Fashion tips - women's online magazine. Why does a newborn cry during and after bathing?

To mom

Any mother wants her baby to be comfortable and happy every minute of his life. This is how we are made: at the slightest hint of crying, we rush to save our child, we are ready for any feats so that the tears dry up and no longer appear on our beloved face. And what can we say about crying loudly! But what if our baby cries during such a useful and pleasant, it would seem, activity as bathing?

We all know how bathing required for health and development, but how to convince a little capricious person of this, who screams so much that his mother has serious doubts: “Is she doing everything right?!”

What if baby doesn't calm down and after it taken out of the bath? Did something terrible happen? Let's figure it out together: why does a newborn cry when bathing and what to do about it.

How to properly prepare for swimming

Proper preparation can minimize problems that may arise. while swimming. Of course you already know everything about the rules of hygiene of a newborn, but that’s not what we’re talking about now: compliance with them is unlikely to have any impact on baby's mood during bathing.

And we will pay attention to the following things:

  • Bath time. Traditionally children bathe before bedtime. With one exception: if bathing is exciting for your children. You can only find out if this is so empirically, and it won't take much time. An excited state refers to increased motor and emotional activity, not necessarily accompanied by crying, but in some cases, overexcitation immediately before bed can cause serious problems. In this case you can reschedule bath time for the period of activity of the baby or resort to the help of sedatives that are added into the water when swimming.

It can be:

You can also purchase with sedative properties.

IMPORTANT! Make sure that your child does not develop allergic reaction. It is advisable to first consult a doctor and check your child for an allergic reaction.

IMPORTANT! In the article we described in detail exactly how to check the reaction.

  • Diet. The child should not be hungry, but also You should not bathe immediately after eating. After feeding, at least one and a half hours should pass.
  • Room temperature, where you bathe the child and in the room where you are going to move him after bathing. Recommended - from 24 to 26 degrees. Before swimming good to take air baths : Just undress your baby and let him lie naked for a while while you prepare the bath.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget that overheating is just as undesirable as hypothermia - both can cause discomfort.

  • Water temperature. Recommend bathe babies at water temperature 37 degrees. If you are hardening your baby, then the decrease in water temperature from comfortable should be gradual. Your treasure can cry from both cold and hot water. A special or old proven method will help you regulate the temperature - your mother’s elbow. It is believed that if your elbow is comfortable in the water, then your baby will be happy too. And, as a rule, this is true.
  • Bathing surface. Mom's hands are wonderful. They are comfortable and familiar, but, unfortunately, my mother doesn’t have ten of them. All kinds of mattresses and mattresses come to help mom. Make sure that the surface of the retaining agent you choose is suits the baby. Tears can be caused by a hard or slippery slide.
  • The baby's health status. If you think the baby is unwell, it is better refuse swimming until the circumstances are clarified.

Accustom newborn for bathing turning it into a pleasure is not so difficult if you take into account all these points in advance.

How to bathe properly

You are well prepared for swimming, everything is fine, but the baby still cries. What could it be cause of screaming and crying of a newborn baby during bathing?


  • Correct position while swimming. This especially applies to head position. The ears should either be completely submerged in water or remain above the water at all times. And, of course, water should not get into your mouth or nose.
  • For watering it is better to cook or so that you are sure of the water temperature. If you have a low-quality faucet, it may give out an unpleasant surprise in the form of a sudden change in temperature.
  • Using they should not come into contact with the eyes, nose or mouth. Be especially careful when washing your hair.
  • - This is for older children. A mother's palm is enough for a newborn.
  • Don't be nervous or panic. Your nervousness is transmitted to the baby, and he starts screaming for no reason. If you are sure that the baby is not sick, you did not boil him in boiling water, he did not choke while bathing, then nothing bad happens. Calmly assess the situation and try find the reason for crying. Most likely, it will not be so terrible and quite fixable.
  • What if you were stuck in something wet without warning? Yes, it's stressful. Often the baby just doesn’t like it sudden change of situation. Many people get used to it quickly, but not all. This is where it can come to our aid ancient way bathing, which today is called adaptive.

Bathing in a diaper

Our great-grandmothers knew a lot about bathing a newborn: They bathed in a diaper. It is now believed that this was done to prevent the child from getting splinters on the wooden walls of the trough. Nothing like this! Bathing in a diaper– this is a special culture, just few people remember how it’s done.

Let's describe this method and you will see for yourself:

  • Before the beginning bathing baby must be swaddled conscientiously;
  • Prepare everything you need in advance: warm water, boiling water, which you will add as the water cools down, from which you will water the baby.
  • Previously, they were placed at an angle, and a folded diaper was placed under the baby’s head. Now there is no need for such difficulties if you have, or something else
  • The baby is laid down filled with water so that it only slightly wets the baby’s back, and they begin to gently pour warm water over the diaper, starting from the legs. Usually kids react very calmly to this. Most often they simply fall asleep in a warm, wet diaper.
  • When you see that the child has gotten used to it a little, you can begin hygiene procedures. We wash in parts, carefully releasing each of the diapers and quickly putting them back as soon as we are finished with them.
  • Use soap early infancy not necessary. Limit yourself to just clean water.
  • When the bath is over, carefully unwrap the diaper and quickly move the baby into a warm towel.
  • And immediately to the mother, who will convince the baby that everything is fine and she is nearby.

As you can see, everything is done to ensure that your doll is in the process of bathing didn't even wake up. Troublesome and also limiting motor activity child, but there are cases when the reason frequent crying is precisely the excess of this very activity. Then swimming in a diaper is a necessary necessity for you. Stress in this case is reduced to zero. And you also save water.

Newborn cries and screams after bathing: why?

Let's say something while swimming everything went wrong, but even after the bath is completed, the little screamer does not calm down. Or even like this: we had a wonderful swim, and then there were tears, screaming, hysterics...

Why does a newborn cry and scream a lot even after bathing?, can't sleep?

The reasons may be different:

Overexcited. Bathing can be stimulating. Your baby's brain signals: it's time to sleep. But it doesn’t work. What will help: swimming in daytime, bathing in a diaper.

Tired, wants to sleep. The baby is ready to fall asleep immediately after finishing bathing, and then there are procedures, dressing... What will help: reduce post-bathing procedures to a minimum, transfer everything that is possible to morning time. Eat and sleep quickly.

Sudden change in temperature. The air temperature was not warm enough, and the baby froze. What will help: which will help you monitor the temperature in the room and a warm towel.

Wants back. You have fish in your family and it finally showed up. What will help: increase bathing time, try to divert attention to something else, feed immediately.

I don't like procedures after swimming. Happens. Just in case, make sure that everything is done correctly and nothing causes pain to the child. What will help: try to distract, speak kindly, remain calm, do everything quickly and confidently.

Doesn't like to get dressed. It happens too. What will help: speak kindly, remain calm, do everything quickly and confidently.

He wants to eat. Water treatments whet your appetite, there’s nothing you can do about it. What will help: minimize procedures between bathing and feeding or feed immediately, directly in the towel.

A newborn baby cries during and after bathing: what do doctors say?

Doctor Komarovsky declares the child’s right to a healthy cry and says that small troubles during bathing will only benefit both the child and the mother.

Professor Keshishyan E. S.. tells how to properly bathe a baby. Look, part advice will do and you too!

Bathing in a diaper allows you to gradually accustom your child to bathing without scaring him.

Let's summarize, what to do if a newborn cries during and after bathing?

For someone baby crying against the backdrop of the absence serious problems– just a disaster, for some – a natural stage of development.

What should a worried mother of a capricious baby do?

  • Don't be nervous yourself!
  • Be attentive to the child’s condition: is he sick, hungry, doesn’t want to sleep;
  • Make sure you do everything correctly;
  • Find out the reason for crying;
  • Monitor water and air temperatures;
  • Take care of your baby's comfort in the bath;
  • Try diaper bathing;
  • Make sure that the water and detergents did not end up where they should not end up;
  • Don't delay hygiene procedures and the process of dressing if the child wants to eat or sleep;
  • Talk kindly to your baby.

Enjoy Your Bath!

Photos and videos: free Internet sources

Baby cries after bathing

A big challenge for new parents is the first bath of a newborn. But there is nothing to be afraid of here. The main thing is to correctly perform the sequence of actions and constantly monitor the baby’s safety. If you have pre-prepared items at hand: a thermometer, a towel, a ladle with warm water for watering the baby, etc. – then there is no need to worry at all. The most important thing here is to get your hands on it and the whole process of washing the child will turn into a source of pleasure for both the baby and his parents.

But this also happens: while bathing, your baby enjoys the water and allows you to wash his head, arms and legs. But as soon as you start to take him out of the water, wild crying immediately begins. But the tears and cries of a baby indicate that something does not suit him. Therefore, it is imperative to analyze the situation and remove the element of discomfort from the child’s life.

Why is the baby crying?

If you fulfill all the requirements for the first bath correctly, your baby will experience true pleasure from being in warm water. After all, for a newborn, being in water is the most natural state. IN mom's belly he was also in some water. But if you made mistakes while bathing your child: for example, you did not maintain the required water temperature or scared him with something, bathing can turn into a real test of the parents’ nerves.

The same applies to finishing water procedures. If the baby starts screaming, it means that something doesn’t suit him.

  • Fatigue. If you bathe your child for a very long time, he is simply very tired from the water and the abundance of impressions. Hence the crying and whims.
  • Fear. Infant He still doesn’t understand well what’s happening around him, so he gets scared. He can be afraid of anything: pouring water, a washcloth, bright light, a strange mother’s voice, etc.
  • Temperature difference. If the room is too cold or the bath water is too hot, the child may react painfully to temperature changes. This is the most common reason why babies cry when taken out of the bath.
  • Hunger. Water procedures take a lot of energy from newborn children, so while bathing the baby could simply get hungry. This is what he tells his parents about with his crying.
  • I just like some water. Most children love swimming so much that when they are taken out of the water, they scream and demand that the banquet be continued.
  • Dissatisfaction with dressing. But kids don’t like the process of dressing. Therefore, after bathing, your baby may cry precisely because of this.

What to do if a child cries?

The most important thing here is to find out the reason for crying. A small child cannot yet explain what is bothering him, so mom and dad need to predict the reason for crying and eliminate the uncomfortable situation.

If you think that the water is too hot or cold, experiment, naturally within reasonable limits with the temperature. You can, for example, so that the child has sufficient motivation to get out of the water, add more water at the end of the bath. cold water. But this must be done skillfully so that the child does not catch a cold.

Many children like to be wrapped in a slightly warmed towel; be sure to let your baby dry completely before you start dressing him - this will make the dressing process much easier.

Avoid bathing your baby for too long to prevent him from getting tired and feeling hungry and thirsty. But it is not recommended to bathe your baby immediately after eating. It is best to start water treatments 30 minutes after eating. If a child cries from hunger, it is quite possible to give him a breast or a bottle directly in the water.

You should also not be nervous or speak in a strange voice while swimming. Infants react very strongly to your mood swings or tension and immediately begin to cry. Talk to your baby during and after bathing, explain what you are doing. Your calm voice has a positive effect on nervous system child. Even if he doesn’t understand words, he already understands intonations perfectly.

They take the baby out of the water very smoothly, telling him that everything is fine and there is no need to be afraid. This will distract your baby from crying and allow you to start drying him off.

All these recommendations concern infants. But it happens that children 1-2 years old cry after a bath. There is a completely different motivation for tears at work here: perhaps the child is demanding increased attention and relationships. In this case, it is important to understand the reasons and, if necessary, show strength of character. But it’s easier to deal with older children - they can already explain what’s bothering them.

It often happens that after water procedures in the bath, the baby organizes daily concerts, and this time becomes a real test for the whole family. To understand this situation and understand why a child cries a lot after bathing, you need to know what can cause his righteous anger.

For everyone's reassurance, it is worth saying that a baby crying during and after bathing, especially in the first 6 months, is a fairly common situation, and you should not be afraid of it. The baby will grow up and everything will work out on its own.

An infant cries after bathing - why does this happen?

  1. A newborn baby most often cries after, when inexperienced parents themselves are afraid of this procedure. Uncertainty is passed on to the baby and arises vicious circle- how bigger baby screams, the more tense the parents become.
  2. The main reason for crying after bathing is hunger. Of course, no one will bathe the child immediately after eating and, as a rule, bathing precedes evening feeding and sleep. Hunger in a newborn does not arise gradually, it appears at one moment and just cheerful child a minute later he is hysterically demanding what he wants and will not calm down until he gets it.
  3. The second reason why a child cries after bathing is that he relaxes in warm water and likes this state. Some even fall asleep in the bath. But then suddenly this idyll is violated, he is taken out of the warm water and transferred to a cooler room, and this The baby doesn’t like the temperature difference at all.
  4. Baby wants to sleep and is almost always mischievous before falling asleep. If this time when he is tired overlaps with an hour of bathing, then there is a high probability that after the end of the water procedure the baby will throw a concert and will not calm down until he falls asleep.
  5. Perhaps during the first baths, when the baby was pulled out of the bath, some unpleasant situation occurred and child . Subsequently, he will subconsciously expect a repetition and cry.

What to do if a child cries after bathing?

The most important thing is to realize that nothing bad will happen to the baby if he cries for a while, because he calms down almost immediately as soon as he is given a breast or a bottle. Therefore, parents need to finish the baby’s toilet without haste and calmly begin feeding.

A method that works well is when, immediately after removing the baby from the bath, the baby is not dressed, but is carried for some time wrapped in fluffy towel. This calms the baby, as does the presence of a loved one nearby.

Most often, the baby cries after bathing in certain time day - mostly in the evening. This means that the procedure needs to be moved to the morning or afternoon.

“Dear moms, help - I have no more strength! Every day the same story repeats itself: while we’re swimming, everything is fine, as soon as we take it out of the bath, we’re screaming and hysterical!” There are a dime a dozen messages like this and very similar ones on numerous mommy Internet forums. Some people have a 2 month old baby crying, some a 5 month old one, and sometimes even a 3 year old one! Some babies begin their “session” towards the end or even in the middle of the bathing procedure, while others only after their parents pull them out of the water. But all these situations have one thing in common: the child cries after bathing, and the parents cannot understand why, and, therefore, correct the situation.

Meanwhile the reason baby crying there certainly is. This is either a cry for help or an expression of dissatisfaction. Let's try to figure out together why our children cry during and after bathing.

Why does a child cry after bathing?

Bathing a newborn is a whole science! The first “swim” should be approached with all responsibility, so as not to spoil the child’s impression of the procedure, which he will undergo every day for many months. Therefore, every parent should study in detail all the advice and recommendations that pediatricians and parents give on this matter.

If no mistakes were made, then the child will almost certainly love bathing: warm water relaxes, soothes, relieves tension, massages and trains muscles, it reminds him of the blessed intrauterine period his life, and as the child grows up, it also becomes an excellent environment for funny and fun games. Most children enjoy bathing and swimming in large bathtubs or simply splashing around in deep basins. But it very often happens that after bathing a child starts screaming! It’s impossible to dry the baby properly or calmly dress him: he’s just fighting!

First of all, we want to say that this happens very often! And many parents still can’t do anything about it: it goes away certain period time until the child calms down on his own and stops the sudden onset of hysterics.

But it will be much better for both you and the baby if you manage to find the reason for the baby’s crying in in this case. And judging from them life experience many parents, maybe several:

  • COLD. After a warm steaming bath, the feeling of cold is especially unpleasant! Babies often cry after bathing due to the resulting temperature difference when they are taken from warm water or a steam-warmed bath and suddenly moved to a relatively cool room. If you bathe your baby in water at a temperature of 37°C, and the room is 18°C, then it is likely that he is crying for this very reason.
  • HEAT. Too much heat water while bathing can also cause crying. Pediatricians do not recommend bathing your baby in very warm water; on the contrary: to harden the temperature of the water in the bath, you should gradually reduce it. At the very least, the child’s body should not turn red during and after bathing. If he gets too steamy, it will not only be harmful to his health, but will also worsen the child’s well-being, which will cause the baby to start crying. If the child cries after you have dressed him and started, say, feeding him after bathing, then it is also quite possible that he is hot due to excess or excessively warm clothes.
  • HUNGER. It is known that water “pulls out” energy and greatly increases appetite. Many children, and adults too, become hungry after swimming in any body of water, and even in the bathroom. Hunger happens common cause crying of a newborn at the end and after bathing. And you should not immediately discard this reason if you bathe your child after feeding (by the way, it is better not to do this directly after eating): after taking a bath, the baby may feel hungry, as if he had not eaten at all before.
  • THIRST. The same is true for the feeling of thirst: you want to drink even after swimming in a cool river, to say nothing of taking warm bath, especially if the procedure lasted a long time and the child actively swam or played. In addition, during bathing the body loses moisture, which must then be replenished.
  • FATIGUE. It is absolutely possible, and even very likely, that the child is tired and overexcited. Some babies even fall asleep right in the water, but others start crying. The baby may not feel tired while bathing, but after the procedure is completed, he cries for this very reason: he wants to sleep. It’s impossible to either dress or feed her calmly.
  • COLIC. It often happens that the evening bath procedure coincides with colic. Warm water relieves spasms and pain attacks, relaxes muscles internal organs, and therefore there is no pain in the tummy. As soon as the child is pulled out of the water, he immediately begins to twist, twist his legs and press them to his stomach. If you suspect colic, give your baby a massage right in the bathroom.
  • FEAR. A small child can be afraid of anything. Even if nothing, as it seems to you, has changed in the bathing procedure, he could still be frightened by the sound of water, a bizarre shadow, some new item in the bathroom or even the very moment of getting him out of the water: the child’s sudden rise from the bath feels like a fall.
  • WAIMS. A child does not always cry after bathing due to pain or discomfort. Since he is not yet able to express his desire verbally, but screaming and crying are effective and easy way attracting attention to themselves, children actively use it to express their desires, discontent, and whims. For example, it is likely that the child has not yet fully enjoyed the bathing procedure and demands mom or dad to return him to the water! Give it a try. Or maybe your picky person doesn’t like to dress?

Bathing a child is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a health-improving one. It must certainly bring joy and pleasure to the baby, as well as to the other participants in this process. To prevent a child’s crying after bathing from adding bitterness to the sweetness of water sessions, try to understand why your baby is crying.

A child cries after bathing: what to do?

Whatever the reason for your child's crying, it is always better to find and eliminate it. Perhaps nothing bad happens, but certainly no one gets pleasure from hysterics.

Loving and attentive parents in almost all cases manage to understand where the problem lies. And then the matter remains small. Try bathing your baby shortly after feeding. Some mothers even bathe with their babies so that the breast is always “at hand”. A bottle of the mixture, which should be kept ready by the end of the swimming session, will help prevent the artificial child from crying.

If you have tried and ruled out everything probable reasons, but on principle you don’t give water to your baby, maybe you should try it just once, so that the cause of thirst is also excluded from this list. Also, you shouldn’t wrap your child up after bathing if the apartment is warm: after several weeks of life, you don’t even have to wear a hat (but only if it’s really not cold in the house!), extra and overly warm blouses are also useless: the baby’s body continues to give off heat after bathing. Moreover, when he begins to suck the breast, then, as with any physical work, warms up even more!

If, on the contrary, he is freezing, then try wrapping him in a preheated towel and not unfolding him for a while, holding him close to you so that the body cools and dries. But if possible, pediatricians recommend abandoning this method in the future: it does not contribute to the child’s hardening, and during the period of infant colic it further increases painful sensations due to overheating.

Remember that it is always the best sedative Mother's breast remains. But if the baby cries even under the breast, then with a very high degree of probability he is bothered by heat or colic.

In a word, experiment, listen, look closely - common sense and your heart will tell you where to look for the buried dog. But don't lose sight of the fact that the reason for crying can also change with time, age and changing situations.

If the cause of the crying cannot be determined, then try to end the bathing session earlier than usual: it is better not to bathe more than to suffer from crying later. Or maybe you should try to wash your baby in the bath in the morning or afternoon - experiment. It is very important to ensure that bathing gives the baby exceptional positive emotions, even if it only lasts a few minutes, if it doesn’t work out any other way. And even if you don’t succeed in coping with the problem (which also happens to many parents), don’t worry (after a certain period of time everything will pass) and don’t be nervous (children are very sensitive to their mother’s mood and disposition). Only in this case can the mother be advised to bathe the baby 1-2 times a week, and not every day.

We wish you that bathing brings only benefit and pleasure to all family members! Be healthy!

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Preparing for the birth of the baby, mommy reads a lot of different literature, stocks up on various things necessary for her and the baby. Including, he buys items for bathing the baby: a cute baby bath, a thermometer in the shape of a funny little animal, fragrant baby shampoos and special creams, multi-colored towel with a hood... She is sure that with such accessories the baby will definitely enjoy the bathing process. And then, when everyone is already at home, it turns out that not everything in life happens according to books: she hears the baby crying after bathing - once, then the next day, then again and again. And - one begins to wonder what is happening? This situation may arise a few months after the opening of the “swimming season”...

Feed me!

There can be many reasons why a child cries after bathing. Starting from those that have nothing to do with this pleasant water procedure. After all Small child Only by crying can he tell you that something is bothering him. It could also be " intestinal colic”, and headaches, and a feeling of hunger, and a desire to sleep, and overexcitement, and teething... If the baby cried as soon as you tried to put him in the bath, perhaps the water in it is too hot or cold. Well, this issue can be easily sorted out in advance by carefully monitoring the water temperature. But how do you understand what a child’s repeated crying after bathing means?
Supporters of routine feeding usually advise bathing before the “evening nine-hour feeding”, so that later you can feed a clean baby and put him to bed. Well, if an adult who dreams of delicious dinner, suggest we take a bath first? I think he will immediately start swearing. And after bathing, appetite usually increases... But baths immediately after eating are also not recommended. So, you need to find " golden mean"and bathe the baby a short time after feeding. But when you feed on demand, it is not always possible to calculate this. This means that, having pulled the baby out of the bathtub, you need to act quickly. I didn’t understand this right away, and first I carefully dried my heart-rending son, smeared him with cream, dressed him, and only then fed him. But then it dawned on me: where am I going? It’s warm at home, and why can’t we breastfeed a baby wrapped in a towel, and only then start getting dressed? Will he fall asleep at the breast? But even if he falls asleep, already dressed, he will still have to be changed: as you know, small children do their “big things” in diapers while eating or immediately after. By the way, many children don’t like to dress up: they just felt so good in the water, and now for some reason they are put on these undershirts and bodysuits that no one needs, in their opinion. So if I felt that the child was not hungry, but still expressed dissatisfaction, I tried to cope with this dressing procedure as quickly as possible, as they say, I trained sleight of hand.

Just tired

And also, if a child cries after bathing, perhaps he is just tired: every day brings him as many new impressions as we, adults, would experience when discovering new galaxies every day. And by the evening he may become overexcited. In this case, my son was reassured by the same mother's milk, warm mother's hands, feeling of security. After all breast-feeding- this is not just food for a child, but a way of communicating with mommy, giving him a feeling of closeness with her and confidence that she will always help.
The baby is very sensitive to the mother's condition. If she is excited about something, nervous - yes big chance that the mother’s emotions will be passed on to the child. So mom needs to try not to lose positive outlook to the world and not allow it negative emotions(such as irritation, for example) to dominate oneself. When the child cried a couple of times after bathing, the mother begins to be afraid of this happening again. And he’s nervous, already as if waiting former script. Feeling this mother’s mood, the baby may not disappoint her expectations. Although, if she had calmed down and not thought about crying, perhaps it would not have happened this time.
The crying of a baby after bathing, like the crying of children in general, is a kind of way to inform loved ones that he is experiencing some kind of discomfort. Gradually, the mother will learn to be sensitive and will be able to understand what the baby is “telling” her by the nature of her crying...
In fact, if the baby cries regularly after bathing, it’s probably worth canceling baths for a while and limiting yourself to just wiping. This time-out will most likely help mommy figure out why her baby is crying after a bath. If this is associated with some kind of ailment, crying is possible not only after bathing, and here advice on what to do should be given by a doctor.

Not just newborns

The most interesting thing is that not only newborns are capable of screaming heart-rendingly after bathing. My three-year-old daughter, for example, happily splashed around in the bathtub until the moment she needed to be rinsed off in the shower. For some reason, the shower made her feel terrible and she couldn’t calm down for a long time, so in the end we watered our girl with a ladle.
My son, at two years old, is generally a contradictory nature. Either he fundamentally does not want to go wash and no persuasion works on him, then he categorically refuses to get out of the bathroom, even if the water has already been drained. Any attempts to get him out of there are immediately met with a heart-rending scream. Although... As a rule, such behavior can still be explained by the same reasons as in very, very little ones: fatigue, overexcitement, hunger, desire to sleep... And when all this is superimposed on the “crisis of two years”, on the beginning to wake up “ “I” of the child, his desire to do everything himself and only when he considers it necessary... If my son is especially capricious and does not want to go to the bath, I can sometimes leave him alone: ​​it’s not scary if he falls asleep in the form in which returned from a walk. But if he starts crying after bathing, there’s no getting around it: you have to persuade him. Sometimes I leave him in the bathroom to play with some water and pat his hands on the shower glass. Sometimes it gets boring and it still comes out. If not, you have to use “brute physical force”: wrap you in a towel and forcefully drag you out of the bathroom. And then try to distract with something.
Surely every mother has her own “secrets” on how to calm a baby when he cries after bathing, it would be very interesting to know about them...