Jade is a talisman of Ancient China and its magical properties. Blue jade stone: description, properties, photo

March 8

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It is difficult to find a stone that has been revered in all cultures at all times. Jade is just such a gem, but also a healer of kidney diseases, and an attribute of magical practices.

In the east, it was valued both for its beautiful aesthetic appearance and for its high strength indicators. It's almost impossible to break it. The stone received this property because of its fibrous structure, which intertwines the crystals into a durable monolith. At the same time, the stone is resistant to abrasion.

Almost everything was made from it. Money and weapons, and people of the upper classes even used jade utensils in everyday life. In China, the gem has always been a symbol of royal power. Thrones, scepters and tombs were carved from it.

Chemical composition

  • Formula Ca 2 (Mg, Fe) 5 2 (OH) 2

The mineral consists of a dense aggregate of entangled fibrous tremolite.

Physical properties

  • Hardness: 5 - 6.5
  • Density: 2.95 - 3.4 g/cm³
  • Fracture: Conchoidal, paraffin-like
  • Gloss: Glassy, ​​Bold
  • Transparency: From translucent in chips and plates 1-1.5 cm wide to opaque.

Optical properties

  • Refractive index Average 1.62

Varieties of jade

magical properties

Curiously, jade is the national stone of China. The stone has an extraordinary and powerful energy, it is able to help a person change himself and his life. It helps if you consider yourself:

  • a loser (when you are not confident in your abilities, it is difficult to go through life and reach heights);
  • a sinner (a stone is an indicator of your actions, because it is able to change color depending on the righteousness of the deed);
  • unfair (this mineral is called a stone of good intentions);
  • inattentive (stone helps to concentrate);
  • unstable (gem– faithful assistant towards the right path)
  • superstitious (removes the evil eye and protects from an unkind look).

This stone brings good luck in gaming, the career of a financial director or businessmen. It is also worth noting that the gem is unusually beautiful and attractive. It is pleasant to wear it around the neck as an amulet. And knives, bowls and other utensils in the house are an indicator of good material wealth. Esotericists revere the stone and use it in their activities.

Medicinal properties

Jade has a high heat capacity, which allows you to make a warm compress with it and use it to treat:

  • stomach (relieves pain and spasms in gastritis and other chronic diseases of the digestive system);
  • diseased kidneys (in the West it was called a kidney stone for this);
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • a poorly functioning liver;
  • weak or brittle bones;
  • stroke;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • eye diseases;
  • diseases of the lungs and heart.

In order for the healing properties to manifest themselves, it is necessary to apply the stone to the very problem areas that the stone can act on. Jade is also a good pain reliever. Girls who do not want to swallow analgesics for menstrual pain can use just such a medicine.

It is also able to normalize the work of such vital systems as:

  • cardiovascular;
  • circulatory;
  • respiratory;
  • central nervous (for example, improve vision and hearing, relieve headache, dizziness and other symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia);
  • digestive (jade will improve digestion).

Massage is done with the help of jade sticks. It will relieve headaches, relieve wrinkles and prevent sagging skin. You can also massage the kneecaps with these sticks, which will be very useful for people who have problems with bones and joints.

Chakras and body energy

Energy indicators are multifaceted. So green stone balances YIN-YANG throughout the body, white - absorbs Yin, other colors stimulate Yang energy.

The mineral has the strongest effect on the Anahat and Manipura chakras.

stone element

The element of the stone from which he draws energy is Earth.

Energy connection with the planets

the planets conductors of jade - Venus and Saturn are the most active, less significant connection can be observed with the Moon.

Drinking from jade mugs was previously believed to help restore the kidneys.

Nephrite (jadeite) - semiprecious stone, which is twice as strong as steel, and 5 times stronger than granite. The stone owes its strength to the successful arrangement of crystalline fibers such as alkaline amphibole. Composed of silicate and actinolite mineral. Jade is so strong that it is almost impossible to split or break it. That is why, cave people made their "first" tools from this stone. Back in prehistoric times, jade became popular because of its durability and strength.

Buddha made of white jade height 6 meters

Jade gained popularity among prehistoric people due to its strength and durability. For its qualities and pleasant gently green color, useful jade put on the same level with the most valuable stones. Useful jade was literally deified, believing that the "Good Spirit" lives in it, which is able to heal all those who suffer. In eastern countries (China, Japan, the Golden Horde) jadeite cost more than gold/diamonds. It could be worn only by privileged citizens noted in military exploits or close to the ruler. Oriental medicine uses the properties of the stone to treat the kidneys, which are the storage vital energy"CI". The name of the stone, borrowed from Greek culture, sounds like "nephros" - a kidney.

The color of the stone ranges from pale green to dark green, almost black. In nature, white / black / green specimens are found. For the Japanese, only black crystals are valuable, for the Mongol or the Chinese - white, Europeans prefer green jadeites. All species are equally useful, valuable for health, and also durable. The Chinese created a cult of jade, erected on a divine pedestal, believing that the heavenly throne of the Buddha was made of it. For the same reason, the imperial crown throne is made of jade. In Thailand, there is a Buddha statue made from this stone, which is called the "Emerald Buddha" - is the national pride of the Thais.

Jade is a natural semi-precious stone. It is a type of the mineral jade. Its main properties are: not transparent; translucent if thin chipped; the structure is confused-fibrous; it is thick and solid.

Jade stone is suitable for almost everyone (an exception is made for people with the zodiac sign Sagittarius or Taurus). It is a stone of wisdom and harmony. It drives away evil spirits, protects from natural Disasters, trouble.

Natural stone is used in jewelry, for the manufacture of various amulets, fakes, etc.


Jade is a unique, expensive stone. Happens different colors(depending on the amount of impurities) and texture.

  • Spotted disseminated;
  • Homogeneous;
  • Spotted.

A stone that has a uniform texture bright color, is illuminated. Therefore, most often such a gem is used in jewelry.

Spotted and spotty-disseminated texture nephrites consist of chlorite and magnetite, iron, hydroxide and carbonate. At the stone on the surface, you can notice uneven blotches and colored spots that create a unique pattern. Therefore, such natural mineral used for caskets, pyramids, cups, vases and as a facing material.

Varieties of jade:

  • Green. There is a bright green hue, light green, emerald green, saturated.
  • Brown. It can be either a uniform dark jade, or with a yellowish-brown tint.
  • Bolotny. This stone has greenish-brown veins.
  • Blue.
  • Red. It is very rare in nature.
  • There is no pure white stone. It has shades of grey, yellow, blue and green.
  • black jade- it is without any impurities.
  • Violet.
  • Pink.

Each country prefers a particular type of gem. Europeans value green jade more, Japanese - black jade, and Mongols and Chinese - white stone.


Jade is valued not only for its physical properties and beauty. This gem has magical and healing properties. Moreover, each type of stone has its own unique abilities.

Jade (Nephrite) is a fairly well-known semi-precious stone, which is often used as an ornamental material..

Why did the mineral get such a name? This is because the word νεφρό (Greek) means kidney. The stone resembles this human organ. It is not surprising that jade has been sacred for a long time and served as a medicine for kidney diseases.

New Zealand, Maori or jade are other popular names for jade.

When the volcanic magma penetrates rock, then this is formed amazing mineral. It is found in rivers and small streams, as well as in quarries. different sizes. The stones that were mined by the first of the methods are more valuable, because when interacting with water, it becomes more durable.

This type of mineral has been used since ancient times. The first historical data are found in the Neolithic, when amulets were made from this rock. They brought good luck. And also weapons. These products are known for their durability.

In the South of America, it was used as a piercing, which was inserted into the lip. This indicated that the person wants to become a servant of the spirits.

In Turkey, they supplemented them with rings, belts and weapons, because they believed in good luck.

Hei-tiki were made in New Zealand from stone. They were passed down from one generation to another. These are the figures that served as a talisman. If a person was the last of his kind, then this amulet was buried with him.

The stone was popular because it was workable and distinguished by its durability.

In ancient China, jade was used for some time instead of money. It was also used in weighing gold. More than one treatise has been devoted to the mineral. They even held competitions, and the main prize was jade.

Confucius played on musical instrument called lithophone, which was made from this mineral.


Jade is found on each of the four continents. The main deposits are:

  • Ospinskoe;
  • Ulan-Khodinskoe;
  • Buromskoye;
  • Khamarkhudinskoye.

Some of the places where jade is mined are the Urals and Kazakhstan. Foreign sources include countries such as China, New Zealand, Canada and the United States.


Physical and chemical properties

Nephrite belongs to the amphiboles family. It contains iron, chromium, magnesium, vanadium and silica.


  • High strength and toughness are main feature stone.
  • The color can vary significantly, it occurs from milky to black, and there are also yellow and green shades. The brightness of the color depends on the amount of FeO in the composition. Brown streaks, which are quite common, mean that the iron is oxidizing along the cracks. The most valuable stones are jade pale color, which is transparent and has a greasy sheen.
  • Hardness from 2.9 to 3.02, 3.5 on the Mohs scale. The hardness is comparable to glass, but it is softer than quartz.
  • The stone is opaque, but thin plates that are translucent are rare.
  • Good viscosity.
  • Easily processed and polished. After which there is a greasy sheen.

Medicinal properties

  1. One of distinguishing features jade is that it is always warm. This is explained by the fact that it has a high heat capacity. With the help of this stone, you can make a warm compress, which will help with problems with the kidneys or stomach. In some countries it is called kidney stone", and many people confirm positive effect after such treatment.
  2. Helps with problems with pressure, normalizes the functioning of the lungs and heart, as well as other human organs. He is able to improve the condition in general.
  3. It has a positive effect on the circulatory system, liver and stomach.
  4. Helps with vision and hearing problems.
  5. It has a positive effect on the hair and protects them from drying out and falling out.
  6. Fights constant nervous breakdowns, stress and headaches. Helps a person to gain new strength and relieve fatigue.
  7. Improves potency in men.
  8. Helps with premature aging skin, sagging and eliminates wrinkles. With the help of a stone they make a special cosmetic massage, after which a positive effect is noticeable.

magical properties

Chinese alchemists believe that jade is perfect and compare it with gold. This stone means absolute purity.

  1. First of all, it is a stone of peace, which helps to calm down and improve your life. For this purpose, it is better to use a white mineral.
  2. IN European countries jade is often used as an amulet, which awakens in its owner the most necessary qualities, such as honesty, courage and decency. This stone is treated with special respect and is often used to make jewelry.
  3. The mineral is able to positively influence and correct the fate of better side. He gives peace and gives the desire to act.
  4. For sleep problems and nightmares, this stone is often used. It will improve the sleep of its owner and soothe him.
  5. Be sure to monitor the color of the stone, if it darkens, then the person is doing something wrong and it is better to change his mind. Some of the zodiac signs are especially sensitive to this.
  6. Helps to make right choice your life partner and live long together. In China, they believe that such decoration will help preserve youth.
  7. Libido stimulation is one of the magical features jade. In China, they believe that the mineral and sexuality are connected.


As in antiquity, so it is now enough a large number of people uses jade to treat certain diseases and ailments. There are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. beads small size can be used as exercises after a stroke. Perfect option These are jade beads.
  2. The use of a massage ball, roller and jade rod in combination will help get rid of problems with facial skin and fatigue.
  3. Green stone will help stabilize the heart and improve sleep. Beads work best for this.
  4. Slightly heated mineral can be applied to bruises.


Jade is an excellent amulet that protects a person from misfortune and does not right decision. White stone brings change and good luck. Often it is used by people who want to find their soul mate.

A small lock, which is carved from stone, is used as a talisman for children. It can be worn on a chain and given to a child. So evil spirits they won't be able to approach him.

Rings with a white stone are used as a talisman for saving family happiness and success at work. Moreover, this mineral will help improve the effect of other amulets. The setting for the stone is mostly silver.

Jade is a symbol of intelligence and courage. If you wear such a talisman all the time, then a person can easily achieve his goal. He will give the warriors intelligence and courage, and also protect them from injuries and wounds.

For the home, it is best to use red stone. It will protect you from natural disasters.

stone care

Caring for jade is very simple because it is not fussy. original stone not afraid of scratches and falls.

It is enough to store it in a separate soft bag, case or box. When cleaning, it is better to give preference to a soap solution without aggressive agents, and then rinse well under running water. Wipe the stone dry.

You can wipe jade jewelry with a damp soft cloth.

How to distinguish a fake?

  1. You can hit a stone on a coin and listen to the sound. It should be very gentle and melodic. Beads can be checked by hitting the beads together and listen to the sound.
  2. If you look at jade through a magnifying glass, you can see that there is an unusual pattern of fibers inside. If there is a homogeneous structure inside, then this is definitely a fake.
  3. The same test can be done without a magnifying glass, but simply look at the sun through a stone. Then you can analyze the structure. The light transmission capacity of jade is very high, so you can see the boundaries of the transition of shades.
  4. The stone is forged with the help of glass. It is darkened with a special pigment. Upon closer examination, you can see that such glass is polished to a shine, while the original has a more matte surface.
  5. You can try to slightly scratch the surface, the original will not get anything from this, but the fake will immediately have scratches.

In Europe, jade is not expensive. Its cost can range from two to thirty dollars, depending on the size of the stone and the material of the cut. The most expensive is a stone of one bright shade.


The most valuable are stones that are distinguished by a uniform color.

The shade of jade is determined by the presence of impurities. The stone may be white, but are much more common different shades green: grassy, ​​emerald and with yellow notes. Blue and red minerals are considered a curiosity. Finding them is not so easy and the cost is much higher. Also found in black color.

A distinctive feature is a glassy luster and opacity. But in rare cases there are exceptions.

Influence on different zodiac signs

With the right color, jade suits absolutely any sign of the zodiac. But it must be used only in good intentions, because otherwise the power of the stone will turn against the owner. Jade has a power that is not characteristic of other minerals. For each sign of the zodiac it carries different meaning and this must be taken into account.

air element

People of this sign are very fond of freedom. Aquarius is the strongest water sign. Jade will help to know the energy of the universe. Most the best choice This is a blue stone.

Jade will help good people protect themselves from enemies who want to harm, and fence them off from obstacles. He will protect from danger, save from illness and indicate the wrong step.


Particular attention to this sign should be paid to the color of the stone, because it is he who is able to indicate that a person is doing something wrong. If the color of the jade has become darker, then it is worth stopping.

People of this sign tend to get sick with a cold, so jade can protect against this. It is also necessary for problems with the genitourinary system.

This sign is better to choose mascots round shape. It is very difficult for Libra to make a choice, and the power of jade will help them.

This stone is able to give the necessary impetus for right step. Such a talisman is especially recommended for a person with big family or big business. As well as firefighters and lifeguards who save the lives of many people.

Girls and guys who want to find a soul mate should choose jewelry in the form of paired animals. It must always be carried with you.

earth element

The best choice is a stone of milky white or green color. the main problem this sign is self-doubt and tightness, which contributes to conflicts and failures. Such a charm can help its owner become more confident and purposeful.

Red stone needed creative people. It is he who can inspire new masterpieces.

The mineral will give people of this sign integrity and health, as well as energy and the necessary vitality. Choose a stone according to the color of the eyes. It is this amulet that has the greatest power.

It is better to choose jewelry in the form of a zodiac sign, because it is it that will protect against evil people.

For girls, virgins, a stone will give sexuality. For men, it is better to purchase a figurine made of this material so that you never encounter problems and diseases of the genital organs.

People of this sign will be able to find their love. The best stone to choose dark shades. It is they who will show the right path and help to gain trust, as well as love.

In case of illness, any medications will bring best effect if you additionally wear a jade amulet.

Fire Release

Jade will help archers become more calm and modest. For medicinal purposes, the stone is necessary for nervous system. So the person will become calmer, although archers often deny this problem.

The main thing is that a person believes in the power of the stone and trusts him.

The mineral will help this sign to reach the desired heights and at the same time remain honest with yourself. All tasks will be given much easier, and the result will not be long in coming.

This sign can have several jade jewelry at once. They will be able to fill their owner with new creative ideas and revive the forgotten. Lions are suitable for a stone of any shade and shape.

A person will want to travel more, explore more, and will always be open to something new.

Water Release

It is better to opt for a light blue stone, because it will give confidence and help in the decision. difficult questions. It is these problems that people of this sign quite often face.

Jade jewelry is a guide that will help you find a partner in business and life. It is best to choose blue stones.

It is Pisces who should pay attention Special attention on jade, because it suits this sign best of all. Such an ornament or amulet is needed for the soul.

Pisces tend to creative impulse so they like to be alone. A figurine made of this stone will help you understand your nature and create masterpieces.


Jade will give Scorpio the wisdom that this sign needs so much. It is best to put a figurine of this stone in the bedroom. She will be able to give the necessary peace and correctness in making decisions.

It will become much easier for a person to make choices, and he will stop making mistakes.

Jade is unique stone, which surprises with its magical and medicinal properties. Not every mineral can boast of such energy characteristics. The stone is semi-precious, but unique species can be quite expensive.

In the ancient times of the Chinese rulers, such a mineral as green jade, was very popular. It was not only a precious stone, but also used in the production of tools. Only then did they begin to make various figurines and decorations from it. The national stone of China was mainly used as a talisman, giving a person such qualities as:

  1. Mercy.
  2. Justice.
  3. Honesty.
  4. Purity.

Jades were recognized as the most beautiful and valuable stones. Even such a Chinese proverb is known that jade has no price, but gold has one.

Description and deposits

Jade deposits are located in many parts of the world. This is mainly done by such countries as China, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan and Russia. Jade deposits contain hydroxysilicates of calcium, iron, magnesium with impurities of various substances. Therefore, the stone itself is quite durable, with interweaving of fine-crystalline fibers. Jade is translucent, medium transparency or not transparent at all. As for the shine, in most cases it is silky or greasy.

The main feature of the stone is the fact that after it is heated, it begins to emit waves that can penetrate the human body to a depth of 14-15 centimeters.

Therefore, many attribute to him and magical properties. For example, the Baikal species is able to protect not only from ailments, but also from negative influences otherworldly forces.

It was worn in order to protect oneself from troubles and other bad phenomena. Surprisingly, modern official medicine recognizes green jade (real, not artificial) as a healing stone.

It is noted that in some way it affects the body and improves its condition. Jade holders do not suffer from hesitation blood pressure, there is an activation of the blood, the metabolism is not disturbed.

Some prefer to have special jade massage balls in order to improve your body.

What are the colors of jade

There are the following main types of jade:

  1. Greenish-hued jade is the most popular color (the hue can vary to yellowish-green and bluish-green). There are rich green colors.
  2. Dark jade - usually such a stone has a dark marsh color. Often the shade is uneven.
  3. Red jade is quite rare, with a bright and rich hue. Mostly not available for general sale. If you want to become the owner of such a stone, you should order for yourself.
  4. Yellow jade or blue.

It is considered to be the best - Sayan. It is from it that a huge number of rings, brooches, vases or other souvenirs are produced. For native jade to have great power, it must be set with silver or platinum. If we keep in mind the difference in shade and lightness, then the varieties of jade will be as follows:

  1. Homogeneous.
  2. Spotted.
  3. Speckled.

Homogeneous type stones have quite high rate translucency. They are an expensive precious material for various jewelry. The composition of spotted or speckled includes a variety of impurities, such as chlorites, magnetites, carbonates and many others. Uneven distribution of spots forms beautiful drawings on the surface of the mineral. Compared to other homogeneous stones, these mixed types of jade are classified as ornamental stones, so they are most often used to make vases, goblets, pyramids or massage balls.

How to distinguish a fake and who is best to wear jade

Any classification does not provide for the presence of stone fakes, although there are many of them. It is often passed off as less expensive ornamental stones. They may have similarities with Amazonites, serpentines, vesuvians, etc. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish real stone from artificial:

  1. Try to leave a scratch on the stone. If you succeeded, then you definitely do not have jade in front of you. Since it is simply impossible to make scratches on it.
  2. If you knock jade on the table, it will make a beautiful and melodic sound.
  3. Hit the stone with a hammer. There will be nothing for a real mineral.

Given all the features of the stone, as well as its properties, it is best to have such an ornament for active women. If you are the owner of green eyes, then the green color of the stone will come in handy for you. Light varieties are designed for blue eyes. Bright and rich shades of green will decorate a girl with a bright appearance who has green or Brown eyes. Astrologers say that for Water signs it is best to wear blue jade or black, for Earth signs - all shades of green. But the signs of Air and Fire will suit the minerals of white, yellow and red shades.