Urine that is bright yellow in color is a possible cause of discoloration. Causes and prevention of bright yellow urine

Other occasions

Not all of us can answer this question.

From early childhood, we just get used to the fact that the main waste products in our body - blood and urine - have a certain color and smell, thereforebright yellow urineis of no interest to us.

However, this is the first criterion by which one can judge the quality of metabolism. from transparency and saturation the color of urine depends on the general state of health, they signal the slightest deviations and developing pathologies. It is for this reason that pregnant women take a urinalysis every 2-3 weeks.

The special coloring pigments that make up the liquid just explainwhy is urine bright yellow. The norm in a healthy person is urine from straw to rich lemon shade. Its tone varies throughout the day, it is quite natural for the urinary system. For example, in the morning, immediately after waking up, you may notice thatdark yellow urineconcentrated colors . Main reasons darkening lies in the fact that a person did not drink liquid for several hours and did not go to the toilet, so a high concentration of coloring enzymes accumulated in urine overnight. The second portion will be already much lighter, the color of daytime urine will become amber.

Despite these fluctuations, the main thing is that in general the liquid remains in yellow shade . Otherwise, you should pay attention to the changes and visit a doctor - a general practitioner, a urologist - to exclude the possibility of a disease.

Why does the color of urine change

Causes , according to which moderately yellow urine suddenly becomes bright, can be divided into physiological and pathological, with the former taking place much more often. This includes external factors, lifestyle, behavioral characteristics of a person. No need to panic if light before urine turned lemon-colored - better analyze your behavior, and in a couple of days you will see a liquid of the usual shade.

Bright yellow urineformed under the influence of several factors:

  • diet

Manufacturers like to add numerous colors, preservatives and flavors to products. There are less and less natural ingredients in our food, and supplements contain a huge amount of pigment substances. Colored soda, sweets, strong coffee, alcoholic drinks - all this is guaranteed to color urinary liquid. At the same time, the less pure water a person drinks, the higher will be the concentration of coloring enzymes in urine. Among natural products that change the color of urine, beets, carrots and any citrus fruits remain leaders. It is worth paying attention to the amount of salt consumed: its excess leads to stagnation of urine and the accumulation of toxins.

  • dehydration

If a person drinks rarely and little, there is a serious failure in the urinary system. "Waste" substances are not excreted with urine, but accumulate in the body, causing intoxication and chronic dehydration. The body is desperately trying to find some useful liquid in its bowels, the process of reabsorption begins in the kidneys - the suction of water from the urinary fluid. Urine becomes very concentrated, acquires a bright color. Dehydration most often occurs in hot weather, during sports activities with high sweating, during diarrhea and vomiting.

  • drug effect

Many drugs contain active ingredients that are not completely absorbed in the body, but settle for some time in the kidneys, giving the urine an unusual shade. These are antibiotics such as Furacilin, derivatives of nitrofuran. Laxatives, causing loose stools, always provoke a large loss of moisture. This also includes tableted medicines in a colored shell, tinted syrups, herbal teas. But most of all, urine changes its signsafter taking vitaminsgroups A, B, C. This is noticed even by children who, secretly from their mother, eat "Revit" in handfuls. "Multitabs", "Pikovit" and other multivitamin complexes instantly stain urine. Brightyellow colored urinebegins to smell like a characteristic vitamin smell.

  • climate change

Traveling to hot places is always stressful for the body. In unusual conditions, a person sweats more, loses a lot of fluid. While on vacation, it is very important to drink at least 2 liters of pure water a day - it will help to "wash" all toxins from the body.

Bright yellow urine in pregnant and lactating women

During the period of bearing a child, a woman may experience urine of a rich lemon color. As a major marker of health, the urine of pregnant women is regularly analyzed. The doctor will immediately see the slightest change in the composition of the urine and, if necessary, take action. The main danger in this situation is preeclampsia. It is accompanied by high blood pressure and severe edema, against which dehydration occurs.

During breastfeeding, women often experience hormonal imbalances. The body experiences a colossal water load: the kidneys work in an intensive mode, a large amount of fluid is spent on milk production, which can lead to dehydration. With a lack of drinking, toxins are not excreted from the body, and urine acquires a characteristic color.

However, not in every case this is a sign of pathology. If a woman takes a course of vitamins or undergoes herbal medicine, there is no need to worry about changes.

What does the color of urine in a newborn mean?

In the first days after the birth of a baby, urine is practically colorless. This is due to the fact that in the amniotic fluid there is not everything that can color the liquid that the fetus receives and releases. After birth, a small organism begins to rebuild itself for an autonomous life and perform the functions of nutrition and urination. In the first week, the urine of a newborn acquires a certain color, becomes pale yellow. And normally, its shade can change several times a day.

Parents should be concerned ifurine in breastbecame saturated yellow or bright lemon. Both options can signal malnutrition, infections, or the development of some kind of disease.

Urine color in men and women: norms and deviations

If urine acquires an unusual color, first you need to exclude all factors that can affect the shade, and evaluate your lifestyle - drinking regimen, medication, nutrition. If there are no obvious reasons, then you should immediately contact a urologist, therapist and other narrow specialists. Urine the color of beer , dark yellow, lemon and even in some cases greenish indicates an inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary system: in the urethra, bladder, kidneys, ureters.

By the beer shade of urine, women can learn about inflammation of the bladder, infectious urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as gynecological problems: vulvitis, endometriosis, colpitis. Urine brownish colors for men talks about problems with the prostate gland, cystitis, urethritis, kidney pathology. If foamy bubbles are visible in the urine, this is a clear sign. that seminal fluid and prostate secretion penetrate the urine. They have a very high content of protein and various impurities that color urine. high protein concentration. Urgent consultation of the urologist in this case is obligatory.

The bright yellow color of urine, especially against the background of pastosity, may indicate cirrhosis of the liver or liver failure, the presence of kidney stones, chronic heart failure. Lemon urine is formed during infections of the gastrointestinal tract. During diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a lot of fluid, and a huge amount of coloring toxins is concentrated in urine: urochrome, urozein, urobilin and others. Most of all, the color of urine changes urobilin - a metabolic product of the enzyme bilirubin. It breaks down food in the small intestine, and under the influence of bacteria turns into urobilin. Interestingly, this substance stains the urine after it comes out, when urinating. A sharp darkening of the liquid, literally before our eyes, occurs due to the interaction of urobilin and oxygen.

Remember: only a comprehensive study will help identify the true cause. Several urine tests, ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvic organs will be required at once. If the darkening of the urine is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, cramps and bouts of back pain - every minute counts!

The color of urine is the main visual indicator of the metabolism in the body. Urine in a healthy person has a light yellow tint; in some situations, staining urine in a dark yellow color does not require any therapeutic action. But in most cases, bright yellow urine indicates the course of various pathologies.

It is important to contact a specialist in time, pass a series of tests that help to make the correct diagnosis, prescribe the desired course of treatment. It is strictly forbidden to take any medication on your own. An important role is played by the presence of concomitant symptoms, therefore, noticing a change in the color of urine, remember the presence of pain when urinating, other symptoms and impurities in the urine.

healthy urine color

Normally, urine has a light yellow tint. The specific color depends on the amount of urochrome pigment (the final metabolite of erythrocyte hemoglobin). The presence of diseases of the excretory system leads to violations of the filtration, selective function of the kidneys.

Violations of filtration in the glomeruli of the kidneys leads to the ingress of certain elements into the urine, for example, erythrocytes, proteins, leukocytes, and failures in reabsorption lead to the return of substances back into the blood. For this reason, the patient's urine is stained in a non-specific shade. The color of the patient's urine is often used in an approximate diagnosis.

Possible causes of bright yellow urine

Urine can acquire a richly bright yellow color against the background of various physiological processes.

Do not be alarmed by discovering a change in the color of urine, most cases of this state of affairs are the result of harmless physiological processes:

  • eating special foods able to "color" urine. Today, there are few completely natural products left. Manufacturers add many different dyes, preservatives that can affect the color of human urine. This category includes carbonated drinks that have a bright color, carrots, various sweets. In this case, you should not worry, doctors recommend that you stop using this product in the future;
  • dehydration. It is a fairly common cause of bright yellow urine. The process leads to active reabsorption of water, the concentration of urine increases, against the background of this process, the liquid itself acquires a rich yellow hue. The causes of dehydration are not only a lack of water or hot weather, the pathology is observed against the background of the course of intestinal infections, a number of other diseases, intense exercise, severe toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • taking special medications or vitamins. Most of the active components of medicinal products are not completely absorbed, they are excreted along with the urine, which can affect its color. These drugs include vitamins of groups B, A, C, nitrofuran. After the body is completely cleansed of the components of the drug, the urine will again become its usual color.

Urine of saturated yellow color occurs in patients with serious pathologies:

  • . The formation of salts in the urinary system of the patient leads to the formation of sand, then its elements stick together, forming various sizes. Salts gradually absorb liquid, which affects the concentration of urine, including its shade;
  • gestosis. It is a serious complication in pregnant women in the later stages of bearing a child. The complication is accompanied by constant high blood pressure, swelling of the limbs, face, proteinuria. In such a situation, dehydration of the body leads to a change in the usual color of the patient's urine;
  • liver disease. Urobilin in increased quantities (observed with malfunctions in the liver) contributes to the staining of the patient's urine in a bright yellow color;
  • genetic or individual characteristics of metabolism in the patient's body. The increased formation of salts leads to a constant staining of urine in a yellow saturated hue. In the future, pathology contributes to the formation of sand and calculi, which can cause development. Be vigilant, take care of your health, with the constant presence of non-specific urine color, visit a specialist.

On a note! The course of the pathology is accompanied by a detailed clinical picture, not only by a change in the color of the patient's urine. To identify the provoking factor of feeling unwell, consult a doctor, undergo an examination. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapeutic course.

Urine color change during pregnancy

Urine during this period is the main indicator of the condition of the mother and the unborn baby. Urinalysis is shown at each visit to the doctor to clearly monitor its composition and color. The bright yellow color of the urine of a lady in position is not always a sign of any disease. Many women are prescribed multivitamin complexes that can change the shade of urine, taste preferences play an important role.

The female body during the bearing of the child takes on the entire load, is responsible for the viability of the fetus. The continuous operation of the excretory system can lead to its overload, the color of urine in a non-specific shade. Do not panic if you find a pathology, but you can not ignore the symptom either. Consult a doctor, the doctor will identify the root cause of the pathological condition, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

In men

Urine in men also changes color when taking certain medications, eating “coloring” foods. The color of the urine of the stronger sex is affected by the abuse of fatty foods, alcoholic beverages. After gatherings with friends, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed, to follow a diet for at least a few days after a heavy load on the body.

In the case of a change in the color of urine against the background of the course of the disease, the urine acquires a fetid odor, sometimes there is the appearance of blood, pus, and other impurities. Often the cause of the pathological condition is prostatitis. The disease is getting younger every year, so do prevention, monitor the condition of the urinary system.

Go to the address and read about the treatment of staghorn kidney stones with folk remedies.

In children

Urine in children, as in adults, indicates the state of metabolic processes, the excretory system. After birth, the urine of the baby is almost transparent, the baby's body needs time to independently perform vital operations. If the urine does not acquire a normal color, show the child to the physician. Pathology may indicate the presence of congenital diseases, lack of fluid intake.

You should not panic if the baby’s urine turns bright in color, you can’t ignore it either. The quality of life of the child, its duration will depend on timely treatment.


Depending on the accompanying signs, you can first find out what led to the staining of urine in a bright yellow color:

  • the absence of additional symptoms indicates the physiological causes of the development of trouble (a side effect after taking medication, eating special foods, alcohol abuse);
  • the presence of blood in the urine, the painful act of urination indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys, excretory canals, urolithiasis. The walls of the organs of the urinary system can be damaged by pathogens or the movement of stones;
  • chills, fever, other signs of intoxication are formed against the background of an acute course of infectious processes (, and others).

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of discomfort. Do not take any action on your own, otherwise it is difficult to avoid worsening the situation.

An experienced doctor is engaged in the selection of a specific treatment strategy. Depending on the disease, the patient is prescribed specific medications, diet, correct drinking regimen. In addition to drugs, pay special attention to changing the diet. Most ailments of the excretory system are formed against the background of malnutrition, lack of water in the body.

It is possible to prevent a change in the color of urine if certain rules are observed:

  • watch your drinking regimen. A healthy person is recommended to drink at least two liters of pure water per day. Intense sports, high air temperature require adjustment of this dose (increase the amount of water by half a liter);
  • treat diseases of the genitourinary system in a timely manner. Most cases of urine color change are based on the background of pathologies in this area;
  • During pregnancy, take only those drugs prescribed by your doctor. Self-medication can lead to unwanted side effects (non-specific urine color);
  • Before eating brightly colored foods, be prepared for the fact that urine can change color. Do not be afraid in such a situation, increase the amount of liquid per day, which will help to quickly remove the "coloring" components of the drink or dish.

Follow the preventive recommendations, if necessary, visit a doctor. In any case, a change in the color of urine indicates certain processes in the body, ignoring the sign can lead to a deterioration in well-being, the development of serious complications.

Find out more about what the color of urine means after watching the following video:

is a waste product excreted by the kidneys as a result of blood filtration. Urine contains water, as well as decay products of various biological compounds (urea, uric acid, urobilin, etc.), and foreign substances that enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract.

Photo 1. Concentrated urine is not yet a cause for concern. Source: Flickr (Ric Sumner).

The elements that are in the composition of urine can give it - from a natural yellow tint to red and even black.

What color of urine is considered normal

Fine human urine has golden color. In newborns, urine is almost clear. In some situations, the liquid turns into other colors. This may be due to the regimen of the day, the amount of liquid consumed, the intake of certain groups of drugs and even products, less often - in various pathological conditions.

For example, eating beets can make urine. usually indicates the presence of red blood cells in inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Note! To determine the presence of the disease, you need to monitor the state of the body in order to notice the presence of concomitant symptoms.

Causes of bright yellow urine in men

The bright yellow color of urine can be associated with various factors: lifestyle, body water balance, as well as the use of drugs of various drugs and products.

The main reasons why urine becomes rich yellow:

  • lack of fluid, dehydration;
  • the use of products containing dyes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

External factors affecting the yellow color of urine

In healthy people, the formation of bright yellow urine may not be associated with pathological conditions, but is due to some functional features of life.

It is important! Most often, urine acquires a rich yellow tint due to a lack of fluid in the body.

Often the color of urine in a bright yellow color causes intake of foods containing synthetic pigments corresponding color:

  • orange flavored carbonated drinks(for example, the popular soft drink Fanta contains beta-carotene, a yellow-orange coloring pigment that gives it a rich orange color);
  • sweets(lozenges, chewing sweets), which also stain the tongue yellow;
  • consumption of a large amount carrots containing carotene can cause urine to become more yellow in color.

Such pigmentation of urine may be due to the intake of certain medications. Most often, urine is stained with synthetic vitamin A preparations- carotene, which in nature is found in almost all orange-colored fruits and vegetables (carrots, pumpkins, apricots, sea buckthorn).

Vitamins rarely give this effect. group B and(vitamin C). Antibiotics have a similar effect nitrofuran groups(e.g. furazidin, nifuroxazide).

Insufficient drinking, hot climate, intense exercise accelerate metabolism, as a result of which the concentration of urochromes increases - bile pigments, derivatives of the process of hemoglobin degradation, which they give urine its color. When dehydrated, their concentration increases, due to which the urine becomes bright yellow.


Dehydration can be the result of profuse diarrhea and vomiting that accompanies intestinal infections, poisoning, gastritis, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus(with the so-called motion sickness), meningitis and other diseases.

Sometimes a change in the color of urine is associated with urolithiasis, in which salt crystals form in the urine, absorbing liquid and making the urine bright yellow in color.

Hepatic pathologies, which increase the level of urobilin, are also able to change the color of urine to bright yellow and even orange.

Problem Diagnosis

You can determine the cause of bright yellow urine through system monitoring. A person can do this without the help of a doctor.

If there are no other symptoms besides a change in the color of urine, then its staining should be considered. in bright yellow due to lack of water in the body. For example, a person stays in a hot room for a long time, trains intensively - because of this, the body spends more fluid for sweating in order to thermoregulate. At the same time, the amount in the bladder decreases, and the concentration of urochromes naturally increases.

In other cases, you need to see a doctor, especially when:

  • persistent vomiting or diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (abdominal pain, heartburn);
  • feverish state;
  • severe headaches;
  • signs of nervous disorders (convulsions, disorientation).

Vomiting and diarrhea lead to severe dehydration of the body, which without medical help can lead to death.

Fever, abdominal pain, fever may indicate acute gastritis, peptic ulcer, poisoning.

Headaches, seizures and other nervous disorders are signs of meningitis, which is life-threatening.

Photo 2. Headaches and nervous disorders against the background of dark urine - a reason to consult a doctor immediately.

The yellow color of urine can be caused by various reasons. Why such a condition occurs, what factors affect the shade of excreted urine, you need to know in order to introduce preventive measures.

The color of urine excreted by a person is one of the most important indicators of the successful operation of all body systems. The shade may change slightly during the day, becoming more saturated in the morning and lighter in the evening. This is due to the concentration of coloring pigments, which give the urine a normal straw-yellow color. But if the shade changes repeatedly, a logical question arises why the urine is yellow. In such a situation, it is worth making an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of bright yellow urine

The chemical basis of the composition of urine is more formed by water. Depending on various factors (age, gender, state of health, liquid drunk or food eaten), the color of urine may change. The main attention, especially in the hot season, should be paid to the amount of clean, fresh water consumed per day. With a lack of moisture, the body is not able to adjust the density of urine, as a result of which its concentration increases, and the color becomes more saturated.

Violation of the water balance in the body can be caused not only by reduced consumption, but also by increased consumption of moisture, for example, with profuse sweating during physical exertion.

A common cause of urine recoloration is the entry into the reaction of urination of substances that are not characteristic of the body.

Similar compounds come from food products containing bright natural or artificial dyes. Medicines from the group of laxatives, many antibiotics and vitamin complexes also have similar properties.

The most unfavorable unnatural coloration is bright yellow urine. It can warn about diseases of the renal system. The reason is also possibly associated with liver pathologies, since the accumulated bile pigments stain the body fluids and tissues yellow.

The dependence of the color of urine on drinking and eating

The first reasons that should be analyzed if a person has bright yellow urine is the nature of his food and drinking regimen. Manufacturers of modern food and beverage products often add various colorants to their products, which, in their opinion, will make the product more attractive to buyers. Such a marketing ploy, even if it brings profit to manufacturers, certainly does not bring any beneficial properties to the body of an adult consumer. On the contrary, artificial dyes do not linger in the tissues, but almost instantly go into the kidneys to get into the composition of the excreted urine.

Even against the background of the use of natural products grown on their own, there is a danger of unnatural staining of urine.

This is due to the fact that natural dyes contained in carrots, pumpkins, citrus fruits and other “colored” products from the garden are not inferior in intensity to any artificial counterparts.

Urine staining drugs

Medicines that increase the saturation of urine belong to various groups of drugs:

  • antimicrobial agents (Furazolidone);
  • laxatives with phenolphthalein;
  • antibiotics;
  • vitamins of group B, A, C.

The group of vitamin complexes is especially dangerous for children, since multi-colored tasty “sweets”, left in a conspicuous place, will never go unnoticed by the kids.

What does yellow urine mean in women

In women, due to some features of the anatomical structure of the excretory organs, inflammatory diseases of the bladder and kidneys develop more often. In such cases, normal urine will also darken to the color of beer. Possible foaminess is explained by a simultaneous increase in protein in the composition of urine.

In young mothers who continue to breastfeed their baby, a brighter color is considered a clear sign of dehydration.

The resulting milk takes all the free moisture into its composition, leaving the rest of the systems to suffer. A gynecologist should calculate for patients the required amount of water per day, depending on the age, weight and general health of women.

yellow urine during pregnancy

Doctors monitor the health of the expectant mother especially diligently, recommending taking urine for analysis before each visit to the gynecologist. The excreted urine is considered a qualitative indicator of the health of the pregnant woman and the child. Lemon-colored urine in pregnant women is associated with the preventive use of vitamin complexes that accumulate in the body and then exit through the kidneys. It is impossible to exclude the reasons in the form of colored drinks and food that a woman can consume.

If the expectant mother did not take such vitamins and other drugs, and also controlled her diet, but the urine became an unnatural color of beer, then this condition indicates a possible disease or complication of the course of pregnancy. It is worth contacting a antenatal clinic as soon as possible to identify the true causes.

yellow urine in men

Men have a more active lifestyle. They tend to be fond of sports and physical activity. In this regard, increased sweating and loss of water through the skin prevent the formation of normal urine. These are physiological reasons. But there are also pathological ones.

So, beer-colored urine means the presence of a possible pathology of the prostate gland in men. Its inflammation and increase in size can partially reduce the lumen of the urethra, thereby blocking the outflow from the bladder. Congestion causes the urine to darken to the color of beer.

Urine may darken after intercourse, which indicates the presence of a sexual infection. Here it is worth getting a consultation with a doctor and taking tests.

What to do

Yellowing urine will not necessarily cause a serious illness, therefore, when this symptom is detected, it is important not to panic, but to soberly assess your lifestyle over the past few days. Then therapy will be limited to simple measures:

  • correction of nutrition, the exclusion of brightly colored foods;
  • increased fluid intake (water, compote, green tea);
  • after consulting a doctor - a temporary refusal to take pills and vitamins;
  • reduction in physical activity.

If the unnatural color of urine is accompanied by additional symptoms in the form of lower back pain, nausea, diarrhea, it is necessary to take tests to clarify the cause and diagnosis. Laboratory detection of the composition and concentration of urine will help you learn about kidney disease in order to contact a nephrologist in time.

After the examinations, the doctor prescribes drug therapy from the groups of hepatoprotectors, diuretics, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Yellow urine in a baby should alert parents and force them to show the child to a pediatrician.

Preventive measures

The simplest measure of prevention is to limit the intake of bright vitamins, vegetables and fruits. Control of the drinking regime is important for correcting the water balance of the body. Dehydration is especially dangerous in a pregnant woman, as it can negatively affect the health of the unborn child.

It must be remembered that even a breastfed infant needs additional fluids in hot weather.

Since inflammatory and infectious processes can also cause a change in the color of urine to the color of beer in men and women, sexual health must also be monitored. A timely consultation with a specialized doctor will help eliminate the symptom as quickly as possible.


Bright yellow urine is always a cause for concern, because this bodily fluid can tell a lot about a person's health. It is worth being more attentive to your body, undergoing examinations on time, taking tests and visiting doctors. To avoid possible complications, when yellow urine is found, it is necessary to heed the advice of medical specialists and start treatment on time.

Urine is a biological fluid that is the result of human activity. Most people do not pay attention to the color of urine, which is a mistake. The shade of urine is an indicator that reflects the state of human health.

Often the urine takes on a bright yellow color. This change will be the result of eating food or provoked by a serious pathology. To exclude the possibility of developing the disease, you should contact a urologist.

Urine is a biological fluid that is the result of human activity.

Reasons why urine is yellow

The color of urine depends on the amount of pigments in it - urobilin, urochrome, urorosein. The change in the shade of the biological fluid is explained by the fact that pathological processes are present in the body.

Provoking factors include:

  • diet - the consumption of foods with the addition of preservatives, dyes, flavors. Colored drinks, black coffee, alcohol, and other foods turn urine yellow;
  • dehydration - with water deficiency, a violation of the genitourinary system occurs. Toxic substances and processed foods do not leave the body, but remain in it, provoking intoxication. In the biological fluid, the concentration of pigments increases, which contributes to a change in shade;
  • taking medications - most drugs consist of active ingredients that linger in the kidneys and affect the color change of urine;
  • climate - a sharp change in weather conditions leads to the loss of a large amount of fluid;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • eating large amounts of salty foods, which causes the formation of sediment in the urine.

The color of urine depends on the amount of pigments in it.

The cause of yellow urine can be an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, an infectious disease that disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and a genetic predisposition.

yellow urine in women during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women's urine takes on a lemon tint. While carrying a child, girls regularly take special tests that reflect the health status of the expectant mother.

If a change in the shade of the biological fluid is associated with the development of pathology, the doctor will promptly identify the deviation and eliminate it. The most dangerous diagnosis is preeclampsia, which is characterized by severe dehydration of the body, the formation of swelling and increased pressure.

During pregnancy, women's urine takes on a lemon tint.

The cause of yellow urine in pregnant girls is an imbalance of hormones. The body is exposed to a high load, from which the kidneys begin to work more intensively. This process provokes dehydration: toxins settle in the body and contribute to a change in the color of urine.

Yellow urine in children

The urine of a newborn baby in the first days of life is transparent. Gradually adapting to the surrounding world, the child's body begins to fully function. The bright yellow color of urine in children is not a pathology, but the result of changes in the body. Yellowness can appear immediately after birth or after a couple of months.

The urine of a newborn baby in the first days of life is transparent

Young children are not able to report a deterioration in well-being or negative changes that affect health. Parents should monitor the shade of the baby's urine. If the yellow color is present for more than 7 days, you should visit a doctor's consultation, the change may indicate the development of the disease. It is forbidden to start self-treatment of a child, this can aggravate his condition.

Causes of yellow urine in men

The reason for the change in the shade of the liquid is the consumption of foods that contain a large amount of pigment - beets, asparagus, pumpkin, carrot juice.

The reason for the change in the shade of the liquid is the consumption of certain foods

The shade of male urine can change as a result of excessive physical activity. Sports and regular exercise reduce the amount of water in the body and increase the process of sweating.

Medications and urine color

The color of urine often changes under the influence of drug therapy. The use of vitamin and mineral complexes, dietary supplements, as well as antibiotics can cause yellow urine. These drugs include drugs containing vitamin B, which is easily soluble in water.

The color of urine may change due to taking medications.

Water deficiency leads to the fact that the body cannot absorb synthetic components, so the kidneys are directly involved in the excretion of harmful substances. If the medicinal product does not contain coloring components, the color of the liquid may be affected by its shell, which also consists of dyes.