Do-it-yourself papier-mâché molds. paper pulp recipe


Papier-mache in art, needlework is used as a material for making sculptures, puppets, fruit bowls, dolls and other items. You can make the most different crafts for the interior. The surface of papier-mâché is easily painted in the desired color, it can also be decorated.

How to make paper mache products

To prepare a mass of papier-mâché, you will need unnecessary newspapers or other paper, glue, water. Glue mixed with water in a ratio of 2/1. Newspapers should be cut into strips two centimeters wide or torn into small pieces. Connect newspapers and adhesive solution, mix until smooth with a spoon or bristle brush.

If you use stationery glue to make the material, keep in mind that difficulties may lie in wait for you when painting the molded product. The paint may refuse to adhere to the surface. It is best to prime the product with art white or acrylic primer before painting, and then cover it with paint.

Some products look better with a smooth surface. When pasting the form with strips of paper, it is not always possible to achieve perfect smoothness. But the procedure for leveling the surface is not as complicated as it might seem - you just need to be patient with it.

How to get a smooth papier-mâché surface

First you need to align the most noticeable pits by gluing small pieces of paper there. Do this until the surface looks more or less even. The product must be dried, after which the surface is treated with a fine-grained sandpaper. Perform the processing in circular light movements, pressing should be as light as possible. Remove paper fibers periodically with a rag. Coat the treated surface thickly with glue and dry well to make the top layer stronger. This procedure can be repeated several times to increase the strength of the top layer. After that, you can start painting, inlaying or decorating the surface in another way.

For minor roughness, cover the surface with several layers of PVA glue or use an aerosol varnish for cars.

If you want to paint the product, after the staining procedure is over, it is better to coat the surface with varnish in two or three layers. Varnish is suitable for both nitro and furniture, just make sure that the paint does not “float”. The product processed in this way will turn out smooth and shiny.

Many of us in childhood were fond of this wonderful kind of arts and crafts. In addition to the obvious benefits that bring the child the production of various items in the technique papier mache(development fine motor skills, artistic taste and spatial imagination), passion for this art allows you to complement the design of a house or apartment with unusual and original decor items.

To make a doll body, wash and dry a plastic bottle well. With a darning machine, make 4 through punctures into the bottles in those places where the arms and legs will be attached to the doll (in the lower part - 3 punctures: 2 at the legs and 1 at the back). Cut the wire into 5 equal pieces of 20 cm. Pass these pieces through all 5 holes. The end of each is a loop. All of them at the base of the bottle must be secured with tape.

To make the arms and legs of the doll, cut 8 pieces of fishing line (20 cm each). From each sheet of newspaper, fold strips of 25x8 cm. Take 1 strip, lay a fishing line on its very edge (its ends should protrude beyond newspaper strip equally spaced). Roll the strip into a roll, secure the end with tape. On one of the remaining parts of the fishing line, wind 1 more of the same newspaper roll. Everything: one arm or leg is ready. Do the same with the remaining blanks. The result should be 2 legs and 2 arms (each part is made of 2 rolls).

Attach the arms and legs to the loops on the doll's body. To make the hands and feet, cut 40 strips of colored paper 5 cm long, divide them into 4 parts, tie each in half, attach to and legs. Sew pants and a jacket, put them on. Sew on the head.

Make a fixture to control the puppet. Make 3 wooden planks. In the main (25 cm) drill one hole at one end, in the front (15 cm) - 1 hole from each edge, in the back (13 cm) - 2 holes from each edge. Fasten all these slats so that the front and back are perpendicular to the main slat. Pass through all the holes in the fasteners of the fishing line, the second end of which is attached to the eyelets on the doll.

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The length of the fishing line for connecting the doll and the fasteners for control should be different: for hands - 50 cm, for legs - 90 cm, for the backside - 70 cm, for the head - 42 cm.

Helpful advice

To make a body for a puppet, a figured one (narrowed in one place) is suitable plastic bottle from under shampoo, shower gel or dishwashing detergent.


  • puppet how to do

"Papier- mache " translated from French as "chewed paper". Using this technique, you can create both open forms, such as dishes, and full-fledged sculptures.

You will need

  • 1. Newspapers or paper;
  • 2. Paste or glue;
  • 3. The basis for the form;
  • 4. Vegetable oil;
  • 5. Wire;
  • 6. Balloons;
  • 7. Bases for masks;
  • 8. Paints and varnish.


To begin with, you can try to create an open shape, for example, a plate. To do this, we need to prepare a paste based on flour or starch. To do this, mix starch or flour with big amount cold water so that the lumps disappear. Then add a little boiling water and put on fire. You need to heat the mass until the mixture becomes completely transparent. You can also use ordinary PVA glue for these purposes.

Next, you need to pick enough papers or newspapers. This is easier to do if you first tear the paper into strips ten centimeters long, and only then tear them into small pieces measuring 2 by 2 centimeters. If you do not plan to paint the product in the future, then it is better to take white paper.

Then we take the base. As a rule, a saucer, plate or bowl is excellent for this purpose. We lightly coat the bottom of the dish with vegetable (so that it is easier to remove the finished papier-mâché later), and then we begin to glue paper on it.

After applying the first layer, let the product dry a little and apply the next layer. In this sequence, it is necessary to make 5-6 layers. After that, carefully cut the edge of the paper flush with the side so that your papier-mâché has smooth edges.

We put the plate in a dry, warm place for about a day. During this time, the paper should dry completely. Carefully separate the paper plate from the ceramic one and proceed to painting it.

For papier-mache coloring, watercolor and acrylic paints are best suited. First you need to make the product a uniform background, let it dry, and then you can apply it. At the end, the dishes can be varnished.

You can also make decorations in the form of a ball from papier-mâché. For this you will need balloon ik. Puff it up required size, grease with oil and begin to apply layers of paper according to the technology described above. After drying, carefully pierce balloon, take it out, and decorate the papier-mâché ball beautifully.

Papier-mâché stands out due to its versatility and originality. In this article, we will talk about the rules for making papier-mache mass at home, as well as how to make the simplest, but very beautiful things in this way.

To make some souvenir, or simply useful thing, it is not necessary to have any specific skills or be a master potter. It is enough just to stock up on a lot of unnecessary newspapers, and you can start creating.

Let's take a closer look at how to make a mass of what is at hand. Thanks to these recommendations and videos, you can easily learn the main points of this case and understand all the complexities and nuances.

A bit of history

What is papier-mâché? This is such a kind of homogeneous mass, which is created from newspapers and other paper waste with the addition of glue or any adhesive. If you translate this name from French, then it will sound like " chewed". For the first time this mass was used in the XVI century in France. Then dolls were made from this mass, which gained incredible popularity. Papier-mache appeared on the territory of Russia only during the reign of Peter I. In industry, paper pulp began to be used in early XIX century.

You can make a lot of papier-mâché interesting crafts and products. Such products are very light and quite durable. Previously, the mass was used only to create dolls, but years later they began to make dishes, souvenirs, masks, toys and various elements from it. Currently, papier-mâché is widely used in theatrical art. Even models and theatrical props are made from paper pulp.

Do-it-yourself papier-mâché: techniques for creating mass

There are currently three ways creating a mass of papier-mâché with your own hands:

Preparation of material for papier-mâché

Any papier-mâché product begins with preparation required material. The first is the paper itself. For the first time, it is recommended to use a newspaper, as it quickly soaks, and the finished product will be more durable. You can also easily work with plain paper napkins or toilet paper. The following materials can also act as the main material for the mass of papier-mâché:

  • egg packaging;
  • Cardboard;
  • Corrugated cardboard.

As adhesive composition most often use ready-made glue. As a rule, this is PVA glue, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. At home, as a sticky substance, you can also use starch, flour, from which you need to make a paste. The density of such a paste will depend on experience and the type of crafts being made.

You will also need a base or mold for modeling and vegetable oil, which lubricates its surface. This is done so that the mass does not stick to the form. In addition, it will be required acrylic paint or varnish for exterior decoration. If there is no such paint, then gouache and PVA glue can be mixed in equal amounts. Such a composition is easy to wash off the surface of the craft when it has not yet completely dried. And when the composition is completely dry, it does not smear even during the application of other layers.

How to make papier mache?

Before starting paper work, you need to make a paste. To do this, boil a small amount of water. In a separate container, mix 2-3 tablespoons of flour or starch with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour the resulting composition in a thin stream into boiling water and heat until thickened. The more starch or flour, the thicker the paste will turn out. It will be much easier to prepare the glue. To do this, pour the right amount of glue into the bleaching container and add the same amount of water, while stirring thoroughly.

After that, you can start shredding paper or newspaper. This stage of work is very painstaking, but how finely the paper will be torn, further work on the future craft will depend. Small pieces of material must be poured hot water and let it brew for a few hours. After that, all the liquid is drained, and all the paper is crushed into a homogeneous mass using a mixer. . If the mass is too liquid, then you just need to throw it in a colander and squeeze it well with your hand. This technique applies to any material used.

The dust that will eventually turn out is mixed with glue to the state of plasticine. After that, the mass must be allowed to rest. If modeling is not planned immediately, then the mass can be stored in a tight plastic bag in a cool place. For those who have not yet fully understood the principle of preparing a mass of papier-mâché, the video is provided below.

To make the final product more durable, do not be lazy to make as many layers as possible. This is especially true for the manufacture of plates. It is also recommended to wear gloves during operation so that the glue does not dry on the skin, and the product will stick to the hands.

Don't be afraid to experiment using various materials. So you will gradually find something with which it will be easy for you to work constantly. The base, as mentioned earlier, must be covered vegetable oil so that after drying it can be easily removed from the product. Paper for the mass must be torn by hand, and not cut into even pieces. This is the only way to break the connection of the fibers, and the mass will become more homogeneous.

As for papier-mâché coloring, then if the product is planned white color, then only the last two layers are made of pure white paper. In other cases, the craft can be painted in any color. If you cover the product with varnish, then it will be protected from moisture.

During operation, the work surface must be covered with film or newspapers, since the glue is then poorly washed off. Do not rush to apply the next layers without waiting complete drying previous ones. You also need to start painting. only after complete drying of the product.

DIY papier-mâché crafts: master classes

And now let's get acquainted with the master classes of some do-it-yourself papier-mâché crafts. These crafts can decorate your home. They can also be given as a gift to your loved ones. And jewelry made by hand from papier-mâché will complement your look.

Master class on making papier-mâché plates

Master class on making a papier-mâché mask

Master class on making papier-mâché beads

According to this scheme, you can make with your own hands not only beads, but also bracelets, necklaces and even brooches. It remains only to show a little of your imagination.

Today we will have a purely practical publication - I will show how I make a mass of papier-mâché for modeling and modeling. This will be the one million one hundred and first master class on the net on this topic, but since I am doing something from this material, I consider it possible to show how I make papier-mâché.

What, are there options? - asks Veselina, looking at a bunch of basins and cans.

There are, and their number is comparable to the number of needleworkers who use papier-mâché in their work.

But, despite this, there are about a dozen main ways to make a mass of papier-mâché with your own hands, the choice of each of them is based on the desire to obtain certain effects as a result of your work.

The main parameters influencing the choice of recipe are the following indicators:

  • smoothness and uniformity of the resulting surface;
  • the degree of possible detail of the elements;
  • the susceptibility of the finished surface to processing;
  • degree of deformation during drying.

You said that we won't have conversations today, - Veselina interrupted, - let's do something at least once without these lectures.

Yes, the word is not a sparrow, well, he asked for it. We will have to write another article about papier-mâché, where we will take a closer look at all the subtleties and nuances of the composition and parameters of this material.

Well, from papier-mâché, I need the material to be plastic, not burst, the finished surface would be relatively smooth with the possibility of minor post-processing.

Therefore, I chose for myself a papier-mâché recipe from newspapers and PVA glue.

Papier-mache - necessary materials

For work, we need the following tools and materials:

  • newsprint;
  • blender or mixer;
  • PVA glue;
  • putty;
  • basin and bowl;
  • towel;
  • fork;
  • hot water.

Since I have a small amount of work, I also do papier-mâché very little at a time. It is convenient for me that the finished volume of the mass fits in my hand. But you can make a lot of chopped dry fibers at once - they are perfectly stored in a dry place indefinitely for a long time. Therefore, I immediately make dry fibers with a margin, and the masses of papier-mâché are a little more than necessary for work.

So newspapers. Today, 60 sheets of almost A3 size are involved in the process.

Paper shredding tool. Since the volume is small, then such a blender is suitable for me.

As I said at the beginning, I use this case PVA glue.

Putty will give the desired degree of plasticity.

Any of the listed materials can be replaced by what is available. This may affect the characteristics of the finished material, but it can only be determined empirically.

Papier-mâché from newspapers and PVA glue - photo master class

So, I tear the paper and soak it in hot water for a day. From time to time I go up and tear the paper with my hands, not really trying, because I have an assistant more qualified in this part. But, if he gets it already somehow torn paper, it will be easier. So I try to help him as much as possible. In general, I tear paper with my hands until I get bored.

Now let's take a mechanized tool. In the same basin, I grind the paper with a blender until I get porridge with relatively small fragments. I don’t particularly overexert the blender, because he still has to work hard for the benefit of my handicrafts. The blender came across to me from centenarians, so I treat the device with deep respect and take frequent and long breaks in its work so that it does not overheat.

My blender has a two-bladed knife, and despite it high quality, you sometimes need to monitor the sharpness of its blades, because paper has an unpleasant property to reduce it intensely. So when I'm sharpening other cutting tools, I try to keep my blender in mind as well.

The time has come for batch processing the mixture. The blender comes with a wonderful bowl that I fill two-thirds or three-quarters full so there is less splashing. At this stage, the blender is used until the result suits me - a homogeneous mass with evenly distributed fibers should be obtained. Ideally, you need to achieve a complete absence of visible pieces of paper, but most often I do not have the patience to grind the mixture for so long.

However, then I scold myself for this, because I have to periodically stumble upon one or two bumps of unshredded paper when smoothing the surface, and with high detailing of the product this causes certain inconveniences, so the better the paper is shredded at this stage, the it will be easier and more pleasant to work with a mass of papier-mâché in the future.

I separate the water from the mixture by squeezing it through a folded towel. It is too milestone so I try to make it as good as possible. The fact is that I will then completely dry the crushed fibers, therefore, the stronger the water is squeezed out now, the less time will be spent on drying. It is important not to overdo it and not tear the towel.

After squeezing, such a semi-dry mass should remain, which you need to break into small pieces with your hands. But I just adjust to the blender so that the crushed fragments fall into its working area.

While the mass of papier-mâché is wet, it needs to be crushed to the maximum, because the dried fibers are very reluctant to process, and you can simply dull the blades.

The next step is drying the crushed fibers. I use natural drying, the duration of which is from one day in summer to hot weather up to several days in winter. I attach great importance to the quality of drying in order to minimize deformation. finished products from papier-mâché. After all, it depends on the presence of water and its quantity how the surface will change during the final drying.

For the same reason, I do not use flour paste, which has a lot of water, but PVA glue. I pour an arbitrary small amount of glue into a bowl and mix thoroughly with my hands. In some cases, you have to add glue if you get a thick mass, or dry fibers if you poured a lot of glue. After mixing, you should get a mass with the consistency of plasticine, that is, you need to make enough effort to work with it further.

To increase the plasticity of the mass, I add putty. It needs quite a bit, you can see the approximate proportions in the photo. We thoroughly mix the mixture again, noticing how its physical characteristics change in the direction of softening and plasticity. It is necessary to periodically try a lot of papier-mâché to break. Such a piece should be separated with a certain effort.

After all these manipulations, small fragments of poorly crushed paper still remain in the thickness of the mixture, which, in further work can cause big trouble. I try to separate them at the last stage, during which I rub the mass in a bowl with an ordinary fork.

Once again, I knead the mass with my hands, determine the plasticity and convenience of subsequent work. But I don’t use such a mass right away, because the fibers should be even better saturated with glue. To do this, I wrap papier-mâché with cling film and hide it in the refrigerator for a day on the bottom shelf. After that, the mass is ready for work.

Do-it-yourself papier-mâché - video master class

So, today I showed, and you saw how you can very simply and relatively quickly make a lot of papier-mâché for modeling and modeling with your own hands. Another indisputable advantage of this recipe is its availability, and this parameter is important for beginner needlewomen.

Thank you for your attention, I wish you all success and good mood.

Because of the French name, it is believed that the art papier mache originated in France However, this is not entirely true: there were no papier-mache products (French for “chewed paper”) in France until the very middle of the 17th century, and China, where paper was invented, is the birthplace of this art form. During excavations in the territory of ancient China, papier-mâché helmets were found, and the period of creation of these helmets ranges between 202 and 220 BC. e.

Further, the passion for papier-mâché spread to the territory of Japan and Persia, where masks for special ceremonies were made using this method, and only in the 70s of the 17th century papier-mâché became known all over the world, including in France. In 1740, the production of papier-mâché lacquerware began, based on samples brought from Japan. The business turned out to be so successful that more and more new adhesives and techniques began to be invented, thanks to which the products had the same strength as wood.

Most often, papier-mâché was used to make dolls. In France, their mass production was established, and now these dolls are highly valued among collectors. To this day, the papier-mache technique is used in theaters in the manufacture of scenery. They are very light and can be easily moved around the stage. And if such a product is not exposed to moisture, it can last a very long time.

Exists three types of techniques making items from papier-mâché. First, classical technique papier mache is a layer-by-layer gluing of small pieces on a pre-prepared model wet paper. There can be about a hundred layers of paper. Polyvinyl acetate glue or starch paste is used as an adhesive composition.

Second method characterized by the fact that the product is formed from liquid paper pulp. Paper torn into small pieces is poured with hot water and placed in a warm place for a whole day. Then this mixture is boiled, squeezed through a sieve or gauze, loosened and dried. Next, the mass is mixed with chalk and carpenter's glue or starch paste is gradually added to it, with constant stirring. Having brought it all to the consistency of a creamy dough, apply it to the prepared form and leave it to dry completely.

Third Method involves gluing the product like plywood, under pressure from plates of thick hard cardboard. When the product dries, it is puttied, sanded, primed, painted and covered with several layers of varnish. Models for the formation of products are made mainly of clay, plasticine, plaster or wood.

For the modern consumer, papier-mâché products are attractive in that they are made using natural materials . If you learn this type of art qualitatively, it can become quite a profitable business, because anything can be done using the papier-mâché technique. It can be an original painted box, a mask, Christmas decorations, dolls and even furniture.

The main thing is to show imagination and be patient, because any products self made are valued much higher than factory ones, because they are unique and produced in most cases in a single copy. And all that is needed for "production" is just a stack of old newspapers and glue.

Papier mache - ancient art that has not lost its popularity. Try this simple creativity and find in it a source for new masterpieces!

Papier mache - simple technique manufacturing voluminous objects with paper and paste. Even with the advent of various plastic masses (super plastics), papier-mache does not lose its popularity, remaining indispensable for some types of creativity (for example, masks). commit brief digression in the history of this unusual technique and find out what options exist for its use, how to make papier-mâché with your own hands, and how this activity will be useful.

History of paper art

The papier-mâché technique is time-tested, because its history goes back several thousand years! The ancient Egyptians made death masks using layers of papyrus interspersed with adhesive. in Persia from multilayer paper made decorative items, including chests and cups. Often, thin metal plates were applied over the paper layer.

The strength of papier-mâché products with a large number of layers was noticed back in ancient China- they began to use this technique for the production of armor and shields that could protect the warrior not only from an arrow, but also from a sword strike.

Repeated coating with natural varnishes added additional strength to the material. In addition, in Japan and China, ceremonial masks were made from this material, decorative elements to a military suit, items home decor(caskets, vases) and even buttons.

Often the surface of the products was covered with a glossy varnish and, thus, things that looked luxurious were obtained from a relatively cheap material. In India, papier-mâché could be found in any craft market in the form of richly ornamented household items.

Since the 17th century, papier-mache began to be actively used in France, and then in England, in puppetry - this technique was the best way to reproduce subtle features. puppet faces. The big advantage was the high strength of the material. Unlike porcelain, the finished papier-mâché product was not brittle and was also much lighter than wood.

In the 18th century, papier-mâché became an inexpensive alternative to architectural stucco and carved wood, later this technique began to be used even for the manufacture of furniture elements (for example, the backs of chairs) and church utensils.

To this day, papier-mâché is widely used in film production and theater for the manufacture of props (models of various things: weapons, dishes, jewelry, interior items, imitation of reliefs in the landscape or architectural structures), overhead elements for make-up (nose, chin), details stage costume(headwear, masks).

Minimum cost and maximum benefit

Papier-mache is one of the few types of creativity that will be of interest to almost everyone, because there are a lot of options for glued paper products, and the process of working in this technique does not require artistic training or certain knowledge. Despite the fact that paper is used for this type of creativity, it has nothing to do with other paper hobbies, weaving from paper tubes.

The benefits of this hobby are obvious:

  • it does not require material costs;
  • he does not need a large workplace;
  • you can do without special skills;
  • technique is an extremely simple process that even a preschool child can master;
  • a wide creative spectrum (making dolls, masks, figurines, boxes, elements for jewelry, Christmas decorations, shades);
  • suitable for making items of any size;
  • finished products have high strength and do not require special care.

What you need for classes and the first crafts

As already noted, papier-mâché is a very economical type of creativity. The main thing you need for papier-mâché is thin paper and glue (PVA, carpentry, stationery, gelatin or starch paste). There are two fundamental different options this technique:

  • pieces of paper are glued in layers on the finished form;
  • an elastic mass is prepared from paper and paste, from which an object is formed.

Everyone can include this hobby in the list of their hobbies, and only those who do not like to quit what they started can expect success. Qualities that will be useful in working with papier-mâché:

  • perseverance;
  • accuracy;
  • a little fantasy.

Features of layer-by-layer technique and work process

The first option (from pieces) is suitable for making masks, doll heads, figurines, boxes. The surface of the finished products can be sanded, so it is very easy to achieve perfect smoothness. The whole process of work can be divided into several stages.

First stage

Prepare thin paper(newspaper works well). To do this, you can cut or tear it into pieces, their size depends on the intended size of the product - for small jobs it can be 1x1 cm, for large ones up to 4x4, 4x10 cm. Torn paper will make the surface of the product smoother than chopped paper.

Prepare the form on which the paper will be pasted. To do this, you can take as already finished item, and fashioned from plasticine or clay (for example, the head of a doll).

If you take the finished item as the basis of papier-mâché, remember that in order to obtain a three-dimensional shape, you will need to cut the already finished papier-mâché into two halves to get basic form and then glue them. Therefore, the base can be damaged when cut. For a spherical shape, you can take a balloon, which, at the end of work, can be removed through a previously left hole in the layers of paper.

To make the finished papier-mâché easily separated from the base (both finished and molded), it is recommended to grease the form with petroleum jelly or wrap it with cling film before applying the first layer of paper.

Second phase

Glue the form with layers of paper. The number of layers depends on the desired thickness and strength - the minimum number is 4–5, the maximum is not limited, but already with 15 layers, the wall thickness of the product will be about 0.5–0.7 cm, so it usually makes no sense to make more than this number of layers.

To evenly cover the form with paper, it is convenient to alternate layers different colors- so it will be clear when to start a new one.

Third stage

Dry the product well (during the day) and remove from the mold. If an incision is required for removal, it is convenient to make it sharp knife for paper. After removing the mold, you need to stick pieces of paper along the cut on the inside of the product so that half of the piece goes beyond the border of the cut, then smear them with glue and attach the second half of the product.

You also need to glue the junction line of the halves on the outside with two layers of paper and, for strength, cover the entire form with another layer of papier-mâché (if further staining is expected, it is better with a layer of white paper).

A well-dried product can be sanded with a fine-grained sandpaper.
You can decorate papier-mâché with any paint, but it is best to take acrylic - it will not be erased from the mold and dries quickly. If desired, papier-mache is opened with varnish.

Modeling from paper pulp

The second version of papier-mâché (from paper pulp) is suitable for the formation of finished products by simple modeling or modeling on a frame. By the way, the very name of the technique is translated from French as “chewed paper”. There are quite a few recipe options for preparing the mass, and after several trials you will find your own optimal ratio of ingredients.

Usually it is done in this way: soak newsprint, cardboard from boxes or egg trays, or toilet paper in warm water, leave it for several hours, periodically kneading it with your hands (you can put it on the stove to keep the water warm).

After soaking, the mass is carefully squeezed out and crushed with a blender or in a meat grinder (a more time-consuming option is rubbed through a sieve). Next, glue is added to the mass and kneaded until a homogeneous elastic mass ceases to stick to the hands.

The formed product dries completely in 2-3 days - it is not worth drying it on a battery, as this can lead to cracks. The dried mass becomes hard and very light. It can also be sanded and painted in the same way as or.

Useful activity for pleasure

As already noted, using the papier-mâché technique, you can make absolutely different types products, this great way make both decorative works and things for practical application in the house. With this technique, more expensive materials can be imitated, such as metal, stone or ceramics.

Cat's house

Working with papier-mache calms, helps to focus on the process and take a break from everyday worries, develops creative thinking. Starting with simple and common products, you will quickly move on to the implementation of your own creative ideas.

Step by step tutorials for beginners

To make it easier for you to move from plans and doubts to action, our needlewomen have prepared step by step instructions with photo. Based on master classes, you will quickly master the pape-mâché technique and learn how to create your own masterpieces worthy of imitation.