Hygienic facial cleansing: stages and technique, reviews. A brief excursion into the history of cosmetology: from its origins to the present day What hygienic and cosmetic

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Every day, our skin is exposed to a large number of harmful effects: the sun, winds, frost and dust. Because of this, unpleasant rashes (acne, comedones), as well as dryness and pigmentation, appear on the face. Hygienic facial cleansing will help eliminate skin problems and restore radiance and beauty to it.

Cosmetologists consider this procedure very important. In women (at any age) it is carried out more often than in men. This cleanse is suitable for all skin types. But first, it is important to read about all the features of hygienic facial cleansing.

What you need to know about facial cleansing

It is worth noting that after the first session, many unpleasant skin problems are eliminated. But this procedure should become a mandatory facial care program. A visit to a beautician will depend on the condition of the skin. If it is dry - once every three or four months, oily - once a month. Oily/problem skin of the face certainly requires frequent use of the procedure. Otherwise, dirt will begin to accumulate in the sebaceous ducts again, inflammation and a rash will appear.

Varieties of methods of hygienic cleaning of the face:

  1. Chemical.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Laser.
  4. Ultrasonic.
  5. Vacuum.

Hygienic facial cleansing technique (from acne, sebaceous plugs, blackheads, dryness, etc.)

Pigmentation, acne, pimples and dryness are very common problems among both women and men. In cosmetology salons, they offer to competently and painlessly carry out an “operation” to eliminate all unpleasant moments on the face. This procedure has several ways to perform: from mechanical cleaning to the use of newfangled equipment.


The procedure for such treatment of the skin (more suitable for removing acne) is carried out using sterilized instruments: Vidal needle, strainer, Uno spoon. Mechanical cleaning may be suitable for sensitive skin, since the tools in the process do not injure the skin of the face.

After treatment with a special tonic, the skin is exposed to steam. This is done using a vaporizer or a water bath. Next, the beautician removes blackheads, pimples and comedones. During the “operation”, the specialist disinfects the treated area and the used instrument in order to avoid infection. When the cleansing is completed, the beautician applies a soothing mask to the face. After removing the mask, apply a moisturizing serum.

Beauticians recommend postponing mechanical cleaning of the skin on the face for the weekend. All this is due to the fact that the skin is subjected to microdamage and does not look the best.


Chemical peeling is done using substances containing a certain amount of acids (salicylic, glycolic and fruit). They suit different skin types. For normal use fruit acid, for fatty - glycolic, for dry - salicylic.

The stage of hygienic cleansing of the face takes place by destroying the upper layer of the epidermis, along with this, all rashes and inflammations disappear:

  1. After the beautician has removed makeup and prepared the skin for the procedure, he applies a mask that contains fruit acids. It will help to warm up the desired area and protect against burns.
  2. Then the specialist removes the mask and uses an active preparation containing an acid that eliminates dead skin cells, sebaceous plugs and acne.
  3. Now it's the turn of the soothing mask. It will narrow the pores and restore the treated skin.
  4. The final step in this process is the application of a special cream. The duration of facial cleansing does not take much time - about 20 minutes.


In this cleaning method, a special apparatus is used. With the help of a laser beam, it is directed to the skin. During the process, the upper layer of the epidermis is burned out, and new cells begin to grow in this place. Laser cleaning consists of three main steps: preparing the skin for the procedure (cleansing and make-up removal), short-term removal of problem areas with a laser beam, applying a soothing mask.

Reviews of hygienic facial cleansing with a laser are as follows: it renews skin cells, makes the face firm and elastic, eliminates acne, comedones, and even some scars and scars.


This is a modern method of cleansing problem areas on the face with the help of a special device - an ultrasonic scrubber. The principle of operation of the wave has a massage effect on the skin. This opens the pores and improves blood circulation.

Another plus: steaming the face is not required, unlike the previous methods.

Step by step procedure:

  1. To begin with, the face is cleansed with a special tonic, then the beautician applies a cream.
  2. Pointing the device at the problem area, the specialist equips it with a pad and performs the process of exposure to ultrasonic waves. As a result, the sebaceous ducts open and the "dead" cells of the epidermis are removed.
  3. To relax the skin, the beautician applies a mask.
  4. Then the cream is applied to the face again.


This type of hygienic facial cleansing includes the function of lymphatic drainage massage. All action takes place with the help of a vacuum apparatus, which draws in the contents of the sebaceous ducts due to negative pressure.

The steps of this method are as follows:

  1. Make-up removal and facial cleansing.
  2. Steaming the pores with a vaporizer.
  3. Then the beautician moves the vacuum suction cup over the skin in a circular motion, removing all impurities.
  4. Apply a soothing mask to tighten pores.
  5. Facial treatment ends when the specialist applies a moisturizer.

What is the benefit of the procedure?

Facial skin cleansing performed by a professional (beautician) is a process that has only one plus:

  1. Getting rid of dead cells.
  2. Transformation of the skin: it becomes healthy and toned.
  3. Activation of the protective options of the skin.
  4. Dryness elimination.
  5. Removal of pimples and blackheads.
  6. Wrinkle smoothing.
  7. Noticeable facial rejuvenation.

Can peeling be done during pregnancy?

For women who are in position, hygienic treatment of the face can be done, but only without the use of current. For example, there is such a method as decontamination, or cleaning is carried out using the Darsonval apparatus. Electric currents can adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman and lead to undesirable consequences.

The main thing is that when planning a visit to a beautician, a woman should listen to her body. If you feel good and there are no unpleasant sensations during the procedure, then you can safely go for peeling.

Facial cleaning at home

It happens that a girl or woman does not have money or time to visit beauty salons. Why is she cleaning herself?

But this must be done in accordance with all safety rules:

  1. Use instruments that have been sterilized before the procedure.
  2. If pain occurs, then it is necessary to stop cleaning the face.
  3. Before starting the "operation", the skin must be steamed to avoid injury.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the treated area should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide.

The history of cosmetology has at least twenty thousand years. The art of decorating your face and body dates back to prehistoric times - and in ancient times, both men and women used cosmetics equally.

The earliest evidence for the use of cosmetics dates back, astonishingly, to the Ice Age. Mankind made the first steps in the art of decorating itself in the caves of the Stone Age. These experiments just boiled down to painting the body and face and trying to somehow adapt a shell or a pebble.

The ideas about decorating the face and body of each nation were very peculiar. The study of means and techniques for improving appearance, practiced in ancient times, can plunge us into deep bewilderment, scare or laugh. And yet, paradoxically, it can teach a lot. After all, often the discoveries of modern science only confirm what our ancestors reached by experimental and intuitive way. And although today the fashion of the past centuries seems strange to us, it served the same purposes as modern cosmetics - to decorate, hide flaws and emphasize what is considered beautiful.

The origins of cosmetology are common sense and functionality. It all started with the realization of the need for personal hygiene, ritual coloring and the desire to stand out.

Ancient Egypt is considered the cradle of cosmetics, where cosmetics have been known for more than 4000 years ago. The first cosmetics handbook was discovered in Egypt and was compiled by Cleopatra. Not so long ago, Italian scientists found the remains of the perfume factory of this queen. Cleopatra and her Egyptian contemporaries dyed their hair and used various incense based on natural substances and herbs. During the excavations, a “beauty room” was discovered that belonged to the Egyptian queen Hatshepsut. And the best specialists in cosmetics were the priests. They were the keepers of recipes for making paints, essential oils and incense. It was possible to restore almost two hundred of these recipes. Vessels with ointments and various incense containing frankincense, myrrh, rose and lavender oil were found in the tombs of ancient burials. Even then, cosmetics were used both for medicinal and purely decorative purposes.

The fashion of Egyptian beauties has survived to this day - to lengthen the eyes with a dark line along the eyelid towards the temple. The Egyptians used for this a poisonous green pencil made of crushed malachite, later - black paint made from burnt ivory and charcoal. Eyeliner not only by women, but also by men prevented inflammation of the eyelids from the blinding sun and dry wind. One of the world's oldest recipes for eau de toilette has been preserved, the composition of which was composed of aromas of myrrh, calamus, juniper, cypress, coriander, mint and honey. The ancient Egyptians also used anise, cedar, cumin, grapes, and even onions and garlic. The first written document containing a list of some kind of cosmetic rules was found in one of the Egyptian tombs. It was a giant recipe written 1500 BC. e. priests on a papyrus about 21 meters long. The papyrus contained a number of cosmetic recipes: how to smooth out wrinkles, dye hair, increase hair growth, remove warts, etc. Some of the recipes given in this papyrus have not lost their significance even today.

Egypt was obviously one of the first, but by no means the only country where people learned how to make and use cosmetics. Cosmetics were also widely used in the countries of the Ancient East. In ancient Persia, using plants, fragrant oils, ointments, and paints were made. Such well-known herbal cosmetics as henna and basma come from ancient Persia. In the Ancient East, the art of decorating the face and body reached its highest development. The set of cosmetics for an oriental woman included seven decorative products: henna, basma, nail paint, whitewash, blush, antimony, and aromatic mixtures. The women of ancient India blackened their eyebrows, dyed their eyelashes, gilded their lips and covered their teeth with brown paint. Strictly speaking, spirits in the modern sense of the word, neither Egypt, nor Greece, nor later Rome, have yet known. Perfumes were created by Arab alchemists, who discovered an effective and still used method for obtaining essential oils using steam distillation.

In ancient China, an adult woman had to make up very heavily: there was a lot of white on her face, black eyebrows in the shape of an arc, teeth covered with a golden mixture, which gave them a characteristic shine. Women spared no effort and money for cosmetics, which they used very actively. To look sophisticated, women from high society covered their faces with rice powder, and their cheeks with blush, painted their lips with "ripe cherry" lipstick. About naturalness and "daytime makeup" in ancient China was out of the question, especially among those Chinese women who grew up in an aristocratic environment. Those who are simpler tried to keep up with them and found everything they needed in natural cosmetics, since it was available at all times. In ancient China, women from childhood were taught the rules of applying cosmetics, the ability to use blush, whitewash, and mascara. There was the same abundance of cosmetics and tools as in Egypt, Rome and Greece.

The art of Japan's geishas and their make-up are centuries old. Its origins begin around 1600 BC. The classic look of a geisha is a white face, red lips, dark eyes and styled hair. The Japanese used lipstick made from wood wax, camellia seed oil, musk, camphor. Among the nobility, it was customary to completely shave off the eyebrows, draw green circles on the forehead.

The ideal of beauty that existed in ancient Japan was strikingly different from today's standards. There was no talk of natural, unadorned beauty in the circles of the highest aristocracy. Women used cosmetics and did it very actively. Japanese beauties thickly whitened their skin, covering up all the defects on the face and chest, mascara was drawn around the forehead along the edge of the hair, eyebrows were shaved off and short, thick black lines were drawn instead. The hair was collected in a heavy high knot, which was supported by a long patterned stick. From about 12-14 years old, after undergoing a special ceremony, the girls began to blacken their teeth.

Since then, a lot has changed there, the influence of the new time and the idea of ​​beauty have not escaped - now Japanese women, like Western beauties, on the contrary, strive for absolute whiteness of teeth. But nevertheless, the extraordinary vitality in Japan of national traditions makes itself felt in the persistence of the canons of beauty and, as a result, in addictions to certain types of cosmetics: the porcelain whiteness of the skin of the face is still in favor, and it is the brightening lines of cosmetics that are especially popular in Japan and this day.

Despite the fact that Greek mythology attributes the invention of beauty products to the goddess Aphrodite, and their distribution to Elena the Beautiful, the Greeks owe their acquaintance with cosmetics to the empire of the pharaohs. In Ancient Hellas, the cult of the beauty of the human body reached its apogee. The Greeks coined the word "cosmetics", which means "the art of decorating". The history of ancient Greece also introduces us to the origin of the science of "cosmetology". In ancient Greece and Rome, slaves who decorated the body and face of women were called cosmetologists. Women turned to cosmetics for help, who by any means tried to mask cosmetic flaws with the help of some ointments, lotions and mixtures reminiscent of modern make-up. Some components of these recipes are still used in cosmetology. However, we emphasize that cosmetics are not only decorative, but also medicinal products. In Greece, there were qualified perfumers who prepared cosmetic drugs according to special recipes. This was also done by very famous people. For example, beautiful perfumes were composed by the Greek Theophrastus from the city of Erez (372-287 BC), the founder of the science of botany, a student of Aristotle. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, wrote essays on cosmetology in four volumes, which dealt with cosmetic deficiencies and known cosmetics. In his writings you can find tips and recipes for ointments for women with aging skin, remedies for eliminating odor from the nose, mouth, compositions for brushing teeth, softening the skin and eliminating age spots on the face, as well as a huge number of other cosmetic recipes.

Cosmetics flourished in ancient Rome. The Romans, with their characteristic thoroughness, took up cosmetics in earnest in the 1st century AD. Pliny the Elder described in detail the cosmetics that the Romans used every day: a cleansing and moisturizing lotion made from almond oil with milk, lead white for the face, a special soap for hair that turns them red, and tooth powder made from pumice and crushed horn. In particular, he wrote: "Small snails dried in the sun on tiles, then crushed into powder and diluted with bean decoction, are an excellent cosmetic product that makes the skin white and tender." The famous Roman physician Galen (circa 130-200 AD) left scientific works on cosmetics to posterity. He is the author of the first systematic textbook on cosmetics. In his works, Galen singled out cosmetics for the purpose of masking cosmetic imperfections (i.e. makeup) and cosmetics for preserving natural beauty, emphasizing the connection between cosmetics and medicine. Galen proposed a recipe for a cooling ointment, which became the prototype of a cream with a cooling effect.

Numerous cosmetic recipes are given in the work "The Canon of Medicine", written by the famous physician and scientist Avicenna. He not only developed the diagnosis and treatment of cosmetic skin diseases, but also proposed preventive measures to prevent them. Avicenna believed that many cosmetic skin imperfections are associated with the general condition of the body.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the development of cosmetics slowed down, as the church persecuted those who tried to care for their sinful body. But in the Renaissance, by the 16th century, it again became widespread in Europe, although it was more decorative than healing - people began to blush their cheeks, paint their lips, eyebrows, eyelashes and sprinkle their wigs thickly with powder.

In the 16th century, along with high hairstyles, pale skin, a strong blush that contrasted with the skin, and all kinds of flies and moles were in fashion. This fashion was explained quite simply: the smallpox that raged at that time did not spare anyone, and every woman had some skin defects that needed to be hidden somehow.

By the 17th century, powder became especially popular. It was mixed with egg white and applied to the face in a very thick layer - the thicker the better. Queen Elizabeth I of England drew facial vessels on a layer of powder to emphasize (simulate, of course) the transparency of the skin. A little later, flies appeared - pieces of black and red plaster, which covered pockmarks on the face. In the 18th century, false eyebrows made from pieces of mouse skins came into fashion. Cork balls were placed behind the cheeks to emphasize the roundness of the face. Even very young faces, who did not need any decorations, were decorated with whitewash and rouge.

From the middle of the XVIII century. cosmetics began to develop as a modern science - the era of scientific research in the cosmetic field began. It was then that the King of France instructed the Academy of Sciences to find out how safe blush and other cosmetics are for health. The well-known chemist of that time, Antoine Lavoisier, had to do this. Later, shampoo replenished the orderly ranks of cosmetics - about a century ago in Germany, Hans Schwarzkopf first proposed a powdered version of a detergent, and finally, in 1933, a prototype of a modern shampoo was created - an alkali-free hair wash.

We draw information about the use of cosmetics in Rus' from written sources. One of such testimonies is an essay written in the 30s of the XII century by the granddaughter of Vladimir Monomakh Zoya (Evpraksia) called "Mazi". Along with information about various diseases and treatments, it provides body care tips, recipes for dandruff, remedies for halitosis, and tooth brushing. Plants known to our distant ancestors were successfully used later. The popular magazine Economic Store, which has been published in Russia since 1780, published numerous tips on caring for your appearance, recommended all kinds of cosmetics, for example, a decoction of Sorochinsky millet, which should be washed every night before going to bed, and remedies for age spots - camphor, myrrh, etc. In Russia, namely, in Moscow, at the end of the 18th century, the merchant K.P. Geek opens the first perfumery and cosmetics factory. In the middle of the 19th century, there were already several such factories: Brocard, Ralle (now "Svoboda"), and others. In 1908, a circular was adopted in Russia giving the right to engage in facial and body care only to graduates of schools of massage and medical gymnastics.

Since the middle of the 19th century, the Russian cosmetics industry has been actively developing.

Cosmetology as a separate area of ​​medical activity came to Russia in the 20th century. This current science made its first steps in the distant 1930, when the first “medical cosmetics office” was opened in Moscow, which, expanding, by 1968 turned into the “Institute of Beauty”. And in 1937, by order of the People's Commissar of the Food Industry A. Mikoyan, the "Institute of Cosmetics and Hygiene of Glavparfyumerprom" was created in Moscow, reorganized in 1966 into the Moscow Research Institute of Cosmetology, and later - into the "Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology". In Leningrad in 1961 was opened " Cosmetology clinic No. 84 ”, which in everyday life became known as the Institute of Beauty. It was located in the house of Prince M.V. Kochubey on Profsoyuz Boulevard, now Konnogvardeisky, house 7, and its predecessors were departments in the Maximillian hospital, city hospital No. 28 and city polyclinic No. 81. Now the “first-born” in our city is known as the Beauty Institute on Gorokhovaya, 6.

Perhaps it was from the 60s of the last century that Russian cosmetology began to really get on its feet.

Today, cosmetology combines the scientific achievements of dermatology, biology, microbiology, chemistry, nutrition, hygiene and other medical disciplines in order to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails, as well as correct cosmetic imperfections of both the face and figure.

Cosmetology is also called a direction in applied aesthetics, whose specialists, using a whole arsenal of modern equipment, innovative methods, medicines and cosmetics, are engaged in the formation of a harmonious image of a person in accordance with the modern understanding of beauty.

Cosmetology, not without reason, is called a science, an art, or an independent field of medicine. All these definitions are correct, and yet none of them exhausts the concept of "modern", in which two directions are distinguished - aesthetic and medical (medical). Aesthetic cosmetology helps to carry out full-fledged skin care, hide appearance flaws, emphasize the beauty of a person, while the object of her attention is people with practically healthy skin. Cosmetologists or estheticians who do not have a higher medical education can practice in this area. Aestheticians cannot engage in medical manipulations that violate the integrity of the skin (contouring, mesotherapy, botulinum toxin injections, medium and deep peels, laser resurfacing, etc.), treat dermatological diseases, prescribe medications. All these areas require serious medical training, and they are handled by a medical medical cosmetology. For a long time there were disputes about the right to existence of a separate specialty - a cosmetologist, the profession of a dermatocosmetologist was generally accepted, which was represented by dermatovenereologists who received special training in cosmetology.

Since July 2009, the specialty "cosmetology" has been officially approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and included in the State nomenclature of medical specialties. The work of a cosmetologist requires from him not only knowledge in the basic specialty - dermatology, but also the development of traditional and innovative physiotherapy methods and skills for solving aesthetic problems with the help of modern equipment, awareness of the latest achievements in the field of restorative medicine, gynecology and endocrinology, dietology, gerontology , the so-called anti-aging medicine and, of course, psychology. Increasingly to cosmetologists patients come with a desire to stop the aging process, to level the signs of age-related changes. By solving aesthetic and purely medical problems related to a person’s appearance, a cosmetologist can increase his self-esteem, get rid of complexes and other problems in communicating with the outside world, and therefore improve his quality of life.

At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, cosmetology received a new impetus in development, which is associated with the expansion of hardware capabilities. As a branch of medicine, large companies producing medical equipment and medicines began to pay attention to it. As if from a cornucopia, new devices and methods of influencing the skin of the face and body that have not been previously used began to appear: radio wave (RF) lifting, various types of lasers - from CO2 to neodymium, iridium, cold, etc., focused ultrasonic exposure with the formation of necrosis zones at the level of SMAS, ultrasonic exposure with the effect of cavitation, exposure to light energy with different wavelengths - for epilation, laser rejuvenation, sclerotherapy of small vessels, devices for local cryolipolysis, the use of microplasma technology in cosmetology, as well as the combined use of the above methods, often in one device, which in some cases leads to their synergy.

And, importantly, some methods have found application in plastic surgery, such as RF and lasers. Their use made it possible to make surgical interventions less invasive, reduce the time of rehabilitation after surgery and achieve better results.

But pharmacology does not stand still. Take, for example, fillers - at the dawn of their appearance, silicone-based preparations and other non-absorbable gels were used, which ultimately led to many side effects, both cosmetic and in terms of harm to health. Constant progress in this area has given us a whole line of products based on hyaluronic acid - first not stabilized, and later stabilized, which made it possible to achieve a more lasting effect from the use of fillers. And now the next step is being taken in this area - the use of new biodegradable components in fillers - polycaprolactone (PCL) and carboxymethylcellulose, which has led to a significant increase in the effective service life of a biodegradable filler in tissues - up to 4 years. Unlike gels based on stabilized hyaluronic acid, which last about 1 year.

There are also new preparations for mesotherapy - hydropeptides that affect collagen synthesis and act at the cellular level, as well as on the verge of therapy and surgery - threads for skin tightening, with special notches made by a laser - like polypropylene, which can remain in tissues for a long time , and completely biodegradable, based on lactic acid.

You can talk about all the novelties that appear in therapeutic cosmetology for an infinitely long time, but the most important thing is that they allow you to resort less to the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. And, today, this is the most positive feature of the constantly evolving therapeutic cosmetology!

Khachaturyan M.R. Chief Physician of the Beauty Institute on Gorokhovaya

Ministry of Education R.F.

Department of Science Education under the Administration of the Tyumen Region

Lyceum No. 13

Written examination paper

Theme:High "Nail Art"

Profession: manicurist

Performed: Zimina N.V.

Checked: Liberman L.V.

Tyumen 2003

Introduction 2

From the history of manicure 3

Professional ethics 4

Hygiene in beauty salon 6

High "Nail Art" 9

Drawing technique 10

"Marble technique" 11

Weaving technique 12

Nail design technique using jewelry 16

Adhesive jewelry 16

Nail piercing 16

Nail design combined with tattoo 17

List of used literature 18


As the great classic correctly noted: "You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails." What do our hands and nails say? About many things. Neither careful makeup, nor an elegant hairstyle, nor an expensive dress can compensate for unkempt nails with worn varnish. By shaking hands when meeting you, you give yourself a complete description, hands are your business card. Cracked exfoliating nails give out a painful condition and cause self-doubt. Healthy beautiful nails demonstrate your excellent health, which causes the respect of others.

In order to look young and well-groomed, your hands require more attention than the skin of any other part of the body. After all, there are not as many fat cells under the skin of the hands as under the skin of the face and body, and they are the first to begin to give out our age. Most of the leading western firms working in the field of manicure services have long abandoned the traditional manicure, in which the keratinized skin of the cuticle is cut off. Damage to living tissue, which occurs in this case, can lead to the introduction of infection, the formation of panaritium and hangnails. In addition, such a manicure retains a good look for no more than 5-6 days. Unfortunately, not everyone is given this by nature. Only a few lucky women are lucky enough to be born with beautiful and strong nails. But, do not be upset, the solution to the problem has been found.

From the history of manicure

Manicure has more than a thousand years of history. Already in ancient Egypt, nails were dyed with henna and various vegetable dyes. Women of noble birth even had special “manicure kits”. The technique of manicure in the East has been improved for hundreds of years, but in Europe it became popular only in the 19th century, at the same time it came to Russia. Moreover, not only women, but also men began to zealously monitor their hands. Baths, massages, special polishing tools made hands sleek and well-groomed, and nails smooth and shiny.

For a long time, manicure was the prerogative of wealthy people, a hallmark of their belonging to the upper strata of society. Now a manicure is available to everyone, and any woman can set aside at least an hour a week for this procedure.

Twenty years ago, a great discovery was made in the field of the global beauty industry. It happened in America. A company that produces components for porcelain teeth has new customers - manicurists. It turned out that these components are suitable for the formation of artificial nails. The owners of the company quickly got their bearings and created a special laboratory to adapt their products for new purposes. Today, artificial nails are fashionable and popular. In the US, where they first appeared, 90 percent of American women wear them. There are several different technologies for shaping nails. The light method, which was presented in Germany in 1985, is one of the most popular and harmless to natural nails.

Another popular method is acrylic powder nails from the American company OPI. Since 1952, OPI has been creating and improving technologies for the production of dental filling materials. In 1981, responding to the demands of the time, the company's specialists proposed four technologies for the formation of artificial nails, for which US patents were obtained.

Professional ethics

Human relationships are built on knowledge of the psychology of other people. Your professionalism is manifested in self-esteem, mastery of a specialty and in the attitude rendered to others.

Good habits and traditions instilled during training lay the foundation for a successful career. Here are some rules to follow that will help you gain self-confidence and work successfully.

1. The client should be greeted in a personal, polite manner. Address him by name only when he himself wishes it.

2. Be polite and kind. This is very important if you want to have regular customers.

3. Consider the mood of the client. Some people like to be quiet and relax, others like to talk. Be able to listen and maintain a conversation on topics of interest to the client. Never gossip or tell stories of questionable content.

4. Carefully choose topics for conversation. A pleasant conversation helps to establish friendships.

5. The ability to create a pleasant impression of yourself is an integral part of a good job. Clients trust the master, who looks good, as by this he, as it were, demonstrates his capabilities. Never forget about it!

6. Cultivate a sense of self-respect.

7. Show interest in the client's preferences and sincere attention to him. While talking, look at him, and fully concentrate on the conversation.

8. Be diplomatic if there is disagreement on any issue.

9. Do your job the best you can. Improve your skills.

10. Be tactful when offering additional services or skin and nail care products to the client.

11. You should always be aware of the latest products and services in the field of cosmetology and offer them unobtrusively to your customers.

12. In case of disagreement, deal with the situation immediately.

13. The client must be sure that you comply with all sanitary standards.

14. You also need to know and follow the laws, rules and regulations in your industry.

Hygiene in a beauty salon

Craftsmen and clients in the home service sector are exposed to the most risk of infection every day. Therefore, great importance must be given to the hygiene of the beauty salon.

Unicellular plant microorganisms, which are visible only under a microscope, are characterized by a huge variety of species that can exist in a wide variety of conditions. These include bacteria, microscopic fungi, viruses, etc.

In order to fight infections, bacteria and viruses, you need to know how they get into the salon. There are the following possible ways of their penetration:

1. Dirty tool. Microbes feel very good on dirty files, napkins, tools and tables.

2. Dirty hands and nails of clients. Each client who comes to the salon can bring a whole bunch of bacteria.

3. You and your co-workers who currently have a cold are sneezing and coughing.

4. Abrasions and cuts on your hands and the hands of clients.

5. Objects through which pollution occurs. First of all, these are door handles, towels, chairs, a table, and indeed all interior items that are in your salon.

There are two methods of interior cleaning: sterilization and disinfection.

Sterilization- complete purification from microorganisms of various substances, animals, humans, tools. Disinfection is a set of measures to destroy pathogens of infectious diseases.

From the above definitions, we can conclude that it is possible and necessary to sterilize all the tools and devices that are used in manicure. When processing the cuticle with forceps or nail scissors, there is always a chance of cutting the skin. The blood of an infected client is on the instrument. Failure to follow the rules for its processing can lead to the fact that the virus from the instrument will get on the skin of the next client and cause infection.

The main methods of disinfection are:

Chemical (processed items are placed in an antiseptic solution, which are chloramine, alaminol, septodor, 96% ethyl alcohol, Karetnikov's liquid, disinfection solution).

Ionizing radiation (mainly ultraviolet rays).

Currently, all of the above methods of purification are used in salons. However, it should be noted that before sterilization, it is necessary to pre-wash all instruments in warm running water with soap or a similar preparation, dry them dry and then subject them to one of the types of treatment. In beauty salons, there are also a large number of tools, items and equipment that do not require such harsh processing. The main disinfection method in the salon is wet disinfection, i.e. treatment of objects with a disinfectant solution. As such drugs, you can use aqueous solutions of chemicals, namely, a 1% solution of chloramine. To successfully combat bacteria and microbes in the cabin, the following measures must be taken:

Each master of the salon must have means for disinfection and be able to use them correctly;

carry out the processing of the workplace and tools after each client;

Store all processed instruments, towels, wipes in sterile trays;

· wash towels, napkins at a temperature of at least 90 0 С, and then carefully iron and place in a sterilizer for treatment with ultraviolet rays. Since the methods for completely disinfecting wipes are too complicated, it is better to give preference to disposable wipes;

Have good ventilation in the cabin;

use only files that can be disinfected;

Wash hands after clients

· work with clients with gloves if he has open wounds on his hands (meaning cuts, abrasions, etc.);

immediately remove the used dirty instrument from the table;

It is desirable to use the apparatus for sterilizing instruments;

· not to allow clients suffering from contagious skin diseases to serve, to refer them to a dermatologist in the correct form.

High "Nail Art"

Basic tools for nail art. To realize your fantasy on nails, you may need:

1. Flat brush - for priming the nail (we choose one that would be a little narrower than our nail).

2. Brushes of different thickness - to apply thin lines.

3. A brush with a foam tip (color shader) for applying pictures.

4. Stencils for applying standard patterns - in case we want to decorate nails as quickly as possible.

5. Various adhesive embellishments or rhinestones.

6. Thin sticks or needles - for weaving patterns on nails, sparkles, metal threads, pearls, peas, small feathers.

7. Small tweezers with flat ends - for the convenience of working with rhinestones.

8. Airbrush gun - for professionals or those who have already "filled their hands": the airbrush is filled with water-soluble acrylic paint and has a small nozzle (0.2 mm) through which the paint is removed. This professional nail art tool allows you to create real works of art on your nails.

9. Lucky. For certain nail art techniques, special varnishes are produced. But you can create beautiful drawings with the help of "regular" varnishes. For the base, persistent, primary colors of the color scheme are used, dense varnishes. For drawing drawings - bright shiny varnishes.

10. Special fixatives that fix the drawings on the nails.

Of course, all of the above is the perfect set for nail art. If you are not yet able to acquire everything you need, do not be discouraged. The simplest nail design techniques will help you create whimsical drawings.

Two tone design it is difficult to call it design - here all fantasy is reduced to a minimum: the nail is varnished in two colors (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Two-tone design options

Before you open your own beauty salon, you need to know what requirements apply to it.

The procedures carried out in the cosmetology room are contact. Based on the interests of customers, as well as their own, it is necessary to comply with sanitary and safety regulations.

1. Sanitary and hygienic standards

For one place of work, 12 m2 should be allocated, while at least 6 m2 for one chair.
For the implementation of cosmetic invasive measures, it is necessary: ​​the office itself, additional premises (a waiting room of 6 m2, a locker room, a technical room for storing materials for work, inventory, a bathroom).
Lighting is represented by three types: main artificial (lamps of a closed type, placed on the ceiling), natural daylight, local (lamps).
The ventilation system works naturally with the help of transoms or artificially with the help of a fan.
Availability of cold/hot water.
There is a sewer.
Wall decoration: tiles, either painted or covered with wallpaper.
The color scheme of the walls suggests not bright, eye-pleasing, pastel colors.
The color scheme of curtains or blinds matches the walls.
The ceiling must be washable, the coating - water-based paint.
Floor covering: linoleum, tile, quartz-vinyl coating.
All materials used in finishing work must have certificates of quality and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
Temperature range: from 16 to 21 degrees Celsius.
The smell in the room should be quite fresh, without the presence of pronounced specific aromas.
The furniture used in the office must be hard or soft, always washable, polished. The forbidden material for furniture is plush and suede.

For cosmetic procedures that are based on a violation of the epidermal layer, for example, injections of fillers with hyaluronic acid, piercing, tattooing, a separate room should be equipped:

a) with plumbing;
b) germicidal lamps;
c) closed containers for soaking and processing instruments before sterilization;
d) disinfection containers for different surfaces;
e) Sterilization equipment;
f) measuring containers for dilution of detergents and disinfectants.

2. Requirements for the equipment of a beauty parlor

Functional beauty chair with armrests and headrests.
Cosmetic couch.
Work chair covered with washable material (screw, with backrest, with casters).
Tables for medicines, cosmetics and special equipment.
Furniture for visitors (wardrobe, upholstered furniture, chairs).
Refrigerator household.
Cabinet for medicines.
Cabinet for sterile instruments.
Linen closet (for storage of fresh linen).
Cabinet for steam baths.

3. List of equipment and requirements for it

For the procedures of darsonvalization, ultratone, the presence of HDTV is necessary.
For galvanization, electrophoresis, pulsed currents of low frequency and low voltage are required.
Procedures for electrical stimulation of the facial muscles and muscles of the body also require low-frequency pulsed current.
Ultrasound requires mechanical vibrations.
Equipment for phototherapy, laser and ultraviolet irradiation.
Equipment for conducting steam baths, for steaming procedures with different types of water (for example, a vaporizer or a steam bath).
A magnifying lamp with the required number of diopters, while the central part should be magnified properly, or a regular lamp plus magnifying glasses is used.
For epilation procedures - a combined epilator.
For depilation procedures - a depilatory device (with wax heating).
For ear piercing procedures, a special gun is required (an appropriate certificate for the instrumentation is required).
Tonometer (electronic, mechanical).
For sterilization measures - biks, a sterilizer using ultraviolet irradiation or a dry-heat cabinet, or a thermo-sterilizer and an autoclave for towels, sheets, etc.

4. List of necessary medical and cosmetic products:

Camphor alcohol;
boric acid, 3% alcohol solution;
96% alcohol;
three - and six percent hydrogen peroxide;
alcohol tincture of calendula;
potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
cotton wool (sterile, non-sterile);
bandages (sterile, non-sterile);
soap (lump, liquid);
lotions for cleansing the face;
facial tonics;
facial cleansers (foams, emulsions, gels, etc.);
make-up remover (milk, micellar water, tonic, etc.)
creams (moisturizing, nourishing);
scrubs and peels of various types;
masks of different directions;
pharmaceutical herbs;
a special first aid kit for first aid, in which the presence of ammonia, heart preparations (nitroglycerin, validol), antihistamines is mandatory.
first aid kit against AIDS, which contains albucid, protorgol, potassium permanganate in bags, 70% ethyl alcohol.

5. List of medical instruments (with an average of 8-10 clients per day):

Tweezers (about 5 pieces);
epilation tweezers (about 4 pieces);
uno spoon;
spatula for applying masks, creams (about 3 pieces);
various loops for cleaning (about 5 pieces);
disposable needles (about 35 pieces);
rubber gloves;
scissors (in the amount of 2-3 pieces);
dishes for making masks of different sizes (about 10-12 pieces);
sponges (about 6 pieces);
measuring cups.

6. List of soft (fabric) inventory:

Special dressing gown (3 pieces);
sheets (about 5 pieces);
towel (change daily, from 5 pieces);
protective hats (hats, bandages about 25 pieces);
compressors (10 pieces);
napkins (20-30 pieces);
negligee (20-22 pieces);
headrests for a chair (20-22 pieces);
disposable underpants (for depilation procedures);

7. List of cleaning equipment:

basket for used linen;
waste bags;
container for sanitizing the premises (about 4 pieces);
capacity for soaking inventory (2 pieces);
Furniture: a cart for tools, a cabinet-showcase for cosmetics, a bedside table for clean linen;
mirrors (near the sinks, near the cosmetic couch).

8. List of disinfectants:

Hydrogen peroxide 6 percent;
chlorhexidine bigluconate;
defective (valid for about two weeks).

9. Regulatory framework and a list of basic documentation governing the functioning of a cosmetology parlor

B. List of main documentation:

License (with application);
Acts on admissions of the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, fire protection, medical equipment.
Certificate of conformity.
Staff schedule of employees.
Documents on the qualifications of employees.
Contracts for the provision of services by dermatologists.
Price list.
Instructions for the operation of the equipment.
Passports, instructions and certificates.
Description of applied techniques, methods and technologies.
Accompanying documentation for cosmetic preparations.
Book of complaints and suggestions.
Procedural log.
Journal of work with physioequipment.
Journal of autoclaving.
Sanitary book.
Journal of receipts.
Cash machine.
Outpatient cards (started for each client in the form F 25-y-04).
Medical records of patients taking hardware medical / rejuvenating procedures (started for each patient in the form F 044u).
Cabinet Quartz Schedule.
Schedule of the beauty salon / office.

10. Rules and technique of performed cosmetic procedures

All types of cosmetic anti-aging, non-invasive measures are prescribed by a dermatovenerologist, who additionally specializes in cosmetology and physiotherapy procedures in cosmetology. If necessary, additional consultations with doctors of narrow specialization are appointed.
All types of cosmetic interventions of an invasive nature are prescribed after an additional examination.
All appointments are entered in the outpatient card (form F 25) and the procedural journal (form F 044u).
Before and after the procedure, it is mandatory to diagnose its results using basic and special definitions.

a) Basic definitions : body temperature, blood pressure and pulse, weight.
b) Special Criteria : skin turgor testing, skin type examination, cellulite detection test, bacterioscopic examination for acne (acne), determination of BMI (body mass index).

Spring is a time of renewal, freshness and beauty!
Today we present to your attention an interview with the Chief Physician of the Sofitel Health and Beauty Clinic, dermatocosmetologist Gazizova Elza.

Sofitel Health and Beauty Clinic was founded in 1998. Staying true to its principles, the clinic has been achieving excellent results for many years.

Uphamama (UM): Why did you choose this profession? What attracted you, what pleases you in it, what upsets you?

Gazizova Elza (G.E.): Each person chooses for himself this or that kind of activity that best suits him in terms of spirit and abilities, which attracts and inspires him. On the one hand, the profession of a cosmetologist is very demanding and responsible, but also grateful and interesting. My choice of motives is to be in beauty and give it to people in order to stay young longer. It is very nice to see our regular clients in adulthood, who look at least 10 years younger than their peers.

UM: At what age should a woman start taking care of maintaining her beauty and youth, and how often should she visit a beautician? For example, many people turn to cosmetology clinics in Ufa at the age of 40, when the signs of aging on their faces become obvious.

G.E.: If we consider anti-aging salon procedures, then they can be start at age 25, and proper home care is necessary already from adolescence. But, of course, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the skin condition, on proper care for it, the presence or absence of bad habits, and climatic conditions. But still, general recommendations such:

1. Beginning from primary school age it is very important to teach a girl (and a boy!) how to wash properly - choose a sparing cosmetic product for washing, teach the right direction of movement - from the center of the face to the periphery without stretching or shifting the skin.

2. 12-16-25 years old- the time of the most active work of the sebaceous glands, which often causes trouble. In the case of oily and / or combination skin, the right choice of facial skin cleansing and a cream that regulates the sebaceous glands again come first. 1-2 times a week peeling and cleansing mask should be done at home.
For contaminated skin with severe blockage of pores, it is recommended to visit a beautician for a hygienic cleansing of the skin of the face. Such cleaning is performed in the office after softening the skin mechanically in compliance with all asepsis rules. How often do you clean your face? The answer is according to the indications, as the pores are contaminated, but no more than once a month, on average, 1 time in 3-6 months. The procedure is unpleasant, but, unfortunately, pores cannot be released by other methods, hardware methods clean the pores very superficially and it is good to use them between sessions of mechanical facial cleansing.
If a large number of closed comedones are present ( acne), then a dermatologist may prescribe medications to treat them, such as topical retinoids, or skinoren. With purulent acne sometimes antibiotics are required. But all these medicines prescribed by a doctor after the necessary examination.

3. from 25 years old shown cosmetic and hygienic massage courses 8-10 sessions 2 times a year usually in autumn and spring. From the same age, with normal facial skin, a cream is shown around the eyes in the morning and evening. And, of course, day and night cream according to skin type.

4. from 32-35 years old in the beauty parlor, more active products are connected to the massage - concentrates, various luxury procedures aimed at stimulating your own skin cells, combating premature aging. Good hardware techniques - ultrasound, microcurrents, iontophoresis. Chemical peels do not lose their relevance.
Recommended intensive care courses 2 times a year, and between them - supportive care - massage, masks.
Possible procedure biorevitalization- injection of hyaluronic acid (moisturizing gel) in a course 4-5 procedures according to the scheme. Sometimes it is required to mesotherapy- introduction of vitamins, trace elements, moisturizers into the dermis.

5. from 35 years old added to care products phytoestrogens- plant analogues of female sex hormones. Actual - chemical peels, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, botulinum toxin according to indications. Visit to a beautician 1 time per week for massage, care procedures.

6. after 40 years procedures include lifting ingredients. By visiting the beauty parlor - everything remains in force, just the procedures are becoming more active, "age-related". They can be strengthened by hardware techniques - laser rejuvenation, ultrasound, microcurrents.
Sometimes required contour plastic(also injections that strengthen the oval of the face), introduction fillers(fillers) for deep folds (eg, nasolabial fold), to plump the lips. Shown retinoic (yellow) peeling courses in combination with mesotherapy. From sunburn, especially intense, it is better to refrain.
Recommended taking phytoestrogens inside, vitamins for the skin type "imedin".

7. Surgeons believe that the first circular facelift can be done at 45. Sometimes it's enough blepharoplasty when lowering the upper eyelid. Give good result mesothreads, they can push back the term of plastic surgery.

8. What if you don't want to go to the surgeon? After 45-50 years As they say, everything is possible! Nobody cancels intensive care with active ingredients 3-4 times a year, good massage, competent mesotherapy, hardware cosmetology.

UM: Do you often have to do "bug work" for other specialists in this field? Recently, a lot of cosmetologists have appeared who offer their services not in a clinic, but much cheaper. They also offer care products and injections, claiming that this is the same as in clinics, but much cheaper.

G.E.: Not often, but it happens especially after the "homemade miracle of cosmetologists".
We want to protect our patients from visits " salons at home". It is important to do procedures in a clinic with a medical license, where, a priori, all drugs are certified, specialists have a state diploma and regularly improve their skills

UM: How to identify a good beautician? What should be of concern?

G.E.: Your acquaintance should not begin with an inspection of the price list and a report on the number of visits, but with identifying the sources of your problem and choosing certain procedures to solve it. A good specialist will interested in your medical history, sleep, lifestyle, genetic predisposition, exercise, nutrition and medications that you accept. Also, the doctor should be aware of your contraindications. The professional must have wide knowledge base, therefore, for any of your questions, he should give complete and correct answers. Physico-psychological or tactile contact between the doctor and the patient is also important. If something bothers you or there are any Negative consequences, then it is worth abandoning the procedure and choose another doctor or another procedure. Every qualified beautician must have diploma of higher professional education in a specialty such as, for example, "pediatrics" or "medical business". It should be taken into account that there is no specialty "doctor-cosmetologist" in medical universities, so you should not trust a doctor who showed you a diploma with such a specialty. It's good to pay attention to the office itself. Namely: for the storage of drugs, the availability of certificates and modern equipment. Do not settle for home treatments, as no qualified specialist, even the most sought after, will agree to home injections. Please note that the harm to your health that is caused during a home procedure may be irreparable. Refuse the doctor who goes on about you. A good specialist must first listen to you, analyze the situation, form an opinion, and only then prescribe the necessary treatment. If the beautician is not familiar to you, then it is wiser to first do a minor and inexpensive procedure that will allow evaluate the degree of professionalism of a specialist. Competent treatment should not end with a visit to the salon. A good specialist is obliged to give you advice on lifestyle, as well as for home care, recommend you products that will suit you both in quality and price.

UM: How does the mood and state of mind of a person affect the condition of his skin?

G.E.: The face reflects the general condition of the whole organism, therefore basic rule of beauty- a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, mental balance. And of course, regular home care and course procedures in the salon.
Most women, noticing the first wrinkles on the skin, immediately begin to think about old age. Indeed, our skin after 30 years, unfortunately, is beginning to change far from for the better. First, freshness disappears, mimic wrinkles appear, then smoothness and elasticity are lost, and our face begins to treacherously give out its age.
But! As studies confirm, the first wrinkles, which are of an age-related nature, should appear only at 60! Wrinkles and other bright age signs that appeared earlier are consequences sun exposure and stress. Much depends on the emotional state, in order to keep the youthfulness of the skin for as long as possible, one should avoid depression, stressful conditions, unreasonable fears and worries.

5 factors that determine the youthfulness of the skin.
1. Nutrition. To maintain a beautiful complexion, you need a lot of vitamins and minerals. Eat plenty of vegetables that will supply the body with all the necessary substances.
2. Stress. Stressful situations harm our health in general and the skin in particular. Stress can provoke the appearance of acne, acne, wrinkles, excess weight. Whenever you find yourself in a stressful situation, try to control it - start taking deep breaths, try to remain calm.
3. Physical activity. During physical exertion, toxins are actively removed from our body, the complexion becomes healthier and brighter. Physical exercises help fight acne, excess weight, cellulite, make us healthier, stronger, more flexible.
4. Moisturize your skin from within. Drink plenty of water - this helps to remove toxins from the body and moisturizes the skin from the inside. Water plays one of the most important roles in maintaining youth and beauty. Drink up to two liters of plain clean water per day.
5. Skin care. Constantly use moisturizers that help the skin to be hydrated, which means young and healthy. Make face masks. Masks are an excellent and indispensable tool for facial care. Always use a day cream with sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Exfoliate your skin regularly. With scrubs and exfoliating creams, you can instantly achieve a radiant complexion and smooth, soft skin.

UM: Tell us a little about the Sofitel clinic. What services do you offer? What is the characteristic feature of the institution in which you work, what is its credo? What is your advantage over other clinics?

G.E.: Clinic "Sofitel" offers a full range of cosmetology services - this is rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body using manual and hardware techniques, the most modern injection procedures, thread lifting, salon treatments, massages, peelings, professional cosmeceuticals for home care as well as manicure and pedicure services.
Our clinic is 20 years old this year.. During this time, we have accumulated a wealth of experience and have earned the love and respect of customers. Cosmetology is a rapidly developing area, and we are keeping pace with it. The clinic's specialists annually improve their professional level by attending international congresses and symposiums, educational seminars and trainings, seasonal exhibitions of the beauty industry.

We are pleased to offer our patients modern and effective medical cosmetology services!