Urine in the first days of a baby's life can be transparent. Further, in the process of adapting to existence outside the mother's body, the body adjusts its functions for a full independent life. A change in the color of urine in a baby may be evidence of these changes and does not pose any danger, brown urine (for example, due to the child's nutrition with colostrum) after a few days is replaced by pink, then turns into a rich yellow, and then it can become transparent again. Changes in urine can occur several months after birth.

Since children cannot always tell about their well-being, you should carefully monitor the change in the color of urine in a child. If the shade does not normalize within a week, you should consult a doctor, as such manifestations may indicate the development of the disease. Self-administering drugs to a child or giving water to babies without a doctor's prescription is fraught with a deterioration in the baby's health.

During pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, the color and smell of urine are considered as one of the main indicators of the health of the expectant mother. In order to prevent various kinds of diseases, at each scheduled consultation with a specialist, a pregnant woman takes urine for analysis, one of the criteria for which is the color of the sample. Saturated lemon color or bright yellow color of urine does not in all cases indicate the presence of an infection. Non-dangerous reasons that urine has changed color include:

  • Vegetables, fruits and berries. Carrots, beets, pumpkins, blackberries or cherries can change the light color of urine to yellow due to the presence of natural food colors in them.
  • Various confectionery products and sweet (sparkling) water are capable of coloring urine. These products are often high in synthetic colorants, so if your urine turns dark yellow after dessert, this is not a cause for concern.
  • Taking prenatal vitamins makes urine yellow.

The work of the body during pregnancy has not been thoroughly studied, therefore, bright yellow urine in women does not always indicate a deviation in bearing a child. Pregnancy rebuilds a woman's body, adjusting to new conditions, since forces and energy during such a period are used by two people. An additional load on the body, especially on the kidneys, changes the color of the urine, it can become copper, light yellow, and urine discoloration also occurs. In this case, it is worth consulting with a doctor, after remembering the names of the drugs taken and your menu in recent days.

Causes in men and women

In men and women, dark urine appears due to a lack of fluid in the body. The lack of water is due to a violation of the drinking regime, taking drugs without a doctor's prescription, and gastrointestinal infections. In the case of an infectious bowel disease, high fever, increased sweating, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are noted. With high fever, diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a significant amount of fluid, which stains the urine in a dark color. If the urine is dark yellow in the morning, this is not a cause for concern. During the night in the urine there is an accumulation of coloring pigment, which is included in the concept of norms.

Other causes of discoloration of urine

The normal color of urine in humans can sometimes differ from generally accepted concepts due to personal characteristics of metabolic processes or hereditary factors. Also, the strongly pronounced color of urine is due to the high level of salts in the urine. This process leads to the formation of sand and crystals in the organs of the urine excretion system. Under such conditions, the result of a rich yellow color of urine can be nephrolithiasis, manifested by the deposition of stones in the kidneys. Beer color urine can acquire with hepatitis. In women, bright yellow urine sometimes indicates the occurrence of urethritis (elevated proteins). If the urine turned yellow in men, the onset of prostatitis is possible.

Symptoms that may accompany the change

If lemon-colored urine is supplemented with pain of various kinds (abdomen, genitals, lower back), digestive problems, fever, nausea, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Yellow discharge, pain during urination and itching should also alert. Urine of an acid color with an odor, a pale white sediment in the form of flakes, visible to the light, indicates problems in the functioning of the urinary system. Sometimes a white impurity and white-light discharge in the urine indicates inadequate personal hygiene.

Medicines and foods that stain urine

Taking vitamins (vitamin C, A, vitamins of group B), dietary supplements, mineral complexes. some antibiotics, derivatives of 5-nitrofuran can affect the color of urine. Often, the body cannot fully assimilate synthetic vitamins and substances, as a result of which the kidneys are involved in the process of removing these substances from the body. But if there are no dyes in the drug, the color of the urine can change due to the dyes that are in the drug or vitamin shell. The use of foods rich in natural dyes changes the color of urine. Beets and blackberries, carrots and pumpkin can give urine an unnatural color, the color change scale varies from bright yellow to red.

What to do?

Pale yellow urine, or, conversely, too dark a shade, does not mean that a person is sick. First you need to remember the foods and medicines used, as well as the amount of fluid you drink, adjust the drinking and nutrition regimen (with a sufficient amount of fluid, the urine is of a light shade). If these actions do not bring the desired result, it is worth visiting a specialist. A general analysis of urine will explain the bright color and show possible deviations in the functioning of the body. If the results are negative, the doctor will prescribe additional studies to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Such actions will help to choose the optimal therapy program and diet, if required.

When is yellow urine a sign of concern?

Light or acid-yellowish urine does not indicate an illness. You need to worry if not only the urine has become bright yellow, but other symptoms are also present. Pain, itching, stomach problems signal a malfunction in the body. With such symptoms, you should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

The color of urine can be considered a kind of compass that can sensitively respond to the state of human health. The pale yellow hue of the liquid is a normal phenomenon, indicating the correct functioning of all organs and systems, the absence of any pathologies. However, under the influence of various reasons, initially transparent light yellow urine acquires saturation, darkens or turns too pale, almost to the point of complete loss of color.

Given that the factors affecting the change in the quality of the excreted fluid can also be pathological, any suspicious sign requires a visit to the medical center for a consultation and diagnostic appointment in order to eliminate the causes of the problem.

What natural factors contribute to color change

First, let's figure out why urine is yellow. This color of the liquid gives urochrome, which is a combination of proteins and urobilin pigment. Now about where the urochrome comes from. When urine is removed from the body, excess salts and liquids leave it along with the end products of various metabolic processes. Urobilin just refers to these products. Its formation occurs in the intestines largely due to the action of bacteria located there. As for the composition, it includes bile bilirubin. When it is split, some of it is excreted in the feces, the other is absorbed into the blood, from where it then enters the urine due to the work of the kidneys. This is what explains why urine is yellow.

Normally, clear urine has a color from light yellow to amber. In this case, the color is determined by the concentration of the liquid. At low saturation, it can be almost colorless, slightly yellowish, and at an increased concentration, the color becomes much more intense.

The reasons for the appearance of bright yellow urine can be different, and not only pathological, but also quite natural:

  • Eating foods that contain strong natural dyes. The list includes beets, carrots and pumpkin. Carbonated drinks, often containing food coloring, can also cause this phenomenon.
  • Insufficient fluid intake leading to dehydration. This is the most common cause, as a result of which the level of urobilin increases, which ultimately gives the urine a richer and darker hue. Fluid loss can also be caused by high ambient temperatures and excessive physical activity.
  • Among the influencing factors is an increased load of a physical nature. With such surges, the body's forces can be depleted, and the amount of urobilin can increase, resulting in unnecessarily bright, albeit transparent urine.

These factors are not capable of causing irreparable damage to human health, it is enough to adjust the diet and lifestyle to normalize the condition. If bright yellow urine is due to dehydration, the situation is considered safe only when the lost fluid reserves are replenished quickly enough. If the required measures are not taken, chronic intoxication of organs and systems is not ruled out, given that impaired urinary excretion leads to the accumulation of harmful substances.

The cause of very yellow urine can be the intake of certain medications and vitamin complexes, which include dyes. If urine strikes with its unnatural shade while taking medications, they should not be canceled, since such a symptom disappears after the dye is removed from the body - that is, after the therapeutic course is over. The list of drugs, due to which the result of urination becomes an unnatural shade of liquid, includes:

  1. Nitroxoline. Its reception is justified by the development of cystitis, the result of the use of urine can be bright yellow in women.
  2. Bright yellow urine becomes when using folic acid, Riboflavin.
  3. The antimicrobial drug Fosfomycin provokes the formation of orange-colored urine.

Fact. In addition to these drugs, there are other substances that can lead to darkening of urine and a change in its color properties, and not necessarily towards the yellow spectrum.

Changing the color of urine under the influence of pathological factors

If natural causes have been completely eliminated, one should think about the possibility of the influence of pathological factors that cause a change in the usual color of urine to bright yellow. To confirm the assumptions and fears, it is necessary to visit a medical institution for examination and treatment, if necessary.

Consider why urine acquires a bright yellow color when the functionality of some organs and systems is impaired:

  • The development of urolithiasis. Calculi, which are salt deposits, are able to absorb some of the liquid, respectively, the urine becomes more concentrated, and its color is too saturated.
  • Diseases that disrupt the functionality of the liver. At the same time, the concentration of urobilin increases, there is a change in the shade of urine.
  • Preeclampsia is a complication that women who are carrying a child may suffer from. It develops in the later stages of pregnancy and is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, increased swelling and other unpleasant phenomena. In this case, there is a loss of fluid, and the shade of urine changes accordingly.
  • The cause of the appearance of a poisonous lemon shade can be mechanical jaundice.
  • With digestive disorders, diarrhea occurs, often accompanied by vomiting attacks. The result is dehydration, causing darkening of the excreted fluid.
  • A whitish tint can be caused by fatty degeneration, the breakdown of kidney tissues.
  • Dark yellow urine may appear with the development of stagnation in the kidneys, with burns, swelling, toxicosis and fever. In such conditions, an increase in the level of dyes occurs.

Abnormal conditions in which urine is saturated yellow or too pale in color may be accompanied by other symptoms that cannot be ignored.

Why bright urine appears in women

Interestingly, for a man, woman or child, the reasons for causing a color change can be completely different. To begin with, consider what the appearance of yellow-yellow urine in the fairer sex means. Here you should consider the brightness of the shade. For example, a thick and dark shade of urine in women is observed much more often than in men due to the anatomical features and structure of the genitourinary system.

Yellow urine with a dark tint can be caused by:

  1. Inflammatory phenomena affecting the appendages that develop as a result of prolonged hypothermia or due to infection with dangerous microorganisms of the reproductive system.
  2. If the urine has become dark, the onset of the menstrual period is possible, the same phenomenon can be observed for several days after its termination, which is due to the release of residual capillary blood.
  3. The development of a malignant neoplasm in the uterine cervix is ​​another explanation for what darkens the color of urine.
  4. Changes can be provoked by cystitis in an acute form, when not one shade of urine is of concern, but also severe pain of a cutting nature that appears in the lower abdomen.
  5. Saturated yellow urine can cause infection of the mucous membrane of the vaginal layer, usually we are talking about infections transmitted through sexual contact.

Too bright yellowness can be explained by increased sweating, intoxication, in which there is an increase in temperature and the appearance of vomiting, the presence of salts, proteins and blood cells in the urine.

Another condition in which normally clear light urine becomes brighter or too dark is pregnancy. This condition is always accompanied by changes in the hormonal background and the appearance of an electrolyte imbalance against the background of an increased load on all the mother's systems. What does it mean? We are talking about the difficult work of the kidneys or liver, as a result of which the urine becomes a different color.

It is possible that increased saturation indicates the use of vitamin complexes - this is how some drugs prescribed for expectant mothers can manifest themselves.

Important. Whatever the reason caused the observed changes, when they appear, qualified medical assistance is required.

Why do the qualities of the excreted fluid change in men

We looked at why women may experience the appearance of bright yellow urine. Now let's talk about the strong field, since the excretion of yellow urine in men is also not uncommon. Take the same leukocytes - their number is of great importance for the transparency and color of the liquid. Various diseases can cause fluctuations in their number, including:

  • Accelerated breakdown of red blood cells, which is closely related to alcohol consumption, smoking, drugs, dangerous working conditions, when you have to deal with heavy metal salts and organic acid vapors on an ongoing basis.
  • The active course of dyspeptic processes, when, against the background of an improperly constructed diet, excess bile enters the digestive system, and the amount of enzyme produced is greater than is required for the absorption of products.
  • Sometimes urine becomes a different color in men due to chronic or acute prostatitis.
  • Another reason to seek help is a change in the characteristics of urine due to pathologies affecting the kidneys and the congestion that has arisen on this basis.

It should be noted that the presence of these pathological conditions causes the appearance of excessively yellow urine, and sometimes it is accompanied by abnormal processes, which leads to gluing of the urethral sponges. As a result, secretions accumulate on them, mixing with urine during its excretion from the body, which leads to turbidity of the fluid.

Change in children

Separately, it is worth considering the change in the shade of urine in children. In an infant, urine can be very light, resembling furatsilin, and almost colorless, which is facilitated by a small amount of urobilin produced by the body. Gradually, all processes, including the production of enzymes, normalize and urine acquires a healthy shade. It should be noted that for a child, changing the shade of the liquid several times during the day is a quite common phenomenon. It indicates the attempts of the urinary system to adapt to independent work. You should not panic when a bright yellow tint appears, but it makes sense to make observations of the color. And if the liquid does not acquire a normal color after some time, you should consult a pediatrician.

Why can a child have acid-yellow urine, for what reasons does it darken? The reasons are most often the same as in adult patients - it may be the intake of pharmaceutical preparations, which include a coloring pigment.

Inflammatory processes after hypothermia, viral liver diseases, dehydration, an incorrectly drawn up diet plan, in which foods rich in protein are included in the diet - fish and meat varieties, beans, can affect the color.

How to act when changing the properties of urine

What if an adult or a child has bright yellow urine or a darkening of the natural color? If violations occur for several days, you should visit a therapist who, after an initial examination, redirect the patient to the right doctor, be it a urologist, nephrologist, gynecologist or surgeon. If the color of urine in a child is disturbed, an examination by a pediatrician is necessary. In order for this indicator in urine to acquire a natural shade, the following actions may be required:

  1. Change the diet by removing from it those foods that contain dyes, and reconsider the drinking regimen.
  2. Talk to your doctor about taking pills that cause a similar effect.
  3. Reduce physical activity.

In cases where, after the measures taken, an attempt to pee entails the release of a liquid of suspicious colors, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the discoloration is caused by various pathologies, conservative therapy may be required to eliminate them. If there are signs indicating inflammatory processes, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed.

Darkening of urine after alcohol poisoning leads to the intake of enzymes, hepatoprotectors. In the case of oncological processes that change the shade of the liquid, surgical removal of the tumor is required. With renal pathologies, the color of urine can change only after prolonged drug treatment and following the rules of the diet.

In addition, it will require a revision of the lifestyle, the elimination of bad habits. The most effective method that allows you to change the color to normal shades is to drink large volumes of liquid.