Where can a 14 year old teenager earn money? Where and how to make money for a teenager

For a wedding

Thirteen years is the age when a boy or girl is already called a boy or girl. The first romantic hobbies, attachments and interests appear. But it happens that the money that our parents give us for pocket expenses is not enough. Or maybe the reason for wanting to earn money at the age of 14 is due to the first adult feelings of the need not to depend on anyone.

It doesn’t matter what the reason is that gave you the idea to earn money on your own, but the meaning is the same - it’s not bad. Our entire future life will consist of difficulties in earning a certain amount of money. So, the sooner you learn this, the better things will go in the future. Official work at the age of 14 is not yet allowed, but there are many other ways to earn money at the age of 14 on your own and without investments.

It’s not a bad idea to try to generate income - earning money on the Internet from 100 to 500 rubles per day. This is the so-called earning money on the Internet with withdrawal of money. Money can be withdrawn through payment systems or by downloading the appropriate applications. Withdrawals can also be made to your phone.

Since at the age of 14 it is still impossible to move far away from childhood habits and attachments, you can start making money from games. For example, in the game Minecraft. You can make your own cards. The essence of making money is simple: make your own cards with your own individual plot. This method is suitable for anyone who has a little experience in the game. The resulting cards are in great demand. You can do lateplay - make beautiful reviews of maps, mods, versions - and on YouTube. They will watch with pleasure and a lot. Popularity is money. You can make money with your own server. Most gamers get tired of playing by the rules. I want everything quickly. You help them with this. You do it, set prices for a personal game, administrator and moderator.

That is, you can earn your first money from familiar games:

  • Earnings from the sale of virtual money earned in the game;
  • Earning money by trading upgraded accounts and resources;
  • On toys with the possibility of real money withdrawal;
  • Participation in tournaments and competitions with prize funds.

Another way to make money on the Internet without investments and invitations is to make money on clicks, likes, reviews and comments. Most Internet users have long been accustomed to the mandatory viewing of reviews and comments about a product or service before purchasing it. And this is correct and logical. Why learn from your mistakes if there are mistakes of others?

In order to make an informed and unmistakable conclusion about the purchase, it is necessary to comprehensively study the opinions of those who have already purchased. After all, there are people who write reviews and comments on products and services of interest. This means writing reviews is a sought-after service. And they pay for services. On some sites, income per 1000 views is up to 500 rubles! If 100,000 people look at your review in a month, then the profit can be 50,000 rubles!

It is quite possible to become a copywriter. You have almost completed the Russian language program and will be able to write articles on copywriting exchanges. In addition, there are well-paid tasks for leaving links and promoting accounts. You can earn from 100 to 500 rubles per day with withdrawal to WebMoney. Well-paid work can also be found on remote freelance exchanges.

You can also earn some money here. Paid:

  • Assignments involving writing and posting reviews and comments;
  • Mail monitoring;
  • Surfing;
  • Certain completed tasks;
  • User actions on affiliate programs;
  • Posting.

For example, from the experience of real work of this type, when posting was carried out every day and quite intensively, they paid 300 rubles per day, and 9,000 rubles per month.

You can earn decent pocket money from subscribers on social networks, pages, public pages, communities, and the like. Surely, a boy and a girl at the age of 14 have their own accounts on social networks. All that remains is to use them.

There is an opportunity to become a video blogger and post your videos on YouTube, making money from it. Almost all popular video bloggers began to engage in this method of earning money from school. Let us at least remember about Ivangai. In 2013, Ivangay decides to systematically shoot videos and post them on YouTube. The main topic of his channel was the game Minecraft. The leader among the “mancrafters” at that time was another very famous blogger, MrLololoshka, who helped Ivangay gain his first half a million subscribers. The target audience of the video blogger is schoolchildren under 14 years old. According to various information, Ivangai receives more than a million rubles a month.

What ways do boys and girls aged 14 have in everyday life to earn money?

To earn money in real life, a child needs to put in a lot of effort. Increasingly, children are being hired for simple tasks, such as handing out leaflets. However, this method of earning money is not so simple - you need to spend a lot of time on the street or in a shopping center, handing out promotional materials to passing people or passing drivers. In any case, work also has advantages - being outdoors is much more useful than sitting at a computer at home all day.

Distributing leaflets will help energetic and sociable guys make money.

In order to feel independent and have your own funds for expenses, it is not necessary to choose only one type of income. You can combine them as your desire and free time allow.

The best time to earn money is, of course, the summer and winter holidays, when you don't have to do homework and have time to take care of your personal affairs. Having mastered simple techniques and gained experience, you can easily earn a good amount of money to fulfill your desires, even if you are only 14 years old.

Surely teenagers are wondering how they can make money, because probably each of them has a specific goal or dream, but “pocket” money is clearly not enough to realize them. In fact, every teenager over 14 years of age can earn money, because according to the labor code, it is illegal to hire children under this age. Let's consider all the options for how a 14-year-old teenager can make money, all the possible options.

Labor Code Provisions

So, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, it is not prohibited to work from the age of 14, and upon reaching this age, you can already get a job officially, that is, according to the work book, the employer will make contributions to the tax authority for the minor employee, and he, in turn, will accumulate work experience and shape your future pension. But there are some restrictions:

  • a teenager’s working day should not exceed 5 hours a day, no more than 24 hours a week during the holidays;
  • working day for the period of study is no more than 2.5 hours per day and no more than 12 hours per week.

In addition, there are a lot of restrictions on the organization of work for minors; for this reason, employers do not want to employ teenagers, or do not employ them according to the law of the Russian Federation. However, it is possible, oddly enough, for a schoolchild to earn money at the age of 14; there can be quite a few ways; let’s look at a few of them.

Earning money from a hobby

The easiest and safest way to make money is to realize your talent. What does it mean? Many teenagers have some knowledge, for example, they draw, knit, sculpt from clay, and much more. By the way, handmade products have always been highly valued, so you can earn real money from your hobby. Here are some simple examples of how you can make money from a simple hobby, and what is in demand:

  • knitting clothes to order, and children's items, for example, booties or hats, will be in particular demand;
  • drawing portraits to order;
  • making confectionery products at home;
  • love animals - take up dog walking;
  • cleaning services for premises or surrounding areas;
  • soap making - does not require special skills, but the products are in great demand;
  • making jewelry and flowers from beads;
  • Modeling from polymer clay can also generate income.

And this is just a small example; in fact, every teenager can find something they like that will not only bring a lot of fun, but also a good income. In addition, teenagers who succeed in school can engage in other business, for example, translating texts from foreign languages.

Finding clients is not so difficult; you can create groups on social networks, or place ads on free boards on the Internet, for example, on the Avito website.

Where to find a real job

It’s not even worth mentioning that no one will hire a teenager for a high-ranking position, but you can still find a job, and one that pays quite well. Below we give several examples of where a teenager can earn money and what kind of work he is guaranteed to be hired for.


The essence of this work is distributing leaflets and conducting promotions. The employee’s task is to attract customers or clients; it does not require any special skills. Usually a promoter's working day is only 2-3 hours, during which time he must distribute a certain number of advertising booklets to ordinary passers-by.

Walking courier

The courier's task is to deliver something to the addressee. Here you can deliver letters, newspapers or other products. Typically, teenagers are hired for this type of work, because the working day is usually only a few hours, and the wages are quite modest. You can do the same with posting advertisements. By the way, there is another option, for example, to organize your own business delivering, for example, groceries to the office, or to carry out other small tasks.

Work in catering

Some fast food cafes, for example, McDonald's, hire students and teenagers as part-time workers. Working hours and other nuances are by agreement, that is, you can work at a time convenient for you, such as during the holidays, on weekends or during the daytime after school.
And these are not all the options, if you want to find a job in your city, you can, for example, post your resume on the Internet on a job search site. If there is a person interested in your services, a potential employer will definitely contact you.

Please note that from the age of 16 you can already register with the Employment Center.

Working on the Internet

Probably the most pressing question for teenagers is how to make money at the age of 14 on the Internet without investment? Indeed, the most convenient option is to work at home on a computer and make a profit. In fact, you can find work on the Internet, but there is one caveat: online fraud is a rather big problem that 90% of users who want to earn “easy” money face.

First, you should take care of your own safety. Consider the fact that working online is a way to earn income, not a loss; if you are required to make an advance payment or other material expenses, this means that this is most likely a money scam.

Another piece of advice for a teenager: if you find a resource that offers you money, read reviews about it on third-party resources, such as forums. Next, let's look at several options where you can actually make money.

Entering captcha

What it is? Captcha is a test that allows the system to determine whether a real user or a robot is trying to access information. Captcha entry sites allow users to access information without testing, and another user takes the test for a fee. If you want to earn money in this way, then you need to go through a simple registration on one of the many captcha entry sites and get to work. You can receive your earned money through withdrawal to an electronic wallet or bank card. By the way, the earnings here are small, the cost of one input is a few kopecks.

Earning money by entering quality: example site


You can open your own channel on YouTube, because it’s no secret that the largest video hosting pays money to users for advertising. What is needed for this? First, you need to open a channel on a current topic, which one depends only on you, the main thing is that the topic is interesting and relevant. If you manage to open a channel that is interesting to users and gain a large number of subscribers, then advertisers will be interested in you and offer mutually beneficial cooperation. By the way, if you have chosen this particular method of earning money, then it is worth considering that you need to work on the channel regularly and supplement it with new and interesting videos.

If you know the Russian language well, have a rich vocabulary and excellent imagination, then you can write texts to order for money, or, in other words, do copywriting or rewriting. Where to begin? Register on the freelance exchange and look for tasks on topics that interest you in your order feed. If you don’t have enough experience, then take up rewriting, that is, retelling other people’s articles. The main task is to write correctly and without errors. How much can you earn, if you have a lot of free time and a great desire to earn money, then an income of up to 500 rubles or more is a reality.

Surfing sites

Another way to make money on the Internet is by surfing sites. This is viewing third-party sites for money. To start earning money, you need to register on a specialized resource; you can find them through a search engine for the query “Site surfing”. Then you need to select a resource and register; you will receive all instructions for work from the employer. You won’t be able to earn a lot of money here, because the cost of one view is from a few kopecks; for completing simple tasks the fee will be from 1 ruble and more.

Surfing sites: an example

Please note that in order to receive money from your activities, you will need a bank card to withdraw funds; from the age of 14, you can already apply for plastic in a bank without a credit limit, on your own without the help of your parents.

To summarize, is it possible to earn money at 14 years old? Obviously, it is possible. Which method to choose depends only on your own desires and capabilities. The level of income also depends on some factors, namely the availability of free time, desire, skills and much more.

Issues related to money first become a serious concern during adolescence. The thing is that some teenagers are looking for places to earn money. This technique allows them to remain independent. A normal part of growing up that should not be interfered with. Today we have to figure out how to make money at 14 years old. For example, on the Internet. The World Wide Web is full of various possibilities. With its help you can not only relax and have fun, but also earn money. In addition, making money on the Internet rarely takes a lot of time; it will not interfere with your studies. So how can you earn income online as a teenager?

Ways to earn money

The Internet is a place where people relax, communicate, learn news and earn income. How to make money at 14 years old? There is work for schoolchildren on the Internet, but often few people know about it.

Among the main ways for teenagers to make money using the Internet are:

  • Internet surfing;
  • earnings from likes and small tasks;
  • administration of groups on social networks;
  • Youtube monetization;
  • performing control, home and testing work to order;
  • earning money by entering captcha;
  • use of photo banks and file sharing services.

Tests and homework

You can make money online by completing custom homework and tests. As a rule, clients are searched for on social networks. How to make money at 14 years old using the proposed method?

To do this you need:

  1. Register on a social network. For example, VKontakte. After registration, log in to the site.
  2. Fill out your profile and join several groups of schoolchildren.
  3. Register an electronic wallet. For example, "Yandex.Money" or WebMoney.
  4. Offer homework services along with group rates.
  5. Solve submitted tests and tests, receiving money for it in your e-wallet. All solutions in the form of photographs can be sent via social networks, email, or transferred personally to the customer.

In fact, this is far from the best solution. How can a 14 year old teenager make money using the Internet? It is recommended to pay attention to simpler and more familiar methods of earning money.


For example, surfing the Internet. This job requires browsing websites for money. One click and a little wait - and the money is credited to your account. They won’t just pay you, so you’ll have to register for special services.

How to make money at 14 years old? To get started with Internet surfing, you will need:

  1. Create an email and e-wallet.
  2. Register on the active advertising website. There are a lot of them. It is recommended to pay attention to SeoSprint, VipIP, Wmmail.
  3. In the list of tasks after authorization, click on the “Accept/Take” button.
  4. Study the requirements for completing the task. Follow the link provided and wait a while - a countdown timer will appear on the page.
  5. Enter a confirmation code or answer a simple question so that the system can verify that the work was performed by a real person.
  6. Submit the task (if there were additional requirements), having fulfilled the customer’s requests, for verification. To do this, there is usually a “Submit for review/Complete” button.
  7. Repeat the steps with other orders.

Some active advertising systems (for example, VipIP) require the user to install special programs to operate. Similar manipulations must be done with them. Some applications have autosurfing - the program works when the Internet is connected and earns money for the user. The difference is that there are few orders for autosurfing.


How to make money at 14 years old on the Internet? Many teenagers work on Youtube. This service allows you to receive money for watching posted videos. But how to achieve success?

To make money on Youtube you will need:

  1. Start your own channel on YouTube. For this you need an email on Google.
  2. Open an electronic wallet. Preferably on WebMoney. YouTube works better with it.
  3. Upload several videos of your own production to the most popular video hosting site on the Internet.
  4. Enable Youtube monetization. To do this, in the channel settings you need to select "Monetization" - "Enable". This item is located in the "Status and Features" section of the "Creator Studio". Be sure to link your account to AdSense.
  5. Select ad formats that will be shown. To do this, you need to check the appropriate boxes.
  6. Click on "Save". In the channel settings, be sure to indicate which videos will generate income.
  7. Reach 10,000 views on Youtube. Without this item, the user will not be included in the monetization system.
  8. Withdraw money to your e-wallet using AdSence. The service has a clear interface, so the process will not cause any difficulties.

Ready! From now on, we know another answer to the question of how to make money at 14 years old. But that is not all. Users can try to earn money differently.

Entering captcha

Let's say, when entering a captcha. This way of earning money really exists. Here they will pay for high-speed typing from an image. You can't get a lot of money this way, but it's better than nothing at all. The main requirement is attentiveness.

How to make money online at 14 years old? Entering a captcha will help answer this question. Required:

  1. Create an e-mail and electronic wallet.
  2. Register in the captcha entry service. For example, RuCaptcha.
  3. Log in using your username and password.
  4. Click on the "Start/Proceed/Start" button. This control may differ between services.
  5. Enter the text from the image in the designated field for the specified period of time.
  6. Click on the "Submit" button after completing the entry. In some services, the transition to a new captcha is carried out automatically.
  7. To withdraw money from the system, click on the "Withdraw funds" button. In the fields provided, enter the withdrawal amount and the electronic wallet to which the funds are transferred.

Usually this method does not attract users. After all, one captcha pays little - from 1 to 10 kopecks. Therefore, it is problematic to earn a large sum here. Other ways of working are suitable for this idea.

Social media

How to make money at 14 years old? Modern teenagers cannot live without social networks. This habit can be turned into a source of income.

To earn money online, children and adults work as administrators of public pages and groups. You need to find a job advertisement and apply for it. The user will lead a group on one or another social network (for example, VKontakte), for which he will be paid. Money is usually transferred to an electronic wallet. Managing a group means its promotion, moderation, monitoring comments, publishing new information and articles on a given topic. You can earn up to 20,000 rubles per month.

But most often simpler methods are used. For example, completing small tasks or earning money from likes. What it is? How to make money at 14 years old this way?

The user must:

  1. Create an email and wallet.
  2. Register in the service to earn money. Leaders in Russia - VKTarget, LikesRock, ForumOK, VKSerfing.
  3. Create accounts on different social networks. The more there are, the better. You can register on VK, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, My World and Google+.
  4. Download the program to work from the official website of the earnings service. Install it.
  5. Go through authorization. In the specially designated window, use the “Link” button to link accounts from social networks.
  6. In the “Accept/Work” section (the label may differ), select the task and complete it. For example, “Like” or “Repost.”
  7. After completion, click on the “Submit” button. The requirements will be checked (they are described in the task). If everything is correct, money will be credited to the user’s account.
  8. To withdraw funds from the system, you must click on the “Withdraw Funds” button. Next, in specially designated areas, enter the amount for withdrawal and the electronic wallet to which to transfer funds.

Thus, you can earn up to 3-4 thousand rubles per month. It is recommended to register in several services for making money on social networks at once. This technique will help you earn more.

File sharing and photo banks

Some sites pay you to download documents, files and photos. How to make money at 14 years old? You can use the following method:

  1. Register on photo banks and file hosting services like DepositFiles. Be sure to have an e-mail and e-wallet before registering.
  2. Upload documents, files or photos to the service. The user will receive a download link.
  3. Distribute published software. Services will start paying for downloading it.
  4. Withdrawal of funds is carried out according to previously proposed algorithms.

From now on it is clear how to make money at the age of 14 using the Internet. The most popular activities are working on social networks and surfing. You can combine all the options offered to your attention.

Hello! You have visited an online resource about making money, which means you will learn a lot of new and useful information about how to earn extra money on the World Wide Web. Today it is available to absolutely everyone, including those aged 13-16 years. In this article you will find information about numerous ways to make money for teenagers, learn their main features and be able to choose reliable projects to work on. Read the articles on the site, and you will understand that working online today is not a fiction. Moreover, it can become not only an additional, but also the main source of income. The sooner you start supporting yourself, the more success you will be able to achieve in later life.

Features of making money on the Internet for teenagers

It is almost impossible for teenagers to find official employment (many employers enter into employment contracts only with persons who have reached the age of majority). However, on the network you have the opportunity to work without official registration, without worrying about the reliability and paymentability of a particular project.

At the same time, the requirements for teenagers, as well as for other users, are not at all complicated. These include:

  • availability of a laptop or PC and the ability to work with it (to get started, basic knowledge and skills in using an Internet browser are enough; the ability to quickly type text on a keyboard is also useful), as well as a stable Internet connection;
  • availability of free time (if you want to accumulate a small capital for pocket expenses, then you will only need to spend 2-3 hours a day; for more significant financial goals you will need to try and spend a little more time; in any case, I recommend not wasting time pointlessly, but engage in useful and interesting activities);
  • desire to earn money (without the desire to replenish your financial reserves and begin to depend less on your parents, you are unlikely to be able to achieve the desired results, so you must have strong motivation).

In addition, you will need to familiarize yourself with and choose the most comfortable option for yourself. I will try to help you with this by providing a list of suitable methods for part-time work and projects in which both a teenager and any other user can make good money. All you have to do is choose the best option, go through the registration procedure on the selected site and start earning your first money.

Paid survey completion

The presented method of work can be not only profitable for teenagers, but also very educational. After all, your task will be to participate in research conducted by various large companies.

Each questionnaire will ask you a number of questions regarding the services and goods you and others consume on a daily basis. In most cases, answer options are offered; in some cases, you must enter the answers yourself.

This method is perfect for teenagers who, together with their parents, take part in shopping and will be able to express their point of view about a particular product. These opinions are collected by manufacturing companies in order to improve the quality of their products and please potential buyers as much as possible.

First of all, this is necessary for the developers of these same applications in order to get more downloads of their programs. In some cases, you will need to not only download the application, but also reach a certain level (if it is a game).

One of the main requirements is not just to download the application, but also to save it on the device for several days (usually 7). And the distinctive advantage here is that you do not need to constantly be at the computer. Any place is suitable for work, including public places, where a telephone connection to the Internet is available.

Different projects offer different payments. But on average it ranges from 5 to 500 rubles. This is a good chance to get a good income, especially for a teenager who at this stage does not have the opportunity to earn a full-fledged income.

Many projects offer bonuses after registering with them. To do this, you must specify a special code during registration. I bring to your attention reliable projects for work, as well as codes (indicated in brackets), the introduction of which will bring you additional bonus funds.

(3t0ed4) is a reliable project that has been operating since 2014. Thanks to this resource, many users earn additional funds and withdraw them to payment sites WebMoney or Qiwi.

(XTCQEA) is a good project that offers teenagers to earn money by installing mobile applications. There is no minimum limit for withdrawal, so the first money can be easily withdrawn to the WebMoney payment system or spent on topping up a mobile phone.

(Q7AU24) is a special service suitable for both owners of smartphones based on Android and those whose phone runs on iOS. By installing applications on your smartphone, you can get up to 300 rubles per week.

Social networks as a source of income

Surely, every teenager is registered in one or more popular social networks. However, few people know that you can earn a little extra money from this. You will be required to perform the same actions that you usually do when visiting social media. networks. However, now you can make a profit from it.

So, you can receive a small cash reward for the following actions:

  • writing comments on posts;
  • reposting posts to your page;
  • joining groups, adding other users as friends, etc.

A very nominal payment is offered for this, but if you spend about two to three hours a day on such work, you can count on a very pleasant reward.

More advanced users can engage in more paid activities - administering public pages on social networks. However, teenagers are rarely hired for such work due to their lack of the necessary skills and the required amount of free time. But in any case, you can try your luck and look for customers.

Simpler assignments offer a variety of projects. The most reliable projects where teenagers can earn additional money are:

- a service that allows you to earn income on the most common social networks, such as Vkontakte, YouTube, Instagram. Earnings can be withdrawn to a wallet in the WebMoney or Yandex Money system.

is an online platform that allows you to earn a small profit for performing simple actions on social networks. You can withdraw funds accumulated in the project to Webmoney, Yandex Money, mobile number, etc. After just a few hours of work, you will see your first profit.

- a project that allows you to work only on the VKontakte website. Participants are offered a variety of available tasks with varying pay. Therefore, everyone can choose the most attractive options for part-time work.

Creating your own YouTube channel

This option is suitable only for those teenagers who have some kind of hobby, know a lot about it and can tell a lot of interesting things to other users. If you know how to record interesting and high-quality videos in which you talk about a topic that is interesting to most people, then you can try your hand at this method.

Many people create channels on YouTube, but not everyone manages to achieve results and start making significant profits. In order not to run into trouble, it is important to study in more detail all the rules for creating and promoting your channel, and fill it with interesting and useful video content.

It is also recommended to connect advertising to your channel in order to receive tangible profits. However, this requires that many users subscribe to your channel. Therefore, it is quite possible that you will have to invest some funds to promote your channel.

There are many teenagers who make money from their channel. Therefore, you should not think that such work is only available to experienced people with education. If you know how to speak well and can interest other people in something, then this job will suit you too!

Writing articles for money

This part-time job is suitable for teenagers who can write competently and formulate their thoughts clearly. In many ways, this work resembles a retelling of the text in your own words, but here your algorithm of actions will be like this:

  • familiarization with the task assigned to you;
  • searching for good information sources on the topic;
  • analyzing the information provided in the original article and rewriting it in your own words;
  • checking the uniqueness of the text (it is important that your text is 100% unique, which can be checked on specialized resources);
  • writing text in compliance with all requirements (clear structure, presence of paragraphs, lists and headings, compliance with SEO indicators, if necessary, etc.);
  • submitting work and receiving payment.

Beginners do not have to look for orders for writing articles on their own. It is enough to register on one of the popular copywriting exchanges and take on the available tasks. At the same time, it is important to strictly follow the established deadlines (the order card always indicates the time within which the work must be completed and submitted). To avoid getting banned, you must always strictly follow the deadlines and all requirements.

Any literate teenager can earn a pretty good amount of money. Beginners can pay about 30 rubles per 1000 characters. If you spend 1-2 hours a day working, you can count on a very good income at the end of the month. It can range from 1000 rubles and reach any desired level.

In order to study, it is not necessary to take any courses or receive a philological education. It is enough to speak Russian and be able to formulate thoughts correctly, clearly and interestingly in writing.

The most popular and reliable exchanges for writing articles for money:

is a project that, in addition to copywriting tasks, offers many other interesting tasks (writing comments, reposting posts, etc.). Therefore, any teenager can find the best option.

— a convenient exchange with a simple and intuitive interface. Here, both beginners and professionals can find a variety of tasks at an attractive price.

is a popular exchange among those who have just begun to engage in copywriting activities. It offers very favorable terms of cooperation, and the site itself is presented with a simple interface.

If you want not just to earn extra money one-time, but to achieve some success in this area, then you should stick to some main recommendations:

  1. Try your hand at different methods of earning extra money. This way you can quickly find a profitable and suitable option that will bring you not only money, but also pleasure.
  2. If possible, register in several projects at once. Especially if you choose the option of earning a part-time job taking surveys. This will allow you to make even greater profits.
  3. Do any work efficiently. No matter what you do - filling out surveys or running a YouTube channel - it is important to approach the matter responsibly. This will make you valuable to many employers in the future.
  4. Choose a convenient schedule so as not to overexert yourself. You shouldn’t work at night and then run to school in the morning, or skip school altogether. Dedicate a couple of hours a day to work so as not to harm your health or educational activities.
  5. Don't stop there. If you managed to earn your first capital quickly enough, then know: you can do more. Find out more information about different ways to make money, try something new, listen to master classes and various trainings (which, by the way, are also available for free).

By following these simple tips, you can reach the desired level of income and stop depending on your parents by the time you reach adulthood. Remember: becoming independent is not difficult or scary. The main thing is to decide on your desires and goals, and not to be lazy. I'm sure you will succeed!

  • 2. Ways to earn money for a teenage schoolchild aged 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old on the Internet without investment
    • Real earnings for teenagers on the Internet by writing articles
    • Maintaining your own blog site
    • For those who like to play games
    • Surfing web resources
    • Earning money on social networks
    • Earning money from freelancing
  • 6. Conclusion

Teenagers always want as much independence from adults as possible. And, of course, you don’t want to depend on anyone financially. Therefore, most young people from the age of twelve or thirteen are looking for opportunities to earn at least some pocket money. And teenagers find the most on the Internet, in projects that do not require initial financial investments.

For example, in projects such as SeoSprint, Wmmail, just by reading letters and browsing websites, you can earn at least enough money for a teenage schoolchild to pay for mobile communications.

If you don’t know where you can get money for free and for free, then for this we wrote, which we recommend reading.

1. Earn money on the Internet for teenagers and schoolchildren from 100 rubles per day

3. Other ways to earn money for a teenager

Maintaining your own blog site

For teenage schoolchildren, your website or blog (there may be several such web resources) can bring its owner a decent income. Income will depend on the chosen topic of the web resource. In a couple of years, with the necessary approach to filling content, achieving an income of $200 or more will not be difficult. The most important thing in this type of earnings is the regular filling of content with high queries from search engines.

Working on the Internet - maintaining your own website - blog

We recommend choosing one for your websites, forums, etc. the following topics: Finance(Forex, investments, everything about money), construction and real estate, automotive theme, insurance and other commercial topics.

about creating a website from scratch yourself (with your own hands) and SEO optimization

Don't forget about competition For example, the topic is earning money on the Internet from 100 rubles a day without investment for a schoolchild and the like, they already have quite high competition, everyone who is not too lazy writes about ways to earn money, but at the same time they themselves do not achieve high results in this area.

Before choosing this type of income, we recommend that you first try your hand at writing articles, since your customers, to whom you will write articles with errors, will send the work for revision (or refuse payment).

After you learn how to write and format articles correctly, you can move on to the next type of income, that is, maintaining your website (blog). And only then will you be able to successfully blog by ordering articles from content exchanges for your web resources.

For those who like to play games

Most teenagers and schoolchildren love to play various online games on computers, tablets and other gadgets in their free time. There are a huge number of such games online. This method involves making money on just such games.

Earn money playing games

To do this, you will need to create and develop your account in a popular online game - for example, World of Warcraft, World of Tanks and the like, and after achieving a certain experience with the account (that’s why they play the game), you sell it to someone who is ready to invest money and play further. The prices for such accounts are sometimes impressive, so we couldn’t ignore this method of earning money.

Surfing web resources

This method of earning money is associated with surfing various sites. Such services that were mentioned at the very beginning of the article ( SeoSprint, Wmmail) offer specific web addresses and emails that you need to view. Quite often there are tasks to follow links on these addresses at a certain time in the right order.

Surfing web resources - earning money for teenagers 12-13-14 years old and more

This type of income will not bring you much income. If you just want to try to start earning extra money, then this way of earning money may well be suitable as an online job for teenagers. If you manage to earn a hundred rubles or more per day in this way, then you are a very diligent and persistent person, which means you can achieve much more income in other ways. We recommend not stopping at surfing and moving on, since the income here is much less.

Earning money on social networks

This method directly depends on the social network. Most modern teenagers have gadgets (PCs, laptops, tablets, etc.) through which they can communicate on social networks, like, repost, and some already have a certain audience due to these actions. In this case, you have the opportunity to earn from 100 rubles on your communication habits through social networks. You will need to register in services such as - VkTarget, V-like , SMOfast , Sarafanka etc.

Earning money on the Internet for schoolchildren without investing in social networks through services

To make money online on social networks, you will need to log into your account and complete tasks from customers. Tasks can be different - like a post, repost, subscribe to a group, add as a friend, etc. In general, the essence of making money should be clear to you.

Earning money from freelancing

Freelance work on the Internet means a free schedule, favorite work and combination with studies

Where else can a teenager 15-16 years old (or younger) find work on the Internet?

If you are a schoolchild and you are 12-13 years old, or you are a teenager 14-16 years old and what is described above does not suit you, then read on for more ways to earn money that will most likely suit you.

Ways to make money on the Internet for teenagers

Method No. 1.


Work for people, which consists of publishing articles (texts) on a website or blog, posting messages to a group or public on social networks, etc. They pay little for this work, since it is very simple to do and does not require special knowledge. A schoolchild or teenager will need to learn how to publish (complete a task) once, and only then will the work progress quickly. The text for the assignment (publication), as well as the link itself and other detailed information about how and what needs to be done is given to you by the customer.

The job involves moderating comments, messages, news, users, as well as monitoring the performance of a blog, website, forum, etc. You will also need to receive the task from the customer once - and information about the completion of the work.

Method No. 3.

Creation of websites for sale

This is a difficult job for a schoolchild, but teenagers are modern and fashionable young people for whom creating a website on a popular engine will not be difficult, and many already know how to do it. Earning money consists of creating an interesting project to order, selling it through a freelance website, or creating a project, promoting it and only then selling it. You can sell sites that generate income from advertising on exchange sites - such as Telderi, pr-cy, etc. Method number 4.

Completing tasks

We will also provide a list of services - content exchanges, which also host a lot of different tasks. Remember that when completing assignments or any work, no one knows about your age, unless, of course, you yourself reveal your illiteracy. Therefore, if you are confident that you can handle the job, you can take on the proposed task and complete it on time.

    1. So, here are these services:
    2. Advego.ru
    3. Etxt.ru
    4. Work-zilla


We recommend that you first register with Advego, there are many customers and performers there, and therefore you can choose a task with a high proposed payment for the work. The service has proven itself well, so there should be no deception here, since the service provides a protection system for both the customer and the performer of the work. Just contact the service support and they will help you right away.

4. The fastest way to make money for a teenager and more

All the money is in sales.

5. How can a teenager easily distinguish scammers from a real way to make money?

There is a very simple criterion - how to distinguish a real way of earning money from a fraudulent one - think - if you do the work for which they promise to pay you, will it bring benefit to someone!

  1. Here are some examples:
  2. You write interesting articles - people read them (work on copywriting exchanges is real and you can make good money)
  3. You lead groups on VKontakte and other social networks - also interesting and useful content