Speech development in everyday life. Consultation on speech development on the topic: The work of a teacher on the development of children’s speech in everyday life


To develop the ability to listen, understand and retell the content of a text, you can use stories without visual accompaniment. This allows the child to go beyond the visual situation and contributes to the formation verbal communication and thinking, encourages the use in speech of complex sentences, words denoting the properties of objects and their actions.

Guessing and inventing together is very useful for children’s speech development. riddles In such games, children learn to recognize objects by verbal description, relying on visual perception. For example, you can lay out several toys (or object pictures) on the table and invite the child to find one of them according to its verbal description. Older children can guess simple riddles and without relying on visual perception.

Pedagogical techniques used to develop children's speech in everyday life

During the game

During free play, the teacher can sit down with the child and start a conversation with him: “Oh, what a beautiful doll! Is this a girl? What’s her name?” At the same time, the adult’s appeals should not disrupt the flow of the game, they should be organically woven into it and contribute to its enrichment.

The teacher can also gather several children near him, take a toy and turn to the kids: “What is the name of this doll? Lala? What a good name! And what Nice dress Lyalya has such shoes!” It is important to attract children’s attention to individual details of the doll’s appearance, calling them: “Where is Lyalya’s nose? Who will show me? (or: “Show me.”) Where are Lyalya’s eyes?”

It is advisable to accompany the game with a child with poetry. For example:

I love my horse
I'll comb her fur smoothly.
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.
A bull walks and sways.
Sighs as he walks:
"Oh, the board is shaking,
I'm going to fall now."

A. Barto

On a walk

During a walk, drawing children's attention to natural phenomena and animals, the teacher can accompany his speech with short poems. For example:

Rain, rain, more!
I'll give you the grounds
I'll go out onto the porch,
I'll give you a cucumber
I'll give you a loaf of bread too,
Get as much as you want!
Rain, rain,
Pour it full,
Small kids
Get wet!
You are a rainbow-arc,
Take me to the meadows
There's oily porridge there,
The spoon is painted.
The winds are blowing across the sky,
The winds puff out their cheeks,
They blow, they blow, they tear leaves,
They get angry, they get angry, they crush the grass.
It's enough for you to fly,
Enough of your buzzing!
In the forest at the edge
In the middle of the lawn
Three old frogs
They strum the balalaika:
A cow came into the yard:
"Moo! I'm healthy.
The sides are swollen.
- Who wants milk?
Wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
The rain pattered loudly on the windows.
The drops sang: drip-drip-drip!
The drops of the dolls woke up.
The clubfoot wind wanders.
Sunshine, bucket,
Look out the window.
Sunshine, dress up
Red, show yourself.
Don't let it rain!
Come on honey,
Bell tower!
You are frost, frost, frost,
Don't show your nose
Go home, frost,
Take the cold with you.
Brook, trickle,
You are not wide, you are shallow,
You go like a thread
So what!
You run and you sing.
Fly to the sky
Bring us bread!
Once upon a time there were two beetles,
Two funny beetles
In green camisoles,
In beautiful boots
On thin legs.
Snail, snail,
Open your gate
Show me your horns.
Blue, blue cornflower,
You are my favorite flower.

Before bedtime

When putting children to bed, it is useful to hum them short lullabies and quietly recite suitable poems. The teacher can ask parents what songs they sing to their children before bed, what poems they recite. Some kids love for an adult to whisper their favorite rhyme in their ear.

Below are examples of poems that can be read to children before bed.

It's time to sleep, the bull fell asleep.
Lay down in the box on its side.
The sleepy bear lay down in bed.
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
The elephant shakes its head
He bows to the elephant.

A. Barto

Do wolves sleep?
They are sleeping, sleeping.
Do bees sleep?
They are sleeping, sleeping.
Are titmice sleeping?
They are sleeping, sleeping.
And the chanterelles?
They are sleeping, sleeping.
And the seals?
They are sleeping, sleeping.
What about the deer?
They are sleeping, sleeping.
What about all the children?
They are sleeping, sleeping.
Everything in the world
They are sleeping, sleeping.

A. Vvedensky

The meadows are sleeping, the forests are sleeping,
God's dew fell
The stars are shining in the sky,
The trickles in the river say
The moon is looking through our window,
Tells small children to sleep.

A. Blok

Go to sleep quickly.
Our purring old cat
Sings songs quietly;
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge:
The little gray wolf will come,
He'll grab the barrel
And he will drag you into the woods,
Under a broom bush.

We woke up
Stretched out
From side to side
Turn around!
Where are the toys?

G. Lagzdyn

While getting dressed

When dressing babies after sleep, getting ready for a walk, you need to name all items of clothing and actions, different ways encouraging children to verbally communicate. For example: “Okay, we put on our boots. Now what are we going to put on? A jacket? Where is your jacket, Lucy? Oh, what a jacket, red, with pockets! Let’s first put one arm into the sleeve, then the other. Where is the other arm? Where did it hide? Here it is, in your sleeve, push it here. Well done! Now give me the hat. Now put on the hat.”

Masha put on her mitten
- Oh, where am I going?
No finger, gone!
I didn’t get to my little house!
Masha took off her mitten:
Look, I found it!
You search and search and you will find.
Hello, little finger!
How are you?

N. Sakonskaya

If the child has scattered his things, the teacher can help him put them away neatly and read the following poems:

Vova the Confused
Where's your shirt?
Maybe gray cats
Did they take her into the bushes?
Maybe the hare came?
Maybe the hedgehog took it away?
Maybe a teddy bear
Did you want to wear it?
I started trying on the shirt -
And he put it under the bed.
Vova the Confused
Here's your shirt!

L. Barbas

Bear, Bear, where are your pants?
Lost, lost.
The girls are in trouble
Exchanged, exchanged.

While washing, bathing

Washing, bathing a child, doing other hygiene procedures, you can accompany the actions with affectionate conversation, poems, songs. For example.

Speech development in children in the family- one of the important periods that parents need to constantly monitor. This should become a kind of thing for mother and father, the subject of their constant attention and control.

First of all, this is manifested in how the parents themselves develop speech. They should become an example for the child, demonstrating competent and clear speech, maintaining the required intonation.

When talking with your baby every day in the family, you need to gradually develop his speech, talk about the world around him and discuss it.

A child’s speech develops in parallel in two directions: firstly, his awareness of the speech of the people around him, and, secondly, the formation of his own speech. At the same time, the first direction in development is ahead of the second. And this is especially clearly noticeable in children after one and a half years of age, who are quite capable of understanding almost everything that the people around them tell them, but they themselves still speak very poorly. Usually,


they do not exceed forty words.

Mom and dad constantly name the child the objects he sees and talk about them. They also control his actions. For example, asking if he wants to go to the toilet, if the child has not gone to the potty for quite a long time.

Or, for example, you can ask the baby: “Bring the towel to mommy” or call him: “Come to me.” Therefore, as a rule, there is no delay in the development of speech understanding in children.

Typically, by the age of two years, children's vocabulary is approximately 300 words, and they use approximately 1200 words and already use many parts of speech. The baby can pronounce all letters clearly, with the exception of the sound “r” and hissing sounds. The baby is already able to construct complex phrases, but cannot yet formulate them grammatically correctly. The baby also uses exclamatory and interrogative intonation in sentences.

The development of speech in children in the family depends on his knowledge of the world around him with the things and objects that he sees, with natural phenomena, which he witnesses, with the daily life and behavior of the people around him. The baby already remembers and names colors, shapes of toys and other things, and their sizes.

Speech development contributes to intellectual development child's activities, his concepts become broader, for example: “Spring has come, now the snow is melting and streams are flowing.” He thinks for himself, draws his own conclusions and conclusions. As the baby’s speech becomes more and more perfect, its importance for him increases. He constantly uses the rail in Everyday life

, in his games, plans what he will do, and can also analyze what happened and assume what else will happen.

In addition, speech understanding also develops. And now the child is able not only to understand what is said directly to him. He is quite capable of understanding what his parents and other adults communicate with each other.

Pedagogical techniques used to develop children's speech in everyday life

During the game

Speech development. Games and activities for young children. 1-3 years Meshcheryakova Sofya Yurievna

During free play, the teacher can sit down with the child and start a conversation with him: “Oh, what a beautiful doll! Is this a girl? What is her name?" At the same time, the adult’s appeals should not disrupt the flow of the game, they should be organically woven into it and contribute to its enrichment.

It is advisable to accompany the game with a child with poetry. For example:

I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly.

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

A bull walks and sways.

Sighs as he walks:

The teacher can also gather several children near him, take a toy and ask the kids: “What is the name of this doll? Lala? What a good name! And what a beautiful dress Lyalya has, what shoes!” It is important to attract children’s attention to individual details of the doll’s appearance, calling them: “Where is Lyalya’s nose? Who will show me? (or: “Show me.”) Where are Lyalya’s eyes?”

“Oh, the board is shaking,

A. Barto

I’m going to fall now.” From the book Gymnastics and massage for the little ones. A manual for parents and educators author

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From the author's book

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From the author's book

Average indicators of physical development for children in the seventh month of life Weight – 8.5–8.9 kg. Height – 68–71 cm. Head circumference – 44–44.8 cm. Chest circumference – 45–46.4 cm. To assess physical baby development at this age, you can use a very simple index

From the author's book

Average indicators of physical development for children in the ninth month of life Weight – 9.3–9.9 kg. Height – 71–73 cm. Head circumference – 45.3-46.3 cm. Chest circumference –

From the author's book

Average indicators of physical development for children in the tenth month of life Weight – 9.5–10.4 kg. Height – 72–74 cm. Head circumference – 45.6–46.6 cm. Chest circumference –

From the author's book

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From the author's book

Indifference to the child's everyday life and opinion Let's turn to the parable given at the beginning of the chapter. If we take the described situation in the restaurant literally, it raises many doubts. And the most obvious thing is that parents (and not waiters) are responsible for life and

In the classroom and in everyday life, teachers speech therapy groups teach children to express their thoughts meaningfully, grammatically correct, coherently and consistently.
Coherent speech is inseparable from the world of thoughts: coherence of speech is coherence of thoughts. By how a child knows how to construct his statement, one can judge the level of his speech development.
Speech is not inherited by the child, he learns from experience verbal communication from others, i.e. speech acquisition is directly dependent on the surrounding speech environment. Therefore, it is important that the speech of parents and grandparents is grammatically correct, coherent and consistently expresses thoughts. If at home they constantly speak loudly, in an irritated tone, then the child’s speech will be the same.
On the way to or from work, I often observe the following picture: the mother quickly pulls the child’s hand, irritably makes comments to him and does not react to the baby’s remarks. Another picture: mother walks in front, child behind. In silence they reach the doors of the kindergarten. Or, a child asks his mother a question, but she rudely asks him to shut up, or simply ignores him.
Don't shy away from questions your child asks. He sees in your face an interesting interlocutor. Don't walk on the way home, or to kindergarten, in silence. Ask your child what he did in kindergarten. If they read to him an interesting fairy tale, ask me to retell it to you. When passing by a birch tree, draw the child’s attention to the color of the trunk, the location of the branches, read a poem, ask a riddle.
Adults are always interested in the question of what the child ate in kindergarten. Use it to your advantage for the development of coherent speech: invite your child to choose definition words for the word soup.
- What soup did you eat today? – pea, tasty, hot, aromatic, healthy.
If the child has chosen one word - a definition, tell him the rest of the definitions and consolidate them in the child’s speech.
When reading a fairy tale or story to your child, carefully look at the illustrations to the work. Ask them to answer what is shown in the picture. Ask questions about the content and offer to retell a fairy tale or story.
During the statement, you should not interrupt the child; give him the opportunity to complete your task to the end. Remember the inaccuracies and mistakes in the child's speech, then point them out by giving the correct example.
Children's favorite pastime is watching cartoons. Ask your child to share with you his impressions of the cartoon, name the characters and, if possible, retell the content.
Don’t ignore anything you bought or gave to your child. new toy: look at it carefully together, describe all its parts, play with the gift. You can ask him to independently describe the toy according to your plan:
1. Name the toy (This is a ball)
2. What color (The ball is blue, with a red stripe)
3. What shape (The ball is round)
4. How will you play with the toy (I will roll it, throw it and catch it, play football, etc.)
No matter how busy you are, always try to listen to your child until the end. Show that you respect him as an interlocutor. Create conditions in the family so that the child enjoys communicating with you and his brothers and sisters. From older family members, the child should receive new knowledge, enrich his vocabulary, learn to consistently express thoughts, and construct sentences grammatically correctly.
Only collaboration kindergarten and family on the formation of coherent speech will help the child become sociable, overcome silence and shyness, and develop self-confidence.

Skachkova Elena Anatolyevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 204"
Locality: Saratov city
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"The problem of forming speech development in children middle group in everyday life"
Publication date: 10.05.2018
Chapter: preschool education

The problem of forming speech development in

middle group children in everyday life

Work on the development of speech of children in our group is carried out in different

types of activities; at special classes on speech development, as well as at

other activities; outside of class - in gaming and artistic activities;

in everyday life.

1. Vocabulary enrichment and formation grammatical structure children's speech

in the process of working with paintings and plot pictures.

2. Teach storytelling and coherent speech.

3. Develop and practice certain positions and mobility

organs of the articulatory apparatus of children (tongue, lips, palate).

4. Develop speech breathing, intonation expressiveness of the voice.

5. Form and practice correct sound pronunciation in children.

6. Promote the development of hand actions, form manual

skill, improve fine motor skills of the fingers.

Goal: Development of coherent speech in middle preschool children

basis for the use of compilation descriptive stories and skills


Activate finger movements; develop hand motor skills,

performing imitative movements accompanied by a poetic text.

Teach the child the correct movements of the articulatory organs


Relevance: speech development of preschool children consists of

that the subject-development environment productive activity With

using different technologies for development fine motor skills is

most favorable for the development and correction of children’s speech skills,

their abilities.

The main task of developing a child’s coherent speech at this age is

is improvement monologue speech. This problem can be solved

through various shapes and methods speech activity: retelling

literary works, writing descriptive stories about

objects, objects and natural phenomena, creation different types creative

stories, as well as writing stories based on a picture, a series of plot and

reference pictures.

Before each speech development lesson, we conduct an articulation test.


Articulation gymnastics represents activities with a child, in

during which the palate, lips, tongue and facial muscles are involved.

Competent, clear, clean and rhythmic speech of a child is not a gift, it

acquired through the joint efforts of teachers and parents. IN

First of all, such speech is characterized by correct pronunciation

sounds that we make thanks to good mobility and

differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus: language,

This is a complex motor skill.

The child’s full communication with him depends on clear and intelligible diction.

peers and adults, successful literacy acquisition, and in the future,

when studying at school, there are no problems in mastering the school curriculum.

In addition, deficiencies in pronunciation aggravate the emotional

mental state of the child. Children suffering from various speech disorders

violations, feel their problems deeply. Many of them

become withdrawn, irritable; isolate themselves from peers

and adults a wall of silence. Already in early age such children may

neuroses appear. Brakes and general development children. Without special

learning, they begin to noticeably lag behind the norm. To avoid this problem

arises in the child in the future, it is worth starting to practice articulation

gymnastics as early as possible. Articulation gymnastics is

basis for the formation speech sounds- phonemes - and correction of violations

sound pronunciations.

In preschool age, the main activity is play.

Finger toys are a good way to develop fine motor skills.

games. These games are very emotional, exciting, and captivate children with their

improvisation, spontaneity, theatricality, elements.

Finger games reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects,

animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During fingering

games, children repeat the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills, thus

thereby developing dexterity, the ability to control one’s movements,

concentrate on one type of activity.

If the development of finger movements lags behind, then the

speech development, Although gross motor skills however, it may be higher than normal.

Teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The child’s mind is at the tips

his fingers." And the famous German scientist Emmanuel Kant called hands,

visible part of the cerebral hemispheres. Poor motor development

affects other activities in children. Yes, their drawings

made with unsteady, curved lines that distantly convey the contour


Exercises to develop fine motor skills bring triple

benefit the child: the hands acquire good mobility, flexibility,

stiffness in hand movements disappears, preparing for mastery

by letter. The development of hands is associated with the development of a child’s speech and thinking.

Therefore, in our kindergarten the development of fine motor skills is given

special attention. All exercises are carried out in a playful way.

One of the most common types of finger gymnastics

are finger games. Performing various exercises with your fingers,

child develops small movements hands Fingers and hands acquire

good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears. How

As a rule, if finger movements are developed in accordance with age, then

speech development of the child within age norm. Therefore training

movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor

stimulating the child’s speech development, promoting improvement

articulatory movements, preparing the hand for writing and, no less

important, a powerful tool that increases the performance of the cerebral cortex

brain, stimulating the development of a child’s thinking.

Systematic use board games significantly improves

grammatical structure of children's speech.

Play develops language, and language organizes play. The main purpose of games

– development of the child, correction of what is inherent and manifested in him, conclusion

child for creative, experimental behavior.

Through the use of board games, the learning process takes place in

accessible and attractive game for preschool children

The board game develops children's speech: it is replenished and activated

vocabulary, correct sound pronunciation is formed, coherent communication develops

speech, the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts.