Balloon basket out of the box. DIY balloons: master classes on making balloons for a full launch and decorative ones (for decoration) from a lamp or felt


Today, in big cities, on holidays, huge balloons - aerostats - fly into the sky. You can make a smaller balloon – up to 1.5 meters in diameter – yourself. This ball consists of 12 stripes. Let's first make a stripe template. From large sheets of printed paper we glue a strip 240 centimeters long and 40 or more centimeters wide. On this strip, at a distance of 200 millimeters from each other, we will draw 13 transverse lines: the lowest one - 70 millimeters, then 150, 230 millimeters, etc. We will connect their ends with curved longitudinal lines, and cut out a template using them.

Now let's make the stripes of the dome. To do this, you need to glue 12 of the same strips of tissue paper, lay them in a stack and put a template on top and cut all the strips using scissors at once. Along the edges of the cut strips, you need to bend an allowance for gluing approximately 10 millimeters wide.

Using these allowances, first glue two strips in pairs - you get 6 segments of the ball, shaped like boats. Paired segments begin to be glued together. Before gluing the last seam, the ball is turned inside out so that the seams are inside it.

A ball is a geometric body. Its description: “a set of points in space located from the center at a distance no greater than a given one. A ball is obtained by rotating a semicircle, or a circle around its diameter. But this is the scientific scheme. We will consider the practical one. We will produce balloons of all types, purposes and sizes. So, let's begin.

Manufacturing balloon

At home, it is easier to make samples that Michael Faraday made. He is also known as the discoverer of the law of electromagnetic induction. However, the scientist invented balloons earlier, in 1924. The Englishman used sheets as a material.

Two of them were superimposed on each other and glued along the perimeter. To prevent sticking between the layers, their undersides were coated with flour. Naturally, modules in the shape of circles were cut out of them.

In the 21st century, the question “ how to do balloon "They answer differently. Modern versions made from latex. The first version was created by Neil Tilotson. The man had liquid latex and cardboard at hand. From the latter, the inventor undertook to cut out the cat's head.

Then, for fun, I dipped the model in latex. He quickly froze. Tilotson removed the ball from the cardboard and realized that Michael Farah's models had outlived their usefulness. In factory conditions, the blanks are, of course, not cardboard. Let's watch a story about industrial production.

Remember your childhood dream of flying high in balloons? So, scientists have calculated how many inflated latex forms will be required for this. Before, how to make a balloon with your own hands, find out your weight. Now, calculate the number of balls based on the assumption that one lifts no more than 10 grams.

It's about about standard samples inflated with helium. Balls can be larger or smaller. Therefore, it is better to find out their carrying capacity empirically. It's better to play it safe and take a little more elements for your aircraft.

While some are flying up on balloons, others are using ground objects. Masters know how to make a number from balloons, how to make a shape out of balloons And how to make an arch out of balloons. The latter, for example, can be used at a wedding ceremony.

Inflatable garlands can also come in handy there. As a rule, they decorate banquet halls. Children especially like it. Therefore, it is rare for a teenager to have a birthday without the invention of Neil Tilotson. The most popular are square garlands. Let's learn how to make them.

In addition to volumetric ones, there are flat models. How to make a garland of balloons, everyone decides for themselves. For example, module options are possible. In this case, they are formed individual elements. Let these be flowers with four petals. They are not connected to each other, but are attached at a distance to a fishing line, or satin ribbon. If you surround the cores of the buds with tinsel, it will turn out great for the New Year.

Some garlands with flowers from balloons. They can be fixed on top of the main structure, or be its modules. But the buds are valuable in themselves. This great alternative living plants. Instead of an armful of daisies, you can give, for example, a bouquet of balloons. How to make flowers from balloons watch in the next video.

The only negative about the balls is their fragility. The point is not even that the elements of the products can burst. The catch is the helium. If the balloons are filled with it, then after a few days they deflate. At the same time, external damage is not needed. The fact is that the gas molecules are less than the distance between the stretched latex molecules.

Helium seeps into the external environment. By the way, keep this in mind when going on a flight balloons. 11" will lose volatility in 12-18 hours. If you are planning a longer trip, it is better to choose larger caliber balloons, or a standard aircraft. Let's talk about its creation.

Making a hot air balloon

Making such an aircraft yourself is troublesome. Firstly, the scale of the product is impressive. Secondly, it consists of diverse elements - the ball itself, the basket, cables, and the burner. Thirdly, state standards require the manufacture of only high-quality and safe units. A special permit is obtained for the use of each of them. The following will tell you all the wisdom of the process: video “how to make a balloon”.

How to make a ball It's clear. It is also clear that it is better to use the industrial version and order the product from professionals. The Spanish company Zero2Infinity even produces space balloons. Their form is familiar. True, instead of a basket, a rounded module with portholes is attached. Passengers are placed in it. They experience a feeling of weightlessness, admiring the landscapes of the Earth from a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

Making a ball from threads

How to make a ball of thread? It is formed on the basis of a regular balloon. Its shape will later be repeated by twine, ribbons, and yarn wrapped around it. Typically, threads are applied by hand. But the industry does not stand still. A couple of years ago they came up with a device for winding yarn more evenly. As a rule, it is purchased by those who have expanded their hobby into business. We will show the standard version. So, - video “how to make a ball”.

Balls made of threads are used not only as decorations, but also found practical use. So, you can put artificial or dried plants in the product. Some balls become lampshades. There are also those who decorate New Year trees.

Making a paper ball

How to make a paper ball with your own hands? There are several options. Pieces of sheets, as well as threads, can be used to paste over latex forms. You can fold an origami figure. Japanese technology allows you to get a spherical shape without using scissors, glue, or a ruler. But we will show how to make a paper ball using kits stationery pieces of paper different colors, stapler and glue. So let's get started.

If desired, you can modify the product. For example, instead of color, you can use newspaper or sheet music without changing the layout " how to do" On photo balloon appears in another version, with an increased number of cells. Such toys are even sold in stores.

Here we are looking at real balls. What about virtual ones? They help out, for example, in computer game"Minecraft". Here the item acts instead of flint, burning twice as long, and then disappearing from the inventory. How to make a ball in Minecraft They are also interested in placing it in the distributor.

In this case, an incendiary projectile is obtained. The item is also useful as an asterisk for forming big ball. To get 3 of its modules, you need 1 gunpowder, 1 coal and 1 powder. Gunpowder usually falls out of killed creepers. They go to Hell for the powder.

Coal is not in short supply. So, there are different balls for everyone. Someone thinks how to make a bell from balloons put it in a vase, and someone - how to kill using demon spheres.

About hot air balloon flights and how to make one yourself.

Below is a description of a balloon that you can make with your own hands. And now I want to talk to you not about those balloons that children need to launch, but about the real ones that you can fly on.

Previously, such flights were unrealistic; we could only dream about this. It’s great that now you can bring this fantasy to life and make an unforgettable romantic flight! Such flights are very original and safe, and most importantly, they can be performed all year round, both in winter and in summer. If you are organizing your own holiday, then such an event will bring a lot of pleasure to your guests. Such a holiday will be remembered for a lifetime. If you are interested in this idea, you can contact the Aeronaut aeronautics club, which offers. The club's pilots have won major Russian competitions more than once, and this club is considered the best and most professional.

In addition to romantic lifts into the air, if you love and appreciate extreme sports, the club has a special tempting offer for you - a hot air balloon flight in the only basket in Russia with a transparent bottom. And one more news from the company, now everyone can take a hot air balloon flight in new program"MONO". Flights under the "MONO" program are carried out in the Dmitrov flight zone on weekends. Flight duration is from 40 to 60 minutes. The balloon basket can hold up to 8 people! You have a great opportunity to spend an entire hour in the air with your family and friends.

And one more thing that interested me. Here is a unique gift idea for any occasion, this is an acquisition. The gift will be the most original and unusual; the certificate can be made in the shape of a balloon with the inscription “Happy Birthday”. For flights here big choice for your imagination. You can choose the flight “Picnic”, “Raffle” and others. Or you can choose (this is for young romantics) the “Proposal” flight. Very romantic way make a marriage proposal to your beloved. EH!

And now, after you fly, I suggest handing over the balloon with your own hands.

Buy 24 sheets of silk paper from a stationery store. For each balloon slice you will need paper sheet 210 cm long. Therefore, to get this length, you will have to glue several sheets of paper into one.

From newsprint(also glued) make a pattern and cut out the balloon segments using it. The pattern with dimensions is shown in the figure (Fig. a). Dimensions are indicated in millimeters. Having cut out all the slices (there will be eight of them!), glue them together, and you will get a ball (Fig. b). In the process of gluing the segments of the balloon, a paper lump is formed on its top. He will disturb you. Therefore, carefully cut it off, but so that a circle with a diameter of about 10 cm is formed on the top of the ball. Cover its surface with a strip of paper (Fig. c).

At the bottom, the ball passes into a cylinder, to which a rocker arm for a cup of cotton wool is attached. The cylinder must be solid. To do this, take several sheets of old drawing paper, which are glued together in several sheets along its entire length, which is approximately 140 cm. The diameter of the cylinder should be 47 cm. The paper cylinder is attached to the neck of the container with glue, having previously lubricated it inside with liquid glass so as not to the paper burned (Fig. d). Then make a circle from wire approximately 1 mm thick. Attach another piece of wire to it on both sides. This will be the axis. Insert the circle into the paper cylinder, but first attach another, second axis perpendicular to the axis, onto which you place a lid from a shoe polish jar. Punch holes in the lid with an awl, as high as possible, that is, at the very edge, so that its center of gravity is as low as possible under the suspension (Fig. d). Thus, you will get a Cardan suspension, the essence of which is that when the ball is tilted under the influence of wind, the cup will always remain in horizontal position. It is very important to ensure that both paper cylinder, and in the lid of a box for shoe ointment, the wire rotated completely freely.

To avoid fire, the balloon should be launched at outdoors. Place a cotton swab soaked in alcohol on the lid and set it on fire. Warm air will fill the ball, stretch the paper and slowly lift it up. If the balloon segments are poorly glued, warm air will escape from it and the balloon will not rise. Therefore, you need to carefully check whether its slices are well glued together.

Children's creativity craft - DIY balloon

Games are an integral part of normal development child. It is not necessary to buy a ball or dolls, because children even consider spending time together with their parents as a game. They are just at that age when fantasies and dreams are an integral part of their lives. Try making some crafts with your child. In this article you will learn how to make a papier-mâché balloon. The child will receive a sea of ​​emotions and impressions from this process, and then will be able to play independently with the finished craft.

For children's crafts you will need:

- balloon;
- hand cream;
— a box of tea bags;
- colored paper;
- scissors;
- PVA glue;
- newspapers;
- glue brush;
- container with water;
- gouache paints;
- paint brush;
- wire or thread.

Stages of work on a balloon craft:

1. Take a newspaper or any paper, just not thick. We tear it into pieces, which we then soak in a container of water.
2. Take a balloon of any color. Inflate it and lubricate it with hand cream.

3. Place our moistened pieces of newspaper on the layer of cream. We do this without glue and over the entire surface of the ball so that there are no gaps. We leave only a small area at the tail of the ball unpasted.
4. Now coat the entire ball with glue and lay out the next layer of paper. So we repeat this process 3 or 4 times.
5. Let the ball dry, preferably near a heat source. This will take approximately two hours.
6. While the drying process is underway, let's start making the balloon basket. To do this, take a tea box, cut off its lid and cover the entire surface with colored paper. If desired, the inside of the box can also be sealed or painted over.

7. When our ball is completely dry (all layers of paper should be thick), prime it with a mixture of gouache and glue. Let the child choose what color the ball will be.
8. After this, carefully pierce the ball. From the inside it will come unstuck from the newspapers.
9. The balloon can be decorated like a real balloon - with colored stripes or left plain.
10. Now we attach the basket to the ball.

like this creative crafts you can hang it from a chandelier or on a cornice in a nursery, and if it’s warm and there are trees growing in the yard, you can make a whole parade balloons all kinds of colors and sizes. Believe me, even the neighbors will not remain indifferent.

An original balloon for decorating a children's room can be made from paper with your own hands! To design such volumetric crafts, it will take very little time.

The, step-by-step master class will help you learn how to make a paper balloon without much effort!

To create a craft you will need the following materials and tools:

- colored paper or cardboard;
- scissors;
- paper clips;
- glue stick.

In creating this craft you can use both colored paper, and colored cardboard. IN in this case, the ball will be made of medium-density cardboard.

You can choose the shades of the ball at your discretion. From each sheet you need to cut out the following blanks for the base of the ball and basket.

To do this, the ends of the lower workpiece must be carefully “brought” to the top.

The first row is ready!

Then, in the same way, create the second row of the ball, drawing out the stripes of the upper workpiece.

Gradually, the ball will begin to take on the required shape.

Afterwards, the ball should be woven in this way until the end.

At the same time, each row must be secured with paper clips and the strips carefully pulled together.

In the end, we got this ball!

Then, so that it does not lose its shape, its bottom must be fixed with glue. Glue is applied to the tip of each strip, and then they are glued to the bottom part.

Gradually you need to remove all the paper clips.

The top of the ball is complete!

Now, from the previously cut blanks you need to create bottom part ball. To do this, you need to connect the first part into a ring using glue.

Then, apply glue to the inside of it and attach it to the ball.

After, leave until completely dry glue!

In the meantime, you can create a cart! Along the notches on the bottom of the basket, you need to bend the edges.

Apply glue to the edges and sides and connect them.

Now the final stage remains in creating a balloon! The basket should be connected to a balloon.

Glue is applied to the ends of the thin strips, and then they are fixed from the inside of the basket.

The result is such an original balloon!

The final look of the craft. Photo No. 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo No. 2.

It will complement the interior of a children's room well, becoming interesting element decor! Balloon sizes can be very diverse!

The final look of the craft. Photo No. 3.