Weaving from magazine strips. Weaving baskets from newspaper strips

With your own hands

Well, I’ll start showing how to weave these (and other) baskets from newspapers:

We take a newspaper (preferably one that the husband has already read - to avoid injury).
We tear it into strips.

And again in half.

Now we take a knitting needle and begin to wind a strip of newspaper onto it.

When a dense tube is formed, remove the knitting needle and continue twisting without it.

Lubricate the tip with glue.

When enough strips have accumulated (or you’re just tired of twisting them), we begin to weave the bottom.

And then...

Then we take one of the protruding ends and begin to weave in a circle until we weave the bottom of the required size.

I put the strips on, inserting one into the other, and lubricate the inner tube with glue.

When the bottom is woven of sufficient size (one secret - I immediately glue two newspaper tubes onto the base so as not to glue it later).

Place a container with a bottom of the same size on it.

We turn it over and continue to braid the sidewalls, periodically increasing the main tube with new ones by inserting them into it.

So we braid the pot to the desired height.

In principle, we can end here. Then you will get a pot like this.

If someone wanted to make a narrowed neck at the top of the pot, we do this (I did this): take out the jar that was braided and insert the jar higher and slightly narrower than the previous one.

And we begin to weave, pulling with the main strip (so that it does not tear when you glue one to the other, let the glue dry well). Yes, one more thing: when you weave, always pull the warp strips tighter - they are quite strong.

So we weave to the desired height (I managed to reach the end of the can - there was nothing higher at hand!) And we begin to seal the ends. We do this very simply: by weaving a few stitches in the reverse order (see photo) and pulling it well, we cut off the excess (although I simply tucked the excess inside, which is unacceptable if the pot will be used as a container for something, in this case you can weave a lid) .

Here's the result, all you have to do is paint it!

I painted it with a primer for metal - there was simply nothing else :)
You can, if it’s a box, decoupage the top... But that’s a completely different story! ;)

It would seem, what is a newspaper? Another piece of junk clogging mailboxes. We throw newspapers into the bin, sometimes without even opening or reading them. And many people don’t realize that this resource is for weaving craftsmen. A box of newspaper tubes, woven by yourself, will serve as an indispensable thing in the house, as well as an original decor for your interior. In this article we will get acquainted with this type of needlework, such as weaving, and consider a master class on creating boxes from newspaper tubes.

Weaving Basics

Newspaper weaving is particularly popular today. Newspaper is a cheap material and often free. Weaving newspaper tubes is not difficult, especially since they can be extended indefinitely by connecting them to each other. The main thing is to properly process the finished product so that it is durable and lasts for many years.

Weaving materials

The material for weaving can be any printed matter: color and black and white newspapers, old books, brochures, booklets, office paper. Dense sheets hold corners well on square or rectangular products.

In addition, the work uses glue, a knife for cutting strips and a knitting needle. It is advisable to wind the tubes with a knitting needle number 2 - the higher the number, the larger the tube will be. The choice of size depends on the future product. For beginners learning from newspaper tubes, we recommend using a small knitting needle.

How to twist straws

To weave boxes, boxes, baskets and other products, newspaper sheets are twisted obliquely. To create flat objects, you can twist the part parallel to its edge.

Before cutting the strips, you need to take a newspaper and unfold it. The sheets are cut crosswise into 4-6 strips with a width of 10 to 15 cm. The density of the tube depends on the width of the strip. A magazine sheet is cut lengthwise into two parts. In the future, as you continue to weave, you will understand what size tubes you like and choose your own method of cutting newspapers. From the outer strips you will get white tubes due to the light stripe around the perimeter of the publication, from the middle of the newspaper - colored tubes.

In order to properly weave a box from newspaper tubes, the knitting needle must be placed on the corner of the piece of paper, not parallel, but obliquely, maintaining a rotation of approximately 30 degrees. Having folded the corner under the knitting needle, we begin to carefully wind the strip, holding the newspaper with our left hand. We twist the tube tightly, trying not to change its size. It was noticed that after creating the tube, one end of it is slightly wider than the other. The convenience is that when extending, it is convenient to place the thin end of the next tube into the wide end of the previous one. If the parts turn out to be even, then in this case the end of the tube can be bent lengthwise and also inserted into the hole of the previous part.

The process of painting tubes with stain

A box of newspaper tubes will be more impressive if they are first painted in natural colors, similar to the color of vines, wood or grass. For painting, you can use stain, color, brilliant green, hair dye, iodine or food coloring. You also need a container and rubber gloves. Some craftsmen paint the tubes vertically, others horizontally - depending on what you have in the house. The tray can be a long tray from flower pots, which are mainly placed on balconies. This can be a 5-6 liter bottle, which is placed on a barrel and a split hole is cut out, creating a boat shape. Or any vertical container in which you can put tubes for coloring. If you don't want to stain the tray, cover it with plastic wrap and then start painting.

Boxes made from newspaper tubes, photos of which are shown below, are painted with water stain. The desired color can be achieved by diluting it with water. Place some stain into a tray and place the tubes in it. Next, carefully scroll and lightly press them, immersing them completely in the liquid. Do not hold the parts for a long time, otherwise they will get wet. After painting, remove the items and place them in a prepared area to dry.

We paint the tubes with paints

You can use acrylic paints to paint the tubes. Acrylic is colorful and gives the product a glossy tint. To achieve a certain shade, dilute with water until the required consistency is obtained. After application, acrylic dries for at least half an hour.

Silver or bronze will look very impressive.

The gouache used is also diluted with water to a semi-liquid state. Before dyeing, you can mix it to achieve a specific shade. Orange is obtained by mixing red and yellow; purple - red and blue; pink - white with red. A brown tint is obtained by adding black paint to the primary colors. Adding white will give a subtle shade.

Paint can be applied to newspaper tubes with a wide brush or foam sponge.

How to strengthen the product

The finished box of newspaper tubes will be stronger if it is primed. The liquid penetrates deep into the product, forming a strong film. The primer increases the durability of the material and strengthens it from the inside. Thanks to it, the subsequent layer of paint adheres well to the surface, reducing its consumption.

To obtain a primer, you need to mix acrylic paint and PVA glue in a 1:1 ratio. The product should be primed several times with a break to dry each layer. If you used white acrylic, then after priming the box can be painted in any desired color. Or you can add a little color of the desired color while diluting the composition. You should start priming with a wide brush, in hard-to-reach places - with a thinner tool. The primer will seal the product, and the acrylic will paint over the typographic font.

Types of weaving

There are many ways in which a box of newspaper tubes and other products are woven. Let's look at some of them.

- Simple weaving. When working, an odd number of braided tubes is used. The part with which the workpiece is braided alternately bends around the vertical tubes in front and behind, rising to the desired height. The tube grows during operation.

- Layer weaving. With this method, two more parts are glued to the back of each base tube with an inclination of 45 degrees, which braid the adjacent right tube in front, and the next one in the back.

- Weaving with rope. This method involves weaving with two tubes. The first is glued to the bottom of one rack, the second - to the bottom of the adjacent rack. The tube on the left is placed behind the third stand, the second tube is also placed behind the third stand from its stand. As a result, one is behind the counter, the other is in front of it.

Other methods are used by experienced craftsmen.

Simple box weaving

A rectangular box made from newspaper tubes is easy to weave. Even a beginner can weave it using the method given below. Cut out two small rectangles of the size you need from cardboard and prepare a couple of hundred tubes from newspapers. Glue the twisted sticks to the cardboard at the same distance, starting from the corners. Cover with a second piece of cardboard coated with glue, giving the bottom a nice look. We will braid each side of the future box separately. Having secured the new tube between the cardboards, we begin to lay it using the simple weaving method. We gradually build up the tube, weaving it to the desired height of the box. After weaving, we cut the newspaper thread and hide it between the rows. We bend the ends of the main posts inward and also hide them in the weaving. We repeat the procedure with the remaining parties.

After the sides of the box are woven, they need to be connected. To do this, take new newspaper tubes and connect them on the sides, passing a paper thread between the rows. A square box of newspaper tubes can be woven in a similar way.

Having learned how to weave boxes in a simple way, you can move on to more complex and original products, decorating your home and emphasizing its individuality.

Weaving has been practiced since ancient times. Method weaving paper crafts, which we want to offer you, arose not so long ago. To do handicrafts, you do not need to purchase special materials. Plain paper is suitable for work; you can use newspapers or magazines. It makes beautiful baskets, boxes, bookmarks, and so on.

To make an unusual one, you will need newspapers or magazines, cash register tape or packaging paper, but it is worth noting that each type of paper has its own characteristics.

For example, newspapers make flexible and lightweight products. Magazines have a denser texture, especially gloss. From magazine sheets you can form a tight piece, but more durable. The tape for cash registers is quite soft, thin and snow-white, and is easy to work with. These types of papers can be easily colored.

Office paper is tough and rough, but also suitable for weaving. Office paper can be colored, which makes the manufacturing process much easier: the product does not have to be painted.

The main condition: to weave crafts from paper tubes, you should choose paper of the same texture. Note that newspapers produced by different printing houses will differ in the thickness of the sheets.

Methods for weaving paper crafts

Weaving paper is quite simple, but you can use several techniques. For example, weaving a basket, box or piggy bank involves the use of blanks in the form of strips and tubes of any shape and using some object - a vase, flower pot or box. The product can be made only from paper wicker, or it can be braided around the finished item for a more beautiful look.

As is already clear, paper should be prepared for work. You should have PVA glue, a wooden skewer or knitting needle to make the tubes, scissors with a ruler and pencil, a couple of clothespins and a container that you need to braid.

Ribbons, bows, flowers, beads or beads are suitable as decoration for crafts. To decorate the finished item, you need to prepare a cardboard sheet from which the base of the craft is made, as well as a needle and thread, an awl, and a brush with acrylic paint.

To weave any product, you will need to make tube blanks in the form of a paper vine. Before making crafts, pay attention to the strength and ductility of the blanks, decide on the width and type of paper, the reliability of your product will depend on this.

For beginners, paper weaving may seem like a complicated process, so it is important to follow the steps accurately and precisely.

Let's get to work. Take a knitting needle number 3, cut the paper into strips 9 cm thick. Don’t be lazy and use a pencil with a ruler so you don’t have to redo the work later.

Place the knitting needle on the end of the strip and wind the strip onto it, the tighter the better. Drop a little glue onto the corner of the tube and glue the end of the workpiece together, while removing the knitting needle. You will need a lot of blanks for the craft, it all depends on the size of the desired product.

For the craft you will need not only tube-shaped blanks, but also strips. We cut newspapers, magazines or plain paper into strips of the required thickness. It is advisable to form strips up to 1.5 cm. Simply cut glossy magazine sheets into strips, and we recommend folding newspaper sheets in half for greater strength and maintaining the shape of the product. For example, to make a basket or box, you need to cut newspaper paper into 3 cm wide instead of 1.5 cm.

If the leaf is not long enough, glue several strips together so that you don’t have to add paper during weaving.

In order for the product to acquire a neat and even appearance, it is advisable to use a ruler, well-sharpened scissors and a pencil. Mark equal sections on paper, and then cut with scissors.

To weave a basket, it is worth preparing blank tubes. You will need approximately 10 blanks for the base and uprights of the basket. At the beginning of the manufacturing process, extend the tubes by connecting two at a time and secure them with glue.

We place five blanks on the table surface, retreating 0.5 cm from each other. Press all the blanks with a ruler, lift 3 blanks up through one, and drop glue on the rest from below and place the 6th tube on top.

Lower the raised pieces, do the same process with the remaining strips below, add the 7th tube. By analogy, use the blanks that remain.

The frame of 10 blanks is ready, now we take 1 tube, turn it at an angle of 90 degrees and intertwine it. We repeat the steps with other blanks. After weaving all the tubes, a round base of the basket is obtained. Don't forget to add the length of the vine.

We place a jar or flower pot on the bottom and, using clothespins, lift the workpieces upward and continue to weave the craft vertically. Having reached the required size of the basket, we decorate the edge of the product. We bend the ends of the workpiece inward, while circling the nearest tube. We insert the edge of the workpiece into the loop. We carry out these steps until the last tube remains, which should be inserted into the loop formed by the initial one.

We form a handle for the basket. We twist a couple of blanks together, glue them to the craft or sew them with thread.

Instead of tubes for weaving, you can use strips of paper, but as thick as possible. We prepare 8 pieces of strips 32 cm long and 2 cm wide. We recommend taking multi-colored strips (blue and yellow) to make the basket original.

We place 4 yellow stripes on the table and weave 4 blue strips into them. The square should be placed in the center of the strips and be strong.

To form the sides, bend the branches upward and continue weaving until the desired size of the product. We fold the remaining strips inward and glue them. Then we form a handle for the basket from the strips.

If you have children who are in school, then you can not buy bookmarks, but make them yourself. Your child will also enjoy this activity.

Cut a wide strip of paper and fold it in half. On the fold we draw triangles every 1 cm so that their tops do not touch the opposite edge of the strip. We cut the strip without touching the top of the triangles. We unfold the workpiece, cut out the previous strip of a different color. We weave it into the gaps that were formed on the first workpiece. Finally, glue the ends of the craft together with glue.

Experiment with colors and patterns, then you will get original bookmarks. The pattern can be in the form of droplets, hearts or animal figures.

The elementary method of forming a box is to weave the box with paper tubes.

We select a box of the desired size and glue it to the base of the workpiece. Then we bend the racks up and attach them with clothespins. We unhook one piece at a time and weave the tubes in a horizontal position, wrapping around the entire box. The weaving ends by twisting one piece of the adjacent tube, tucking its edge into the resulting loop. We repeat the weaving for the lid of the box.

We paint the craft in any color and decorate it with beads, ribbons or beads. We glue velvet or silk fabric into the inside of the box.

First you need to form the base of the shoe from cardboard. Next, use an awl to pierce holes through 2 cm of the front of the shoe and through 1.5 cm of the heel.

There should be 2 holes on the toe of the shoe into which blanks (30 pieces) are inserted and glued.

The racks must be braided in a circle with tubes. We weave 2 tiers, attach a clothespin to the toe of the boot on 2 central posts and weave further.

At level 8 we weave 2 racks together from one edge and then from the other. We close 2 racks on both sides, then one at a time, you should be left with 12 blanks for the boot tongue.

We interweave vertical blanks with horizontal levels. We wrap the edges and glue them. To make a beautiful shoe, it is pasted over with pieces of blanks, painted, varnished and the entire craft is decorated.

You will definitely enjoy such an exciting and useful activity, we wish you good luck!

Herringbone weaving with flat newspaper tubes.

Herringbone weaving is much denser than simple weaving, but there are very few differences in technique. It looks much richer and more prominent, especially on large canvases, and therefore can be widely used in the manufacture of bags, mats, napkins and even as furniture decoration. Like most techniques, this one is taken entirely from wickerwork, although the nature of newspaper tubes has imposed a number of features technique. They will be discussed further.

To make a weaving sample, you will have to stock up on a dozen or two tubes. It would be better if these were flat paper tubes, which best “show” all the advantages of weaving and also have good strength. However, due to their density and rigidity, they are the most difficult to work with, especially at first.

For a weaving sample, you can take 15-20 tubes, which will be longitudinal and also serve as a base. Now the main difference from simple weaving: they are woven through two strips of the base with a gradual shift by one strip, and in which direction depends on the desire of the performer.

The main mistake of beginning needlewomen is the desire to weave as tightly as possible from the very beginning. Here you need to remember that newspaper tubes do not immediately become flexible, so trying to fit the tubes tightly from the first steps is a rather nervous and ineffective undertaking. The tubes move well gradually, during the weaving process, and from about 5-7 strips a pattern begins to emerge.

And now the main feature of a woven fabric made from flat paper tubes: the pattern looks best not along the weaving, but across it. This must be taken into account when preparing.

Flat newspaper tubes - the name is not entirely correct; they are also called glued paper strips, flat strips (this is a literal translation from German). Their main use is weaving various handbags, baskets and vases using a technique that completely replicates weaving from bast, birch bark and reeds. And if the paper is also processed on top underneath them, then it is possible to determine what it is made of only after a very close look. If we talk about whose technique this is and who its author is, it is hardly possible to determine today, because beautiful works from flat stripes appeared around the 18th century in Europe, but they were also in Asia at that time. To briefly conclude the topic of authorship, today it is generally accepted that this is simply the use of new material using old techniques.

There are two ways to make flat newspaper tubes; it all depends on what they want to make from and what.

If the house has old and unnecessary maps, posters, last year's calendars or a roll or two of paper wallpaper from the last century, then you can simply cut strips along the entire length, fold it several times and glue it together. The width of the strip depends on the desired density and width of the flat tube, but it should be said right away that you should not cut it thinner than 3 cm. If we talk about the length, then considering that a small box can be supplied with ribbons from 1.5 meters long, a roll of wallpaper twenty meters long no longer seems so huge, especially if you find out that most Chinese “straw” bags are made from ribbon approximately this length.

The main advantage of these strips is their strength, because the paper glued in several layers does not easily tear. They have only one drawback: the strip of paper must be very long, because the gluing area becomes thicker and greatly disfigures the product.

The way out is the second method, which allows you to use all the newspapers that are in the house. These are just ordinary newspaper tubes, which are simply cut into wider strips and wound onto a knitting needle of a larger diameter. A strip of them can be made indefinitely long, but, alas, it does not have the strength that strips made using the first method have. Such tubes are very often used by Brazilian craftsmen to make products that imitate those hollowed out from a single piece of wood. Charming “straw” hats and beach bags come out.


All women in the world are trying to create a cozy nest from their home. In the modern world, you can buy a lot of little things to decorate your apartment. But now more and more representatives of the fair sex use the advice of our ancestors (wickerwork) to decorate their homes. The most chic items are considered to be products made from wood wicker, which is prepared in advance. This is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process; not every tree branch is suitable for weaving. Proper harvesting of the vine, soaking and drying is required. The most interesting method has been invented and is easier to make by simply replacing the twigs with newspaper. Therefore, today you have the opportunity to learn how to weave from newspaper tubes for beginners; we will tell you all the step-by-step lessons of the skill, and teach everyone who wants to master this technique. And after several trial products, it will be very easy to create your own unique masterpiece!

How to properly prepare paper vine

The first stage in the work is the selection of the necessary material. You can work with regular blank paper, but since such paper is quite thick, it is difficult to work with. It's great if you know where to find the paper that printing houses use. As long as it is clean, it is easy to work with in terms of painting the product. But, if not, then we use regular newspaper in huge quantities. Using a utility knife or razor, cut the newspaper into wide strips, about 10 cm each, but no more. Weaving products is much more convenient and easier if the newspaper is cut into long strips.

We take one strip and place it near us; we place a thin, long metal object at the sharp corner. This could be a knitting needle or a bicycle spoke. We wind the strip onto this knitting needle, quite tightly.

Don't be alarmed if one end is thicker, it happens. But still, keep an eye on the thickness; the difference should be minimal. To ensure that the tube has a shape and does not unwind, wet the edge of the strip and secure the corner. This method requires winding about 50 tubes. How many of them you will need directly depends on how complex the product will be and what size it will be.

Before continuing work, you need to decide whether you will paint the woven product. Or paint the sticks first and then weave.

It is worth remembering that you need to select the appropriate varnish. If this is not done, the sticks will become brittle and harsh, the entire appearance will be ruined. The best option is acrylic varnish, which is used for artistic purposes.

A basket made of tubes looks original, on which the text is clearly visible, with a one-color or two-tone coloring. This is a great option for a floor box, photo frame, or small change chest. If the product is not complex, you can paint it at the end of the work.

Weaving the bottom of the product

The bottom can be of completely different shapes: square, rectangular, round. Let's start experimenting with a vase with a solid bottom. Prepare fairly thick paper, cardboard will do, and cut out 2 circles from it. You will need exactly two, since the ends of the tubes from future racks will be hidden between them. We take the first circle and make marks with a pencil, there will be fastening of the racks.

If you decide to weave a vase, then the distance between the posts can be quite wide. There is this type of weaving (oblique), where you are allowed to work on a small number of stacks. After this, glue the ends to the marks and immediately close with the second circle. In a similar way, the bottom is made into a square shape if you decide to make it solid. But the bottom looks much more interesting if it is wicker. From this bottom the work of weaving a box or basket begins. To do this, we cross some tubes, for example 5 and 7. We take one tube and start weaving from the center, moving in a circle, bypassing the main sticks either from above or from below.

After the tube ends, we build up the next one. The technology of this process is described below. This creates a circle of the required diameter.

A square-shaped bottom is rarely found in wicker form.

How to grow tubes and weaving

Vases are usually woven in a high shape; to obtain such a product, the paper vine has to be extended. If the tubes are connected correctly, the work process will be much easier. And the product itself will look much more attractive. Earlier in the text there was a description of how a paper vine has different sized ends. This is very convenient for an inconspicuous connection. To do this, you need to insert the thick end of one stick, the thin end of the other and carefully twist it. For a good connection of the joints, it is necessary to coat the thin end with glue. This transition is much more aesthetically pleasing and completely invisible when the product is painted.

Consider a simple weave made from newspapers, one strip. We attach a stick to the prepared bottom, next to any of the racks. Prepare a suitable form for braiding. As an option, a can or a bottle, if you want to weave a basket, then a box will do for weaving. Next, lift all the racks to the top and secure them with something, a clothespin would be good for this. We braid the racks with the previously secured vine. If you want to weave a basket with two sticks, then the weaving technique is the same.

It is more difficult and time-consuming to braid in rope style; for this purpose, they are braided with two tubes. They are placed on different sides of the rack, and then intertwined between the racks. Weaving from newspaper tubes made using this technique looks very beautiful, and the basket will be durable.

An interesting way of linear weaving, weaving obliquely (in a spiral). This method is ideal for weaving vases or glasses; in this weaving only stands are used, they are intertwined with each other and slightly shifted.

All main types of weaving are continuous, each new row is a continuation of the previous one. If the product has a lid, then its weaving is no different from the main craft, only the height is lower.

When the entire process of making a craft is completed, it must be painted. To do this, you can use a brush or a spray can, if you wish, you can decorate with patterns. What the patterns will be made of (satin ribbons, embroidery or beads) and what kind, imagination will help with this. The last step in the work will be to coat the craft with varnish.

What is woven from paper vines?

Many people think that you can’t make many products of different modifications this way. And in the process of mastering this technique, they realize that they are making mistakes. They say “appetite comes with eating” and so it is here. When everything has been studied, all the work is completely clear, then your own imagination wakes up to come up with your own original crafts.

To weave a basket from newspaper tubes, weave the shape using regular weaving. Then weave a pair of tubes from opposite sides, which is the basis for future handles.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners should be mastered with something simple: cups, coasters, candy dishes. Further, you will be able to create more complex ones, such as a laundry basket, it is much larger in size and the frame must be strong enough.

You can make a chest for sewing supplies, its complexity lies in the weaving of the internal partitions. The most common wicker product is a vase. To make such a product original, make the edge openwork.

Products made from newspaper wicker are easy to use thanks to their simple technique; anyone can learn how to make them. And after looking at examples of such works at least once, you will definitely want to create such beauty at home.

Such weaving from newspapers for beginners simply cannot leave indifferent all those who have a craving for beauty. And this will become another one of your hobbies, and maybe your only one!

Weaving from newspaper tubes video lessons for beginners

Also, to visually familiarize yourself with the process of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners, we recommend studying several videos from experienced designers and craftsmen. These reviews will talk in detail about the technology as well as visual examples of finished products.

Video: Lesson on rolling tubes from newspapers - secrets and nuances

Video: How to weave a basket with a rectangular bottom

Video: A basket of magazine tubes for beginners.

Video: Basket made of newspaper tubes for beginners

Video: Weaving a heart basket from newspapers

Turn your ideas into reality, and you will succeed, we wish you success in your endeavors!

Below we have put together a gallery of photo ideas for weaving from newspaper tubes that will help you customize and choose exactly what you like. We offer more than 50 photo options: